/* * Copyright (c) 2014, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.io.StringWriter; import java.nio.file.DirectoryStream; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.spi.ToolProvider; import toolbox.ToolBox; /** * Utility methods for use by tests in the `Paths` directory. */ class Util { ToolBox tb = new ToolBox(); PrintStream out = tb.out; Path javaHome = Path.of(System.getProperty("java.home")); String PS = File.pathSeparator; Path curDir = Path.of("."); static final String JAR = "jar"; static final String JAVA = "java"; static final String JAVAC = "javac"; static final String JIMAGE = "jimage"; /** The number of test-case failures. */ int failCount = 0; /** The number of test-case passes. */ int passCount = 0; /** A map recording how often each tool is executed in a separate process. */ Map<String, Integer> execCounts = new TreeMap<>(); /** A map recording how often each tool is invoked via its ToolProvider API. */ Map<String, Integer> toolCounts = new TreeMap<>(); /** * Reports a summary of the overall test statistics, and throws an exception * if any test cases failed. * * @throws Exception if any test cases failed */ void bottomLine() throws Exception { out.println(); out.println("-- Summary --"); out.println("Passed: " + passCount); out.println("Failed: " + failCount); out.println("exec: " + execCounts); out.println("tool: " + toolCounts); if (failCount > 0) { throw new Exception(failCount + " tests failed"); } } /** * The result of executing a tool, either in a separate process, or via its ToolProvider API. * * @param exitCode the exit code from the tool: 0 for success * @param out the output from the tool */ record Result(int exitCode, String out) { } /** * Executes a tool with given arguments and verifies that it passes. * * @param command the name of a JDK tool: java, javac or jar * @param args a string containing whitespace separated arguments * @throws Exception if there was an issue trying to execute the tool * @see #passCount * @see #failCount * @see #splitArgs(String) */ void expectPass(String command, String args) throws Exception { expectPass(null, null, command, splitArgs(args)); } /** * Executes a tool in a specific directory with given arguments and verifies that it passes. * In order to set the directory, the tool will be executed in a separate process. * * @param dir the directory * @param command the name of a JDK tool: java, javac or jar * @param args a string containing whitespace separated arguments * @throws Exception if there was an issue trying to execute the tool * @see #passCount * @see #failCount * @see #splitArgs(String) */ void expectPass(Path dir, String command, String args) throws Exception { expectPass(dir, null, command, splitArgs(args)); } /** * Executes a tool with additional env variables with given arguments and verifies that it passes. * In order to set the env variables, the tool will be executed in a separate process. * Note that any value of {@code CLASSPATH} inherited from this process will always be removed. * * @param env the additional env variables * @param command the name of a JDK tool: java, javac or jar * @param args a string containing whitespace separated arguments * @throws Exception if there was an issue trying to execute the tool * @see #passCount * @see #failCount * @see #splitArgs(String) */ void expectPass(Map<String, String> env, String command, String args) throws Exception { expectPass(null, env, command, splitArgs(args)); } /** * Executes a tool in a given directory with additional env variables with given arguments * and verifies that it passes. * In order to set any directory and env variables, the tool will be executed in a separate process. * Note that any value of {@code CLASSPATH} inherited from this process will always be removed. * * @param dir the directory, or {@code null} * @param env the additional env variables, or {@code null} * @param command the name of a JDK tool: java, javac or jar * @param args the arguments * @throws Exception if there was an issue trying to execute the tool * @see #passCount * @see #failCount */ void expectPass(Path dir, Map<String, String> env, String command, String... args) throws Exception { Result result = switch (command) { case JAR -> jar(args); case JAVAC -> javac(dir, env, args); case JAVA -> java(dir, env, args); default -> throw new Exception("unknown command: " + command); }; if (result.exitCode == 0) { out.println("PASS: test passed as expected"); passCount++; } else { out.println("FAIL: test failed unexpectedly"); failCount++; } } /** * Executes a tool with given arguments and verifies that it fails. * * @param command the name of a JDK tool: java, javac or jar * @param args a string containing whitespace separated arguments * @throws Exception if there was an issue trying to execute the tool * @see #passCount * @see #failCount * @see #splitArgs(String) */ void expectFail(String command, String args) throws Exception { expectFail(null, null, command, splitArgs(args)); } /** * Executes a tool in a specific directory with given arguments and verifies that it fails. * In order to set the directory, the tool will be executed in a separate process. * * @param dir the directory * @param command the name of a JDK tool: java, javac or jar * @param args a string containing whitespace separated arguments * @throws Exception if there was an issue trying to execute the tool * @see #passCount * @see #failCount * @see #splitArgs(String) */ void expectFail(Path dir, String command, String args) throws Exception { expectFail(dir, null, command, splitArgs(args)); } /** * Executes a tool with additional env variables with given arguments and verifies that it passes. * In order to set the env variables, the tool will be executed in a separate process. * Note that any value of {@code CLASSPATH} inherited from this process will always be removed. * * @param env the additional env variables * @param command the name of a JDK tool: java, javac or jar * @param args a string containing whitespace separated arguments * @throws Exception if there was an issue trying to execute the tool * @see #passCount * @see #failCount * @see #splitArgs(String) */ void expectFail(Map<String, String> env, String command, String args) throws Exception { expectFail(null, env, command, splitArgs(args)); } /** * Executes a tool in a given directory with additional env variables with given arguments * and verifies that it passes. * In order to set any directory and env variables, the tool will be executed in a separate process. * Note that any value of {@code CLASSPATH} inherited from this process will always be removed. * * @param dir the directory, or {@code null} * @param env the additional env variables, or {@code null} * @param command the name of a JDK tool: java, javac or jar * @param args the arguments * @throws Exception if there was an issue trying to execute the tool * @see #passCount * @see #failCount */ void expectFail(Path dir, Map<String, String> env, String command, String... args) throws Exception { Result result = switch (command) { case JAR -> jar(args); case JAVAC -> javac(dir, env, args); case JAVA -> java(dir, env, args); default -> throw new Exception("unknown command: " + command); }; if (result.exitCode == 0) { out.println("FAIL: test passed unexpectedly"); failCount++; } else { out.println("PASS: failed as expected"); passCount++; } } /** * Splits a string into a list of strings that were separated by whitespace. * Leading and trailing whitespace is removed. * The character sequence {@code ${PS}} is replaced by the platform path separator. * Note, quotes are not supported, and so there is no support for embedded whitespace * or empty strings in the output. * * @param args a string of tokens separated by whitespace * @return an array of the tokens that were separated by whitespace */ String[] splitArgs(String args) { return args.trim() .replace("${PS}", PS) .split("\\s+"); } /** * Executes {@code javac} using its ToolProvider API. * * @param args the arguments * @return an object containing the output and exit code from the tool * @throws Exception if there is an issue executing the tool */ Result javac(String... args) throws Exception { return runTool(JAVAC, args); } /** * Executes {@code javac} in either a separate process or using its ToolProvider API. * The ToolProvider API is used if the directory and env parameters are {@code null}, * and if the arguments definitely do not use "classpath wildcards", which are * only supported when the tool is invoked by the launcher. * * @param dir the directory, or {@code null} * @param env any additional environment variables, or {@code null} * @param args the arguments * @return an object containing the output and exit code from the tool * @throws Exception if there is an issue executing the tool */ Result javac(Path dir, Map<String, String> env, String... args) throws Exception { return (env != null || dir != null || hasWildcardClassPath(args)) ? execTool(dir, env, JAVAC, args) : runTool(JAVAC, args); } /** * {@return true if the arguments may contain a classpath option using a "classpath wildcard"} * * The result is {@code true} if there is any form of a classpath option whose value contains {@code *}. * Note: this may include "false positives", where the {@code *} is not at the end of * any element in the path, such as when the character is part of the filename. * However, in context, the approximation is safe, and just means that we may sometimes * execute javac in a separate process when it would be sufficient to use its ToolProvider API. * * A more refined implementation could split apart the path elements and looking for * an element that is {@code *} or which ends in {@code *}. * * @param args the arguments to be checked */ private boolean hasWildcardClassPath(String... args) { for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { String arg = args[i]; switch (arg) { case "-classpath", "--class-path", "-cp" -> { if (i + 1 < args.length && args[i + 1].contains("*")) { return true; } } default -> { if (arg.startsWith("--class-path=") && arg.contains("*")) { return true; } } } } return false; } /** * Executes {@code jar} using its ToolProvider API. * * @param args the arguments * @return an object containing the output and exit code from the tool * @throws Exception if there is an issue executing the tool */ Result jar(String... args) throws Exception { return runTool(JAR, args); } /** * Executes {@code jimage} using its ToolProvider API. * * @param args the arguments * @return an object containing the output and exit code from the tool * @throws Exception if there is an issue executing the tool */ Result jimage(String... args) throws Exception { return execTool(null, null, JIMAGE, args); } /** * Executes {@code java} in a separate process. * * @param dir the directory, or {@code null} * @param env any additional environment variables, or {@code null} * @param args the arguments * @return an object containing the output and exit code from the launcher * @throws Exception if there is an issue executing the tool */ Result java(Path dir, Map<String, String> env, String... args) throws Exception { return execTool(dir, env, JAVA, args); } /** * Runs a tool using its ToolProvider API. * * @param args the arguments * @return an object containing the output and exit code from the launcher * @throws Exception if there is an issue executing the tool */ Result runTool(String name, String... args) throws Exception { out.println(name + ": " + String.join(" ", args)); var tool = ToolProvider.findFirst(name) .orElseThrow(() -> new Exception("cannot find " + name)); try (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw)) { int rc = tool.run(pw, pw, args); pw.flush(); String output = sw.toString(); output.lines() .forEach(l -> out.println(name + ": " + l)); if (rc != 0) { out.println(name + ": exit code " + rc); } toolCounts.put(name, toolCounts.computeIfAbsent(name, n -> 0) + 1); return new Result(rc, output); } } /** * Executes a tool in a separate process. * * Note that any value of {@code CLASSPATH} inherited from this process will always be removed. * * @param dir the directory, or {@code null} * @param env any additional environment variables, or {@code null} * @param args the arguments * @return an object containing the output and exit code from the launcher * @throws Exception if there is an issue executing the tool */ Result execTool(Path dir, Map<String, String> env, String name, String... args) throws Exception { out.print(name + ":"); if (env != null) { out.print(" " + env); } if (dir != null) { out.print(" (" + dir + ")"); } out.println(" " + String.join(" ", args)); Path tool = javaHome.resolve("bin").resolve(name + (ToolBox.isWindows() ? ".exe" : "")); if (!Files.exists(tool)) { throw new Exception("cannot find " + name); } var cmd = new ArrayList<String>(); cmd.add(tool.toString()); cmd.addAll(List.of(args)); ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(cmd) .redirectErrorStream(true); pb.environment().remove("CLASSPATH"); // always remove default value set by jtreg if (env != null) { pb.environment().putAll(env); } if (dir != null) { pb.directory(dir.toFile()); } Process p = pb.start(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); try (var in = p.inputReader()) { in.lines().forEach(l -> { sb.append(l).append("\n"); out.println(name + ": " + l); }); } p.waitFor(); int rc = p.exitValue(); if (rc != 0) { out.println(name + ": exit code " + rc); } execCounts.put(name, execCounts.computeIfAbsent(name, n -> 0) + 1); return new Result(rc, sb.toString()); } /** * Checks that a series of files exist and are readable. * * @param paths the files * @throws Exception if any of the files are not found or are not readable */ void checkFiles(String... paths) throws Exception { for (String p : paths) { Path path = Path.of(p); if (!Files.isReadable(path) ) { throw new Exception("file not found: " + path); } } } /** * List the files in a directory that match a "glob" pattern. * * @param dir the directory * @param glob the pattern * @return the list of files * @throws IOException if there is a problem listing the contents of the directory */ List<Path> listFiles(Path dir, String glob) throws IOException { var files = new ArrayList<Path>(); try (DirectoryStream<Path> ds = Files.newDirectoryStream(dir, glob)) { for (Path p : ds) { files.add(p); } } return files; } /** * Deletes a series of files. * The files are deleted using {@link ToolBox#cleanDirectory(Path)} and * {@code ToolBox#deleteFiles}, which together try hard to delete the files, * even on Windows. * * @param paths the paths * @throws IOException if there is a problem deleting any of the files * @see #deleteFiles(List) */ void deleteFiles(String... paths) throws IOException { deleteFiles(Arrays.stream(paths) .map(Path::of) .toList()); } /** * Deletes a series of files. * The files are deleted using {@link ToolBox#cleanDirectory(Path)} and * {@code ToolBox#deleteFiles}, which together try hard to delete the files, * even on Windows. * * @param paths the paths * @throws IOException if there is a problem deleting any of the files */ void deleteFiles(List<Path> paths) throws IOException { for (Path path : paths) { if (Files.exists(path)) { if (Files.isDirectory(path)) { tb.cleanDirectory(path); } tb.deleteFiles(path); } } } /** * Moves a series of files into a given directory. * * @param files the files * @param dir the target directory * @throws IOException if there is a problem moving any of the files */ void moveFiles(List<Path> files, Path dir) throws IOException { for (Path p : files) { tb.moveFile(p, dir); } } /** * Moves a series of files into a given directory. * * @param files the files * @param dir the target directory * @throws IOException if there is a problem moving any of the files */ void moveFiles(List<String> files, String dir) throws IOException { for (String p : files) { tb.moveFile(p, dir); } } /** * {@return a map containing a setting for the {@code CLASSPATH} env variable} * * @param classpath the value for the env variable */ Map<String, String> classpath(String classpath) { return Map.of("CLASSPATH", classpath.replace("${PS}", PS)); } /** * Writes a file called {@code MANIFEST.MF} containing a given value for * the {@code Class-Path} entry. * * @param path the value for the {@code Class-Path} entry * @throws IOException if there is a problem writing the file */ void makeManifestWithClassPath(String path) throws IOException { Files.writeString(Path.of("MANIFEST.MF"), "Manifest-Version: 1.0\n" + "Class-Path: " + path + "\n"); } }