/* * Copyright (c) 2018, 2020, Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. * */ #include "precompiled.hpp" #include "gc/shared/gcCause.hpp" #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahCollectionSet.inline.hpp" #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahCollectorPolicy.hpp" #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahHeap.inline.hpp" #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahHeapRegion.inline.hpp" #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahHeuristics.hpp" #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahMarkingContext.inline.hpp" #include "logging/log.hpp" #include "logging/logTag.hpp" int ShenandoahHeuristics::compare_by_garbage(RegionData a, RegionData b) { if (a._garbage > b._garbage) return -1; else if (a._garbage < b._garbage) return 1; else return 0; } ShenandoahHeuristics::ShenandoahHeuristics() : _region_data(NULL), _degenerated_cycles_in_a_row(0), _successful_cycles_in_a_row(0), _cycle_start(os::elapsedTime()), _last_cycle_end(0), _gc_times_learned(0), _gc_time_penalties(0), _gc_time_history(new TruncatedSeq(5)), _metaspace_oom() { // No unloading during concurrent mark? Communicate that to heuristics if (!ClassUnloadingWithConcurrentMark) { FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(ShenandoahUnloadClassesFrequency, 0); } size_t num_regions = ShenandoahHeap::heap()->num_regions(); assert(num_regions > 0, "Sanity"); _region_data = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(RegionData, num_regions, mtGC); } ShenandoahHeuristics::~ShenandoahHeuristics() { FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(RegionGarbage, _region_data); } void ShenandoahHeuristics::choose_collection_set(ShenandoahCollectionSet* collection_set) { assert(collection_set->count() == 0, "Must be empty"); ShenandoahHeap* heap = ShenandoahHeap::heap(); // Check all pinned regions have updated status before choosing the collection set. heap->assert_pinned_region_status(); // Step 1. Build up the region candidates we care about, rejecting losers and accepting winners right away. size_t num_regions = heap->num_regions(); RegionData* candidates = _region_data; size_t cand_idx = 0; size_t total_garbage = 0; size_t immediate_garbage = 0; size_t immediate_regions = 0; size_t free = 0; size_t free_regions = 0; ShenandoahMarkingContext* const ctx = heap->complete_marking_context(); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_regions; i++) { ShenandoahHeapRegion* region = heap->get_region(i); size_t garbage = region->garbage(); total_garbage += garbage; if (region->is_empty()) { free_regions++; free += ShenandoahHeapRegion::region_size_bytes(); } else if (region->is_regular()) { if (!region->has_live()) { // We can recycle it right away and put it in the free set. immediate_regions++; immediate_garbage += garbage; region->make_trash_immediate(); } else { // This is our candidate for later consideration. candidates[cand_idx]._region = region; candidates[cand_idx]._garbage = garbage; cand_idx++; } } else if (region->is_humongous_start()) { // Reclaim humongous regions here, and count them as the immediate garbage #ifdef ASSERT bool reg_live = region->has_live(); bool bm_live = ctx->is_marked(oop(region->bottom())); assert(reg_live == bm_live, "Humongous liveness and marks should agree. Region live: %s; Bitmap live: %s; Region Live Words: " SIZE_FORMAT, BOOL_TO_STR(reg_live), BOOL_TO_STR(bm_live), region->get_live_data_words()); #endif if (!region->has_live()) { heap->trash_humongous_region_at(region); // Count only the start. Continuations would be counted on "trash" path immediate_regions++; immediate_garbage += garbage; } } else if (region->is_trash()) { // Count in just trashed collection set, during coalesced CM-with-UR immediate_regions++; immediate_garbage += garbage; } } // Step 2. Look back at garbage statistics, and decide if we want to collect anything, // given the amount of immediately reclaimable garbage. If we do, figure out the collection set. assert (immediate_garbage <= total_garbage, "Cannot have more immediate garbage than total garbage: " SIZE_FORMAT "%s vs " SIZE_FORMAT "%s", byte_size_in_proper_unit(immediate_garbage), proper_unit_for_byte_size(immediate_garbage), byte_size_in_proper_unit(total_garbage), proper_unit_for_byte_size(total_garbage)); size_t immediate_percent = (total_garbage == 0) ? 0 : (immediate_garbage * 100 / total_garbage); if (immediate_percent <= ShenandoahImmediateThreshold) { choose_collection_set_from_regiondata(collection_set, candidates, cand_idx, immediate_garbage + free); } size_t cset_percent = (total_garbage == 0) ? 0 : (collection_set->garbage() * 100 / total_garbage); size_t collectable_garbage = collection_set->garbage() + immediate_garbage; size_t collectable_garbage_percent = (total_garbage == 0) ? 0 : (collectable_garbage * 100 / total_garbage); log_info(gc, ergo)("Collectable Garbage: " SIZE_FORMAT "%s (" SIZE_FORMAT "%%), " "Immediate: " SIZE_FORMAT "%s (" SIZE_FORMAT "%%), " "CSet: " SIZE_FORMAT "%s (" SIZE_FORMAT "%%)", byte_size_in_proper_unit(collectable_garbage), proper_unit_for_byte_size(collectable_garbage), collectable_garbage_percent, byte_size_in_proper_unit(immediate_garbage), proper_unit_for_byte_size(immediate_garbage), immediate_percent, byte_size_in_proper_unit(collection_set->garbage()), proper_unit_for_byte_size(collection_set->garbage()), cset_percent); } void ShenandoahHeuristics::record_gc_start() { // Do nothing } void ShenandoahHeuristics::record_gc_end() { // Do nothing } void ShenandoahHeuristics::record_cycle_start() { _cycle_start = os::elapsedTime(); } void ShenandoahHeuristics::record_cycle_end() { _last_cycle_end = os::elapsedTime(); } bool ShenandoahHeuristics::should_start_gc() const { // Perform GC to cleanup metaspace if (has_metaspace_oom()) { // Some of vmTestbase/metaspace tests depend on following line to count GC cycles log_info(gc)("Trigger: %s", GCCause::to_string(GCCause::_metadata_GC_threshold)); return true; } if (ShenandoahGuaranteedGCInterval > 0) { double last_time_ms = (os::elapsedTime() - _last_cycle_end) * 1000; if (last_time_ms > ShenandoahGuaranteedGCInterval) { log_info(gc)("Trigger: Time since last GC (%.0f ms) is larger than guaranteed interval (" UINTX_FORMAT " ms)", last_time_ms, ShenandoahGuaranteedGCInterval); return true; } } return false; } bool ShenandoahHeuristics::should_degenerate_cycle() { return _degenerated_cycles_in_a_row <= ShenandoahFullGCThreshold; } void ShenandoahHeuristics::adjust_penalty(intx step) { assert(0 <= _gc_time_penalties && _gc_time_penalties <= 100, "In range before adjustment: " INTX_FORMAT, _gc_time_penalties); intx new_val = _gc_time_penalties + step; if (new_val < 0) { new_val = 0; } if (new_val > 100) { new_val = 100; } _gc_time_penalties = new_val; assert(0 <= _gc_time_penalties && _gc_time_penalties <= 100, "In range after adjustment: " INTX_FORMAT, _gc_time_penalties); } void ShenandoahHeuristics::record_success_concurrent() { _degenerated_cycles_in_a_row = 0; _successful_cycles_in_a_row++; _gc_time_history->add(time_since_last_gc()); _gc_times_learned++; adjust_penalty(Concurrent_Adjust); } void ShenandoahHeuristics::record_success_degenerated() { _degenerated_cycles_in_a_row++; _successful_cycles_in_a_row = 0; adjust_penalty(Degenerated_Penalty); } void ShenandoahHeuristics::record_success_full() { _degenerated_cycles_in_a_row = 0; _successful_cycles_in_a_row++; adjust_penalty(Full_Penalty); } void ShenandoahHeuristics::record_allocation_failure_gc() { // Do nothing. } void ShenandoahHeuristics::record_requested_gc() { // Assume users call System.gc() when external state changes significantly, // which forces us to re-learn the GC timings and allocation rates. _gc_times_learned = 0; } bool ShenandoahHeuristics::can_process_references() { if (ShenandoahRefProcFrequency == 0) return false; return true; } bool ShenandoahHeuristics::should_process_references() { if (!can_process_references()) return false; size_t cycle = ShenandoahHeap::heap()->shenandoah_policy()->cycle_counter(); // Process references every Nth GC cycle. return cycle % ShenandoahRefProcFrequency == 0; } bool ShenandoahHeuristics::can_unload_classes() { if (!ClassUnloading) return false; return true; } bool ShenandoahHeuristics::can_unload_classes_normal() { if (!can_unload_classes()) return false; if (has_metaspace_oom()) return true; if (!ClassUnloadingWithConcurrentMark) return false; if (ShenandoahUnloadClassesFrequency == 0) return false; return true; } bool ShenandoahHeuristics::should_unload_classes() { if (!can_unload_classes_normal()) return false; if (has_metaspace_oom()) return true; size_t cycle = ShenandoahHeap::heap()->shenandoah_policy()->cycle_counter(); // Unload classes every Nth GC cycle. // This should not happen in the same cycle as process_references to amortize costs. // Offsetting by one is enough to break the rendezvous when periods are equal. // When periods are not equal, offsetting by one is just as good as any other guess. return (cycle + 1) % ShenandoahUnloadClassesFrequency == 0; } void ShenandoahHeuristics::initialize() { // Nothing to do by default. } double ShenandoahHeuristics::time_since_last_gc() const { return os::elapsedTime() - _cycle_start; }