/* * @test /nodynamiccopyright/ * @bug 6326754 * @summary Compiler will fail to handle -Xmaxerrs with -ve numbers * * @compile/fail/ref=T6326754.out -XDrawDiagnostics -Xmaxerrs -1 T6326754.java * @compile/fail/ref=T6326754.out -XDrawDiagnostics -Xmaxerrs 0 T6326754.java * @compile/fail/ref=T6326754.out -XDrawDiagnostics -Xmaxerrs 10 T6326754.java * @compile/fail/ref=T6326754.out -XDrawDiagnostics T6326754.java */ class TestConstructor{ T t; K k; public TestConstructor(T t,K k){ this.t =t; } public TestConstructor(K k){ this.k = k; this.t = null; } public TestConstructor(T t){ this.t=t; this.k=null; } public void setT(T t){ this.t=t; this.k=null; } public void setT(K k){ this.k = k; this.t = null; } public void setT(T t,K k){ this.t = t; this.k = k; } } class TestC{ T t; public void setT(T t){ this.t = t; } } public class T6326754{ public static void meth() { TestC tC =new TestC(); tC.setT(); TestConstructor tc = new TestConstructor("saaa"); tc.setT("sasa"); TestC tC1 = new TestC(); tC1.setT(545); } }