/* * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /* * This file is available under and governed by the GNU General Public * License version 2 only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * However, the following notice accompanied the original version of this * file: * * Written by Doug Lea with assistance from members of JCP JSR-166 * Expert Group and released to the public domain, as explained at * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ * Other contributors include Andrew Wright, Jeffrey Hayes, * Pat Fisher, Mike Judd. */ import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore; import junit.framework.Test; import junit.framework.TestSuite; public class SemaphoreTest extends JSR166TestCase { public static void main(String[] args) { main(suite(), args); } public static Test suite() { return new TestSuite(SemaphoreTest.class); } /** * Subclass to expose protected methods */ static class PublicSemaphore extends Semaphore { PublicSemaphore(int permits) { super(permits); } PublicSemaphore(int permits, boolean fair) { super(permits, fair); } public Collection getQueuedThreads() { return super.getQueuedThreads(); } public boolean hasQueuedThread(Thread t) { return super.getQueuedThreads().contains(t); } public void reducePermits(int reduction) { super.reducePermits(reduction); } } /** * A runnable calling acquire */ class InterruptibleLockRunnable extends CheckedRunnable { final Semaphore lock; InterruptibleLockRunnable(Semaphore s) { lock = s; } public void realRun() { try { lock.acquire(); } catch (InterruptedException ignored) {} } } /** * A runnable calling acquire that expects to be interrupted */ class InterruptedLockRunnable extends CheckedInterruptedRunnable { final Semaphore lock; InterruptedLockRunnable(Semaphore s) { lock = s; } public void realRun() throws InterruptedException { lock.acquire(); } } /** * Spin-waits until s.hasQueuedThread(t) becomes true. */ void waitForQueuedThread(PublicSemaphore s, Thread t) { long startTime = System.nanoTime(); while (!s.hasQueuedThread(t)) { if (millisElapsedSince(startTime) > LONG_DELAY_MS) throw new AssertionError("timed out"); Thread.yield(); } assertTrue(s.hasQueuedThreads()); assertTrue(t.isAlive()); } /** * Spin-waits until s.hasQueuedThreads() becomes true. */ void waitForQueuedThreads(Semaphore s) { long startTime = System.nanoTime(); while (!s.hasQueuedThreads()) { if (millisElapsedSince(startTime) > LONG_DELAY_MS) throw new AssertionError("timed out"); Thread.yield(); } } enum AcquireMethod { acquire() { void acquire(Semaphore s) throws InterruptedException { s.acquire(); } }, acquireN() { void acquire(Semaphore s, int permits) throws InterruptedException { s.acquire(permits); } }, acquireUninterruptibly() { void acquire(Semaphore s) { s.acquireUninterruptibly(); } }, acquireUninterruptiblyN() { void acquire(Semaphore s, int permits) { s.acquireUninterruptibly(permits); } }, tryAcquire() { void acquire(Semaphore s) { assertTrue(s.tryAcquire()); } }, tryAcquireN() { void acquire(Semaphore s, int permits) { assertTrue(s.tryAcquire(permits)); } }, tryAcquireTimed() { void acquire(Semaphore s) throws InterruptedException { assertTrue(s.tryAcquire(2 * LONG_DELAY_MS, MILLISECONDS)); } Thread.State parkedState() { return Thread.State.TIMED_WAITING; } }, tryAcquireTimedN { void acquire(Semaphore s, int permits) throws InterruptedException { assertTrue(s.tryAcquire(permits, 2 * LONG_DELAY_MS, MILLISECONDS)); } Thread.State parkedState() { return Thread.State.TIMED_WAITING; } }; // Intentionally meta-circular /** Acquires 1 permit. */ void acquire(Semaphore s) throws InterruptedException { acquire(s, 1); } /** Acquires the given number of permits. */ void acquire(Semaphore s, int permits) throws InterruptedException { for (int i = 0; i < permits; i++) acquire(s); } Thread.State parkedState() { return Thread.State.WAITING; } } /** * Zero, negative, and positive initial values are allowed in constructor */ public void testConstructor() { testConstructor(false); } public void testConstructor_fair() { testConstructor(true); } public void testConstructor(boolean fair) { for (int permits : new int[] { -42, -1, 0, 1, 42 }) { Semaphore s = new Semaphore(permits, fair); assertEquals(permits, s.availablePermits()); assertEquals(fair, s.isFair()); } } /** * Constructor without fairness argument behaves as nonfair */ public void testConstructorDefaultsToNonFair() { for (int permits : new int[] { -42, -1, 0, 1, 42 }) { Semaphore s = new Semaphore(permits); assertEquals(permits, s.availablePermits()); assertFalse(s.isFair()); } } /** * tryAcquire succeeds when sufficient permits, else fails */ public void testTryAcquireInSameThread() { testTryAcquireInSameThread(false); } public void testTryAcquireInSameThread_fair() { testTryAcquireInSameThread(true); } public void testTryAcquireInSameThread(boolean fair) { Semaphore s = new Semaphore(2, fair); assertEquals(2, s.availablePermits()); assertTrue(s.tryAcquire()); assertTrue(s.tryAcquire()); assertEquals(0, s.availablePermits()); assertFalse(s.tryAcquire()); assertFalse(s.tryAcquire()); assertEquals(0, s.availablePermits()); } /** * timed tryAcquire times out */ public void testTryAcquire_timeout() throws InterruptedException { final boolean fair = randomBoolean(); final Semaphore s = new Semaphore(0, fair); final long startTime = System.nanoTime(); assertFalse(s.tryAcquire(timeoutMillis(), MILLISECONDS)); assertTrue(millisElapsedSince(startTime) >= timeoutMillis()); } /** * timed tryAcquire(N) times out */ public void testTryAcquireN_timeout() throws InterruptedException { final boolean fair = randomBoolean(); final Semaphore s = new Semaphore(2, fair); final long startTime = System.nanoTime(); assertFalse(s.tryAcquire(3, timeoutMillis(), MILLISECONDS)); assertTrue(millisElapsedSince(startTime) >= timeoutMillis()); } /** * acquire(), acquire(N), timed tryAcquired, timed tryAcquire(N) * are interruptible */ public void testInterruptible_acquire() { testInterruptible(false, AcquireMethod.acquire); } public void testInterruptible_acquire_fair() { testInterruptible(true, AcquireMethod.acquire); } public void testInterruptible_acquireN() { testInterruptible(false, AcquireMethod.acquireN); } public void testInterruptible_acquireN_fair() { testInterruptible(true, AcquireMethod.acquireN); } public void testInterruptible_tryAcquireTimed() { testInterruptible(false, AcquireMethod.tryAcquireTimed); } public void testInterruptible_tryAcquireTimed_fair() { testInterruptible(true, AcquireMethod.tryAcquireTimed); } public void testInterruptible_tryAcquireTimedN() { testInterruptible(false, AcquireMethod.tryAcquireTimedN); } public void testInterruptible_tryAcquireTimedN_fair() { testInterruptible(true, AcquireMethod.tryAcquireTimedN); } public void testInterruptible(boolean fair, final AcquireMethod acquirer) { final PublicSemaphore s = new PublicSemaphore(0, fair); final java.util.concurrent.CyclicBarrier pleaseInterrupt = new java.util.concurrent.CyclicBarrier(2); Thread t = newStartedThread(new CheckedRunnable() { public void realRun() { // Interrupt before acquire Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); try { acquirer.acquire(s); shouldThrow(); } catch (InterruptedException success) {} assertFalse(Thread.interrupted()); // Interrupt before acquire(N) Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); try { acquirer.acquire(s, 3); shouldThrow(); } catch (InterruptedException success) {} assertFalse(Thread.interrupted()); // Interrupt during acquire await(pleaseInterrupt); try { acquirer.acquire(s); shouldThrow(); } catch (InterruptedException success) {} assertFalse(Thread.interrupted()); // Interrupt during acquire(N) await(pleaseInterrupt); try { acquirer.acquire(s, 3); shouldThrow(); } catch (InterruptedException success) {} assertFalse(Thread.interrupted()); }}); for (int n = 2; n-->0; ) { await(pleaseInterrupt); assertThreadBlocks(t, acquirer.parkedState()); t.interrupt(); } awaitTermination(t); } /** * acquireUninterruptibly(), acquireUninterruptibly(N) are * uninterruptible */ public void testUninterruptible_acquireUninterruptibly() { testUninterruptible(false, AcquireMethod.acquireUninterruptibly); } public void testUninterruptible_acquireUninterruptibly_fair() { testUninterruptible(true, AcquireMethod.acquireUninterruptibly); } public void testUninterruptible_acquireUninterruptiblyN() { testUninterruptible(false, AcquireMethod.acquireUninterruptiblyN); } public void testUninterruptible_acquireUninterruptiblyN_fair() { testUninterruptible(true, AcquireMethod.acquireUninterruptiblyN); } public void testUninterruptible(boolean fair, final AcquireMethod acquirer) { final PublicSemaphore s = new PublicSemaphore(0, fair); final Semaphore pleaseInterrupt = new Semaphore(-1, fair); Thread t1 = newStartedThread(new CheckedRunnable() { public void realRun() throws InterruptedException { // Interrupt before acquire pleaseInterrupt.release(); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); acquirer.acquire(s); assertTrue(Thread.interrupted()); }}); Thread t2 = newStartedThread(new CheckedRunnable() { public void realRun() throws InterruptedException { // Interrupt during acquire pleaseInterrupt.release(); acquirer.acquire(s); assertTrue(Thread.interrupted()); }}); await(pleaseInterrupt); waitForQueuedThread(s, t1); waitForQueuedThread(s, t2); t2.interrupt(); assertThreadBlocks(t1, Thread.State.WAITING); assertThreadBlocks(t2, Thread.State.WAITING); s.release(2); awaitTermination(t1); awaitTermination(t2); } /** * hasQueuedThreads reports whether there are waiting threads */ public void testHasQueuedThreads() { testHasQueuedThreads(false); } public void testHasQueuedThreads_fair() { testHasQueuedThreads(true); } public void testHasQueuedThreads(boolean fair) { final PublicSemaphore lock = new PublicSemaphore(1, fair); assertFalse(lock.hasQueuedThreads()); lock.acquireUninterruptibly(); Thread t1 = newStartedThread(new InterruptedLockRunnable(lock)); waitForQueuedThread(lock, t1); assertTrue(lock.hasQueuedThreads()); Thread t2 = newStartedThread(new InterruptibleLockRunnable(lock)); waitForQueuedThread(lock, t2); assertTrue(lock.hasQueuedThreads()); t1.interrupt(); awaitTermination(t1); assertTrue(lock.hasQueuedThreads()); lock.release(); awaitTermination(t2); assertFalse(lock.hasQueuedThreads()); } /** * getQueueLength reports number of waiting threads */ public void testGetQueueLength() { testGetQueueLength(false); } public void testGetQueueLength_fair() { testGetQueueLength(true); } public void testGetQueueLength(boolean fair) { final PublicSemaphore lock = new PublicSemaphore(1, fair); assertEquals(0, lock.getQueueLength()); lock.acquireUninterruptibly(); Thread t1 = newStartedThread(new InterruptedLockRunnable(lock)); waitForQueuedThread(lock, t1); assertEquals(1, lock.getQueueLength()); Thread t2 = newStartedThread(new InterruptibleLockRunnable(lock)); waitForQueuedThread(lock, t2); assertEquals(2, lock.getQueueLength()); t1.interrupt(); awaitTermination(t1); assertEquals(1, lock.getQueueLength()); lock.release(); awaitTermination(t2); assertEquals(0, lock.getQueueLength()); } /** * getQueuedThreads includes waiting threads */ public void testGetQueuedThreads() { testGetQueuedThreads(false); } public void testGetQueuedThreads_fair() { testGetQueuedThreads(true); } public void testGetQueuedThreads(boolean fair) { final PublicSemaphore lock = new PublicSemaphore(1, fair); assertTrue(lock.getQueuedThreads().isEmpty()); lock.acquireUninterruptibly(); assertTrue(lock.getQueuedThreads().isEmpty()); Thread t1 = newStartedThread(new InterruptedLockRunnable(lock)); waitForQueuedThread(lock, t1); assertTrue(lock.getQueuedThreads().contains(t1)); Thread t2 = newStartedThread(new InterruptibleLockRunnable(lock)); waitForQueuedThread(lock, t2); assertTrue(lock.getQueuedThreads().contains(t1)); assertTrue(lock.getQueuedThreads().contains(t2)); t1.interrupt(); awaitTermination(t1); assertFalse(lock.getQueuedThreads().contains(t1)); assertTrue(lock.getQueuedThreads().contains(t2)); lock.release(); awaitTermination(t2); assertTrue(lock.getQueuedThreads().isEmpty()); } /** * drainPermits reports and removes given number of permits */ public void testDrainPermits() { testDrainPermits(false); } public void testDrainPermits_fair() { testDrainPermits(true); } public void testDrainPermits(boolean fair) { Semaphore s = new Semaphore(0, fair); assertEquals(0, s.availablePermits()); assertEquals(0, s.drainPermits()); s.release(10); assertEquals(10, s.availablePermits()); assertEquals(10, s.drainPermits()); assertEquals(0, s.availablePermits()); assertEquals(0, s.drainPermits()); } /** * release(-N) throws IllegalArgumentException */ public void testReleaseIAE() { testReleaseIAE(false); } public void testReleaseIAE_fair() { testReleaseIAE(true); } public void testReleaseIAE(boolean fair) { Semaphore s = new Semaphore(10, fair); try { s.release(-1); shouldThrow(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException success) {} } /** * reducePermits(-N) throws IllegalArgumentException */ public void testReducePermitsIAE() { testReducePermitsIAE(false); } public void testReducePermitsIAE_fair() { testReducePermitsIAE(true); } public void testReducePermitsIAE(boolean fair) { PublicSemaphore s = new PublicSemaphore(10, fair); try { s.reducePermits(-1); shouldThrow(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException success) {} } /** * reducePermits reduces number of permits */ public void testReducePermits() { testReducePermits(false); } public void testReducePermits_fair() { testReducePermits(true); } public void testReducePermits(boolean fair) { PublicSemaphore s = new PublicSemaphore(10, fair); assertEquals(10, s.availablePermits()); s.reducePermits(0); assertEquals(10, s.availablePermits()); s.reducePermits(1); assertEquals(9, s.availablePermits()); s.reducePermits(10); assertEquals(-1, s.availablePermits()); s.reducePermits(10); assertEquals(-11, s.availablePermits()); s.reducePermits(0); assertEquals(-11, s.availablePermits()); } /** * a reserialized semaphore has same number of permits and * fairness, but no queued threads */ public void testSerialization() { testSerialization(false); } public void testSerialization_fair() { testSerialization(true); } public void testSerialization(boolean fair) { try { Semaphore s = new Semaphore(3, fair); s.acquire(); s.acquire(); s.release(); Semaphore clone = serialClone(s); assertEquals(fair, s.isFair()); assertEquals(fair, clone.isFair()); assertEquals(2, s.availablePermits()); assertEquals(2, clone.availablePermits()); clone.acquire(); clone.acquire(); clone.release(); assertEquals(2, s.availablePermits()); assertEquals(1, clone.availablePermits()); assertFalse(s.hasQueuedThreads()); assertFalse(clone.hasQueuedThreads()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { threadUnexpectedException(e); } { PublicSemaphore s = new PublicSemaphore(0, fair); Thread t = newStartedThread(new InterruptibleLockRunnable(s)); // waitForQueuedThreads(s); // suffers from "flicker", so ... waitForQueuedThread(s, t); // ... we use this instead PublicSemaphore clone = serialClone(s); assertEquals(fair, s.isFair()); assertEquals(fair, clone.isFair()); assertEquals(0, s.availablePermits()); assertEquals(0, clone.availablePermits()); assertTrue(s.hasQueuedThreads()); assertFalse(clone.hasQueuedThreads()); s.release(); awaitTermination(t); assertFalse(s.hasQueuedThreads()); assertFalse(clone.hasQueuedThreads()); } } /** * tryAcquire(n) succeeds when sufficient permits, else fails */ public void testTryAcquireNInSameThread() { testTryAcquireNInSameThread(false); } public void testTryAcquireNInSameThread_fair() { testTryAcquireNInSameThread(true); } public void testTryAcquireNInSameThread(boolean fair) { Semaphore s = new Semaphore(2, fair); assertEquals(2, s.availablePermits()); assertFalse(s.tryAcquire(3)); assertEquals(2, s.availablePermits()); assertTrue(s.tryAcquire(2)); assertEquals(0, s.availablePermits()); assertFalse(s.tryAcquire(1)); assertFalse(s.tryAcquire(2)); assertEquals(0, s.availablePermits()); } /** * acquire succeeds if permits available */ public void testReleaseAcquireSameThread_acquire() { testReleaseAcquireSameThread(false, AcquireMethod.acquire); } public void testReleaseAcquireSameThread_acquire_fair() { testReleaseAcquireSameThread(true, AcquireMethod.acquire); } public void testReleaseAcquireSameThread_acquireN() { testReleaseAcquireSameThread(false, AcquireMethod.acquireN); } public void testReleaseAcquireSameThread_acquireN_fair() { testReleaseAcquireSameThread(true, AcquireMethod.acquireN); } public void testReleaseAcquireSameThread_acquireUninterruptibly() { testReleaseAcquireSameThread(false, AcquireMethod.acquireUninterruptibly); } public void testReleaseAcquireSameThread_acquireUninterruptibly_fair() { testReleaseAcquireSameThread(true, AcquireMethod.acquireUninterruptibly); } public void testReleaseAcquireSameThread_acquireUninterruptiblyN() { testReleaseAcquireSameThread(false, AcquireMethod.acquireUninterruptibly); } public void testReleaseAcquireSameThread_acquireUninterruptiblyN_fair() { testReleaseAcquireSameThread(true, AcquireMethod.acquireUninterruptibly); } public void testReleaseAcquireSameThread_tryAcquire() { testReleaseAcquireSameThread(false, AcquireMethod.tryAcquire); } public void testReleaseAcquireSameThread_tryAcquire_fair() { testReleaseAcquireSameThread(true, AcquireMethod.tryAcquire); } public void testReleaseAcquireSameThread_tryAcquireN() { testReleaseAcquireSameThread(false, AcquireMethod.tryAcquireN); } public void testReleaseAcquireSameThread_tryAcquireN_fair() { testReleaseAcquireSameThread(true, AcquireMethod.tryAcquireN); } public void testReleaseAcquireSameThread_tryAcquireTimed() { testReleaseAcquireSameThread(false, AcquireMethod.tryAcquireTimed); } public void testReleaseAcquireSameThread_tryAcquireTimed_fair() { testReleaseAcquireSameThread(true, AcquireMethod.tryAcquireTimed); } public void testReleaseAcquireSameThread_tryAcquireTimedN() { testReleaseAcquireSameThread(false, AcquireMethod.tryAcquireTimedN); } public void testReleaseAcquireSameThread_tryAcquireTimedN_fair() { testReleaseAcquireSameThread(true, AcquireMethod.tryAcquireTimedN); } public void testReleaseAcquireSameThread(boolean fair, final AcquireMethod acquirer) { Semaphore s = new Semaphore(1, fair); for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) { s.release(i); assertEquals(1 + i, s.availablePermits()); try { acquirer.acquire(s, i); } catch (InterruptedException e) { threadUnexpectedException(e); } assertEquals(1, s.availablePermits()); } } /** * release in one thread enables acquire in another thread */ public void testReleaseAcquireDifferentThreads_acquire() { testReleaseAcquireDifferentThreads(false, AcquireMethod.acquire); } public void testReleaseAcquireDifferentThreads_acquire_fair() { testReleaseAcquireDifferentThreads(true, AcquireMethod.acquire); } public void testReleaseAcquireDifferentThreads_acquireN() { testReleaseAcquireDifferentThreads(false, AcquireMethod.acquireN); } public void testReleaseAcquireDifferentThreads_acquireN_fair() { testReleaseAcquireDifferentThreads(true, AcquireMethod.acquireN); } public void testReleaseAcquireDifferentThreads_acquireUninterruptibly() { testReleaseAcquireDifferentThreads(false, AcquireMethod.acquireUninterruptibly); } public void testReleaseAcquireDifferentThreads_acquireUninterruptibly_fair() { testReleaseAcquireDifferentThreads(true, AcquireMethod.acquireUninterruptibly); } public void testReleaseAcquireDifferentThreads_acquireUninterruptiblyN() { testReleaseAcquireDifferentThreads(false, AcquireMethod.acquireUninterruptibly); } public void testReleaseAcquireDifferentThreads_acquireUninterruptiblyN_fair() { testReleaseAcquireDifferentThreads(true, AcquireMethod.acquireUninterruptibly); } public void testReleaseAcquireDifferentThreads_tryAcquireTimed() { testReleaseAcquireDifferentThreads(false, AcquireMethod.tryAcquireTimed); } public void testReleaseAcquireDifferentThreads_tryAcquireTimed_fair() { testReleaseAcquireDifferentThreads(true, AcquireMethod.tryAcquireTimed); } public void testReleaseAcquireDifferentThreads_tryAcquireTimedN() { testReleaseAcquireDifferentThreads(false, AcquireMethod.tryAcquireTimedN); } public void testReleaseAcquireDifferentThreads_tryAcquireTimedN_fair() { testReleaseAcquireDifferentThreads(true, AcquireMethod.tryAcquireTimedN); } public void testReleaseAcquireDifferentThreads(boolean fair, final AcquireMethod acquirer) { final Semaphore s = new Semaphore(0, fair); final int rounds = 4; long startTime = System.nanoTime(); Thread t = newStartedThread(new CheckedRunnable() { public void realRun() throws InterruptedException { for (int i = 0; i < rounds; i++) { assertFalse(s.hasQueuedThreads()); if (i % 2 == 0) acquirer.acquire(s); else acquirer.acquire(s, 3); }}}); for (int i = 0; i < rounds; i++) { while (! (s.availablePermits() == 0 && s.hasQueuedThreads())) Thread.yield(); assertTrue(t.isAlive()); if (i % 2 == 0) s.release(); else s.release(3); } awaitTermination(t); assertEquals(0, s.availablePermits()); assertTrue(millisElapsedSince(startTime) < LONG_DELAY_MS); } /** * fair locks are strictly FIFO */ public void testFairLocksFifo() { final PublicSemaphore s = new PublicSemaphore(1, true); final CountDownLatch pleaseRelease = new CountDownLatch(1); Thread t1 = newStartedThread(new CheckedRunnable() { public void realRun() throws InterruptedException { // Will block; permits are available, but not three s.acquire(3); }}); waitForQueuedThread(s, t1); Thread t2 = newStartedThread(new CheckedRunnable() { public void realRun() throws InterruptedException { // Will fail, even though 1 permit is available assertFalse( s.tryAcquire(randomExpiredTimeout(), randomTimeUnit())); assertFalse( s.tryAcquire(1, randomExpiredTimeout(), randomTimeUnit())); // untimed tryAcquire will barge and succeed assertTrue(s.tryAcquire()); s.release(2); assertTrue(s.tryAcquire(2)); s.release(); pleaseRelease.countDown(); // Will queue up behind t1, even though 1 permit is available s.acquire(); }}); await(pleaseRelease); waitForQueuedThread(s, t2); s.release(2); awaitTermination(t1); assertTrue(t2.isAlive()); s.release(); awaitTermination(t2); } /** * toString indicates current number of permits */ public void testToString() { testToString(false); } public void testToString_fair() { testToString(true); } public void testToString(boolean fair) { PublicSemaphore s = new PublicSemaphore(0, fair); assertTrue(s.toString().contains("Permits = 0")); s.release(); assertTrue(s.toString().contains("Permits = 1")); s.release(2); assertTrue(s.toString().contains("Permits = 3")); s.reducePermits(5); assertTrue(s.toString().contains("Permits = -2")); } }