/* * Copyright (c) 2011, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /* * @test * @bug 4533691 7129185 * @summary Unit test for Collections.emptyNavigableMap * @run testng EmptyNavigableMap */ import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.NavigableMap; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.testng.Assert; import org.testng.Assert.ThrowingRunnable; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider; import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.testng.Assert.assertFalse; public class EmptyNavigableMap { public static <T> void assertInstance(T actual, Class<? extends T> expected) { assertInstance(expected.isInstance(actual), null); } public static <T> void assertInstance(T actual, Class<? extends T> expected, String message) { assertTrue(expected.isInstance(actual), ((null != message) ? message : "") + " " + (actual == null ? "<null>" : actual.getClass().getSimpleName()) + " != " + expected.getSimpleName() + ". "); } public static <T extends Throwable> void assertEmptyNavigableMap(Object obj) { assertInstance(obj, NavigableMap.class); assertTrue(((NavigableMap)obj).isEmpty() && (((NavigableMap)obj).size() == 0)); } public static <T extends Throwable> void assertEmptyNavigableMap(Object obj, String message) { assertInstance(obj, NavigableMap.class, message); assertTrue(((NavigableMap)obj).isEmpty() && (((NavigableMap)obj).size() == 0), ((null != message) ? message : "") + " Not empty. "); } private <T extends Throwable> void assertThrows(Class<T> throwableClass, ThrowingRunnable runnable, String message) { try { Assert.assertThrows(throwableClass, runnable); } catch (AssertionError e) { throw new AssertionError(String.format("%s%n%s", ((null != message) ? message : ""), e.getMessage()), e); } } private void assertThrowsCCE(ThrowingRunnable r, String s) { assertThrows(ClassCastException.class, r, s); } private void assertThrowsNPE(ThrowingRunnable r, String s) { assertThrows(NullPointerException.class, r, s); } private void assertThrowsIAE(ThrowingRunnable r, String s) { assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, r, s); } public static final boolean isDescending(SortedMap<?,?> set) { if (null == set.comparator()) { // natural order return false; } if (Collections.reverseOrder() == set.comparator()) { // reverse natural order. return true; } if (set.comparator().equals(Collections.reverseOrder(Collections.reverseOrder(set.comparator())))) { // it's a Collections.reverseOrder(Comparator). return true; } throw new IllegalStateException("can't determine ordering for " + set); } /** * Tests that the comparator is {@code null}. */ @Test(dataProvider = "NavigableMap<?,?>", dataProviderClass = EmptyNavigableMap.class) public void testComparatorIsNull(String description, NavigableMap<?,?> navigableMap) { Comparator comparator = navigableMap.comparator(); assertTrue(comparator == null || comparator == Collections.reverseOrder(), description + ": Comparator (" + comparator + ") is not null."); } /** * Tests that contains requires Comparable */ @Test(dataProvider = "NavigableMap<?,?>", dataProviderClass = EmptyNavigableMap.class) public void testContainsRequiresComparable(String description, NavigableMap<?,?> navigableMap) { assertThrowsCCE(() -> { navigableMap.containsKey(new Object()); }, description + ": Compareable should be required"); } /** * Tests that the contains method returns {@code false}. */ @Test(dataProvider = "NavigableMap<?,?>", dataProviderClass = EmptyNavigableMap.class) public void testContains(String description, NavigableMap<?,?> navigableMap) { assertFalse(navigableMap.containsKey(new Integer(1)), description + ": Should not contain any elements."); assertFalse(navigableMap.containsValue(new Integer(1)), description + ": Should not contain any elements."); } /** * Tests that the containsAll method returns {@code false}. */ @Test(dataProvider = "NavigableMap<?,?>", dataProviderClass = EmptyNavigableMap.class) public void testContainsAll(String description, NavigableMap<?,?> navigableMap) { TreeMap treeMap = new TreeMap(); treeMap.put("1", 1); treeMap.put("2", 2); treeMap.put("3", 3); assertFalse(navigableMap.equals(treeMap), "Should not contain any elements."); } /** * Tests that the iterator is empty. */ @Test(dataProvider = "NavigableMap<?,?>", dataProviderClass = EmptyNavigableMap.class) public void testEmptyIterator(String description, NavigableMap<?,?> navigableMap) { assertFalse(navigableMap.keySet().iterator().hasNext(), "The iterator is not empty."); assertFalse(navigableMap.values().iterator().hasNext(), "The iterator is not empty."); assertFalse(navigableMap.entrySet().iterator().hasNext(), "The iterator is not empty."); } /** * Tests that the set is empty. */ @Test(dataProvider = "NavigableMap<?,?>", dataProviderClass = EmptyNavigableMap.class) public void testIsEmpty(String description, NavigableMap<?,?> navigableMap) { assertTrue(navigableMap.isEmpty(), "The set is not empty."); } /** * Tests the headMap() method. */ @Test(dataProvider = "NavigableMap<?,?>", dataProviderClass = EmptyNavigableMap.class) public void testHeadMap(String description, NavigableMap navigableMap) { assertThrowsNPE( () -> { NavigableMap ss = navigableMap.headMap(null, false); }, description + ": Must throw NullPointerException for null element"); assertThrowsCCE( () -> { NavigableMap ss = navigableMap.headMap(new Object(), true); }, description + ": Must throw ClassCastException for non-Comparable element"); NavigableMap ss = navigableMap.headMap("1", false); assertEmptyNavigableMap(ss, description + ": Returned value is not empty navigable set."); } /** * Tests that the size is 0. */ @Test(dataProvider = "NavigableMap<?,?>", dataProviderClass = EmptyNavigableMap.class) public void testSizeIsZero(String description, NavigableMap<?,?> navigableMap) { assertTrue(0 == navigableMap.size(), "The size of the set is not 0."); } /** * Tests the subMap() method. */ @Test(dataProvider = "NavigableMap<?,?>", dataProviderClass = EmptyNavigableMap.class) public void testSubMap(String description, NavigableMap navigableMap) { assertThrowsNPE( () -> { SortedMap ss = navigableMap.subMap(null, BigInteger.TEN); }, description + ": Must throw NullPointerException for null element"); assertThrowsNPE( () -> { SortedMap ss = navigableMap.subMap(BigInteger.ZERO, null); }, description + ": Must throw NullPointerException for null element"); assertThrowsNPE( () -> { SortedMap ss = navigableMap.subMap(null, null); }, description + ": Must throw NullPointerException for null element"); Object obj1 = new Object(); Object obj2 = new Object(); assertThrowsCCE( () -> { SortedMap ss = navigableMap.subMap(obj1, BigInteger.TEN); }, description + ": Must throw ClassCastException for parameter which is not Comparable."); assertThrowsCCE( () -> { SortedMap ss = navigableMap.subMap(BigInteger.ZERO, obj2); }, description + ": Must throw ClassCastException for parameter which is not Comparable."); assertThrowsCCE( () -> { SortedMap ss = navigableMap.subMap(obj1, obj2); }, description + ": Must throw ClassCastException for parameter which is not Comparable."); // minimal range navigableMap.subMap(BigInteger.ZERO, false, BigInteger.ZERO, false); navigableMap.subMap(BigInteger.ZERO, false, BigInteger.ZERO, true); navigableMap.subMap(BigInteger.ZERO, true, BigInteger.ZERO, false); navigableMap.subMap(BigInteger.ZERO, true, BigInteger.ZERO, true); Object first = isDescending(navigableMap) ? BigInteger.TEN : BigInteger.ZERO; Object last = (BigInteger.ZERO == first) ? BigInteger.TEN : BigInteger.ZERO; assertThrowsIAE( () -> { navigableMap.subMap(last, true, first, false); }, description + ": Must throw IllegalArgumentException when fromElement is not less than toElement."); navigableMap.subMap(first, true, last, false); } @Test(dataProvider = "NavigableMap<?,?>", dataProviderClass = EmptyNavigableMap.class) public void testSubMapRanges(String description, NavigableMap navigableMap) { Object first = isDescending(navigableMap) ? BigInteger.TEN : BigInteger.ZERO; Object last = (BigInteger.ZERO == first) ? BigInteger.TEN : BigInteger.ZERO; NavigableMap subMap = navigableMap.subMap(first, true, last, true); // same subset subMap.subMap(first, true, last, true); // slightly smaller NavigableMap ns = subMap.subMap(first, false, last, false); // slight expansion assertThrowsIAE(() -> { ns.subMap(first, true, last, true); }, description + ": Expansion should not be allowed"); // much smaller subMap.subMap(first, false, BigInteger.ONE, false); } @Test(dataProvider = "NavigableMap<?,?>", dataProviderClass = EmptyNavigableMap.class) public void testheadMapRanges(String description, NavigableMap navigableMap) { NavigableMap subMap = navigableMap.headMap(BigInteger.ONE, true); // same subset subMap.headMap(BigInteger.ONE, true); // slightly smaller NavigableMap ns = subMap.headMap(BigInteger.ONE, false); // slight expansion assertThrowsIAE(() -> { ns.headMap(BigInteger.ONE, true); }, description + ": Expansion should not be allowed"); // much smaller subMap.headMap(isDescending(subMap) ? BigInteger.TEN : BigInteger.ZERO, true); } @Test(dataProvider = "NavigableMap<?,?>", dataProviderClass = EmptyNavigableMap.class) public void testTailMapRanges(String description, NavigableMap navigableMap) { NavigableMap subMap = navigableMap.tailMap(BigInteger.ONE, true); // same subset subMap.tailMap(BigInteger.ONE, true); // slightly smaller NavigableMap ns = subMap.tailMap(BigInteger.ONE, false); // slight expansion assertThrowsIAE(() -> { ns.tailMap(BigInteger.ONE, true); }, description + ": Expansion should not be allowed"); // much smaller subMap.tailMap(isDescending(subMap) ? BigInteger.ZERO : BigInteger.TEN, false); } /** * Tests the tailMap() method. */ @Test(dataProvider = "NavigableMap<?,?>", dataProviderClass = EmptyNavigableMap.class) public void testTailMap(String description, NavigableMap navigableMap) { assertThrowsNPE(() -> { navigableMap.tailMap(null); }, description + ": Must throw NullPointerException for null element"); assertThrowsCCE(() -> { navigableMap.tailMap(new Object()); }, description); NavigableMap ss = navigableMap.tailMap("1", true); assertEmptyNavigableMap(ss, description + ": Returned value is not empty navigable set."); } @DataProvider(name = "NavigableMap<?,?>", parallel = true) public static Iterator<Object[]> navigableMapsProvider() { return makeNavigableMaps().iterator(); } public static Collection<Object[]> makeNavigableMaps() { return Arrays.asList( new Object[]{"UnmodifiableNavigableMap(TreeMap)", Collections.unmodifiableNavigableMap(new TreeMap())}, new Object[]{"UnmodifiableNavigableMap(TreeMap.descendingMap()", Collections.unmodifiableNavigableMap(new TreeMap().descendingMap())}, new Object[]{"UnmodifiableNavigableMap(TreeMap.descendingMap().descendingMap()", Collections.unmodifiableNavigableMap(new TreeMap().descendingMap().descendingMap())}, new Object[]{"emptyNavigableMap()", Collections.emptyNavigableMap()}, new Object[]{"emptyNavigableMap().descendingMap()", Collections.emptyNavigableMap().descendingMap()}, new Object[]{"emptyNavigableMap().descendingMap().descendingMap()", Collections.emptyNavigableMap().descendingMap().descendingMap()} ); } }