/* * Copyright (c) 2011, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /* * @test * @bug 7062745 8006694 * @summary Regression: difference in overload resolution when two methods * are maximally specific * temporarily workaround combo tests are causing time out in several platforms * @library ../../../lib * @modules jdk.compiler * @build JavacTestingAbstractThreadedTest * @run main/othervm GenericOverrideTest */ // use /othervm to avoid jtreg timeout issues (CODETOOLS-7900047) // see JDK-8006746 import java.net.URI; import java.util.Arrays; import javax.tools.Diagnostic; import javax.tools.JavaFileObject; import javax.tools.SimpleJavaFileObject; import com.sun.source.util.JavacTask; public class GenericOverrideTest extends JavacTestingAbstractThreadedTest implements Runnable { enum SourceLevel { SOURCE_7("-source", "7"), SOURCE_DEFAULT(); String[] opts; SourceLevel(String... opts) { this.opts = opts; } } enum SignatureKind { NON_GENERIC(""), GENERIC(""); String paramStr; private SignatureKind(String paramStr) { this.paramStr = paramStr; } } enum ReturnTypeKind { LIST("List"), ARRAYLIST("ArrayList"); String retStr; private ReturnTypeKind(String retStr) { this.retStr = retStr; } boolean moreSpecificThan(ReturnTypeKind that) { switch (this) { case LIST: return that == this; case ARRAYLIST: return that == LIST || that == ARRAYLIST; default: throw new AssertionError("Unexpected ret kind: " + this); } } } enum TypeArgumentKind { NONE(""), UNBOUND(""), INTEGER(""), NUMBER(""), TYPEVAR(""); String typeargStr; private TypeArgumentKind(String typeargStr) { this.typeargStr = typeargStr; } boolean compatibleWith(SignatureKind sig) { switch (this) { case TYPEVAR: return sig != SignatureKind.NON_GENERIC; default: return true; } } boolean moreSpecificThan(TypeArgumentKind that, boolean strict) { switch (this) { case NONE: return that == this || !strict; case UNBOUND: return that == this || that == NONE; case INTEGER: case NUMBER: case TYPEVAR: return that == this || that == NONE || that == UNBOUND; default: throw new AssertionError("Unexpected typearg kind: " + this); } } boolean assignableTo(TypeArgumentKind that, SignatureKind sig, SourceLevel level) { switch (this) { case NONE: //this case needs to workaround to javac's impl of being too strict //ideally should be just 'return true' (see 7067746/8015505) return level == SourceLevel.SOURCE_DEFAULT || sig == SignatureKind.NON_GENERIC || that == NONE; case UNBOUND: return that == this || that == NONE; case INTEGER: case NUMBER: return that == this || that == NONE || that == UNBOUND; case TYPEVAR: return true; default: throw new AssertionError("Unexpected typearg kind: " + this); } } } public static void main(String... args) throws Exception { for (SignatureKind sig1 : SignatureKind.values()) { for (ReturnTypeKind rt1 : ReturnTypeKind.values()) { for (TypeArgumentKind ta1 : TypeArgumentKind.values()) { if (!ta1.compatibleWith(sig1)) continue; for (SignatureKind sig2 : SignatureKind.values()) { for (ReturnTypeKind rt2 : ReturnTypeKind.values()) { for (TypeArgumentKind ta2 : TypeArgumentKind.values()) { if (!ta2.compatibleWith(sig2)) continue; for (ReturnTypeKind rt3 : ReturnTypeKind.values()) { for (TypeArgumentKind ta3 : TypeArgumentKind.values()) { if (!ta3.compatibleWith(SignatureKind.NON_GENERIC)) continue; for (SourceLevel level : SourceLevel.values()) { pool.execute( new GenericOverrideTest(sig1, rt1, ta1, sig2, rt2, ta2, rt3, ta3, level)); } } } } } } } } } checkAfterExec(); } SignatureKind sig1, sig2; ReturnTypeKind rt1, rt2, rt3; TypeArgumentKind ta1, ta2, ta3; SourceLevel level; JavaSource source; DiagnosticChecker diagChecker; GenericOverrideTest(SignatureKind sig1, ReturnTypeKind rt1, TypeArgumentKind ta1, SignatureKind sig2, ReturnTypeKind rt2, TypeArgumentKind ta2, ReturnTypeKind rt3, TypeArgumentKind ta3, SourceLevel level) { this.sig1 = sig1; this.sig2 = sig2; this.rt1 = rt1; this.rt2 = rt2; this.rt3 = rt3; this.ta1 = ta1; this.ta2 = ta2; this.ta3 = ta3; this.level = level; this.source = new JavaSource(); this.diagChecker = new DiagnosticChecker(); } class JavaSource extends SimpleJavaFileObject { String template = "import java.util.*;\n" + "interface A { #S1 #R1#TA1 m(); }\n" + "interface B { #S2 #R2#TA2 m(); }\n" + "interface AB extends A, B {}\n" + "class Test {\n" + " void test(AB ab) { #R3#TA3 n = ab.m(); }\n" + "}"; String source; public JavaSource() { super(URI.create("myfo:/Test.java"), JavaFileObject.Kind.SOURCE); source = template.replace("#S1", sig1.paramStr). replace("#S2", sig2.paramStr). replace("#R1", rt1.retStr). replace("#R2", rt2.retStr). replace("#R3", rt3.retStr). replace("#TA1", ta1.typeargStr). replace("#TA2", ta2.typeargStr). replace("#TA3", ta3.typeargStr); } @Override public CharSequence getCharContent(boolean ignoreEncodingErrors) { return source; } } @Override public void run() { JavacTask ct = (JavacTask)comp.getTask(null, fm.get(), diagChecker, level.opts != null ? Arrays.asList(level.opts) : null, null, Arrays.asList(source)); try { ct.analyze(); } catch (Throwable ex) { throw new AssertionError("Error thrown when compiling the following code:\n" + source.getCharContent(true)); } check(); } void check() { checkCount.incrementAndGet(); boolean errorExpected = false; int mostSpecific = 0; //first check that either |R1| <: |R2| or |R2| <: |R1| if (rt1 != rt2) { if (!rt1.moreSpecificThan(rt2) && !rt2.moreSpecificThan(rt1)) { errorExpected = true; } else { mostSpecific = rt1.moreSpecificThan(rt2) ? 1 : 2; } } //check that either TA1 <= TA2 or TA2 <= TA1 (unless most specific return found above is raw) if (!errorExpected) { if (ta1 != ta2) { boolean useStrictCheck = ta1.moreSpecificThan(ta2, true) || ta2.moreSpecificThan(ta1, true); if (!ta1.moreSpecificThan(ta2, useStrictCheck) && !ta2.moreSpecificThan(ta1, useStrictCheck)) { errorExpected = true; } else { int mostSpecific2 = ta1.moreSpecificThan(ta2, useStrictCheck) ? 1 : 2; if (mostSpecific != 0 && mostSpecific2 != mostSpecific) { errorExpected = mostSpecific == 1 ? ta1 != TypeArgumentKind.NONE : ta2 != TypeArgumentKind.NONE; } else { mostSpecific = mostSpecific2; } } } else if (mostSpecific == 0) { //when no signature is better than the other, an arbitrary choice //must be made - javac always picks the second signature mostSpecific = 2; } } //finally, check that most specific return type is compatible with expected type if (!errorExpected) { ReturnTypeKind msrt = mostSpecific == 1 ? rt1 : rt2; TypeArgumentKind msta = mostSpecific == 1 ? ta1 : ta2; SignatureKind mssig = mostSpecific == 1 ? sig1 : sig2; if (!msrt.moreSpecificThan(rt3) || !msta.assignableTo(ta3, mssig, level)) { errorExpected = true; } } if (errorExpected != diagChecker.errorFound) { throw new Error("invalid diagnostics for source:\n" + source.getCharContent(true) + "\nFound error: " + diagChecker.errorFound + "\nExpected error: " + errorExpected); } } static class DiagnosticChecker implements javax.tools.DiagnosticListener { boolean errorFound; public void report(Diagnostic diagnostic) { if (diagnostic.getKind() == Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR) { errorFound = true; } } } }