/* * Copyright 2002-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, * CA 95054 USA or visit www.sun.com if you need additional information or * have any questions. */ /* @test * @bug 4460583 4470470 4840199 6419424 6710579 6596323 * @summary Comprehensive test of asynchronous closing and interruption * @author Mark Reinhold */ import java.io.*; import java.net.*; import java.nio.*; import java.nio.channels.*; import java.util.*; public class AsyncCloseAndInterrupt { static PrintStream log = System.err; static void sleep(int ms) { try { Thread.sleep(ms); } catch (InterruptedException x) { } } // Wildcard address localized to this machine -- Windoze doesn't allow // connecting to a server socket that was previously bound to a true // wildcard, namely new InetSocketAddress((InetAddress)null, 0). // private static InetSocketAddress wildcardAddress; // Server socket that blindly accepts all connections static ServerSocketChannel acceptor; private static void initAcceptor() throws IOException { acceptor = ServerSocketChannel.open(); acceptor.socket().bind(wildcardAddress); Thread th = new Thread("Acceptor") { public void run() { try { for (;;) { SocketChannel sc = acceptor.accept(); } } catch (IOException x) { x.printStackTrace(); } } }; th.setDaemon(true); th.start(); } // Server socket that refuses all connections static ServerSocketChannel refuser; static List refuserClients = new ArrayList(); private static void initRefuser() throws IOException { refuser = ServerSocketChannel.open(); refuser.socket().bind(wildcardAddress); pumpRefuser("Initializing refuser..."); } private static void pumpRefuser(String msg) throws IOException { log.print(msg); int n = refuserClients.size(); // Saturate the refuser's connection backlog so that further connection // attempts will block // outer: for (;;) { SocketChannel sc = SocketChannel.open(); sc.configureBlocking(false); if (!sc.connect(refuser.socket().getLocalSocketAddress())) { for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { Thread.yield(); if (sc.finishConnect()) break; if (i >= 19) break outer; } } // Retain so that finalizer doesn't close refuserClients.add(sc); } log.println(" " + (refuserClients.size() - n) + " connections"); } // Dead pipe source and sink static Pipe.SourceChannel deadSource; static Pipe.SinkChannel deadSink; private static void initPipes() throws IOException { if (deadSource != null) deadSource.close(); deadSource = Pipe.open().source(); if (deadSink != null) deadSink.close(); deadSink = Pipe.open().sink(); } // Files private static File fifoFile = null; // File that blocks on reads and writes private static File diskFile = null; // Disk file private static void initFile() throws Exception { diskFile = File.createTempFile("aci", ".tmp"); diskFile.deleteOnExit(); FileChannel fc = new FileOutputStream(diskFile).getChannel(); buffer.clear(); if (fc.write(buffer) != buffer.capacity()) throw new RuntimeException("Cannot create disk file"); fc.close(); if (TestUtil.onWindows()) { log.println("WARNING: Cannot completely test FileChannels on Windows"); return; } fifoFile = new File("x.fifo"); if (fifoFile.exists()) { if (!fifoFile.delete()) throw new IOException("Cannot delete existing fifo " + fifoFile); } Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("mkfifo " + fifoFile); if (p.waitFor() != 0) throw new IOException("Error creating fifo"); new RandomAccessFile(fifoFile, "rw").close(); } // Channel factories static abstract class ChannelFactory { private final String name; ChannelFactory(String name) { this.name = name; } public String toString() { return name; } abstract InterruptibleChannel create() throws IOException; } static ChannelFactory socketChannelFactory = new ChannelFactory("SocketChannel") { InterruptibleChannel create() throws IOException { return SocketChannel.open(); } }; static ChannelFactory connectedSocketChannelFactory = new ChannelFactory("SocketChannel") { InterruptibleChannel create() throws IOException { SocketAddress sa = acceptor.socket().getLocalSocketAddress(); return SocketChannel.open(sa); } }; static ChannelFactory serverSocketChannelFactory = new ChannelFactory("ServerSocketChannel") { InterruptibleChannel create() throws IOException { ServerSocketChannel ssc = ServerSocketChannel.open(); ssc.socket().bind(wildcardAddress); return ssc; } }; static ChannelFactory datagramChannelFactory = new ChannelFactory("DatagramChannel") { InterruptibleChannel create() throws IOException { DatagramChannel dc = DatagramChannel.open(); dc.socket().bind(wildcardAddress); InetAddress ia = InetAddress.getByName(""); dc.connect(new InetSocketAddress(ia, 80)); return dc; } }; static ChannelFactory pipeSourceChannelFactory = new ChannelFactory("Pipe.SourceChannel") { InterruptibleChannel create() throws IOException { // ## arrange to close sink return Pipe.open().source(); } }; static ChannelFactory pipeSinkChannelFactory = new ChannelFactory("Pipe.SinkChannel") { InterruptibleChannel create() throws IOException { // ## arrange to close source return Pipe.open().sink(); } }; static ChannelFactory fifoFileChannelFactory = new ChannelFactory("FileChannel") { InterruptibleChannel create() throws IOException { return new RandomAccessFile(fifoFile, "rw").getChannel(); } }; static ChannelFactory diskFileChannelFactory = new ChannelFactory("FileChannel") { InterruptibleChannel create() throws IOException { return new RandomAccessFile(diskFile, "rw").getChannel(); } }; // I/O operations static abstract class Op { private final String name; protected Op(String name) { this.name = name; } abstract void doIO(InterruptibleChannel ich) throws IOException; void setup() throws IOException { } public String toString() { return name; } } static ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(1 << 20); static ByteBuffer[] buffers = new ByteBuffer[] { ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(1 << 19), ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(1 << 19) }; static void clearBuffers() { buffers[0].clear(); buffers[1].clear(); } static void show(Channel ch) { log.print("Channel " + (ch.isOpen() ? "open" : "closed")); if (ch.isOpen() && (ch instanceof SocketChannel)) { SocketChannel sc = (SocketChannel)ch; if (sc.socket().isInputShutdown()) log.print(", input shutdown"); if (sc.socket().isOutputShutdown()) log.print(", output shutdown"); } log.println(); } static final Op READ = new Op("read") { void doIO(InterruptibleChannel ich) throws IOException { ReadableByteChannel rbc = (ReadableByteChannel)ich; buffer.clear(); int n = rbc.read(buffer); log.println("Read returned " + n); show(rbc); if (rbc.isOpen() && (n == -1) && (rbc instanceof SocketChannel) && ((SocketChannel)rbc).socket().isInputShutdown()) { return; } throw new RuntimeException("Read succeeded"); } }; static final Op READV = new Op("readv") { void doIO(InterruptibleChannel ich) throws IOException { ScatteringByteChannel sbc = (ScatteringByteChannel)ich; clearBuffers(); int n = (int)sbc.read(buffers); log.println("Read returned " + n); show(sbc); if (sbc.isOpen() && (n == -1) && (sbc instanceof SocketChannel) && ((SocketChannel)sbc).socket().isInputShutdown()) { return; } throw new RuntimeException("Read succeeded"); } }; static final Op RECEIVE = new Op("receive") { void doIO(InterruptibleChannel ich) throws IOException { DatagramChannel dc = (DatagramChannel)ich; buffer.clear(); dc.receive(buffer); show(dc); throw new RuntimeException("Read succeeded"); } }; static final Op WRITE = new Op("write") { void doIO(InterruptibleChannel ich) throws IOException { WritableByteChannel wbc = (WritableByteChannel)ich; SocketChannel sc = null; if (wbc instanceof SocketChannel) sc = (SocketChannel)wbc; int n = 0; for (;;) { buffer.clear(); int d = wbc.write(buffer); n += d; if (!wbc.isOpen()) break; if ((sc != null) && sc.socket().isOutputShutdown()) break; } log.println("Wrote " + n + " bytes"); show(wbc); } }; static final Op WRITEV = new Op("writev") { void doIO(InterruptibleChannel ich) throws IOException { GatheringByteChannel gbc = (GatheringByteChannel)ich; SocketChannel sc = null; if (gbc instanceof SocketChannel) sc = (SocketChannel)gbc; int n = 0; for (;;) { clearBuffers(); int d = (int)gbc.write(buffers); n += d; if (!gbc.isOpen()) break; if ((sc != null) && sc.socket().isOutputShutdown()) break; } log.println("Wrote " + n + " bytes"); show(gbc); } }; static final Op CONNECT = new Op("connect") { void setup() throws IOException { pumpRefuser("Pumping refuser ..."); } void doIO(InterruptibleChannel ich) throws IOException { SocketChannel sc = (SocketChannel)ich; if (sc.connect(refuser.socket().getLocalSocketAddress())) throw new RuntimeException("Connection succeeded"); throw new RuntimeException("Connection did not block"); } }; static final Op FINISH_CONNECT = new Op("finishConnect") { void setup() throws IOException { pumpRefuser("Pumping refuser ..."); } void doIO(InterruptibleChannel ich) throws IOException { SocketChannel sc = (SocketChannel)ich; sc.configureBlocking(false); SocketAddress sa = refuser.socket().getLocalSocketAddress(); if (sc.connect(sa)) throw new RuntimeException("Connection succeeded"); sc.configureBlocking(true); if (sc.finishConnect()) throw new RuntimeException("Connection succeeded"); throw new RuntimeException("Connection did not block"); } }; static final Op ACCEPT = new Op("accept") { void doIO(InterruptibleChannel ich) throws IOException { ServerSocketChannel ssc = (ServerSocketChannel)ich; ssc.accept(); throw new RuntimeException("Accept succeeded"); } }; // Use only with diskFileChannelFactory static final Op TRANSFER_TO = new Op("transferTo") { void doIO(InterruptibleChannel ich) throws IOException { FileChannel fc = (FileChannel)ich; long n = fc.transferTo(0, fc.size(), deadSink); log.println("Transferred " + n + " bytes"); show(fc); } }; // Use only with diskFileChannelFactory static final Op TRANSFER_FROM = new Op("transferFrom") { void doIO(InterruptibleChannel ich) throws IOException { FileChannel fc = (FileChannel)ich; long n = fc.transferFrom(deadSource, 0, 1 << 20); log.println("Transferred " + n + " bytes"); show(fc); } }; // Test modes static final int TEST_PREINTR = 0; // Interrupt thread before I/O static final int TEST_INTR = 1; // Interrupt thread during I/O static final int TEST_CLOSE = 2; // Close channel during I/O static final int TEST_SHUTI = 3; // Shutdown input during I/O static final int TEST_SHUTO = 4; // Shutdown output during I/O static final String[] testName = new String[] { "pre-interrupt", "interrupt", "close", "shutdown-input", "shutdown-output" }; static class Tester extends TestThread { private InterruptibleChannel ch; private Op op; private int test; volatile boolean ready = false; protected Tester(ChannelFactory cf, InterruptibleChannel ch, Op op, int test) { super(cf + "/" + op + "/" + testName[test]); this.ch = ch; this.op = op; this.test = test; } private void caught(Channel ch, IOException x) { String xn = x.getClass().getName(); switch (test) { case TEST_PREINTR: case TEST_INTR: if (!xn.equals("java.nio.channels.ClosedByInterruptException")) throw new RuntimeException("Wrong exception thrown: " + x); break; case TEST_CLOSE: case TEST_SHUTO: if (!xn.equals("java.nio.channels.AsynchronousCloseException")) throw new RuntimeException("Wrong exception thrown: " + x); break; case TEST_SHUTI: if (TestUtil.onWindows()) break; // FALL THROUGH default: throw new Error(x); } if (ch.isOpen()) { if (test == TEST_SHUTO) { SocketChannel sc = (SocketChannel)ch; if (!sc.socket().isOutputShutdown()) throw new RuntimeException("Output not shutdown"); } else if ((test == TEST_INTR) && (op == TRANSFER_FROM)) { // Let this case pass -- CBIE applies to other channel } else { throw new RuntimeException("Channel still open"); } } log.println("Thrown as expected: " + x); } final void go() throws Exception { if (test == TEST_PREINTR) Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); ready = true; try { op.doIO(ch); } catch (ClosedByInterruptException x) { caught(ch, x); } catch (AsynchronousCloseException x) { caught(ch, x); } finally { ch.close(); } } } // Tests static void test(ChannelFactory cf, Op op, int test) throws Exception { log.println(); initPipes(); InterruptibleChannel ch = cf.create(); Tester t = new Tester(cf, ch, op, test); log.println(t); op.setup(); t.start(); do { sleep(50); } while (!t.ready); sleep(100); switch (test) { case TEST_INTR: t.interrupt(); break; case TEST_CLOSE: ch.close(); break; case TEST_SHUTI: if (TestUtil.onWindows()) { log.println("WARNING: Asynchronous shutdown not working on Windows"); ch.close(); } else { ((SocketChannel)ch).socket().shutdownInput(); } break; case TEST_SHUTO: if (TestUtil.onWindows()) { log.println("WARNING: Asynchronous shutdown not working on Windows"); ch.close(); } else { ((SocketChannel)ch).socket().shutdownOutput(); } break; default: break; } t.finishAndThrow(500); } static void test(ChannelFactory cf, Op op) throws Exception { // Test INTR cases before PREINTER cases since sometimes // interrupted threads can't load classes test(cf, op, TEST_INTR); test(cf, op, TEST_PREINTR); // Bugs, see FileChannelImpl for details if (op == TRANSFER_FROM) { log.println("WARNING: transferFrom/close not tested"); return; } if ((op == TRANSFER_TO) && !TestUtil.onWindows()) { log.println("WARNING: transferTo/close not tested"); return; } test(cf, op, TEST_CLOSE); } static void test(ChannelFactory cf) throws Exception { InterruptibleChannel ch = cf.create(); // Sample channel ch.close(); if (ch instanceof ReadableByteChannel) { test(cf, READ); if (ch instanceof SocketChannel) test(cf, READ, TEST_SHUTI); } if (ch instanceof ScatteringByteChannel) { test(cf, READV); if (ch instanceof SocketChannel) test(cf, READV, TEST_SHUTI); } if (ch instanceof DatagramChannel) { test(cf, RECEIVE); // Return here: We can't effectively test writes since, if they // block, they do so only for a fleeting moment unless the network // interface is overloaded. return; } if (ch instanceof WritableByteChannel) { test(cf, WRITE); if (ch instanceof SocketChannel) test(cf, WRITE, TEST_SHUTO); } if (ch instanceof GatheringByteChannel) { test(cf, WRITEV); if (ch instanceof SocketChannel) test(cf, WRITEV, TEST_SHUTO); } } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { wildcardAddress = new InetSocketAddress(InetAddress.getLocalHost(), 0); initAcceptor(); initRefuser(); initPipes(); initFile(); if (TestUtil.onME()) { log.println("WARNING: Cannot test FileChannel transfer operations" + " on Windows 95/98/ME"); } else { test(diskFileChannelFactory, TRANSFER_TO); test(diskFileChannelFactory, TRANSFER_FROM); } if (fifoFile != null) test(fifoFileChannelFactory); // Testing positional file reads and writes is impractical: It requires // access to a large file soft-mounted via NFS, and even then isn't // completely guaranteed to work. // // Testing map is impractical and arguably unnecessary: It's // unclear under what conditions mmap(2) will actually block. test(connectedSocketChannelFactory); test(socketChannelFactory, CONNECT); test(socketChannelFactory, FINISH_CONNECT); test(serverSocketChannelFactory, ACCEPT); test(datagramChannelFactory); test(pipeSourceChannelFactory); test(pipeSinkChannelFactory); } }