<title> APL </title>
     Wait until 5 applets have initialised and started and display string
     messages. Applet 0 and Applet 2 should find one less print service
     than the rest.
     Specifically all except Applets 0 and 2 should find a service called
     Applet N printer where N is the number of the applet. They should *NOT*
     find Applet M printer (where M != N).

<h1>Applet Print Service Lookup</h1>

<APPLET CODE="Applet0.class" CODEBASE=applet0 WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=200></APPLET>
<APPLET CODE="Applet1.class" ARCHIVE="applet1.jar" CODEBASE=applet1 WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=200></APPLET>
<APPLET CODE="Applet2.class" CODEBASE=applet2 WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=200></APPLET>
<APPLET CODE="Applet3.class" CODEBASE=applet3 WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=200></APPLET>
<APPLET CODE="Applet4.class" CODEBASE=applet4 WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=200></APPLET>