/* * Copyright (c) 2012, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ import java.io.File; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.io.StringWriter; import java.io.Writer; import java.text.BreakIterator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import javax.lang.model.element.Name; import javax.tools.Diagnostic; import javax.tools.JavaFileObject; import javax.tools.StandardJavaFileManager; import com.sun.source.doctree.*; import com.sun.source.tree.ClassTree; import com.sun.source.tree.CompilationUnitTree; import com.sun.source.tree.MethodTree; import com.sun.source.tree.Tree; import com.sun.source.tree.VariableTree; import com.sun.source.util.DocTreeScanner; import com.sun.source.util.DocTrees; import com.sun.source.util.JavacTask; import com.sun.source.util.TreePath; import com.sun.source.util.TreePathScanner; import com.sun.tools.javac.api.JavacTool; import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.DCTree; import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.DCTree.DCDocComment; import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.DCTree.DCErroneous; import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.DocPretty; /** * A class to test doc comment trees. * It is normally executed by calling {@code main}, providing a source file to be analyzed. * The file is scanned for top-level declarations, and the comment for any such declarations * is analyzed with a series of "checkers". * * @see DocCommentTester.ASTChecker#main(String... args) */ public class DocCommentTester { public static void main(String... args) throws Exception { ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(args)); if (!list.isEmpty() && "-useBreakIterator".equals(list.get(0))) { list.remove(0); new DocCommentTester(true).run(list); } else { new DocCommentTester(false).run(list); } } public static final String BI_MARKER = "BREAK_ITERATOR"; public final boolean useBreakIterator; public DocCommentTester(boolean useBreakIterator) { this.useBreakIterator = useBreakIterator; } public void run(List<String> args) throws Exception { String testSrc = System.getProperty("test.src"); List<File> files = args.stream() .map(arg -> new File(testSrc, arg)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); JavacTool javac = JavacTool.create(); StandardJavaFileManager fm = javac.getStandardFileManager(null, null, null); Iterable<? extends JavaFileObject> fos = fm.getJavaFileObjectsFromFiles(files); JavacTask t = javac.getTask(null, fm, null, null, null, fos); final DocTrees trees = DocTrees.instance(t); if (useBreakIterator) { // BreakIterators are locale dependent wrt. behavior trees.setBreakIterator(BreakIterator.getSentenceInstance(Locale.ENGLISH)); } final Checker[] checkers = { new ASTChecker(this, trees), new PosChecker(this, trees), new PrettyChecker(this, trees), new RangeChecker(this, trees), new StartEndPosChecker(this, trees) }; DeclScanner d = new DeclScanner() { @Override public Void visitCompilationUnit(CompilationUnitTree tree, Void ignore) { for (Checker c: checkers) c.visitCompilationUnit(tree); return super.visitCompilationUnit(tree, ignore); } @Override void visitDecl(Tree tree, Name name) { TreePath path = getCurrentPath(); String dc = trees.getDocComment(path); if (dc != null) { for (Checker c : checkers) { try { System.err.println(path.getLeaf().getKind() + " " + name + " " + c.getClass().getSimpleName()); c.check(path, name); System.err.println(); } catch (Exception e) { error("Exception " + e); e.printStackTrace(System.err); } } } } }; Iterable<? extends CompilationUnitTree> units = t.parse(); for (CompilationUnitTree unit: units) { d.scan(unit, null); } if (errors > 0) throw new Exception(errors + " errors occurred"); } static abstract class DeclScanner extends TreePathScanner<Void, Void> { abstract void visitDecl(Tree tree, Name name); @Override public Void visitClass(ClassTree tree, Void ignore) { super.visitClass(tree, ignore); visitDecl(tree, tree.getSimpleName()); return null; } @Override public Void visitMethod(MethodTree tree, Void ignore) { super.visitMethod(tree, ignore); visitDecl(tree, tree.getName()); return null; } @Override public Void visitVariable(VariableTree tree, Void ignore) { super.visitVariable(tree, ignore); visitDecl(tree, tree.getName()); return null; } } /** * Base class for checkers to check the doc comment on a declaration * (when present.) */ abstract class Checker { final DocTrees trees; Checker(DocTrees trees) { this.trees = trees; } void visitCompilationUnit(CompilationUnitTree tree) { } abstract void check(TreePath tree, Name name) throws Exception; void error(String msg) { DocCommentTester.this.error(msg); } } void error(String msg) { System.err.println("Error: " + msg); errors++; } int errors; /** * Verifies the structure of the DocTree AST by comparing it against golden text. */ static class ASTChecker extends Checker { static final String NEWLINE = System.getProperty("line.separator"); Printer printer = new Printer(); String source; DocCommentTester test; ASTChecker(DocCommentTester test, DocTrees t) { test.super(t); this.test = test; } @Override void visitCompilationUnit(CompilationUnitTree tree) { try { source = tree.getSourceFile().getCharContent(true).toString(); } catch (IOException e) { source = ""; } } void check(TreePath path, Name name) { StringWriter out = new StringWriter(); DocCommentTree dc = trees.getDocCommentTree(path); printer.print(dc, out); out.flush(); String found = out.toString().replace(NEWLINE, "\n"); /* * Look for the first block comment after the first occurrence * of name, noting that, block comments with BI_MARKER may * very well be present. */ int start = test.useBreakIterator ? source.indexOf("\n/*\n" + BI_MARKER + "\n", findName(source, name)) : source.indexOf("\n/*\n", findName(source, name)); int end = source.indexOf("\n*/\n", start); int startlen = start + (test.useBreakIterator ? BI_MARKER.length() + 1 : 0) + 4; String expect = source.substring(startlen, end + 1); if (!found.equals(expect)) { if (test.useBreakIterator) { System.err.println("Using BreakIterator"); } System.err.println("Expect:\n" + expect); System.err.println("Found:\n" + found); error("AST mismatch for " + name); } } /** * This main program is to set up the golden comments used by this * checker. * Usage: * java DocCommentTester$ASTChecker -o dir file... * The given files are written to the output directory with their * golden comments updated. The intent is that the files should * then be compared with the originals, e.g. with meld, and if the * changes are approved, the new files can be used to replace the old. */ public static void main(String... args) throws Exception { List<File> files = new ArrayList<>(); File o = null; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { String arg = args[i]; if (arg.equals("-o")) o = new File(args[++i]); else if (arg.startsWith("-")) throw new IllegalArgumentException(arg); else { files.add(new File(arg)); } } if (o == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("no output dir specified"); final File outDir = o; JavacTool javac = JavacTool.create(); StandardJavaFileManager fm = javac.getStandardFileManager(null, null, null); Iterable<? extends JavaFileObject> fos = fm.getJavaFileObjectsFromFiles(files); JavacTask t = javac.getTask(null, fm, null, null, null, fos); final DocTrees trees = DocTrees.instance(t); DeclScanner d = new DeclScanner() { final Printer p = new Printer(); String source; @Override public Void visitCompilationUnit(CompilationUnitTree tree, Void ignore) { System.err.println("processing " + tree.getSourceFile().getName()); try { source = tree.getSourceFile().getCharContent(true).toString(); } catch (IOException e) { source = ""; } // remove existing gold by removing all block comments after the first '{'. int start = source.indexOf("{"); while ((start = source.indexOf("\n/*\n", start)) != -1) { int end = source.indexOf("\n*/\n"); source = source.substring(0, start + 1) + source.substring(end + 4); } // process decls in compilation unit super.visitCompilationUnit(tree, ignore); // write the modified source File f = new File(tree.getSourceFile().getName()); File outFile = new File(outDir, f.getName()); try { try (FileWriter out = new FileWriter(outFile)) { out.write(source); } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Can't write " + tree.getSourceFile().getName() + " to " + outFile + ": " + e); } return null; } @Override void visitDecl(Tree tree, Name name) { DocTree dc = trees.getDocCommentTree(getCurrentPath()); if (dc != null) { StringWriter out = new StringWriter(); p.print(dc, out); String found = out.toString(); // Look for the empty line after the first occurrence of name int pos = source.indexOf("\n\n", findName(source, name)); // Insert the golden comment source = source.substring(0, pos) + "\n/*\n" + found + "*/" + source.substring(pos); } } }; Iterable<? extends CompilationUnitTree> units = t.parse(); for (CompilationUnitTree unit: units) { d.scan(unit, null); } } static int findName(String source, Name name) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\s" + name + "[(;]"); Matcher m = p.matcher(source); if (!m.find()) throw new Error("cannot find " + name); return m.start(); } static class Printer implements DocTreeVisitor<Void, Void> { PrintWriter out; void print(DocTree tree, Writer out) { this.out = (out instanceof PrintWriter) ? (PrintWriter) out : new PrintWriter(out); tree.accept(this, null); this.out.flush(); } public Void visitAttribute(AttributeTree node, Void p) { header(node); indent(+1); print("name", node.getName().toString()); print("vkind", node.getValueKind().toString()); print("value", node.getValue()); indent(-1); indent(); out.println("]"); return null; } public Void visitAuthor(AuthorTree node, Void p) { header(node); indent(+1); print("name", node.getName()); indent(-1); indent(); out.println("]"); return null; } public Void visitComment(CommentTree node, Void p) { header(node, compress(node.getBody())); return null; } public Void visitDeprecated(DeprecatedTree node, Void p) { header(node); indent(+1); print("body", node.getBody()); indent(-1); indent(); out.println("]"); return null; } public Void visitDocComment(DocCommentTree node, Void p) { header(node); indent(+1); // Applicable only to html files, print iff non-empty if (!node.getPreamble().isEmpty()) print("preamble", node.getPreamble()); print("firstSentence", node.getFirstSentence()); print("body", node.getBody()); print("block tags", node.getBlockTags()); // Applicable only to html files, print iff non-empty if (!node.getPostamble().isEmpty()) print("postamble", node.getPostamble()); indent(-1); indent(); out.println("]"); return null; } public Void visitDocRoot(DocRootTree node, Void p) { header(node, ""); return null; } public Void visitDocType(DocTypeTree node, Void p) { header(node, compress(node.getText())); return null; } public Void visitEndElement(EndElementTree node, Void p) { header(node, node.getName().toString()); return null; } public Void visitEntity(EntityTree node, Void p) { header(node, node.getName().toString()); return null; } public Void visitErroneous(ErroneousTree node, Void p) { header(node); indent(+1); print("code", ((DCErroneous) node).diag.getCode()); print("body", compress(node.getBody())); indent(-1); indent(); out.println("]"); return null; } public Void visitEscape(EscapeTree node, Void p) { header(node, node.getBody()); return null; } public Void visitHidden(HiddenTree node, Void p) { header(node); indent(+1); print("body", node.getBody()); indent(-1); indent(); out.println("]"); return null; } public Void visitIdentifier(IdentifierTree node, Void p) { header(node, compress(node.getName().toString())); return null; } @Override public Void visitIndex(IndexTree node, Void p) { header(node); indent(+1); print("term", node.getSearchTerm()); print("description", node.getDescription()); indent(-1); indent(); out.println("]"); return null; } public Void visitInheritDoc(InheritDocTree node, Void p) { header(node); indent(+1); print("supertype", node.getSupertype()); indent(-1); indent(); out.println("]"); return null; } public Void visitLink(LinkTree node, Void p) { header(node); indent(+1); print("reference", node.getReference()); print("body", node.getLabel()); indent(-1); indent(); out.println("]"); return null; } public Void visitLiteral(LiteralTree node, Void p) { header(node, compress(node.getBody().getBody())); return null; } public Void visitParam(ParamTree node, Void p) { header(node); indent(+1); print("name", node.getName()); print("description", node.getDescription()); indent(-1); indent(); out.println("]"); return null; } public Void visitProvides(ProvidesTree node, Void p) { header(node); indent(+1); print("serviceName", node.getServiceType()); print("description", node.getDescription()); indent(-1); indent(); out.println("]"); return null; } public Void visitReference(ReferenceTree node, Void p) { header(node, compress(node.getSignature())); return null; } public Void visitReturn(ReturnTree node, Void p) { header(node); indent(+1); print("description", node.getDescription()); indent(-1); indent(); out.println("]"); return null; } public Void visitSee(SeeTree node, Void p) { header(node); indent(+1); print("reference", node.getReference()); indent(-1); indent(); out.println("]"); return null; } public Void visitSerial(SerialTree node, Void p) { header(node); indent(+1); print("description", node.getDescription()); indent(-1); indent(); out.println("]"); return null; } public Void visitSerialData(SerialDataTree node, Void p) { header(node); indent(+1); print("description", node.getDescription()); indent(-1); indent(); out.println("]"); return null; } public Void visitSerialField(SerialFieldTree node, Void p) { header(node); indent(+1); print("name", node.getName()); print("type", node.getType()); print("description", node.getDescription()); indent(-1); indent(); out.println("]"); return null; } public Void visitSince(SinceTree node, Void p) { header(node); indent(+1); print("body", node.getBody()); indent(-1); indent(); out.println("]"); return null; } @Override public Void visitSpec(SpecTree node, Void p) { header(node); indent(+1); print("url", node.getURL()); print("title", node.getTitle()); indent(-1); indent(); out.println("]"); return null; } @Override public Void visitSnippet(SnippetTree node, Void p) { header(node); indent(+1); print("attributes", node.getAttributes()); print("body", node.getBody()); indent(-1); indent(); out.println("]"); return null; } public Void visitStartElement(StartElementTree node, Void p) { header(node); indent(+1); indent(); out.println("name:" + node.getName()); print("attributes", node.getAttributes()); indent(-1); indent(); out.println("]"); return null; } @Override public Void visitSummary(SummaryTree node, Void p) { header(node); indent(+1); print("summary", node.getSummary()); indent(-1); indent(); out.println("]"); return null; } @Override public Void visitSystemProperty(SystemPropertyTree node, Void p) { header(node); indent(+1); print("property name", node.getPropertyName().toString()); indent(-1); indent(); out.println("]"); return null; } public Void visitText(TextTree node, Void p) { header(node, compress(node.getBody())); return null; } public Void visitThrows(ThrowsTree node, Void p) { header(node); indent(+1); print("exceptionName", node.getExceptionName()); print("description", node.getDescription()); indent(-1); indent(); out.println("]"); return null; } public Void visitUnknownBlockTag(UnknownBlockTagTree node, Void p) { header(node); indent(+1); indent(); out.println("tag:" + node.getTagName()); print("content", node.getContent()); indent(-1); indent(); out.println("]"); return null; } public Void visitUnknownInlineTag(UnknownInlineTagTree node, Void p) { header(node); indent(+1); indent(); out.println("tag:" + node.getTagName()); print("content", node.getContent()); indent(-1); indent(); out.println("]"); return null; } public Void visitUses(UsesTree node, Void p) { header(node); indent(+1); print("serviceName", node.getServiceType()); print("description", node.getDescription()); indent(-1); indent(); out.println("]"); return null; } public Void visitValue(ValueTree node, Void p) { header(node); indent(+1); print("format", node.getFormat()); print("reference", node.getReference()); indent(-1); indent(); out.println("]"); return null; } public Void visitVersion(VersionTree node, Void p) { header(node); indent(+1); print("body", node.getBody()); indent(-1); indent(); out.println("]"); return null; } public Void visitOther(DocTree node, Void p) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } /* * Use this method to start printing a multi-line representation of a * DocTree node. The representation should be terminated by calling * out.println("]"). */ void header(DocTree node) { indent(); var n = (DCTree) node; out.println(simpleClassName(node) + "[" + node.getKind() + ", pos:" + n.pos + (n.getPreferredPosition() != n.pos ? ", prefPos:" + n.getPreferredPosition() : "")); } /* * Use this method to print a single-line representation of a DocTree node. */ void header(DocTree node, String rest) { indent(); out.println(simpleClassName(node) + "[" + node.getKind() + ", pos:" + ((DCTree) node).pos + (rest.isEmpty() ? "" : ", " + rest) + "]"); } String simpleClassName(DocTree node) { return node.getClass().getSimpleName().replaceAll("DC(.*)", "$1"); } void print(String name, DocTree item) { indent(); if (item == null) out.println(name + ": null"); else { out.println(name + ":"); indent(+1); item.accept(this, null); indent(-1); } } void print(String name, String s) { indent(); out.println(name + ": " + s); } void print(String name, List<? extends DocTree> list) { indent(); if (list == null) out.println(name + ": null"); else if (list.isEmpty()) out.println(name + ": empty"); else { out.println(name + ": " + list.size()); indent(+1); for (DocTree tree: list) { tree.accept(this, null); } indent(-1); } } int indent = 0; void indent() { for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) { out.print(" "); } } void indent(int n) { indent += n; } private static final int BEGIN = 32; private static final String ELLIPSIS = "..."; private static final int END = 32; String compress(String s) { s = s.replace("\n", "|").replace(" ", "_"); return (s.length() < BEGIN + ELLIPSIS.length() + END) ? s : s.substring(0, BEGIN) + ELLIPSIS + s.substring(s.length() - END); } String quote(String s) { if (s.contains("\"")) return "'" + s + "'"; else if (s.contains("'") || s.contains(" ")) return '"' + s + '"'; else return s; } } } /** * Verifies the reported tree positions by comparing the characters found * at and after the reported position with the beginning of the pretty- * printed text. */ static class PosChecker extends Checker { PosChecker(DocCommentTester test, DocTrees t) { test.super(t); } @Override void check(TreePath path, Name name) throws Exception { JavaFileObject fo = path.getCompilationUnit().getSourceFile(); final CharSequence cs = fo.getCharContent(true); final DCDocComment dc = (DCDocComment) trees.getDocCommentTree(path); DocTreeScanner<Void, Void> scanner = new DocTreeScanner<>() { @Override public Void scan(DocTree node, Void ignore) { if (node != null) { try { DCTree dcTree = (DCTree) node; String expect = getExpectText(node); long startPos = dc.getSourcePosition(dcTree.getStartPosition()); String found = getFoundText(cs, (int) startPos, expect.length()); if (!found.equals(expect)) { System.err.println("expect: " + expect); System.err.println("found: " + found); error("mismatch"); } } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { error(node.getClass() + ": " + e); e.printStackTrace(); } } return super.scan(node, ignore); } }; scanner.scan(dc, null); } String getExpectText(DocTree t) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); DocPretty p = new DocPretty(sw); try { p.print(t); } catch (IOException never) { } String s = sw.toString(); if (s.length() <= 1) return s; int ws = s.replaceAll("\\s+", " ").indexOf(" "); if (ws != -1) s = s.substring(0, ws); return (s.length() < 5) ? s : s.substring(0, 5); } String getFoundText(CharSequence cs, int pos, int len) { return (pos == -1) ? "" : cs.subSequence(pos, Math.min(pos + len, cs.length())).toString(); } } /** * Verifies the pretty printed text against a normalized form of the * original doc comment. */ static class PrettyChecker extends Checker { PrettyChecker(DocCommentTester test, DocTrees t) { test.super(t); } @Override void check(TreePath path, Name name) throws Exception { var annos = (path.getLeaf() instanceof MethodTree m) ? m.getModifiers().getAnnotations().toString() : ""; if (annos.contains("@PrettyCheck(false)")) { return; } boolean normalizeTags = !annos.contains("@NormalizeTags(false)"); String raw = trees.getDocComment(path); String normRaw = normalize(raw, normalizeTags); StringWriter out = new StringWriter(); DocPretty dp = new DocPretty(out); dp.print(trees.getDocCommentTree(path)); String pretty = out.toString(); if (!pretty.equals(normRaw)) { error("mismatch"); System.err.println("*** expected:"); System.err.println(normRaw.replace(" ", "_")); System.err.println("*** found:"); System.err.println(pretty.replace(" ", "_")); } } /** * Normalize whitespace in places where the tree does not preserve it. * Maintain contents of inline tags unless {@code normalizeTags} is * {@code false}. This should normally be {@code true}, but should be * set to {@code false} when there is syntactically invalid content * that might resemble an inline tag, but which is not so. * * @param s the comment text to be normalized * @param normalizeTags whether to normalize inline tags * @return the normalized content */ String normalize(String s, boolean normalizeTags) { String s2 = s.trim().replaceFirst("\\.\\s*\\n *@(?![@*])", ".\n@"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(?i)\\{@([a-z][a-z0-9.:-]*)( )?"); Matcher m = p.matcher(s2); int start = 0; if (normalizeTags) { while (m.find(start)) { sb.append(normalizeFragment(s2.substring(start, m.start()))); sb.append(m.group().trim()); start = copyLiteral(s2, m.end(), sb); } } sb.append(normalizeFragment(s2.substring(start))); return sb.toString() .replaceAll("(?i)\\{@([a-z][a-z0-9.:-]*)\\s+}", "{@$1}") .replaceAll("(\\{@value\\s+[^}]+)\\s+(})", "$1$2"); } String normalizeFragment(String s) { return s.replaceAll("\n[ \t]+@(?![@*])", "\n@"); } int copyLiteral(String s, int start, StringBuilder sb) { int depth = 0; for (int i = start; i < s.length(); i++) { char ch = s.charAt(i); if (i == start && !Character.isWhitespace(ch) && ch != '}') { sb.append(' '); } switch (ch) { case '{' -> depth++; case '}' -> { depth--; if (depth < 0) { sb.append(ch); return i + 1; } } } sb.append(ch); } return s.length(); } } /** * Verifies the general "left to right" constraints for the positions of * nodes in the DocTree AST. */ static class RangeChecker extends Checker { int cursor = 0; RangeChecker(DocCommentTester test, DocTrees docTrees) { test.super(docTrees); } @Override void check(TreePath path, Name name) throws Exception { final DCDocComment dc = (DCDocComment) trees.getDocCommentTree(path); DocTreeScanner<Void, Void> scanner = new DocTreeScanner<>() { @Override public Void scan(DocTree node, Void ignore) { if (node instanceof DCTree dcTree) { int start = dcTree.getStartPosition(); int pref = dcTree.getPreferredPosition(); int end = dcTree.getEndPosition(); // check within the node, start <= pref <= end check("start:pref", dcTree, start, pref); check("pref:end", dcTree, pref, end); // check cursor <= start check("cursor:start", dcTree, cursor, start); cursor = start; // recursively scan any children, updating the cursor super.scan(node, ignore); // check cursor <= end check("cursor:end", dcTree, cursor, end); cursor = end; } return null; } }; cursor = 0; scanner.scan(dc, null); } void check(String name, DCTree tree, int first, int second) { if (!(first <= second)) { error(name, tree, first, second); } } private void error(String name, DCTree tree, int first, int second) { String t = tree.toString().replaceAll("\\s+", " "); if (t.length() > 32) { t = t.substring(0, 15) + "..." + t.substring(t.length() - 15); } error("Checking " + name + " for " + tree.getKind() + " `" + t + "`; first:" + first + ", second:" + second); } } /** * Verifies that the start and end positions of all nodes in a DocCommentTree point to the * expected characters in the source code. * * The expected characters are derived from the beginning and end of the DocPretty output * for each node. Note that while the whitespace within the DocPretty output may not exactly * match the original source code, the first and last characters should match. */ static class StartEndPosChecker extends Checker { StartEndPosChecker(DocCommentTester test, DocTrees docTrees) { test.super(docTrees); } @Override void check(TreePath path, Name name) throws Exception { final DCDocComment dc = (DCDocComment) trees.getDocCommentTree(path); JavaFileObject jfo = path.getCompilationUnit().getSourceFile(); CharSequence content = jfo.getCharContent(true); DocTreeScanner<Void, Void> scanner = new DocTreeScanner<>() { @Override public Void scan(DocTree node, Void ignore) { if (node instanceof DCTree dcTree) { int start = dc.getSourcePosition(dc.getStartPosition()); int end = dc.getSourcePosition(dcTree.getEndPosition()); try { StringWriter out = new StringWriter(); DocPretty dp = new DocPretty(out); dp.print(trees.getDocCommentTree(path)); String pretty = out.toString(); if (pretty.isEmpty()) { if (start != end) { error("Error: expected content is empty, but actual content is not: " + dcTree.getKind() + " [" + start + "," + end + ")" + ": \"" + content.subSequence(start, end) + "\"" ); } } else { check(dcTree, "start", content, start, pretty, 0); check(dcTree, "end", content, end - 1, pretty, pretty.length() - 1); } } catch (IOException e) { error("Error generating DocPretty for tree at position " + start + "; " + e); } } return null; } }; scanner.scan(dc, null); } void check(DCTree tree, String label, CharSequence content, int contentIndex, String pretty, int prettyIndex) { if (contentIndex == Diagnostic.NOPOS) { error("NOPOS for content " + label + ": " + tree.getKind() + " >>" + abbrev(pretty, MAX) + "<<"); } char contentChar = content.charAt(contentIndex); char prettyChar = pretty.charAt(prettyIndex); if (contentChar != prettyChar) { error ("Mismatch for content " + label + ": " + "expect: '" + prettyChar + "', found: '" + contentChar + "' at position " + contentIndex + ": " + tree.getKind() + " >>" + abbrev(pretty, MAX) + "<<"); } } static final int MAX = 64; static String abbrev(String s, int max) { s = s.replaceAll("\\s+", " "); if (s.length() > max) { s = s.substring(0, max / 2 - 2) + " ... " + s.substring(max / 2 + 2); } return s; } } }