/* * Copyright (c) 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /* * @test * @summary Basic security checks for WebSocket URI from the Builder * @compile ../DummyWebSocketServer.java ../../ProxyServer.java * @run testng/othervm/java.security.policy=httpclient.policy WSURLPermissionTest */ import java.io.IOException; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.net.Proxy; import java.net.ProxySelector; import java.net.SocketAddress; import java.net.URI; import java.net.URLPermission; import java.security.AccessControlContext; import java.security.AccessController; import java.security.Permission; import java.security.Permissions; import java.security.PrivilegedActionException; import java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction; import java.security.ProtectionDomain; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.net.http.HttpClient; import java.net.http.WebSocket; import org.testng.annotations.AfterTest; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest; import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import static org.testng.Assert.*; public class WSURLPermissionTest { static AccessControlContext withPermissions(Permission... perms) { Permissions p = new Permissions(); for (Permission perm : perms) { p.add(perm); } ProtectionDomain pd = new ProtectionDomain(null, p); return new AccessControlContext(new ProtectionDomain[]{ pd }); } static AccessControlContext noPermissions() { return withPermissions(/*empty*/); } URI wsURI; DummyWebSocketServer webSocketServer; InetSocketAddress proxyAddress; @BeforeTest public void setup() throws Exception { ProxyServer proxyServer = new ProxyServer(0, true); proxyAddress = new InetSocketAddress(InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress(), proxyServer.getPort()); webSocketServer = new DummyWebSocketServer(); webSocketServer.open(); wsURI = webSocketServer.getURI(); System.out.println("Proxy Server: " + proxyAddress); System.out.println("DummyWebSocketServer: " + wsURI); } @AfterTest public void teardown() { webSocketServer.close(); } static class NoOpListener implements WebSocket.Listener {} static final WebSocket.Listener noOpListener = new NoOpListener(); @DataProvider(name = "passingScenarios") public Object[][] passingScenarios() { HttpClient noProxyClient = HttpClient.newHttpClient(); return new Object[][]{ { (PrivilegedExceptionAction<?>)() -> { noProxyClient.newWebSocketBuilder() .buildAsync(wsURI, noOpListener).get().abort(); return null; }, // no actions new URLPermission[] { new URLPermission(wsURI.toString()) }, "0" /* for log file identification */ }, { (PrivilegedExceptionAction<?>)() -> { noProxyClient.newWebSocketBuilder() .buildAsync(wsURI, noOpListener).get().abort(); return null; }, // scheme wildcard new URLPermission[] { new URLPermission("ws://*") }, "0.1" }, { (PrivilegedExceptionAction<?>)() -> { noProxyClient.newWebSocketBuilder() .buildAsync(wsURI, noOpListener).get().abort(); return null; }, // port wildcard new URLPermission[] { new URLPermission("ws://"+wsURI.getHost()+":*") }, "0.2" }, { (PrivilegedExceptionAction<?>)() -> { noProxyClient.newWebSocketBuilder() .buildAsync(wsURI, noOpListener).get().abort(); return null; }, // empty actions new URLPermission[] { new URLPermission(wsURI.toString(), "") }, "1" }, { (PrivilegedExceptionAction<?>)() -> { noProxyClient.newWebSocketBuilder() .buildAsync(wsURI, noOpListener).get().abort(); return null; }, // colon new URLPermission[] { new URLPermission(wsURI.toString(), ":") }, "2" }, { (PrivilegedExceptionAction<?>)() -> { noProxyClient.newWebSocketBuilder() .buildAsync(wsURI, noOpListener).get().abort(); return null; }, // wildcard new URLPermission[] { new URLPermission(wsURI.toString(), "*:*") }, "3" }, // WS permission checking is agnostic of method, any/none will do { (PrivilegedExceptionAction<?>)() -> { noProxyClient.newWebSocketBuilder() .buildAsync(wsURI, noOpListener).get().abort(); return null; }, // specific method new URLPermission[] { new URLPermission(wsURI.toString(), "GET") }, "3.1" }, { (PrivilegedExceptionAction<?>)() -> { noProxyClient.newWebSocketBuilder() .buildAsync(wsURI, noOpListener).get().abort(); return null; }, // specific method new URLPermission[] { new URLPermission(wsURI.toString(), "POST") }, "3.2" }, { (PrivilegedExceptionAction<?>)() -> { URI uriWithPath = wsURI.resolve("/path/x"); noProxyClient.newWebSocketBuilder() .buildAsync(uriWithPath, noOpListener).get().abort(); return null; }, // path new URLPermission[] { new URLPermission(wsURI.resolve("/path/x").toString()) }, "4" }, { (PrivilegedExceptionAction<?>)() -> { URI uriWithPath = wsURI.resolve("/path/x"); noProxyClient.newWebSocketBuilder() .buildAsync(uriWithPath, noOpListener).get().abort(); return null; }, // same dir wildcard new URLPermission[] { new URLPermission(wsURI.resolve("/path/*").toString()) }, "5" }, { (PrivilegedExceptionAction<?>)() -> { URI uriWithPath = wsURI.resolve("/path/x"); noProxyClient.newWebSocketBuilder() .buildAsync(uriWithPath, noOpListener).get().abort(); return null; }, // recursive new URLPermission[] { new URLPermission(wsURI.resolve("/path/-").toString()) }, "6" }, { (PrivilegedExceptionAction<?>)() -> { URI uriWithPath = wsURI.resolve("/path/x"); noProxyClient.newWebSocketBuilder() .buildAsync(uriWithPath, noOpListener).get().abort(); return null; }, // recursive top new URLPermission[] { new URLPermission(wsURI.resolve("/-").toString()) }, "7" }, { (PrivilegedExceptionAction<?>)() -> { noProxyClient.newWebSocketBuilder() .header("A-Header", "A-Value") // header .buildAsync(wsURI, noOpListener).get().abort(); return null; }, new URLPermission[] { new URLPermission(wsURI.toString(), ":A-Header") }, "8" }, { (PrivilegedExceptionAction<?>)() -> { noProxyClient.newWebSocketBuilder() .header("A-Header", "A-Value") // header .buildAsync(wsURI, noOpListener).get().abort(); return null; }, // wildcard new URLPermission[] { new URLPermission(wsURI.toString(), ":*") }, "9" }, { (PrivilegedExceptionAction<?>)() -> { noProxyClient.newWebSocketBuilder() .header("A-Header", "A-Value") // headers .header("B-Header", "B-Value") // headers .buildAsync(wsURI, noOpListener).get().abort(); return null; }, new URLPermission[] { new URLPermission(wsURI.toString(), ":A-Header,B-Header") }, "10" }, { (PrivilegedExceptionAction<?>)() -> { noProxyClient.newWebSocketBuilder() .header("A-Header", "A-Value") // headers .header("B-Header", "B-Value") // headers .buildAsync(wsURI, noOpListener).get().abort(); return null; }, // wildcard new URLPermission[] { new URLPermission(wsURI.toString(), ":*") }, "11" }, { (PrivilegedExceptionAction<?>)() -> { noProxyClient.newWebSocketBuilder() .header("A-Header", "A-Value") // headers .header("B-Header", "B-Value") // headers .buildAsync(wsURI, noOpListener).get().abort(); return null; }, // wildcards new URLPermission[] { new URLPermission(wsURI.toString(), "*:*") }, "12" }, { (PrivilegedExceptionAction<?>)() -> { noProxyClient.newWebSocketBuilder() .header("A-Header", "A-Value") // multi-value .header("A-Header", "B-Value") // headers .buildAsync(wsURI, noOpListener).get().abort(); return null; }, // wildcard new URLPermission[] { new URLPermission(wsURI.toString(), ":*") }, "13" }, { (PrivilegedExceptionAction<?>)() -> { noProxyClient.newWebSocketBuilder() .header("A-Header", "A-Value") // multi-value .header("A-Header", "B-Value") // headers .buildAsync(wsURI, noOpListener).get().abort(); return null; }, // single grant new URLPermission[] { new URLPermission(wsURI.toString(), ":A-Header") }, "14" }, // client with a DIRECT proxy { (PrivilegedExceptionAction<?>)() -> { ProxySelector ps = ProxySelector.of(null); HttpClient client = HttpClient.newBuilder().proxy(ps).build(); client.newWebSocketBuilder() .buildAsync(wsURI, noOpListener).get().abort(); return null; }, new URLPermission[] { new URLPermission(wsURI.toString()) }, "15" }, // client with a SOCKS proxy! ( expect implementation to ignore SOCKS ) { (PrivilegedExceptionAction<?>)() -> { ProxySelector ps = new ProxySelector() { @Override public List<Proxy> select(URI uri) { return List.of(new Proxy(Proxy.Type.SOCKS, proxyAddress)); } @Override public void connectFailed(URI uri, SocketAddress sa, IOException ioe) { } }; HttpClient client = HttpClient.newBuilder().proxy(ps).build(); client.newWebSocketBuilder() .buildAsync(wsURI, noOpListener).get().abort(); return null; }, new URLPermission[] { new URLPermission(wsURI.toString()) }, "16" }, // client with a HTTP/HTTPS proxy { (PrivilegedExceptionAction<?>)() -> { assert proxyAddress != null; ProxySelector ps = ProxySelector.of(proxyAddress); HttpClient client = HttpClient.newBuilder().proxy(ps).build(); client.newWebSocketBuilder() .buildAsync(wsURI, noOpListener).get().abort(); return null; }, new URLPermission[] { new URLPermission(wsURI.toString()), // CONNECT action string new URLPermission("socket://"+proxyAddress.getHostName() +":"+proxyAddress.getPort(), "CONNECT")}, "17" }, { (PrivilegedExceptionAction<?>)() -> { assert proxyAddress != null; ProxySelector ps = ProxySelector.of(proxyAddress); HttpClient client = HttpClient.newBuilder().proxy(ps).build(); client.newWebSocketBuilder() .buildAsync(wsURI, noOpListener).get().abort(); return null; }, new URLPermission[] { new URLPermission(wsURI.toString()), // no action string new URLPermission("socket://"+proxyAddress.getHostName() +":"+proxyAddress.getPort())}, "18" }, { (PrivilegedExceptionAction<?>)() -> { assert proxyAddress != null; ProxySelector ps = ProxySelector.of(proxyAddress); HttpClient client = HttpClient.newBuilder().proxy(ps).build(); client.newWebSocketBuilder() .buildAsync(wsURI, noOpListener).get().abort(); return null; }, new URLPermission[] { new URLPermission(wsURI.toString()), // wildcard headers new URLPermission("socket://"+proxyAddress.getHostName() +":"+proxyAddress.getPort(), "CONNECT:*")}, "19" }, { (PrivilegedExceptionAction<?>)() -> { assert proxyAddress != null; CountingProxySelector ps = CountingProxySelector.of(proxyAddress); HttpClient client = HttpClient.newBuilder().proxy(ps).build(); client.newWebSocketBuilder() .buildAsync(wsURI, noOpListener).get().abort(); assertEquals(ps.count(), 1); // ps.select only invoked once return null; }, new URLPermission[] { new URLPermission(wsURI.toString()), // empty headers new URLPermission("socket://"+proxyAddress.getHostName() +":"+proxyAddress.getPort(), "CONNECT:")}, "20" }, { (PrivilegedExceptionAction<?>)() -> { assert proxyAddress != null; ProxySelector ps = ProxySelector.of(proxyAddress); HttpClient client = HttpClient.newBuilder().proxy(ps).build(); client.newWebSocketBuilder() .buildAsync(wsURI, noOpListener).get().abort(); return null; }, new URLPermission[] { new URLPermission(wsURI.toString()), new URLPermission("socket://*")}, // wildcard socket URL "21" }, { (PrivilegedExceptionAction<?>)() -> { assert proxyAddress != null; ProxySelector ps = ProxySelector.of(proxyAddress); HttpClient client = HttpClient.newBuilder().proxy(ps).build(); client.newWebSocketBuilder() .buildAsync(wsURI, noOpListener).get().abort(); return null; }, new URLPermission[] { new URLPermission("ws://*"), // wildcard ws URL new URLPermission("socket://*")}, // wildcard socket URL "22" }, }; } @Test(dataProvider = "passingScenarios") public void testWithNoSecurityManager(PrivilegedExceptionAction<?> action, URLPermission[] unused, String dataProviderId) throws Exception { // sanity ( no security manager ) System.setSecurityManager(null); try { AccessController.doPrivileged(action); } finally { System.setSecurityManager(new SecurityManager()); } } @Test(dataProvider = "passingScenarios") public void testWithAllPermissions(PrivilegedExceptionAction<?> action, URLPermission[] unused, String dataProviderId) throws Exception { // Run with all permissions, i.e. no further restrictions than test's AllPermission assert System.getSecurityManager() != null; AccessController.doPrivileged(action); } @Test(dataProvider = "passingScenarios") public void testWithMinimalPermissions(PrivilegedExceptionAction<?> action, URLPermission[] perms, String dataProviderId) throws Exception { // Run with minimal permissions, i.e. just what is required assert System.getSecurityManager() != null; AccessControlContext minimalACC = withPermissions(perms); AccessController.doPrivileged(action, minimalACC); } @Test(dataProvider = "passingScenarios") public void testWithNoPermissions(PrivilegedExceptionAction<?> action, URLPermission[] unused, String dataProviderId) throws Exception { // Run with NO permissions, i.e. expect SecurityException assert System.getSecurityManager() != null; try { AccessController.doPrivileged(action, noPermissions()); fail("EXPECTED SecurityException"); } catch (PrivilegedActionException expected) { Throwable t = expected.getCause(); if (t instanceof ExecutionException) t = t.getCause(); if (t instanceof SecurityException) System.out.println("Caught expected SE:" + expected); else fail("Expected SecurityException, but got: " + t); } } // --- Negative tests --- @DataProvider(name = "failingScenarios") public Object[][] failingScenarios() { HttpClient noProxyClient = HttpClient.newHttpClient(); return new Object[][]{ { (PrivilegedExceptionAction<?>) () -> { noProxyClient.newWebSocketBuilder() .buildAsync(wsURI, noOpListener).get().abort(); return null; }, new URLPermission[]{ /* no permissions */ }, "50" /* for log file identification */}, { (PrivilegedExceptionAction<?>) () -> { noProxyClient.newWebSocketBuilder() .buildAsync(wsURI, noOpListener).get().abort(); return null; }, // wrong scheme new URLPermission[]{ new URLPermission("http://*") }, "51" }, { (PrivilegedExceptionAction<?>) () -> { noProxyClient.newWebSocketBuilder() .buildAsync(wsURI, noOpListener).get().abort(); return null; }, // wrong scheme new URLPermission[]{ new URLPermission("socket://*") }, "52" }, { (PrivilegedExceptionAction<?>) () -> { noProxyClient.newWebSocketBuilder() .buildAsync(wsURI, noOpListener).get().abort(); return null; }, // wrong host new URLPermission[]{ new URLPermission("ws://foo.com/") }, "53" }, { (PrivilegedExceptionAction<?>) () -> { noProxyClient.newWebSocketBuilder() .buildAsync(wsURI, noOpListener).get().abort(); return null; }, // wrong port new URLPermission[]{ new URLPermission("ws://"+ wsURI.getHost()+":5") }, "54" }, { (PrivilegedExceptionAction<?>) () -> { noProxyClient.newWebSocketBuilder() .header("A-Header", "A-Value") .buildAsync(wsURI, noOpListener).get().abort(); return null; }, // only perm to set B not A new URLPermission[] { new URLPermission(wsURI.toString(), "*:B-Header") }, "55" }, { (PrivilegedExceptionAction<?>) () -> { noProxyClient.newWebSocketBuilder() .header("A-Header", "A-Value") .header("B-Header", "B-Value") .buildAsync(wsURI, noOpListener).get().abort(); return null; }, // only perm to set B not A new URLPermission[] { new URLPermission(wsURI.toString(), "*:B-Header") }, "56" }, { (PrivilegedExceptionAction<?>)() -> { URI uriWithPath = wsURI.resolve("/path/x"); noProxyClient.newWebSocketBuilder() .buildAsync(uriWithPath, noOpListener).get().abort(); return null; }, // wrong path new URLPermission[] { new URLPermission(wsURI.resolve("/aDiffPath/").toString()) }, "57" }, { (PrivilegedExceptionAction<?>)() -> { URI uriWithPath = wsURI.resolve("/path/x"); noProxyClient.newWebSocketBuilder() .buildAsync(uriWithPath, noOpListener).get().abort(); return null; }, // more specific path new URLPermission[] { new URLPermission(wsURI.resolve("/path/x/y").toString()) }, "58" }, // client with a HTTP/HTTPS proxy { (PrivilegedExceptionAction<?>)() -> { assert proxyAddress != null; ProxySelector ps = ProxySelector.of(proxyAddress); HttpClient client = HttpClient.newBuilder().proxy(ps).build(); client.newWebSocketBuilder() .buildAsync(wsURI, noOpListener).get().abort(); return null; }, // missing proxy perm new URLPermission[] { new URLPermission(wsURI.toString()) }, "100" }, // client with a HTTP/HTTPS proxy { (PrivilegedExceptionAction<?>)() -> { assert proxyAddress != null; ProxySelector ps = ProxySelector.of(proxyAddress); HttpClient client = HttpClient.newBuilder().proxy(ps).build(); client.newWebSocketBuilder() .buildAsync(wsURI, noOpListener).get().abort(); return null; }, new URLPermission[] { new URLPermission(wsURI.toString()), // missing proxy CONNECT new URLPermission("socket://*", "GET") }, "101" }, }; } @Test(dataProvider = "failingScenarios") public void testWithoutEnoughPermissions(PrivilegedExceptionAction<?> action, URLPermission[] perms, String dataProviderId) throws Exception { // Run without Enough permissions, i.e. expect SecurityException assert System.getSecurityManager() != null; AccessControlContext notEnoughPermsACC = withPermissions(perms); try { AccessController.doPrivileged(action, notEnoughPermsACC); fail("EXPECTED SecurityException"); } catch (PrivilegedActionException expected) { Throwable t = expected.getCause(); if (t instanceof ExecutionException) t = t.getCause(); if (t instanceof SecurityException) System.out.println("Caught expected SE:" + expected); else fail("Expected SecurityException, but got: " + t); } } /** * A Proxy Selector that wraps a ProxySelector.of(), and counts the number * of times its select method has been invoked. This can be used to ensure * that the Proxy Selector is invoked only once per WebSocket.Builder::buildAsync * invocation. */ static class CountingProxySelector extends ProxySelector { private final ProxySelector proxySelector; private volatile int count; // 0 private CountingProxySelector(InetSocketAddress proxyAddress) { proxySelector = ProxySelector.of(proxyAddress); } public static CountingProxySelector of(InetSocketAddress proxyAddress) { return new CountingProxySelector(proxyAddress); } int count() { return count; } @Override public List<Proxy> select(URI uri) { System.out.println("PS: uri"); Throwable t = new Throwable(); t.printStackTrace(System.out); count++; return proxySelector.select(uri); } @Override public void connectFailed(URI uri, SocketAddress sa, IOException ioe) { proxySelector.connectFailed(uri, sa, ioe); } } }