/* /nodynamiccopyright/ */ // DO NOT DELETE ANY LINES!!!! // THIS TEST IS LINE NUMBER SENSITIVE /** * @test * @bug 4530424 * @summary Hin says that doing a step over after a popframe acts like a resume. * * @author jjh * * @library .. * @run build TestScaffold VMConnection TargetListener TargetAdapter * @run compile -g PopAndStepTest.java * @run driver PopAndStepTest */ import com.sun.jdi.*; import com.sun.jdi.event.*; import com.sun.jdi.request.*; import java.util.*; /********** LINE NUMBER SENSITIVE! *****************************************************************/ class PopAndStepTarg { public void B() { System.out.println("debuggee: in B"); System.out.println("debuggee: in B, back to A"); // add line breakpoint here line 26 !!! } public void A() { System.out.println("debuggee: in A, about to call B"); // line 30 B(); System.out.println("debuggee: in A, back from B"); // line 32 throw new RuntimeException("debuggee: Got to line 33"); } public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("debuggee: Howdy!"); // line 37 PopAndStepTarg xxx = new PopAndStepTarg(); // line 39 xxx.A(); // line 40 System.out.println("debugee: Goodbye from PopAndStepTarg!"); } } /********** test program **********/ public class PopAndStepTest extends TestScaffold { ReferenceType targetClass; ThreadReference mainThread; PopAndStepTest (String args[]) { super(args); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { new PopAndStepTest(args).startTests(); } StackFrame frameFor(String methodName) throws Exception { Iterator it = mainThread.frames().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { StackFrame frame = (StackFrame)it.next(); if (frame.location().method().name().equals(methodName)) { return frame; } } failure("FAIL: " + methodName + " not on stack"); return null; } int getDebuggeeLineNum(int expectedLine) throws Exception { List allFrames = mainThread.frames(); if ( allFrames == null) { return -1; } Iterator it = allFrames.iterator(); StackFrame frame = (StackFrame)it.next(); Location loc = frame.location(); int theLine = loc.lineNumber(); if (expectedLine != theLine) { failure("FAIL: Should be at " + expectedLine + ", are at " + theLine + ", method = " + loc.method().name()); } else { println("Should be at, and am at: " + expectedLine); } return theLine; } public void vmDied(VMDeathEvent event) { println("Got VMDeathEvent"); } public void vmDisconnected(VMDisconnectEvent event) { println("Got VMDisconnectEvent"); } /********** test core **********/ protected void runTests() throws Exception { /* * Get to the top of main() * to determine targetClass and mainThread */ runOnce(); } void runOnce() throws Exception{ /* * Get to the top of main() * to determine targetClass and mainThread */ BreakpointEvent bpe = startToMain("PopAndStepTarg"); targetClass = bpe.location().declaringType(); mainThread = bpe.thread(); getDebuggeeLineNum(37); println("Resuming to line 26"); bpe = resumeTo("PopAndStepTarg", 26); getDebuggeeLineNum(26); // The failure is this: // create step request // enable step request // pop frame // do the step // do another step - This step runs to completion EventRequestManager erm = eventRequestManager(); StepRequest srInto = erm.createStepRequest(mainThread, StepRequest.STEP_LINE, StepRequest.STEP_INTO); srInto.addClassExclusionFilter("java.*"); srInto.addClassExclusionFilter("javax.*"); srInto.addClassExclusionFilter("sun.*"); srInto.addClassExclusionFilter("com.sun.*"); srInto.addClassExclusionFilter("com.oracle.*"); srInto.addClassExclusionFilter("oracle.*"); srInto.addClassExclusionFilter("jdk.internal.*"); srInto.addCountFilter(1); srInto.enable(); // This fails mainThread.popFrames(frameFor("A")); //srInto.enable(); // if the enable is moved here, it passes println("Popped back to line 40 in main, the call to A()"); println("Stepping into line 30"); waitForRequestedEvent(srInto); // println srInto.disable(); getDebuggeeLineNum(30); // The failure occurs here. println("Stepping over to line 31"); stepOverLine(mainThread); // println getDebuggeeLineNum(31); println("Stepping over to line 32"); stepOverLine(mainThread); // call to B() getDebuggeeLineNum(32); vm().exit(0); if (testFailed) { throw new Exception("PopAndStepTest failed"); } println("Passed:"); } }