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 * @test %W% %E%
 * @bug 6695485
 * @summary Make sure initSign/initVerify() check RSA key lengths
 * @author Yu-Ching Valerie Peng
 * @library ..
 * @modules jdk.crypto.cryptoki
 * @run main/othervm TestRSAKeyLength
 * @run main/othervm TestRSAKeyLength sm

import java.security.InvalidKeyException;
import java.security.KeyPair;
import java.security.KeyPairGenerator;
import java.security.PrivateKey;
import java.security.Provider;
import java.security.PublicKey;
import java.security.Signature;
import java.security.SignedObject;

public class TestRSAKeyLength extends PKCS11Test {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        main(new TestRSAKeyLength(), args);

    public void main(Provider p) throws Exception {

         * Use Solaris SPARC 11.2 or later to avoid an intermittent failure
         * when running SunPKCS11-Solaris (8044554)
        if (p.getName().equals("SunPKCS11-Solaris") &&
            props.getProperty("os.name").equals("SunOS") &&
            props.getProperty("os.arch").equals("sparcv9") &&
            props.getProperty("os.version").compareTo("5.11") <= 0 &&
            getDistro().compareTo("11.2") < 0) {

            System.out.println("SunPKCS11-Solaris provider requires " +
                "Solaris SPARC 11.2 or later, skipping");

        boolean isValidKeyLength[] = { true, true, true, false, false };
        String algos[] = { "SHA1withRSA", "SHA224withRSA", "SHA256withRSA",
                           "SHA384withRSA", "SHA512withRSA" };
        KeyPairGenerator kpg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA", p);
        KeyPair kp = kpg.generateKeyPair();
        PrivateKey privKey = kp.getPrivate();
        PublicKey pubKey = kp.getPublic();

        if (algos.length != isValidKeyLength.length) {
            throw new Exception("Internal Error: number of test algos" +
                " and results length mismatch!");
        for (int i = 0; i < algos.length; i++) {
            Signature sig = Signature.getInstance(algos[i], p);
            System.out.println("Testing RSA signature " + algos[i]);
            try {
                if (!isValidKeyLength[i]) {
                    throw new Exception("initSign: Expected IKE not thrown!");
            } catch (InvalidKeyException ike) {
                if (isValidKeyLength[i]) {
                    throw new Exception("initSign: Unexpected " + ike);
            try {
                if (!isValidKeyLength[i]) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("initVerify: Expected IKE not thrown!");
                new SignedObject("Test string for getSignature test.", privKey, sig);
            } catch (InvalidKeyException ike) {
                if (isValidKeyLength[i]) {
                    throw new Exception("initSign: Unexpected " + ike);