/* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.StringTokenizer; /** * Zoneinfo provides javazic compiler front-end functionality. * @since 1.4 */ class Zoneinfo { private static final int minYear = 1900; private static final int maxYear = 2037; private static final long minTime = Time.getLocalTime(minYear, Month.JANUARY, 1, 0); private static int startYear = minYear; private static int endYear = maxYear; /** * True if javazic should generate a list of SimpleTimeZone * instances for the SimpleTimeZone-based time zone support. */ static boolean isYearForTimeZoneDataSpecified = false; /** * Zone name to Zone mappings */ private Map<String,Zone> zones; /** * Rule name to Rule mappings */ private Map<String,Rule> rules; /** * Alias name to real name mappings */ private Map<String,String> aliases; /** * Constracts a Zoneinfo. */ Zoneinfo() { zones = new HashMap<String,Zone>(); rules = new HashMap<String,Rule>(); aliases = new HashMap<String,String>(); } /** * Adds the given zone to the list of Zones. * @param zone Zone to be added to the list. */ void add(Zone zone) { String name = zone.getName(); zones.put(name, zone); } /** * Adds the given rule to the list of Rules. * @param rule Rule to be added to the list. */ void add(Rule rule) { String name = rule.getName(); rules.put(name, rule); } /** * Puts the specifid name pair to the alias table. * @param name1 an alias time zone name * @param name2 the real time zone of the alias name */ void putAlias(String name1, String name2) { aliases.put(name1, name2); } /** * Sets the given year for SimpleTimeZone list output. * This method is called when the -S option is specified. * @param year the year for which SimpleTimeZone list should be generated */ static void setYear(int year) { setStartYear(year); setEndYear(year); isYearForTimeZoneDataSpecified = true; } /** * Sets the start year. * @param year the start year value * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified year value is * smaller than the minimum year or greater than the end year. */ static void setStartYear(int year) { if (year < minYear || year > endYear) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid start year specified: " + year); } startYear = year; } /** * @return the start year value */ static int getStartYear() { return startYear; } /** * Sets the end year. * @param year the end year value * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified year value is * smaller than the start year or greater than the maximum year. */ static void setEndYear(int year) { if (year < startYear || year > maxYear) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } endYear = year; } /** * @return the end year value */ static int getEndYear() { return endYear; } /** * @return the minimum year value */ static int getMinYear() { return minYear; } /** * @return the maximum year value */ static int getMaxYear() { return maxYear; } /** * @return the alias table */ Map<String,String> getAliases() { return aliases; } /** * @return the Zone list */ Map<String,Zone> getZones() { return zones; } /** * @return a Zone specified by name. * @param name a zone name */ Zone getZone(String name) { return zones.get(name); } /** * @return a Rule specified by name. * @param name a rule name */ Rule getRule(String name) { return rules.get(name); } private static String line; private static int lineNum; /** * Parses the specified time zone data file and creates a Zoneinfo * that has all Rules, Zones and Links (aliases) information. * @param fname the time zone data file name * @return a Zoneinfo object */ static Zoneinfo parse(String fname) { BufferedReader in = null; try { FileReader fr = new FileReader(fname); in = new BufferedReader(fr); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { panic("can't open file: "+fname); } Zoneinfo zi = new Zoneinfo(); boolean continued = false; Zone zone = null; String l; lineNum = 0; try { while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { lineNum++; // skip blank and comment lines if (line.length() == 0 || line.charAt(0) == '#') { continue; } // trim trailing comments int rindex = line.lastIndexOf('#'); if (rindex != -1) { // take the data part of the line l = line.substring(0, rindex); } else { l = line; } StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(l); if (!tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { continue; } String token = tokens.nextToken(); if (continued || "Zone".equals(token)) { if (zone == null) { if (!tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { panic("syntax error: zone no more token"); } token = tokens.nextToken(); // if the zone name is in "GMT+hh" or "GMT-hh" // format, ignore it due to spec conflict. if (token.startsWith("GMT+") || token.startsWith("GMT-")) { continue; } zone = new Zone(token); } else { // no way to push the current token back... tokens = new StringTokenizer(l); } ZoneRec zrec = ZoneRec.parse(tokens); zrec.setLine(line); zone.add(zrec); if ((continued = zrec.hasUntil()) == false) { if (Zone.isTargetZone(zone.getName())) { // zone.resolve(zi); zi.add(zone); } zone = null; } } else if ("Rule".equals(token)) { if (!tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { panic("syntax error: rule no more token"); } token = tokens.nextToken(); Rule rule = zi.getRule(token); if (rule == null) { rule = new Rule(token); zi.add(rule); } RuleRec rrec = RuleRec.parse(tokens); rrec.setLine(line); rule.add(rrec); } else if ("Link".equals(token)) { // Link <newname> <oldname> try { String name1 = tokens.nextToken(); String name2 = tokens.nextToken(); // if the zone name is in "GMT+hh" or "GMT-hh" // format, ignore it due to spec conflict with // custom time zones. Also, ignore "ROC" for // PC-ness. if (name2.startsWith("GMT+") || name2.startsWith("GMT-") || "ROC".equals(name2)) { continue; } zi.putAlias(name2, name1); } catch (Exception e) { panic("syntax error: no more token for Link"); } } } in.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { panic("IO error: " + ex.getMessage()); } return zi; } /** * Interprets a zone and constructs a Timezone object that * contains enough information on GMT offsets and DST schedules to * generate a zone info database. * * @param zoneName the zone name for which a Timezone object is * constructed. * * @return a Timezone object that contains all GMT offsets and DST * rules information. */ Timezone phase2(String zoneName) { Timezone tz = new Timezone(zoneName); Zone zone = getZone(zoneName); zone.resolve(this); // TODO: merge phase2's for the regular and SimpleTimeZone ones. if (isYearForTimeZoneDataSpecified) { ZoneRec zrec = zone.get(zone.size()-1); tz.setLastZoneRec(zrec); tz.setRawOffset(zrec.getGmtOffset()); if (zrec.hasRuleReference()) { /* * This part assumes that the specified year is covered by * the rules referred to by the last zone record. */ List<RuleRec> rrecs = zrec.getRuleRef().getRules(startYear); if (rrecs.size() == 2) { // make sure that one is a start rule and the other is // an end rule. RuleRec r0 = rrecs.get(0); RuleRec r1 = rrecs.get(1); if (r0.getSave() == 0 && r1.getSave() > 0) { rrecs.set(0, r1); rrecs.set(1, r0); } else if (!(r0.getSave() > 0 && r1.getSave() == 0)) { rrecs = null; Main.error(zoneName + ": rules for " + startYear + " not found."); } } else { rrecs = null; } if (rrecs != null) { tz.setLastRules(rrecs); } } return tz; } int gmtOffset; int year = minYear; int fromYear = year; long fromTime = Time.getLocalTime(startYear, Month.JANUARY, 1, 0); // take the index 0 for the GMT offset of the last zone record ZoneRec zrec = zone.get(zone.size()-1); tz.getOffsetIndex(zrec.getGmtOffset()); int lastGmtOffsetValue = -1; ZoneRec prevzrec = null; int currentSave = 0; boolean usedZone; for (int zindex = 0; zindex < zone.size(); zindex++) { zrec = zone.get(zindex); usedZone = false; gmtOffset = zrec.getGmtOffset(); int stdOffset = zrec.getDirectSave(); if (gmtOffset != lastGmtOffsetValue) { tz.setRawOffset(gmtOffset, fromTime); lastGmtOffsetValue = gmtOffset; } // If this is the last zone record, take the last rule info. if (!zrec.hasUntil()) { if (zrec.hasRuleReference()) { tz.setLastRules(zrec.getRuleRef().getLastRules()); } else if (stdOffset != 0) { // in case the last rule is all year round DST-only // (Asia/Amman once announced this rule.) tz.setLastDSTSaving(stdOffset); } } if (!zrec.hasRuleReference()) { if (!zrec.hasUntil() || zrec.getUntilTime(stdOffset) >= fromTime) { tz.addTransition(fromTime, tz.getOffsetIndex(gmtOffset+stdOffset), tz.getDstOffsetIndex(stdOffset)); usedZone = true; } currentSave = stdOffset; // optimization in case the last rule is fixed. if (!zrec.hasUntil()) { if (tz.getNTransitions() > 0) { if (stdOffset == 0) { tz.setDSTType(Timezone.X_DST); } else { tz.setDSTType(Timezone.LAST_DST); } long time = Time.getLocalTime(maxYear, Month.JANUARY, 1, 0); time -= zrec.getGmtOffset(); tz.addTransition(time, tz.getOffsetIndex(gmtOffset+stdOffset), tz.getDstOffsetIndex(stdOffset)); tz.addUsedRec(zrec); } else { tz.setDSTType(Timezone.NO_DST); } break; } } else { Rule rule = zrec.getRuleRef(); boolean fromTimeUsed = false; currentSave = 0; year_loop: for (year = getMinYear(); year <= endYear; year++) { if (zrec.hasUntil() && year > zrec.getUntilYear()) { break; } List<RuleRec> rules = rule.getRules(year); if (rules.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < rules.size(); i++) { RuleRec rrec = rules.get(i); long transition = rrec.getTransitionTime(year, gmtOffset, currentSave); if (zrec.hasUntil()) { if (transition >= zrec.getUntilTime(currentSave)) { // If the GMT offset changed from the previous one, // record fromTime as a transition. if (!fromTimeUsed && prevzrec != null && gmtOffset != prevzrec.getGmtOffset()) { tz.addTransition(fromTime, tz.getOffsetIndex(gmtOffset+currentSave), tz.getDstOffsetIndex(currentSave)); fromTimeUsed = true; // for consistency } break year_loop; } } if (fromTimeUsed == false) { if (fromTime <= transition) { fromTimeUsed = true; if (fromTime != minTime) { int prevsave; // See if until time in the previous // ZoneRec is the same thing as the // local time in the next rule. // (examples are Asia/Ashkhabad in 1991, // Europe/Riga in 1989) if (i > 0) { prevsave = rules.get(i-1).getSave(); } else { List<RuleRec> prevrules = rule.getRules(year-1); if (prevrules.size() > 0) { prevsave = prevrules.get(prevrules.size()-1).getSave(); } else { prevsave = 0; } } if (rrec.isSameTransition(prevzrec, prevsave, gmtOffset)) { currentSave = rrec.getSave(); tz.addTransition(fromTime, tz.getOffsetIndex(gmtOffset+currentSave), tz.getDstOffsetIndex(currentSave)); tz.addUsedRec(rrec); usedZone = true; continue; } if (!prevzrec.hasRuleReference() || rule != prevzrec.getRuleRef() || (rule == prevzrec.getRuleRef() && gmtOffset != prevzrec.getGmtOffset())) { int save = (fromTime == transition) ? rrec.getSave() : currentSave; tz.addTransition(fromTime, tz.getOffsetIndex(gmtOffset+save), tz.getDstOffsetIndex(save)); tz.addUsedRec(rrec); usedZone = true; } } else { // fromTime == minTime int save = rrec.getSave(); tz.addTransition(minTime, tz.getOffsetIndex(gmtOffset), tz.getDstOffsetIndex(0)); tz.addTransition(transition, tz.getOffsetIndex(gmtOffset+save), tz.getDstOffsetIndex(save)); tz.addUsedRec(rrec); usedZone = true; } } else if (year == fromYear && i == rules.size()-1) { int save = rrec.getSave(); tz.addTransition(fromTime, tz.getOffsetIndex(gmtOffset+save), tz.getDstOffsetIndex(save)); } } currentSave = rrec.getSave(); if (fromTime < transition) { tz.addTransition(transition, tz.getOffsetIndex(gmtOffset+currentSave), tz.getDstOffsetIndex(currentSave)); tz.addUsedRec(rrec); usedZone = true; } } } else { if (year == fromYear) { tz.addTransition(fromTime, tz.getOffsetIndex(gmtOffset+currentSave), tz.getDstOffsetIndex(currentSave)); fromTimeUsed = true; } if (year == endYear && !zrec.hasUntil()) { if (tz.getNTransitions() > 0) { // Assume that this Zone stopped DST tz.setDSTType(Timezone.X_DST); long time = Time.getLocalTime(maxYear, Month.JANUARY, 1, 0); time -= zrec.getGmtOffset(); tz.addTransition(time, tz.getOffsetIndex(gmtOffset), tz.getDstOffsetIndex(0)); usedZone = true; } else { tz.setDSTType(Timezone.NO_DST); } } } } } if (usedZone) { tz.addUsedRec(zrec); } if (zrec.hasUntil() && zrec.getUntilTime(currentSave) > fromTime) { fromTime = zrec.getUntilTime(currentSave); fromYear = zrec.getUntilYear(); year = zrec.getUntilYear(); } prevzrec = zrec; } if (tz.getDSTType() == Timezone.UNDEF_DST) { tz.setDSTType(Timezone.DST); } tz.optimize(); tz.checksum(); return tz; } private static void panic(String msg) { Main.panic(msg); } }