/* * Copyright (c) 2013, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /* * @test * @bug 8023524 8304846 * @requires vm.flagless * @library /test/lib/ * @library /java/nio/file * @modules jdk.compiler * jdk.zipfs * @run testng LogGeneratedClassesTest * @summary tests logging generated classes for lambda */ import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Predicate; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFileAttributeView; import jdk.test.lib.compiler.CompilerUtils; import jdk.test.lib.process.OutputAnalyzer; import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import static java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermissions.*; import static jdk.test.lib.process.ProcessTools.*; import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.testng.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue; public class LogGeneratedClassesTest { static final Path DUMP_LAMBDA_PROXY_CLASS_FILES = Path.of("DUMP_LAMBDA_PROXY_CLASS_FILES"); static final Path CLASSES = Path.of("classes").toAbsolutePath(); String longFQCN; @BeforeClass public void setup() throws IOException { final List<String> scratch = new ArrayList<>(); scratch.clear(); scratch.add("package com.example;"); scratch.add("public class TestLambda {"); scratch.add(" interface I {"); scratch.add(" int foo();"); scratch.add(" }"); scratch.add(" public static void main(String[] args) {"); scratch.add(" System.setSecurityManager(new SecurityManager());"); scratch.add(" I lam = () -> 10;"); scratch.add(" Runnable r = () -> {"); scratch.add(" System.out.println(\"Runnable\");"); scratch.add(" };"); scratch.add(" r.run();"); scratch.add(" System.out.println(\"Finish\");"); scratch.add(" }"); scratch.add("}"); Path testLambda = Path.of("TestLambda.java"); Files.write(testLambda, scratch, Charset.defaultCharset()); scratch.remove(0); scratch.remove(0); scratch.add(0, "public class LongPackageName {"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("com.example."); // longer than 255 which exceed max length of most filesystems for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { sb.append("nonsense."); } sb.append("enough"); longFQCN = sb.toString() + ".LongPackageName"; sb.append(";"); sb.insert(0, "package "); scratch.add(0, sb.toString()); Path lpnTest = Path.of("LongPackageName.java"); Files.write(lpnTest, scratch, Charset.defaultCharset()); CompilerUtils.compile(Path.of("."), CLASSES); } @AfterClass public void cleanup() throws IOException { Files.delete(Paths.get("TestLambda.java")); Files.delete(Paths.get("LongPackageName.java")); TestUtil.removeAll(DUMP_LAMBDA_PROXY_CLASS_FILES); TestUtil.removeAll(Paths.get("notDir")); TestUtil.removeAll(Paths.get("dump")); TestUtil.removeAll(Paths.get("dumpLong")); } @Test public void testNotLogging() throws Exception { ProcessBuilder pb = createLimitedTestJavaProcessBuilder( "-cp", CLASSES.toString(), "-Djava.security.manager=allow", "com.example.TestLambda"); executeProcess(pb).shouldHaveExitValue(0); } @Test public void testLogging() throws Exception { Path testDir = Path.of("dump"); Path dumpDir = testDir.resolve(DUMP_LAMBDA_PROXY_CLASS_FILES); Files.createDirectory(testDir); ProcessBuilder pb = createLimitedTestJavaProcessBuilder( "-cp", CLASSES.toString(), "-Djava.security.manager=allow", "-Djdk.invoke.LambdaMetafactory.dumpProxyClassFiles", "com.example.TestLambda").directory(testDir.toFile()); executeProcess(pb).shouldHaveExitValue(0); // 2 our own class files. We don't care about the others assertEquals(Files.find( dumpDir, 99, (p, a) -> p.startsWith(dumpDir.resolve("com/example")) && a.isRegularFile()).count(), 2, "Two lambda captured"); } @Test public void testDumpDirNotExist() throws Exception { Path testDir = Path.of("NotExist"); Path dumpDir = testDir.resolve(DUMP_LAMBDA_PROXY_CLASS_FILES); Files.createDirectory(testDir); TestUtil.removeAll(dumpDir); assertFalse(Files.exists(dumpDir)); ProcessBuilder pb = createLimitedTestJavaProcessBuilder( "-cp", CLASSES.toString(), "-Djava.security.manager=allow", "-Djdk.invoke.LambdaMetafactory.dumpProxyClassFiles", "com.example.TestLambda").directory(testDir.toFile()); executeProcess(pb).shouldHaveExitValue(0); // The dump directory will be created if not exist assertEquals(Files.find( dumpDir, 99, (p, a) -> p.startsWith(dumpDir.resolve("com/example")) && a.isRegularFile()).count(), 2, "Two lambda captured"); } @Test public void testDumpDirIsFile() throws Exception { Path testDir = Path.of("notDir"); Path dumpFile = testDir.resolve(DUMP_LAMBDA_PROXY_CLASS_FILES); Files.createDirectory(testDir); Files.createFile(dumpFile); assertTrue(Files.isRegularFile(dumpFile)); ProcessBuilder pb = createLimitedTestJavaProcessBuilder( "-cp", CLASSES.toString(), "-Djava.security.manager=allow", "-Djdk.invoke.LambdaMetafactory.dumpProxyClassFiles", "com.example.TestLambda").directory(testDir.toFile()); executeProcess(pb) .shouldContain("DUMP_LAMBDA_PROXY_CLASS_FILES is not a directory") .shouldNotHaveExitValue(0); } private static boolean isWriteableDirectory(Path p) { if (!Files.isDirectory(p)) { return false; } Path test = p.resolve(Paths.get("test")); try { Files.createFile(test); assertTrue(Files.exists(test)); return true; } catch (IOException e) { assertFalse(Files.exists(test)); return false; } finally { if (Files.exists(test)) { try { Files.delete(test); } catch (IOException e) { throw new Error(e); } } } } @Test public void testDumpDirNotWritable() throws Exception { if (!Files.getFileStore(Paths.get(".")) .supportsFileAttributeView(PosixFileAttributeView.class)) { // No easy way to setup readonly directory without POSIX // We would like to skip the test with a cause with // throw new SkipException("Posix not supported"); // but jtreg will report failure so we just pass the test // which we can look at if jtreg changed its behavior System.out.println("WARNING: POSIX is not supported. Skipping testDumpDirNotWritable test."); return; } Path testDir = Path.of("readOnly"); Path dumpDir = testDir.resolve(DUMP_LAMBDA_PROXY_CLASS_FILES); Files.createDirectory(testDir); Files.createDirectory(dumpDir, asFileAttribute(fromString("r-xr-xr-x"))); try { if (isWriteableDirectory(dumpDir)) { // Skipping the test: it's allowed to write into read-only directory // (e.g. current user is super user). System.out.println("WARNING: The dump directory is writeable. Skipping testDumpDirNotWritable test."); return; } ProcessBuilder pb = createLimitedTestJavaProcessBuilder( "-cp", CLASSES.toString(), "-Djava.security.manager=allow", "-Djdk.invoke.LambdaMetafactory.dumpProxyClassFiles", "com.example.TestLambda").directory(testDir.toFile()); executeProcess(pb) .shouldContain("DUMP_LAMBDA_PROXY_CLASS_FILES is not writable") .shouldNotHaveExitValue(0); } finally { TestUtil.removeAll(testDir); } } @Test public void testLoggingException() throws Exception { Path testDir = Path.of("dumpLong"); Path dumpDir = testDir.resolve(DUMP_LAMBDA_PROXY_CLASS_FILES); Files.createDirectories(dumpDir.resolve("com/example/nonsense")); Files.createFile(dumpDir.resolve("com/example/nonsense/nonsense")); ProcessBuilder pb = createLimitedTestJavaProcessBuilder( "-cp", CLASSES.toString(), "-Djava.security.manager=allow", "-Djdk.invoke.LambdaMetafactory.dumpProxyClassFiles", longFQCN).directory(testDir.toFile()); OutputAnalyzer outputAnalyzer = executeProcess(pb); outputAnalyzer.shouldHaveExitValue(0); assertEquals(outputAnalyzer.asLines().stream() .filter(s -> s.startsWith("WARNING: Exception")) .count(), 2, "show error each capture"); // dumpLong/DUMP_LAMBDA_PROXY_CLASS_FILES/com/example/nonsense/nonsense Path dumpPath = dumpDir.resolve("com/example/nonsense"); Predicate<Path> filter = p -> p.getParent() == null || dumpPath.startsWith(p) || p.startsWith(dumpPath); boolean debug = true; if (debug) { Files.walk(dumpDir) .forEachOrdered(p -> { if (filter.test(p)) { System.out.println("accepted: " + p.toString()); } else { System.out.println("filtered out: " + p.toString()); } }); } assertEquals(Files.walk(dumpDir) .filter(filter) .count(), 5, "Two lambda captured failed to log"); } }