/* * Copyright (c) 2018, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ #include "precompiled.hpp" #include "runtime/mutex.hpp" #include "runtime/semaphore.hpp" #include "runtime/thread.hpp" #include "runtime/vmThread.hpp" #include "runtime/vmOperations.hpp" #include "utilities/concurrentHashTable.inline.hpp" #include "utilities/concurrentHashTableTasks.inline.hpp" #include "threadHelper.inline.hpp" #include "unittest.hpp" // NOTE: On win32 gtest asserts are not mt-safe. // Amusingly as long as they do not assert they are mt-safe. #define SIZE_32 5 struct Pointer; typedef ConcurrentHashTable<uintptr_t, Pointer, mtInternal> SimpleTestTable; typedef ConcurrentHashTable<uintptr_t, Pointer, mtInternal>::MultiGetHandle SimpleTestGetHandle; // Simplest working CRPT implementation for the hash-table. struct Pointer : public SimpleTestTable::BaseConfig { static uintx get_hash(const uintptr_t& value, bool* dead_hash) { return (uintx)value; } static void* allocate_node(size_t size, const uintptr_t& value) { return ::malloc(size); } static void free_node(void* memory, const uintptr_t& value) { ::free(memory); } }; struct SimpleTestLookup { uintptr_t _val; SimpleTestLookup(uintptr_t val) : _val(val) {} uintx get_hash() { return Pointer::get_hash(_val, NULL); } bool equals(const uintptr_t* value, bool* is_dead) { return _val == *value; } }; struct ValueGet { uintptr_t _return; ValueGet() : _return(0) {} void operator()(uintptr_t* value) { EXPECT_NE(value, (uintptr_t*)NULL) << "expected valid value"; _return = *value; } uintptr_t get_value() const { return _return; } }; static uintptr_t cht_get_copy(SimpleTestTable* cht, Thread* thr, SimpleTestLookup stl) { ValueGet vg; cht->get(thr, stl, vg); return vg.get_value(); } static void cht_find(Thread* thr, SimpleTestTable* cht, uintptr_t val) { SimpleTestLookup stl(val); ValueGet vg; EXPECT_EQ(cht->get(thr, stl, vg), true) << "Getting an old value failed."; EXPECT_EQ(val, vg.get_value()) << "Getting an old value failed."; } static void cht_insert_and_find(Thread* thr, SimpleTestTable* cht, uintptr_t val) { SimpleTestLookup stl(val); EXPECT_EQ(cht->insert(thr, stl, val), true) << "Inserting an unique value failed."; cht_find(thr, cht, val); } static void cht_insert(Thread* thr) { uintptr_t val = 0x2; SimpleTestLookup stl(val); SimpleTestTable* cht = new SimpleTestTable(); EXPECT_TRUE(cht->insert(thr, stl, val)) << "Insert unique value failed."; EXPECT_EQ(cht_get_copy(cht, thr, stl), val) << "Getting an existing value failed."; EXPECT_TRUE(cht->remove(thr, stl)) << "Removing an existing value failed."; EXPECT_FALSE(cht->remove(thr, stl)) << "Removing an already removed item succeeded."; EXPECT_NE(cht_get_copy(cht, thr, stl), val) << "Getting a removed value succeeded."; delete cht; } static void cht_get_insert(Thread* thr) { uintptr_t val = 0x2; SimpleTestLookup stl(val); SimpleTestTable* cht = new SimpleTestTable(); { SCOPED_TRACE("First"); cht_insert_and_find(thr, cht, val); } EXPECT_EQ(cht_get_copy(cht, thr, stl), val) << "Get an old value failed"; EXPECT_TRUE(cht->remove(thr, stl)) << "Removing existing value failed."; EXPECT_NE(cht_get_copy(cht, thr, stl), val) << "Got an already removed item."; { SCOPED_TRACE("Second"); cht_insert_and_find(thr, cht, val); } delete cht; } static bool getinsert_bulkdelete_eval(uintptr_t* val) { EXPECT_TRUE(*val > 0 && *val < 4) << "Val wrong for this test."; return (*val & 0x1); // Delete all values ending with first bit set. } static void getinsert_bulkdelete_del(uintptr_t* val) { EXPECT_EQ(*val & 0x1, (uintptr_t)1) << "Deleting wrong value."; } static void cht_getinsert_bulkdelete_insert_verified(Thread* thr, SimpleTestTable* cht, uintptr_t val, bool verify_expect_get, bool verify_expect_inserted) { SimpleTestLookup stl(val); if (verify_expect_inserted) { cht_insert_and_find(thr, cht, val); } if (verify_expect_get) { cht_find(thr, cht, val); } } static void cht_getinsert_bulkdelete(Thread* thr) { uintptr_t val1 = 1; uintptr_t val2 = 2; uintptr_t val3 = 3; SimpleTestLookup stl1(val1), stl2(val2), stl3(val3); SimpleTestTable* cht = new SimpleTestTable(); cht_getinsert_bulkdelete_insert_verified(thr, cht, val1, false, true); cht_getinsert_bulkdelete_insert_verified(thr, cht, val2, false, true); cht_getinsert_bulkdelete_insert_verified(thr, cht, val3, false, true); EXPECT_TRUE(cht->remove(thr, stl2)) << "Remove did not find value."; cht_getinsert_bulkdelete_insert_verified(thr, cht, val1, true, false); // val1 should be present cht_getinsert_bulkdelete_insert_verified(thr, cht, val2, false, true); // val2 should be inserted cht_getinsert_bulkdelete_insert_verified(thr, cht, val3, true, false); // val3 should be present EXPECT_EQ(cht_get_copy(cht, thr, stl1), val1) << "Get did not find value."; EXPECT_EQ(cht_get_copy(cht, thr, stl2), val2) << "Get did not find value."; EXPECT_EQ(cht_get_copy(cht, thr, stl3), val3) << "Get did not find value."; // Removes all odd values. cht->bulk_delete(thr, getinsert_bulkdelete_eval, getinsert_bulkdelete_del); EXPECT_EQ(cht_get_copy(cht, thr, stl1), (uintptr_t)0) << "Odd value should not exist."; EXPECT_FALSE(cht->remove(thr, stl1)) << "Odd value should not exist."; EXPECT_EQ(cht_get_copy(cht, thr, stl2), val2) << "Even value should not have been removed."; EXPECT_EQ(cht_get_copy(cht, thr, stl3), (uintptr_t)0) << "Add value should not exists."; EXPECT_FALSE(cht->remove(thr, stl3)) << "Odd value should not exists."; delete cht; } static void cht_getinsert_bulkdelete_task(Thread* thr) { uintptr_t val1 = 1; uintptr_t val2 = 2; uintptr_t val3 = 3; SimpleTestLookup stl1(val1), stl2(val2), stl3(val3); SimpleTestTable* cht = new SimpleTestTable(); cht_getinsert_bulkdelete_insert_verified(thr, cht, val1, false, true); cht_getinsert_bulkdelete_insert_verified(thr, cht, val2, false, true); cht_getinsert_bulkdelete_insert_verified(thr, cht, val3, false, true); EXPECT_TRUE(cht->remove(thr, stl2)) << "Remove did not find value."; cht_getinsert_bulkdelete_insert_verified(thr, cht, val1, true, false); // val1 should be present cht_getinsert_bulkdelete_insert_verified(thr, cht, val2, false, true); // val2 should be inserted cht_getinsert_bulkdelete_insert_verified(thr, cht, val3, true, false); // val3 should be present EXPECT_EQ(cht_get_copy(cht, thr, stl1), val1) << "Get did not find value."; EXPECT_EQ(cht_get_copy(cht, thr, stl2), val2) << "Get did not find value."; EXPECT_EQ(cht_get_copy(cht, thr, stl3), val3) << "Get did not find value."; // Removes all odd values. SimpleTestTable::BulkDeleteTask bdt(cht); if (bdt.prepare(thr)) { while(bdt.do_task(thr, getinsert_bulkdelete_eval, getinsert_bulkdelete_del)) { bdt.pause(thr); bdt.cont(thr); } bdt.done(thr); } EXPECT_EQ(cht_get_copy(cht, thr, stl1), (uintptr_t)0) << "Odd value should not exist."; EXPECT_FALSE(cht->remove(thr, stl1)) << "Odd value should not exist."; EXPECT_EQ(cht_get_copy(cht, thr, stl2), val2) << "Even value should not have been removed."; EXPECT_EQ(cht_get_copy(cht, thr, stl3), (uintptr_t)0) << "Add value should not exists."; EXPECT_FALSE(cht->remove(thr, stl3)) << "Odd value should not exists."; delete cht; } static void cht_scope(Thread* thr) { uintptr_t val = 0x2; SimpleTestLookup stl(val); SimpleTestTable* cht = new SimpleTestTable(); EXPECT_TRUE(cht->insert(thr, stl, val)) << "Insert unique value failed."; { SimpleTestGetHandle get_handle(thr, cht); EXPECT_EQ(*get_handle.get(stl), val) << "Getting a pre-existing value failed."; } // We do remove here to make sure the value-handle 'unlocked' the table when leaving the scope. EXPECT_TRUE(cht->remove(thr, stl)) << "Removing a pre-existing value failed."; EXPECT_FALSE(cht_get_copy(cht, thr, stl) == val) << "Got a removed value."; delete cht; } struct ChtScan { size_t _count; ChtScan() : _count(0) {} bool operator()(uintptr_t* val) { EXPECT_EQ(*val, (uintptr_t)0x2) << "Got an unknown value."; EXPECT_EQ(_count, 0u) << "Only one value should be in table."; _count++; return true; /* continue scan */ } }; static void cht_scan(Thread* thr) { uintptr_t val = 0x2; SimpleTestLookup stl(val); ChtScan scan; SimpleTestTable* cht = new SimpleTestTable(); EXPECT_TRUE(cht->insert(thr, stl, val)) << "Insert unique value failed."; EXPECT_EQ(cht->try_scan(thr, scan), true) << "Scanning an non-growing/shrinking table should work."; EXPECT_TRUE(cht->remove(thr, stl)) << "Removing a pre-existing value failed."; EXPECT_FALSE(cht_get_copy(cht, thr, stl) == val) << "Got a removed value."; delete cht; } struct ChtCountScan { size_t _count; ChtCountScan() : _count(0) {} bool operator()(uintptr_t* val) { _count++; return true; /* continue scan */ } }; static void cht_move_to(Thread* thr) { uintptr_t val1 = 0x2; uintptr_t val2 = 0xe0000002; uintptr_t val3 = 0x3; SimpleTestLookup stl1(val1), stl2(val2), stl3(val3); SimpleTestTable* from_cht = new SimpleTestTable(); EXPECT_TRUE(from_cht->insert(thr, stl1, val1)) << "Insert unique value failed."; EXPECT_TRUE(from_cht->insert(thr, stl2, val2)) << "Insert unique value failed."; EXPECT_TRUE(from_cht->insert(thr, stl3, val3)) << "Insert unique value failed."; SimpleTestTable* to_cht = new SimpleTestTable(); EXPECT_TRUE(from_cht->try_move_nodes_to(thr, to_cht)) << "Moving nodes to new table failed"; ChtCountScan scan_old; EXPECT_TRUE(from_cht->try_scan(thr, scan_old)) << "Scanning table should work."; EXPECT_EQ(scan_old._count, (size_t)0) << "All items should be moved"; ChtCountScan scan_new; EXPECT_TRUE(to_cht->try_scan(thr, scan_new)) << "Scanning table should work."; EXPECT_EQ(scan_new._count, (size_t)3) << "All items should be moved"; EXPECT_TRUE(cht_get_copy(to_cht, thr, stl1) == val1) << "Getting an inserted value should work."; EXPECT_TRUE(cht_get_copy(to_cht, thr, stl2) == val2) << "Getting an inserted value should work."; EXPECT_TRUE(cht_get_copy(to_cht, thr, stl3) == val3) << "Getting an inserted value should work."; } static void cht_grow(Thread* thr) { uintptr_t val = 0x2; uintptr_t val2 = 0x22; uintptr_t val3 = 0x222; SimpleTestLookup stl(val), stl2(val2), stl3(val3); SimpleTestTable* cht = new SimpleTestTable(); EXPECT_TRUE(cht->insert(thr, stl, val)) << "Insert unique value failed."; EXPECT_TRUE(cht->insert(thr, stl2, val2)) << "Insert unique value failed."; EXPECT_TRUE(cht->insert(thr, stl3, val3)) << "Insert unique value failed."; EXPECT_FALSE(cht->insert(thr, stl3, val3)) << "Insert duplicate value should have failed."; EXPECT_TRUE(cht_get_copy(cht, thr, stl) == val) << "Getting an inserted value should work."; EXPECT_TRUE(cht_get_copy(cht, thr, stl2) == val2) << "Getting an inserted value should work."; EXPECT_TRUE(cht_get_copy(cht, thr, stl3) == val3) << "Getting an inserted value should work."; EXPECT_TRUE(cht->remove(thr, stl2)) << "Removing an inserted value should work."; EXPECT_TRUE(cht_get_copy(cht, thr, stl) == val) << "Getting an inserted value should work."; EXPECT_FALSE(cht_get_copy(cht, thr, stl2) == val2) << "Getting a removed value should have failed."; EXPECT_TRUE(cht_get_copy(cht, thr, stl3) == val3) << "Getting an inserted value should work."; EXPECT_TRUE(cht->grow(thr)) << "Growing uncontended should not fail."; EXPECT_TRUE(cht_get_copy(cht, thr, stl) == val) << "Getting an item after grow failed."; EXPECT_FALSE(cht_get_copy(cht, thr, stl2) == val2) << "Getting a removed value after grow should have failed."; EXPECT_TRUE(cht_get_copy(cht, thr, stl3) == val3) << "Getting an item after grow failed."; EXPECT_TRUE(cht->insert(thr, stl2, val2)) << "Insert unique value failed."; EXPECT_TRUE(cht->remove(thr, stl3)) << "Removing an inserted value should work."; EXPECT_TRUE(cht->shrink(thr)) << "Shrinking uncontended should not fail."; EXPECT_TRUE(cht_get_copy(cht, thr, stl) == val) << "Getting an item after shrink failed."; EXPECT_TRUE(cht_get_copy(cht, thr, stl2) == val2) << "Getting an item after shrink failed."; EXPECT_FALSE(cht_get_copy(cht, thr, stl3) == val3) << "Getting a removed value after shrink should have failed."; delete cht; } static void cht_task_grow(Thread* thr) { uintptr_t val = 0x2; uintptr_t val2 = 0x22; uintptr_t val3 = 0x222; SimpleTestLookup stl(val), stl2(val2), stl3(val3); SimpleTestTable* cht = new SimpleTestTable(); EXPECT_TRUE(cht->insert(thr, stl, val)) << "Insert unique value failed."; EXPECT_TRUE(cht->insert(thr, stl2, val2)) << "Insert unique value failed."; EXPECT_TRUE(cht->insert(thr, stl3, val3)) << "Insert unique value failed."; EXPECT_FALSE(cht->insert(thr, stl3, val3)) << "Insert duplicate value should have failed."; EXPECT_TRUE(cht_get_copy(cht, thr, stl) == val) << "Getting an inserted value should work."; EXPECT_TRUE(cht_get_copy(cht, thr, stl2) == val2) << "Getting an inserted value should work."; EXPECT_TRUE(cht_get_copy(cht, thr, stl3) == val3) << "Getting an inserted value should work."; EXPECT_TRUE(cht->remove(thr, stl2)) << "Removing an inserted value should work."; EXPECT_TRUE(cht_get_copy(cht, thr, stl) == val) << "Getting an inserted value should work."; EXPECT_FALSE(cht_get_copy(cht, thr, stl2) == val2) << "Getting a removed value should have failed."; EXPECT_TRUE(cht_get_copy(cht, thr, stl3) == val3) << "Getting an inserted value should work."; SimpleTestTable::GrowTask gt(cht); EXPECT_TRUE(gt.prepare(thr)) << "Growing uncontended should not fail."; while(gt.do_task(thr)) { /* grow */ } gt.done(thr); EXPECT_TRUE(cht_get_copy(cht, thr, stl) == val) << "Getting an item after grow failed."; EXPECT_FALSE(cht_get_copy(cht, thr, stl2) == val2) << "Getting a removed value after grow should have failed."; EXPECT_TRUE(cht_get_copy(cht, thr, stl3) == val3) << "Getting an item after grow failed."; EXPECT_TRUE(cht->insert(thr, stl2, val2)) << "Insert unique value failed."; EXPECT_TRUE(cht->remove(thr, stl3)) << "Removing an inserted value should work."; EXPECT_TRUE(cht->shrink(thr)) << "Shrinking uncontended should not fail."; EXPECT_TRUE(cht_get_copy(cht, thr, stl) == val) << "Getting an item after shrink failed."; EXPECT_TRUE(cht_get_copy(cht, thr, stl2) == val2) << "Getting an item after shrink failed."; EXPECT_FALSE(cht_get_copy(cht, thr, stl3) == val3) << "Getting a removed value after shrink should have failed."; delete cht; } TEST_VM(ConcurrentHashTable, basic_insert) { nomt_test_doer(cht_insert); } TEST_VM(ConcurrentHashTable, basic_get_insert) { nomt_test_doer(cht_get_insert); } TEST_VM(ConcurrentHashTable, basic_scope) { nomt_test_doer(cht_scope); } TEST_VM(ConcurrentHashTable, basic_get_insert_bulk_delete) { nomt_test_doer(cht_getinsert_bulkdelete); } TEST_VM(ConcurrentHashTable, basic_get_insert_bulk_delete_task) { nomt_test_doer(cht_getinsert_bulkdelete_task); } TEST_VM(ConcurrentHashTable, basic_scan) { nomt_test_doer(cht_scan); } TEST_VM(ConcurrentHashTable, basic_move_to) { nomt_test_doer(cht_move_to); } TEST_VM(ConcurrentHashTable, basic_grow) { nomt_test_doer(cht_grow); } TEST_VM(ConcurrentHashTable, task_grow) { nomt_test_doer(cht_task_grow); } //############################################################################################# class TestInterface; typedef ConcurrentHashTable<uintptr_t, TestInterface, mtInternal> TestTable; typedef ConcurrentHashTable<uintptr_t, TestInterface, mtInternal>::MultiGetHandle TestGetHandle; class TestInterface : public TestTable::BaseConfig { public: static uintx get_hash(const uintptr_t& value, bool* dead_hash) { return (uintx)(value + 18446744073709551557ul) * 18446744073709551557ul; } }; struct TestLookup { uintptr_t _val; TestLookup(uintptr_t val) : _val(val) {} uintx get_hash() { return TestInterface::get_hash(_val, NULL); } bool equals(const uintptr_t* value, bool* is_dead) { return _val == *value; } }; static uintptr_t cht_get_copy(TestTable* cht, Thread* thr, TestLookup tl) { ValueGet vg; cht->get(thr, tl, vg); return vg.get_value(); } class CHTTestThread : public JavaTestThread { public: uintptr_t _start; uintptr_t _stop; TestTable *_cht; jlong _stop_ms; CHTTestThread(uintptr_t start, uintptr_t stop, TestTable* cht, Semaphore* post) : JavaTestThread(post), _start(start), _stop(stop), _cht(cht) {} virtual void premain() {} void main_run() { premain(); _stop_ms = os::javaTimeMillis() + 2000; // 2 seconds max test time while (keep_looping() && test_loop()) { /* */ } postmain(); } virtual void postmain() {} virtual bool keep_looping() { return _stop_ms > os::javaTimeMillis(); }; virtual bool test_loop() = 0; virtual ~CHTTestThread() {} }; class ValueSaver { uintptr_t* _vals; size_t _it; size_t _size; public: ValueSaver() : _it(0), _size(1024) { _vals = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(uintptr_t, _size, mtInternal); } bool operator()(uintptr_t* val) { _vals[_it++] = *val; if (_it == _size) { _size *= 2; _vals = REALLOC_RESOURCE_ARRAY(uintptr_t, _vals, _size/2, _size); } return true; } void check() { for (size_t i = 0; i < _it; i++) { size_t count = 0; for (size_t j = (i + 1u); j < _it; j++) { if (_vals[i] == _vals[j]) { count++; } } EXPECT_EQ(count, 0u); } } }; static void integrity_check(Thread* thr, TestTable* cht) { ValueSaver vs; cht->do_scan(thr, vs); vs.check(); } //############################################################################################# // All threads are working on different items // This item should only be delete by this thread // Thus get_unsafe is safe for this test. class SimpleInserterThread : public CHTTestThread { public: static volatile bool _exit; SimpleInserterThread(uintptr_t start, uintptr_t stop, TestTable* cht, Semaphore* post) : CHTTestThread(start, stop, cht, post) {}; virtual ~SimpleInserterThread(){} bool keep_looping() { return !_exit; } bool test_loop() { bool grow; for (uintptr_t v = _start; v <= _stop; v++) { TestLookup tl(v); EXPECT_TRUE(_cht->insert(this, tl, v, &grow)) << "Inserting an unique value should work."; } for (uintptr_t v = _start; v <= _stop; v++) { TestLookup tl(v); EXPECT_TRUE(cht_get_copy(_cht, this, tl) == v) << "Getting an previously inserted value unsafe failed."; } for (uintptr_t v = _start; v <= _stop; v++) { TestLookup tl(v); EXPECT_TRUE(_cht->remove(this, tl)) << "Removing an existing value failed."; } for (uintptr_t v = _start; v <= _stop; v++) { TestLookup tl(v); EXPECT_TRUE(cht_get_copy(_cht, this, tl) == 0) << "Got a removed value."; } return true; } }; volatile bool SimpleInserterThread::_exit = false; class RunnerSimpleInserterThread : public CHTTestThread { public: Semaphore _done; RunnerSimpleInserterThread(Semaphore* post) : CHTTestThread(0, 0, NULL, post) { _cht = new TestTable(SIZE_32, SIZE_32); }; virtual ~RunnerSimpleInserterThread(){} void premain() { SimpleInserterThread* ins1 = new SimpleInserterThread((uintptr_t)0x100, (uintptr_t) 0x1FF, _cht, &_done); SimpleInserterThread* ins2 = new SimpleInserterThread((uintptr_t)0x200, (uintptr_t) 0x2FF, _cht, &_done); SimpleInserterThread* ins3 = new SimpleInserterThread((uintptr_t)0x300, (uintptr_t) 0x3FF, _cht, &_done); SimpleInserterThread* ins4 = new SimpleInserterThread((uintptr_t)0x400, (uintptr_t) 0x4FF, _cht, &_done); for (uintptr_t v = 0x500; v < 0x5FF; v++ ) { TestLookup tl(v); EXPECT_TRUE(_cht->insert(this, tl, v)) << "Inserting an unique value should work."; } ins1->doit(); ins2->doit(); ins3->doit(); ins4->doit(); } bool test_loop() { for (uintptr_t v = 0x500; v < 0x5FF; v++ ) { TestLookup tl(v); EXPECT_TRUE(cht_get_copy(_cht, this, tl) == v) << "Getting an previously inserted value unsafe failed.";; } return true; } void postmain() { SimpleInserterThread::_exit = true; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { _done.wait(); } for (uintptr_t v = 0x500; v < 0x5FF; v++ ) { TestLookup tl(v); EXPECT_TRUE(_cht->remove(this, tl)) << "Removing an existing value failed."; } integrity_check(this, _cht); delete _cht; } }; TEST_VM(ConcurrentHashTable, concurrent_simple) { SimpleInserterThread::_exit = false; mt_test_doer<RunnerSimpleInserterThread>(); } //############################################################################################# // In this test we try to get a 'bad' value class DeleteInserterThread : public CHTTestThread { public: static volatile bool _exit; DeleteInserterThread(uintptr_t start, uintptr_t stop, TestTable* cht, Semaphore* post) : CHTTestThread(start, stop, cht, post) {}; virtual ~DeleteInserterThread(){} bool keep_looping() { return !_exit; } bool test_loop() { for (uintptr_t v = _start; v <= _stop; v++) { TestLookup tl(v); _cht->insert(this, tl, v); } for (uintptr_t v = _start; v <= _stop; v++) { TestLookup tl(v); _cht->remove(this, tl); } return true; } }; volatile bool DeleteInserterThread::_exit = true; class RunnerDeleteInserterThread : public CHTTestThread { public: Semaphore _done; RunnerDeleteInserterThread(Semaphore* post) : CHTTestThread(0, 0, NULL, post) { _cht = new TestTable(SIZE_32, SIZE_32); }; virtual ~RunnerDeleteInserterThread(){} void premain() { DeleteInserterThread* ins1 = new DeleteInserterThread((uintptr_t)0x1, (uintptr_t) 0xFFF, _cht, &_done); DeleteInserterThread* ins2 = new DeleteInserterThread((uintptr_t)0x1, (uintptr_t) 0xFFF, _cht, &_done); DeleteInserterThread* ins3 = new DeleteInserterThread((uintptr_t)0x1, (uintptr_t) 0xFFF, _cht, &_done); DeleteInserterThread* ins4 = new DeleteInserterThread((uintptr_t)0x1, (uintptr_t) 0xFFF, _cht, &_done); ins1->doit(); ins2->doit(); ins3->doit(); ins4->doit(); } bool test_loop() { for (uintptr_t v = 0x1; v < 0xFFF; v++ ) { uintptr_t tv; if (v & 0x1) { TestLookup tl(v); tv = cht_get_copy(_cht, this, tl); } else { TestLookup tl(v); TestGetHandle value_handle(this, _cht); uintptr_t* tmp = value_handle.get(tl); tv = tmp != NULL ? *tmp : 0; } EXPECT_TRUE(tv == 0 || tv == v) << "Got unknown value."; } return true; } void postmain() { DeleteInserterThread::_exit = true; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { _done.wait(); } integrity_check(this, _cht); delete _cht; } }; TEST_VM(ConcurrentHashTable, concurrent_deletes) { DeleteInserterThread::_exit = false; mt_test_doer<RunnerDeleteInserterThread>(); } //############################################################################################# #define START_SIZE 13 #define END_SIZE 17 #define START (uintptr_t)0x10000 #define RANGE (uintptr_t)0xFFFF #define GSTEST_THREAD_COUNT 5 class GSInserterThread: public CHTTestThread { public: static volatile bool _shrink; GSInserterThread(uintptr_t start, uintptr_t stop, TestTable* cht, Semaphore* post) : CHTTestThread(start, stop, cht, post) {}; virtual ~GSInserterThread(){} bool keep_looping() { return !(_shrink && _cht->get_size_log2(this) == START_SIZE); } bool test_loop() { bool grow; for (uintptr_t v = _start; v <= _stop; v++) { TestLookup tl(v); EXPECT_TRUE(_cht->insert(this, tl, v, &grow)) << "Inserting an unique value should work."; if (grow && !_shrink) { _cht->grow(this); } } for (uintptr_t v = _start; v <= _stop; v++) { TestLookup tl(v); EXPECT_TRUE(cht_get_copy(_cht, this, tl) == v) << "Getting an previously inserted value unsafe failed."; } for (uintptr_t v = _start; v <= _stop; v++) { TestLookup tl(v); EXPECT_TRUE(_cht->remove(this, tl)) << "Removing an existing value failed."; } if (_shrink) { _cht->shrink(this); } for (uintptr_t v = _start; v <= _stop; v++) { TestLookup tl(v); EXPECT_FALSE(cht_get_copy(_cht, this, tl) == v) << "Getting a removed value should have failed."; } if (!_shrink && _cht->get_size_log2(this) == END_SIZE) { _shrink = true; } return true; } }; volatile bool GSInserterThread::_shrink = false; class GSScannerThread : public CHTTestThread { public: GSScannerThread(uintptr_t start, uintptr_t stop, TestTable* cht, Semaphore* post) : CHTTestThread(start, stop, cht, post) {}; virtual ~GSScannerThread(){} bool operator()(uintptr_t* val) { if (*val >= this->_start && *val <= this->_stop) { return false; } // continue scan return true; } bool test_loop() { _cht->try_scan(this, *this); os::naked_short_sleep(5); return true; } }; class RunnerGSInserterThread : public CHTTestThread { public: uintptr_t _start; uintptr_t _range; Semaphore _done; RunnerGSInserterThread(Semaphore* post) : CHTTestThread(0, 0, NULL, post) { _cht = new TestTable(START_SIZE, END_SIZE, 2); }; virtual ~RunnerGSInserterThread(){} void premain() { volatile bool timeout = false; _start = START; _range = RANGE; CHTTestThread* tt[GSTEST_THREAD_COUNT]; tt[0] = new GSInserterThread(_start, _start + _range, _cht, &_done); _start += _range + 1; tt[1] = new GSInserterThread(_start, _start + _range, _cht, &_done); _start += _range + 1; tt[2] = new GSInserterThread(_start, _start + _range, _cht, &_done); _start += _range + 1; tt[3] = new GSInserterThread(_start, _start + _range, _cht, &_done); tt[4] = new GSScannerThread(_start, _start + _range, _cht, &_done); _start += _range + 1; for (uintptr_t v = _start; v <= (_start + _range); v++ ) { TestLookup tl(v); EXPECT_TRUE(_cht->insert(this, tl, v)) << "Inserting an unique value should work."; } for (int i = 0; i < GSTEST_THREAD_COUNT; i++) { tt[i]->doit(); } } bool test_loop() { for (uintptr_t v = _start; v <= (_start + _range); v++ ) { TestLookup tl(v); EXPECT_TRUE(cht_get_copy(_cht, this, tl) == v) << "Getting an previously inserted value unsafe failed."; } return true; } void postmain() { GSInserterThread::_shrink = true; for (uintptr_t v = _start; v <= (_start + _range); v++ ) { TestLookup tl(v); EXPECT_TRUE(_cht->remove(this, tl)) << "Removing an existing value failed."; } for (int i = 0; i < GSTEST_THREAD_COUNT; i++) { _done.wait(); } EXPECT_TRUE(_cht->get_size_log2(this) == START_SIZE) << "Not at start size."; Count cnt; _cht->do_scan(this, cnt); EXPECT_TRUE(cnt._cnt == 0) << "Items still in table"; delete _cht; } struct Count { Count() : _cnt(0) {} size_t _cnt; bool operator()(uintptr_t*) { _cnt++; return true; }; }; }; TEST_VM(ConcurrentHashTable, concurrent_scan_grow_shrink) { GSInserterThread::_shrink = false; mt_test_doer<RunnerGSInserterThread>(); } //############################################################################################# #define GI_BD_GI_BD_START_SIZE 13 #define GI_BD_END_SIZE 17 #define GI_BD_START (uintptr_t)0x1 #define GI_BD_RANGE (uintptr_t)0x3FFFF #define GI_BD_TEST_THREAD_COUNT 4 class GI_BD_InserterThread: public CHTTestThread { public: static volatile bool _shrink; uintptr_t _br; GI_BD_InserterThread(uintptr_t start, uintptr_t stop, TestTable* cht, Semaphore* post, uintptr_t br) : CHTTestThread(start, stop, cht, post), _br(br) {}; virtual ~GI_BD_InserterThread(){} bool keep_looping() { return !(_shrink && _cht->get_size_log2(this) == GI_BD_GI_BD_START_SIZE); } bool test_loop() { bool grow; MyDel del(_br); for (uintptr_t v = _start; v <= _stop; v++) { { TestLookup tl(v); ValueGet vg; do { if (_cht->get(this, tl, vg, &grow)) { EXPECT_EQ(v, vg.get_value()) << "Getting an old value failed."; break; } if (_cht->insert(this, tl, v, &grow)) { break; } } while(true); } if (grow && !_shrink) { _cht->grow(this); } } if (_shrink) { _cht->shrink(this); } _cht->try_bulk_delete(this, *this, del); if (!_shrink && _cht->is_max_size_reached()) { _shrink = true; } _cht->bulk_delete(this, *this, del); return true; } bool operator()(uintptr_t* val) { return (*val & _br) == 1; } struct MyDel { MyDel(uintptr_t &br) : _br(br) {}; uintptr_t &_br; void operator()(uintptr_t* val) { EXPECT_EQ((*val & _br), _br) << "Removing an item that should not have been removed."; } }; }; volatile bool GI_BD_InserterThread::_shrink = false; class RunnerGI_BD_InserterThread : public CHTTestThread { public: Semaphore _done; uintptr_t _start; uintptr_t _range; RunnerGI_BD_InserterThread(Semaphore* post) : CHTTestThread(0, 0, NULL, post) { _cht = new TestTable(GI_BD_GI_BD_START_SIZE, GI_BD_END_SIZE, 2); }; virtual ~RunnerGI_BD_InserterThread(){} void premain() { _start = GI_BD_START; _range = GI_BD_RANGE; CHTTestThread* tt[GI_BD_TEST_THREAD_COUNT]; tt[0] = new GI_BD_InserterThread(_start, _start + _range, _cht, &_done, (uintptr_t)0x1); tt[1] = new GI_BD_InserterThread(_start, _start + _range, _cht, &_done, (uintptr_t)0x2); tt[2] = new GI_BD_InserterThread(_start, _start + _range, _cht, &_done, (uintptr_t)0x4); tt[3] = new GI_BD_InserterThread(_start, _start + _range, _cht, &_done, (uintptr_t)0x8); for (uintptr_t v = _start; v <= (_start + _range); v++ ) { TestLookup tl(v); EXPECT_TRUE(_cht->insert(this, tl, v)) << "Inserting an unique value should work."; } for (int i =0; i < GI_BD_TEST_THREAD_COUNT; i++) { tt[i]->doit(); } } bool test_loop() { for (uintptr_t v = _start; v <= (_start + _range); v++ ) { TestLookup tl(v); if (v & 0xF) { cht_get_copy(_cht, this, tl); } else { EXPECT_EQ(cht_get_copy(_cht, this, tl), v) << "Item ending with 0xX0 should never be removed."; } } return true; } void postmain() { GI_BD_InserterThread::_shrink = true; for (uintptr_t v = _start; v <= (_start + _range); v++ ) { TestLookup tl(v); if (v & 0xF) { _cht->remove(this, tl); } else { EXPECT_TRUE(_cht->remove(this, tl)) << "Removing item ending with 0xX0 should always work."; } } for (int i = 0; i < GI_BD_TEST_THREAD_COUNT; i++) { _done.wait(); } EXPECT_TRUE(_cht->get_size_log2(this) == GI_BD_GI_BD_START_SIZE) << "We have not shrunk back to start size."; delete _cht; } }; TEST_VM(ConcurrentHashTable, concurrent_get_insert_bulk_delete) { GI_BD_InserterThread::_shrink = false; mt_test_doer<RunnerGI_BD_InserterThread>(); } //############################################################################################# class MT_BD_Thread : public JavaTestThread { TestTable::BulkDeleteTask* _bd; public: MT_BD_Thread(Semaphore* post, TestTable::BulkDeleteTask* bd) : JavaTestThread(post), _bd(bd){} virtual ~MT_BD_Thread() {} void main_run() { MyDel del; while(_bd->do_task(this, *this, del)); } bool operator()(uintptr_t* val) { return true; } struct MyDel { void operator()(uintptr_t* val) { } }; }; class Driver_BD_Thread : public JavaTestThread { public: Semaphore _done; Driver_BD_Thread(Semaphore* post) : JavaTestThread(post) { }; virtual ~Driver_BD_Thread(){} void main_run() { Semaphore done(0); TestTable* cht = new TestTable(16, 16, 2); for (uintptr_t v = 1; v < 99999; v++ ) { TestLookup tl(v); EXPECT_TRUE(cht->insert(this, tl, v)) << "Inserting an unique value should work."; } TestTable::BulkDeleteTask bdt(cht, true /* mt */ ); EXPECT_TRUE(bdt.prepare(this)) << "Uncontended prepare must work."; MT_BD_Thread* tt[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { tt[i] = new MT_BD_Thread(&done, &bdt); tt[i]->doit(); } for (uintptr_t v = 1; v < 99999; v++ ) { TestLookup tl(v); cht_get_copy(cht, this, tl); } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { done.wait(); } bdt.done(this); cht->do_scan(this, *this); } bool operator()(uintptr_t* val) { EXPECT_TRUE(false) << "No items should left"; return true; } }; TEST_VM(ConcurrentHashTable, concurrent_mt_bulk_delete) { mt_test_doer<Driver_BD_Thread>(); }