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 * @test
 * @summary converted from VM Testbase nsk/jvmti/IterateOverReachableObjects/iterreachobj001.
 * VM Testbase keywords: [quick, jpda, jvmti, noras]
 * VM Testbase readme:
 *     This JVMTI test exercises JVMTI heap function IterateOverReachableObjects().
 *     This tests checks that IterateOverReachableObjects() function
 *     iterates over all tagged objects reachable from the tested root object
 *     and does not iterate over unreachable tagged objects,
 *     Also the test checks that IterateOverReachableObjects() pass
 *     not NULL tag pointer to the callback function.
 *     The test creates and tags the following tested objects:
 *         root object                     - root object with 2 chains
 *         chain of reachable objects      - tagged objects to be iterated
 *         chain of unreachable objects    - tagged objects to be not iterated
 *     The test marks reachable objects with positive tags and
 *     unreachable objects with negative tags.
 *     Local JNI references are explicitely deleted to ensure them
 *     not to affect the objects' reachability.
 *     The test supports the following special options:
 *         objects=<number>
 *             - number of objects in each objects chain
 *         info=[none|all|objref|stackref|heaproot|heapobj]
 *             - print trace message for each invocation of particular callback
 *     Fixed according to 4960375 bug.
 *         The test updated to match new JVMTI spec 0.2.94.
 * @library /vmTestbase
 *          /test/lib
 * @build ExecDriver
 *        nsk.jvmti.IterateOverReachableObjects.iterreachobj001
 * @run main/othervm/native PropertyResolvingWrapper ExecDriver --java
 *      "-agentlib:iterreachobj001=-waittime=5 objects=4"
 *      nsk.jvmti.IterateOverReachableObjects.iterreachobj001