/* * Copyright (c) 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /* * @test * @summary Tests jdeps -m and --module-path options on named modules and unnamed modules * @library ../lib * @build CompilerUtils JdepsUtil * @modules jdk.jdeps/com.sun.tools.jdeps * @run testng ModuleTest */ import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.*; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import com.sun.tools.jdeps.DepsAnalyzer; import com.sun.tools.jdeps.Graph; import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue; public class ModuleTest { private static final String TEST_SRC = System.getProperty("test.src"); private static final String TEST_CLASSES = System.getProperty("test.classes"); private static final Path SRC_DIR = Paths.get(TEST_SRC, "src"); private static final Path MODS_DIR = Paths.get("mods"); private static final Path UNNAMED_DIR = Paths.get("unnamed"); // the names of the modules in this test private static final String UNSUPPORTED = "unsupported"; private static String[] modules = new String[] {"mI", "mII", "mIII", "mIV", UNSUPPORTED}; /** * Compiles all modules used by the test */ @BeforeTest public void compileAll() throws Exception { CompilerUtils.cleanDir(MODS_DIR); CompilerUtils.cleanDir(UNNAMED_DIR); assertTrue(CompilerUtils.compileModule(SRC_DIR, MODS_DIR, UNSUPPORTED, "--add-exports", "java.base/jdk.internal.perf=" + UNSUPPORTED)); // m4 is not referenced Arrays.asList("mI", "mII", "mIII", "mIV") .forEach(mn -> assertTrue(CompilerUtils.compileModule(SRC_DIR, MODS_DIR, mn))); assertTrue(CompilerUtils.compile(SRC_DIR.resolve("mIII"), UNNAMED_DIR, "-p", MODS_DIR.toString())); Files.delete(UNNAMED_DIR.resolve("module-info.class")); } @DataProvider(name = "modules") public Object[][] expected() { return new Object[][]{ { "mIII", new ModuleMetaData("mIII").requiresTransitive("java.sql") .requiresTransitive("mII") .requires("java.logging") .requiresTransitive("mI") .reference("p3", "java.lang", "java.base") .reference("p3", "java.sql", "java.sql") .reference("p3", "java.util.logging", "java.logging") .reference("p3", "p1", "mI") .reference("p3", "p2", "mII") .qualified("p3", "p2.internal", "mII") }, { "mII", new ModuleMetaData("mII").requiresTransitive("mI") .reference("p2", "java.lang", "java.base") .reference("p2", "p1", "mI") .reference("p2.internal", "java.lang", "java.base") .reference("p2.internal", "java.io", "java.base") }, { "mI", new ModuleMetaData("mI").requires("unsupported") .reference("p1", "java.lang", "java.base") .reference("p1.internal", "java.lang", "java.base") .reference("p1.internal", "p1", "mI") .reference("p1.internal", "q", "unsupported") }, { "unsupported", new ModuleMetaData("unsupported") .reference("q", "java.lang", "java.base") .jdkInternal("q", "jdk.internal.perf", "java.base") }, }; } @Test(dataProvider = "modules") public void modularTest(String name, ModuleMetaData data) throws IOException { // jdeps --module-path mods -m <name> runTest(data, MODS_DIR.toString(), Set.of(name)); // jdeps --module-path libs/mI.jar:.... -m <name> String mp = Arrays.stream(modules) .filter(mn -> !mn.equals(name)) .map(mn -> MODS_DIR.resolve(mn).toString()) .collect(Collectors.joining(File.pathSeparator)); runTest(data, mp, Collections.emptySet(), MODS_DIR.resolve(name)); } @DataProvider(name = "unnamed") public Object[][] unnamed() { return new Object[][]{ { "unnamed", new ModuleMetaData("unnamed", false) .depends("java.sql") .depends("java.logging") .depends("mI") .depends("mII") .reference("p3", "java.lang", "java.base") .reference("p3", "java.sql", "java.sql") .reference("p3", "java.util.logging", "java.logging") .reference("p3", "p1", "mI") .reference("p3", "p2", "mII") .internal("p3", "p2.internal", "mII") }, }; } @Test(dataProvider = "unnamed") public void unnamedTest(String name, ModuleMetaData data) throws IOException { runTest(data, MODS_DIR.toString(), Set.of("mI", "mII"), UNNAMED_DIR); } private void runTest(ModuleMetaData data, String modulepath, Set<String> roots, Path... paths) throws IOException { // jdeps --module-path <modulepath> -m root paths String cmd = String.format("jdeps --module-path %s --add-modules %s %s%n", MODS_DIR, roots.stream().collect(Collectors.joining(",")), paths); try (JdepsUtil.Command jdeps = JdepsUtil.newCommand(cmd)) { jdeps.appModulePath(modulepath) .addmods(roots); Arrays.stream(paths).forEach(jdeps::addRoot); // run the analyzer DepsAnalyzer analyzer = jdeps.getDepsAnalyzer(); assertTrue(analyzer.run()); // analyze result Graph<DepsAnalyzer.Node> g1 = analyzer.moduleGraph(); g1.nodes().stream() .filter(u -> u.name.equals(data.moduleName)) .forEach(u -> data.checkRequires(u.name, g1.adjacentNodes(u))); Graph<DepsAnalyzer.Node> g2 = analyzer.dependenceGraph(); g2.nodes().stream() .filter(u -> u.name.equals(data.moduleName)) .forEach(u -> data.checkDependences(u.name, g2.adjacentNodes(u))); jdeps.dumpOutput(System.err); } } }