/* * Copyright (c) 1997, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. * */ #include "precompiled.hpp" #include "classfile/classLoader.hpp" #include "code/vtableStubs.hpp" #include "gc_interface/collectedHeap.inline.hpp" #include "interpreter/interpreter.hpp" #include "memory/allocation.inline.hpp" #include "memory/universe.inline.hpp" #include "oops/oop.inline.hpp" #include "oops/oop.inline2.hpp" #include "oops/symbol.hpp" #include "runtime/deoptimization.hpp" #include "runtime/fprofiler.hpp" #include "runtime/mutexLocker.hpp" #include "runtime/stubCodeGenerator.hpp" #include "runtime/stubRoutines.hpp" #include "runtime/task.hpp" #include "runtime/vframe.hpp" #include "utilities/macros.hpp" // Static fields of FlatProfiler int FlatProfiler::received_gc_ticks = 0; int FlatProfiler::vm_operation_ticks = 0; int FlatProfiler::threads_lock_ticks = 0; int FlatProfiler::class_loader_ticks = 0; int FlatProfiler::extra_ticks = 0; int FlatProfiler::blocked_ticks = 0; int FlatProfiler::deopt_ticks = 0; int FlatProfiler::unknown_ticks = 0; int FlatProfiler::interpreter_ticks = 0; int FlatProfiler::compiler_ticks = 0; int FlatProfiler::received_ticks = 0; int FlatProfiler::delivered_ticks = 0; int* FlatProfiler::bytecode_ticks = NULL; int* FlatProfiler::bytecode_ticks_stub = NULL; int FlatProfiler::all_int_ticks = 0; int FlatProfiler::all_comp_ticks = 0; int FlatProfiler::all_ticks = 0; bool FlatProfiler::full_profile_flag = false; ThreadProfiler* FlatProfiler::thread_profiler = NULL; ThreadProfiler* FlatProfiler::vm_thread_profiler = NULL; FlatProfilerTask* FlatProfiler::task = NULL; elapsedTimer FlatProfiler::timer; int FlatProfiler::interval_ticks_previous = 0; IntervalData* FlatProfiler::interval_data = NULL; ThreadProfiler::ThreadProfiler() { // Space for the ProfilerNodes const int area_size = 1 * ProfilerNodeSize * 1024; area_bottom = AllocateHeap(area_size, mtInternal); area_top = area_bottom; area_limit = area_bottom + area_size; // ProfilerNode pointer table table = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(ProfilerNode*, table_size, mtInternal); initialize(); engaged = false; } ThreadProfiler::~ThreadProfiler() { FreeHeap(area_bottom); area_bottom = NULL; area_top = NULL; area_limit = NULL; FreeHeap(table); table = NULL; } // Statics for ThreadProfiler int ThreadProfiler::table_size = 1024; int ThreadProfiler::entry(int value) { value = (value > 0) ? value : -value; return value % table_size; } ThreadProfilerMark::ThreadProfilerMark(ThreadProfilerMark::Region r) { _r = r; _pp = NULL; assert(((r > ThreadProfilerMark::noRegion) && (r < ThreadProfilerMark::maxRegion)), "ThreadProfilerMark::Region out of bounds"); Thread* tp = Thread::current(); if (tp != NULL && tp->is_Java_thread()) { JavaThread* jtp = (JavaThread*) tp; ThreadProfiler* pp = jtp->get_thread_profiler(); _pp = pp; if (pp != NULL) { pp->region_flag[r] = true; } } } ThreadProfilerMark::~ThreadProfilerMark() { if (_pp != NULL) { _pp->region_flag[_r] = false; } _pp = NULL; } // Random other statics static const int col1 = 2; // position of output column 1 static const int col2 = 11; // position of output column 2 static const int col3 = 25; // position of output column 3 static const int col4 = 55; // position of output column 4 // Used for detailed profiling of nmethods. class PCRecorder : AllStatic { private: static int* counters; static address base; enum { bucket_size = 16 }; static int index_for(address pc) { return (pc - base)/bucket_size; } static address pc_for(int index) { return base + (index * bucket_size); } static int size() { return ((int)CodeCache::max_capacity())/bucket_size * BytesPerWord; } public: static address bucket_start_for(address pc) { if (counters == NULL) return NULL; return pc_for(index_for(pc)); } static int bucket_count_for(address pc) { return counters[index_for(pc)]; } static void init(); static void record(address pc); static void print(); static void print_blobs(CodeBlob* cb); }; int* PCRecorder::counters = NULL; address PCRecorder::base = NULL; void PCRecorder::init() { MutexLockerEx lm(CodeCache_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag); int s = size(); counters = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(int, s, mtInternal); for (int index = 0; index < s; index++) { counters[index] = 0; } base = CodeCache::first_address(); } void PCRecorder::record(address pc) { if (counters == NULL) return; assert(CodeCache::contains(pc), "must be in CodeCache"); counters[index_for(pc)]++; } address FlatProfiler::bucket_start_for(address pc) { return PCRecorder::bucket_start_for(pc); } int FlatProfiler::bucket_count_for(address pc) { return PCRecorder::bucket_count_for(pc); } void PCRecorder::print() { if (counters == NULL) return; tty->cr(); tty->print_cr("Printing compiled methods with PC buckets having more than %d ticks", ProfilerPCTickThreshold); tty->print_cr("==================================================================="); tty->cr(); GrowableArray<CodeBlob*>* candidates = new GrowableArray<CodeBlob*>(20); int s; { MutexLockerEx lm(CodeCache_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag); s = size(); } for (int index = 0; index < s; index++) { int count = counters[index]; if (count > ProfilerPCTickThreshold) { address pc = pc_for(index); CodeBlob* cb = CodeCache::find_blob_unsafe(pc); if (cb != NULL && candidates->find(cb) < 0) { candidates->push(cb); } } } for (int i = 0; i < candidates->length(); i++) { print_blobs(candidates->at(i)); } } void PCRecorder::print_blobs(CodeBlob* cb) { if (cb != NULL) { cb->print(); if (cb->is_nmethod()) { ((nmethod*)cb)->print_code(); } tty->cr(); } else { tty->print_cr("stub code"); } } class tick_counter { // holds tick info for one node public: int ticks_in_code; int ticks_in_native; tick_counter() { ticks_in_code = ticks_in_native = 0; } tick_counter(int code, int native) { ticks_in_code = code; ticks_in_native = native; } int total() const { return (ticks_in_code + ticks_in_native); } void add(tick_counter* a) { ticks_in_code += a->ticks_in_code; ticks_in_native += a->ticks_in_native; } void update(TickPosition where) { switch(where) { case tp_code: ticks_in_code++; break; case tp_native: ticks_in_native++; break; } } void print_code(outputStream* st, int total_ticks) { st->print("%5.1f%% %5d ", total() * 100.0 / total_ticks, ticks_in_code); } void print_native(outputStream* st) { st->print(" + %5d ", ticks_in_native); } }; class ProfilerNode { private: ProfilerNode* _next; public: tick_counter ticks; public: void* operator new(size_t size, ThreadProfiler* tp); void operator delete(void* p); ProfilerNode() { _next = NULL; } virtual ~ProfilerNode() { if (_next) delete _next; } void set_next(ProfilerNode* n) { _next = n; } ProfilerNode* next() { return _next; } void update(TickPosition where) { ticks.update(where);} int total_ticks() { return ticks.total(); } virtual bool is_interpreted() const { return false; } virtual bool is_compiled() const { return false; } virtual bool is_stub() const { return false; } virtual bool is_runtime_stub() const{ return false; } virtual void oops_do(OopClosure* f) = 0; virtual bool interpreted_match(Method* m) const { return false; } virtual bool compiled_match(Method* m ) const { return false; } virtual bool stub_match(Method* m, const char* name) const { return false; } virtual bool adapter_match() const { return false; } virtual bool runtimeStub_match(const CodeBlob* stub, const char* name) const { return false; } virtual bool unknown_compiled_match(const CodeBlob* cb) const { return false; } static void print_title(outputStream* st) { st->print(" + native"); st->fill_to(col3); st->print("Method"); st->fill_to(col4); st->cr(); } static void print_total(outputStream* st, tick_counter* t, int total, const char* msg) { t->print_code(st, total); st->fill_to(col2); t->print_native(st); st->fill_to(col3); st->print(msg); st->cr(); } virtual Method* method() = 0; virtual void print_method_on(outputStream* st) { int limit; int i; Method* m = method(); Symbol* k = m->klass_name(); // Print the class name with dots instead of slashes limit = k->utf8_length(); for (i = 0 ; i < limit ; i += 1) { char c = (char) k->byte_at(i); if (c == '/') { c = '.'; } st->print("%c", c); } if (limit > 0) { st->print("."); } Symbol* n = m->name(); limit = n->utf8_length(); for (i = 0 ; i < limit ; i += 1) { char c = (char) n->byte_at(i); st->print("%c", c); } if (Verbose || WizardMode) { // Disambiguate overloaded methods Symbol* sig = m->signature(); sig->print_symbol_on(st); } else if (MethodHandles::is_signature_polymorphic(m->intrinsic_id())) // compare with Method::print_short_name MethodHandles::print_as_basic_type_signature_on(st, m->signature(), true); } virtual void print(outputStream* st, int total_ticks) { ticks.print_code(st, total_ticks); st->fill_to(col2); ticks.print_native(st); st->fill_to(col3); print_method_on(st); st->cr(); } // for hashing into the table static int hash(Method* method) { // The point here is to try to make something fairly unique // out of the fields we can read without grabbing any locks // since the method may be locked when we need the hash. return ( method->code_size() ^ method->max_stack() ^ method->max_locals() ^ method->size_of_parameters()); } // for sorting static int compare(ProfilerNode** a, ProfilerNode** b) { return (*b)->total_ticks() - (*a)->total_ticks(); } }; void* ProfilerNode::operator new(size_t size, ThreadProfiler* tp){ void* result = (void*) tp->area_top; tp->area_top += size; if (tp->area_top > tp->area_limit) { fatal("flat profiler buffer overflow"); } return result; } void ProfilerNode::operator delete(void* p){ } class interpretedNode : public ProfilerNode { private: Method* _method; oop _class_loader; // needed to keep metadata for the method alive public: interpretedNode(Method* method, TickPosition where) : ProfilerNode() { _method = method; _class_loader = method->method_holder()->class_loader(); update(where); } bool is_interpreted() const { return true; } bool interpreted_match(Method* m) const { return _method == m; } void oops_do(OopClosure* f) { f->do_oop(&_class_loader); } Method* method() { return _method; } static void print_title(outputStream* st) { st->fill_to(col1); st->print("%11s", "Interpreted"); ProfilerNode::print_title(st); } void print(outputStream* st, int total_ticks) { ProfilerNode::print(st, total_ticks); } void print_method_on(outputStream* st) { ProfilerNode::print_method_on(st); MethodCounters* mcs = method()->method_counters(); if (Verbose && mcs != NULL) mcs->invocation_counter()->print_short(); } }; class compiledNode : public ProfilerNode { private: Method* _method; oop _class_loader; // needed to keep metadata for the method alive public: compiledNode(Method* method, TickPosition where) : ProfilerNode() { _method = method; _class_loader = method->method_holder()->class_loader(); update(where); } bool is_compiled() const { return true; } bool compiled_match(Method* m) const { return _method == m; } Method* method() { return _method; } void oops_do(OopClosure* f) { f->do_oop(&_class_loader); } static void print_title(outputStream* st) { st->fill_to(col1); st->print("%11s", "Compiled"); ProfilerNode::print_title(st); } void print(outputStream* st, int total_ticks) { ProfilerNode::print(st, total_ticks); } void print_method_on(outputStream* st) { ProfilerNode::print_method_on(st); } }; class stubNode : public ProfilerNode { private: Method* _method; oop _class_loader; // needed to keep metadata for the method alive const char* _symbol; // The name of the nearest VM symbol (for +ProfileVM). Points to a unique string public: stubNode(Method* method, const char* name, TickPosition where) : ProfilerNode() { _method = method; _class_loader = method->method_holder()->class_loader(); _symbol = name; update(where); } bool is_stub() const { return true; } void oops_do(OopClosure* f) { f->do_oop(&_class_loader); } bool stub_match(Method* m, const char* name) const { return (_method == m) && (_symbol == name); } Method* method() { return _method; } static void print_title(outputStream* st) { st->fill_to(col1); st->print("%11s", "Stub"); ProfilerNode::print_title(st); } void print(outputStream* st, int total_ticks) { ProfilerNode::print(st, total_ticks); } void print_method_on(outputStream* st) { ProfilerNode::print_method_on(st); print_symbol_on(st); } void print_symbol_on(outputStream* st) { if(_symbol) { st->print(" (%s)", _symbol); } } }; class adapterNode : public ProfilerNode { public: adapterNode(TickPosition where) : ProfilerNode() { update(where); } bool is_compiled() const { return true; } bool adapter_match() const { return true; } Method* method() { return NULL; } void oops_do(OopClosure* f) { ; } void print(outputStream* st, int total_ticks) { ProfilerNode::print(st, total_ticks); } void print_method_on(outputStream* st) { st->print("%s", "adapters"); } }; class runtimeStubNode : public ProfilerNode { private: const CodeBlob* _stub; const char* _symbol; // The name of the nearest VM symbol when ProfileVM is on. Points to a unique string. public: runtimeStubNode(const CodeBlob* stub, const char* name, TickPosition where) : ProfilerNode(), _stub(stub), _symbol(name) { assert(stub->is_runtime_stub(), "wrong code blob"); update(where); } bool is_runtime_stub() const { return true; } bool runtimeStub_match(const CodeBlob* stub, const char* name) const { assert(stub->is_runtime_stub(), "wrong code blob"); return ((RuntimeStub*)_stub)->entry_point() == ((RuntimeStub*)stub)->entry_point() && (_symbol == name); } Method* method() { return NULL; } static void print_title(outputStream* st) { st->fill_to(col1); st->print("%11s", "Runtime stub"); ProfilerNode::print_title(st); } void oops_do(OopClosure* f) { ; } void print(outputStream* st, int total_ticks) { ProfilerNode::print(st, total_ticks); } void print_method_on(outputStream* st) { st->print("%s", ((RuntimeStub*)_stub)->name()); print_symbol_on(st); } void print_symbol_on(outputStream* st) { if(_symbol) { st->print(" (%s)", _symbol); } } }; class unknown_compiledNode : public ProfilerNode { const char *_name; public: unknown_compiledNode(const CodeBlob* cb, TickPosition where) : ProfilerNode() { if ( cb->is_buffer_blob() ) _name = ((BufferBlob*)cb)->name(); else _name = ((SingletonBlob*)cb)->name(); update(where); } bool is_compiled() const { return true; } bool unknown_compiled_match(const CodeBlob* cb) const { if ( cb->is_buffer_blob() ) return !strcmp(((BufferBlob*)cb)->name(), _name); else return !strcmp(((SingletonBlob*)cb)->name(), _name); } Method* method() { return NULL; } void oops_do(OopClosure* f) { ; } void print(outputStream* st, int total_ticks) { ProfilerNode::print(st, total_ticks); } void print_method_on(outputStream* st) { st->print("%s", _name); } }; class vmNode : public ProfilerNode { private: const char* _name; // "optional" name obtained by os means such as dll lookup public: vmNode(const TickPosition where) : ProfilerNode() { _name = NULL; update(where); } vmNode(const char* name, const TickPosition where) : ProfilerNode() { _name = name; update(where); } const char *name() const { return _name; } bool is_compiled() const { return true; } bool vm_match(const char* name) const { return strcmp(name, _name) == 0; } Method* method() { return NULL; } static int hash(const char* name){ // Compute a simple hash const char* cp = name; int h = 0; if(name != NULL){ while(*cp != '\0'){ h = (h << 1) ^ *cp; cp++; } } return h; } void oops_do(OopClosure* f) { ; } void print(outputStream* st, int total_ticks) { ProfilerNode::print(st, total_ticks); } void print_method_on(outputStream* st) { if(_name==NULL){ st->print("%s", "unknown code"); } else { st->print("%s", _name); } } }; void ThreadProfiler::interpreted_update(Method* method, TickPosition where) { int index = entry(ProfilerNode::hash(method)); if (!table[index]) { table[index] = new (this) interpretedNode(method, where); } else { ProfilerNode* prev = table[index]; for(ProfilerNode* node = prev; node; node = node->next()) { if (node->interpreted_match(method)) { node->update(where); return; } prev = node; } prev->set_next(new (this) interpretedNode(method, where)); } } void ThreadProfiler::compiled_update(Method* method, TickPosition where) { int index = entry(ProfilerNode::hash(method)); if (!table[index]) { table[index] = new (this) compiledNode(method, where); } else { ProfilerNode* prev = table[index]; for(ProfilerNode* node = prev; node; node = node->next()) { if (node->compiled_match(method)) { node->update(where); return; } prev = node; } prev->set_next(new (this) compiledNode(method, where)); } } void ThreadProfiler::stub_update(Method* method, const char* name, TickPosition where) { int index = entry(ProfilerNode::hash(method)); if (!table[index]) { table[index] = new (this) stubNode(method, name, where); } else { ProfilerNode* prev = table[index]; for(ProfilerNode* node = prev; node; node = node->next()) { if (node->stub_match(method, name)) { node->update(where); return; } prev = node; } prev->set_next(new (this) stubNode(method, name, where)); } } void ThreadProfiler::adapter_update(TickPosition where) { int index = 0; if (!table[index]) { table[index] = new (this) adapterNode(where); } else { ProfilerNode* prev = table[index]; for(ProfilerNode* node = prev; node; node = node->next()) { if (node->adapter_match()) { node->update(where); return; } prev = node; } prev->set_next(new (this) adapterNode(where)); } } void ThreadProfiler::runtime_stub_update(const CodeBlob* stub, const char* name, TickPosition where) { int index = 0; if (!table[index]) { table[index] = new (this) runtimeStubNode(stub, name, where); } else { ProfilerNode* prev = table[index]; for(ProfilerNode* node = prev; node; node = node->next()) { if (node->runtimeStub_match(stub, name)) { node->update(where); return; } prev = node; } prev->set_next(new (this) runtimeStubNode(stub, name, where)); } } void ThreadProfiler::unknown_compiled_update(const CodeBlob* cb, TickPosition where) { int index = 0; if (!table[index]) { table[index] = new (this) unknown_compiledNode(cb, where); } else { ProfilerNode* prev = table[index]; for(ProfilerNode* node = prev; node; node = node->next()) { if (node->unknown_compiled_match(cb)) { node->update(where); return; } prev = node; } prev->set_next(new (this) unknown_compiledNode(cb, where)); } } void ThreadProfiler::vm_update(TickPosition where) { vm_update(NULL, where); } void ThreadProfiler::vm_update(const char* name, TickPosition where) { int index = entry(vmNode::hash(name)); assert(index >= 0, "Must be positive"); // Note that we call strdup below since the symbol may be resource allocated if (!table[index]) { table[index] = new (this) vmNode(os::strdup(name), where); } else { ProfilerNode* prev = table[index]; for(ProfilerNode* node = prev; node; node = node->next()) { if (((vmNode *)node)->vm_match(name)) { node->update(where); return; } prev = node; } prev->set_next(new (this) vmNode(os::strdup(name), where)); } } class FlatProfilerTask : public PeriodicTask { public: FlatProfilerTask(int interval_time) : PeriodicTask(interval_time) {} void task(); }; void FlatProfiler::record_vm_operation() { if (Universe::heap()->is_gc_active()) { FlatProfiler::received_gc_ticks += 1; return; } if (DeoptimizationMarker::is_active()) { FlatProfiler::deopt_ticks += 1; return; } FlatProfiler::vm_operation_ticks += 1; } void FlatProfiler::record_vm_tick() { // Profile the VM Thread itself if needed // This is done without getting the Threads_lock and we can go deep // inside Safepoint, etc. if( ProfileVM ) { ResourceMark rm; ExtendedPC epc; const char *name = NULL; char buf[256]; buf[0] = '\0'; vm_thread_profiler->inc_thread_ticks(); // Get a snapshot of a current VMThread pc (and leave it running!) // The call may fail if, for instance the VM thread is interrupted while // holding the Interrupt_lock or for other reasons. epc = os::get_thread_pc(VMThread::vm_thread()); if(epc.pc() != NULL) { if (os::dll_address_to_function_name(epc.pc(), buf, sizeof(buf), NULL)) { name = buf; } } if (name != NULL) { vm_thread_profiler->vm_update(name, tp_native); } } } void FlatProfiler::record_thread_ticks() { int maxthreads, suspendedthreadcount; JavaThread** threadsList; bool interval_expired = false; if (ProfileIntervals && (FlatProfiler::received_ticks >= interval_ticks_previous + ProfileIntervalsTicks)) { interval_expired = true; interval_ticks_previous = FlatProfiler::received_ticks; } // Try not to wait for the Threads_lock if (Threads_lock->try_lock()) { { // Threads_lock scope maxthreads = Threads::number_of_threads(); threadsList = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(JavaThread *, maxthreads, mtInternal); suspendedthreadcount = 0; for (JavaThread* tp = Threads::first(); tp != NULL; tp = tp->next()) { if (tp->is_Compiler_thread()) { // Only record ticks for active compiler threads CompilerThread* cthread = (CompilerThread*)tp; if (cthread->task() != NULL) { // The compiler is active. If we need to access any of the fields // of the compiler task we should suspend the CompilerThread first. FlatProfiler::compiler_ticks += 1; continue; } } // First externally suspend all threads by marking each for // external suspension - so it will stop at its next transition // Then do a safepoint ThreadProfiler* pp = tp->get_thread_profiler(); if (pp != NULL && pp->engaged) { MutexLockerEx ml(tp->SR_lock(), Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag); if (!tp->is_external_suspend() && !tp->is_exiting()) { tp->set_external_suspend(); threadsList[suspendedthreadcount++] = tp; } } } Threads_lock->unlock(); } // Suspend each thread. This call should just return // for any threads that have already self-suspended // Net result should be one safepoint for (int j = 0; j < suspendedthreadcount; j++) { JavaThread *tp = threadsList[j]; if (tp) { tp->java_suspend(); } } // We are responsible for resuming any thread on this list for (int i = 0; i < suspendedthreadcount; i++) { JavaThread *tp = threadsList[i]; if (tp) { ThreadProfiler* pp = tp->get_thread_profiler(); if (pp != NULL && pp->engaged) { HandleMark hm; FlatProfiler::delivered_ticks += 1; if (interval_expired) { FlatProfiler::interval_record_thread(pp); } // This is the place where we check to see if a user thread is // blocked waiting for compilation. if (tp->blocked_on_compilation()) { pp->compiler_ticks += 1; pp->interval_data_ref()->inc_compiling(); } else { pp->record_tick(tp); } } MutexLocker ml(Threads_lock); tp->java_resume(); } } if (interval_expired) { FlatProfiler::interval_print(); FlatProfiler::interval_reset(); } } else { // Couldn't get the threads lock, just record that rather than blocking FlatProfiler::threads_lock_ticks += 1; } } void FlatProfilerTask::task() { FlatProfiler::received_ticks += 1; if (ProfileVM) { FlatProfiler::record_vm_tick(); } VM_Operation* op = VMThread::vm_operation(); if (op != NULL) { FlatProfiler::record_vm_operation(); if (SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint()) { return; } } FlatProfiler::record_thread_ticks(); } void ThreadProfiler::record_interpreted_tick(JavaThread* thread, frame fr, TickPosition where, int* ticks) { FlatProfiler::all_int_ticks++; if (!FlatProfiler::full_profile()) { return; } if (!fr.is_interpreted_frame_valid(thread)) { // tick came at a bad time interpreter_ticks += 1; FlatProfiler::interpreter_ticks += 1; return; } // The frame has been fully validated so we can trust the method and bci Method* method = *fr.interpreter_frame_method_addr(); interpreted_update(method, where); // update byte code table InterpreterCodelet* desc = Interpreter::codelet_containing(fr.pc()); if (desc != NULL && desc->bytecode() >= 0) { ticks[desc->bytecode()]++; } } void ThreadProfiler::record_compiled_tick(JavaThread* thread, frame fr, TickPosition where) { const char *name = NULL; TickPosition localwhere = where; FlatProfiler::all_comp_ticks++; if (!FlatProfiler::full_profile()) return; CodeBlob* cb = fr.cb(); // For runtime stubs, record as native rather than as compiled if (cb->is_runtime_stub()) { RegisterMap map(thread, false); fr = fr.sender(&map); cb = fr.cb(); localwhere = tp_native; } Method* method = (cb->is_nmethod()) ? ((nmethod *)cb)->method() : (Method*)NULL; if (method == NULL) { if (cb->is_runtime_stub()) runtime_stub_update(cb, name, localwhere); else unknown_compiled_update(cb, localwhere); } else { if (method->is_native()) { stub_update(method, name, localwhere); } else { compiled_update(method, localwhere); } } } extern "C" void find(int x); void ThreadProfiler::record_tick_for_running_frame(JavaThread* thread, frame fr) { // The tick happened in real code -> non VM code if (fr.is_interpreted_frame()) { interval_data_ref()->inc_interpreted(); record_interpreted_tick(thread, fr, tp_code, FlatProfiler::bytecode_ticks); return; } if (CodeCache::contains(fr.pc())) { interval_data_ref()->inc_compiled(); PCRecorder::record(fr.pc()); record_compiled_tick(thread, fr, tp_code); return; } if (VtableStubs::stub_containing(fr.pc()) != NULL) { unknown_ticks_array[ut_vtable_stubs] += 1; return; } frame caller = fr.profile_find_Java_sender_frame(thread); if (caller.sp() != NULL && caller.pc() != NULL) { record_tick_for_calling_frame(thread, caller); return; } unknown_ticks_array[ut_running_frame] += 1; FlatProfiler::unknown_ticks += 1; } void ThreadProfiler::record_tick_for_calling_frame(JavaThread* thread, frame fr) { // The tick happened in VM code interval_data_ref()->inc_native(); if (fr.is_interpreted_frame()) { record_interpreted_tick(thread, fr, tp_native, FlatProfiler::bytecode_ticks_stub); return; } if (CodeCache::contains(fr.pc())) { record_compiled_tick(thread, fr, tp_native); return; } frame caller = fr.profile_find_Java_sender_frame(thread); if (caller.sp() != NULL && caller.pc() != NULL) { record_tick_for_calling_frame(thread, caller); return; } unknown_ticks_array[ut_calling_frame] += 1; FlatProfiler::unknown_ticks += 1; } void ThreadProfiler::record_tick(JavaThread* thread) { FlatProfiler::all_ticks++; thread_ticks += 1; // Here's another way to track global state changes. // When the class loader starts it marks the ThreadProfiler to tell it it is in the class loader // and we check that here. // This is more direct, and more than one thread can be in the class loader at a time, // but it does mean the class loader has to know about the profiler. if (region_flag[ThreadProfilerMark::classLoaderRegion]) { class_loader_ticks += 1; FlatProfiler::class_loader_ticks += 1; return; } else if (region_flag[ThreadProfilerMark::extraRegion]) { extra_ticks += 1; FlatProfiler::extra_ticks += 1; return; } // Note that the WatcherThread can now stop for safepoints uint32_t debug_bits = 0; if (!thread->wait_for_ext_suspend_completion(SuspendRetryCount, SuspendRetryDelay, &debug_bits)) { unknown_ticks_array[ut_unknown_thread_state] += 1; FlatProfiler::unknown_ticks += 1; return; } frame fr; switch (thread->thread_state()) { case _thread_in_native: case _thread_in_native_trans: case _thread_in_vm: case _thread_in_vm_trans: if (thread->profile_last_Java_frame(&fr)) { if (fr.is_runtime_frame()) { RegisterMap map(thread, false); fr = fr.sender(&map); } record_tick_for_calling_frame(thread, fr); } else { unknown_ticks_array[ut_no_last_Java_frame] += 1; FlatProfiler::unknown_ticks += 1; } break; // handle_special_runtime_exit_condition self-suspends threads in Java case _thread_in_Java: case _thread_in_Java_trans: if (thread->profile_last_Java_frame(&fr)) { if (fr.is_safepoint_blob_frame()) { RegisterMap map(thread, false); fr = fr.sender(&map); } record_tick_for_running_frame(thread, fr); } else { unknown_ticks_array[ut_no_last_Java_frame] += 1; FlatProfiler::unknown_ticks += 1; } break; case _thread_blocked: case _thread_blocked_trans: if (thread->osthread() && thread->osthread()->get_state() == RUNNABLE) { if (thread->profile_last_Java_frame(&fr)) { if (fr.is_safepoint_blob_frame()) { RegisterMap map(thread, false); fr = fr.sender(&map); record_tick_for_running_frame(thread, fr); } else { record_tick_for_calling_frame(thread, fr); } } else { unknown_ticks_array[ut_no_last_Java_frame] += 1; FlatProfiler::unknown_ticks += 1; } } else { blocked_ticks += 1; FlatProfiler::blocked_ticks += 1; } break; case _thread_uninitialized: case _thread_new: // not used, included for completeness case _thread_new_trans: unknown_ticks_array[ut_no_last_Java_frame] += 1; FlatProfiler::unknown_ticks += 1; break; default: unknown_ticks_array[ut_unknown_thread_state] += 1; FlatProfiler::unknown_ticks += 1; break; } return; } void ThreadProfiler::engage() { engaged = true; timer.start(); } void ThreadProfiler::disengage() { engaged = false; timer.stop(); } void ThreadProfiler::initialize() { for (int index = 0; index < table_size; index++) { table[index] = NULL; } thread_ticks = 0; blocked_ticks = 0; compiler_ticks = 0; interpreter_ticks = 0; for (int ut = 0; ut < ut_end; ut += 1) { unknown_ticks_array[ut] = 0; } region_flag[ThreadProfilerMark::classLoaderRegion] = false; class_loader_ticks = 0; region_flag[ThreadProfilerMark::extraRegion] = false; extra_ticks = 0; timer.start(); interval_data_ref()->reset(); } void ThreadProfiler::reset() { timer.stop(); if (table != NULL) { for (int index = 0; index < table_size; index++) { ProfilerNode* n = table[index]; if (n != NULL) { delete n; } } } initialize(); } void FlatProfiler::allocate_table() { { // Bytecode table bytecode_ticks = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(int, Bytecodes::number_of_codes, mtInternal); bytecode_ticks_stub = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(int, Bytecodes::number_of_codes, mtInternal); for(int index = 0; index < Bytecodes::number_of_codes; index++) { bytecode_ticks[index] = 0; bytecode_ticks_stub[index] = 0; } } if (ProfilerRecordPC) PCRecorder::init(); interval_data = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(IntervalData, interval_print_size, mtInternal); FlatProfiler::interval_reset(); } void FlatProfiler::engage(JavaThread* mainThread, bool fullProfile) { full_profile_flag = fullProfile; if (bytecode_ticks == NULL) { allocate_table(); } if(ProfileVM && (vm_thread_profiler == NULL)){ vm_thread_profiler = new ThreadProfiler(); } if (task == NULL) { task = new FlatProfilerTask(WatcherThread::delay_interval); task->enroll(); } timer.start(); if (mainThread != NULL) { // When mainThread was created, it might not have a ThreadProfiler ThreadProfiler* pp = mainThread->get_thread_profiler(); if (pp == NULL) { mainThread->set_thread_profiler(new ThreadProfiler()); } else { pp->reset(); } mainThread->get_thread_profiler()->engage(); } // This is where we would assign thread_profiler // if we wanted only one thread_profiler for all threads. thread_profiler = NULL; } void FlatProfiler::disengage() { if (!task) { return; } timer.stop(); task->disenroll(); delete task; task = NULL; if (thread_profiler != NULL) { thread_profiler->disengage(); } else { MutexLocker tl(Threads_lock); for (JavaThread* tp = Threads::first(); tp != NULL; tp = tp->next()) { ThreadProfiler* pp = tp->get_thread_profiler(); if (pp != NULL) { pp->disengage(); } } } } void FlatProfiler::reset() { if (task) { disengage(); } class_loader_ticks = 0; extra_ticks = 0; received_gc_ticks = 0; vm_operation_ticks = 0; compiler_ticks = 0; deopt_ticks = 0; interpreter_ticks = 0; blocked_ticks = 0; unknown_ticks = 0; received_ticks = 0; delivered_ticks = 0; timer.stop(); } bool FlatProfiler::is_active() { return task != NULL; } void FlatProfiler::print_byte_code_statistics() { GrowableArray <ProfilerNode*>* array = new GrowableArray<ProfilerNode*>(200); tty->print_cr(" Bytecode ticks:"); for (int index = 0; index < Bytecodes::number_of_codes; index++) { if (FlatProfiler::bytecode_ticks[index] > 0 || FlatProfiler::bytecode_ticks_stub[index] > 0) { tty->print_cr(" %4d %4d = %s", FlatProfiler::bytecode_ticks[index], FlatProfiler::bytecode_ticks_stub[index], Bytecodes::name( (Bytecodes::Code) index)); } } tty->cr(); } void print_ticks(const char* title, int ticks, int total) { if (ticks > 0) { tty->print("%5.1f%% %5d", ticks * 100.0 / total, ticks); tty->fill_to(col3); tty->print("%s", title); tty->cr(); } } void ThreadProfiler::print(const char* thread_name) { ResourceMark rm; MutexLocker ppl(ProfilePrint_lock); int index = 0; // Declared outside for loops for portability if (table == NULL) { return; } if (thread_ticks <= 0) { return; } const char* title = "too soon to tell"; double secs = timer.seconds(); GrowableArray <ProfilerNode*>* array = new GrowableArray<ProfilerNode*>(200); for(index = 0; index < table_size; index++) { for(ProfilerNode* node = table[index]; node; node = node->next()) array->append(node); } array->sort(&ProfilerNode::compare); // compute total (sanity check) int active = class_loader_ticks + compiler_ticks + interpreter_ticks + unknown_ticks(); for (index = 0; index < array->length(); index++) { active += array->at(index)->ticks.total(); } int total = active + blocked_ticks; tty->cr(); tty->print_cr("Flat profile of %3.2f secs (%d total ticks): %s", secs, total, thread_name); if (total != thread_ticks) { print_ticks("Lost ticks", thread_ticks-total, thread_ticks); } tty->cr(); // print interpreted methods tick_counter interpreted_ticks; bool has_interpreted_ticks = false; int print_count = 0; for (index = 0; index < array->length(); index++) { ProfilerNode* n = array->at(index); if (n->is_interpreted()) { interpreted_ticks.add(&n->ticks); if (!has_interpreted_ticks) { interpretedNode::print_title(tty); has_interpreted_ticks = true; } if (print_count++ < ProfilerNumberOfInterpretedMethods) { n->print(tty, active); } } } if (has_interpreted_ticks) { if (print_count <= ProfilerNumberOfInterpretedMethods) { title = "Total interpreted"; } else { title = "Total interpreted (including elided)"; } interpretedNode::print_total(tty, &interpreted_ticks, active, title); tty->cr(); } // print compiled methods tick_counter compiled_ticks; bool has_compiled_ticks = false; print_count = 0; for (index = 0; index < array->length(); index++) { ProfilerNode* n = array->at(index); if (n->is_compiled()) { compiled_ticks.add(&n->ticks); if (!has_compiled_ticks) { compiledNode::print_title(tty); has_compiled_ticks = true; } if (print_count++ < ProfilerNumberOfCompiledMethods) { n->print(tty, active); } } } if (has_compiled_ticks) { if (print_count <= ProfilerNumberOfCompiledMethods) { title = "Total compiled"; } else { title = "Total compiled (including elided)"; } compiledNode::print_total(tty, &compiled_ticks, active, title); tty->cr(); } // print stub methods tick_counter stub_ticks; bool has_stub_ticks = false; print_count = 0; for (index = 0; index < array->length(); index++) { ProfilerNode* n = array->at(index); if (n->is_stub()) { stub_ticks.add(&n->ticks); if (!has_stub_ticks) { stubNode::print_title(tty); has_stub_ticks = true; } if (print_count++ < ProfilerNumberOfStubMethods) { n->print(tty, active); } } } if (has_stub_ticks) { if (print_count <= ProfilerNumberOfStubMethods) { title = "Total stub"; } else { title = "Total stub (including elided)"; } stubNode::print_total(tty, &stub_ticks, active, title); tty->cr(); } // print runtime stubs tick_counter runtime_stub_ticks; bool has_runtime_stub_ticks = false; print_count = 0; for (index = 0; index < array->length(); index++) { ProfilerNode* n = array->at(index); if (n->is_runtime_stub()) { runtime_stub_ticks.add(&n->ticks); if (!has_runtime_stub_ticks) { runtimeStubNode::print_title(tty); has_runtime_stub_ticks = true; } if (print_count++ < ProfilerNumberOfRuntimeStubNodes) { n->print(tty, active); } } } if (has_runtime_stub_ticks) { if (print_count <= ProfilerNumberOfRuntimeStubNodes) { title = "Total runtime stubs"; } else { title = "Total runtime stubs (including elided)"; } runtimeStubNode::print_total(tty, &runtime_stub_ticks, active, title); tty->cr(); } if (blocked_ticks + class_loader_ticks + interpreter_ticks + compiler_ticks + unknown_ticks() != 0) { tty->fill_to(col1); tty->print_cr("Thread-local ticks:"); print_ticks("Blocked (of total)", blocked_ticks, total); print_ticks("Class loader", class_loader_ticks, active); print_ticks("Extra", extra_ticks, active); print_ticks("Interpreter", interpreter_ticks, active); print_ticks("Compilation", compiler_ticks, active); print_ticks("Unknown: vtable stubs", unknown_ticks_array[ut_vtable_stubs], active); print_ticks("Unknown: null method", unknown_ticks_array[ut_null_method], active); print_ticks("Unknown: running frame", unknown_ticks_array[ut_running_frame], active); print_ticks("Unknown: calling frame", unknown_ticks_array[ut_calling_frame], active); print_ticks("Unknown: no pc", unknown_ticks_array[ut_no_pc], active); print_ticks("Unknown: no last frame", unknown_ticks_array[ut_no_last_Java_frame], active); print_ticks("Unknown: thread_state", unknown_ticks_array[ut_unknown_thread_state], active); tty->cr(); } if (WizardMode) { tty->print_cr("Node area used: %dKb", (area_top - area_bottom) / 1024); } reset(); } /* ThreadProfiler::print_unknown(){ if (table == NULL) { return; } if (thread_ticks <= 0) { return; } } */ void FlatProfiler::print(int unused) { ResourceMark rm; if (thread_profiler != NULL) { thread_profiler->print("All threads"); } else { MutexLocker tl(Threads_lock); for (JavaThread* tp = Threads::first(); tp != NULL; tp = tp->next()) { ThreadProfiler* pp = tp->get_thread_profiler(); if (pp != NULL) { pp->print(tp->get_thread_name()); } } } if (ProfilerPrintByteCodeStatistics) { print_byte_code_statistics(); } if (non_method_ticks() > 0) { tty->cr(); tty->print_cr("Global summary of %3.2f seconds:", timer.seconds()); print_ticks("Received ticks", received_ticks, received_ticks); print_ticks("Received GC ticks", received_gc_ticks, received_ticks); print_ticks("Compilation", compiler_ticks, received_ticks); print_ticks("Deoptimization", deopt_ticks, received_ticks); print_ticks("Other VM operations", vm_operation_ticks, received_ticks); #ifndef PRODUCT print_ticks("Blocked ticks", blocked_ticks, received_ticks); print_ticks("Threads_lock blocks", threads_lock_ticks, received_ticks); print_ticks("Delivered ticks", delivered_ticks, received_ticks); print_ticks("All ticks", all_ticks, received_ticks); #endif print_ticks("Class loader", class_loader_ticks, received_ticks); print_ticks("Extra ", extra_ticks, received_ticks); print_ticks("Interpreter", interpreter_ticks, received_ticks); print_ticks("Unknown code", unknown_ticks, received_ticks); } PCRecorder::print(); if(ProfileVM){ tty->cr(); vm_thread_profiler->print("VM Thread"); } } void IntervalData::print_header(outputStream* st) { st->print("i/c/n/g"); } void IntervalData::print_data(outputStream* st) { st->print("%d/%d/%d/%d", interpreted(), compiled(), native(), compiling()); } void FlatProfiler::interval_record_thread(ThreadProfiler* tp) { IntervalData id = tp->interval_data(); int total = id.total(); tp->interval_data_ref()->reset(); // Insertion sort the data, if it's relevant. for (int i = 0; i < interval_print_size; i += 1) { if (total > interval_data[i].total()) { for (int j = interval_print_size - 1; j > i; j -= 1) { interval_data[j] = interval_data[j-1]; } interval_data[i] = id; break; } } } void FlatProfiler::interval_print() { if ((interval_data[0].total() > 0)) { tty->stamp(); tty->print("\t"); IntervalData::print_header(tty); for (int i = 0; i < interval_print_size; i += 1) { if (interval_data[i].total() > 0) { tty->print("\t"); interval_data[i].print_data(tty); } } tty->cr(); } } void FlatProfiler::interval_reset() { for (int i = 0; i < interval_print_size; i += 1) { interval_data[i].reset(); } } void ThreadProfiler::oops_do(OopClosure* f) { if (table == NULL) return; for(int index = 0; index < table_size; index++) { for(ProfilerNode* node = table[index]; node; node = node->next()) node->oops_do(f); } } void FlatProfiler::oops_do(OopClosure* f) { if (thread_profiler != NULL) { thread_profiler->oops_do(f); } else { for (JavaThread* tp = Threads::first(); tp != NULL; tp = tp->next()) { ThreadProfiler* pp = tp->get_thread_profiler(); if (pp != NULL) { pp->oops_do(f); } } } }