/* * Copyright (c) 2014, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.io.StringWriter; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.module.Configuration; import java.lang.module.ModuleFinder; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Predicate; import java.util.function.Supplier; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import java.util.stream.Stream; import javax.tools.Diagnostic; import jdk.jshell.EvalException; import jdk.jshell.JShell; import jdk.jshell.JShell.Subscription; import jdk.jshell.Snippet; import jdk.jshell.DeclarationSnippet; import jdk.jshell.ExpressionSnippet; import jdk.jshell.ImportSnippet; import jdk.jshell.Snippet.Kind; import jdk.jshell.MethodSnippet; import jdk.jshell.Snippet.Status; import jdk.jshell.Snippet.SubKind; import jdk.jshell.TypeDeclSnippet; import jdk.jshell.VarSnippet; import jdk.jshell.SnippetEvent; import jdk.jshell.SourceCodeAnalysis; import jdk.jshell.SourceCodeAnalysis.CompletionInfo; import jdk.jshell.SourceCodeAnalysis.Completeness; import jdk.jshell.SourceCodeAnalysis.QualifiedNames; import jdk.jshell.SourceCodeAnalysis.Suggestion; import jdk.jshell.UnresolvedReferenceException; import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod; import jdk.jshell.Diag; import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toList; import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toSet; import static jdk.jshell.Snippet.Status.*; import static org.testng.Assert.*; import static jdk.jshell.Snippet.SubKind.METHOD_SUBKIND; import jdk.jshell.SourceCodeAnalysis.Documentation; public class KullaTesting { public static final String IGNORE_VALUE = "<ignore-value>"; public static final Class<? extends Throwable> IGNORE_EXCEPTION = (new Throwable() {}).getClass(); public static final Snippet MAIN_SNIPPET; private SourceCodeAnalysis analysis = null; private JShell state = null; private InputStream inStream = null; private ByteArrayOutputStream outStream = null; private ByteArrayOutputStream errStream = null; private Map<String, Snippet> idToSnippet = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private Set<Snippet> allSnippets = new LinkedHashSet<>(); static { JShell js = JShell.builder() .executionEngine(Presets.TEST_DEFAULT_EXECUTION) .build(); MAIN_SNIPPET = js.eval("MAIN_SNIPPET").get(0).snippet(); js.close(); assertTrue(MAIN_SNIPPET != null, "Bad MAIN_SNIPPET set-up -- must not be null"); } public enum DiagCheck { DIAG_OK, DIAG_WARNING, DIAG_ERROR, DIAG_IGNORE } public void setInput(String s) { setInput(new ByteArrayInputStream(s.getBytes())); } public void setInput(InputStream in) { inStream = in; } public String getOutput() { String s = outStream.toString(); outStream.reset(); return s; } public String getErrorOutput() { String s = errStream.toString(); errStream.reset(); return s; } /** * @return the analysis */ public SourceCodeAnalysis getAnalysis() { if (analysis == null) { analysis = state.sourceCodeAnalysis(); } return analysis; } /** * @return the state */ public JShell getState() { return state; } public List<Snippet> getActiveKeys() { return allSnippets.stream() .filter(k -> getState().status(k).isActive()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } public void addToClasspath(String path) { getState().addToClasspath(path); } public void addToClasspath(Path path) { addToClasspath(path.toString()); } @BeforeMethod public void setUp() { setUp(b -> {}); } public void setUp(Consumer<JShell.Builder> bc) { InputStream in = new InputStream() { @Override public int read() throws IOException { assertNotNull(inStream); return inStream.read(); } @Override public int read(byte[] b) throws IOException { assertNotNull(inStream); return inStream.read(b); } @Override public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { assertNotNull(inStream); return inStream.read(b, off, len); } }; outStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); errStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); JShell.Builder builder = JShell.builder() .in(in) .out(new PrintStream(outStream)) .err(new PrintStream(errStream)) .executionEngine(Presets.TEST_DEFAULT_EXECUTION); bc.accept(builder); state = builder.build(); allSnippets = new LinkedHashSet<>(); idToSnippet = new LinkedHashMap<>(); } @AfterMethod public void tearDown() { if (state != null) state.close(); state = null; analysis = null; allSnippets = null; idToSnippet = null; } public ClassLoader createAndRunFromModule(String moduleName, Path modPath) { ModuleFinder finder = ModuleFinder.of(modPath); ModuleLayer parent = ModuleLayer.boot(); Configuration cf = parent.configuration() .resolve(finder, ModuleFinder.of(), Set.of(moduleName)); ClassLoader scl = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(); ModuleLayer layer = parent.defineModulesWithOneLoader(cf, scl); ClassLoader loader = layer.findLoader(moduleName); ClassLoader ccl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(loader); return ccl; } public List<String> assertUnresolvedDependencies(DeclarationSnippet key, int unresolvedSize) { List<String> unresolved = getState().unresolvedDependencies(key).collect(toList()); assertEquals(unresolved.size(), unresolvedSize, "Input: " + key.source() + ", checking unresolved: "); return unresolved; } public DeclarationSnippet assertUnresolvedDependencies1(DeclarationSnippet key, Status status, String name) { List<String> unresolved = assertUnresolvedDependencies(key, 1); String input = key.source(); assertEquals(unresolved.size(), 1, "Given input: " + input + ", checking unresolved"); assertEquals(unresolved.get(0), name, "Given input: " + input + ", checking unresolved: "); assertEquals(getState().status(key), status, "Given input: " + input + ", checking status: "); return key; } public DeclarationSnippet assertEvalUnresolvedException(String input, String name, int unresolvedSize, int diagnosticsSize) { List<SnippetEvent> events = assertEval(input, null, UnresolvedReferenceException.class, DiagCheck.DIAG_OK, DiagCheck.DIAG_OK, null); SnippetEvent ste = events.get(0); DeclarationSnippet sn = ((UnresolvedReferenceException) ste.exception()).getSnippet(); assertEquals(sn.name(), name, "Given input: " + input + ", checking name"); assertEquals(getState().unresolvedDependencies(sn).count(), unresolvedSize, "Given input: " + input + ", checking unresolved"); assertEquals(getState().diagnostics(sn).count(), (long) diagnosticsSize, "Given input: " + input + ", checking diagnostics"); return sn; } public Snippet assertKeyMatch(String input, boolean isExecutable, SubKind expectedSubKind, STEInfo mainInfo, STEInfo... updates) { Snippet key = key(assertEval(input, IGNORE_VALUE, mainInfo, updates)); String source = key.source(); assertEquals(source, input, "Key \"" + input + "\" source mismatch, got: " + source + ", expected: " + input); SubKind subkind = key.subKind(); assertEquals(subkind, expectedSubKind, "Key \"" + input + "\" subkind mismatch, got: " + subkind + ", expected: " + expectedSubKind); assertEquals(subkind.isExecutable(), isExecutable, "Key \"" + input + "\", expected isExecutable: " + isExecutable + ", got: " + subkind.isExecutable()); Snippet.Kind expectedKind = getKind(key); assertEquals(key.kind(), expectedKind, "Checking kind: "); assertEquals(expectedSubKind.kind(), expectedKind, "Checking kind: "); return key; } private Kind getKind(Snippet key) { SubKind expectedSubKind = key.subKind(); Kind expectedKind; switch (expectedSubKind) { case SINGLE_TYPE_IMPORT_SUBKIND: case SINGLE_STATIC_IMPORT_SUBKIND: case TYPE_IMPORT_ON_DEMAND_SUBKIND: case STATIC_IMPORT_ON_DEMAND_SUBKIND: expectedKind = Kind.IMPORT; break; case CLASS_SUBKIND: case INTERFACE_SUBKIND: case ENUM_SUBKIND: case ANNOTATION_TYPE_SUBKIND: expectedKind = Kind.TYPE_DECL; break; case METHOD_SUBKIND: expectedKind = Kind.METHOD; break; case VAR_DECLARATION_SUBKIND: case TEMP_VAR_EXPRESSION_SUBKIND: case VAR_DECLARATION_WITH_INITIALIZER_SUBKIND: expectedKind = Kind.VAR; break; case VAR_VALUE_SUBKIND: case ASSIGNMENT_SUBKIND: expectedKind = Kind.EXPRESSION; break; case STATEMENT_SUBKIND: expectedKind = Kind.STATEMENT; break; case UNKNOWN_SUBKIND: expectedKind = Kind.ERRONEOUS; break; default: throw new AssertionError("Unsupported key: " + key.getClass().getCanonicalName()); } return expectedKind; } public ImportSnippet assertImportKeyMatch(String input, String name, SubKind subkind, STEInfo mainInfo, STEInfo... updates) { Snippet key = assertKeyMatch(input, false, subkind, mainInfo, updates); assertTrue(key instanceof ImportSnippet, "Expected an ImportKey, got: " + key.getClass().getName()); ImportSnippet importKey = (ImportSnippet) key; assertEquals(importKey.name(), name, "Input \"" + input + "\" name mismatch, got: " + importKey.name() + ", expected: " + name); assertEquals(importKey.kind(), Kind.IMPORT, "Checking kind: "); return importKey; } public DeclarationSnippet assertDeclarationKeyMatch(String input, boolean isExecutable, String name, SubKind subkind, STEInfo mainInfo, STEInfo... updates) { Snippet key = assertKeyMatch(input, isExecutable, subkind, mainInfo, updates); assertTrue(key instanceof DeclarationSnippet, "Expected a DeclarationKey, got: " + key.getClass().getName()); DeclarationSnippet declKey = (DeclarationSnippet) key; assertEquals(declKey.name(), name, "Input \"" + input + "\" name mismatch, got: " + declKey.name() + ", expected: " + name); return declKey; } public VarSnippet assertVarKeyMatch(String input, boolean isExecutable, String name, SubKind kind, String typeName, STEInfo mainInfo, STEInfo... updates) { Snippet sn = assertDeclarationKeyMatch(input, isExecutable, name, kind, mainInfo, updates); assertTrue(sn instanceof VarSnippet, "Expected a VarKey, got: " + sn.getClass().getName()); VarSnippet variableKey = (VarSnippet) sn; String signature = variableKey.typeName(); assertEquals(signature, typeName, "Key \"" + input + "\" typeName mismatch, got: " + signature + ", expected: " + typeName); assertEquals(variableKey.kind(), Kind.VAR, "Checking kind: "); return variableKey; } public void assertExpressionKeyMatch(String input, String name, SubKind kind, String typeName) { Snippet key = assertKeyMatch(input, true, kind, added(VALID)); assertTrue(key instanceof ExpressionSnippet, "Expected a ExpressionKey, got: " + key.getClass().getName()); ExpressionSnippet exprKey = (ExpressionSnippet) key; assertEquals(exprKey.name(), name, "Input \"" + input + "\" name mismatch, got: " + exprKey.name() + ", expected: " + name); assertEquals(exprKey.typeName(), typeName, "Key \"" + input + "\" typeName mismatch, got: " + exprKey.typeName() + ", expected: " + typeName); assertEquals(exprKey.kind(), Kind.EXPRESSION, "Checking kind: "); } // For expressions throwing an EvalException public SnippetEvent assertEvalException(String input) { List<SnippetEvent> events = assertEval(input, null, EvalException.class, DiagCheck.DIAG_OK, DiagCheck.DIAG_OK, null); return events.get(0); } public List<SnippetEvent> assertEvalFail(String input) { return assertEval(input, null, null, DiagCheck.DIAG_ERROR, DiagCheck.DIAG_IGNORE, added(REJECTED)); } public List<SnippetEvent> assertEval(String input) { return assertEval(input, IGNORE_VALUE, null, DiagCheck.DIAG_OK, DiagCheck.DIAG_OK, added(VALID)); } public List<SnippetEvent> assertEval(String input, String value) { return assertEval(input, value, null, DiagCheck.DIAG_OK, DiagCheck.DIAG_OK, added(VALID)); } public List<SnippetEvent> assertEval(String input, STEInfo mainInfo, STEInfo... updates) { return assertEval(input, IGNORE_VALUE, null, DiagCheck.DIAG_OK, DiagCheck.DIAG_OK, mainInfo, updates); } public List<SnippetEvent> assertEval(String input, String value, STEInfo mainInfo, STEInfo... updates) { return assertEval(input, value, null, DiagCheck.DIAG_OK, DiagCheck.DIAG_OK, mainInfo, updates); } public List<SnippetEvent> assertEval(String input, DiagCheck diagMain, DiagCheck diagUpdates) { return assertEval(input, IGNORE_VALUE, null, diagMain, diagUpdates, added(VALID)); } public List<SnippetEvent> assertEval(String input, DiagCheck diagMain, DiagCheck diagUpdates, STEInfo mainInfo, STEInfo... updates) { return assertEval(input, IGNORE_VALUE, null, diagMain, diagUpdates, mainInfo, updates); } public List<SnippetEvent> assertEval(String input, String value, Class<? extends Throwable> exceptionClass, DiagCheck diagMain, DiagCheck diagUpdates, STEInfo mainInfo, STEInfo... updates) { return assertEval(input, diagMain, diagUpdates, new EventChain(mainInfo, value, exceptionClass, updates)); } // Use this directly or usually indirectly for all non-empty calls to eval() public List<SnippetEvent> assertEval(String input, DiagCheck diagMain, DiagCheck diagUpdates, EventChain... eventChains) { return checkEvents(() -> getState().eval(input), "eval(" + input + ")", diagMain, diagUpdates, eventChains); } <T> void assertStreamMatch(Stream<T> result, T... expected) { Set<T> sns = result.collect(toSet()); Set<T> exp = Stream.of(expected).collect(toSet()); assertEquals(sns, exp); } private Map<Snippet, Snippet> closure(List<SnippetEvent> events) { Map<Snippet, Snippet> transitions = new HashMap<>(); for (SnippetEvent event : events) { transitions.put(event.snippet(), event.causeSnippet()); } Map<Snippet, Snippet> causeSnippets = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<Snippet, Snippet> entry : transitions.entrySet()) { Snippet snippet = entry.getKey(); Snippet cause = getInitialCause(transitions, entry.getValue()); causeSnippets.put(snippet, cause); } return causeSnippets; } private Snippet getInitialCause(Map<Snippet, Snippet> transitions, Snippet snippet) { Snippet result; while ((result = transitions.get(snippet)) != null) { snippet = result; } return snippet; } private Map<Snippet, List<SnippetEvent>> groupByCauseSnippet(List<SnippetEvent> events) { Map<Snippet, List<SnippetEvent>> map = new TreeMap<>((a, b) -> a.id().compareTo(b.id())); for (SnippetEvent event : events) { if (event == null) { throw new InternalError("null event found in " + events); } if (event.snippet() == null) { throw new InternalError("null event Snippet found in " + events); } if (event.snippet().id() == null) { throw new InternalError("null event Snippet id() found in " + events); } } for (SnippetEvent event : events) { if (event.causeSnippet() == null) { map.computeIfAbsent(event.snippet(), ($) -> new ArrayList<>()).add(event); } } Map<Snippet, Snippet> causeSnippets = closure(events); for (SnippetEvent event : events) { Snippet causeSnippet = causeSnippets.get(event.snippet()); if (causeSnippet != null) { map.get(causeSnippet).add(event); } } for (Map.Entry<Snippet, List<SnippetEvent>> entry : map.entrySet()) { Collections.sort(entry.getValue(), (a, b) -> a.causeSnippet() == null ? -1 : b.causeSnippet() == null ? 1 : a.snippet().id().compareTo(b.snippet().id())); } return map; } private List<STEInfo> getInfos(EventChain... eventChains) { List<STEInfo> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (EventChain i : eventChains) { list.add(i.mainInfo); Collections.addAll(list, i.updates); } return list; } private List<SnippetEvent> checkEvents(Supplier<List<SnippetEvent>> toTest, String descriptor, DiagCheck diagMain, DiagCheck diagUpdates, EventChain... eventChains) { List<SnippetEvent> dispatched = new ArrayList<>(); Subscription token = getState().onSnippetEvent(kse -> { if (dispatched.size() > 0 && dispatched.get(dispatched.size() - 1) == null) { throw new RuntimeException("dispatch event after done"); } dispatched.add(kse); }); List<SnippetEvent> events = toTest.get(); getState().unsubscribe(token); assertEquals(dispatched.size(), events.size(), "dispatched event size not the same as event size"); for (int i = events.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { assertEquals(dispatched.get(i), events.get(i), "Event element " + i + " does not match"); } dispatched.add(null); // mark end of dispatchs for (SnippetEvent evt : events) { assertTrue(evt.snippet() != null, "key must never be null, but it was for: " + descriptor); assertTrue(evt.previousStatus() != null, "previousStatus must never be null, but it was for: " + descriptor); assertTrue(evt.status() != null, "status must never be null, but it was for: " + descriptor); assertTrue(evt.status() != NONEXISTENT, "status must not be NONEXISTENT: " + descriptor); if (evt.previousStatus() != NONEXISTENT) { Snippet old = idToSnippet.get(evt.snippet().id()); if (old != null) { switch (evt.status()) { case DROPPED: assertEquals(old, evt.snippet(), "Drop: Old snippet must be what is dropped -- input: " + descriptor); break; case OVERWRITTEN: assertEquals(old, evt.snippet(), "Overwrite: Old snippet (" + old + ") must be what is overwritten -- input: " + descriptor + " -- " + evt); break; default: if (evt.causeSnippet() == null) { // New source assertNotEquals(old, evt.snippet(), "New source: Old snippet must be different from the replacing -- input: " + descriptor); } else { // An update (key Overwrite??) assertEquals(old, evt.snippet(), "Update: Old snippet must be equal to the replacing -- input: " + descriptor); } break; } } } } for (SnippetEvent evt : events) { if (evt.causeSnippet() == null && evt.status() != DROPPED) { allSnippets.add(evt.snippet()); idToSnippet.put(evt.snippet().id(), evt.snippet()); } } assertTrue(events.size() >= 1, "Expected at least one event, got none."); List<STEInfo> all = getInfos(eventChains); if (events.size() != all.size()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Got events --\n"); for (SnippetEvent evt : events) { sb.append(" key: ").append(evt.snippet()); sb.append(" before: ").append(evt.previousStatus()); sb.append(" status: ").append(evt.status()); sb.append(" isSignatureChange: ").append(evt.isSignatureChange()); sb.append(" cause: "); if (evt.causeSnippet() == null) { sb.append("direct"); } else { sb.append(evt.causeSnippet()); } sb.append("\n"); } sb.append("Expected ").append(all.size()); sb.append(" events, got: ").append(events.size()); fail(sb.toString()); } int impactId = 0; Map<Snippet, List<SnippetEvent>> groupedEvents = groupByCauseSnippet(events); assertEquals(groupedEvents.size(), eventChains.length, "Number of main events"); for (Map.Entry<Snippet, List<SnippetEvent>> entry : groupedEvents.entrySet()) { EventChain eventChain = eventChains[impactId++]; SnippetEvent main = entry.getValue().get(0); Snippet mainKey = main.snippet(); if (eventChain.mainInfo != null) { eventChain.mainInfo.assertMatch(entry.getValue().get(0), mainKey); if (eventChain.updates.length > 0) { if (eventChain.updates.length == 1) { eventChain.updates[0].assertMatch(entry.getValue().get(1), mainKey); } else { Arrays.sort(eventChain.updates, (a, b) -> ((a.snippet() == MAIN_SNIPPET) ? mainKey : a.snippet()).id().compareTo(b.snippet().id())); List<SnippetEvent> updateEvents = new ArrayList<>(entry.getValue().subList(1, entry.getValue().size())); int idx = 0; for (SnippetEvent ste : updateEvents) { eventChain.updates[idx++].assertMatch(ste, mainKey); } } } } if (((Object) eventChain.value) != IGNORE_VALUE) { assertEquals(main.value(), eventChain.value, "Expected execution value of: " + eventChain.value + ", but got: " + main.value()); } if (eventChain.exceptionClass != IGNORE_EXCEPTION) { if (main.exception() == null) { assertEquals(eventChain.exceptionClass, null, "Expected an exception of class " + eventChain.exceptionClass + " got no exception"); } else if (eventChain.exceptionClass == null) { fail("Expected no exception but got " + main.exception().toString()); } else { assertTrue(eventChain.exceptionClass.isInstance(main.exception()), "Expected an exception of class " + eventChain.exceptionClass + " got: " + main.exception().toString()); } } List<Diag> diagnostics = getState().diagnostics(mainKey).collect(toList()); switch (diagMain) { case DIAG_OK: assertEquals(diagnostics.size(), 0, "Expected no diagnostics, got: " + diagnosticsToString(diagnostics)); break; case DIAG_WARNING: assertFalse(hasFatalError(diagnostics), "Expected no errors, got: " + diagnosticsToString(diagnostics)); break; case DIAG_ERROR: assertTrue(hasFatalError(diagnostics), "Expected errors, got: " + diagnosticsToString(diagnostics)); break; } if (eventChain.mainInfo != null) { for (STEInfo ste : eventChain.updates) { diagnostics = getState().diagnostics(ste.snippet()).collect(toList()); switch (diagUpdates) { case DIAG_OK: assertEquals(diagnostics.size(), 0, "Expected no diagnostics, got: " + diagnosticsToString(diagnostics)); break; case DIAG_WARNING: assertFalse(hasFatalError(diagnostics), "Expected no errors, got: " + diagnosticsToString(diagnostics)); break; } } } } return events; } // Use this for all EMPTY calls to eval() public void assertEvalEmpty(String input) { List<SnippetEvent> events = getState().eval(input); assertEquals(events.size(), 0, "Expected no events, got: " + events.size()); } public VarSnippet varKey(List<SnippetEvent> events) { Snippet key = key(events); assertTrue(key instanceof VarSnippet, "Expected a VariableKey, got: " + key); return (VarSnippet) key; } public MethodSnippet methodKey(List<SnippetEvent> events) { Snippet key = key(events); assertTrue(key instanceof MethodSnippet, "Expected a MethodKey, got: " + key); return (MethodSnippet) key; } public TypeDeclSnippet classKey(List<SnippetEvent> events) { Snippet key = key(events); assertTrue(key instanceof TypeDeclSnippet, "Expected a ClassKey, got: " + key); return (TypeDeclSnippet) key; } public ImportSnippet importKey(List<SnippetEvent> events) { Snippet key = key(events); assertTrue(key instanceof ImportSnippet, "Expected a ImportKey, got: " + key); return (ImportSnippet) key; } public Snippet key(List<SnippetEvent> events) { assertTrue(events.size() >= 1, "Expected at least one event, got none."); return events.get(0).snippet(); } public void assertVarValue(Snippet key, String expected) { String value = state.varValue((VarSnippet) key); assertEquals(value, expected, "Expected var value of: " + expected + ", but got: " + value); } public Snippet assertDeclareFail(String input, String expectedErrorCode) { return assertDeclareFail(input, expectedErrorCode, added(REJECTED)); } public Snippet assertDeclareFail(String input, String expectedErrorCode, STEInfo mainInfo, STEInfo... updates) { return assertDeclareFail(input, new ExpectedDiagnostic(expectedErrorCode, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR), mainInfo, updates); } public Snippet assertDeclareFail(String input, ExpectedDiagnostic expectedDiagnostic) { return assertDeclareFail(input, expectedDiagnostic, added(REJECTED)); } public Snippet assertDeclareFail(String input, ExpectedDiagnostic expectedDiagnostic, STEInfo mainInfo, STEInfo... updates) { List<SnippetEvent> events = assertEval(input, null, null, DiagCheck.DIAG_ERROR, DiagCheck.DIAG_IGNORE, mainInfo, updates); SnippetEvent e = events.get(0); Snippet key = e.snippet(); assertEquals(getState().status(key), REJECTED); List<Diag> diagnostics = getState().diagnostics(e.snippet()).collect(toList()); assertTrue(diagnostics.size() > 0, "Expected diagnostics, got none"); assertDiagnostic(input, diagnostics.get(0), expectedDiagnostic); assertTrue(key != null, "key must never be null, but it was for: " + input); return key; } public Snippet assertDeclareWarn1(String input, String expectedErrorCode) { return assertDeclareWarn1(input, new ExpectedDiagnostic(expectedErrorCode, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, Diagnostic.Kind.WARNING)); } public Snippet assertDeclareWarn1(String input, ExpectedDiagnostic expectedDiagnostic) { return assertDeclareWarn1(input, expectedDiagnostic, added(VALID)); } public Snippet assertDeclareWarn1(String input, ExpectedDiagnostic expectedDiagnostic, STEInfo mainInfo, STEInfo... updates) { List<SnippetEvent> events = assertEval(input, IGNORE_VALUE, null, DiagCheck.DIAG_WARNING, DiagCheck.DIAG_IGNORE, mainInfo, updates); SnippetEvent e = events.get(0); List<Diag> diagnostics = getState().diagnostics(e.snippet()).collect(toList()); if (expectedDiagnostic != null) assertDiagnostic(input, diagnostics.get(0), expectedDiagnostic); return e.snippet(); } private void assertDiagnostic(String input, Diag diagnostic, ExpectedDiagnostic expectedDiagnostic) { if (expectedDiagnostic != null) expectedDiagnostic.assertDiagnostic(diagnostic); // assertEquals(diagnostic.getSource(), input, "Diagnostic source"); } public void assertTypeDeclSnippet(TypeDeclSnippet type, String expectedName, Status expectedStatus, SubKind expectedSubKind, int unressz, int othersz) { assertDeclarationSnippet(type, expectedName, expectedStatus, expectedSubKind, unressz, othersz); } public void assertMethodDeclSnippet(MethodSnippet method, String expectedName, String expectedSignature, Status expectedStatus, int unressz, int othersz) { assertDeclarationSnippet(method, expectedName, expectedStatus, METHOD_SUBKIND, unressz, othersz); String signature = method.signature(); assertEquals(signature, expectedSignature, "Expected " + method.source() + " to have the name: " + expectedSignature + ", got: " + signature); } public void assertVariableDeclSnippet(VarSnippet var, String expectedName, String expectedTypeName, Status expectedStatus, SubKind expectedSubKind, int unressz, int othersz) { assertDeclarationSnippet(var, expectedName, expectedStatus, expectedSubKind, unressz, othersz); String signature = var.typeName(); assertEquals(signature, expectedTypeName, "Expected " + var.source() + " to have the type name: " + expectedTypeName + ", got: " + signature); } public void assertDeclarationSnippet(DeclarationSnippet declarationKey, String expectedName, Status expectedStatus, SubKind expectedSubKind, int unressz, int othersz) { assertKey(declarationKey, expectedStatus, expectedSubKind); String source = declarationKey.source(); assertEquals(declarationKey.name(), expectedName, "Expected " + source + " to have the name: " + expectedName + ", got: " + declarationKey.name()); long unresolved = getState().unresolvedDependencies(declarationKey).count(); assertEquals(unresolved, unressz, "Expected " + source + " to have " + unressz + " unresolved symbols, got: " + unresolved); long otherCorralledErrorsCount = getState().diagnostics(declarationKey).count(); assertEquals(otherCorralledErrorsCount, othersz, "Expected " + source + " to have " + othersz + " other errors, got: " + otherCorralledErrorsCount); } public void assertKey(Snippet key, Status expectedStatus, SubKind expectedSubKind) { String source = key.source(); SubKind actualSubKind = key.subKind(); assertEquals(actualSubKind, expectedSubKind, "Expected " + source + " to have the subkind: " + expectedSubKind + ", got: " + actualSubKind); Status status = getState().status(key); assertEquals(status, expectedStatus, "Expected " + source + " to be " + expectedStatus + ", but it is " + status); Snippet.Kind expectedKind = getKind(key); assertEquals(key.kind(), expectedKind, "Checking kind: "); assertEquals(expectedSubKind.kind(), expectedKind, "Checking kind: "); } public void assertDrop(Snippet key, STEInfo mainInfo, STEInfo... updates) { assertDrop(key, DiagCheck.DIAG_OK, DiagCheck.DIAG_OK, mainInfo, updates); } public void assertDrop(Snippet key, DiagCheck diagMain, DiagCheck diagUpdates, STEInfo mainInfo, STEInfo... updates) { assertDrop(key, diagMain, diagUpdates, new EventChain(mainInfo, null, null, updates)); } public void assertDrop(Snippet key, DiagCheck diagMain, DiagCheck diagUpdates, EventChain... eventChains) { checkEvents(() -> getState().drop(key), "drop(" + key + ")", diagMain, diagUpdates, eventChains); } public void assertAnalyze(String input, String source, String remaining, boolean isComplete) { assertAnalyze(input, null, source, remaining, isComplete); } public void assertAnalyze(String input, Completeness status, String source) { assertAnalyze(input, status, source, null, null); } public void assertAnalyze(String input, Completeness status, String source, String remaining, Boolean isComplete) { CompletionInfo ci = getAnalysis().analyzeCompletion(input); if (status != null) assertEquals(ci.completeness(), status, "Input : " + input + ", status: "); assertEquals(ci.source(), source, "Input : " + input + ", source: "); if (remaining != null) assertEquals(ci.remaining(), remaining, "Input : " + input + ", remaining: "); if (isComplete != null) { boolean isExpectedComplete = isComplete; assertEquals(ci.completeness().isComplete(), isExpectedComplete, "Input : " + input + ", isComplete: "); } } public void assertNumberOfActiveVariables(int cnt) { assertEquals(getState().variables().count(), cnt, "Variables : " + getState().variables().collect(toList())); } public void assertNumberOfActiveMethods(int cnt) { assertEquals(getState().methods().count(), cnt, "Methods : " + getState().methods().collect(toList())); } public void assertNumberOfActiveClasses(int cnt) { assertEquals(getState().types().count(), cnt, "Types : " + getState().types().collect(toList())); } public void assertKeys(MemberInfo... expected) { int index = 0; List<Snippet> snippets = getState().snippets().collect(toList()); assertEquals(allSnippets.size(), snippets.size()); for (Snippet sn : snippets) { if (sn.kind().isPersistent() && getState().status(sn).isActive()) { MemberInfo actual = getMemberInfo(sn); MemberInfo exp = expected[index]; assertEquals(actual, exp, String.format("Difference in #%d. Expected: %s, actual: %s", index, exp, actual)); ++index; } } } public void assertActiveKeys() { Collection<Snippet> expected = getActiveKeys(); assertActiveKeys(expected.toArray(new Snippet[expected.size()])); } public void assertActiveKeys(Snippet... expected) { int index = 0; for (Snippet key : getState().snippets().collect(toList())) { if (state.status(key).isActive()) { assertEquals(expected[index], key, String.format("Difference in #%d. Expected: %s, actual: %s", index, key, expected[index])); ++index; } } } private void assertActiveSnippets(Stream<? extends Snippet> snippets, Predicate<Snippet> p, String label) { Set<Snippet> active = getActiveKeys().stream() .filter(p) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); Set<Snippet> got = snippets .collect(Collectors.toSet()); assertEquals(active, got, label); } public void assertVariables() { assertActiveSnippets(getState().variables(), (key) -> key instanceof VarSnippet, "Variables"); } public void assertMethods() { assertActiveSnippets(getState().methods(), (key) -> key instanceof MethodSnippet, "Methods"); } public void assertClasses() { assertActiveSnippets(getState().types(), (key) -> key instanceof TypeDeclSnippet, "Classes"); } public void assertMembers(Stream<? extends Snippet> members, MemberInfo...expectedInfos) { Set<MemberInfo> expected = Stream.of(expectedInfos).collect(Collectors.toSet()); Set<MemberInfo> got = members .map(this::getMemberInfo) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); assertEquals(got.size(), expected.size(), "Expected : " + expected + ", actual : " + members); assertEquals(got, expected); } public void assertVariables(MemberInfo...expected) { assertMembers(getState().variables(), expected); } public void assertMethods(MemberInfo...expected) { assertMembers(getState().methods(), expected); getState().methods().forEach(methodKey -> { MemberInfo expectedInfo = null; for (MemberInfo info : expected) { if (info.name.equals(methodKey.name()) && info.type.equals(methodKey.signature())) { expectedInfo = getMemberInfo(methodKey); } } assertNotNull(expectedInfo, "Not found method: " + methodKey.name()); int lastIndexOf = expectedInfo.type.lastIndexOf(')'); assertEquals(methodKey.parameterTypes(), expectedInfo.type.substring(1, lastIndexOf), "Parameter types"); }); } public void assertClasses(MemberInfo...expected) { assertMembers(getState().types(), expected); } public void assertCompletion(String code, String... expected) { assertCompletion(code, null, expected); } public void assertCompletion(String code, Boolean isSmart, String... expected) { List<String> completions = computeCompletions(code, isSmart); assertEquals(completions, Arrays.asList(expected), "Input: " + code + ", " + completions.toString()); } public void assertCompletionIncludesExcludes(String code, Set<String> expected, Set<String> notExpected) { assertCompletionIncludesExcludes(code, null, expected, notExpected); } public void assertCompletionIncludesExcludes(String code, Boolean isSmart, Set<String> expected, Set<String> notExpected) { List<String> completions = computeCompletions(code, isSmart); assertTrue(completions.containsAll(expected), "Expected completions: " + String.valueOf(expected) + ", got: " + String.valueOf(completions)); assertTrue(Collections.disjoint(completions, notExpected), String.valueOf(completions)); } private List<String> computeCompletions(String code, Boolean isSmart) { waitIndexingFinished(); int cursor = code.indexOf('|'); code = code.replace("|", ""); assertTrue(cursor > -1, "'|' expected, but not found in: " + code); List<Suggestion> completions = getAnalysis().completionSuggestions(code, cursor, new int[1]); //XXX: ignoring anchor for now return completions.stream() .filter(s -> isSmart == null || isSmart == s.matchesType()) .map(s -> s.continuation()) .distinct() .collect(Collectors.toList()); } public void assertInferredType(String code, String expectedType) { String inferredType = getAnalysis().analyzeType(code, code.length()); assertEquals(inferredType, expectedType, "Input: " + code + ", " + inferredType); } public void assertInferredFQNs(String code, String... fqns) { assertInferredFQNs(code, code.length(), false, fqns); } public void assertInferredFQNs(String code, int simpleNameLen, boolean resolvable, String... fqns) { waitIndexingFinished(); QualifiedNames candidates = getAnalysis().listQualifiedNames(code, code.length()); assertEquals(candidates.getNames(), Arrays.asList(fqns), "Input: " + code + ", candidates=" + candidates.getNames()); assertEquals(candidates.getSimpleNameLength(), simpleNameLen, "Input: " + code + ", simpleNameLen=" + candidates.getSimpleNameLength()); assertEquals(candidates.isResolvable(), resolvable, "Input: " + code + ", resolvable=" + candidates.isResolvable()); } protected void waitIndexingFinished() { try { Method waitBackgroundTaskFinished = getAnalysis().getClass().getDeclaredMethod("waitBackgroundTaskFinished"); waitBackgroundTaskFinished.setAccessible(true); waitBackgroundTaskFinished.invoke(getAnalysis()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new AssertionError("Cannot wait for indexing end.", ex); } } public void assertSignature(String code, String... expected) { int cursor = code.indexOf('|'); code = code.replace("|", ""); assertTrue(cursor > -1, "'|' expected, but not found in: " + code); List<Documentation> documentation = getAnalysis().documentation(code, cursor, false); Set<String> docSet = documentation.stream().map(doc -> doc.signature()).collect(Collectors.toSet()); Set<String> expectedSet = Stream.of(expected).collect(Collectors.toSet()); assertEquals(docSet, expectedSet, "Input: " + code); } public void assertJavadoc(String code, String... expected) { int cursor = code.indexOf('|'); code = code.replace("|", ""); assertTrue(cursor > -1, "'|' expected, but not found in: " + code); List<Documentation> documentation = getAnalysis().documentation(code, cursor, true); Set<String> docSet = documentation.stream() .map(doc -> doc.signature() + "\n" + doc.javadoc()) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); Set<String> expectedSet = Stream.of(expected).collect(Collectors.toSet()); assertEquals(docSet, expectedSet, "Input: " + code); } public enum ClassType { CLASS("CLASS_SUBKIND", "class", "class"), ENUM("ENUM_SUBKIND", "enum", "enum"), INTERFACE("INTERFACE_SUBKIND", "interface", "interface"), ANNOTATION("ANNOTATION_TYPE_SUBKIND", "@interface", "annotation interface"); private final String classType; private final String name; private final String displayed; ClassType(String classType, String name, String displayed) { this.classType = classType; this.name = name; this.displayed = displayed; } public String getClassType() { return classType; } public String getDisplayed() { return displayed; } @Override public String toString() { return name; } } public static MemberInfo variable(String type, String name) { return new MemberInfo(type, name); } public static MemberInfo method(String signature, String name) { return new MemberInfo(signature, name); } public static MemberInfo clazz(ClassType classType, String className) { return new MemberInfo(classType.getClassType(), className); } public static class MemberInfo { public final String type; public final String name; public MemberInfo(String type, String name) { this.type = type; this.name = name; } @Override public int hashCode() { return type.hashCode() + 3 * name.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o instanceof MemberInfo) { MemberInfo other = (MemberInfo) o; return type.equals(other.type) && name.equals(other.name); } return false; } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("%s %s", type, name); } } public MemberInfo getMemberInfo(Snippet key) { SubKind subkind = key.subKind(); switch (subkind) { case CLASS_SUBKIND: case INTERFACE_SUBKIND: case ENUM_SUBKIND: case ANNOTATION_TYPE_SUBKIND: return new MemberInfo(subkind.name(), ((DeclarationSnippet) key).name()); case METHOD_SUBKIND: MethodSnippet method = (MethodSnippet) key; return new MemberInfo(method.signature(), method.name()); case VAR_DECLARATION_SUBKIND: case VAR_DECLARATION_WITH_INITIALIZER_SUBKIND: case TEMP_VAR_EXPRESSION_SUBKIND: VarSnippet var = (VarSnippet) key; return new MemberInfo(var.typeName(), var.name()); default: throw new AssertionError("Unknown snippet : " + key.kind() + " in expression " + key.toString()); } } public String diagnosticsToString(List<Diag> diagnostics) { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); for (Diag diag : diagnostics) { writer.write("Error --\n"); for (String line : diag.getMessage(null).split("\\r?\\n")) { writer.write(String.format("%s\n", line)); } } return writer.toString().replace("\n", System.lineSeparator()); } public boolean hasFatalError(List<Diag> diagnostics) { for (Diag diag : diagnostics) { if (diag.isError()) { return true; } } return false; } public static EventChain chain(STEInfo mainInfo, STEInfo... updates) { return chain(mainInfo, IGNORE_VALUE, null, updates); } public static EventChain chain(STEInfo mainInfo, String value, Class<? extends Throwable> exceptionClass, STEInfo... updates) { return new EventChain(mainInfo, value, exceptionClass, updates); } public static STEInfo ste(Snippet key, Status previousStatus, Status status, Boolean isSignatureChange, Snippet causeKey) { return new STEInfo(key, previousStatus, status, isSignatureChange, causeKey); } public static STEInfo added(Status status) { return new STEInfo(MAIN_SNIPPET, NONEXISTENT, status, status.isDefined(), null); } public static class EventChain { public final STEInfo mainInfo; public final STEInfo[] updates; public final String value; public final Class<? extends Throwable> exceptionClass; public EventChain(STEInfo mainInfo, String value, Class<? extends Throwable> exceptionClass, STEInfo... updates) { this.mainInfo = mainInfo; this.updates = updates; this.value = value; this.exceptionClass = exceptionClass; } } public static class STEInfo { STEInfo(Snippet snippet, Status previousStatus, Status status, Boolean isSignatureChange, Snippet causeSnippet) { this.snippet = snippet; this.previousStatus = previousStatus; this.status = status; this.checkIsSignatureChange = isSignatureChange != null; this.isSignatureChange = checkIsSignatureChange ? isSignatureChange : false; this.causeSnippet = causeSnippet; assertTrue(snippet != null, "Bad test set-up. The match snippet must not be null"); } final Snippet snippet; final Status previousStatus; final Status status; final boolean isSignatureChange; final Snippet causeSnippet; final boolean checkIsSignatureChange; public Snippet snippet() { return snippet; } public Status previousStatus() { return previousStatus; } public Status status() { return status; } public boolean isSignatureChange() { if (!checkIsSignatureChange) { throw new IllegalStateException("isSignatureChange value is undefined"); } return isSignatureChange; } public Snippet causeSnippet() { return causeSnippet; } public String value() { return null; } public Exception exception() { return null; } public void assertMatch(SnippetEvent ste, Snippet mainSnippet) { assertKeyMatch(ste, ste.snippet(), snippet(), mainSnippet); assertStatusMatch(ste, ste.previousStatus(), previousStatus()); assertStatusMatch(ste, ste.status(), status()); if (checkIsSignatureChange) { assertEquals(ste.isSignatureChange(), isSignatureChange(), "Expected " + (isSignatureChange()? "" : "no ") + "signature-change, got: " + (ste.isSignatureChange()? "" : "no ") + "signature-change" + "\n expected-event: " + this + "\n got-event: " + toString(ste)); } assertKeyMatch(ste, ste.causeSnippet(), causeSnippet(), mainSnippet); } private void assertKeyMatch(SnippetEvent ste, Snippet sn, Snippet expected, Snippet mainSnippet) { Snippet testKey = expected; if (testKey != null) { if (expected == MAIN_SNIPPET) { assertNotNull(mainSnippet, "MAIN_SNIPPET used, test must pass value to assertMatch"); testKey = mainSnippet; } if (ste.causeSnippet() == null && ste.status() != DROPPED && expected != MAIN_SNIPPET) { // Source change, always new snippet -- only match id() assertTrue(sn != testKey, "Main-event: Expected new snippet to be != : " + testKey + "\n got-event: " + toString(ste)); assertEquals(sn.id(), testKey.id(), "Expected IDs to match: " + testKey + ", got: " + sn + "\n expected-event: " + this + "\n got-event: " + toString(ste)); } else { assertEquals(sn, testKey, "Expected key to be: " + testKey + ", got: " + sn + "\n expected-event: " + this + "\n got-event: " + toString(ste)); } } } private void assertStatusMatch(SnippetEvent ste, Status status, Status expected) { if (expected != null) { assertEquals(status, expected, "Expected status to be: " + expected + ", got: " + status + "\n expected-event: " + this + "\n got-event: " + toString(ste)); } } @Override public String toString() { return "STEInfo key: " + (snippet()==MAIN_SNIPPET? "MAIN_SNIPPET" : (snippet()==null? "ignore" : snippet().id())) + " before: " + previousStatus() + " status: " + status() + " sig: " + isSignatureChange() + " cause: " + (causeSnippet()==null? "null" : causeSnippet().id()); } private String toString(SnippetEvent ste) { return "key: " + (ste.snippet()==MAIN_SNIPPET? "MAIN_SNIPPET" : ste.snippet().id()) + " before: " + ste.previousStatus() + " status: " + ste.status() + " sig: " + ste.isSignatureChange() + " cause: " + ste.causeSnippet(); } } }