# Copyright (c) 2016, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
# particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
# by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
# accompanied this code).
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
# or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
# questions.

default: all

include $(SPEC)
include MakeBase.gmk
include TextFileProcessing.gmk
include Utils.gmk
include Modules.gmk

include hotspot/HotspotCommon.gmk
include hotspot/lib/JvmFeatures.gmk
include hotspot/lib/JvmOverrideFiles.gmk
include hotspot/lib/JvmFlags.gmk

# Random number generation, with the amount of specified digits
# No need to check if the parameter passed is a valid number, the shell will
# be more than happy to complain if it isn't ;)
RandomDigits = \
    $(shell od -An -N8 -d /dev/urandom | sed -e 's| ||g' -e 's|\(.\{$(strip $1)\}\).*|\1|')

# Modified version of utility from JdkNativeCompilation.gmk
# The full path could be omitted, but it was chosen not to so wildcard
# can work properly for existing directories. The pathsubst below that
# this necessitates is a relatively small price to pay.
FindModuleNativeDirs = \
    $(call uniq, $(wildcard \
        $(TOPDIR)/src/$(strip $1)/$(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS)/native \
        $(TOPDIR)/src/$(strip $1)/$(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS_TYPE)/native \
        $(TOPDIR)/src/$(strip $1)/share/native))

# Taken from JdkNativeCompilation.gmk
FindJavaHeaderDir = \
    $(if $(strip $1),$(wildcard $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/headers/$(strip $1)))

JAVA_DIRS := $(strip $(foreach module, $(call FindAllModules), \
    $(patsubst $(TOPDIR)/%,%,$(filter-out $(OUTPUTDIR)%, \
    $(call FindModuleSrcDirs, $(module))))))

NATIVE_DIRS := $(strip $(foreach module, $(call FindAllModules), \
    $(patsubst $(TOPDIR)/%,%,$(call FindModuleNativeDirs, $(module)))))

# Emit the defines extracted from the list of options specified in the first parameter into
# the language settings file, in Eclipse format.
EmitExtractedDefines = \
    $(shell echo $(1) | grep -o "\-D\s\?")

# Create an Eclipse Workspace with the specified nature
# Parameter 1 is the name of the rule. This name is used as variable prefix,
# and the targets generated are listed in a variable by that name.
# Remaining parameter(s) are named arguments:
#   NATURE - Which Eclipse Workspace nature to generate for the Workspace. Can
#       be one of JAVA, HOTSPOT, NATIVE, or MIXED.
SetupEclipseWorkspace = $(NamedParamsMacroTemplate)
define SetupEclipseWorkspaceBody

  $1_NATURES :=

  ifeq ($$($1_NATURE), )
    $$(error No nature specified for Eclipse Workspace, cannot continue)

  ifeq ($$(findstring $$($1_NATURE), JAVA HOTSPOT NATIVE MIXED), )
    $$(error Unrecognised nature $$($1_NATURE) specified for Eclipse Workspace)

  $1_IDE_OUTPUTDIR := $(OUTPUTDIR)/ide/eclipse
  $1_CLASSPATH_FILE := $$($1_IDE_OUTPUTDIR)/.classpath
  $1_WORKSPACE_FILE := $$($1_IDE_OUTPUTDIR)/.project
  $1_NATIVE_FILE := $$($1_IDE_OUTPUTDIR)/.cproject
  $1_SETTINGS_FILE := $$($1_IDE_OUTPUTDIR)/.settings/language.settings.xml
  $$(call MakeDir, $$($1_IDE_OUTPUTDIR))

  ifneq ($$(findstring $$($1_NATURE), HOTSPOT NATIVE MIXED), )
    ifeq ($$(call isCompiler, microsoft), true)
      $$(error Visual C++ is not yet supported as an indexer for Native Workspaces!)

  ifneq ($$(findstring $$($1_NATURE), JAVA MIXED), )

    $1_CLASSPATH :=

    # Eclipse crashes when processing multiple module-info.java files
    # This is an annoying bug that has not been fixed for some time now
    $1_CLASSPATH += $$(foreach src,$(JAVA_DIRS), \
        <classpathentry excluding="module-info.java|module-info.java.extra" kind="src" path="$$(src)"/>$$(NEWLINE))

    $$(eval $$(call SetupTextFileProcessing, $1_CREATE_CLASSPATH_FILE, \
        SOURCE_FILES := $(TOPDIR)/make/ide/eclipse/classpath.template, \
        OUTPUT_FILE := $$($1_CLASSPATH_FILE), \
        REPLACEMENTS := \
            @@CLASSPATH@@ => $$($1_CLASSPATH), \


    $1_NATURES += <nature>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature</nature>$$(NEWLINE)


  ifneq ($$(findstring $$($1_NATURE), HOTSPOT NATIVE MIXED), )

    $1_NATIVE_SRCS :=

    $1_BUILD_MANAGERS += \
        <buildCommand> \
            <name>org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.genmakebuilder</name> \
            <triggers>clean$$(COMMA)full$$(COMMA)incremental$$(COMMA)</triggers> \
            <arguments> \
            </arguments> \
        </buildCommand> \
        <buildCommand> \
            <name>org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.ScannerConfigBuilder</name> \
            <triggers>full$$(COMMA)incremental$$(COMMA)</triggers> \
            <arguments> \
            </arguments> \

    $1_NATURES += \
        <nature>org.eclipse.cdt.core.cnature</nature> \
        <nature>org.eclipse.cdt.core.ccnature</nature> \
        <nature>org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.managedBuildNature</nature> \

    # This is always emitted, no matter which of the 3 natures were selected
    $1_NATIVE_SRCS += \
        <entry flags="VALUE_WORKSPACE_PATH|RESOLVED" kind="sourcePath" name="src/hotspot"/>$$(NEWLINE)

    ifneq ($$(findstring $$($1_NATURE), NATIVE MIXED), )
      $1_NATIVE_SRCS += $$(foreach src,$(NATIVE_DIRS), \
          <entry flags="VALUE_WORKSPACE_PATH|RESOLVED" kind="sourcePath" name="$$(strip $$(src))"/>$$(NEWLINE))

    $1_WORKSPACE_MAJOR := $$(call RandomDigits, 10)
    $1_WORKSPACE_MINOR := $$(call RandomDigits, 9)

    # FixPath already removes $(FIXPATH) automatically, but if we rely on FixPath
    # to do it for us dir won't be able to handle the converted path (if on Windows).
    # Reversing the order causes dir to mangle the preceeding $(FIXPATH) which breaks
    # the ability of FixPath to remove it, so it has to be manually removed here.
    # Note that the workspace setup system currently does not support Visual C++ when
    # extracting compiler and/or system headers vital to the build!
    $1_ENV := $$(call FixPath, $$(dir $$(patsubst $(FIXPATH), , $(CC))))

    # Sidestep annoying issue of WSL path conversion not working properly with true
    # Unix paths. Eclipse can't run the WSL make by itself anyway, even if we could
    # properly convert the path.
    ifeq ($$(call isBuildOsEnv, windows.wsl1 windows.wsl2), true)
      $1_MAKE := wsl.exe $(MAKE)
      $1_MAKE := $$(call FixPath, $(MAKE))

    # make reconfigure omitted since it is sensitive to which make was used
    # make dist-clean omitted since it would delete the Workspace as well
    $1_PLAIN_MAKE_TARGETS := update-build-docs docs gensrc gendata copy java \
        launchers libs hotspot jdk product-images product-bundles all-images test-image clean

    $1_MATCHING_MAKE_TARGETS += $$(foreach name,$$($1_PLAIN_MAKE_TARGETS), \
      <target name="$$(strip $$(name))" path="" targetID="org.eclipse.cdt.build.MakeTargetBuilder"> \
          <buildCommand>$$($1_MAKE)</buildCommand> \
          <buildArguments>-C $$(call FixPath, $(TOPDIR))</buildArguments> \
          <buildTarget>$$(strip $$(name))</buildTarget> \
          <stopOnError>true</stopOnError> \
          <useDefaultCommand>false</useDefaultCommand> \
          <runAllBuilders>true</runAllBuilders> \

    $$(eval $$(call SetupTextFileProcessing, $1_CREATE_NATIVE_FILE, \
        SOURCE_FILES := $(TOPDIR)/make/ide/eclipse/native.template, \
        OUTPUT_FILE := $$($1_NATIVE_FILE), \
        REPLACEMENTS := \
            @@DIR@@ => $$(call FixPath, $(TOPDIR)) ; \
            @@ENV@@ => $$($1_ENV) ; \
            @@WORKSPACE@@ => $$($1_WORKSPACE_MAJOR) ; \
            @@MINOR@@ =>  $$($1_WORKSPACE_MINOR) ; \
            @@MAKE@@ => $$($1_MAKE) ; \
            @@SRC@@ => $$($1_NATIVE_SRCS) ; \
            @@MAKE_TARGETS@@ => $$($1_MATCHING_MAKE_TARGETS), \


    $$(call MakeDir, $$($1_IDE_OUTPUTDIR)/.settings)

    $1_CSETTINGS :=

    ifneq ($$(findstring $$($1_NATURE), NATIVE MIXED), )
      $1_CSETTINGS += $$(foreach module, $$(call FindAllModules), $$(if $$(call FindJavaHeaderDir, $$(module)), \
          $$(foreach dirs, $$(strip $$(patsubst $(TOPDIR)/%,%,$$(call FindModuleNativeDirs, $$(module)))), \
              <resource project-relative-path="$$(dirs)"> \
                  <entry flags="LOCAL" kind="includePath" name="$$(call FixPath, $$(call FindJavaHeaderDir, $$(module)))"/> \
                  $$(if $$(findstring jdk.sctp,$$(module)),    <entry flags="LOCAL" kind="includePath" name="$$(call FixPath, $$(call FindJavaHeaderDir, java.base))"/>) \

      # main.c source file used for generic launchers
      $1_CSETTINGS += \
          <resource project-relative-path="src/java.base/share/native/launcher/main.c"> \
              <entry kind="macro" name="LAUNCHER_NAME" value="&quot;$(LAUNCHER_NAME)&quot;"/> \

    # HotSpot first
    $1_CXXSETTINGS += <resource project-relative-path="src/hotspot">$$(NEWLINE)

    # If only the Java Virtual Machine sources were requested, headers from other parts of
    # the native source that it needs will not be available. Add them as include paths here
    # instead.
    ifeq ($$($1_NATURE), HOTSPOT)
      $1_CXXSETTINGS += $$(foreach src, $$(strip $$(patsubst %,%/include,$$(call FindModuleNativeDirs, java.base))), \
          $(X)    $(X)<entry flags="LOCAL" kind="includePath" name="$$(call FixPath, $$(src))"/>$$(NEWLINE))
      $1_CXXSETTINGS += $(X)    $(X)<entry flags="LOCAL" kind="includePath" name="$$(call FixPath, $(TOPDIR)/src/java.base/share/native/libjimage)"/>$$(NEWLINE)

    $1_CXXSETTINGS += $(X)    $(X)<entry flags="LOCAL" kind="includePath" name="$$(call FixPath, $(JVM_VARIANT_OUTPUTDIR)/gensrc)"/>$$(NEWLINE)

    ifeq ($$(call check-jvm-feature, compiler2), true)
      $1_CXXSETTINGS += $(X)    $(X)<entry flags="LOCAL" kind="includePath" name="$$(call FixPath, $(JVM_VARIANT_OUTPUTDIR)/gensrc/adfiles)"/>$$(NEWLINE)

    $1_CXXSETTINGS += </resource>$$(NEWLINE)

    $1_CXXSETTINGS += \
        <resource project-relative-path="src/hotspot/share/runtime/abstract_vm_version.cpp"> \
            <entry kind="macro" name="HOTSPOT_VERSION_STRING" value="&quot;$(VERSION_STRING)&quot;"/> \
            <entry kind="macro" name="DEBUG_LEVEL" value="&quot;$(DEBUG_LEVEL)&quot;"/> \
            <entry kind="macro" name="HOTSPOT_VM_DISTRO" value="&quot;$(HOTSPOT_VM_DISTRO)&quot;"/> \
            <entry kind="macro" name="CPU" value="&quot;$(OPENJDK_TARGET_CPU_VM_VERSION)&quot;"/> \
            <entry kind="macro" name="HOTSPOT_BUILD_TIME" value="&quot;$(if $(HOTSPOT_BUILD_TIME),$(HOTSPOT_BUILD_TIME),$(call EpochToISO8601,$(shell $(DATE) +"%s")))&quot;"/> \
        </resource> \
        <resource project-relative-path="src/hotspot/share/runtime/arguments.cpp"> \
            <entry kind="macro" name="HOTSPOT_VERSION_STRING" value="&quot;$(VERSION_STRING)&quot;"/> \
            <entry kind="macro" name="DEBUG_LEVEL" value="&quot;$(DEBUG_LEVEL)&quot;"/> \
            <entry kind="macro" name="HOTSPOT_VM_DISTRO" value="&quot;$(HOTSPOT_VM_DISTRO)&quot;"/> \
            <entry kind="macro" name="CPU" value="&quot;$(OPENJDK_TARGET_CPU_VM_VERSION)&quot;"/> \
            <entry kind="macro" name="HOTSPOT_BUILD_TIME" value="&quot;$(if $(HOTSPOT_BUILD_TIME),$(HOTSPOT_BUILD_TIME),$(call EpochToISO8601,$(shell $(DATE) +"%s")))&quot;"/> \

    # Now the rest of the C++ sources in the codebase
    ifneq ($$(findstring $$($1_NATURE), NATIVE MIXED), )
      $1_CXXSETTINGS += $$(foreach module, $$(call FindAllModules), $$(if $$(call FindJavaHeaderDir, $$(module)), \
          $$(foreach dirs, $$(strip $$(patsubst $(TOPDIR)/%,%,$$(call FindModuleNativeDirs, $$(module)))), \
              <resource project-relative-path="$$(dirs)"> \
                  <entry flags="LOCAL" kind="includePath" name="$$(call FixPath, $$(call FindJavaHeaderDir, $$(module)))"/> \

    $$(eval $$(call SetupTextFileProcessing, $1_CREATE_SETTINGS_FILE, \
        SOURCE_FILES := $(TOPDIR)/make/ide/eclipse/settings.template, \
        OUTPUT_FILE := $$($1_SETTINGS_FILE), \
        REPLACEMENTS := \
            @@WORKSPACE@@ => $$($1_WORKSPACE_MAJOR) ; \
            @@CSETTINGS@@ => $$($1_CSETTINGS) ; \
            @@CXXSETTINGS@@ => $$($1_CXXSETTINGS), \



  ifneq ($$(findstring $$($1_NATURE), JAVA MIXED), )
    $1_LINKED_RESOURCES += $$(foreach src,$(JAVA_DIRS), \
        <link> \
            <name>$$(strip $$(src))</name> \
            <type>2</type> \
            <location>$$(subst \\,/,$$(call FixPath, $(TOPDIR)/$$(src)))</location> \

  ifneq ($$(findstring $$($1_NATURE), HOTSPOT NATIVE MIXED), )
    # CDT includes a Makefile editor, so if CDT support was indicated there's no harm in
    # including the make sources as well, since the cost of indexing them is miniscule
        <link> \
            <name>make</name> \
            <type>2</type> \
            <location>$$(subst \\,/,$$(call FixPath, $(TOPDIR)/make))</location> \
        </link> \
        <link> \
            <name>src/hotspot</name> \
            <type>2</type> \
            <location>$$(subst \\,/,$$(call FixPath, $(TOPDIR)/src/hotspot))</location> \

  ifneq ($$(findstring $$($1_NATURE), NATIVE MIXED), )
    $1_LINKED_RESOURCES += $$(foreach src,$(NATIVE_DIRS), \
        <link> \
            <name>$$(strip $$(src))</name> \
            <type>2</type> \
            <location>$$(subst \\,/,$$(call FixPath, $(TOPDIR)/$$(src)))</location> \

  $$(eval $$(call SetupTextFileProcessing, $1_CREATE_WORKSPACE_FILE, \
      SOURCE_FILES := $(TOPDIR)/make/ide/eclipse/workspace.template, \
          @@BUILD_MANAGERS@@ => $$($1_BUILD_MANAGERS) ; \
          @@NATURES@@ => $$($1_NATURES) ; \
          @@LINKED_RESOURCES@@ => $$($1_LINKED_RESOURCES), \



ifeq ($(WORKSPACE), java)
  $(eval $(call SetupEclipseWorkspace, SETUP_WORKSPACE, \
      NATURE := JAVA, \
else ifeq ($(WORKSPACE), hotspot)
  $(eval $(call SetupEclipseWorkspace, SETUP_WORKSPACE, \
      NATURE := HOTSPOT, \
else ifeq ($(WORKSPACE), native)
  $(eval $(call SetupEclipseWorkspace, SETUP_WORKSPACE, \
      NATURE := NATIVE, \
  $(eval $(call SetupEclipseWorkspace, SETUP_WORKSPACE, \
      NATURE := MIXED, \

all: $(TARGETS)