/* * Copyright (c) 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /* * @test * @summary verify Lookup.revealDirect on a variety of input handles * @compile -XDignore.symbol.file RevealDirectTest.java * @run junit/othervm -ea -esa test.java.lang.invoke.RevealDirectTest * * @test * @summary verify Lookup.revealDirect on a variety of input handles, with security manager * @run main/othervm/policy=jtreg.security.policy/secure=java.lang.SecurityManager -ea -esa test.java.lang.invoke.RevealDirectTest */ /* To run manually: * $ $JAVA8X_HOME/bin/javac -cp $JUNIT4_JAR -d ../../../.. -XDignore.symbol.file RevealDirectTest.java * $ $JAVA8X_HOME/bin/java -cp $JUNIT4_JAR:../../../.. -ea -esa org.junit.runner.JUnitCore test.java.lang.invoke.RevealDirectTest * $ $JAVA8X_HOME/bin/java -cp $JUNIT4_JAR:../../../.. -ea -esa -Djava.security.manager test.java.lang.invoke.RevealDirectTest */ package test.java.lang.invoke; import java.lang.reflect.*; import java.lang.invoke.*; import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.*; import static java.lang.invoke.MethodType.*; import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleInfo.*; import java.util.*; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import org.junit.*; public class RevealDirectTest { public static void main(String... av) throws Throwable { // Run the @Test methods explicitly, in case we don't want to use the JUnitCore driver. // This appears to be necessary when running with a security manager. Throwable fail = null; for (Method test : RevealDirectTest.class.getDeclaredMethods()) { if (!test.isAnnotationPresent(Test.class)) continue; try { test.invoke(new RevealDirectTest()); } catch (Throwable ex) { if (ex instanceof InvocationTargetException) ex = ex.getCause(); if (fail == null) fail = ex; System.out.println("Testcase: "+test.getName() +"("+test.getDeclaringClass().getName() +"):\tCaused an ERROR"); System.out.println(ex); ex.printStackTrace(System.out); } } if (fail != null) throw fail; } public interface SimpleSuperInterface { public abstract int getInt(); public static void printAll(String... args) { System.out.println(Arrays.toString(args)); } public int NICE_CONSTANT = 42; } public interface SimpleInterface extends SimpleSuperInterface { default float getFloat() { return getInt(); } public static void printAll(String[] args) { System.out.println(Arrays.toString(args)); } } public static class Simple implements SimpleInterface, Cloneable { public int intField; public final int finalField; private static String stringField; public int getInt() { return NICE_CONSTANT; } private static Number getNum() { return 804; } public Simple clone() { try { return (Simple) super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } Simple() { finalField = -NICE_CONSTANT; } private static Lookup localLookup() { return lookup(); } private static List<Member> members() { return getMembers(lookup().lookupClass()); }; } static class Nestmate { private static Lookup localLookup() { return lookup(); } } static boolean VERBOSE = false; @Test public void testSimple() throws Throwable { if (VERBOSE) System.out.println("@Test testSimple"); testOnMembers("testSimple", Simple.members(), Simple.localLookup()); } @Test public void testPublicLookup() throws Throwable { if (VERBOSE) System.out.println("@Test testPublicLookup"); List<Member> mems = publicOnly(Simple.members()); Lookup pubLookup = publicLookup(), privLookup = Simple.localLookup(); testOnMembers("testPublicLookup/1", mems, pubLookup); // reveal using publicLookup: testOnMembers("testPublicLookup/2", mems, privLookup, pubLookup); // lookup using publicLookup, but reveal using private: testOnMembers("testPublicLookup/3", mems, pubLookup, privLookup); } @Test public void testPublicLookupNegative() throws Throwable { if (VERBOSE) System.out.println("@Test testPublicLookupNegative"); List<Member> mems = nonPublicOnly(Simple.members()); Lookup pubLookup = publicLookup(), privLookup = Simple.localLookup(); testOnMembersNoLookup("testPublicLookupNegative/1", mems, pubLookup); testOnMembersNoReveal("testPublicLookupNegative/2", mems, privLookup, pubLookup); testOnMembersNoReflect("testPublicLookupNegative/3", mems, privLookup, pubLookup); } @Test public void testJavaLangClass() throws Throwable { if (VERBOSE) System.out.println("@Test testJavaLangClass"); List<Member> mems = callerSensitive(false, publicOnly(getMembers(Class.class))); mems = limit(20, mems); testOnMembers("testJavaLangClass", mems, Simple.localLookup()); } @Test public void testCallerSensitive() throws Throwable { if (VERBOSE) System.out.println("@Test testCallerSensitive"); List<Member> mems = union(getMembers(MethodHandles.class, "lookup"), getMembers(Method.class, "invoke"), getMembers(Field.class, "get", "set", "getLong"), getMembers(Class.class)); mems = callerSensitive(true, publicOnly(mems)); mems = limit(10, mems); testOnMembers("testCallerSensitive", mems, Simple.localLookup()); } @Test public void testCallerSensitiveNegative() throws Throwable { if (VERBOSE) System.out.println("@Test testCallerSensitiveNegative"); List<Member> mems = union(getMembers(MethodHandles.class, "lookup"), getMembers(Class.class, "forName"), getMembers(Method.class, "invoke")); mems = callerSensitive(true, publicOnly(mems)); // CS methods cannot be looked up with publicLookup testOnMembersNoLookup("testCallerSensitiveNegative/1", mems, publicLookup()); // CS methods have to be revealed with a matching lookupClass testOnMembersNoReveal("testCallerSensitiveNegative/2", mems, Simple.localLookup(), publicLookup()); testOnMembersNoReveal("testCallerSensitiveNegative/3", mems, Simple.localLookup(), Nestmate.localLookup()); } @Test public void testMethodHandleNatives() throws Throwable { if (VERBOSE) System.out.println("@Test testMethodHandleNatives"); List<Member> mems = getMembers(MethodHandle.class, "invoke", "invokeExact"); testOnMembers("testMethodHandleNatives", mems, Simple.localLookup()); } @Test public void testMethodHandleInvokes() throws Throwable { if (VERBOSE) System.out.println("@Test testMethodHandleInvokes"); List<MethodType> types = new ArrayList<>(); Class<?>[] someParamTypes = { void.class, int.class, Object.class, Object[].class }; for (Class<?> rt : someParamTypes) { for (Class<?> p0 : someParamTypes) { if (p0 == void.class) { types.add(methodType(rt)); continue; } for (Class<?> p1 : someParamTypes) { if (p1 == void.class) { types.add(methodType(rt, p0)); continue; } for (Class<?> p2 : someParamTypes) { if (p2 == void.class) { types.add(methodType(rt, p0, p1)); continue; } types.add(methodType(rt, p0, p1, p2)); } } } } List<Member> mems = union(getPolyMembers(MethodHandle.class, "invoke", types), getPolyMembers(MethodHandle.class, "invokeExact", types)); testOnMembers("testMethodHandleInvokes/1", mems, Simple.localLookup()); testOnMembers("testMethodHandleInvokes/2", mems, publicLookup()); } static List<Member> getPolyMembers(Class<?> cls, String name, List<MethodType> types) { assert(cls == MethodHandle.class); ArrayList<Member> mems = new ArrayList<>(); for (MethodType type : types) { mems.add(new SignaturePolymorphicMethod(name, type)); } return mems; } static List<Member> getMembers(Class<?> cls) { return getMembers(cls, (String[]) null); } static List<Member> getMembers(Class<?> cls, String... onlyNames) { List<String> names = (onlyNames == null || onlyNames.length == 0 ? null : Arrays.asList(onlyNames)); ArrayList<Member> res = new ArrayList<>(); for (Class<?> sup : getSupers(cls)) { res.addAll(getDeclaredMembers(sup, "getDeclaredFields")); res.addAll(getDeclaredMembers(sup, "getDeclaredMethods")); res.addAll(getDeclaredMembers(sup, "getDeclaredConstructors")); } res = new ArrayList<>(new LinkedHashSet<>(res)); for (int i = 0; i < res.size(); i++) { Member mem = res.get(i); if (!canBeReached(mem, cls) || res.indexOf(mem) != i || mem.isSynthetic() || (names != null && !names.contains(mem.getName())) ) { res.remove(i--); } } return res; } static List<Class<?>> getSupers(Class<?> cls) { ArrayList<Class<?>> res = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<Class<?>> intfs = new ArrayList<>(); for (Class<?> sup = cls; sup != null; sup = sup.getSuperclass()) { res.add(sup); for (Class<?> intf : cls.getInterfaces()) { if (!intfs.contains(intf)) intfs.add(intf); } } for (int i = 0; i < intfs.size(); i++) { for (Class<?> intf : intfs.get(i).getInterfaces()) { if (!intfs.contains(intf)) intfs.add(intf); } } res.addAll(intfs); //System.out.println("getSupers => "+res); return res; } static boolean hasSM() { return (System.getSecurityManager() != null); } static List<Member> getDeclaredMembers(Class<?> cls, String accessor) { Member[] mems = {}; Method getter = getMethod(Class.class, accessor); if (hasSM()) { try { mems = (Member[]) invokeMethod(getter, cls); } catch (SecurityException ex) { //if (VERBOSE) ex.printStackTrace(); accessor = accessor.replace("Declared", ""); getter = getMethod(Class.class, accessor); if (VERBOSE) System.out.println("replaced accessor: "+getter); } } if (mems.length == 0) { try { mems = (Member[]) invokeMethod(getter, cls); } catch (SecurityException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } if (VERBOSE) System.out.println(accessor+" "+cls.getName()+" => "+mems.length+" members"); return Arrays.asList(mems); } static Method getMethod(Class<?> cls, String name) { try { return cls.getMethod(name); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException ex) { throw new AssertionError(ex); } } static Object invokeMethod(Method m, Object recv, Object... args) { try { return m.invoke(recv, args); } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { Throwable ex2 = ex.getCause(); if (ex2 instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException) ex2; if (ex2 instanceof Error) throw (Error) ex2; throw new AssertionError(ex); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException ex) { throw new AssertionError(ex); } } static List<Member> limit(int len, List<Member> mems) { if (mems.size() <= len) return mems; return mems.subList(0, len); } @SafeVarargs static List<Member> union(List<Member> mems, List<Member>... mem2s) { for (List<Member> mem2 : mem2s) { for (Member m : mem2) { if (!mems.contains(m)) mems.add(m); } } return mems; } static List<Member> callerSensitive(boolean cond, List<Member> members) { for (Iterator<Member> i = members.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Member mem = i.next(); if (isCallerSensitive(mem) != cond) i.remove(); } if (members.isEmpty()) throw new AssertionError("trivial result"); return members; } static boolean isCallerSensitive(Member mem) { if (!(mem instanceof AnnotatedElement)) return false; AnnotatedElement ae = (AnnotatedElement) mem; if (CS_CLASS != null) return ae.isAnnotationPresent(sun.reflect.CallerSensitive.class); for (java.lang.annotation.Annotation a : ae.getDeclaredAnnotations()) { if (a.toString().contains(".CallerSensitive")) return true; } return false; } static final Class<?> CS_CLASS; static { Class<?> c = null; try { c = sun.reflect.CallerSensitive.class; } catch (SecurityException | LinkageError ex) { } CS_CLASS = c; } static List<Member> publicOnly(List<Member> members) { return removeMods(members, Modifier.PUBLIC, 0); } static List<Member> nonPublicOnly(List<Member> members) { return removeMods(members, Modifier.PUBLIC, -1); } static List<Member> removeMods(List<Member> members, int mask, int bits) { int publicMods = (mask & Modifier.PUBLIC); members = new ArrayList<>(members); for (Iterator<Member> i = members.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Member mem = i.next(); int mods = mem.getModifiers(); if ((publicMods & mods) != 0 && (publicMods & mem.getDeclaringClass().getModifiers()) == 0) mods -= publicMods; if ((mods & mask) == (bits & mask)) i.remove(); } return members; } void testOnMembers(String tname, List<Member> mems, Lookup lookup, Lookup... lookups) throws Throwable { if (VERBOSE) System.out.println("testOnMembers "+mems); Lookup revLookup = (lookups.length > 0) ? lookups[0] : null; if (revLookup == null) revLookup = lookup; Lookup refLookup = (lookups.length > 1) ? lookups[1] : null; if (refLookup == null) refLookup = lookup; assert(lookups.length <= 2); testOnMembersImpl(tname, mems, lookup, revLookup, refLookup, NO_FAIL); } void testOnMembersNoLookup(String tname, List<Member> mems, Lookup lookup) throws Throwable { if (VERBOSE) System.out.println("testOnMembersNoLookup "+mems); testOnMembersImpl(tname, mems, lookup, null, null, FAIL_LOOKUP); } void testOnMembersNoReveal(String tname, List<Member> mems, Lookup lookup, Lookup negLookup) throws Throwable { if (VERBOSE) System.out.println("testOnMembersNoReveal "+mems); testOnMembersImpl(tname, mems, lookup, negLookup, null, FAIL_REVEAL); } void testOnMembersNoReflect(String tname, List<Member> mems, Lookup lookup, Lookup negLookup) throws Throwable { if (VERBOSE) System.out.println("testOnMembersNoReflect "+mems); testOnMembersImpl(tname, mems, lookup, lookup, negLookup, FAIL_REFLECT); } void testOnMembersImpl(String tname, List<Member> mems, Lookup lookup, Lookup revLookup, Lookup refLookup, int failureMode) throws Throwable { Throwable fail = null; int failCount = 0; failureModeCounts = new int[FAIL_MODE_COUNT]; long tm0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (Member mem : mems) { try { testWithMember(mem, lookup, revLookup, refLookup, failureMode); } catch (Throwable ex) { if (fail == null) fail = ex; if (++failCount > 10) { System.out.println("*** FAIL: too many failures"); break; } System.out.println("*** FAIL: "+mem+" => "+ex); if (VERBOSE) ex.printStackTrace(System.out); } } long tm1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.printf("@Test %s executed %s tests in %d ms", tname, testKinds(failureModeCounts), (tm1-tm0)).println(); if (fail != null) throw fail; } static String testKinds(int[] modes) { int pos = modes[0], neg = -pos; for (int n : modes) neg += n; if (neg == 0) return pos + " positive"; String negs = ""; for (int n : modes) negs += "/"+n; negs = negs.replaceFirst("/"+pos+"/", ""); negs += " negative"; if (pos == 0) return negs; return pos + " positive, " + negs; } static class SignaturePolymorphicMethod implements Member { // non-reflected instance of MH.invoke* final String name; final MethodType type; SignaturePolymorphicMethod(String name, MethodType type) { this.name = name; this.type = type; } public String toString() { String typeStr = type.toString(); if (isVarArgs()) typeStr = typeStr.replaceFirst("\\[\\])$", "...)"); return (Modifier.toString(getModifiers()) +typeStr.substring(0, typeStr.indexOf('('))+" " +getDeclaringClass().getTypeName()+"." +getName()+typeStr.substring(typeStr.indexOf('('))); } public boolean equals(Object x) { return (x instanceof SignaturePolymorphicMethod && equals((SignaturePolymorphicMethod)x)); } public boolean equals(SignaturePolymorphicMethod that) { return this.name.equals(that.name) && this.type.equals(that.type); } public int hashCode() { return name.hashCode() * 31 + type.hashCode(); } public Class<?> getDeclaringClass() { return MethodHandle.class; } public String getName() { return name; } public MethodType getMethodType() { return type; } public int getModifiers() { return Modifier.PUBLIC | Modifier.FINAL | Modifier.NATIVE | SYNTHETIC; } public boolean isVarArgs() { return Modifier.isTransient(getModifiers()); } public boolean isSynthetic() { return true; } public Class<?> getReturnType() { return type.returnType(); } public Class<?>[] getParameterTypes() { return type.parameterArray(); } static final int SYNTHETIC = 0x00001000; } static class UnreflectResult { // a tuple final MethodHandle mh; final Throwable ex; final byte kind; final Member mem; final int var; UnreflectResult(MethodHandle mh, byte kind, Member mem, int var) { this.mh = mh; this.ex = null; this.kind = kind; this.mem = mem; this.var = var; } UnreflectResult(Throwable ex, byte kind, Member mem, int var) { this.mh = null; this.ex = ex; this.kind = kind; this.mem = mem; this.var = var; } public String toString() { return toInfoString()+"/v"+var; } public String toInfoString() { return String.format("%s %s.%s:%s", MethodHandleInfo.referenceKindToString(kind), mem.getDeclaringClass().getName(), name(mem), type(mem, kind)); } static String name(Member mem) { if (mem instanceof Constructor) return "<init>"; return mem.getName(); } static MethodType type(Member mem, byte kind) { if (mem instanceof Field) { Class<?> type = ((Field)mem).getType(); if (kind == REF_putStatic || kind == REF_putField) return methodType(void.class, type); return methodType(type); } else if (mem instanceof SignaturePolymorphicMethod) { return ((SignaturePolymorphicMethod)mem).getMethodType(); } Class<?>[] params = ((Executable)mem).getParameterTypes(); if (mem instanceof Constructor) return methodType(void.class, params); Class<?> type = ((Method)mem).getReturnType(); return methodType(type, params); } } static UnreflectResult unreflectMember(Lookup lookup, Member mem, int variation) { byte[] refKind = {0}; try { return unreflectMemberOrThrow(lookup, mem, variation, refKind); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException|SecurityException ex) { return new UnreflectResult(ex, refKind[0], mem, variation); } } static UnreflectResult unreflectMemberOrThrow(Lookup lookup, Member mem, int variation, byte[] refKind) throws ReflectiveOperationException { Class<?> cls = lookup.lookupClass(); Class<?> defc = mem.getDeclaringClass(); String name = mem.getName(); int mods = mem.getModifiers(); boolean isStatic = Modifier.isStatic(mods); MethodHandle mh = null; byte kind = 0; if (mem instanceof Method) { Method m = (Method) mem; MethodType type = methodType(m.getReturnType(), m.getParameterTypes()); boolean canBeSpecial = (!isStatic && (lookup.lookupModes() & Modifier.PRIVATE) != 0 && defc.isAssignableFrom(cls) && (!defc.isInterface() || Arrays.asList(cls.getInterfaces()).contains(defc))); if (variation >= 2) kind = REF_invokeSpecial; else if (isStatic) kind = REF_invokeStatic; else if (defc.isInterface()) kind = REF_invokeInterface; else kind = REF_invokeVirtual; refKind[0] = kind; switch (variation) { case 0: mh = lookup.unreflect(m); break; case 1: if (defc == MethodHandle.class && !isStatic && m.isVarArgs() && Modifier.isFinal(mods) && Modifier.isNative(mods)) { break; } if (isStatic) mh = lookup.findStatic(defc, name, type); else mh = lookup.findVirtual(defc, name, type); break; case 2: if (!canBeSpecial) break; mh = lookup.unreflectSpecial(m, lookup.lookupClass()); break; case 3: if (!canBeSpecial) break; mh = lookup.findSpecial(defc, name, type, lookup.lookupClass()); break; } } else if (mem instanceof SignaturePolymorphicMethod) { SignaturePolymorphicMethod m = (SignaturePolymorphicMethod) mem; MethodType type = methodType(m.getReturnType(), m.getParameterTypes()); kind = REF_invokeVirtual; refKind[0] = kind; switch (variation) { case 0: mh = lookup.findVirtual(defc, name, type); break; } } else if (mem instanceof Constructor) { name = "<init>"; // not used Constructor<?> m = (Constructor<?>) mem; MethodType type = methodType(void.class, m.getParameterTypes()); kind = REF_newInvokeSpecial; refKind[0] = kind; switch (variation) { case 0: mh = lookup.unreflectConstructor(m); break; case 1: mh = lookup.findConstructor(defc, type); break; } } else if (mem instanceof Field) { Field m = (Field) mem; Class<?> type = m.getType(); boolean canHaveSetter = !Modifier.isFinal(mods); if (variation >= 2) kind = (byte)(isStatic ? REF_putStatic : REF_putField); else kind = (byte)(isStatic ? REF_getStatic : REF_getField); refKind[0] = kind; switch (variation) { case 0: mh = lookup.unreflectGetter(m); break; case 1: if (isStatic) mh = lookup.findStaticGetter(defc, name, type); else mh = lookup.findGetter(defc, name, type); break; case 3: if (!canHaveSetter) break; mh = lookup.unreflectSetter(m); break; case 2: if (!canHaveSetter) break; if (isStatic) mh = lookup.findStaticSetter(defc, name, type); else mh = lookup.findSetter(defc, name, type); break; } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(mem)); } if (mh == null) // ran out of valid variations; return null to caller return null; return new UnreflectResult(mh, kind, mem, variation); } static boolean canBeReached(Member mem, Class<?> cls) { Class<?> defc = mem.getDeclaringClass(); String name = mem.getName(); int mods = mem.getModifiers(); if (mem instanceof Constructor) { name = "<init>"; // according to 292 spec. } if (defc == cls) return true; if (name.startsWith("<")) return false; // only my own constructors if (Modifier.isPrivate(mods)) return false; // only my own constructors if (defc.getPackage() == cls.getPackage()) return true; // package access or greater OK if (Modifier.isPublic(mods)) return true; // publics always OK if (Modifier.isProtected(mods) && defc.isAssignableFrom(cls)) return true; // protected OK return false; } static boolean consistent(UnreflectResult res, MethodHandleInfo info) { assert(res.mh != null); assertEquals(res.kind, info.getReferenceKind()); assertEquals(res.mem.getModifiers(), info.getModifiers()); assertEquals(res.mem.getDeclaringClass(), info.getDeclaringClass()); String expectName = res.mem.getName(); if (res.kind == REF_newInvokeSpecial) expectName = "<init>"; assertEquals(expectName, info.getName()); MethodType expectType = res.mh.type(); if ((res.kind & 1) == (REF_getField & 1)) expectType = expectType.dropParameterTypes(0, 1); if (res.kind == REF_newInvokeSpecial) expectType = expectType.changeReturnType(void.class); assertEquals(expectType, info.getMethodType()); assertEquals(res.mh.isVarargsCollector(), isVarArgs(info)); assertEquals(res.toInfoString(), info.toString()); assertEquals(res.toInfoString(), MethodHandleInfo.toString(info.getReferenceKind(), info.getDeclaringClass(), info.getName(), info.getMethodType())); return true; } static boolean isVarArgs(MethodHandleInfo info) { return info.isVarArgs(); } static boolean consistent(Member mem, Member mem2) { assertEquals(mem, mem2); return true; } static boolean consistent(MethodHandleInfo info, MethodHandleInfo info2) { assertEquals(info.getReferenceKind(), info2.getReferenceKind()); assertEquals(info.getModifiers(), info2.getModifiers()); assertEquals(info.getDeclaringClass(), info2.getDeclaringClass()); assertEquals(info.getName(), info2.getName()); assertEquals(info.getMethodType(), info2.getMethodType()); assertEquals(isVarArgs(info), isVarArgs(info)); return true; } static boolean consistent(MethodHandle mh, MethodHandle mh2) { assertEquals(mh.type(), mh2.type()); assertEquals(mh.isVarargsCollector(), mh2.isVarargsCollector()); return true; } int[] failureModeCounts; static final int NO_FAIL=0, FAIL_LOOKUP=1, FAIL_REVEAL=2, FAIL_REFLECT=3, FAIL_MODE_COUNT=4; void testWithMember(Member mem, Lookup lookup, // initial lookup of member => MH Lookup revLookup, // reveal MH => info Lookup refLookup, // reflect info => member int failureMode) throws Throwable { boolean expectEx1 = (failureMode == FAIL_LOOKUP); // testOnMembersNoLookup boolean expectEx2 = (failureMode == FAIL_REVEAL); // testOnMembersNoReveal boolean expectEx3 = (failureMode == FAIL_REFLECT); // testOnMembersNoReflect for (int variation = 0; ; variation++) { UnreflectResult res = unreflectMember(lookup, mem, variation); failureModeCounts[failureMode] += 1; if (variation == 0) assert(res != null); if (res == null) break; if (VERBOSE && variation == 0) System.out.println("from "+mem.getDeclaringClass().getSimpleName()); MethodHandle mh = res.mh; Throwable ex1 = res.ex; if (VERBOSE) System.out.println(" "+variation+": "+res+" << "+(mh != null ? mh : ex1)); if (expectEx1 && ex1 != null) continue; // this is OK; we expected that lookup to fail if (expectEx1) throw new AssertionError("unexpected lookup for negative test"); if (ex1 != null && !expectEx1) { if (failureMode != NO_FAIL) throw new AssertionError("unexpected lookup failure for negative test", ex1); throw ex1; } MethodHandleInfo info; try { info = revLookup.revealDirect(mh); if (expectEx2) throw new AssertionError("unexpected revelation for negative test"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException|SecurityException ex2) { if (VERBOSE) System.out.println(" "+variation+": "+res+" => "+mh.getClass().getName()+" => (EX2)"+ex2); if (expectEx2) continue; // this is OK; we expected the reflect to fail if (failureMode != NO_FAIL) throw new AssertionError("unexpected revelation failure for negative test", ex2); throw ex2; } assert(consistent(res, info)); Member mem2; try { mem2 = info.reflectAs(Member.class, refLookup); if (expectEx3) throw new AssertionError("unexpected reflection for negative test"); assert(!(mem instanceof SignaturePolymorphicMethod)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex3) { if (VERBOSE) System.out.println(" "+variation+": "+info+" => (EX3)"+ex3); if (expectEx3) continue; // this is OK; we expected the reflect to fail if (mem instanceof SignaturePolymorphicMethod) continue; // this is OK; we cannot reflect MH.invokeExact(a,b,c) if (failureMode != NO_FAIL) throw new AssertionError("unexpected reflection failure for negative test", ex3); throw ex3; } assert(consistent(mem, mem2)); UnreflectResult res2 = unreflectMember(lookup, mem2, variation); MethodHandle mh2 = res2.mh; assert(consistent(mh, mh2)); MethodHandleInfo info2 = lookup.revealDirect(mh2); assert(consistent(info, info2)); assert(consistent(res, info2)); Member mem3; if (hasSM()) mem3 = info2.reflectAs(Member.class, lookup); else mem3 = MethodHandles.reflectAs(Member.class, mh2); assert(consistent(mem2, mem3)); if (hasSM()) { try { MethodHandles.reflectAs(Member.class, mh2); throw new AssertionError("failed to throw on "+mem3); } catch (SecurityException ex3) { // OK... } } } } }