/* * Copyright (c) 2004, 2006, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /* @test * @bug 4981811 4984465 5064492 6240171 * @summary Unit test for all constructors introduced by the formatter feature */ import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import java.nio.charset.Charset; public class Constructors { private static int fail = 0; private static int pass = 0; private static Throwable first; static void pass() { pass++; } static void fail(String fs) { String s = "'" + fs + "': exception not thrown"; if (first == null) first = new RuntimeException(s); System.err.println("FAILED: " + s); fail++; } static void fail(String fs, Throwable ex) { String s = "'" + fs + "': " + ex.getClass().getName() + " thrown"; if (first == null) first = ex; System.err.println("FAILED: " + s); fail++; } static void locale(Formatter f) { locale(f, Locale.getDefault(Locale.Category.FORMAT)); } static void locale(Formatter f, Locale l) { try { if ((l != null && !l.equals(f.locale())) || (l == null && f.locale() != null)) throw new RuntimeException(f.locale() + " != " + l); pass(); } catch (RuntimeException x) { fail(x.getMessage()); } } static void out(Formatter f, Class c) { try { Appendable a = f.out(); if (!c.isInstance(a)) throw new RuntimeException(a.getClass().getName() + " != " + c.getName()); pass(); } catch (RuntimeException x) { fail(x.getMessage()); } } public static void main(String [] args) { // Formatter() try { Formatter f = new Formatter(); pass(); out(f, StringBuilder.class); locale(f); } catch (Exception x) { fail("new Formatter()", x); } // Formatter(Appendable a) try { Formatter f = new Formatter((Appendable) null); pass(); out(f, StringBuilder.class); locale(f); } catch (Exception x) { fail("new Formatter((Appendable)null)", x); } // Formatter(Locale l) try { Formatter f = new Formatter((Locale) null); pass(); out(f, StringBuilder.class); locale(f, null); } catch (Exception x) { fail("new Formatter((Locale)null)", x); } // Formatter(Appendable a, Locale l) try { Formatter f = new Formatter((Appendable) null, (Locale) null); pass(); out(f, StringBuilder.class); locale(f, null); } catch (Exception x) { fail("new Formatter((Appendable) null, (Locale) null)", x); } // Formatter(String fileName) try { Formatter f = new Formatter("foo"); pass(); out(f, BufferedWriter.class); locale(f); } catch (Exception x) { fail("new Formatter(\"foo\")", x); } try { Formatter f = new Formatter((String)null); fail("new Formatter((String)null)"); } catch (NullPointerException x) { pass(); } catch (Exception x) { fail("new Formatter((String)null)", x); } // Formatter(String fileName, String csn) try { Formatter f = new Formatter("foo", "UTF-8"); pass(); out(f, BufferedWriter.class); locale(f); } catch (Exception x) { fail("new Formatter(\"foo\", \"UTF-8\")", x); } try { new Formatter("foo", "bar"); fail("new Formatter(\"foo\", \"bar\")"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException x) { pass(); } catch (Exception x) { fail("new Formatter(\"foo\", \"bar\")", x); } try { new Formatter(".", "bar"); fail("new Formatter(\".\", \"bar\")"); } catch (FileNotFoundException x) { pass(); } catch (Exception x) { fail("new Formatter(\".\", \"bar\")", x); } // Formatter(String fileName, String csn, Locale l) try { Formatter f = new Formatter("foo", "ISO-8859-1", Locale.GERMANY); pass(); out(f, BufferedWriter.class); locale(f, Locale.GERMANY); } catch (Exception x) { fail("new Formatter(\"foo\", \"ISO-8859-1\", Locale.GERMANY)", x); } try { Formatter f = new Formatter("foo", "ISO-8859-1", null); pass(); locale(f, null); out(f, BufferedWriter.class); } catch (Exception x) { fail("new Formatter(\"foo\", \"ISO-8859-1\", null)", x); } // Formatter(File) try { Formatter f = new Formatter(new File("foo")); pass(); locale(f); out(f, BufferedWriter.class); } catch (Exception x) { fail("new Formatter(new File(\"foo\")", x); } try { Formatter f = new Formatter((File)null); fail("new Formatter((File)null)"); } catch (NullPointerException x) { pass(); } catch (Exception x) { fail("new Formatter((File)null)", x); } // Formatter(PrintStream ps) try { // ambiguity detected at compile-time Formatter f = new Formatter(System.out); pass(); out(f, PrintStream.class); locale(f); } catch (Exception x) { fail("new Formatter(System.out)", x); } try { new Formatter((PrintStream) null); fail("new Formatter((PrintStream) null)"); } catch (NullPointerException x) { pass(); } catch (Exception x) { fail("new Formatter((PrintStream) null)", x); } try { Formatter f = new Formatter(new PrintStream("foo")); pass(); locale(f); out(f, PrintStream.class); } catch (FileNotFoundException x) { fail("new Formatter(new PrintStream(\"foo\")", x); } catch (Exception x) { fail("new Formatter(new PrintStream(\"foo\")", x); } try { Formatter f = new Formatter(new PrintStream("foo"), Locale.JAPANESE); pass(); locale(f, Locale.JAPANESE); out(f, PrintStream.class); } catch (FileNotFoundException x) { fail("new Formatter(new PrintStream(\"foo\")", x); } catch (Exception x) { fail("new Formatter(new PrintStream(\"foo\")", x); } try { // The cast here is necessary to avoid an ambiguity error // between Formatter(Appendable a, Locale l) // and Formatter(OutputStream os, String csn) Formatter f = new Formatter(new PrintStream("foo"), (String)null); fail("new Formatter(new PrintStream(\"foo\"), (String)null)"); } catch (FileNotFoundException x) { fail("new Formatter(new PrintStream(\"foo\"), (String)null)", x); } catch (NullPointerException x) { pass(); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException x) { fail("new Formatter(new PrintStream(\"foo\"), (String)null)", x); } catch (Exception x) { fail("new Formatter(new PrintStream(\"foo\"), (String)null)", x); } try { // The cast here is necessary to avoid an ambiguity error // between Formatter(Appendable a, Locale l) // and Formatter(OutputStream os, String csn) Formatter f = new Formatter(new PrintStream("foo"), (Locale)null); pass(); locale(f, null); out(f, PrintStream.class); } catch (FileNotFoundException x) { fail("new Formatter(new PrintStream(\"foo\"), (Locale)null)", x); } catch (Exception x) { fail("new Formatter(new PrintStream(\"foo\"), (Locale)null)", x); } try { Formatter f = new Formatter(new PrintStream("foo"), Locale.KOREAN); pass(); locale(f, Locale.KOREAN); out(f, PrintStream.class); } catch (FileNotFoundException x) { fail("new Formatter(new PrintStream(\"foo\"), Locale.KOREAN)", x); } catch (Exception x) { fail("new Formatter(new PrintStream(\"foo\"), Locale.KOREAN)", x); } try { Formatter f = new Formatter(new PrintStream("foo"), "UTF-16BE", null); pass(); locale(f, null); out(f, BufferedWriter.class); } catch (FileNotFoundException x) { fail("new Formatter(new PrintStream(\"foo\"), \"UTF-16BE\", null"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException x) { fail("new Formatter(new PrintStream(\"foo\"), \"UTF-16BE\", null"); } catch (Exception x) { fail("new Formatter(new PrintStream(\"foo\"), \"UTF-16BE\", null"); } try { Formatter f = new Formatter(new PrintStream("foo"), "UTF-16BE", Locale.ITALIAN); pass(); locale(f, Locale.ITALIAN); out(f, BufferedWriter.class); } catch (FileNotFoundException x) { fail("new Formatter(new PrintStream(\"foo\"), \"UTF-16BE\", Locale.ITALIAN"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException x) { fail("new Formatter(new PrintStream(\"foo\"), \"UTF-16BE\", Locale.ITALIAN"); } catch (Exception x) { fail("new Formatter(new PrintStream(\"foo\"), \"UTF-16BE\", Locale.ITALIAN"); } String csn = Charset.defaultCharset().newEncoder().canEncode('\u00a3') ? "ASCII" : "ISO-8859-1"; try { ByteArrayOutputStream bs[] = { new ByteArrayOutputStream(), new ByteArrayOutputStream(), new ByteArrayOutputStream() }; new Formatter((Appendable) new PrintStream(bs[0], true, csn)).format("\u00a3"); new Formatter((OutputStream)new PrintStream(bs[1], true, csn)).format("\u00a3"); new Formatter( new PrintStream(bs[2], true, csn)).format("\u00a3"); if (Arrays.equals(bs[0].toByteArray(), bs[1].toByteArray())) { fail("arrays shouldn't match: " + bs[0].toByteArray()); } else { pass(); } if (! Arrays.equals(bs[0].toByteArray(), bs[2].toByteArray())) { fail("arrays should match: " + bs[0].toByteArray() + " != " + bs[2].toByteArray()); } else { pass(); } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException x) { fail("new PrintStream(newByteArrayOutputStream, true, " + csn + ")", x); } // Formatter(OutputStream os) try { new Formatter((OutputStream) null); fail("new Formatter((OutputStream) null)"); } catch (NullPointerException x) { pass(); } catch (Exception x) { fail("new Formatter((OutputStream) null)", x); } try { Formatter f = new Formatter((OutputStream) new PrintStream("foo")); pass(); locale(f); out(f, BufferedWriter.class); } catch (Exception x) { fail("new Formatter((OutputStream) new PrintStream(\"foo\")", x); } // Formatter(OutputStream os, String csn) try { new Formatter((OutputStream) null, "ISO-8859-1"); fail("new Formatter((OutputStream) null, \"ISO-8859-1\")"); } catch (NullPointerException x) { pass(); } catch (Exception x) { fail("new Formatter((OutputStream) null, \"ISO-8859-1\")", x); } try { new Formatter((OutputStream) new PrintStream("foo"), null); fail("new Formatter((OutputStream) new PrintStream(\"foo\"), null"); } catch (NullPointerException x) { pass(); } catch (Exception x) { fail("new Formatter((OutputStream) new PrintStream(\"foo\"), null", x); } try { new Formatter(new PrintStream("foo"), "bar"); fail("new Formatter(new PrintStream(\"foo\"), \"bar\")"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException x) { pass(); } catch (Exception x) { fail("new Formatter(new PrintStream(\"foo\"), \"bar\")", x); } try { Formatter f = new Formatter(new PrintStream("foo"), "UTF-8"); pass(); locale(f); out(f, BufferedWriter.class); } catch (Exception x) { fail("new Formatter(new PrintStream(\"foo\"), \"UTF-8\")", x); } // Formatter(OutputStream os, String csn, Locale l) try { new Formatter((OutputStream) null, "ISO-8859-1", Locale.UK); fail("new Formatter((OutputStream) null, \"ISO-8859-1\", Locale.UK)"); } catch (NullPointerException x) { pass(); } catch (Exception x) { fail("new Formatter((OutputStream) null, \"ISO-8859-1\", Locale.UK)", x); } try { new Formatter(new PrintStream("foo"), null, Locale.UK); fail("new Formatter(new PrintStream(\"foo\"), null, Locale.UK)"); } catch (NullPointerException x) { pass(); } catch (Exception x) { fail("new Formatter(new PrintStream(\"foo\"), null, Locale.UK)", x); } try { new Formatter(new PrintStream("foo"), "bar", Locale.UK); fail("new Formatter(new PrintStream(\"foo\"), \"bar\", Locale.UK)"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException x) { pass(); } catch (Exception x) { fail("new Formatter(new PrintStream(\"foo\"), \"bar\", Locale.UK)", x); } try { Formatter f = new Formatter(new PrintStream("foo"), "UTF-8", Locale.UK); pass(); out(f, BufferedWriter.class); locale(f, Locale.UK); } catch (Exception x) { fail("new Formatter(new PrintStream(\"foo\"), \"UTF-8\"), Locale.UK", x); } // PrintStream(String fileName) try { new PrintStream("foo"); pass(); } catch (Exception x) { fail("new PrintStream(\"foo\")", x); } // PrintStream(String fileName, String csn) try { new PrintStream("foo", null); fail("new PrintStream(\"foo\", null)"); } catch (NullPointerException x) { pass(); } catch (Exception x) { fail("new PrintStream(\"foo\", null)", x); } // PrintStream(File file) try { new PrintStream(new File("foo")); pass(); } catch (Exception x) { fail("new PrintStream(new File(\"foo\"))", x); } // PrintStream(File file, String csn) try { new PrintStream(new File("foo"), null); fail("new PrintStream(new File(\"foo\"), null)"); } catch (NullPointerException x) { pass(); } catch (Exception x) { fail("new PrintStream(new File(\"foo\"), null)", x); } // PrintWriter(String fileName) try { new PrintWriter("foo"); pass(); } catch (Exception x) { fail("new PrintWriter(\"foo\")", x); } // PrintWriter(String fileName, String csn) try { new PrintWriter("foo", null); fail("new PrintWriter(\"foo\"), null"); } catch (NullPointerException x) { pass(); } catch (Exception x) { fail("new PrintWriter(\"foo\"), null", x); } // PrintWriter(File file) try { new PrintWriter(new File("foo")); pass(); } catch (Exception x) { fail("new PrintWriter(new File(\"foo\"))", x); } // PrintWriter(File file, String csn) try { new PrintWriter(new File("foo"), null); fail("new PrintWriter(new File(\"foo\")), null"); } catch (NullPointerException x) { pass(); } catch (Exception x) { fail("new PrintWriter(new File(\"foo\")), null", x); } if (fail != 0) throw new RuntimeException((fail + pass) + " tests: " + fail + " failure(s), first", first); else System.out.println("all " + (fail + pass) + " tests passed"); } }