/* * Copyright (c) 2001, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package nsk.jdi.EventSet.resume; import nsk.share.*; import nsk.share.jpda.*; import nsk.share.jdi.*; import com.sun.jdi.*; import com.sun.jdi.event.*; import com.sun.jdi.request.*; import java.util.*; import java.io.*; import static nsk.share.Consts.TEST_FAILED; /** * The test for the implementation of an object of the type * EventSet. * * The test checks that results of the method * com.sun.jdi.EventSet.resume() * complies with its spec. * * Test cases include all three possible suspensions, NONE, * EVENT_THREAD, and ALL, for ThreadStartEvent sets. * * To check up on the method, a debugger, * upon getting new set for the EventSet, * suspends VM with the method VirtualMachine.suspend(), * gets the List of debuggee's threads calling VM.allThreads(), * invokes the method EventSet.resume(), and * gets another List of debuggee's threads. * The debugger then compares values of * each thread's suspendCount from first and second Lists. * * The test works as follows. * - The debugger sets up a ThreadStartRequest, resumes * the debuggee, and waits for the ThreadStartEvent. * - The debuggee creates and starts new thread * to be resulting in the event. * - Upon getting new event, the debugger * performs the check corresponding to the event. * - The debugger informs the debuggee when it completes * each test case, so it will wait before hitting * communication breakpoints. * This prevents the breakpoint SUSPEND_ALL policy * disrupting the first test case check for * SUSPEND_NONE, if the debuggee gets ahead of * the debugger processing. */ public class resume008 extends TestDebuggerType1 { public static void main (String argv[]) { System.exit(run(argv, System.out) + Consts.JCK_STATUS_BASE); } public static int run (String argv[], PrintStream out) { debuggeeName = "nsk.jdi.EventSet.resume.resume008a"; return new resume008().runThis(argv, out); } private String testedClassName = "nsk.jdi.EventSet.resume.TestClass"; protected void testRun() { EventRequest eventRequest = null; final int SUSPEND_NONE = EventRequest.SUSPEND_NONE; final int SUSPEND_THREAD = EventRequest.SUSPEND_EVENT_THREAD; final int SUSPEND_ALL = EventRequest.SUSPEND_ALL; ReferenceType testClassReference = null; for (int i = 0; ; i++) { if (!shouldRunAfterBreakpoint()) { vm.resume(); break; } display(":::::: case: # " + i); switch (i) { case 0: eventRequest = settingThreadStartRequest ( SUSPEND_NONE, "ThreadStartRequest1"); break; case 1: eventRequest = settingThreadStartRequest ( SUSPEND_THREAD, "ThreadStartRequest2"); break; case 2: eventRequest = settingThreadStartRequest ( SUSPEND_ALL, "ThreadStartRequest3"); break; default: throw new Failure("** default case 2 **"); } display("......waiting for new ThreadStartEvent : " + i); EventSet eventSet = eventHandler .waitForRequestedEventSet(new EventRequest[]{eventRequest}, waitTime, true); EventIterator eventIterator = eventSet.eventIterator(); Event newEvent = eventIterator.nextEvent(); if ( !(newEvent instanceof ThreadStartEvent)) { setFailedStatus("ERROR: new event is not ThreadStartEvent"); } else { String property = (String) newEvent.request().getProperty("number"); display(" got new ThreadStartEvent with propety 'number' == " + property); display("......checking up on EventSet.resume()"); display("......--> vm.suspend();"); vm.suspend(); display(" getting : Map suspendsCounts1"); Map suspendsCounts1 = new HashMap(); for (ThreadReference threadReference : vm.allThreads()) { suspendsCounts1.put(threadReference.name(), threadReference.suspendCount()); } display(suspendsCounts1.toString()); display(" eventSet.resume;"); eventSet.resume(); display(" getting : Map suspendsCounts2"); Map suspendsCounts2 = new HashMap(); for (ThreadReference threadReference : vm.allThreads()) { suspendsCounts2.put(threadReference.name(), threadReference.suspendCount()); } display(suspendsCounts2.toString()); display(" getting : int policy = eventSet.suspendPolicy();"); int policy = eventSet.suspendPolicy(); switch (policy) { case SUSPEND_NONE : display(" case SUSPEND_NONE"); for (String threadName : suspendsCounts1.keySet()) { display(" checking " + threadName); if (!suspendsCounts2.containsKey(threadName)) { complain("ERROR: couldn't get ThreadReference for " + threadName); testExitCode = TEST_FAILED; break; } int count1 = suspendsCounts1.get(threadName); int count2 = suspendsCounts2.get(threadName); if (count1 != count2) { complain("ERROR: suspendCounts don't match for : " + threadName); complain("before resuming : " + count1); complain("after resuming : " + count2); testExitCode = TEST_FAILED; break; } } break; case SUSPEND_THREAD : display(" case SUSPEND_THREAD"); for (String threadName : suspendsCounts1.keySet()) { display("checking " + threadName); if (!suspendsCounts2.containsKey(threadName)) { complain("ERROR: couldn't get ThreadReference for " + threadName); testExitCode = TEST_FAILED; break; } int count1 = suspendsCounts1.get(threadName); int count2 = suspendsCounts2.get(threadName); String eventThreadName = ((ThreadStartEvent)newEvent) .thread().name(); int expectedValue = count2 + (eventThreadName.equals(threadName) ? 1 : 0); if (count1 != expectedValue) { complain("ERROR: suspendCounts don't match for : " + threadName); complain("before resuming : " + count1); complain("after resuming : " + count2); testExitCode = TEST_FAILED; break; } } break; case SUSPEND_ALL : display(" case SUSPEND_ALL"); for (String threadName : suspendsCounts1.keySet()) { display("checking " + threadName); if (!newEvent.request().equals(eventRequest)) break; if (!suspendsCounts2.containsKey(threadName)) { complain("ERROR: couldn't get ThreadReference for " + threadName); testExitCode = TEST_FAILED; break; } int count1 = suspendsCounts1.get(threadName); int count2 = suspendsCounts2.get(threadName); if (count1 != count2 + 1) { complain("ERROR: suspendCounts don't match for : " + threadName); complain("before resuming : " + count1); complain("after resuming : " + count2); testExitCode = TEST_FAILED; break; } } break; default: throw new Failure("** default case 1 **"); } informDebuggeeTestCase(i); } display("......--> vm.resume()"); vm.resume(); } return; } private ThreadStartRequest settingThreadStartRequest(int suspendPolicy, String property) { try { ThreadStartRequest tsr = eventRManager.createThreadStartRequest(); tsr.addCountFilter(1); tsr.setSuspendPolicy(suspendPolicy); tsr.putProperty("number", property); return tsr; } catch ( Exception e ) { throw new Failure("** FAILURE to set up ThreadStartRequest **"); } } /** * Inform debuggee which thread test the debugger has completed. * Used for synchronization, so the debuggee does not move too quickly. * @param testCase index of just completed test */ void informDebuggeeTestCase(int testCase) { try { ((ClassType)debuggeeClass) .setValue(debuggeeClass.fieldByName("testCase"), vm.mirrorOf(testCase)); } catch (InvalidTypeException ite) { throw new Failure("** FAILURE setting testCase **"); } catch (ClassNotLoadedException cnle) { throw new Failure("** FAILURE notifying debuggee **"); } catch (VMDisconnectedException e) { throw new Failure("** FAILURE debuggee connection **"); } } }