/* * Copyright (c) 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. * */ /** * @test * @bug 6998541 * @summary JSR 292 implement missing return-type conversion for OP_RETYPE_RAW * * @run main/othervm -Xbatch * -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:ScavengeRootsInCode=2 * -DTest6998541.N=100000 -DTest6998541.KIND=cast Test6998541 * @run main/othervm -Xbatch * -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:ScavengeRootsInCode=2 * -DTest6998541.N=100000 -DTest6998541.KIND=normal Test6998541 */ import java.util.*; import java.lang.invoke.*; import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.*; public class Test6998541 { private static final Class CLASS = Test6998541.class; private static final String NAME = "identity"; private static final int N = Math.max(2, Integer.getInteger(CLASS.getSimpleName()+".N", 10000)); private static final String KIND = System.getProperty(CLASS.getSimpleName()+".KIND", "cast"); private static final int BITS = 0x00000201; private static final boolean DO_CASTS = !KIND.equals("normal"); public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable { System.out.println("KIND="+KIND+" DO_CASTS="+DO_CASTS+" N="+N); doboolean(); dobyte(); dochar(); doshort(); doint(); dolong(); dofloat(); dodouble(); dovoid(); } private static void doboolean() throws Throwable { for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { boolean2prim(false); boolean2prim(true); } boolean2prim_invalid(true); } private static void dobyte() throws Throwable { byte x = Byte.MIN_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++, x++) byte2prim(x); byte2prim_invalid(x); } private static void dochar() throws Throwable { char x = Character.MIN_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++, x++) char2prim(x); char2prim_invalid(x); } private static void doshort() throws Throwable { short x = Short.MIN_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++, x++) short2prim(x); short2prim_invalid(x); } private static void doint() throws Throwable { int x = Integer.MIN_VALUE; int D = Integer.MAX_VALUE / (N / 2) | BITS; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++, x += D) { int2prim(x); } int2prim_invalid(x); } private static void dolong() throws Throwable { long x = Long.MIN_VALUE; long D = Long.MAX_VALUE / ((long) (N / 2)) | BITS; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++, x += D) long2prim(x); long2prim_invalid(x); } private static void dofloat() throws Throwable { float x = Float.MIN_VALUE; float D = Float.MAX_VALUE / ((float) (N / 2)); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++, x += D) float2prim(x); float2prim_invalid(x); } private static void dodouble() throws Throwable { double x = Double.MIN_VALUE; double D = Double.MAX_VALUE / ((double) (N / 2)); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++, x += D) double2prim(x); double2prim_invalid(x); } private static void dovoid() throws Throwable { for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { void2prim(i); } void2prim_invalid(0); // do the other direction here also: for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { prim2void(i); } prim2void_invalid(0); } private static void assertEquals(Object o, Object o2) { if (!o.equals(o2)) throw new AssertionError("expected: " + o + ", found: " + o2); } private static void fail() { throw new AssertionError(); } private final static MethodHandles.Lookup lookup = MethodHandles.lookup(); private static MethodHandle mh(Class ret, Class... args) { try { MethodType mt = MethodType.methodType(ret, args); Class lookupRet = (args.length == 0 ? void.class : args[0]); MethodHandle mh = lookup.findStatic(CLASS, NAME, mt.changeReturnType(lookupRet)); if (DO_CASTS) return MethodHandles.explicitCastArguments(mh, mt); if (canDoAsType(mh.type(), mt)) return mh.asType(mt); try { mh.asType(mt); throw new AssertionError("asType should not succeed: "+mh+" => "+mt); } catch (WrongMethodTypeException ex) { // this was a required WMTE return mh.asType(mt.generic()).asType(mt); } } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private static final Class<?>[] NUMERIC_TYPE_WIDENING_ORDER = { byte.class, short.class, int.class, long.class, float.class, double.class }; private static boolean canDoAsType(Class<?> src, Class<?> dst) { if (src == dst) return true; if (dst == void.class) return true; if (src == void.class) return true; // allow void->zero if (!src.isPrimitive() || !dst.isPrimitive()) return true; // primitive conversion works for asType only when it's widening if (src == boolean.class || dst == boolean.class) return false; if (dst == char.class) return false; if (src == char.class) src = int.class; // can widen char to int for (Class<?> ntype : NUMERIC_TYPE_WIDENING_ORDER) { if (src == ntype) return true; if (dst == ntype) return false; } throw new AssertionError("should not reach here: "+src+", "+dst); } private static boolean canDoAsType(MethodType mt0, MethodType mt1) { Class<?> rt0 = mt0.returnType(); Class<?> rt1 = mt1.returnType(); if (!canDoAsType(rt0, rt1)) return false; int argc = mt0.parameterCount(); if (argc != mt1.parameterCount()) return false; for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (!canDoAsType(mt1.parameterType(i), mt0.parameterType(i))) return false; } return true; } private static MethodHandle mh_z(Class ret) { return mh(ret, boolean.class); } private final static MethodHandle mh_zz = mh_z(boolean.class); private final static MethodHandle mh_bz = mh_z(byte.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_cz = mh_z(char.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_sz = mh_z(short.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_iz = mh_z(int.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_jz = mh_z(long.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_fz = mh_z(float.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_dz = mh_z(double.class ); private static void boolean2prim(boolean x) throws Throwable { int i = x ? 1 : 0; assertEquals( x, (boolean) mh_zz.invokeExact(x)); // boolean -> boolean if (!DO_CASTS) return; assertEquals((byte) i, (byte) mh_bz.invokeExact(x)); // boolean -> byte assertEquals((char) i, (char) mh_cz.invokeExact(x)); // boolean -> char assertEquals((short) i, (short) mh_sz.invokeExact(x)); // boolean -> short assertEquals((int) i, (int) mh_iz.invokeExact(x)); // boolean -> int assertEquals((long) i, (long) mh_jz.invokeExact(x)); // boolean -> long assertEquals((float) i, (float) mh_fz.invokeExact(x)); // boolean -> float assertEquals((double) i, (double) mh_dz.invokeExact(x)); // boolean -> double } private static void boolean2prim_invalid(boolean x) throws Throwable { if (DO_CASTS) return; try { byte y = (byte) mh_bz.invokeExact(x); fail(); } catch (ClassCastException expected) {} // boolean -> byte try { char y = (char) mh_cz.invokeExact(x); fail(); } catch (ClassCastException expected) {} // boolean -> char try { short y = (short) mh_sz.invokeExact(x); fail(); } catch (ClassCastException expected) {} // boolean -> short try { int y = (int) mh_iz.invokeExact(x); fail(); } catch (ClassCastException expected) {} // boolean -> int try { long y = (long) mh_jz.invokeExact(x); fail(); } catch (ClassCastException expected) {} // boolean -> long try { float y = (float) mh_fz.invokeExact(x); fail(); } catch (ClassCastException expected) {} // boolean -> float try { double y = (double) mh_dz.invokeExact(x); fail(); } catch (ClassCastException expected) {} // boolean -> double } private static MethodHandle mh_b(Class ret) { return mh(ret, byte.class); } private final static MethodHandle mh_zb = mh_b(boolean.class); private final static MethodHandle mh_bb = mh_b(byte.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_cb = mh_b(char.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_sb = mh_b(short.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_ib = mh_b(int.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_jb = mh_b(long.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_fb = mh_b(float.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_db = mh_b(double.class ); private static void byte2prim(byte x) throws Throwable { assertEquals((byte) x, (byte) mh_bb.invokeExact(x)); // byte -> byte assertEquals((short) x, (short) mh_sb.invokeExact(x)); // byte -> short assertEquals((int) x, (int) mh_ib.invokeExact(x)); // byte -> int assertEquals((long) x, (long) mh_jb.invokeExact(x)); // byte -> long assertEquals((float) x, (float) mh_fb.invokeExact(x)); // byte -> float assertEquals((double) x, (double) mh_db.invokeExact(x)); // byte -> double if (!DO_CASTS) return; boolean z = ((x & 1) != 0); assertEquals((char) x, (char) mh_cb.invokeExact(x)); // byte -> char assertEquals((boolean) z, (boolean) mh_zb.invokeExact(x)); // byte -> boolean } private static void byte2prim_invalid(byte x) throws Throwable { if (DO_CASTS) return; try { char y = (char) mh_cb.invokeExact(x); fail(); } catch (ClassCastException expected) {} // byte -> char try { boolean y = (boolean) mh_zb.invokeExact(x); fail(); } catch (ClassCastException expected) {} // byte -> boolean } private static MethodHandle mh_c(Class ret) { return mh(ret, char.class); } private final static MethodHandle mh_zc = mh_c(boolean.class); private final static MethodHandle mh_bc = mh_c(byte.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_cc = mh_c(char.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_sc = mh_c(short.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_ic = mh_c(int.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_jc = mh_c(long.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_fc = mh_c(float.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_dc = mh_c(double.class ); private static void char2prim(char x) throws Throwable { assertEquals((char) x, (char) mh_cc.invokeExact(x)); // char -> char assertEquals((int) x, (int) mh_ic.invokeExact(x)); // char -> int assertEquals((long) x, (long) mh_jc.invokeExact(x)); // char -> long assertEquals((float) x, (float) mh_fc.invokeExact(x)); // char -> float assertEquals((double) x, (double) mh_dc.invokeExact(x)); // char -> double if (!DO_CASTS) return; boolean z = ((x & 1) != 0); assertEquals((boolean) z, (boolean) mh_zc.invokeExact(x)); // char -> boolean assertEquals((byte) x, (byte) mh_bc.invokeExact(x)); // char -> byte assertEquals((short) x, (short) mh_sc.invokeExact(x)); // char -> short } private static void char2prim_invalid(char x) throws Throwable { if (DO_CASTS) return; try { boolean y = (boolean) mh_zc.invokeExact(x); fail(); } catch (ClassCastException expected) {} // char -> boolean try { byte y = (byte) mh_bc.invokeExact(x); fail(); } catch (ClassCastException expected) {} // char -> byte try { short y = (short) mh_sc.invokeExact(x); fail(); } catch (ClassCastException expected) {} // char -> short } private static MethodHandle mh_s(Class ret) { return mh(ret, short.class); } private final static MethodHandle mh_zs = mh_s(boolean.class); private final static MethodHandle mh_bs = mh_s(byte.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_cs = mh_s(char.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_ss = mh_s(short.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_is = mh_s(int.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_js = mh_s(long.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_fs = mh_s(float.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_ds = mh_s(double.class ); private static void short2prim(short x) throws Throwable { assertEquals((short) x, (short) mh_ss.invokeExact(x)); // short -> short assertEquals((int) x, (int) mh_is.invokeExact(x)); // short -> int assertEquals((long) x, (long) mh_js.invokeExact(x)); // short -> long assertEquals((float) x, (float) mh_fs.invokeExact(x)); // short -> float assertEquals((double) x, (double) mh_ds.invokeExact(x)); // short -> double if (!DO_CASTS) return; boolean z = ((x & 1) != 0); assertEquals((boolean) z, (boolean) mh_zs.invokeExact(x)); // short -> boolean assertEquals((byte) x, (byte) mh_bs.invokeExact(x)); // short -> byte assertEquals((char) x, (char) mh_cs.invokeExact(x)); // short -> char } private static void short2prim_invalid(short x) throws Throwable { if (DO_CASTS) return; try { boolean y = (boolean) mh_zs.invokeExact(x); fail(); } catch (ClassCastException expected) {} // short -> boolean try { byte y = (byte) mh_bs.invokeExact(x); fail(); } catch (ClassCastException expected) {} // short -> byte try { char y = (char) mh_cs.invokeExact(x); fail(); } catch (ClassCastException expected) {} // short -> char } private static MethodHandle mh_i(Class ret) { return mh(ret, int.class); } private final static MethodHandle mh_zi = mh_i(boolean.class); private final static MethodHandle mh_bi = mh_i(byte.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_ci = mh_i(char.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_si = mh_i(short.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_ii = mh_i(int.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_ji = mh_i(long.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_fi = mh_i(float.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_di = mh_i(double.class ); private static void int2prim(int x) throws Throwable { assertEquals((int) x, (int) mh_ii.invokeExact(x)); // int -> int assertEquals((long) x, (long) mh_ji.invokeExact(x)); // int -> long assertEquals((float) x, (float) mh_fi.invokeExact(x)); // int -> float assertEquals((double) x, (double) mh_di.invokeExact(x)); // int -> double if (!DO_CASTS) return; boolean z = ((x & 1) != 0); assertEquals((boolean) z, (boolean) mh_zi.invokeExact(x)); // int -> boolean assertEquals((byte) x, (byte) mh_bi.invokeExact(x)); // int -> byte assertEquals((char) x, (char) mh_ci.invokeExact(x)); // int -> char assertEquals((short) x, (short) mh_si.invokeExact(x)); // int -> short } private static void int2prim_invalid(int x) throws Throwable { if (DO_CASTS) return; try { boolean y = (boolean) mh_zi.invokeExact(x); fail(); } catch (ClassCastException expected) {} // int -> boolean try { byte y = (byte) mh_bi.invokeExact(x); fail(); } catch (ClassCastException expected) {} // int -> byte try { char y = (char) mh_ci.invokeExact(x); fail(); } catch (ClassCastException expected) {} // int -> char try { short y = (short) mh_si.invokeExact(x); fail(); } catch (ClassCastException expected) {} // int -> short } private static MethodHandle mh_j(Class ret) { return mh(ret, long.class); } private final static MethodHandle mh_zj = mh_j(boolean.class); private final static MethodHandle mh_bj = mh_j(byte.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_cj = mh_j(char.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_sj = mh_j(short.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_ij = mh_j(int.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_jj = mh_j(long.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_fj = mh_j(float.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_dj = mh_j(double.class ); private static void long2prim(long x) throws Throwable { assertEquals((long) x, (long) mh_jj.invokeExact(x)); // long -> long assertEquals((float) x, (float) mh_fj.invokeExact(x)); // long -> float assertEquals((double) x, (double) mh_dj.invokeExact(x)); // long -> double if (!DO_CASTS) return; boolean z = ((x & 1) != 0); assertEquals((boolean)z, (boolean) mh_zj.invokeExact(x)); // long -> boolean assertEquals((byte) x, (byte) mh_bj.invokeExact(x)); // long -> byte assertEquals((char) x, (char) mh_cj.invokeExact(x)); // long -> char assertEquals((short) x, (short) mh_sj.invokeExact(x)); // long -> short assertEquals((int) x, (int) mh_ij.invokeExact(x)); // long -> int } private static void long2prim_invalid(long x) throws Throwable { if (DO_CASTS) return; try { boolean y = (boolean) mh_zj.invokeExact(x); fail(); } catch (ClassCastException expected) {} // long -> boolean try { byte y = (byte) mh_bj.invokeExact(x); fail(); } catch (ClassCastException expected) {} // long -> byte try { char y = (char) mh_cj.invokeExact(x); fail(); } catch (ClassCastException expected) {} // long -> char try { short y = (short) mh_sj.invokeExact(x); fail(); } catch (ClassCastException expected) {} // long -> short try { int y = (int) mh_ij.invokeExact(x); fail(); } catch (ClassCastException expected) {} // long -> int } private static MethodHandle mh_f(Class ret) { return mh(ret, float.class); } private final static MethodHandle mh_zf = mh_f(boolean.class); private final static MethodHandle mh_bf = mh_f(byte.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_cf = mh_f(char.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_sf = mh_f(short.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_if = mh_f(int.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_jf = mh_f(long.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_ff = mh_f(float.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_df = mh_f(double.class ); private static void float2prim(float x) throws Throwable { assertEquals((float) x, (float) mh_ff.invokeExact(x)); // float -> float assertEquals((double) x, (double) mh_df.invokeExact(x)); // float -> double if (!DO_CASTS) return; boolean z = (((byte) x & 1) != 0); assertEquals((boolean) z, (boolean) mh_zf.invokeExact(x)); // float -> boolean assertEquals((byte) x, (byte) mh_bf.invokeExact(x)); // float -> byte assertEquals((char) x, (char) mh_cf.invokeExact(x)); // float -> char assertEquals((short) x, (short) mh_sf.invokeExact(x)); // float -> short assertEquals((int) x, (int) mh_if.invokeExact(x)); // float -> int assertEquals((long) x, (long) mh_jf.invokeExact(x)); // float -> long } private static void float2prim_invalid(float x) throws Throwable { if (DO_CASTS) return; try { boolean y = (boolean) mh_zf.invokeExact(x); fail(); } catch (ClassCastException expected) {} // float -> boolean try { byte y = (byte) mh_bf.invokeExact(x); fail(); } catch (ClassCastException expected) {} // float -> byte try { char y = (char) mh_cf.invokeExact(x); fail(); } catch (ClassCastException expected) {} // float -> char try { short y = (short) mh_sf.invokeExact(x); fail(); } catch (ClassCastException expected) {} // float -> short try { int y = (int) mh_if.invokeExact(x); fail(); } catch (ClassCastException expected) {} // float -> int try { long y = (long) mh_jf.invokeExact(x); fail(); } catch (ClassCastException expected) {} // float -> long } private static MethodHandle mh_d(Class ret) { return mh(ret, double.class); } private final static MethodHandle mh_zd = mh_d(boolean.class); private final static MethodHandle mh_bd = mh_d(byte.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_cd = mh_d(char.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_sd = mh_d(short.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_id = mh_d(int.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_jd = mh_d(long.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_fd = mh_d(float.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_dd = mh_d(double.class ); private static void double2prim(double x) throws Throwable { assertEquals((double) x, (double) mh_dd.invokeExact(x)); // double -> double if (!DO_CASTS) return; boolean z = (((byte) x & 1) != 0); assertEquals((boolean) z, (boolean) mh_zd.invokeExact(x)); // double -> boolean assertEquals((byte) x, (byte) mh_bd.invokeExact(x)); // double -> byte assertEquals((char) x, (char) mh_cd.invokeExact(x)); // double -> char assertEquals((short) x, (short) mh_sd.invokeExact(x)); // double -> short assertEquals((int) x, (int) mh_id.invokeExact(x)); // double -> int assertEquals((long) x, (long) mh_jd.invokeExact(x)); // double -> long assertEquals((float) x, (float) mh_fd.invokeExact(x)); // double -> float } private static void double2prim_invalid(double x) throws Throwable { if (DO_CASTS) return; try { boolean y = (boolean) mh_zd.invokeExact(x); fail(); } catch (ClassCastException expected) {} // double -> boolean try { byte y = (byte) mh_bd.invokeExact(x); fail(); } catch (ClassCastException expected) {} // double -> byte try { char y = (char) mh_cd.invokeExact(x); fail(); } catch (ClassCastException expected) {} // double -> char try { short y = (short) mh_sd.invokeExact(x); fail(); } catch (ClassCastException expected) {} // double -> short try { int y = (int) mh_id.invokeExact(x); fail(); } catch (ClassCastException expected) {} // double -> int try { long y = (long) mh_jd.invokeExact(x); fail(); } catch (ClassCastException expected) {} // double -> long try { float y = (float) mh_fd.invokeExact(x); fail(); } catch (ClassCastException expected) {} // double -> float } private final static MethodHandle mh_zv = mh(boolean.class); private final static MethodHandle mh_bv = mh(byte.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_cv = mh(char.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_sv = mh(short.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_iv = mh(int.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_jv = mh(long.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_fv = mh(float.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_dv = mh(double.class ); private static void void2prim(int i) throws Throwable { assertEquals( false, (boolean) mh_zv.invokeExact()); // void -> boolean assertEquals((byte) 0, (byte) mh_bv.invokeExact()); // void -> byte assertEquals((char) 0, (char) mh_cv.invokeExact()); // void -> char assertEquals((short) 0, (short) mh_sv.invokeExact()); // void -> short assertEquals( 0, (int) mh_iv.invokeExact()); // void -> int assertEquals( 0L, (long) mh_jv.invokeExact()); // void -> long assertEquals( 0.0f, (float) mh_fv.invokeExact()); // void -> float assertEquals( 0.0d, (double) mh_dv.invokeExact()); // void -> double } private static void void2prim_invalid(double x) throws Throwable { // no cases } private static MethodHandle mh_v(Class arg) { return mh(void.class, arg); } private final static MethodHandle mh_vz = mh_v(boolean.class); private final static MethodHandle mh_vb = mh_v(byte.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_vc = mh_v(char.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_vs = mh_v(short.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_vi = mh_v(int.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_vj = mh_v(long.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_vf = mh_v(float.class ); private final static MethodHandle mh_vd = mh_v(double.class ); private static void prim2void(int x) throws Throwable { boolean z = ((x & 1) != 0); mh_vz.invokeExact( z); // boolean -> void mh_vb.invokeExact((byte) x); // byte -> void mh_vc.invokeExact((char) x); // char -> void mh_vs.invokeExact((short) x); // short -> void mh_vi.invokeExact((int) x); // int -> void mh_vj.invokeExact((long) x); // long -> void mh_vf.invokeExact((float) x); // float -> void mh_vd.invokeExact((double) x); // double -> void } private static void prim2void_invalid(int x) throws Throwable { // no cases } private static boolean identity(boolean v) { return v; } private static byte identity(byte v) { return v; } private static char identity(char v) { return v; } private static short identity(short v) { return v; } private static int identity(int v) { return v; } private static long identity(long v) { return v; } private static float identity(float v) { return v; } private static double identity(double v) { return v; } private static void identity() {} }