/* * Copyright (c) 2022, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.ProtocolException; import java.net.ServerSocket; import java.net.Socket; import java.net.URI; import java.net.http.HttpClient; import java.net.http.HttpRequest; import java.net.http.HttpResponse; import java.net.http.HttpTimeoutException; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.time.Duration; import javax.net.ssl.SSLContext; import jdk.httpclient.test.lib.common.HttpServerAdapters; import jdk.httpclient.test.lib.http2.Http2TestServer; import jdk.test.lib.net.SimpleSSLContext; import jdk.test.lib.net.URIBuilder; import org.testng.Assert; import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import static java.net.http.HttpClient.Version.HTTP_2; /** * @test * @bug 8292044 * @summary Tests behaviour of HttpClient when server responds with 102 or 103 status codes * @library /test/lib /test/jdk/java/net/httpclient/lib * @build jdk.test.lib.net.SimpleSSLContext jdk.httpclient.test.lib.common.HttpServerAdapters * jdk.httpclient.test.lib.http2.Http2TestServer * @run testng/othervm -Djdk.internal.httpclient.debug=true * * -Djdk.httpclient.HttpClient.log=headers,requests,responses,errors Response1xxTest */ public class Response1xxTest implements HttpServerAdapters { private static final String EXPECTED_RSP_BODY = "Hello World"; private ServerSocket serverSocket; private Http11Server server; private String http1RequestURIBase; private HttpTestServer http2Server; // h2c private String http2RequestURIBase; private SSLContext sslContext; private HttpTestServer https2Server; // h2 private String https2RequestURIBase; private final ReferenceTracker TRACKER = ReferenceTracker.INSTANCE; @BeforeClass public void setup() throws Exception { serverSocket = new ServerSocket(0, 0, InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress()); server = new Http11Server(serverSocket); new Thread(server).start(); http1RequestURIBase = URIBuilder.newBuilder().scheme("http").loopback() .port(serverSocket.getLocalPort()).build().toString(); http2Server = HttpTestServer.create(HTTP_2); http2Server.addHandler(new Http2Handler(), "/http2/102"); http2Server.addHandler(new Http2Handler(), "/http2/103"); http2Server.addHandler(new Http2Handler(), "/http2/100"); http2Server.addHandler(new Http2Handler(), "/http2/101"); http2Server.addHandler(new OKHandler(), "/http2/200"); http2Server.addHandler(new OnlyInformationalHandler(), "/http2/only-informational"); http2RequestURIBase = URIBuilder.newBuilder().scheme("http").loopback() .port(http2Server.getAddress().getPort()) .path("/http2").build().toString(); http2Server.start(); System.out.println("Started HTTP2 server at " + http2Server.getAddress()); sslContext = new SimpleSSLContext().get(); if (sslContext == null) { throw new AssertionError("Unexpected null sslContext"); } https2Server = HttpTestServer.create(HTTP_2, sslContext); https2Server.addHandler(new Http2Handler(), "/http2/101"); https2RequestURIBase = URIBuilder.newBuilder().scheme("https").loopback() .port(https2Server.getAddress().getPort()) .path("/http2").build().toString(); https2Server.start(); System.out.println("Started (https) HTTP2 server at " + https2Server.getAddress()); } @AfterClass public void teardown() throws Throwable { try { assertNoOutstandingClientOps(); } finally { if (server != null) { server.stop = true; System.out.println("(HTTP 1.1) Server stop requested"); } if (serverSocket != null) { serverSocket.close(); System.out.println("Closed (HTTP 1.1) server socket"); } if (http2Server != null) { http2Server.stop(); System.out.println("Stopped HTTP2 server"); } if (https2Server != null) { https2Server.stop(); System.out.println("Stopped (https) HTTP2 server"); } } } private static final class Http11Server implements Runnable { private static final int CONTENT_LENGTH = EXPECTED_RSP_BODY.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8).length; private static final String HTTP_1_1_RSP_200 = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" + "Content-Length: " + CONTENT_LENGTH + "\r\n\r\n" + EXPECTED_RSP_BODY; private static final String REQ_LINE_FOO = "GET /test/foo HTTP/1.1\r\n"; private static final String REQ_LINE_BAR = "GET /test/bar HTTP/1.1\r\n"; private static final String REQ_LINE_HELLO = "GET /test/hello HTTP/1.1\r\n"; private static final String REQ_LINE_BYE = "GET /test/bye HTTP/1.1\r\n"; private final ServerSocket serverSocket; private volatile boolean stop; private Http11Server(final ServerSocket serverSocket) { this.serverSocket = serverSocket; } @Override public void run() { System.out.println("Server running at " + serverSocket); while (!stop) { Socket socket = null; try { // accept a connection socket = serverSocket.accept(); System.out.println("Accepted connection from client " + socket); // read request final String requestLine; try { requestLine = readRequestLine(socket); } catch (Throwable t) { // ignore connections from potential rogue client System.err.println("Ignoring connection/request from client " + socket + " due to exception:"); t.printStackTrace(); // close the socket safeClose(socket); continue; } System.out.println("Received following request line from client " + socket + " :\n" + requestLine); final int informationalResponseCode; if (requestLine.startsWith(REQ_LINE_FOO)) { // we will send intermediate/informational 102 response informationalResponseCode = 102; } else if (requestLine.startsWith(REQ_LINE_BAR)) { // we will send intermediate/informational 103 response informationalResponseCode = 103; } else if (requestLine.startsWith(REQ_LINE_HELLO)) { // we will send intermediate/informational 100 response informationalResponseCode = 100; } else if (requestLine.startsWith(REQ_LINE_BYE)) { // we will send intermediate/informational 101 response informationalResponseCode = 101; } else { // unexpected client. ignore and close the client System.err.println("Ignoring unexpected request from client " + socket); safeClose(socket); continue; } try (final OutputStream os = socket.getOutputStream()) { // send informational response headers a few times (spec allows them to // be sent multiple times) for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // send 1xx response header if (informationalResponseCode == 101) { os.write(("HTTP/1.1 " + informationalResponseCode + "\r\n" + "Connection: upgrade\r\n" + "Upgrade: websocket\r\n\r\n") .getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); } else { os.write(("HTTP/1.1 " + informationalResponseCode + "\r\n\r\n") .getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); } os.flush(); System.out.println("Sent response code " + informationalResponseCode + " to client " + socket); } // now send a final response System.out.println("Now sending 200 response code to client " + socket); os.write(HTTP_1_1_RSP_200.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); os.flush(); System.out.println("Sent 200 response code to client " + socket); } } catch (Throwable t) { // close the client connection safeClose(socket); // continue accepting any other client connections until we are asked to stop System.err.println("Ignoring exception in server:"); t.printStackTrace(); } } } static String readRequestLine(final Socket sock) throws IOException { final InputStream is = sock.getInputStream(); final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(""); byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; while (!sb.toString().endsWith("\r\n\r\n")) { final int numRead = is.read(buf); if (numRead == -1) { return sb.toString(); } final String part = new String(buf, 0, numRead, StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1); sb.append(part); } return sb.toString(); } private static void safeClose(final Socket socket) { try { socket.close(); } catch (Throwable t) { // ignore } } } private static class Http2Handler implements HttpTestHandler { @Override public void handle(final HttpTestExchange exchange) throws IOException { final URI requestURI = exchange.getRequestURI(); final int informationResponseCode; if (requestURI.getPath().endsWith("/102")) { informationResponseCode = 102; } else if (requestURI.getPath().endsWith("/103")) { informationResponseCode = 103; } else if (requestURI.getPath().endsWith("/100")) { informationResponseCode = 100; } else if (requestURI.getPath().endsWith("/101")) { informationResponseCode = 101; } else { // unexpected request System.err.println("Unexpected request " + requestURI + " from client " + exchange.getRemoteAddress()); exchange.sendResponseHeaders(400, -1); return; } // send informational response headers a few times (spec allows them to // be sent multiple times) for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { exchange.sendResponseHeaders(informationResponseCode, -1); System.out.println("Sent " + informationResponseCode + " response code from H2 server"); } // now send 200 response try { final byte[] body = EXPECTED_RSP_BODY.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); exchange.sendResponseHeaders(200, body.length); System.out.println("Sent 200 response from H2 server"); try (OutputStream os = exchange.getResponseBody()) { os.write(body); } System.out.println("Sent response body from H2 server"); } catch (Throwable e) { System.err.println("Failed to send response from HTTP2 handler:"); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } } } private static class OnlyInformationalHandler implements HttpTestHandler { @Override public void handle(final HttpTestExchange exchange) throws IOException { // we only send informational response and then return for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { exchange.sendResponseHeaders(102, -1); System.out.println("Sent 102 response code from H2 server"); // wait for a while before sending again try { Thread.sleep(2000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // just return System.err.println("Handler thread interrupted"); } } } } private static class OKHandler implements HttpTestHandler { @Override public void handle(final HttpTestExchange exchange) throws IOException { exchange.sendResponseHeaders(200, -1); } } /** * Tests that when a HTTP/1.1 server sends intermediate 1xx response codes and then the final * response, the client (internally) will ignore those intermediate informational response codes * and only return the final response to the application */ @Test public void test1xxForHTTP11() throws Exception { final HttpClient client = HttpClient.newBuilder() .version(HttpClient.Version.HTTP_1_1) .proxy(HttpClient.Builder.NO_PROXY).build(); TRACKER.track(client); final URI[] requestURIs = new URI[]{ new URI(http1RequestURIBase + "/test/foo"), new URI(http1RequestURIBase + "/test/bar"), new URI(http1RequestURIBase + "/test/hello")}; for (final URI requestURI : requestURIs) { final HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder(requestURI).build(); System.out.println("Issuing request to " + requestURI); final HttpResponse<String> response = client.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); Assert.assertEquals(response.version(), HttpClient.Version.HTTP_1_1, "Unexpected HTTP version in response"); Assert.assertEquals(response.statusCode(), 200, "Unexpected response code"); Assert.assertEquals(response.body(), EXPECTED_RSP_BODY, "Unexpected response body"); } } /** * Tests that when a HTTP2 server sends intermediate 1xx response codes and then the final * response, the client (internally) will ignore those intermediate informational response codes * and only return the final response to the application */ @Test public void test1xxForHTTP2() throws Exception { final HttpClient client = HttpClient.newBuilder() .version(HTTP_2) .proxy(HttpClient.Builder.NO_PROXY).build(); TRACKER.track(client); final URI[] requestURIs = new URI[]{ new URI(http2RequestURIBase + "/102"), new URI(http2RequestURIBase + "/103"), new URI(http2RequestURIBase + "/100")}; for (final URI requestURI : requestURIs) { final HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder(requestURI).build(); System.out.println("Issuing request to " + requestURI); final HttpResponse<String> response = client.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); Assert.assertEquals(response.version(), HTTP_2, "Unexpected HTTP version in response"); Assert.assertEquals(response.statusCode(), 200, "Unexpected response code"); Assert.assertEquals(response.body(), EXPECTED_RSP_BODY, "Unexpected response body"); } } /** * Tests that when a request is issued with a specific request timeout and the server * responds with intermediate 1xx response code but doesn't respond with a final response within * the timeout duration, then the application fails with a request timeout */ @Test public void test1xxRequestTimeout() throws Exception { final HttpClient client = HttpClient.newBuilder() .version(HTTP_2) .proxy(HttpClient.Builder.NO_PROXY).build(); TRACKER.track(client); final URI requestURI = new URI(http2RequestURIBase + "/only-informational"); final Duration requestTimeout = Duration.ofSeconds(2); final HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder(requestURI).timeout(requestTimeout) .build(); System.out.println("Issuing request to " + requestURI); // we expect the request to timeout Assert.assertThrows(HttpTimeoutException.class, () -> { client.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); }); } /** * Tests that when the HTTP/1.1 server sends a 101 response when the request hasn't asked * for an "Upgrade" then the request fails. */ @Test public void testHTTP11Unexpected101() throws Exception { final HttpClient client = HttpClient.newBuilder() .version(HttpClient.Version.HTTP_1_1) .proxy(HttpClient.Builder.NO_PROXY).build(); TRACKER.track(client); final URI requestURI = new URI(http1RequestURIBase + "/test/bye"); final HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder(requestURI).build(); System.out.println("Issuing request to " + requestURI); // we expect the request to fail because the server sent an unexpected 101 Assert.assertThrows(ProtocolException.class, () -> client.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))); } /** * Tests that when the HTTP2 server (over HTTPS) sends a 101 response when the request * hasn't asked for an "Upgrade" then the request fails. */ @Test public void testSecureHTTP2Unexpected101() throws Exception { final HttpClient client = HttpClient.newBuilder() .version(HTTP_2) .sslContext(sslContext) .proxy(HttpClient.Builder.NO_PROXY).build(); TRACKER.track(client); final URI requestURI = new URI(https2RequestURIBase + "/101"); final HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder(requestURI).build(); System.out.println("Issuing request to " + requestURI); // we expect the request to fail because the server sent an unexpected 101 Assert.assertThrows(ProtocolException.class, () -> client.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))); } /** * Tests that when the HTTP2 server (over plain HTTP) sends a 101 response when the request * hasn't asked for an "Upgrade" then the request fails. */ @Test public void testPlainHTTP2Unexpected101() throws Exception { final HttpClient client = HttpClient.newBuilder() .version(HTTP_2) .proxy(HttpClient.Builder.NO_PROXY).build(); TRACKER.track(client); // when using HTTP2 version against a "http://" (non-secure) URI // the HTTP client (implementation) internally initiates a HTTP/1.1 connection // and then does an "Upgrade:" to "h2c". This it does when there isn't already a // H2 connection against the target/destination server. So here we initiate a dummy request // using the client instance against the same target server and just expect it to return // back successfully. Once that connection is established (and internally pooled), the client // will then reuse that connection and won't issue an "Upgrade:" and thus we can then // start our testing warmupH2Client(client); // start the actual testing final URI requestURI = new URI(http2RequestURIBase + "/101"); final HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder(requestURI).build(); System.out.println("Issuing request to " + requestURI); // we expect the request to fail because the server sent an unexpected 101 Assert.assertThrows(ProtocolException.class, () -> client.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))); } // sends a request and expects a 200 response back private void warmupH2Client(final HttpClient client) throws Exception { final URI requestURI = new URI(http2RequestURIBase + "/200"); final HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder(requestURI).build(); System.out.println("Issuing (warmup) request to " + requestURI); final HttpResponse<Void> response = client.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.discarding()); Assert.assertEquals(response.statusCode(), 200, "Unexpected response code"); } // verifies that the HttpClient being tracked has no outstanding operations private void assertNoOutstandingClientOps() throws AssertionError { System.gc(); final AssertionError refCheckFailure = TRACKER.check(1000); if (refCheckFailure != null) { throw refCheckFailure; } // successful test completion } }