#  Conformance test data which was added by Markus Scherer of IBM.
#    According to him, "more interesting conformance test cases, not in the
#    unicode.org NormalizationTest.txt".
#    Found in ConformanceTest.java in
#        src/com/ibm/icu/dev/test/normalizer/ConformanceTest.java of ICU4J 3.2.
@Part0 # Other (ICU4J test data)
0061 0332 0308;00E4 0332;0061 0332 0308;00E4 0332;0061 0332 0308; # Markus 0",
0061 0301 0F73;00E1 0F71 0F72;0061 0F71 0F72 0301;00E1 0F71 0F72;0061 0F71 0F72 0301; # Markus 1"