/* * Copyright (c) 2019, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /* * @test * @bug 8219998 8221991 * @summary Eliminate inherently singleton lists * @library /tools/lib ../../lib * @modules jdk.javadoc/jdk.javadoc.internal.tool * @modules jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.api * jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.main * jdk.javadoc/jdk.javadoc.internal.api * jdk.javadoc/jdk.javadoc.internal.tool * @build toolbox.ToolBox toolbox.JavacTask javadoc.tester.* * @run main TestSingletonLists */ import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.function.Function; import javadoc.tester.HtmlChecker; import javadoc.tester.JavadocTester; import toolbox.ModuleBuilder; import toolbox.ToolBox; public class TestSingletonLists extends JavadocTester { public static void main(String... args) throws Exception { var tester = new TestSingletonLists(); tester.runTests(); } enum Index { SINGLE, SPLIT }; enum Source { PACKAGES, MODULES }; final ToolBox tb = new ToolBox(); public void runTests() throws Exception { for (Source s : Source.values()) { Path src = genSource(s); for (Index i : Index.values()) { List args = new ArrayList<>(); args.add("-d"); args.add(String.format("out-%s-%s", s, i)); args.add("-use"); if (s != Source.MODULES) { args.add("-linksource"); // broken, with modules: JDK-8219060 } if (i == Index.SPLIT) { args.add("-splitIndex"); } if (s == Source.PACKAGES) { args.add("-sourcepath"); args.add(src.toString()); args.add("p1"); args.add("p2"); args.add("p3"); } else { args.add("--module-source-path"); args.add(src.toString()); args.add("--module"); args.add("mA,mB,mC"); } javadoc(args.toArray(new String[args.size()])); checkExit(Exit.OK); checkLists(); } } printSummary(); } Path genSource(Source s) throws IOException { Path src = Path.of("src-" + s); switch (s) { case PACKAGES: for (String p : new String[] { "1", "2", "3" }) { tb.writeJavaFiles(src, genClasses("p" + p)); } break; case MODULES: for (String m : new String[] { "A", "B", "C"}) { ModuleBuilder mb = new ModuleBuilder(tb, "m" + m); for (String p : new String[] { "1", "2", "3" } ) { mb.exports("p" + m + p); mb.classes(genClasses("p" + m + p)); } mb.write(src); } break; } return src; } String[] genClasses(String pkg) { List list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add("package " + pkg + ";"); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { list.add(genClass(pkg, i)); list.add(genAnno(pkg, i)); list.add(genEnum(pkg, i)); } return list.toArray(new String[list.size()]); } String genClass(String pkg, int index) { String cn = (pkg + "c" + index).toUpperCase(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int pkgIndex = Character.getNumericValue(pkg.charAt(pkg.length()-1)); String pkgdependency = pkg.substring(0, pkg.length()-1) + (pkgIndex == 3 ? 1 : pkgIndex + 1); String enumClassName = pkgdependency.toUpperCase() + "E" + index; sb.append("package ").append(pkg).append(";\n") .append("import " + pkgdependency + ".*;\n") .append("public class ").append(cn).append(" {\n"); // fields for (int f = 0; f < 3; f++) { sb.append("public int f").append(f).append(";\n"); } // constructors for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++) { sb.append("public ").append(cn).append("("); for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) { sb.append(i == 0 ? "" : ", ").append("int i").append(i); } sb.append(") { }\n"); } // methods for (int m = 0; m < 3; m++) { sb.append("public void m").append(m).append("() { }\n"); } sb.append("public void n(").append(enumClassName).append(" e){}"); sb.append("}\n"); return sb.toString(); } String genAnno(String pkg, int index) { String an = (pkg + "a" + index).toUpperCase(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("package ").append(pkg).append(";\n") .append("public @interface ").append(an).append(" {\n"); // fields for (int f = 0; f < 3; f++) { sb.append("public static final int f").append(f).append(" = 0;\n"); } // values for (int v = 0; v < 6; v++) { sb.append("public int v").append(v).append("()").append(v< 3 ? "" : " default " + v).append(";\n"); } sb.append("}\n"); return sb.toString(); } String genEnum(String pkg, int index) { String en = (pkg + "e" + index).toUpperCase(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("package ").append(pkg).append(";\n") .append("public enum ").append(en).append(" {\n"); // enum members for (int e = 0; e < 3; e++) { sb.append(e == 0 ? "" : ", ").append("E").append(e); } sb.append(";\n"); // fields for (int f = 0; f < 3; f++) { sb.append("public int f").append(f).append(";\n"); } // methods for (int m = 0; m < 3; m++) { sb.append("public void m").append(m).append("() { }\n"); } sb.append("}\n"); return sb.toString(); } void checkLists() { checking("Check lists"); ListChecker c = new ListChecker(out, this::readFile); try { c.checkDirectory(outputDir); c.report(); int errors = c.getErrorCount(); if (errors == 0) { passed("No list errors found"); } else { failed(errors + " errors found when checking lists"); } } catch (IOException e) { failed("exception thrown when reading files: " + e); } } /** * A class to check the presence of singleton lists. */ public class ListChecker extends HtmlChecker { private int listErrors; // Ignore "Constant Field Values" @see items for final fields created by javadoc private boolean inSeeList; private Stack> counts = new Stack<>(); private String fileName; private List excludeFiles = List.of( "overview-tree.html", "package-summary.html", "package-tree.html", "module-summary.html", "help-doc.html"); ListChecker(PrintStream out, Function fileReader) { super(out, fileReader); } protected int getErrorCount() { return errors; } @Override public void report() { if (listErrors == 0) { out.println("All lists OK"); } else { out.println(listErrors + " list errors"); } } @Override public void startFile(Path path) { fileName = path.getFileName().toString(); } @Override public void endFile() { } @Override public void docType(String doctype) { } @Override public void startElement(String name, Map attrs, boolean selfClosing) { switch (name) { case "ul": case "ol": case "dl": counts.push(new TreeMap<>()); if ("tag-list".equals(attrs.get("class"))) { inSeeList = true; } break; case "li": case "dd": case "dt": { Map c = counts.peek(); c.put(name, 1 + c.computeIfAbsent(name, n -> 0)); break; } } } @Override public void endElement(String name) { switch (name) { case "ul": case "ol": { Map c = counts.pop(); if (inSeeList) { // Ignore "Constant Field Values" @see items for final fields created by javadoc inSeeList = false; } else if (c.get("li") == 0) { error(currFile, getLineNumber(), "empty list"); listErrors++; } else if (c.get("li") == 1 && fileName != null && !excludeFiles.contains(fileName)) { error(currFile, getLineNumber(), "singleton list"); listErrors++; } break; } case "dl": { Map c = counts.pop(); if (c.get("dd") == 0 || c.get("dt") == 0) { error(currFile, getLineNumber(), "empty list"); listErrors++; } /*if (c.get("dd") == 1 || c.get("dt") == 1) { error(currFile, getLineNumber(), "singleton list"); listErrors++; }*/ break; } } } } }