/* * Copyright (c) 2008, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ import jdk.test.lib.Platform; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.net.*; import java.io.*; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import java.util.stream.Stream; import sun.security.krb5.*; import sun.security.krb5.internal.*; import sun.security.krb5.internal.ccache.CredentialsCache; import sun.security.krb5.internal.crypto.EType; import sun.security.krb5.internal.crypto.KeyUsage; import sun.security.krb5.internal.ktab.KeyTab; import sun.security.util.DerInputStream; import sun.security.util.DerOutputStream; import sun.security.util.DerValue; /** * A KDC server. * * Note: By setting the system property native.kdc.path to a native * krb5 installation, this class starts a native KDC with the * given realm and host. It can also add new principals and save keytabs. * Other features might not be available. * <p> * Features: * <ol> * <li> Supports TCP and UDP * <li> Supports AS-REQ and TGS-REQ * <li> Principal db and other settings hard coded in application * <li> Options, say, request preauth or not * </ol> * Side effects: * <ol> * <li> The Sun-internal class <code>sun.security.krb5.Config</code> is a * singleton and initialized according to Kerberos settings (krb5.conf and * java.security.krb5.* system properties). This means once it's initialized * it will not automatically notice any changes to these settings (or file * changes of krb5.conf). The KDC class normally does not touch these * settings (except for the <code>writeKtab()</code> method). However, to make * sure nothing ever goes wrong, if you want to make any changes to these * settings after calling a KDC method, call <code>Config.refresh()</code> to * make sure your changes are reflected in the <code>Config</code> object. * </ol> * System properties recognized: * <ul> * <li>test.kdc.save.ccache * </ul> * Issues and TODOs: * <ol> * <li> Generates krb5.conf to be used on another machine, currently the kdc is * always localhost * <li> More options to KDC, say, error output, say, response nonce != * request nonce * </ol> * Note: This program uses internal krb5 classes (including reflection to * access private fields and methods). * <p> * Usages: * <p> * 1. Init and start the KDC: * <pre> * KDC kdc = KDC.create("REALM.NAME", port, isDaemon); * KDC kdc = KDC.create("REALM.NAME"); * </pre> * Here, <code>port</code> is the UDP and TCP port number the KDC server * listens on. If zero, a random port is chosen, which you can use getPort() * later to retrieve the value. * <p> * If <code>isDaemon</code> is true, the KDC worker threads will be daemons. * <p> * The shortcut <code>KDC.create("REALM.NAME")</code> has port=0 and * isDaemon=false, and is commonly used in an embedded KDC. * <p> * 2. Adding users: * <pre> * kdc.addPrincipal(String principal_name, char[] password); * kdc.addPrincipalRandKey(String principal_name); * </pre> * A service principal's name should look like "host/f.q.d.n". The second form * generates a random key. To expose this key, call <code>writeKtab()</code> to * save the keys into a keytab file. * <p> * Note that you need to add the principal name krbtgt/REALM.NAME yourself. * <p> * Note that you can safely add a principal at any time after the KDC is * started and before a user requests info on this principal. * <p> * 3. Other public methods: * <ul> * <li> <code>getPort</code>: Returns the port number the KDC uses * <li> <code>getRealm</code>: Returns the realm name * <li> <code>writeKtab</code>: Writes all principals' keys into a keytab file * <li> <code>saveConfig</code>: Saves a krb5.conf file to access this KDC * <li> <code>setOption</code>: Sets various options * </ul> * Read the javadoc for details. Lazy developer can use <code>OneKDC</code> * directly. */ public class KDC { public static final int DEFAULT_LIFETIME = 39600; public static final int DEFAULT_RENEWTIME = 86400; public static final String NOT_EXISTING_HOST = "not.existing.host"; // What etypes the KDC supports. Comma-separated strings. Null for all. // Please note native KDCs might use different names. private static final String SUPPORTED_ETYPES = System.getProperty("kdc.supported.enctypes"); // The native KDC private final NativeKdc nativeKdc; // The native KDC process private Process kdcProc = null; // Under the hood. // Principal db. principal -> pass. A case-insensitive TreeMap is used // so that even if the client provides a name with different case, the KDC // can still locate the principal and give back correct salt. private TreeMap<String,char[]> passwords = new TreeMap<> (String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); // Non default salts. Precisely, there should be different salts for // different etypes, pretend they are the same at the moment. private TreeMap<String,String> salts = new TreeMap<> (String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); // Non default s2kparams for newer etypes. Precisely, there should be // different s2kparams for different etypes, pretend they are the same // at the moment. private TreeMap<String,byte[]> s2kparamses = new TreeMap<> (String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); // Alias for referrals. private TreeMap<String,KDC> aliasReferrals = new TreeMap<> (String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); // Alias for local resolution. private TreeMap<String,PrincipalName> alias2Principals = new TreeMap<> (String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); // Realm name private String realm; // KDC private String kdc; // Service port number private int port; // The request/response job queue private BlockingQueue<Job> q = new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(100); // Options private Map<Option,Object> options = new HashMap<>(); // Realm-specific krb5.conf settings private List<String> conf = new ArrayList<>(); private Thread thread1, thread2, thread3; private volatile boolean udpConsumerReady = false; private volatile boolean tcpConsumerReady = false; private volatile boolean dispatcherReady = false; DatagramSocket u1 = null; ServerSocket t1 = null; public static enum KtabMode { APPEND, EXISTING }; /** * Option names, to be expanded forever. */ public static enum Option { /** * Whether pre-authentication is required. Default Boolean.TRUE */ PREAUTH_REQUIRED, /** * Only issue TGT in RC4 */ ONLY_RC4_TGT, /** * Use RC4 as the first in preauth */ RC4_FIRST_PREAUTH, /** * Use only one preauth, so that some keys are not easy to generate */ ONLY_ONE_PREAUTH, /** * Set all name-type to a value in response */ RESP_NT, /** * Multiple ETYPE-INFO-ENTRY with same etype but different salt */ DUP_ETYPE, /** * What backend server can be delegated to */ OK_AS_DELEGATE, /** * Allow S4U2self, List<String> of middle servers. * If not set, means KDC does not understand S4U2self at all, therefore * would ignore any PA-FOR-USER request and send a ticket using the * cname of teh requestor. If set, it returns FORWARDABLE tickets to * a server with its name in the list */ ALLOW_S4U2SELF, /** * Allow S4U2proxy, Map<String,List<String>> of middle servers to * backends. If not set or a backend not in a server's list, * Krb5.KDC_ERR_POLICY will be send for S4U2proxy request. */ ALLOW_S4U2PROXY, /** * Sensitive accounts can never be delegated. */ SENSITIVE_ACCOUNTS, /** * If true, will check if TGS-REQ contains a non-null addresses field. */ CHECK_ADDRESSES, }; /** * A standalone KDC server. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { int port = args.length > 0 ? Integer.parseInt(args[0]) : 0; KDC kdc = create("RABBIT.HOLE", "kdc.rabbit.hole", port, false); kdc.addPrincipal("dummy", "bogus".toCharArray()); kdc.addPrincipal("foo", "bar".toCharArray()); kdc.addPrincipalRandKey("krbtgt/RABBIT.HOLE"); kdc.addPrincipalRandKey("server/host.rabbit.hole"); kdc.addPrincipalRandKey("backend/host.rabbit.hole"); KDC.saveConfig("krb5.conf", kdc, "forwardable = true"); } /** * Creates and starts a KDC running as a daemon on a random port. * @param realm the realm name * @return the running KDC instance * @throws java.io.IOException for any socket creation error */ public static KDC create(String realm) throws IOException { return create(realm, "kdc." + realm.toLowerCase(Locale.US), 0, true); } public static KDC existing(String realm, String kdc, int port) { KDC k = new KDC(realm, kdc); k.port = port; return k; } /** * Creates and starts a KDC server. * @param realm the realm name * @param port the TCP and UDP port to listen to. A random port will to * chosen if zero. * @param asDaemon if true, KDC threads will be daemons. Otherwise, not. * @return the running KDC instance * @throws java.io.IOException for any socket creation error */ public static KDC create(String realm, String kdc, int port, boolean asDaemon) throws IOException { return new KDC(realm, kdc, port, asDaemon); } /** * Sets an option * @param key the option name * @param value the value */ public void setOption(Option key, Object value) { if (value == null) { options.remove(key); } else { options.put(key, value); } } /** * Writes or appends keys into a keytab. * <p> * Attention: This is the most basic one of a series of methods below on * keytab creation or modification. All these methods reference krb5.conf * settings. If you need to modify krb5.conf or switch to another krb5.conf * later, please call <code>Config.refresh()</code> again. For example: * <pre> * kdc.writeKtab("/etc/kdc/ktab", true); // Config is initialized, * System.setProperty("java.security.krb5.conf", "/home/mykrb5.conf"); * Config.refresh(); * </pre> * Inside this method there are 2 places krb5.conf is used: * <ol> * <li> (Fatal) Generating keys: EncryptionKey.acquireSecretKeys * <li> (Has workaround) Creating PrincipalName * </ol> * @param tab the keytab file name * @param append true if append, otherwise, overwrite. * @param names the names to write into, write all if names is empty */ public void writeKtab(String tab, boolean append, String... names) throws IOException, KrbException { KeyTab ktab = null; if (nativeKdc == null) { ktab = append ? KeyTab.getInstance(tab) : KeyTab.create(tab); } Iterable<String> entries = (names.length != 0) ? Arrays.asList(names): passwords.keySet(); for (String name : entries) { if (name.indexOf('@') < 0) { name = name + "@" + realm; } if (nativeKdc == null) { char[] pass = passwords.get(name); int kvno = 0; if (Character.isDigit(pass[pass.length - 1])) { kvno = pass[pass.length - 1] - '0'; } PrincipalName pn = new PrincipalName(name, name.indexOf('/') < 0 ? PrincipalName.KRB_NT_UNKNOWN : PrincipalName.KRB_NT_SRV_HST); ktab.addEntry(pn, getSalt(pn), pass, kvno, true); } else { nativeKdc.ktadd(name, tab); } } if (nativeKdc == null) { ktab.save(); } } /** * Writes all principals' keys from multiple KDCs into one keytab file. * @throws java.io.IOException for any file output error * @throws sun.security.krb5.KrbException for any realm and/or principal * name error. */ public static void writeMultiKtab(String tab, KDC... kdcs) throws IOException, KrbException { KeyTab.create(tab).save(); // Empty the old keytab appendMultiKtab(tab, kdcs); } /** * Appends all principals' keys from multiple KDCs to one keytab file. */ public static void appendMultiKtab(String tab, KDC... kdcs) throws IOException, KrbException { for (KDC kdc: kdcs) { kdc.writeKtab(tab, true); } } /** * Write a ktab for this KDC. */ public void writeKtab(String tab) throws IOException, KrbException { writeKtab(tab, false); } /** * Appends keys in this KDC to a ktab. */ public void appendKtab(String tab) throws IOException, KrbException { writeKtab(tab, true); } /** * Adds a new principal to this realm with a given password. * @param user the principal's name. For a service principal, use the * form of host/f.q.d.n * @param pass the password for the principal */ public void addPrincipal(String user, char[] pass) { addPrincipal(user, pass, null, null); } /** * Adds a new principal to this realm with a given password. * @param user the principal's name. For a service principal, use the * form of host/f.q.d.n * @param pass the password for the principal * @param salt the salt, or null if a default value will be used * @param s2kparams the s2kparams, or null if a default value will be used */ public void addPrincipal( String user, char[] pass, String salt, byte[] s2kparams) { if (user.indexOf('@') < 0) { user = user + "@" + realm; } if (nativeKdc != null) { if (!user.equals("krbtgt/" + realm)) { nativeKdc.addPrincipal(user, new String(pass)); } passwords.put(user, new char[0]); } else { passwords.put(user, pass); if (salt != null) { salts.put(user, salt); } if (s2kparams != null) { s2kparamses.put(user, s2kparams); } } } /** * Adds a new principal to this realm with a random password * @param user the principal's name. For a service principal, use the * form of host/f.q.d.n */ public void addPrincipalRandKey(String user) { addPrincipal(user, randomPassword()); } /** * Returns the name of this realm * @return the name of this realm */ public String getRealm() { return realm; } /** * Returns the name of kdc * @return the name of kdc */ public String getKDC() { return kdc; } /** * Add realm-specific krb5.conf setting */ public void addConf(String s) { conf.add(s); } /** * Writes a krb5.conf for one or more KDC that includes KDC locations for * each realm and the default realm name. You can also add extra strings * into the file. The method should be called like: * <pre> * KDC.saveConfig("krb5.conf", kdc1, kdc2, ..., line1, line2, ...); * </pre> * Here you can provide one or more kdc# and zero or more line# arguments. * The line# will be put after [libdefaults] and before [realms]. Therefore * you can append new lines into [libdefaults] and/or create your new * stanzas as well. Note that a newline character will be appended to * each line# argument. * <p> * For example: * <pre> * KDC.saveConfig("krb5.conf", this); * </pre> * generates: * <pre> * [libdefaults] * default_realm = REALM.NAME * * [realms] * REALM.NAME = { * kdc = host:port_number * # realm-specific settings * } * </pre> * * Another example: * <pre> * KDC.saveConfig("krb5.conf", kdc1, kdc2, "forwardable = true", "", * "[domain_realm]", * ".kdc1.com = KDC1.NAME"); * </pre> * generates: * <pre> * [libdefaults] * default_realm = KDC1.NAME * forwardable = true * * [domain_realm] * .kdc1.com = KDC1.NAME * * [realms] * KDC1.NAME = { * kdc = host:port1 * } * KDC2.NAME = { * kdc = host:port2 * } * </pre> * @param file the name of the file to write into * @param kdc the first (and default) KDC * @param more more KDCs or extra lines (in their appearing order) to * insert into the krb5.conf file. This method reads each argument's type * to determine what it's for. This argument can be empty. * @throws java.io.IOException for any file output error */ public static void saveConfig(String file, KDC kdc, Object... more) throws IOException { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("[libdefaults]\ndefault_realm = "); sb.append(kdc.realm); sb.append("\n"); for (Object o : more) { if (o instanceof String) { sb.append(o); sb.append("\n"); } } sb.append("\n[realms]\n"); sb.append(kdc.realmLine()); for (Object o : more) { if (o instanceof KDC) { sb.append(((KDC) o).realmLine()); } } Files.write(Paths.get(file), sb.toString().getBytes()); } /** * Returns the service port of the KDC server. * @return the KDC service port */ public int getPort() { return port; } /** * Register an alias name to be referred to a different KDC for * resolution, according to RFC 6806. * @param alias Alias name (i.e. user@REALM.COM). * @param referredKDC KDC to which the alias is referred for resolution. */ public void registerAlias(String alias, KDC referredKDC) { aliasReferrals.remove(alias); aliasReferrals.put(alias, referredKDC); } /** * Register an alias to be resolved to a Principal Name locally, * according to RFC 6806. * @param alias Alias name (i.e. user@REALM.COM). * @param user Principal Name to which the alias is resolved. */ public void registerAlias(String alias, String user) throws RealmException { alias2Principals.remove(alias); alias2Principals.put(alias, new PrincipalName(user)); } // Private helper methods /** * Private constructor, cannot be called outside. * @param realm */ private KDC(String realm, String kdc) { this.realm = realm; this.kdc = kdc; this.nativeKdc = null; } /** * A constructor that starts the KDC service also. */ protected KDC(String realm, String kdc, int port, boolean asDaemon) throws IOException { this.realm = realm; this.kdc = kdc; this.nativeKdc = NativeKdc.get(this); startServer(port, asDaemon); } /** * Generates a 32-char random password * @return the password */ private static char[] randomPassword() { char[] pass = new char[32]; Random r = new Random(); for (int i=0; i<31; i++) pass[i] = (char)('a' + r.nextInt(26)); // The last char cannot be a number, otherwise, keyForUser() // believes it's a sign of kvno pass[31] = 'Z'; return pass; } /** * Generates a random key for the given encryption type. * @param eType the encryption type * @return the generated key * @throws sun.security.krb5.KrbException for unknown/unsupported etype */ private static EncryptionKey generateRandomKey(int eType) throws KrbException { return genKey0(randomPassword(), "NOTHING", null, eType, null); } /** * Returns the password for a given principal * @param p principal * @return the password * @throws sun.security.krb5.KrbException when the principal is not inside * the database. */ private char[] getPassword(PrincipalName p, boolean server) throws KrbException { String pn = p.toString(); if (p.getRealmString() == null) { pn = pn + "@" + getRealm(); } char[] pass = passwords.get(pn); if (pass == null) { throw new KrbException(server? Krb5.KDC_ERR_S_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN: Krb5.KDC_ERR_C_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN, pn.toString()); } return pass; } /** * Returns the salt string for the principal. * @param p principal * @return the salt */ protected String getSalt(PrincipalName p) { String pn = p.toString(); if (p.getRealmString() == null) { pn = pn + "@" + getRealm(); } if (salts.containsKey(pn)) { return salts.get(pn); } if (passwords.containsKey(pn)) { try { // Find the principal name with correct case. p = new PrincipalName(passwords.ceilingEntry(pn).getKey()); } catch (RealmException re) { // Won't happen } } String s = p.getRealmString(); if (s == null) s = getRealm(); for (String n: p.getNameStrings()) { s += n; } return s; } /** * Returns the s2kparams for the principal given the etype. * @param p principal * @param etype encryption type * @return the s2kparams, might be null */ protected byte[] getParams(PrincipalName p, int etype) { switch (etype) { case EncryptedData.ETYPE_AES128_CTS_HMAC_SHA1_96: case EncryptedData.ETYPE_AES256_CTS_HMAC_SHA1_96: case EncryptedData.ETYPE_AES128_CTS_HMAC_SHA256_128: case EncryptedData.ETYPE_AES256_CTS_HMAC_SHA384_192: String pn = p.toString(); if (p.getRealmString() == null) { pn = pn + "@" + getRealm(); } if (s2kparamses.containsKey(pn)) { return s2kparamses.get(pn); } if (etype < EncryptedData.ETYPE_AES128_CTS_HMAC_SHA256_128) { return new byte[]{0, 0, 0x10, 0}; } else { return new byte[]{0, 0, (byte) 0x80, 0}; } default: return null; } } /** * Returns the key for a given principal of the given encryption type * @param p the principal * @param etype the encryption type * @param server looking for a server principal? * @return the key * @throws sun.security.krb5.KrbException for unknown/unsupported etype */ EncryptionKey keyForUser(PrincipalName p, int etype, boolean server) throws KrbException { try { // Do not call EncryptionKey.acquireSecretKeys(), otherwise // the krb5.conf config file would be loaded. Integer kvno = null; // For service whose password ending with a number, use it as kvno. // Kvno must be postive. if (p.toString().indexOf('/') > 0) { char[] pass = getPassword(p, server); if (Character.isDigit(pass[pass.length-1])) { kvno = pass[pass.length-1] - '0'; } } return genKey0(getPassword(p, server), getSalt(p), getParams(p, etype), etype, kvno); } catch (KrbException ke) { throw ke; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); // should not happen } } /** * Returns a KerberosTime. * * @param offset offset from NOW in seconds */ private static KerberosTime timeAfter(int offset) { return new KerberosTime(new Date().getTime() + offset * 1000L); } /** * Generates key from password. */ private static EncryptionKey genKey0( char[] pass, String salt, byte[] s2kparams, int etype, Integer kvno) throws KrbException { return new EncryptionKey(EncryptionKeyDotStringToKey( pass, salt, s2kparams, etype), etype, kvno); } /** * Processes an incoming request and generates a response. * @param in the request * @return the response * @throws java.lang.Exception for various errors */ protected byte[] processMessage(byte[] in) throws Exception { if ((in[0] & 0x1f) == Krb5.KRB_AS_REQ) return processAsReq(in); else return processTgsReq(in); } /** * Processes a TGS_REQ and generates a TGS_REP (or KRB_ERROR) * @param in the request * @return the response * @throws java.lang.Exception for various errors */ protected byte[] processTgsReq(byte[] in) throws Exception { TGSReq tgsReq = new TGSReq(in); PrincipalName service = tgsReq.reqBody.sname; if (options.containsKey(KDC.Option.RESP_NT)) { service = new PrincipalName((int)options.get(KDC.Option.RESP_NT), service.getNameStrings(), service.getRealm()); } try { System.out.println(realm + "> " + tgsReq.reqBody.cname + " sends TGS-REQ for " + service + ", " + tgsReq.reqBody.kdcOptions); KDCReqBody body = tgsReq.reqBody; int[] eTypes = filterSupported(KDCReqBodyDotEType(body)); if (eTypes.length == 0) { throw new KrbException(Krb5.KDC_ERR_ETYPE_NOSUPP); } int e2 = eTypes[0]; // etype for outgoing session key int e3 = eTypes[0]; // etype for outgoing ticket PAData[] pas = tgsReq.pAData; Ticket tkt = null; EncTicketPart etp = null; PrincipalName cname = null; boolean allowForwardable = true; boolean isReferral = false; if (body.kdcOptions.get(KDCOptions.CANONICALIZE)) { System.out.println(realm + "> verifying referral for " + body.sname.getNameString()); KDC referral = aliasReferrals.get(body.sname.getNameString()); if (referral != null) { service = new PrincipalName( PrincipalName.TGS_DEFAULT_SRV_NAME + PrincipalName.NAME_COMPONENT_SEPARATOR_STR + referral.getRealm(), PrincipalName.KRB_NT_SRV_INST, this.getRealm()); System.out.println(realm + "> referral to " + referral.getRealm()); isReferral = true; } } if (pas == null || pas.length == 0) { throw new KrbException(Krb5.KDC_ERR_PADATA_TYPE_NOSUPP); } else { PrincipalName forUserCName = null; for (PAData pa: pas) { if (pa.getType() == Krb5.PA_TGS_REQ) { APReq apReq = new APReq(pa.getValue()); tkt = apReq.ticket; int te = tkt.encPart.getEType(); EncryptionKey kkey = keyForUser(tkt.sname, te, true); byte[] bb = tkt.encPart.decrypt(kkey, KeyUsage.KU_TICKET); DerInputStream derIn = new DerInputStream(bb); DerValue der = derIn.getDerValue(); etp = new EncTicketPart(der.toByteArray()); // Finally, cname will be overwritten by PA-FOR-USER // if it exists. cname = etp.cname; System.out.println(realm + "> presenting a ticket of " + etp.cname + " to " + tkt.sname); } else if (pa.getType() == Krb5.PA_FOR_USER) { if (options.containsKey(Option.ALLOW_S4U2SELF)) { PAForUserEnc p4u = new PAForUserEnc( new DerValue(pa.getValue()), null); forUserCName = p4u.name; System.out.println(realm + "> See PA_FOR_USER " + " in the name of " + p4u.name); } } } if (forUserCName != null) { List<String> names = (List<String>) options.get(Option.ALLOW_S4U2SELF); if (!names.contains(cname.toString())) { // Mimic the normal KDC behavior. When a server is not // allowed to send S4U2self, do not send an error. // Instead, send a ticket which is useless later. allowForwardable = false; } cname = forUserCName; } if (tkt == null) { throw new KrbException(Krb5.KDC_ERR_PADATA_TYPE_NOSUPP); } } // Session key for original ticket, TGT EncryptionKey ckey = etp.key; // Session key for session with the service EncryptionKey key = generateRandomKey(e2); // Check time, TODO KerberosTime from = body.from; KerberosTime till = body.till; if (from == null || from.isZero()) { from = timeAfter(0); } if (till == null) { throw new KrbException(Krb5.KDC_ERR_NEVER_VALID); // TODO } else if (till.isZero()) { till = timeAfter(DEFAULT_LIFETIME); } boolean[] bFlags = new boolean[Krb5.TKT_OPTS_MAX+1]; if (body.kdcOptions.get(KDCOptions.FORWARDABLE) && allowForwardable) { List<String> sensitives = (List<String>) options.get(Option.SENSITIVE_ACCOUNTS); if (sensitives != null && sensitives.contains(cname.toString())) { // Cannot make FORWARDABLE } else { bFlags[Krb5.TKT_OPTS_FORWARDABLE] = true; } } // We do not request for addresses for FORWARDED tickets if (options.containsKey(Option.CHECK_ADDRESSES) && body.kdcOptions.get(KDCOptions.FORWARDED) && body.addresses != null) { throw new KrbException(Krb5.KDC_ERR_BADOPTION); } if (body.kdcOptions.get(KDCOptions.FORWARDED) || etp.flags.get(Krb5.TKT_OPTS_FORWARDED)) { bFlags[Krb5.TKT_OPTS_FORWARDED] = true; } if (body.kdcOptions.get(KDCOptions.RENEWABLE)) { bFlags[Krb5.TKT_OPTS_RENEWABLE] = true; //renew = timeAfter(3600 * 24 * 7); } if (body.kdcOptions.get(KDCOptions.PROXIABLE)) { bFlags[Krb5.TKT_OPTS_PROXIABLE] = true; } if (body.kdcOptions.get(KDCOptions.POSTDATED)) { bFlags[Krb5.TKT_OPTS_POSTDATED] = true; } if (body.kdcOptions.get(KDCOptions.ALLOW_POSTDATE)) { bFlags[Krb5.TKT_OPTS_MAY_POSTDATE] = true; } if (body.kdcOptions.get(KDCOptions.CNAME_IN_ADDL_TKT)) { if (!options.containsKey(Option.ALLOW_S4U2PROXY)) { // Don't understand CNAME_IN_ADDL_TKT throw new KrbException(Krb5.KDC_ERR_BADOPTION); } else { Map<String,List<String>> map = (Map<String,List<String>>) options.get(Option.ALLOW_S4U2PROXY); Ticket second = KDCReqBodyDotFirstAdditionalTicket(body); EncryptionKey key2 = keyForUser( second.sname, second.encPart.getEType(), true); byte[] bb = second.encPart.decrypt(key2, KeyUsage.KU_TICKET); DerInputStream derIn = new DerInputStream(bb); DerValue der = derIn.getDerValue(); EncTicketPart tktEncPart = new EncTicketPart(der.toByteArray()); if (!tktEncPart.flags.get(Krb5.TKT_OPTS_FORWARDABLE)) { //throw new KrbException(Krb5.KDC_ERR_BADOPTION); } PrincipalName client = tktEncPart.cname; System.out.println(realm + "> and an additional ticket of " + client + " to " + second.sname); if (map.containsKey(cname.toString())) { if (map.get(cname.toString()).contains(service.toString())) { System.out.println(realm + "> S4U2proxy OK"); } else { throw new KrbException(Krb5.KDC_ERR_BADOPTION); } } else { throw new KrbException(Krb5.KDC_ERR_BADOPTION); } cname = client; } } String okAsDelegate = (String)options.get(Option.OK_AS_DELEGATE); if (okAsDelegate != null && ( okAsDelegate.isEmpty() || okAsDelegate.contains(service.getNameString()))) { bFlags[Krb5.TKT_OPTS_DELEGATE] = true; } bFlags[Krb5.TKT_OPTS_INITIAL] = true; KerberosTime renewTill = etp.renewTill; if (renewTill != null && body.kdcOptions.get(KDCOptions.RENEW)) { // till should never pass renewTill if (till.greaterThan(renewTill)) { till = renewTill; } if (System.getProperty("test.set.null.renew") != null) { // Testing 8186576, see NullRenewUntil.java. renewTill = null; } } TicketFlags tFlags = new TicketFlags(bFlags); EncTicketPart enc = new EncTicketPart( tFlags, key, cname, new TransitedEncoding(1, new byte[0]), // TODO timeAfter(0), from, till, renewTill, body.addresses != null ? body.addresses : etp.caddr, null); EncryptionKey skey = keyForUser(service, e3, true); if (skey == null) { throw new KrbException(Krb5.KDC_ERR_SUMTYPE_NOSUPP); // TODO } Ticket t = new Ticket( System.getProperty("test.kdc.diff.sname") != null ? new PrincipalName("xx" + service.toString()) : service, new EncryptedData(skey, enc.asn1Encode(), KeyUsage.KU_TICKET) ); EncTGSRepPart enc_part = new EncTGSRepPart( key, new LastReq(new LastReqEntry[] { new LastReqEntry(0, timeAfter(-10)) }), body.getNonce(), // TODO: detect replay timeAfter(3600 * 24), // Next 5 and last MUST be same with ticket tFlags, timeAfter(0), from, till, renewTill, service, body.addresses, null ); EncryptedData edata = new EncryptedData(ckey, enc_part.asn1Encode(), KeyUsage.KU_ENC_TGS_REP_PART_SESSKEY); TGSRep tgsRep = new TGSRep(null, cname, t, edata); System.out.println(" Return " + tgsRep.cname + " ticket for " + tgsRep.ticket.sname + ", flags " + tFlags); DerOutputStream out = new DerOutputStream(); out.write(DerValue.createTag(DerValue.TAG_APPLICATION, true, (byte)Krb5.KRB_TGS_REP), tgsRep.asn1Encode()); return out.toByteArray(); } catch (KrbException ke) { ke.printStackTrace(System.out); KRBError kerr = ke.getError(); KDCReqBody body = tgsReq.reqBody; System.out.println(" Error " + ke.returnCode() + " " +ke.returnCodeMessage()); if (kerr == null) { kerr = new KRBError(null, null, null, timeAfter(0), 0, ke.returnCode(), body.cname, service, KrbException.errorMessage(ke.returnCode()), null); } return kerr.asn1Encode(); } } /** * Processes a AS_REQ and generates a AS_REP (or KRB_ERROR) * @param in the request * @return the response * @throws java.lang.Exception for various errors */ protected byte[] processAsReq(byte[] in) throws Exception { ASReq asReq = new ASReq(in); byte[] asReqbytes = asReq.asn1Encode(); int[] eTypes = null; List<PAData> outPAs = new ArrayList<>(); PrincipalName service = asReq.reqBody.sname; if (options.containsKey(KDC.Option.RESP_NT)) { service = new PrincipalName((int)options.get(KDC.Option.RESP_NT), service.getNameStrings(), Realm.getDefault()); } try { System.out.println(realm + "> " + asReq.reqBody.cname + " sends AS-REQ for " + service + ", " + asReq.reqBody.kdcOptions); KDCReqBody body = asReq.reqBody; eTypes = filterSupported(KDCReqBodyDotEType(body)); if (eTypes.length == 0) { throw new KrbException(Krb5.KDC_ERR_ETYPE_NOSUPP); } int eType = eTypes[0]; if (body.kdcOptions.get(KDCOptions.CANONICALIZE)) { PrincipalName principal = alias2Principals.get( body.cname.getNameString()); if (principal != null) { body.cname = principal; } else { KDC referral = aliasReferrals.get(body.cname.getNameString()); if (referral != null) { body.cname = new PrincipalName( PrincipalName.TGS_DEFAULT_SRV_NAME, PrincipalName.KRB_NT_SRV_INST, referral.getRealm()); throw new KrbException(Krb5.KRB_ERR_WRONG_REALM); } } } EncryptionKey ckey = keyForUser(body.cname, eType, false); EncryptionKey skey = keyForUser(service, eType, true); if (options.containsKey(KDC.Option.ONLY_RC4_TGT)) { int tgtEType = EncryptedData.ETYPE_ARCFOUR_HMAC; boolean found = false; for (int i=0; i<eTypes.length; i++) { if (eTypes[i] == tgtEType) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { throw new KrbException(Krb5.KDC_ERR_ETYPE_NOSUPP); } skey = keyForUser(service, tgtEType, true); } if (ckey == null) { throw new KrbException(Krb5.KDC_ERR_ETYPE_NOSUPP); } if (skey == null) { throw new KrbException(Krb5.KDC_ERR_SUMTYPE_NOSUPP); // TODO } // Session key EncryptionKey key = generateRandomKey(eType); // Check time, TODO KerberosTime from = body.from; KerberosTime till = body.till; KerberosTime rtime = body.rtime; if (from == null || from.isZero()) { from = timeAfter(0); } if (till == null) { throw new KrbException(Krb5.KDC_ERR_NEVER_VALID); // TODO } else if (till.isZero()) { till = timeAfter(DEFAULT_LIFETIME); } else if (till.greaterThan(timeAfter(24 * 3600)) && System.getProperty("test.kdc.force.till") == null) { // If till is more than 1 day later, make it renewable till = timeAfter(DEFAULT_LIFETIME); body.kdcOptions.set(KDCOptions.RENEWABLE, true); if (rtime == null) rtime = till; } if (rtime == null && body.kdcOptions.get(KDCOptions.RENEWABLE)) { rtime = timeAfter(DEFAULT_RENEWTIME); } //body.from boolean[] bFlags = new boolean[Krb5.TKT_OPTS_MAX+1]; if (body.kdcOptions.get(KDCOptions.FORWARDABLE)) { List<String> sensitives = (List<String>) options.get(Option.SENSITIVE_ACCOUNTS); if (sensitives != null && sensitives.contains(body.cname.toString())) { // Cannot make FORWARDABLE } else { bFlags[Krb5.TKT_OPTS_FORWARDABLE] = true; } } if (body.kdcOptions.get(KDCOptions.RENEWABLE)) { bFlags[Krb5.TKT_OPTS_RENEWABLE] = true; //renew = timeAfter(3600 * 24 * 7); } if (body.kdcOptions.get(KDCOptions.PROXIABLE)) { bFlags[Krb5.TKT_OPTS_PROXIABLE] = true; } if (body.kdcOptions.get(KDCOptions.POSTDATED)) { bFlags[Krb5.TKT_OPTS_POSTDATED] = true; } if (body.kdcOptions.get(KDCOptions.ALLOW_POSTDATE)) { bFlags[Krb5.TKT_OPTS_MAY_POSTDATE] = true; } bFlags[Krb5.TKT_OPTS_INITIAL] = true; if (System.getProperty("test.kdc.always.enc.pa.rep") != null) { bFlags[Krb5.TKT_OPTS_ENC_PA_REP] = true; } // Creating PA-DATA DerValue[] pas2 = null, pas = null; if (options.containsKey(KDC.Option.DUP_ETYPE)) { int n = (Integer)options.get(KDC.Option.DUP_ETYPE); switch (n) { case 1: // customer's case in 7067974 pas2 = new DerValue[] { new DerValue(new ETypeInfo2(1, null, null).asn1Encode()), new DerValue(new ETypeInfo2(1, "", null).asn1Encode()), new DerValue(new ETypeInfo2( 1, realm, new byte[]{1}).asn1Encode()), }; pas = new DerValue[] { new DerValue(new ETypeInfo(1, null).asn1Encode()), new DerValue(new ETypeInfo(1, "").asn1Encode()), new DerValue(new ETypeInfo(1, realm).asn1Encode()), }; break; case 2: // we still reject non-null s2kparams and prefer E2 over E pas2 = new DerValue[] { new DerValue(new ETypeInfo2( 1, realm, new byte[]{1}).asn1Encode()), new DerValue(new ETypeInfo2(1, null, null).asn1Encode()), new DerValue(new ETypeInfo2(1, "", null).asn1Encode()), }; pas = new DerValue[] { new DerValue(new ETypeInfo(1, realm).asn1Encode()), new DerValue(new ETypeInfo(1, null).asn1Encode()), new DerValue(new ETypeInfo(1, "").asn1Encode()), }; break; case 3: // but only E is wrong pas = new DerValue[] { new DerValue(new ETypeInfo(1, realm).asn1Encode()), new DerValue(new ETypeInfo(1, null).asn1Encode()), new DerValue(new ETypeInfo(1, "").asn1Encode()), }; break; case 4: // we also ignore rc4-hmac pas = new DerValue[] { new DerValue(new ETypeInfo(23, "ANYTHING").asn1Encode()), new DerValue(new ETypeInfo(1, null).asn1Encode()), new DerValue(new ETypeInfo(1, "").asn1Encode()), }; break; case 5: // "" should be wrong, but we accept it now // See s.s.k.internal.PAData$SaltAndParams pas = new DerValue[] { new DerValue(new ETypeInfo(1, "").asn1Encode()), new DerValue(new ETypeInfo(1, null).asn1Encode()), }; break; } } else { int[] epas = eTypes; if (options.containsKey(KDC.Option.RC4_FIRST_PREAUTH)) { for (int i=1; i<epas.length; i++) { if (epas[i] == EncryptedData.ETYPE_ARCFOUR_HMAC) { epas[i] = epas[0]; epas[0] = EncryptedData.ETYPE_ARCFOUR_HMAC; break; } }; } else if (options.containsKey(KDC.Option.ONLY_ONE_PREAUTH)) { epas = new int[] { eTypes[0] }; } pas2 = new DerValue[epas.length]; for (int i=0; i<epas.length; i++) { pas2[i] = new DerValue(new ETypeInfo2( epas[i], epas[i] == EncryptedData.ETYPE_ARCFOUR_HMAC ? null : getSalt(body.cname), getParams(body.cname, epas[i])).asn1Encode()); } boolean allOld = true; for (int i: eTypes) { if (i >= EncryptedData.ETYPE_AES128_CTS_HMAC_SHA1_96 && i != EncryptedData.ETYPE_ARCFOUR_HMAC) { allOld = false; break; } } if (allOld) { pas = new DerValue[epas.length]; for (int i=0; i<epas.length; i++) { pas[i] = new DerValue(new ETypeInfo( epas[i], epas[i] == EncryptedData.ETYPE_ARCFOUR_HMAC ? null : getSalt(body.cname) ).asn1Encode()); } } } DerOutputStream eid; if (pas2 != null) { eid = new DerOutputStream(); eid.putSequence(pas2); outPAs.add(new PAData(Krb5.PA_ETYPE_INFO2, eid.toByteArray())); } if (pas != null) { eid = new DerOutputStream(); eid.putSequence(pas); outPAs.add(new PAData(Krb5.PA_ETYPE_INFO, eid.toByteArray())); } PAData[] inPAs = asReq.pAData; List<PAData> enc_outPAs = new ArrayList<>(); byte[] paEncTimestamp = null; if (inPAs != null) { for (PAData inPA : inPAs) { if (inPA.getType() == Krb5.PA_ENC_TIMESTAMP) { paEncTimestamp = inPA.getValue(); } } } if (paEncTimestamp == null) { Object preauth = options.get(Option.PREAUTH_REQUIRED); if (preauth == null || preauth.equals(Boolean.TRUE)) { throw new KrbException(Krb5.KDC_ERR_PREAUTH_REQUIRED); } } else { EncryptionKey pakey = null; try { EncryptedData data = newEncryptedData( new DerValue(paEncTimestamp)); pakey = keyForUser(body.cname, data.getEType(), false); data.decrypt(pakey, KeyUsage.KU_PA_ENC_TS); } catch (Exception e) { KrbException ke = new KrbException(Krb5.KDC_ERR_PREAUTH_FAILED); ke.initCause(e); throw ke; } bFlags[Krb5.TKT_OPTS_PRE_AUTHENT] = true; for (PAData pa : inPAs) { if (pa.getType() == Krb5.PA_REQ_ENC_PA_REP) { Checksum ckSum = new Checksum( Checksum.CKSUMTYPE_HMAC_SHA1_96_AES128, asReqbytes, ckey, KeyUsage.KU_AS_REQ); enc_outPAs.add(new PAData(Krb5.PA_REQ_ENC_PA_REP, ckSum.asn1Encode())); bFlags[Krb5.TKT_OPTS_ENC_PA_REP] = true; break; } } } TicketFlags tFlags = new TicketFlags(bFlags); EncTicketPart enc = new EncTicketPart( tFlags, key, body.cname, new TransitedEncoding(1, new byte[0]), timeAfter(0), from, till, rtime, body.addresses, null); Ticket t = new Ticket( service, new EncryptedData(skey, enc.asn1Encode(), KeyUsage.KU_TICKET) ); EncASRepPart enc_part = new EncASRepPart( key, new LastReq(new LastReqEntry[]{ new LastReqEntry(0, timeAfter(-10)) }), body.getNonce(), // TODO: detect replay? timeAfter(3600 * 24), // Next 5 and last MUST be same with ticket tFlags, timeAfter(0), from, till, rtime, service, body.addresses, enc_outPAs.toArray(new PAData[enc_outPAs.size()]) ); EncryptedData edata = new EncryptedData(ckey, enc_part.asn1Encode(), KeyUsage.KU_ENC_AS_REP_PART); ASRep asRep = new ASRep( outPAs.toArray(new PAData[outPAs.size()]), body.cname, t, edata); System.out.println(" Return " + asRep.cname + " ticket for " + asRep.ticket.sname + ", flags " + tFlags); DerOutputStream out = new DerOutputStream(); out.write(DerValue.createTag(DerValue.TAG_APPLICATION, true, (byte)Krb5.KRB_AS_REP), asRep.asn1Encode()); byte[] result = out.toByteArray(); // Added feature: // Write the current issuing TGT into a ccache file specified // by the system property below. String ccache = System.getProperty("test.kdc.save.ccache"); if (ccache != null) { asRep.encKDCRepPart = enc_part; sun.security.krb5.internal.ccache.Credentials credentials = new sun.security.krb5.internal.ccache.Credentials(asRep); CredentialsCache cache = CredentialsCache.create(asReq.reqBody.cname, ccache); if (cache == null) { throw new IOException("Unable to create the cache file " + ccache); } cache.update(credentials); cache.save(); } return result; } catch (KrbException ke) { ke.printStackTrace(System.out); KRBError kerr = ke.getError(); KDCReqBody body = asReq.reqBody; System.out.println(" Error " + ke.returnCode() + " " +ke.returnCodeMessage()); byte[] eData = null; if (kerr == null) { if (ke.returnCode() == Krb5.KDC_ERR_PREAUTH_REQUIRED || ke.returnCode() == Krb5.KDC_ERR_PREAUTH_FAILED) { outPAs.add(new PAData(Krb5.PA_ENC_TIMESTAMP, new byte[0])); } if (outPAs.size() > 0) { DerOutputStream bytes = new DerOutputStream(); for (PAData p: outPAs) { bytes.write(p.asn1Encode()); } DerOutputStream temp = new DerOutputStream(); temp.write(DerValue.tag_Sequence, bytes); eData = temp.toByteArray(); } kerr = new KRBError(null, null, null, timeAfter(0), 0, ke.returnCode(), body.cname, service, KrbException.errorMessage(ke.returnCode()), eData); } return kerr.asn1Encode(); } } private int[] filterSupported(int[] input) { int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { if (!EType.isSupported(input[i])) { continue; } if (SUPPORTED_ETYPES != null) { boolean supported = false; for (String se : SUPPORTED_ETYPES.split(",")) { if (Config.getType(se) == input[i]) { supported = true; break; } } if (!supported) { continue; } } if (count != i) { input[count] = input[i]; } count++; } if (count != input.length) { input = Arrays.copyOf(input, count); } return input; } /** * Generates a line for a KDC to put inside [realms] of krb5.conf * @return REALM.NAME = { kdc = host:port etc } */ private String realmLine() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(realm).append(" = {\n kdc = ") .append(kdc).append(':').append(port).append('\n'); for (String s: conf) { sb.append(" ").append(s).append('\n'); } return sb.append("}\n").toString(); } /** * Start the KDC service. This server listens on both UDP and TCP using * the same port number. It uses three threads to deal with requests. * They can be set to daemon threads if requested. * @param port the port number to listen to. If zero, a random available * port no less than 8000 will be chosen and used. * @param asDaemon true if the KDC threads should be daemons * @throws java.io.IOException for any communication error */ protected void startServer(int port, boolean asDaemon) throws IOException { if (nativeKdc != null) { startNativeServer(port, asDaemon); } else { startJavaServer(port, asDaemon); } } private void startNativeServer(int port, boolean asDaemon) throws IOException { nativeKdc.prepare(); nativeKdc.init(); kdcProc = nativeKdc.kdc(); } private void startJavaServer(int port, boolean asDaemon) throws IOException { if (port > 0) { u1 = new DatagramSocket(port, InetAddress.getByName("")); t1 = new ServerSocket(port); } else { while (true) { // Try to find a port number that's both TCP and UDP free try { port = 8000 + new java.util.Random().nextInt(10000); u1 = null; u1 = new DatagramSocket(port, InetAddress.getByName("")); t1 = new ServerSocket(port); break; } catch (Exception e) { if (u1 != null) u1.close(); } } } final DatagramSocket udp = u1; final ServerSocket tcp = t1; System.out.println("Start KDC on " + port); this.port = port; // The UDP consumer thread1 = new Thread() { public void run() { udpConsumerReady = true; while (true) { try { byte[] inbuf = new byte[8192]; DatagramPacket p = new DatagramPacket(inbuf, inbuf.length); udp.receive(p); System.out.println("-----------------------------------------------"); System.out.println(">>>>> UDP packet received"); q.put(new Job(processMessage(Arrays.copyOf(inbuf, p.getLength())), udp, p)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }; thread1.setDaemon(asDaemon); thread1.start(); // The TCP consumer thread2 = new Thread() { public void run() { tcpConsumerReady = true; while (true) { try { Socket socket = tcp.accept(); System.out.println("-----------------------------------------------"); System.out.println(">>>>> TCP connection established"); DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(socket.getInputStream()); DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream()); int len = in.readInt(); if (len > 65535) { throw new Exception("Huge request not supported"); } byte[] token = new byte[len]; in.readFully(token); q.put(new Job(processMessage(token), socket, out)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }; thread2.setDaemon(asDaemon); thread2.start(); // The dispatcher thread3 = new Thread() { public void run() { dispatcherReady = true; while (true) { try { q.take().send(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } }; thread3.setDaemon(true); thread3.start(); // wait for the KDC is ready try { while (!isReady()) { Thread.sleep(100); } } catch(InterruptedException e) { throw new IOException(e); } } public void kinit(String user, String ccache) throws Exception { if (user.indexOf('@') < 0) { user = user + "@" + realm; } if (nativeKdc != null) { nativeKdc.kinit(user, ccache); } else { Context.fromUserPass(user, passwords.get(user), false) .ccache(ccache); } } boolean isReady() { return udpConsumerReady && tcpConsumerReady && dispatcherReady; } public void terminate() { if (nativeKdc != null) { System.out.println("Killing kdc..."); kdcProc.destroyForcibly(); System.out.println("Done"); } else { try { thread1.stop(); thread2.stop(); thread3.stop(); u1.close(); t1.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // OK } } } public static KDC startKDC(final String host, final String krbConfFileName, final String realm, final Map<String, String> principals, final String ktab, final KtabMode mode) { KDC kdc; try { kdc = KDC.create(realm, host, 0, true); kdc.setOption(KDC.Option.PREAUTH_REQUIRED, Boolean.FALSE); if (krbConfFileName != null) { KDC.saveConfig(krbConfFileName, kdc); } // Add principals if (principals != null) { principals.forEach((name, password) -> { if (password == null || password.isEmpty()) { System.out.println(String.format( "KDC:add a principal '%s' with a random " + "password", name)); kdc.addPrincipalRandKey(name); } else { System.out.println(String.format( "KDC:add a principal '%s' with '%s' password", name, password)); kdc.addPrincipal(name, password.toCharArray()); } }); } // Create or append keys to existing keytab file if (ktab != null) { File ktabFile = new File(ktab); switch(mode) { case APPEND: if (ktabFile.exists()) { System.out.println(String.format( "KDC:append keys to an exising keytab " + "file %s", ktab)); kdc.appendKtab(ktab); } else { System.out.println(String.format( "KDC:create a new keytab file %s", ktab)); kdc.writeKtab(ktab); } break; case EXISTING: System.out.println(String.format( "KDC:use an existing keytab file %s", ktab)); break; default: throw new RuntimeException(String.format( "KDC:unsupported keytab mode: %s", mode)); } } System.out.println(String.format( "KDC: started on %s:%s with '%s' realm", host, kdc.getPort(), realm)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("KDC: unexpected exception", e); } return kdc; } /** * Helper class to encapsulate a job in a KDC. */ private static class Job { byte[] token; // The received request at creation time and // the response at send time Socket s; // The TCP socket from where the request comes DataOutputStream out; // The OutputStream of the TCP socket DatagramSocket s2; // The UDP socket from where the request comes DatagramPacket dp; // The incoming UDP datagram packet boolean useTCP; // Whether TCP or UDP is used // Creates a job object for TCP Job(byte[] token, Socket s, DataOutputStream out) { useTCP = true; this.token = token; this.s = s; this.out = out; } // Creates a job object for UDP Job(byte[] token, DatagramSocket s2, DatagramPacket dp) { useTCP = false; this.token = token; this.s2 = s2; this.dp = dp; } // Sends the output back to the client void send() { try { if (useTCP) { System.out.println(">>>>> TCP request honored"); out.writeInt(token.length); out.write(token); s.close(); } else { System.out.println(">>>>> UDP request honored"); s2.send(new DatagramPacket(token, token.length, dp.getAddress(), dp.getPort())); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * A native KDC using the binaries in nativePath. Attention: * this is using binaries, not an existing KDC instance. * An implementation of this takes care of configuration, * principal db managing and KDC startup. */ static abstract class NativeKdc { protected Map<String,String> env; protected String nativePath; protected String base; protected String realm; protected int port; NativeKdc(String nativePath, KDC kdc) { if (kdc.port == 0) { kdc.port = 8000 + new java.util.Random().nextInt(10000); } this.nativePath = nativePath; this.realm = kdc.realm; this.port = kdc.port; this.base = Paths.get("" + port).toAbsolutePath().toString(); } // Add a new principal abstract void addPrincipal(String user, String pass); // Add a keytab entry abstract void ktadd(String user, String ktab); // Initialize KDC abstract void init(); // Start kdc abstract Process kdc(); // Configuration abstract void prepare(); // Fill ccache abstract void kinit(String user, String ccache); static NativeKdc get(KDC kdc) { String prop = System.getProperty("native.kdc.path"); if (prop == null) { return null; } else if (Files.exists(Paths.get(prop, "sbin/krb5kdc"))) { return new MIT(true, prop, kdc); } else if (Files.exists(Paths.get(prop, "kdc/krb5kdc"))) { return new MIT(false, prop, kdc); } else if (Files.exists(Paths.get(prop, "libexec/kdc"))) { return new Heimdal(prop, kdc); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Strange " + prop); } } Process run(boolean wait, String... cmd) { try { System.out.println("Running " + cmd2str(env, cmd)); ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(); pb.inheritIO(); pb.environment().putAll(env); Process p = pb.command(cmd).start(); if (wait) { if (p.waitFor() < 0) { throw new RuntimeException("exit code is not null"); } return null; } else { return p; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private String cmd2str(Map<String,String> env, String... cmd) { return env.entrySet().stream().map(e -> e.getKey()+"="+e.getValue()) .collect(Collectors.joining(" ")) + " " + Stream.of(cmd).collect(Collectors.joining(" ")); } } // Heimdal KDC. Build your own and run "make install" to nativePath. static class Heimdal extends NativeKdc { Heimdal(String nativePath, KDC kdc) { super(nativePath, kdc); this.env = Map.of( "KRB5_CONFIG", base + "/krb5.conf", "KRB5_TRACE", "/dev/stderr", Platform.sharedLibraryPathVariableName(), nativePath + "/lib"); } @Override public void addPrincipal(String user, String pass) { run(true, nativePath + "/bin/kadmin", "-l", "-r", realm, "add", "-p", pass, "--use-defaults", user); } @Override public void ktadd(String user, String ktab) { run(true, nativePath + "/bin/kadmin", "-l", "-r", realm, "ext_keytab", "-k", ktab, user); } @Override public void init() { run(true, nativePath + "/bin/kadmin", "-l", "-r", realm, "init", "--realm-max-ticket-life=1day", "--realm-max-renewable-life=1month", realm); } @Override public Process kdc() { return run(false, nativePath + "/libexec/kdc", "--addresses=", "-P", "" + port); } @Override public void prepare() { try { Files.createDirectory(Paths.get(base)); Files.write(Paths.get(base + "/krb5.conf"), Arrays.asList( "[libdefaults]", "default_realm = " + realm, "default_keytab_name = FILE:" + base + "/krb5.keytab", "forwardable = true", "dns_lookup_kdc = no", "dns_lookup_realm = no", "dns_canonicalize_hostname = false", "\n[realms]", realm + " = {", " kdc = localhost:" + port, "}", "\n[kdc]", "db-dir = " + base, "database = {", " label = {", " dbname = " + base + "/current-db", " realm = " + realm, " mkey_file = " + base + "/mkey.file", " acl_file = " + base + "/heimdal.acl", " log_file = " + base + "/current.log", " }", "}", SUPPORTED_ETYPES == null ? "" : ("\n[kadmin]\ndefault_keys = " + (SUPPORTED_ETYPES + ",") .replaceAll(",", ":pw-salt ")), "\n[logging]", "kdc = 0-/FILE:" + base + "/messages.log", "krb5 = 0-/FILE:" + base + "/messages.log", "default = 0-/FILE:" + base + "/messages.log" )); } catch (IOException e) { throw new UncheckedIOException(e); } } @Override void kinit(String user, String ccache) { String tmpName = base + "/" + user + "." + System.identityHashCode(this) + ".keytab"; ktadd(user, tmpName); run(true, nativePath + "/bin/kinit", "-f", "-t", tmpName, "-c", ccache, user); } } // MIT krb5 KDC. Make your own exploded (install == false), or // "make install" into nativePath (install == true). static class MIT extends NativeKdc { private boolean install; // "make install" or "make" MIT(boolean install, String nativePath, KDC kdc) { super(nativePath, kdc); this.install = install; this.env = Map.of( "KRB5_KDC_PROFILE", base + "/kdc.conf", "KRB5_CONFIG", base + "/krb5.conf", "KRB5_TRACE", "/dev/stderr", Platform.sharedLibraryPathVariableName(), nativePath + "/lib"); } @Override public void addPrincipal(String user, String pass) { run(true, nativePath + (install ? "/sbin/" : "/kadmin/cli/") + "kadmin.local", "-q", "addprinc -pw " + pass + " " + user); } @Override public void ktadd(String user, String ktab) { run(true, nativePath + (install ? "/sbin/" : "/kadmin/cli/") + "kadmin.local", "-q", "ktadd -k " + ktab + " -norandkey " + user); } @Override public void init() { run(true, nativePath + (install ? "/sbin/" : "/kadmin/dbutil/") + "kdb5_util", "create", "-s", "-W", "-P", "olala"); } @Override public Process kdc() { return run(false, nativePath + (install ? "/sbin/" : "/kdc/") + "krb5kdc", "-n"); } @Override public void prepare() { try { Files.createDirectory(Paths.get(base)); Files.write(Paths.get(base + "/kdc.conf"), Arrays.asList( "[kdcdefaults]", "\n[realms]", realm + "= {", " kdc_listen = " + this.port, " kdc_tcp_listen = " + this.port, " database_name = " + base + "/principal", " key_stash_file = " + base + "/.k5.ATHENA.MIT.EDU", SUPPORTED_ETYPES == null ? "" : (" supported_enctypes = " + (SUPPORTED_ETYPES + ",") .replaceAll(",", ":normal ")), "}" )); Files.write(Paths.get(base + "/krb5.conf"), Arrays.asList( "[libdefaults]", "default_realm = " + realm, "default_keytab_name = FILE:" + base + "/krb5.keytab", "forwardable = true", "dns_lookup_kdc = no", "dns_lookup_realm = no", "dns_canonicalize_hostname = false", "\n[realms]", realm + " = {", " kdc = localhost:" + port, "}", "\n[logging]", "kdc = FILE:" + base + "/krb5kdc.log" )); } catch (IOException e) { throw new UncheckedIOException(e); } } @Override void kinit(String user, String ccache) { String tmpName = base + "/" + user + "." + System.identityHashCode(this) + ".keytab"; ktadd(user, tmpName); run(true, nativePath + (install ? "/bin/" : "/clients/kinit/") + "kinit", "-f", "-t", tmpName, "-c", ccache, user); } } // Calling private methods thru reflections private static final Field getEType; private static final Constructor<EncryptedData> ctorEncryptedData; private static final Method stringToKey; private static final Field getAddlTkt; static { try { ctorEncryptedData = EncryptedData.class.getDeclaredConstructor(DerValue.class); ctorEncryptedData.setAccessible(true); getEType = KDCReqBody.class.getDeclaredField("eType"); getEType.setAccessible(true); stringToKey = EncryptionKey.class.getDeclaredMethod( "stringToKey", char[].class, String.class, byte[].class, Integer.TYPE); stringToKey.setAccessible(true); getAddlTkt = KDCReqBody.class.getDeclaredField("additionalTickets"); getAddlTkt.setAccessible(true); } catch (NoSuchFieldException nsfe) { throw new AssertionError(nsfe); } catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) { throw new AssertionError(nsme); } } private EncryptedData newEncryptedData(DerValue der) { try { return ctorEncryptedData.newInstance(der); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError(e); } } private static int[] KDCReqBodyDotEType(KDCReqBody body) { try { return (int[]) getEType.get(body); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError(e); } } private static byte[] EncryptionKeyDotStringToKey(char[] password, String salt, byte[] s2kparams, int keyType) throws KrbCryptoException { try { return (byte[])stringToKey.invoke( null, password, salt, s2kparams, keyType); } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { throw (KrbCryptoException)ex.getCause(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError(e); } } private static Ticket KDCReqBodyDotFirstAdditionalTicket(KDCReqBody body) { try { return ((Ticket[])getAddlTkt.get(body))[0]; } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError(e); } } }