/* * Copyright (c) 2020, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /* * @test * @summary Use Cipher update and doFinal with a mixture of byte[], bytebuffer, * and offset while verifying return values. Also using different and * in-place buffers. * * in-place is not tested with different buffer types as it is not a logical * scenario and is complicated by getOutputSize calculations. */ import javax.crypto.Cipher; import javax.crypto.SecretKey; import javax.crypto.spec.GCMParameterSpec; import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec; import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.security.SecureRandom; import java.security.spec.AlgorithmParameterSpec; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HexFormat; import java.util.List; public class AEADBufferTest implements Cloneable { // Data type for the operation enum dtype { BYTE, HEAP, DIRECT }; // Data map static HashMap<String, List<Data>> datamap = new HashMap<>(); // List of enum values for order of operation List<dtype> ops; static final String AES = "AES"; // The remaining input data length is inserted at the particular index // in sizes[] during execution. static final int REMAINDER = -1; String algo; boolean same = true; int[] sizes; boolean incremental = false; // In some cases the theoretical check is too complicated to verify boolean theoreticalCheck; List<Data> dataSet; int inOfs = 0, outOfs = 0; static HexFormat hex = HexFormat.of(); static class Data { int id; SecretKey key; byte[] iv; int counter; // for CC20 byte[] pt; byte[] aad; byte[] ct; byte[] tag; int blockSize; // 16 for GCM, 0 for CC20 Data(String keyalgo, int id, String key, String iv, byte[] pt, String aad, String ct, String tag) { this(keyalgo, id, key, iv, 0,pt, aad, ct,tag); } Data(String keyalgo, int id, String key, String iv, String pt, String aad, String ct, String tag) { this(keyalgo, id, key, iv, HexToBytes(pt), aad, ct, tag); } Data(String keyalgo, int id, String key, String iv, int counter, byte[] pt, String aad, String ct, String tag) { this.id = id; this.key = new SecretKeySpec(HexToBytes(key), keyalgo); this.iv = HexToBytes(iv); this.counter = counter; this.pt = pt; this.aad = HexToBytes(aad); this.ct = HexToBytes(ct); this.tag = HexToBytes(tag); this.blockSize = (keyalgo.equals(AES) ? 16 : 0); } Data(String keyalgo, int id, String key, String iv, int counter, String pt, String aad, String ct, String tag) { this(keyalgo, id, key, iv, counter, HexToBytes(pt), aad, ct, tag); } Data(String keyalgo, int id, String key, int ivLen, int ptlen) { this.id = id; this.key = new SecretKeySpec(HexToBytes(key), keyalgo); iv = new byte[ivLen]; counter = 0; pt = new byte[ptlen]; tag = new byte[16]; aad = new byte[0]; boolean isGCM = keyalgo.equals(AES); this.blockSize = (isGCM ? 16 : 0); byte[] tct = null; try { SecureRandom r = new SecureRandom(); r.nextBytes(iv); r.nextBytes(pt); Cipher c = Cipher.getInstance(isGCM ? "AES/GCM/NoPadding": "ChaCha20-Poly1305"); c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, this.key, getAPS(keyalgo, tag.length, iv)); tct = c.doFinal(pt); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error in generating data for length " + ptlen, e); } ct = new byte[ptlen]; System.arraycopy(tct, 0, ct, 0, ct.length); System.arraycopy(tct, ct.length, tag, 0, tag.length); } private static byte[] HexToBytes(String hexVal) { if (hexVal == null) { return new byte[0]; } return hex.parseHex(hexVal); } } /** * Construct a test with an algorithm and a list of dtype. * @param algo Algorithm string * @param ops List of dtypes. If only one dtype is specified, only a * doFinal operation will occur. If multiple dtypes are * specified, the last is a doFinal, the others are updates. */ AEADBufferTest(String algo, List<dtype> ops) { this.algo = algo; this.ops = ops; theoreticalCheck = true; dataSet = datamap.get(algo); } public AEADBufferTest clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException{ return (AEADBufferTest)super.clone(); } /** * Define particular data sizes to be tested. "REMAINDER", which has a * value of -1, can be used to insert the remaining input text length at * that index during execution. * @param sizes Data sizes for each dtype in the list. */ AEADBufferTest dataSegments(int[] sizes) { this.sizes = sizes; return this; } /** * Do not perform in-place operations */ AEADBufferTest differentBufferOnly() { this.same = false; return this; } /** * Enable incrementing through each data size available. This can only be * used when the List has more than one dtype entry. */ AEADBufferTest incrementalSegments() { this.incremental = true; return this; } /** * Specify a particular test dataset. * * @param id id value for the test data to used in this test. */ AEADBufferTest dataSet(int id) throws Exception { for (Data d : datamap.get(algo)) { if (d.id == id) { dataSet = List.of(d); return this; } } throw new Exception("Unable to find dataSet id = " + id); } /** * Set both input and output offsets to the same offset * @param offset value for inOfs and outOfs * @return */ AEADBufferTest offset(int offset) { this.inOfs = offset; this.outOfs = offset; return this; } /** * Set the input offset * @param offset value for input offset */ AEADBufferTest inOfs(int offset) { this.inOfs = offset; return this; } /** * Set the output offset * @param offset value for output offset */ AEADBufferTest outOfs(int offset) { this.outOfs = offset; return this; } /** * Reverse recursive loop that starts at the end-1 index, going to 0, in * the size array to calculate all the possible sizes. * It returns the remaining data size not used in the loop. This remainder * is used for the end index which is the doFinal op. */ int inc(int index, int max, int total) { if (sizes[index] == max - total) { sizes[index + 1]++; total++; sizes[index] = 0; } else if (index == 0) { sizes[index]++; } total += sizes[index]; if (index > 0) { return inc(index - 1, max, total); } return total; } // Call recursive loop and take returned remainder value for last index boolean incrementSizes(int max) { sizes[ops.size() - 1] = max - inc(ops.size() - 2, max, 0); if (sizes[ops.size() - 2] == max) { // We are at the end, exit test loop return false; } return true; } void test() throws Exception { int i = 1; System.err.println("Algo: " + algo + " \tOps: " + ops.toString()); for (Data data : dataSet) { // If incrementalSegments is enabled, run through that test only if (incremental) { if (ops.size() < 2) { throw new Exception("To do incrementalSegments you must " + "have more that 1 dtype in the list"); } sizes = new int[ops.size()]; while (incrementSizes(data.pt.length)) { System.err.print("Encrypt: Data Index: " + i + " \tSizes[ "); for (int v : sizes) { System.err.print(v + " "); } System.err.println("]"); encrypt(data); } Arrays.fill(sizes, 0); while (incrementSizes(data.ct.length + data.tag.length)) { System.err.print("Decrypt: Data Index: " + i + " \tSizes[ "); for (int v : sizes) { System.err.print(v + " "); } System.err.println("]"); decrypt(data); } } else { // Default test of 0 and 2 offset doing in place and different // i/o buffers System.err.println("Encrypt: Data Index: " + i); encrypt(data); System.err.println("Decrypt: Data Index: " + i); decrypt(data); } i++; } } // Setup data for encryption void encrypt(Data data) throws Exception { byte[] input, output; input = data.pt; output = new byte[data.ct.length + data.tag.length]; System.arraycopy(data.ct, 0, output, 0, data.ct.length); System.arraycopy(data.tag, 0, output, data.ct.length, data.tag.length); // Test different input/output buffers System.err.println("\tinput len: " + input.length + " inOfs " + inOfs + " outOfs " + outOfs + " in/out buffer: different"); crypto(true, data, input, output); // Test with in-place buffers if (same) { System.err.println("\tinput len: " + input.length + " inOfs " + inOfs + " outOfs " + outOfs + " in/out buffer: in-place"); cryptoSameBuffer(true, data, input, output); } } // Setup data for decryption void decrypt(Data data) throws Exception { byte[] input, output; input = new byte[data.ct.length + data.tag.length]; System.arraycopy(data.ct, 0, input, 0, data.ct.length); System.arraycopy(data.tag, 0, input, data.ct.length, data.tag.length); output = data.pt; // Test different input/output buffers System.err.println("\tinput len: " + input.length + " inOfs " + inOfs + " outOfs " + outOfs + " in/out buffer: different"); crypto(false, data, input, output); // Test with in-place buffers if (same) { System.err.println("\tinput len: " + input.length + " inOfs " + inOfs + " outOfs " + outOfs + " in-place: same"); cryptoSameBuffer(false, data, input, output); } } static AlgorithmParameterSpec getAPS(String algo, int tLen, byte[] iv) { return switch (algo) { case "AES", "AES/GCM/NoPadding" -> new GCMParameterSpec(tLen * 8, iv); case "CC20", "ChaCha20-Poly1305" -> new IvParameterSpec(iv); default -> null; }; } /** * Perform cipher operation using different input and output buffers. * This method allows mixing of data types (byte, heap, direct). */ void crypto(boolean encrypt, Data d, byte[] input, byte[] output) throws Exception { byte[] pt = new byte[input.length + inOfs]; System.arraycopy(input, 0, pt, inOfs, input.length); byte[] expectedOut = new byte[output.length + outOfs]; System.arraycopy(output, 0, expectedOut, outOfs, output.length); int plen = input.length / ops.size(); // partial input length int theoreticallen;// expected output length int dataoffset = 0; // offset of unconsumed data in pt int index = 0; // index of which op we are on int rlen; // result length int pbuflen = 0; // plen remaining in the internal buffers Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(algo); cipher.init((encrypt ? Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE : Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE), d.key, getAPS(algo, d.tag.length, d.iv)); cipher.updateAAD(d.aad); ByteArrayOutputStream ba = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ba.write(new byte[outOfs], 0, outOfs); for (dtype v : ops) { if (index < ops.size() - 1) { if (sizes != null && input.length > 0) { if (sizes[index] == -1) { plen = input.length - dataoffset; } else { if (sizes[index] > input.length) { plen = input.length; } else { plen = sizes[index]; } } } int olen = cipher.getOutputSize(plen) + outOfs; /* * The theoretical limit is the length of the data sent to * update() + any data might be setting in CipherCore or AEAD * internal buffers % the block size. */ theoreticallen = (plen + pbuflen) - (d.blockSize > 0 ? (plen + pbuflen) % d.blockSize : 0); // Update operations switch (v) { case BYTE -> { byte[] out = new byte[olen]; rlen = cipher.update(pt, dataoffset + inOfs, plen, out, outOfs); ba.write(out, outOfs, rlen); } case HEAP -> { ByteBuffer b = ByteBuffer.allocate(plen + outOfs); b.position(outOfs); b.put(pt, dataoffset + inOfs, plen); b.flip(); b.position(outOfs); ByteBuffer out = ByteBuffer.allocate(olen); out.position(outOfs); rlen = cipher.update(b, out); ba.write(out.array(), outOfs, rlen); } case DIRECT -> { ByteBuffer b = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(plen + outOfs); b.position(outOfs); b.put(pt, dataoffset + inOfs, plen); b.flip(); b.position(outOfs); ByteBuffer out = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(olen); out.position(outOfs); rlen = cipher.update(b, out); byte[] o = new byte[rlen]; out.flip(); out.position(outOfs); out.get(o, 0, rlen); ba.write(o); } default -> throw new Exception("Unknown op: " + v.name()); } if (theoreticalCheck) { pbuflen += plen - rlen; if (encrypt && rlen != theoreticallen) { throw new Exception("Wrong update return len (" + v.name() + "): " + "rlen=" + rlen + ", expected output len=" + theoreticallen); } } dataoffset += plen; index++; } else { // doFinal operation plen = input.length - dataoffset; int olen = cipher.getOutputSize(plen) + outOfs; switch (v) { case BYTE -> { byte[] out = new byte[olen]; rlen = cipher.doFinal(pt, dataoffset + inOfs, plen, out, outOfs); ba.write(out, outOfs, rlen); } case HEAP -> { ByteBuffer b = ByteBuffer.allocate(plen + inOfs); b.limit(b.capacity()); b.position(inOfs); b.put(pt, dataoffset + inOfs, plen); b.flip(); b.position(inOfs); ByteBuffer out = ByteBuffer.allocate(olen); out.limit(out.capacity()); out.position(outOfs); rlen = cipher.doFinal(b, out); ba.write(out.array(), outOfs, rlen); } case DIRECT -> { ByteBuffer b = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(plen + inOfs); b.limit(b.capacity()); b.position(inOfs); b.put(pt, dataoffset + inOfs, plen); b.flip(); b.position(inOfs); ByteBuffer out = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(olen); out.limit(out.capacity()); out.position(outOfs); rlen = cipher.doFinal(b, out); byte[] o = new byte[rlen]; out.flip(); out.position(outOfs); out.get(o, 0, rlen); ba.write(o); } default -> throw new Exception("Unknown op: " + v.name()); } if (theoreticalCheck && rlen != olen - outOfs) { throw new Exception("Wrong doFinal return len (" + v.name() + "): " + "rlen=" + rlen + ", expected output len=" + (olen - outOfs)); } // Verify results byte[] ctresult = ba.toByteArray(); if (ctresult.length != expectedOut.length || Arrays.compare(ctresult, expectedOut) != 0) { String s = "Ciphertext mismatch (" + v.name() + "):\nresult (len=" + ctresult.length + "): " + hex.formatHex(ctresult) + "\nexpected (len=" + output.length + "): " + hex.formatHex(output); System.err.println(s); throw new Exception(s); } } } } /** * Perform cipher operation using in-place buffers. This method does not * allow mixing of data types (byte, heap, direct). * * Mixing data types makes no sense for in-place operations and would * greatly complicate the test code. */ void cryptoSameBuffer(boolean encrypt, Data d, byte[] input, byte[] output) throws Exception { byte[] data, out; if (encrypt) { data = new byte[output.length + Math.max(inOfs, outOfs)]; } else { data = new byte[input.length + Math.max(inOfs, outOfs)]; } ByteBuffer bbin = null, bbout = null; System.arraycopy(input, 0, data, inOfs, input.length); byte[] expectedOut = new byte[output.length + outOfs]; System.arraycopy(output, 0, expectedOut, outOfs, output.length); int plen = input.length / ops.size(); // partial input length int theorticallen = plen - (d.blockSize > 0 ? plen % d.blockSize : 0); // output length int dataoffset = 0; int index = 0; int rlen = 0; // result length int len = 0; Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(algo); cipher.init((encrypt ? Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE : Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE), d.key, getAPS(algo, d.tag.length, d.iv)); cipher.updateAAD(d.aad); // Prepare data switch (ops.get(0)) { case HEAP -> { bbin = ByteBuffer.wrap(data); bbin.limit(input.length + inOfs); bbout = bbin.duplicate(); } case DIRECT -> { bbin = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(data.length); bbout = bbin.duplicate(); bbin.put(data, 0, input.length + inOfs); bbin.flip(); } } // Set data limits for bytebuffers if (bbin != null) { bbin.position(inOfs); bbout.limit(output.length + outOfs); bbout.position(outOfs); } // Iterate through each operation for (dtype v : ops) { if (index < ops.size() - 1) { switch (v) { case BYTE -> { rlen = cipher.update(data, dataoffset + inOfs, plen, data, len + outOfs); } case HEAP, DIRECT -> { theorticallen = bbin.remaining() - (d.blockSize > 0 ? bbin.remaining() % d.blockSize : 0); rlen = cipher.update(bbin, bbout); } default -> throw new Exception("Unknown op: " + v.name()); } // Check that the theoretical return value matches the actual. if (theoreticalCheck && encrypt && rlen != theorticallen) { throw new Exception("Wrong update return len (" + v.name() + "): " + "rlen=" + rlen + ", expected output len=" + theorticallen); } dataoffset += plen; len += rlen; index++; } else { // Run doFinal op plen = input.length - dataoffset; switch (v) { case BYTE -> { rlen = cipher.doFinal(data, dataoffset + inOfs, plen, data, len + outOfs); out = Arrays.copyOfRange(data, 0,len + rlen + outOfs); } case HEAP, DIRECT -> { rlen = cipher.doFinal(bbin, bbout); bbout.flip(); out = new byte[bbout.remaining()]; bbout.get(out); } default -> throw new Exception("Unknown op: " + v.name()); } len += rlen; // Verify results if (len != output.length || Arrays.compare(out, 0, len, expectedOut, 0, output.length) != 0) { String s = "Ciphertext mismatch (" + v.name() + "):\nresult (len=" + len + "):\n" + hex.formatHex(out) + "\nexpected (len=" + output.length + "):\n" + hex.formatHex(output); System.err.println(s); throw new Exception(s); } } } } static void offsetTests(AEADBufferTest t) throws Exception { t.clone().offset(2).test(); t.clone().inOfs(2).test(); // Test not designed for overlap situations t.clone().outOfs(2).differentBufferOnly().test(); } public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { AEADBufferTest t; initTest(); // **** GCM Tests // Test single byte array new AEADBufferTest("AES/GCM/NoPadding", List.of(dtype.BYTE)).test(); offsetTests(new AEADBufferTest("AES/GCM/NoPadding", List.of(dtype.BYTE))); // Test update-doFinal with byte arrays new AEADBufferTest("AES/GCM/NoPadding", List.of(dtype.BYTE, dtype.BYTE)).test(); offsetTests(new AEADBufferTest("AES/GCM/NoPadding", List.of(dtype.BYTE, dtype.BYTE))); // Test update-update-doFinal with byte arrays new AEADBufferTest("AES/GCM/NoPadding", List.of(dtype.BYTE, dtype.BYTE, dtype.BYTE)).test(); offsetTests(new AEADBufferTest("AES/GCM/NoPadding", List.of(dtype.BYTE, dtype.BYTE, dtype.BYTE))); // Test single heap bytebuffer new AEADBufferTest("AES/GCM/NoPadding", List.of(dtype.HEAP)).test(); offsetTests(new AEADBufferTest("AES/GCM/NoPadding", List.of(dtype.HEAP))); // Test update-doFinal with heap bytebuffer new AEADBufferTest("AES/GCM/NoPadding", List.of(dtype.HEAP, dtype.HEAP)).test(); offsetTests(new AEADBufferTest("AES/GCM/NoPadding", List.of(dtype.HEAP, dtype.HEAP))); // Test update-update-doFinal with heap bytebuffer new AEADBufferTest("AES/GCM/NoPadding", List.of(dtype.HEAP, dtype.HEAP, dtype.HEAP)).test(); offsetTests(new AEADBufferTest("AES/GCM/NoPadding", List.of(dtype.HEAP, dtype.HEAP, dtype.HEAP))); // Test single direct bytebuffer new AEADBufferTest("AES/GCM/NoPadding", List.of(dtype.DIRECT)).test(); offsetTests(new AEADBufferTest("AES/GCM/NoPadding", List.of(dtype.DIRECT))); // Test update-doFinal with direct bytebuffer new AEADBufferTest("AES/GCM/NoPadding", List.of(dtype.DIRECT, dtype.DIRECT)).test(); offsetTests(new AEADBufferTest("AES/GCM/NoPadding", List.of(dtype.DIRECT, dtype.DIRECT))); // Test update-update-doFinal with direct bytebuffer new AEADBufferTest("AES/GCM/NoPadding", List.of(dtype.DIRECT, dtype.DIRECT, dtype.DIRECT)).test(); offsetTests(new AEADBufferTest("AES/GCM/NoPadding", List.of(dtype.DIRECT, dtype.DIRECT, dtype.DIRECT))); // Test update-update-doFinal with byte arrays and preset data sizes t = new AEADBufferTest("AES/GCM/NoPadding", List.of(dtype.BYTE, dtype.BYTE, dtype.BYTE)).dataSegments( new int[] { 1, 1, AEADBufferTest.REMAINDER}); t.clone().test(); offsetTests(t.clone()); // Test update-doFinal with a byte array and a direct bytebuffer t = new AEADBufferTest("AES/GCM/NoPadding", List.of(dtype.BYTE, dtype.DIRECT)).differentBufferOnly(); t.clone().test(); offsetTests(t.clone()); // Test update-doFinal with a byte array and heap and direct bytebuffer t = new AEADBufferTest("AES/GCM/NoPadding", List.of(dtype.BYTE, dtype.HEAP, dtype.DIRECT)).differentBufferOnly(); t.clone().test(); offsetTests(t.clone()); // Test update-doFinal with a direct bytebuffer and a byte array. t = new AEADBufferTest("AES/GCM/NoPadding", List.of(dtype.DIRECT, dtype.BYTE)).differentBufferOnly(); t.clone().test(); offsetTests(t.clone()); // Test update-doFinal with a direct bytebuffer and a byte array with // preset data sizes. t = new AEADBufferTest("AES/GCM/NoPadding", List.of(dtype.DIRECT, dtype.BYTE)).differentBufferOnly(). dataSegments(new int[] { 20, AEADBufferTest.REMAINDER }); t.clone().test(); offsetTests(t.clone()); // Test update-update-doFinal with a direct and heap bytebuffer and a // byte array with preset data sizes. t = new AEADBufferTest("AES/GCM/NoPadding", List.of(dtype.DIRECT, dtype.BYTE, dtype.HEAP)). differentBufferOnly().dataSet(5). dataSegments(new int[] { 5000, 1000, AEADBufferTest.REMAINDER }); t.clone().test(); offsetTests(t.clone()); // Test update-update-doFinal with byte arrays, incrementing through // every data size combination for the Data set 0 new AEADBufferTest("AES/GCM/NoPadding", List.of(dtype.BYTE, dtype.BYTE, dtype.BYTE)).incrementalSegments(). dataSet(0).test(); // Test update-update-doFinal with direct bytebuffers, incrementing through // every data size combination for the Data set 0 new AEADBufferTest("AES/GCM/NoPadding", List.of(dtype.DIRECT, dtype.DIRECT, dtype.DIRECT)). incrementalSegments().dataSet(0).test(); new AEADBufferTest("AES/GCM/NoPadding", List.of(dtype.DIRECT, dtype.DIRECT, dtype.DIRECT)). dataSegments(new int[] { 49, 0, 2 }).dataSet(0).test(); // **** CC20P1305 Tests // Test single byte array new AEADBufferTest("ChaCha20-Poly1305", List.of(dtype.BYTE)).test(); offsetTests(new AEADBufferTest("ChaCha20-Poly1305", List.of(dtype.BYTE))); // Test update-doFinal with byte arrays new AEADBufferTest("ChaCha20-Poly1305", List.of(dtype.BYTE, dtype.BYTE)).test(); offsetTests(new AEADBufferTest("ChaCha20-Poly1305", List.of(dtype.BYTE, dtype.BYTE))); // Test update-update-doFinal with byte arrays new AEADBufferTest("ChaCha20-Poly1305", List.of(dtype.BYTE, dtype.BYTE, dtype.BYTE)).test(); offsetTests(new AEADBufferTest("ChaCha20-Poly1305", List.of(dtype.BYTE, dtype.BYTE, dtype.BYTE))); // Test single heap bytebuffer new AEADBufferTest("ChaCha20-Poly1305", List.of(dtype.HEAP)).test(); offsetTests(new AEADBufferTest("ChaCha20-Poly1305", List.of(dtype.HEAP))); // Test update-doFinal with heap bytebuffer new AEADBufferTest("ChaCha20-Poly1305", List.of(dtype.HEAP, dtype.HEAP)).test(); offsetTests(new AEADBufferTest("ChaCha20-Poly1305", List.of(dtype.HEAP, dtype.HEAP))); // Test update-update-doFinal with heap bytebuffer new AEADBufferTest("ChaCha20-Poly1305", List.of(dtype.HEAP, dtype.HEAP, dtype.HEAP)).test(); offsetTests(new AEADBufferTest("ChaCha20-Poly1305", List.of(dtype.HEAP, dtype.HEAP, dtype.HEAP))); // Test single direct bytebuffer new AEADBufferTest("ChaCha20-Poly1305", List.of(dtype.DIRECT)).test(); offsetTests(new AEADBufferTest("ChaCha20-Poly1305", List.of(dtype.DIRECT))); // Test update-doFinal with direct bytebuffer new AEADBufferTest("ChaCha20-Poly1305", List.of(dtype.DIRECT, dtype.DIRECT)).test(); offsetTests(new AEADBufferTest("ChaCha20-Poly1305", List.of(dtype.DIRECT, dtype.DIRECT))); // Test update-update-doFinal with direct bytebuffer new AEADBufferTest("ChaCha20-Poly1305", List.of(dtype.DIRECT, dtype.DIRECT, dtype.DIRECT)).test(); offsetTests(new AEADBufferTest("ChaCha20-Poly1305", List.of(dtype.DIRECT, dtype.DIRECT, dtype.DIRECT))); // Test update-update-doFinal with byte arrays and preset data sizes t = new AEADBufferTest("ChaCha20-Poly1305", List.of(dtype.BYTE, dtype.BYTE, dtype.BYTE)).dataSegments( new int[] { 1, 1, AEADBufferTest.REMAINDER}); t.clone().test(); offsetTests(t.clone()); // Test update-doFinal with a byte array and a direct bytebuffer t = new AEADBufferTest("ChaCha20-Poly1305", List.of(dtype.BYTE, dtype.DIRECT)).differentBufferOnly(); t.clone().test(); offsetTests(t.clone()); // Test update-doFinal with a byte array and heap and direct bytebuffer t = new AEADBufferTest("ChaCha20-Poly1305", List.of(dtype.BYTE, dtype.HEAP, dtype.DIRECT)).differentBufferOnly(); t.clone().test(); offsetTests(t.clone()); // Test update-doFinal with a direct bytebuffer and a byte array. t = new AEADBufferTest("ChaCha20-Poly1305", List.of(dtype.DIRECT, dtype.BYTE)).differentBufferOnly(); t.clone().test(); offsetTests(t.clone()); // Test update-doFinal with a direct bytebuffer and a byte array with // preset data sizes. t = new AEADBufferTest("ChaCha20-Poly1305", List.of(dtype.DIRECT, dtype.BYTE)).differentBufferOnly(). dataSegments(new int[] { 20, AEADBufferTest.REMAINDER }); t.clone().test(); offsetTests(t.clone()); // Test update-update-doFinal with a direct and heap bytebuffer and a // byte array with preset data sizes. t = new AEADBufferTest("ChaCha20-Poly1305", List.of(dtype.DIRECT, dtype.BYTE, dtype.HEAP)). differentBufferOnly().dataSet(1). dataSegments(new int[] { 5000, 1000, AEADBufferTest.REMAINDER }); t.clone().test(); offsetTests(t.clone()); // Test update-update-doFinal with byte arrays, incrementing through // every data size combination for the Data set 0 new AEADBufferTest("ChaCha20-Poly1305", List.of(dtype.BYTE, dtype.BYTE, dtype.BYTE)).incrementalSegments(). dataSet(0).test(); // Test update-update-doFinal with direct bytebuffers, incrementing through // every data size combination for the Data set 0 new AEADBufferTest("ChaCha20-Poly1305", List.of(dtype.DIRECT, dtype.DIRECT, dtype.DIRECT)). incrementalSegments().dataSet(0).test(); new AEADBufferTest("ChaCha20-Poly1305", List.of(dtype.DIRECT, dtype.DIRECT, dtype.DIRECT)). dataSegments(new int[] { 49, 0, 2 }).dataSet(0).test(); } // Test data static void initTest() { datamap.put("AES/GCM/NoPadding", List.of( // GCM KAT new Data(AES, 0, "141f1ce91989b07e7eb6ae1dbd81ea5e", "49451da24bd6074509d3cebc2c0394c972e6934b45a1d91f3ce1d3ca69e19" + "4aa1958a7c21b6f21d530ce6d2cc5256a3f846b6f9d2f38df0102c4791e5" + "7df038f6e69085646007df999751e248e06c47245f4cd3b8004585a7470d" + "ee1690e9d2d63169a58d243c0b57b3e5b4a481a3e4e8c60007094ef3adea" + "2e8f05dd3a1396f", "d384305af2388699aa302f510913fed0f2cb63ba42efa8c5c9de2922a2ec" + "2fe87719dadf1eb0aef212b51e74c9c5b934104a43", "630cf18a91cc5a6481ac9eefd65c24b1a3c93396bd7294d6b8ba3239517" + "27666c947a21894a079ef061ee159c05beeb4", "f4c34e5fbe74c0297313268296cd561d59ccc95bbfcdfcdc71b0097dbd83" + "240446b28dc088abd42b0fc687f208190ff24c0548", "dbb93bbb56d0439cd09f620a57687f5d"), // GCM KAT new Data(AES, 1, "11754cd72aec309bf52f7687212e8957", "3c819d9a9bed087615030b65", new byte[0], null, null, "250327c674aaf477aef2675748cf6971"), // Random test data new Data(AES, 4, "272f16edb81a7abbea887357a58c1917", "794ec588176c703d3d2a7a07", new byte[2075], null, "15b461672153270e8ba1e6789f7641c5411f3e642abda731b6086f535c216457" + "e87305bc59a1ff1f7e1e0bbdf302b75549b136606c67d7e5f71277aeca4bc670" + "07a98f78e0cfa002ed183e62f07893ad31fe67aad1bb37e15b957a14d145f14f" + "7483d041f2c3612ad5033155984470bdfc64d18df73c2745d92f28461bb09832" + "33524811321ba87d213692825815dd13f528dba601a3c319cac6be9b48686c23" + "a0ce23d5062916ea8827bbb243f585e446131489e951354c8ab24661f625c02e" + "15536c5bb602244e98993ff745f3e523399b2059f0e062d8933fad2366e7e147" + "510a931282bb0e3f635efe7bf05b1dd715f95f5858261b00735224256b6b3e80" + "7364cb53ff6d4e88f928cf67ac70da127718a8a35542efbae9dd7567c818a074" + "9a0c74bd69014639f59768bc55056d1166ea5523e8c66f9d78d980beb8f0d83b" + "a9e2c5544b94dc3a1a4b6f0f95f897b010150e89ebcacf0daee3c2793d6501a0" + "b58b411de273dee987e8e8cf8bb29ef2e7f655b46b55fabf64c6a4295e0d080b" + "6a570ace90eb0fe0f5b5d878bdd90eddaa1150e4d5a6505b350aac814fe99615" + "317ecd0516a464c7904011ef5922409c0d65b1e43b69d7c3293a8f7d3e9fbee9" + "eb91ec0007a7d6f72e64deb675d459c5ba07dcfd58d08e6820b100465e6e04f0" + "663e310584a00d36d23699c1bffc6afa094c75184fc7cde7ad35909c0f49f2f3" + "fe1e6d745ab628d74ea56b757047de57ce18b4b3c71e8af31a6fac16189cb0a3" + "a97a1bea447042ce382fcf726560476d759c24d5c735525ea26a332c2094408e" + "671c7deb81d5505bbfd178f866a6f3a011b3cfdbe089b4957a790688028dfdf7" + "9a096b3853f9d0d6d3feef230c7f5f46ffbf7486ebdaca5804dc5bf9d202415e" + "e0d67b365c2f92a17ea740807e4f0b198b42b54f15faa9dff2c7c35d2cf8d72e" + "b8f8b18875a2e7b5c43d1e0aa5139c461e8153c7f632895aa46ffe2b134e6a0d" + "dfbf6a336e709adfe951bd52c4dfc7b07a15fb3888fc35b7e758922f87a104c4" + "563c5c7839cfe5a7edbdb97264a7c4ebc90367b10cbe09dbf2390767ad7afaa8" + "8fb46b39d3f55f216d2104e5cf040bf3d39b758bea28e2dbce576c808d17a8eb" + "e2fd183ef42a774e39119dff1f539efeb6ad15d889dfcb0d54d0d4d4cc03c8d9" + "aa6c9ebd157f5e7170183298d6a30ada8792dcf793d931e2a1eafccbc63c11c0" + "c5c5ed60837f30017d693ccb294df392a8066a0594a56954aea7b78a16e9a11f" + "4a8bc2104070a7319f5fab0d2c4ccad8ec5cd8f47c839179bfd54a7bf225d502" + "cd0a318752fe763e8c09eb88fa57fc5399ad1f797d0595c7b8afdd23f13603e9" + "6802192bb51433b7723f4e512bd4f799feb94b458e7f9792f5f9bd6733828f70" + "a6b7ffbbc0bb7575021f081ec2a0d37fecd7cda2daec9a3a9d9dfe1c8034cead" + "e4b56b581cc82bd5b74b2b30817967d9da33850336f171a4c68e2438e03f4b11" + "96da92f01b3b7aeab795180ccf40a4b090b1175a1fc0b67c95f93105c3aef00e" + "13d76cc402539192274fee703730cd0d1c5635257719cc96cacdbad00c6255e2" + "bd40c775b43ad09599e84f2c3205d75a6661ca3f151183be284b354ce21457d1" + "3ba65b9b2cdb81874bd14469c2008b3ddec78f7225ecc710cc70de7912ca6a6d" + "348168322ab59fdafcf5c833bfa0ad4046f4b6da90e9f263db7079af592eda07" + "5bf16c6b1a8346da9c292a48bf660860a4fc89eaef40bc132779938eca294569" + "787c740af2b5a8de7f5e10ac750d1e3d0ef3ed168ba408a676e10b8a20bd4be8" + "3e8336b45e54481726d73e1bd19f165a98e242aca0d8387f2dd22d02d74e23db" + "4cef9a523587413e0a44d7e3260019a34d3a6b38426ae9fa4655be338d721970" + "cb9fe76c073f26f9303093a033022cd2c62b2790bce633ba9026a1c93b6535f1" + "1882bf5880e511b9e1b0b7d8f23a993aae5fd275faac3a5b4ccaf7c06b0b266a" + "ee970a1e3a4cd7a41094f516960630534e692545b25a347c30e3f328bba4825f" + "ed754e5525d846131ecba7ca120a6aeabc7bab9f59c890c80b7e31f9bc741591" + "55d292433ce9558e104102f2cc63ee267c1c8333e841522707ea6d595cb802b9" + "61697da77bbc4cb404ea62570ab335ebffa2023730732ac5ddba1c3dbb5be408" + "3c50aea462c1ffa166d7cc3db4b742b747e81b452db2363e91374dee8c6b40f0" + "e7fbf50e60eaf5cc5649f6bb553aae772c185026ceb052af088c545330a1ffbf" + "50615b8c7247c6cd386afd7440654f4e15bcfae0c45442ec814fe88433a9d616" + "ee6cc3f163f0d3d325526d05f25d3b37ad5eeb3ca77248ad86c9042b16c65554" + "aebb6ad3e17b981492b13f42c5a5dc088e991da303e5a273fdbb8601aece4267" + "47b01f6cb972e6da1743a0d7866cf206e95f23c6f8e337c901b9cd34a9a1fbbe" + "1694f2c26b00dfa4d02c0d54540163e798fbdc9c25f30d6406f5b4c13f7ed619" + "34e350f4059c13aa5e973307a9e3058917cda96fdd082e9c629ccfb2a9f98d12" + "5c6e4703a7b0f348f5cdeb63cef2133d1c6c1a087591e0a2bca29d09c6565e66" + "e91042f83b0e74e60a5d57562c23e2fbcd6599c29d7c19e47cf625c2ce24bb8a" + "13f8e54041498437eec2cedd1e3d8e57a051baa962c0a62d70264d99c5ee716d" + "5c8b9078db08c8b2c5613f464198a7aff43f76c5b4612b46a4f1cd2a494386c5" + "7fd28f3d199f0ba8d8e39116cc7db16ce6188205ee49a9dce3d4fa32ea394919" + "f6e91ef58b84d00b99596b4306c2d9f432d917bb4ac73384c42ae12adb4920d8" + "c33a816febcb299dcddf3ec7a8eb6e04cdc90891c6e145bd9fc5f41dc4061a46" + "9feba38545b64ec8203f386ceef52785619e991d274ae80af7e54af535e0b011" + "5effdf847472992875e09398457604d04e0bb965db692c0cdcf11a", "687cc09c89298491deb51061d709af"), // Randomly generated data at the time of execution. new Data(AES, 5, "11754cd72aec309bf52f7687212e8957", 16, 12345))); datamap.put("ChaCha20-Poly1305", List.of( new Data("CC20", 0, "808182838485868788898a8b8c8d8e8f909192939495969798999a9b9c9d9e9f", "070000004041424344454647", 1, "4c616469657320616e642047656e746c656d656e206f662074686520636c6173" + "73206f66202739393a204966204920636f756c64206f6666657220796f75206f" + "6e6c79206f6e652074697020666f7220746865206675747572652c2073756e73" + "637265656e20776f756c642062652069742e", "50515253c0c1c2c3c4c5c6c7", "d31a8d34648e60db7b86afbc53ef7ec2a4aded51296e08fea9e2b5a736ee62d6" + "3dbea45e8ca9671282fafb69da92728b1a71de0a9e060b2905d6a5b67ecd3b36" + "92ddbd7f2d778b8c9803aee328091b58fab324e4fad675945585808b4831d7bc" + "3ff4def08e4b7a9de576d26586cec64b61161ae10b59", "4f09e26a7e902ecbd0600691"), // Randomly generated data at the time of execution. new Data("CC20", 1, "808182838485868788898a8b8c8d8e8f909192939495969798999a9b9c9d9e9f", 12, 12345))); } }