/* * Copyright (c) 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import jdk.jpackage.test.AdditionalLauncher; import jdk.jpackage.test.PackageTest; import jdk.jpackage.test.Annotations.Test; import jdk.jpackage.test.Functional.ThrowingConsumer; import jdk.jpackage.test.HelloApp; import jdk.jpackage.test.JPackageCommand; import jdk.jpackage.test.LinuxHelper; import jdk.jpackage.test.PackageType; import jdk.jpackage.test.TKit; /** * Test per-user configuration of app launchers created by jpackage. */ /* * @test * @summary pre-user configuration of app launchers * @library ../helpers * @key jpackagePlatformPackage * @requires jpackage.test.SQETest == null * @build jdk.jpackage.test.* * @compile PerUserCfgTest.java * @modules jdk.jpackage/jdk.jpackage.internal * @run main/othervm/timeout=360 -Xmx512m jdk.jpackage.test.Main * --jpt-run=PerUserCfgTest */ public class PerUserCfgTest { @Test public static void test() throws IOException { // Create a number of .cfg files with different startup args JPackageCommand cfgCmd = JPackageCommand.helloAppImage().setFakeRuntime() .setArgumentValue("--dest", TKit.createTempDirectory("cfg-files").toString()); addLauncher(cfgCmd, "a"); addLauncher(cfgCmd, "b"); cfgCmd.execute(); new PackageTest().configureHelloApp().addInstallVerifier(cmd -> { if (cmd.isPackageUnpacked("Not running per-user configuration tests")) { return; } Path launcherPath = cmd.appLauncherPath(); if (!cmd.canRunLauncher(String.format( "Not running %s launcher and per-user configuration tests", launcherPath))) { return; } final PackageType type = cmd.packageType(); if (PackageType.MAC.contains(type)) { withConfigFile(cmd, cfgCmd.appLauncherCfgPath("a"), getUserHomeDir().resolve("Library/Application Support").resolve( cmd.name()), theCmd -> { runMainLauncher(cmd, "a"); }); } else if (PackageType.LINUX.contains(type)) { final String pkgName = LinuxHelper.getPackageName(cmd); final Path homeDir = getUserHomeDir(); withConfigFile(cmd, cfgCmd.appLauncherCfgPath("a"), homeDir.resolve(".local").resolve(pkgName), theCmd -> { runMainLauncher(cmd, "a"); }); withConfigFile(cmd, cfgCmd.appLauncherCfgPath("b"), homeDir.resolve("." + pkgName), theCmd -> { runMainLauncher(cmd, "b"); }); withConfigFile(cmd, cfgCmd.appLauncherCfgPath("b"), homeDir.resolve("." + pkgName), theCmd -> { runMainLauncher(cmd, "b"); withConfigFile(cmd, cfgCmd.appLauncherCfgPath("a"), homeDir.resolve(".local").resolve(pkgName), theCmd2 -> { runMainLauncher(cmd, "a"); }); }); } else if (PackageType.WINDOWS.contains(type)) { final Path appData = getDirFromEnvVariable("APPDATA"); final Path localAppData = getDirFromEnvVariable("LOCALAPPDATA"); if (appData == null || localAppData == null) { TKit.trace(String.format( "Not running per-user configuration tests because some of the environment varibles are not set. " + "Run jtreg with -e:APPDATA,LOCALAPPDATA option to fix the problem")); } else { withConfigFile(cmd, cfgCmd.appLauncherCfgPath("a"), appData.resolve(cmd.name()), theCmd -> { runMainLauncher(cmd, "a"); }); withConfigFile(cmd, cfgCmd.appLauncherCfgPath("b"), localAppData.resolve(cmd.name()), theCmd -> { runMainLauncher(cmd, "b"); }); withConfigFile(cmd, cfgCmd.appLauncherCfgPath("b"), appData.resolve(cmd.name()), theCmd -> { runMainLauncher(cmd, "b"); withConfigFile(cmd, cfgCmd.appLauncherCfgPath("a"), localAppData.resolve(cmd.name()), theCmd2 -> { runMainLauncher(cmd, "a"); }); }); } } runMainLauncher(cmd); }).run(); } private static void addLauncher(JPackageCommand cmd, String name) { new AdditionalLauncher(name) { @Override protected void verify(JPackageCommand cmd) {} }.setDefaultArguments(name).applyTo(cmd); } private static Path getUserHomeDir() { return getDirFromEnvVariable("HOME"); } private static Path getDirFromEnvVariable(String envVariableName) { return Optional.ofNullable(System.getenv(envVariableName)).map(Path::of).orElse( null); } private static void withConfigFile(JPackageCommand cmd, Path srcCfgFile, Path outputCfgFileDir, ThrowingConsumer<JPackageCommand> action) throws Throwable { Path targetCfgFile = outputCfgFileDir.resolve(cmd.appLauncherCfgPath( null).getFileName()); TKit.assertPathExists(targetCfgFile, false); try (var dirCleaner = TKit.createDirectories(targetCfgFile.getParent())) { Files.copy(srcCfgFile, targetCfgFile); try { TKit.traceFileContents(targetCfgFile, "cfg file"); action.accept(cmd); } finally { Files.deleteIfExists(targetCfgFile); } } } private static void runMainLauncher(JPackageCommand cmd, String... expectedArgs) { HelloApp.assertApp(cmd.appLauncherPath()).addDefaultArguments(List.of( expectedArgs)).executeAndVerifyOutput(); } }