/* * Copyright (c) 2015, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /* * @test * @bug 8131025 8141092 8153761 8145263 8131019 8175886 8176184 8176241 8176110 8177466 8197439 8221759 8234896 8240658 8278039 8286206 8296789 8314662 * @summary Test Completion and Documentation * @library /tools/lib * @modules jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.api * jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.main * jdk.jdeps/com.sun.tools.javap * jdk.jshell/jdk.jshell:open * @build toolbox.ToolBox toolbox.JarTask toolbox.JavacTask * @build KullaTesting TestingInputStream Compiler * @run testng CompletionSuggestionTest */ import java.io.IOException; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Set; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.function.BiFunction; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.jar.JarEntry; import java.util.jar.JarOutputStream; import jdk.jshell.MethodSnippet; import jdk.jshell.Snippet; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import static jdk.jshell.Snippet.Status.NONEXISTENT; import static jdk.jshell.Snippet.Status.VALID; import static jdk.jshell.Snippet.Status.OVERWRITTEN; import static jdk.jshell.Snippet.Status.RECOVERABLE_DEFINED; @Test public class CompletionSuggestionTest extends KullaTesting { private final Compiler compiler = new Compiler(); private final Path outDir = Paths.get("completion_suggestion_test"); public void testMemberExpr() { assertEval("class Test { static void test() { } }"); assertCompletion("Test.t|", "test()"); assertEval("Test ccTestInstance = new Test();"); assertCompletion("ccTestInstance.t|", "toString()"); assertCompletion(" ccTe|", "ccTestInstance"); assertCompletion("String value = ccTestInstance.to|", "toString()"); assertCompletion("java.util.Coll|", "Collection", "Collections"); assertCompletion("String.cla|", "class"); assertCompletion("boolean.cla|", "class"); assertCompletion("byte.cla|", "class"); assertCompletion("short.cla|", "class"); assertCompletion("char.cla|", "class"); assertCompletion("int.cla|", "class"); assertCompletion("float.cla|", "class"); assertCompletion("long.cla|", "class"); assertCompletion("double.cla|", "class"); assertCompletion("void.cla|", "class"); assertCompletion("Object[].|", "class"); assertCompletion("int[].|", "class"); assertEval("Object[] ao = null;"); assertCompletion("int i = ao.|", "length"); assertEval("int[] ai = null;"); assertCompletion("int i = ai.|", "length"); assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("\"\".|", new HashSet<>(Collections.emptyList()), new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("String("))); assertEval("double d = 0;"); assertEval("void m() {}"); assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("d.|", new HashSet<>(Collections.emptyList()), new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("class"))); assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("m().|", new HashSet<>(Collections.emptyList()), new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("class"))); assertEval("class C {class D {} static class E {} enum F {} interface H {} void method() {} int number;}"); assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("C.|", new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("D", "E", "F", "H", "class")), new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("method()", "number"))); assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("new C().|", new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("method()", "number")), new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("D", "E", "F", "H", "class"))); assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("new C() {}.|", new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("method()", "number")), new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("D", "E", "F", "H", "class"))); assertCompletion("\"\".leng|", "length()"); assertCompletion("\"\"\"\n\"\"\".leng|", "length()"); } public void testStartOfExpression() { assertEval("int ccTest = 0;"); assertCompletion("System.err.println(cc|", "ccTest"); assertCompletion("for (int i = cc|", "ccTest"); } public void testParameter() { assertCompletion("class C{void method(int num){num|", "num"); } public void testPrimitive() { Set<String> primitives = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("boolean", "char", "byte", "short", "int", "long", "float", "double")); Set<String> onlyVoid = new HashSet<>(Collections.singletonList("void")); Set<String> primitivesOrVoid = new HashSet<>(primitives); primitivesOrVoid.addAll(onlyVoid); assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("|", primitivesOrVoid, new HashSet<>(Collections.emptyList())); assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("int num = |", primitivesOrVoid, new HashSet<>(Collections.emptyList())); assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("num = |", primitivesOrVoid, new HashSet<>(Collections.emptyList())); assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("class C{void m() {|", primitivesOrVoid, new HashSet<>(Collections.emptyList())); assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("void method(|", primitives, onlyVoid); assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("void method(int num, |", primitives, onlyVoid); assertCompletion("new java.util.ArrayList<doub|"); assertCompletion("class A extends doubl|"); assertCompletion("class A implements doubl|"); assertCompletion("interface A extends doubl|"); assertCompletion("enum A implements doubl|"); assertCompletion("record R() implements doubl|"); assertCompletion("class A<T extends doubl|"); } public void testEmpty() { assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("|", new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("Object", "Void")), new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("$REPL00DOESNOTMATTER"))); assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("V|", new HashSet<>(Collections.singletonList("Void")), new HashSet<>(Collections.singletonList("Object"))); assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("{ |", new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("Object", "Void")), new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("$REPL00DOESNOTMATTER"))); } public void testSmartCompletion() { assertEval("int ccTest1 = 0;"); assertEval("int ccTest2 = 0;"); assertEval("String ccTest3 = null;"); assertEval("void method(int i, String str) { }"); assertEval("void method(String str, int i) { }"); assertEval("java.util.List<String> list = null;"); assertCompletion("int ccTest4 = |", true, "ccTest1", "ccTest2"); assertCompletion("ccTest2 = |", true, "ccTest1", "ccTest2"); assertCompletion("int ccTest4 = ccTe|", "ccTest1", "ccTest2", "ccTest3"); assertCompletion("int ccTest4 = ccTest3.len|", true, "length()"); assertCompletion("method(|", true, "ccTest1", "ccTest2", "ccTest3"); assertCompletion("method(0, |", true, "ccTest3"); assertCompletion("list.add(|", true, "ccTest1", "ccTest2", "ccTest3"); assertCompletion("list.add(0, |", true, "ccTest3"); assertCompletion("new String(|", true, "ccTest3"); assertCompletion("new String(new char[0], |", true, "ccTest1", "ccTest2"); assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("new jav|", new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("java.", "javax.")), Collections.emptySet()); assertCompletion("Class<String> clazz = String.c|", true, "class"); Snippet klass = classKey(assertEval("class Klass {void method(int n) {} private void method(String str) {}}")); assertCompletion("new Klass().method(|", true, "ccTest1", "ccTest2"); Snippet klass2 = classKey(assertEval("class Klass {static void method(int n) {} void method(String str) {}}", ste(MAIN_SNIPPET, VALID, VALID, true, null), ste(klass, VALID, OVERWRITTEN, false, MAIN_SNIPPET))); assertCompletion("Klass.method(|", true, "ccTest1", "ccTest2"); assertEval("class Klass {Klass(int n) {} private Klass(String str) {}}", ste(MAIN_SNIPPET, VALID, VALID, true, null), ste(klass2, VALID, OVERWRITTEN, false, MAIN_SNIPPET)); assertCompletion("new Klass(|", true, "ccTest1", "ccTest2"); } public void testSmartCompletionInOverriddenMethodInvocation() { assertEval("int ccTest1 = 0;"); assertEval("int ccTest2 = 0;"); assertEval("String ccTest3 = null;"); assertCompletion("\"\".wait(|", true, "ccTest1", "ccTest2"); assertEval("class Base {void method(int n) {}}"); assertEval("class Extend extends Base {}"); assertCompletion("new Extend().method(|", true, "ccTest1", "ccTest2"); } public void testSmartCompletionForBoxedType() { assertEval("int ccTest1 = 0;"); assertEval("Integer ccTest2 = 0;"); assertEval("Object ccTest3 = null;"); assertEval("int method1(int n) {return n;}"); assertEval("Integer method2(Integer n) {return n;}"); assertEval("Object method3(Object o) {return o;}"); assertCompletion("int ccTest4 = |", true, "ccTest1", "ccTest2", "method1(", "method2("); assertCompletion("Integer ccTest4 = |", true, "ccTest1", "ccTest2", "method1(", "method2("); assertCompletion("Object ccTest4 = |", true, "ccTest1", "ccTest2", "ccTest3", "method1(", "method2(", "method3("); assertCompletion("method1(|", true, "ccTest1", "ccTest2", "method1(", "method2("); assertCompletion("method2(|", true, "ccTest1", "ccTest2", "method1(", "method2("); assertCompletion("method3(|", true, "ccTest1", "ccTest2", "ccTest3", "method1(", "method2(", "method3("); } public void testNewClass() { assertCompletion("String str = new Strin|", "String(", "StringBuffer(", "StringBuilder(", "StringIndexOutOfBoundsException("); assertCompletion("String str = new java.lang.Strin|", "String(", "StringBuffer(", "StringBuilder(", "StringIndexOutOfBoundsException("); assertCompletion("String str = new |", true, "String("); assertCompletion("String str = new java.lang.|", true, "String("); assertCompletion("throw new Strin|", true, "StringIndexOutOfBoundsException("); assertEval("class A{class B{} class C {C(int n) {}} static class D {} interface I {}}"); assertEval("A a;"); assertCompletion("new A().new |", "B()", "C("); assertCompletion("a.new |", "B()", "C("); assertCompletion("new A.|", "D()"); assertEval("enum E{; class A {}}"); assertEval("interface I{; class A {}}"); assertCompletion("new E.|", "A()"); assertCompletion("new I.|", "A()"); assertCompletion("new String(I.A|", "A"); } public void testFullyQualified() { assertCompletion("Optional<String> opt = java.u|", "util."); assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("Optional<Strings> opt = java.util.O|", new HashSet<>(Collections.singletonList("Optional")), Collections.emptySet()); assertEval("void method(java.util.Optional<String> opt) {}"); assertCompletion("method(java.u|", "util."); assertCompletion("Object.notElement.|"); assertCompletion("Object o = com.su|", "sun."); Path p1 = outDir.resolve("dir1"); compiler.compile(p1, "package p1.p2;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + "}", "package p1.p3;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + "}"); String jarName = "test.jar"; compiler.jar(p1, jarName, "p1/p2/Test.class", "p1/p3/Test.class"); addToClasspath(compiler.getPath(p1.resolve(jarName))); assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("|", new HashSet<>(Collections.singletonList("p1.")), Collections.emptySet()); assertCompletion("p1.|", "p2.", "p3."); assertCompletion("p1.p2.|", "Test"); assertCompletion("p1.p3.|", "Test"); } public void testCheckAccessibility() { assertCompletion("java.util.regex.Pattern.co|", "compile("); } public void testCompletePackages() { assertCompletion("java.u|", "util."); assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("jav|", new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("java.", "javax.")), Collections.emptySet()); } public void testImports() { assertCompletion("import java.u|", "util."); assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("import jav|", new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("java.", "javax.")), Collections.emptySet()); assertCompletion("import static java.u|", "util."); assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("import static jav|", new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("java.", "javax.")), Collections.emptySet()); assertCompletion("import static java.lang.Boolean.g|", "getBoolean"); assertCompletion("import java.util.*|"); assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("import java.lang.String.|", Collections.emptySet(), new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER", "copyValueOf", "format", "join", "valueOf", "class", "length"))); assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("import static java.lang.String.|", new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER", "copyValueOf", "format", "join", "valueOf")), new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("class", "length"))); assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("import java.util.Map.|", new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("Entry")), new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("class"))); } public void testImportStart() { assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("import c|", Set.of("com."), Set.of()); } public void testBrokenClassFile() throws Exception { Compiler compiler = new Compiler(); Path testOutDir = Paths.get("CompletionTestBrokenClassFile"); String input = "package test.inner; public class Test {}"; compiler.compile(testOutDir, input); addToClasspath(compiler.getPath(testOutDir).resolve("test")); assertCompletion("import inner.|"); } public void testDocumentation() throws Exception { dontReadParameterNamesFromClassFile(); assertSignature("System.getProperty(|", "String System.getProperty(String key)", "String System.getProperty(String key, String def)"); assertEval("char[] chars = null;"); assertSignature("new String(chars, |", "String(char[], int, int)"); assertSignature("String.format(|", "String String.format(String, Object...)", "String String.format(java.util.Locale, String, Object...)"); assertSignature("\"\".getBytes(\"\"|", "void String.getBytes(int, int, byte[], int)", "byte[] String.getBytes(String) throws java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException", "byte[] String.getBytes(java.nio.charset.Charset)"); assertSignature("\"\".getBytes(\"\" |", "void String.getBytes(int, int, byte[], int)", "byte[] String.getBytes(String) throws java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException", "byte[] String.getBytes(java.nio.charset.Charset)"); //JDK-8221759: Compiler compiler = new Compiler(); Path testOutDir = Paths.get("WithPrivateField"); String input = "package field; public class FieldTest { private static String field; private static String field2; public record R<E>(String s, E e) {} }"; compiler.compile(testOutDir, input); addToClasspath(compiler.getPath(testOutDir)); assertSignature("field.FieldTest.field|"); assertSignature("field.FieldTest.field2|"); assertSignature("field.FieldTest.R|", "field.FieldTest.R<E>(java.lang.String s, E e)"); } public void testMethodsWithNoArguments() throws Exception { dontReadParameterNamesFromClassFile(); assertSignature("System.out.println(|", "void java.io.PrintStream.println()", "void java.io.PrintStream.println(boolean)", "void java.io.PrintStream.println(char)", "void java.io.PrintStream.println(int)", "void java.io.PrintStream.println(long)", "void java.io.PrintStream.println(float)", "void java.io.PrintStream.println(double)", "void java.io.PrintStream.println(char[])", "void java.io.PrintStream.println(String)", "void java.io.PrintStream.println(Object)"); } public void testErroneous() { assertCompletion("Undefined.|"); assertSignature("does.not.exist|"); } public void testClinit() { assertEval("enum E{;}"); assertEval("class C{static{}}"); assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("E.|", Collections.emptySet(), new HashSet<>(Collections.singletonList("<clinit>"))); assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("C.|", Collections.emptySet(), new HashSet<>(Collections.singletonList("<clinit>"))); } public void testMethodHeaderContext() { assertCompletion("private void f(Runn|", "Runnable"); assertCompletion("void f(Runn|", "Runnable"); assertCompletion("void f(Object o1, Runn|", "Runnable"); assertCompletion("void f(Object o1) throws Num|", true, "NumberFormatException"); assertCompletion("void f(Object o1) throws java.lang.Num|", true, "NumberFormatException"); assertEval("class HogeHoge {static class HogeHogeException extends Exception {}}"); assertCompletion("void f(Object o1) throws Hoge|", "HogeHoge"); assertCompletion("void f(Object o1) throws HogeHoge.|", true, "HogeHogeException"); } public void testTypeVariables() { assertCompletion("class A<TYPE> { public void test() { TY|", "TYPE"); assertCompletion("class A<TYPE> { public static void test() { TY|"); assertCompletion("class A<TYPE> { public <TYPE> void test() { TY|", "TYPE"); assertCompletion("class A<TYPE> { public static <TYPE> void test() { TY|", "TYPE"); } public void testGeneric() { assertEval("import java.util.concurrent.*;"); assertCompletion("java.util.List<Integ|", "Integer"); assertCompletion("class A<TYPE extends Call|", "Callable"); assertCompletion("class A<TYPE extends Callable<TY|", "TYPE"); assertCompletion("<TYPE> void f(TY|", "TYPE"); assertCompletion("class A<TYPE extends Callable<? sup|", "super"); assertCompletion("class A<TYPE extends Callable<? super TY|", "TYPE"); } public void testFields() { assertEval("interface Interface { int field = 0; }"); Snippet clazz = classKey(assertEval("class Clazz {" + "static int staticField = 0;" + "int field = 0;" + " }")); assertCompletion("Interface.fiel|", "field"); assertCompletion("Clazz.staticFiel|", "staticField"); assertCompletion("new Interface() {}.fiel|"); assertCompletion("new Clazz().staticFiel|"); assertCompletion("new Clazz().fiel|", "field"); assertCompletion("new Clazz() {}.fiel|", "field"); assertEval("class Clazz implements Interface {}", ste(MAIN_SNIPPET, VALID, VALID, true, null), ste(clazz, VALID, OVERWRITTEN, false, MAIN_SNIPPET)); assertCompletion("Clazz.fiel|", "field"); assertCompletion("new Clazz().fiel|"); assertCompletion("new Clazz() {}.fiel|"); } public void testMethods() { assertEval("interface Interface {" + "default int defaultMethod() { return 0; }" + "static int staticMethod() { return 0; }" + "}"); Snippet clazz = classKey(assertEval("class Clazz {" + "static int staticMethod() { return 0; }" + "int method() { return 0; }" + "}")); assertCompletion("Interface.staticMeth|", "staticMethod()"); assertCompletion("Clazz.staticMeth|", "staticMethod()"); assertCompletion("new Interface() {}.defaultMe||", "defaultMethod()"); assertCompletion("new Clazz().staticMeth|"); assertCompletion("new Clazz().meth|", "method()"); assertEval("class Clazz implements Interface {}", ste(MAIN_SNIPPET, VALID, VALID, true, null), ste(clazz, VALID, OVERWRITTEN, false, MAIN_SNIPPET)); assertCompletion("Clazz.staticMeth|"); assertCompletion("new Clazz() {}.defaultM|", "defaultMethod()"); } @Test public void testUncompletedDeclaration() { assertCompletion("class Clazz { Claz|", "Clazz"); assertCompletion("class Clazz { class A extends Claz|", "Clazz"); assertCompletion("class Clazz { Clazz clazz; Object o = claz|", "clazz"); assertCompletion("class Clazz { static Clazz clazz; Object o = claz|", "clazz"); assertCompletion("class Clazz { Clazz clazz; static Object o = claz|", true); assertCompletion("class Clazz { void method(Claz|", "Clazz"); assertCompletion("class A { int method() { return 0; } int a = meth|", "method()"); assertCompletion("class A { int field = 0; int method() { return fiel|", "field"); assertCompletion("class A { static int method() { return 0; } int a = meth|", "method()"); assertCompletion("class A { static int field = 0; int method() { return fiel|", "field"); assertCompletion("class A { int method() { return 0; } static int a = meth|", true); assertCompletion("class A { int field = 0; static int method() { return fiel|", true); } @Test public void testClassDeclaration() { assertEval("void ClazzM() {}"); assertEval("void InterfaceM() {}"); assertEval("interface Interface {}"); assertCompletion("interface A extends Interf|", "Interface"); assertCompletion("class A implements Interf|", "Interface"); assertEval("class Clazz {}"); assertCompletion("class A extends Claz|", "Clazz"); assertCompletion("class A extends Clazz implements Interf|", "Interface"); assertEval("interface Interface1 {}"); assertCompletion("class A extends Clazz implements Interface, Interf|", "Interface", "Interface1"); assertCompletion("interface A implements Claz|"); assertCompletion("interface A implements Inter|"); assertCompletion("class A implements Claz|", true); assertCompletion("class A extends Clazz implements Interface, Interf|", true, "Interface1"); assertCompletion("class A extends Clazz implements Interface, Interf|", true, "Interface1"); assertEval("class InterfaceClazz {}"); assertCompletion("class A <T extends Claz|", "Clazz"); assertCompletion("class A <T extends Interf|", "Interface", "Interface1", "InterfaceClazz"); assertCompletion("class A <T extends Interface & Interf|", "Interface", "Interface1", "InterfaceClazz"); assertCompletion("class A <T extends Clazz & Interf|", "Interface", "Interface1", "InterfaceClazz"); assertCompletion("class A <T extends Claz|", true, "Clazz"); assertCompletion("class A <T extends Interf|", true, "Interface", "Interface1", "InterfaceClazz"); assertCompletion("class A <T extends Interface & Interf|", true, "Interface1"); assertCompletion("class A <T extends Clazz & Interf|", true, "Interface", "Interface1"); } public void testMethodDeclaration() { assertEval("void ClazzM() {}"); assertEval("void InterfaceM() {}"); assertEval("interface Interface {}"); assertCompletion("void m(Interf|", "Interface"); assertCompletion("void m(Interface i1, Interf|", "Interface"); assertEval("class InterfaceException extends Exception {}"); assertCompletion("void m(Interface i1) throws Interf|", "Interface", "InterfaceException"); assertCompletion("void m(Interface i1) throws Interf|", true, "InterfaceException"); } public void testDocumentationOfUserDefinedMethods() { assertEval("void f() {}"); assertSignature("f(|", "void f()"); assertEval("void f(int i) {}"); assertSignature("f(|", "void f()", "void f(int i)"); assertEval("<T> void f(T... ts) {}", DiagCheck.DIAG_WARNING, DiagCheck.DIAG_OK); assertSignature("f(|", "void f()", "void f(int i)", "void <T>f(T... ts)"); assertEval("class A {}"); assertEval("void f(A a) {}"); assertSignature("f(|", "void f()", "void f(int i)", "void <T>f(T... ts)", "void f(A a)"); } public void testClass() { assertSignature("String|", "java.lang.String"); } public void testDocumentationOfUserDefinedConstructors() { Snippet a = classKey(assertEval("class A {}")); assertSignature("new A(|", "A()"); Snippet a2 = classKey(assertEval("class A { A() {} A(int i) {}}", ste(MAIN_SNIPPET, VALID, VALID, true, null), ste(a, VALID, OVERWRITTEN, false, MAIN_SNIPPET))); assertSignature("new A(|", "A()", "A(int i)"); assertEval("class A<T> { A(T a) {} A(int i) {} <U> A(T t, U u) {}}", ste(MAIN_SNIPPET, VALID, VALID, true, null), ste(a2, VALID, OVERWRITTEN, false, MAIN_SNIPPET)); assertSignature("new A(|", "A<T>(T a)", "A<T>(int i)", "<U> A<T>(T t, U u)"); } public void testDocumentationOfOverriddenMethods() throws Exception { dontReadParameterNamesFromClassFile(); assertSignature("\"\".wait(|", "void Object.wait(long) throws InterruptedException", "void Object.wait(long, int) throws InterruptedException", "void Object.wait() throws InterruptedException"); assertEval("class Base {void method() {}}"); Snippet e = classKey(assertEval("class Extend extends Base {}")); assertSignature("new Extend().method(|", "void Base.method()"); assertEval("class Extend extends Base {void method() {}}", ste(MAIN_SNIPPET, VALID, VALID, true, null), ste(e, VALID, OVERWRITTEN, false, MAIN_SNIPPET)); assertSignature("new Extend().method(|", "void Extend.method()"); } public void testDocumentationOfInvisibleMethods() { assertSignature("Object.wait(|"); assertSignature("\"\".indexOfSupplementary(|"); Snippet a = classKey(assertEval("class A {void method() {}}")); assertSignature("A.method(|"); assertEval("class A {private void method() {}}", ste(MAIN_SNIPPET, VALID, VALID, true, null), ste(a, VALID, OVERWRITTEN, false, MAIN_SNIPPET)); assertSignature("new A().method(|"); } public void testDocumentationOfInvisibleConstructors() { assertSignature("new Compiler(|"); assertEval("class A { private A() {} }"); assertSignature("new A(|"); } public void testDocumentationWithBoxing() { assertEval("int primitive = 0;"); assertEval("Integer boxed = 0;"); assertEval("Object object = null;"); assertEval("void method(int n, Object o) { }"); assertEval("void method(Object n, int o) { }"); assertSignature("method(primitive,|", "void method(int n, Object o)", "void method(Object n, int o)"); assertSignature("method(boxed,|", "void method(int n, Object o)", "void method(Object n, int o)"); assertSignature("method(object,|", "void method(Object n, int o)"); } public void testDocumentationWithGenerics() { class TestDocumentationWithGenerics { private final Function<Integer, String> codeFacotry; private final BiFunction<String, Integer, String> evalFormatter; private final BiFunction<String, Integer, String> docFormatter; int count; TestDocumentationWithGenerics( Function<Integer, String> codeFactory, BiFunction<String, Integer, String> evalFormatter, BiFunction<String, Integer, String> documentationFormatter) { this.codeFacotry = codeFactory; this.evalFormatter = evalFormatter; this.docFormatter = documentationFormatter; } void assertDoc(String generics) { assertDoc(generics, generics); } void assertDoc(String generics, String expectedGenerics) { assertEval(evalFormatter.apply(generics, count)); assertSignature(codeFacotry.apply(count), docFormatter.apply(expectedGenerics, count)); count++; } } TestDocumentationWithGenerics[] tests = { new TestDocumentationWithGenerics( i -> "f" + i + "(|", (g, i) -> "<" + g + "> void f" + i + "() {}", (g, i) -> "void <" + g + ">f" + i + "()" ), new TestDocumentationWithGenerics( i -> "new C" + i + "().f(|", (g, i) -> "class C" + i + "<" + g + "> { void f() {} }", (g, i) -> "void C" + i + "<" + g + ">.f()" ) }; Arrays.stream(tests).forEach(t -> { t.assertDoc("T"); t.assertDoc("T extends Object", "T"); t.assertDoc("T extends String"); t.assertDoc("T extends java.lang.String", "T extends String"); t.assertDoc("T extends Number & Comparable<T>"); t.assertDoc("T extends java.io.Serializable & CharSequence"); t.assertDoc("K, D, M extends java.util.Map<K, D>", "K, D, M extends java.util.Map<K,D>"); }); } public void testVarArgs() { assertEval("int i = 0;"); assertEval("class Foo1 { static void m(int... i) { } } "); assertCompletion("Foo1.m(|", true, "i"); assertCompletion("Foo1.m(i, |", true, "i"); assertCompletion("Foo1.m(i, i, |", true, "i"); assertEval("class Foo2 { static void m(String s, int... i) { } } "); assertCompletion("Foo2.m(|", true); assertCompletion("Foo2.m(i, |", true); assertCompletion("Foo2.m(\"\", |", true, "i"); assertCompletion("Foo2.m(\"\", i, |", true, "i"); assertCompletion("Foo2.m(\"\", i, i, |", true, "i"); assertEval("class Foo3 { Foo3(String s, int... i) { } } "); assertCompletion("new Foo3(|", true); assertCompletion("new Foo3(i, |", true); assertCompletion("new Foo3(\"\", |", true, "i"); assertCompletion("new Foo3(\"\", i, |", true, "i"); assertCompletion("new Foo3(\"\", i, i, |", true, "i"); assertEval("int[] ia = null;"); assertCompletion("Foo1.m(ia, |", true); assertEval("class Foo4 { static void m(int... i) { } static void m(int[] ia, String str) { } } "); assertEval("String str = null;"); assertCompletion("Foo4.m(ia, |", true, "str"); } public void testConstructorAsMemberOf() { assertEval("class Baz<X> { Baz(X x) { } } "); assertEval("String str = null;"); assertEval("Integer i = null;"); assertCompletion("new Baz(|", true, "i", "str"); assertCompletion("new Baz<String>(|", true, "str"); assertCompletion("Baz<String> bz = new Baz<>(|", true, "str"); assertEval("class Foo { static void m(String str) {} static void m(Baz<String> baz) {} }"); assertCompletion("Foo.m(new Baz<>(|", true, "str"); } public void testIntersection() { assertEval("<Z extends Runnable & CharSequence> Z get() { return null; }"); assertEval("var v = get();"); assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("v.|", true, Set.of("run()", "length()"), Set.of()); assertCompletion("Runnable r = |", true, "get()", "v"); assertCompletion("CharSequence r = |", true, "get()", "v"); assertCompletion("Number r = |", true); } public void testAnonymous() { assertEval("var v = new Runnable() { public void run() { } public int length() { return 0; } };"); assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("v.|", true, Set.of("run()", "length()"), Set.of()); assertCompletion("Runnable r = |", true, "v"); assertCompletion("CharSequence r = |", true); } public void testCompletionInAnonymous() { assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("new Undefined() { int i = \"\".l|", Set.of("length()"), Set.of()); } public void testMemberReferences() { assertEval("class C {" + " public static String stat() { return null; }" + " public static void statVoid(String s) {}" + " public static Integer statConvert1(String s) { return null; }" + " public static String statConvert2(Integer s) { return null; }" + " public static String statConvert3(CharSequence s) { return null; }" + " public String inst() { return null; }" + " public void instVoid(String s) { }" + "}"); assertEval("interface FI { public void t(String s); }"); assertCompletion("FI fi = C::|", (Boolean) null, "stat", "statConvert1", "statConvert2", "statConvert3", "statVoid"); assertCompletion("FI fi = C::|", true, "statConvert1", "statConvert3","statVoid"); assertCompletion("FI fi = new C()::i|", (Boolean) null, "inst", "instVoid"); assertCompletion("FI fi = new C()::i|", true, "instVoid"); assertEval("interface FI2<R, P> { public R t(P p); }"); assertCompletion("FI2<String, Integer> fi = C::|", (Boolean) null, "stat", "statConvert1", "statConvert2", "statConvert3", "statVoid"); assertCompletion("FI2<String, Integer> fi = C::|", true, "statConvert2"); assertCompletion("FI2<String, CharSequence> fi = C::|", true, "statConvert3"); assertCompletion("FI2<String, String> fi = C::|", true, "statConvert3"); assertCompletion("FI2<Object, String> fi = C::|", true, "statConvert1", "statConvert3"); } public void testBrokenLambdaCompletion() { assertEval("interface Consumer<T> { public void consume(T t); }"); assertEval("interface Function<T, R> { public R convert(T t); }"); assertEval("<T> void m1(T t, Consumer<T> f) { }"); assertCompletion("m1(\"\", x -> {x.tri|", "trim()"); assertEval("<T> void m2(T t, Function<T, String> f) { }"); assertCompletion("m2(\"\", x -> {x.tri|", "trim()"); assertEval("<T> void m3(T t, Consumer<T> f, int i) { }"); assertCompletion("m3(\"\", x -> {x.tri|", "trim()"); assertEval("<T> void m4(T t, Function<T, String> f, int i) { }"); assertCompletion("m4(\"\", x -> {x.tri|", "trim()"); assertEval("<T> T m5(Consumer<T> f) { return null; }"); assertCompletion("String s = m5(x -> {x.tri|", "trim()"); assertEval("<T> T m6(Function<T, String> f) { return null; }"); assertCompletion("String s = m6(x -> {x.tri|", "trim()"); assertEval("<T> T m7(Consumer<T> f, int i) { return null; }"); assertCompletion("String s = m7(x -> {x.tri|", "trim()"); assertEval("<T> T m8(Function<T, String> f, int i) { return null; }"); assertCompletion("String s = m8(x -> {x.tri|", "trim()"); } @BeforeMethod public void setUp() { setUp(builder -> builder.executionEngine("local")); Path srcZip = Paths.get("src.zip"); try (JarOutputStream out = new JarOutputStream(Files.newOutputStream(srcZip))) { out.putNextEntry(new JarEntry("java/lang/System.java")); out.write(("package java.lang;\n" + "public class System {\n" + " public String getProperty(String key) { return null; }\n" + " public String getProperty(String key, String def) { return def; }\n" + "}\n").getBytes()); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new IllegalStateException(ex); } try { Field availableSources = getAnalysis().getClass().getDeclaredField("availableSources"); availableSources.setAccessible(true); availableSources.set(getAnalysis(), Arrays.asList(srcZip)); } catch (NoSuchFieldException | IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException ex) { throw new IllegalStateException(ex); } } private void dontReadParameterNamesFromClassFile() throws Exception { Field keepParameterNames = getAnalysis().getClass().getDeclaredField("keepParameterNames"); keepParameterNames.setAccessible(true); keepParameterNames.set(getAnalysis(), new String[0]); } @Test(enabled = false) //TODO 8171829 public void testBrokenClassFile2() throws IOException { Path broken = outDir.resolve("broken"); compiler.compile(broken, "package p;\n" + "public class BrokenA {\n" + "}", "package p.q;\n" + "public class BrokenB {\n" + "}", "package p;\n" + "public class BrokenC {\n" + "}"); Path cp = compiler.getPath(broken); Path target = cp.resolve("p").resolve("BrokenB.class"); Files.deleteIfExists(target); Files.move(cp.resolve("p").resolve("q").resolve("BrokenB.class"), target); addToClasspath(cp); assertEval("import p.*;"); assertCompletion("Broke|", "BrokenA", "BrokenC"); } public void testStatements() { assertEval("String s = \"\";"); assertCompletion("if (s.conta|", (Boolean) null, "contains("); assertCompletion("if (s.ch|", (Boolean) null, "charAt(", "chars()"); assertCompletion("while (s.conta|", (Boolean) null, "contains("); assertCompletion("do {} while (s.conta|", (Boolean) null, "contains("); assertCompletion("try (var v = s.conta|", (Boolean) null, "contains("); assertCompletion("for (var v = s.conta|", (Boolean) null, "contains("); assertCompletion("for (;;s.conta|", (Boolean) null, "contains("); assertCompletion("for (var v : s.conta|", (Boolean) null, "contains("); } public void testRecord() { assertCompletion("record R() implements Ru|", true, "Runnable"); } //JDK-8296789 public void testParentMembers() { assertEval("var sb=new StringBuilder();"); assertCompletionIncludesExcludes("sb.|", true, Set.of("capacity()", "setLength("), Set.of("maybeLatin1")); } //JDK-8314662 public void testDuplicateImport() { MethodSnippet m1 = methodKey(assertEval("void test(String s) { foo(); }", ste(MAIN_SNIPPET, NONEXISTENT, RECOVERABLE_DEFINED, true, null))); MethodSnippet m2 = methodKey(assertEval("void test(Integer i) { foo(); }", ste(MAIN_SNIPPET, NONEXISTENT, RECOVERABLE_DEFINED, true, null))); assertEval("void foo() { }", ste(MAIN_SNIPPET, NONEXISTENT, VALID, true, null), ste(m1, RECOVERABLE_DEFINED, VALID, true, MAIN_SNIPPET), ste(m2, RECOVERABLE_DEFINED, VALID, true, MAIN_SNIPPET)); assertSignature("test(|", "void test(String s)", "void test(Integer i)"); } }