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#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "memory/metaspace/blockTree.hpp"
#include "memory/metaspace/counters.hpp"
#include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
// #define LOG_PLEASE
#include "metaspaceGtestCommon.hpp"

using metaspace::BlockTree;
using metaspace::MemRangeCounter;

// Small helper. Given a 0-terminated array of sizes, a feeder buffer and a tree,
//  add blocks of these sizes to the tree in the order they appear in the array.
static void create_nodes(const size_t sizes[], FeederBuffer& fb, BlockTree& bt) {
  for (int i = 0; sizes[i] > 0; i ++) {
    size_t s = sizes[i];
    MetaWord* p = fb.get(s);
    bt.add_block(p, s);

#define CHECK_BT_CONTENT(bt, expected_num, expected_size) { \
  EXPECT_EQ(bt.count(), (unsigned)expected_num); \
  EXPECT_EQ(bt.total_size(), (size_t)expected_size); \
  if (expected_num == 0) { \
    EXPECT_TRUE(bt.is_empty()); \
  } else { \
    EXPECT_FALSE(bt.is_empty()); \
  } \

TEST_VM(metaspace, BlockTree_basic) {

  BlockTree bt;
  CHECK_BT_CONTENT(bt, 0, 0);

  size_t real_size = 0;
  MetaWord* p = nullptr;
  MetaWord arr[10000];

  ASSERT_LE(BlockTree::MinWordSize, (size_t)6); // Sanity check. Adjust if Node is changed.

  const size_t minws = BlockTree::MinWordSize;

  // remove_block from empty tree should yield nothing
  p = bt.remove_block(minws, &real_size);
  CHECK_BT_CONTENT(bt, 0, 0);

  // Add some blocks and retrieve them right away.
  size_t sizes[] = {
      minws, // smallest possible
      minws + 10,

  for (int i = 0; sizes[i] > 0; i++) {
    bt.add_block(arr, sizes[i]);
    CHECK_BT_CONTENT(bt, 1, sizes[i]);


    MetaWord* p = bt.remove_block(sizes[i], &real_size);
    EXPECT_EQ(p, arr);
    EXPECT_EQ(real_size, (size_t)sizes[i]);
    CHECK_BT_CONTENT(bt, 0, 0);


// Helper for test_find_nearest_fit_with_tree.
// Out of an array of sizes return the closest upper match to a requested size.
// Returns SIZE_MAX if none found.
static size_t helper_find_nearest_fit(const size_t sizes[], size_t request_size) {
  size_t best = SIZE_MAX;
  for (int i = 0; sizes[i] > 0; i++) {
    if (sizes[i] >= request_size && sizes[i] < best) {
      best = sizes[i];
  return best;

// Given a sequence of (0-terminated) sizes, add blocks of those sizes to the tree in the order given. Then, ask
// for a request size and check that it is the expected result.
static void test_find_nearest_fit_with_tree(const size_t sizes[], size_t request_size) {

  BlockTree bt;
  FeederBuffer fb(4 * K);

  create_nodes(sizes, fb, bt);


  size_t expected_size = helper_find_nearest_fit(sizes, request_size);
  size_t real_size = 0;
  MetaWord* p = bt.remove_block(request_size, &real_size);

  if (expected_size != SIZE_MAX) {
    EXPECT_EQ(real_size, expected_size);
  } else {

  LOG(SIZE_FORMAT ": " SIZE_FORMAT ".", request_size, real_size);


TEST_VM(metaspace, BlockTree_find_nearest_fit) {

  // Test tree for test_find_nearest_fit looks like this
  //                30
  //               /  \
  //              /    \
  //             /      \
  //            17       50
  //           /  \     /  \
  //          /    \   /    \
  //         10    28 32     51
  //                    \
  //                     35

  static const size_t sizes[] = {
    30, 17, 10, 28,
    50, 32, 51, 35,
    0 // stop

  BlockTree bt;
  FeederBuffer fb(4 * K);

  create_nodes(sizes, fb, bt);

  for (int i = BlockTree::MinWordSize; i <= 60; i ++) {
    test_find_nearest_fit_with_tree(sizes, i);


// Test repeated adding and removing of blocks of the same size, which
// should exercise the list-part of the tree.
TEST_VM(metaspace, BlockTree_basic_siblings)
  BlockTree bt;
  FeederBuffer fb(4 * K);

  CHECK_BT_CONTENT(bt, 0, 0);

  const size_t test_size = BlockTree::MinWordSize;
  const int num = 10;

  for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
    bt.add_block(fb.get(test_size), test_size);
    CHECK_BT_CONTENT(bt, i + 1, (i + 1) * test_size);


  for (int i = num; i > 0; i --) {
    size_t real_size = 4711;
    MetaWord* p = bt.remove_block(test_size, &real_size);
    EXPECT_EQ(real_size, (size_t)test_size);
    CHECK_BT_CONTENT(bt, i - 1, (i - 1) * test_size);


#ifdef ASSERT
TEST_VM(metaspace, BlockTree_print_test) {

  static const size_t sizes[] = {
    30, 17, 10, 28,
    50, 32, 51, 35,
    0 // stop

  BlockTree bt;
  FeederBuffer fb(4 * K);

  create_nodes(sizes, fb, bt);

  ResourceMark rm;

  stringStream ss;

  LOG("%s", ss.as_string());

// Test that an overwritten node would result in an assert and a printed tree
TEST_VM_ASSERT_MSG(metaspace, BlockTree_overwriter_test, ".*failed: Invalid node") {
  static const size_t sizes1[] = { 30, 17, 0 };
  static const size_t sizes2[] = { 12, 12, 0 };

  BlockTree bt;
  FeederBuffer fb(4 * K);

  // some nodes...
  create_nodes(sizes1, fb, bt);

  // a node we will break...
  MetaWord* p_broken = fb.get(12);
  bt.add_block(p_broken, 12);

  // some more nodes...
  create_nodes(sizes2, fb, bt);

  // overwrite node memory (only the very first byte), then verify tree.
  // Verification should catch the broken canary, print the tree,
  // then assert.
  LOG("Will break node at " PTR_FORMAT ".", p2i(p_broken));
  tty->print_cr("Death test, please ignore the following \"Invalid node\" printout.");
  *((char*)p_broken) = '\0';

class BlockTreeTest {

  FeederBuffer _fb;

  BlockTree _bt[2];
  MemRangeCounter _cnt[2];

  RandSizeGenerator _rgen;

  CHECK_BT_CONTENT(_bt[0], _cnt[0].count(), _cnt[0].total_size()) \
  CHECK_BT_CONTENT(_bt[1], _cnt[1].count(), _cnt[1].total_size())

  CHECK_BT_CONTENT(_bt[0], 0, 0) \
  CHECK_BT_CONTENT(_bt[1], 0, 0)

#ifdef ASSERT
  void verify_trees() {

  enum feeding_pattern_t {
    scatter = 1,
    left_right = 2,
    right_left = 3

  // Feed the whole feeder buffer to the trees, according to feeding_pattern.
  void feed_all(feeding_pattern_t feeding_pattern) {

    MetaWord* p = nullptr;
    unsigned added = 0;

    // If we feed in small graining, we cap the number of blocks to limit test duration.
    const unsigned max_blocks = 2000;

    size_t old_feeding_size = feeding_pattern == right_left ? _rgen.max() : _rgen.min();
    do {
      size_t s = 0;
      switch (feeding_pattern) {
      case scatter:
        // fill completely random
        s =_rgen.get();
      case left_right:
        // fill in ascending order to provoke a misformed tree.
        s = MIN2(_rgen.get(), old_feeding_size);
        old_feeding_size = s;
      case right_left:
        // same, but descending.
        s = MAX2(_rgen.get(), old_feeding_size);
        old_feeding_size = s;

      // Get a block from the feeder buffer; feed it alternatingly to either tree.
      p = _fb.get(s);
      if (p != nullptr) {
        int which = added % 2;
        _bt[which].add_block(p, s);
    } while (p != nullptr && added < max_blocks);


    // Trees should contain the same number of nodes (+-1)
    EXPECT_TRUE(_bt[0].count() == _bt[1].count() ||
                _bt[0].count() == _bt[1].count() + 1);


  void ping_pong_loop(int iterations) {

    // We loop and in each iteration randomly retrieve a block from one tree and add it to another.
    for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
      int taker = 0;
      int giver = 1;
      if ((os::random() % 10) > 5) {
        giver = 0; taker = 1;
      size_t s =_rgen.get();
      size_t real_size = 0;
      MetaWord* p = _bt[giver].remove_block(s, &real_size);
      if (p != nullptr) {
        ASSERT_TRUE(_fb.is_valid_range(p, real_size));
        ASSERT_GE(real_size, s);
        _bt[taker].add_block(p, real_size);

#ifdef ASSERT
      if (true) {//i % 1000 == 0) {

  // Drain the trees. While draining, observe the order of the drained items.
  void drain_all() {

    for (int which = 0; which < 2; which++) {
      BlockTree* bt = _bt + which;
      size_t last_size = 0;
      while (!bt->is_empty()) {

        // We only query for the minimal size. Actually returned size should be
        // monotonously growing since remove_block should always return the closest fit.
        size_t real_size = 4711;
        MetaWord* p = bt->remove_block(BlockTree::MinWordSize, &real_size);
        ASSERT_TRUE(_fb.is_valid_range(p, real_size));

        ASSERT_GE(real_size, last_size);
        last_size = real_size;





  void test(feeding_pattern_t feeding_pattern) {



    LOG("Blocks in circulation: bt1=%d:" SIZE_FORMAT ", bt2=%d:" SIZE_FORMAT ".",
        _bt[0].count(), _bt[0].total_size(),
        _bt[1].count(), _bt[1].total_size());


    LOG("After Pingpong: bt1=%d:" SIZE_FORMAT ", bt2=%d:" SIZE_FORMAT ".",
        _bt[0].count(), _bt[0].total_size(),
        _bt[1].count(), _bt[1].total_size());




  BlockTreeTest(size_t min_word_size, size_t max_word_size) :
    _fb(2 * M),
    _rgen(min_word_size, max_word_size)

  void test_scatter()      { test(scatter); }
  void test_right_left()   { test(right_left); }
  void test_left_right()   { test(left_right); }


#define DO_TEST(name, feedingpattern, min, max) \
  TEST_VM(metaspace, BlockTree_##name##_##feedingpattern) { \
    BlockTreeTest btt(min, max); \
    btt.test_##feedingpattern(); \

#define DO_TEST_ALL_PATTERNS(name, min, max) \
  DO_TEST(name, scatter, min, max) \
  DO_TEST(name, right_left, min, max) \
  DO_TEST(name, left_right, min, max)

DO_TEST_ALL_PATTERNS(wide, BlockTree::MinWordSize, 128 * K);
DO_TEST_ALL_PATTERNS(narrow, BlockTree::MinWordSize, 16)
DO_TEST_ALL_PATTERNS(129, BlockTree::MinWordSize, 129)
DO_TEST_ALL_PATTERNS(4K, BlockTree::MinWordSize, 4*K)