# # Copyright (c) 1997, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. # # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as # published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this # particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided # by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. # # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License # version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that # accompanied this code). # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version # 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA # or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any # questions. # include $(JDK_TOPDIR)/make/docs/CORE_PKGS.gmk include $(JDK_TOPDIR)/make/docs/NON_CORE_PKGS.gmk # What jdk version are we building THIS_JDK_VERSION := $(JDK_MAJOR_VERSION).$(JDK_MINOR_VERSION).$(JDK_MICRO_VERSION) # # Perform release engineering tasks. # # images An image is what the product looks like when it is # installed. # IMAGE_BINDIR = bin # The compiler should not issue a "Proprietary" warning when compiling # classes in the com.sun.java.swing.plaf packages, since we've always # allowed, and even advocated, extending them (see bug 6476749). # # This approach is NOT to be used as a general purpose way to avoid such # compiler warnings for non-core packages. The correct way is to document # the packages in NON_CORE_PKGS.gmk, and include them in the NON_CORE_PKGS # definition. # # Swing has taken this approach only as a temporary measure to avoid # the compiler warnings until we can properly document these packages. # This is covered under 6491853. EXCLUDE_PROPWARN_PKGS = com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows \ com.sun.java.swing.plaf.motif \ com.sun.java.swing.plaf.gtk # # Include the exported private packages in ct.sym. # This is an interim solution until the ct.sym is replaced # with a new module system (being discussed for JDK 8). # EXPORTED_PRIVATE_PKGS = com.sun.servicetag \ com.oracle.net \ com.oracle.nio # 64-bit solaris has a few special cases. We define the variable # SOLARIS64 for use in this Makefile to easily test those cases ifeq ($(PLATFORM), solaris) ifeq ($(ARCH_DATA_MODEL), 64) SOLARIS64 = true IMAGE_BINDIR = bin/$(ARCH) endif endif JTG_DOCS = $(JDK_TOPDIR)/src/solaris/doc ifeq ($(PLATFORM), macosx) include $(JDK_TOPDIR)/make/common/Release-$(PLATFORM).gmk endif # The base names of all the license and document files for the jdk and jre # (These files get placed in the jdk and jre install images) ifdef OPENJDK # Where to find these files SHARE_JDK_DOC_SRC = $(JDK_TOPDIR) SHARE_JRE_DOC_SRC = $(JDK_TOPDIR) # Same files for jdk and jre, no name changes IMAGE_DOCLIST_JDK = LICENSE ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION THIRD_PARTY_README IMAGE_DOCLIST_JDK_DEMOS_AND_SAMPLES = IMAGE_DOCLIST_JRE = LICENSE ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION THIRD_PARTY_README else # make/closed/common/Defs.gmk for closed location of SHARE_JDK_DOC_SRC IMAGE_DOCLIST_JDK = COPYRIGHT README.html LICENSE THIRDPARTYLICENSEREADME.txt IMAGE_DOCLIST_JDK_DEMOS_AND_SAMPLES = demo/DEMOS_LICENSE sample/SAMPLES_LICENSE IMAGE_DOCLIST_JRE = COPYRIGHT Welcome.html LICENSE THIRDPARTYLICENSEREADME.txt ifeq ($(PLATFORM), windows) IMAGE_DOCLIST_JRE += README.txt else IMAGE_DOCLIST_JRE += README endif endif # Paths to these files we need JDK_DOCFILES = $(IMAGE_DOCLIST_JDK:%=$(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/%) JRE_DOCFILES = $(IMAGE_DOCLIST_JRE:%=$(JRE_IMAGE_DIR)/%) JDK_DEMOS_AND_SAMPLES_DOCFILES = $(IMAGE_DOCLIST_JDK_DEMOS_AND_SAMPLES:%=$(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/%) # absolute directory names: note, these must exist prior to build # time - they are created in the main Makefile. JRE_IMAGE_BINDIR = $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR)/bin MAINMANIFEST = $(JDK_TOPDIR)/make/tools/manifest.mf BEANMANIFEST = $(JDK_TOPDIR)/make/javax/swing/beaninfo/manifest # # Man pages # JRE_MAN_PAGES = \ java.1 \ keytool.1 \ orbd.1 \ pack200.1 \ policytool.1 \ rmid.1 \ rmiregistry.1 \ servertool.1 \ tnameserv.1 \ unpack200.1 ifndef OPENJDK JRE_MAN_PAGES += javaws.1 endif JDK_MAN_PAGES = \ $(JRE_MAN_PAGES) \ appletviewer.1 \ extcheck.1 \ idlj.1 \ jar.1 \ jarsigner.1 \ javac.1 \ javadoc.1 \ javah.1 \ javap.1 \ jcmd.1 \ jconsole.1 \ jdb.1 \ jhat.1 \ jinfo.1 \ jmap.1 \ jps.1 \ jrunscript.1 \ jsadebugd.1 \ jstack.1 \ jstat.1 \ jstatd.1 \ native2ascii.1 \ rmic.1 \ schemagen.1 \ serialver.1 \ wsgen.1 \ wsimport.1 \ xjc.1 ifndef OPENJDK JDK_MAN_PAGES += jvisualvm.1 endif ifeq ($(PLATFORM), solaris) MANBASEDIRS=$(JDK_TOPDIR)/src/solaris/doc $(IMPORTDOCDIR) MAN1SUBDIR=sun/man/man1 endif # solaris ifeq ($(PLATFORM), linux) MANBASEDIRS=$(JDK_TOPDIR)/src/linux/doc $(IMPORTDOCDIR) MAN1SUBDIR=man JA_DIRNAME=ja_JP.UTF-8 endif # linux define copy-man-pages $(MKDIR) -p $1/man/man1 for manbase in $(MANBASEDIRS:%=%/$(MAN1SUBDIR)) ; do \ for manpage in $2; do \ if [ -f $${manbase}/$${manpage} ] ; then \ $(CP) $${manbase}/$${manpage} $1/man/man1 ; \ for ja_encoding in $(JA_TARGET_ENCODINGS); do \ ja_dir="ja"; \ if [ "$${ja_encoding}" != "$(JA_SOURCE_ENCODING)" ]; then \ ja_dir="ja_JP.$${ja_encoding}"; \ fi; \ $(MKDIR) -p $1/man/$${ja_dir}/man1; \ $(CAT) $${manbase}/ja/$${manpage} \ | $(NATIVE2ASCII) -encoding $(JA_SOURCE_ENCODING) \ | $(SED) 's/@@VERSION@@/$(THIS_JDK_VERSION)/g' \ | $(NATIVE2ASCII) -reverse -encoding $${ja_encoding} \ > $1/man/$${ja_dir}/man1/$${manpage}; \ done; \ fi; \ done; \ done $(java-vm-cleanup) if [ "$(JA_DIRNAME)" != "" ] ; then \ $(CD) $1/man && $(RM) ja && $(LN) -s $(JA_DIRNAME) ja; \ fi endef # no compression unless requested ifndef COMPRESS_JARS CREATE_JAR_OPTS = c0mf CREATE_JAR_OPTS_NOMANIFEST = c0f else CREATE_JAR_OPTS = cmf CREATE_JAR_OPTS_NOMANIFEST = cf endif # # Targets. # INITIAL_IMAGE_JRE=initial-image-jre INITIAL_IMAGE_JDK=initial-image-jdk ifeq ($(PLATFORM), solaris) ifeq ($(ARCH_DATA_MODEL), 64) INITIAL_IMAGE_JRE=initial-image-jre-sol64 INITIAL_IMAGE_JDK=initial-image-jdk-sol64 endif endif images images-clobber \ initial-image-jre initial-image-jdk \ initial-image-jre-sol64 initial-image-jdk-sol64 \ trim-image-jre trim-image-jdk \ identify-image-jre identify-image-jdk \ process-image-jre process-image-jdk \ compare-image \ sec-files sec-files-win jgss-files :: @$(ECHO) ">>>Making "$@" @ `$(DATE)` ..." # Order is important here, trim jre after jdk image is created ifeq ($(PLATFORM), macosx) images:: sanity-images post-sanity-images \ $(INITIAL_IMAGE_JRE) $(EXTRA_JRE_TARGETS) $(INITIAL_IMAGE_JDK) \ trim-image-jre trim-image-jdk \ identify-image-jre identify-image-jdk \ process-image-jre process-image-jdk sec-files sec-files-win jgss-files \ $(EXTRA_IMAGE_TARGETS) else images:: sanity-images post-sanity-images \ $(INITIAL_IMAGE_JRE) $(INITIAL_IMAGE_JDK) \ trim-image-jre trim-image-jdk \ identify-image-jre identify-image-jdk \ process-image-jre process-image-jdk sec-files sec-files-win jgss-files endif # Don't use these image-jre:: initial-image-jre trim-image-jre identify-image-jre process-image-jre image-jdk:: initial-image-jdk trim-image-jdk identify-image-jdk process-image-jdk # # Sources we ship in the SDK. # SOURCES = \ java/applet \ java/awt \ java/beans \ java/io \ java/lang \ java/math \ java/net \ java/nio \ java/rmi \ java/security \ java/sql \ java/text \ java/util \ com/sun/corba \ com/sun/image/codec/jpeg \ com/sun/imageio \ com/sun/java/swing \ com/sun/javadoc \ com/sun/jmx \ com/sun/source \ com/sun/naming \ com/sun/security/auth \ com/sun/security/jgss \ javax/accessibility \ javax/annotation \ javax/script \ javax/imageio \ javax/lang \ javax/management \ javax/naming \ javax/print \ javax/rmi \ javax/security \ javax/sound \ javax/sql \ javax/swing \ javax/tools \ javax/xml \ com/sun/org/apache \ com/sun/java_cup \ com/sun/jlex \ org/ietf \ org/omg \ org/w3c/dom \ org/xml/sax # # Directories where sources may be found. If a file with the same path # name exists in more than one of these places, the one found last on this # list wins. # SOURCE_DIRS = $(SHARE_SRC)/classes $(PLATFORM_SRC)/classes SOURCE_DIRS += $(GENSRCDIR) SOURCE_DIRS += $(IMPORTSRCDIR) ifndef OPENJDK SOURCE_DIRS += $(CLOSED_SRC)/share/classes endif # # Specific files and directories that will be filtered out from above areas. # SOURCE_FILTERs = $(SCM_DIRs) ',*' SOURCE_FILES_filter = $(SOURCE_FILTERs:%=-name % -prune -o) # # Bug 4249883 - excluding some unnecessary packages from com.sun.tools # # Bug 5008685 - exclude jconsole from sun/tools # TOOLS = \ META-INF/services/com.sun.jdi.connect.Connector \ META-INF/services/com.sun.jdi.connect.spi.TransportService \ sun/tools/asm \ sun/tools/jar \ sun/tools/java \ sun/tools/javac \ sun/tools/jcmd \ sun/tools/jps \ sun/tools/jstat \ sun/tools/jstatd \ sun/tools/native2ascii \ sun/tools/serialver \ sun/tools/tree \ sun/tools/util \ sun/security/tools/jarsigner/Main.class \ sun/security/tools/jarsigner/JarSignerParameters.class \ sun/security/tools/jarsigner/Resources.class \ sun/security/tools/jarsigner/Resources_ja.class \ sun/security/tools/jarsigner/Resources_zh_CN.class \ sun/security/tools/jarsigner/SignatureFile\$$Block.class \ sun/security/tools/jarsigner/SignatureFile.class \ sun/security/tools/jarsigner/TimestampedSigner.class \ sun/rmi/rmic \ sun/applet \ sun/jvmstat \ com/sun/javadoc \ com/sun/jdi \ com/sun/jarsigner \ com/sun/source \ com/sun/tools/classfile \ com/sun/tools/doclets \ com/sun/tools/doclint \ com/sun/tools/example/debug/expr \ com/sun/tools/example/debug/tty \ com/sun/tools/extcheck \ com/sun/tools/hat \ com/sun/tools/javac \ com/sun/tools/javadoc \ com/sun/tools/javah \ com/sun/tools/javap \ com/sun/tools/jdeps \ com/sun/tools/corba \ com/sun/tools/internal/xjc \ com/sun/tools/internal/ws \ META-INF/services/com.sun.tools.internal.ws.wscompile.Plugin \ META-INF/services/com.sun.tools.internal.xjc.Plugin \ com/sun/istack/internal/tools \ com/sun/tools/internal/jxc/ap \ com/sun/tools/internal/ws/wscompile/plugin/at_generated \ com/sun/codemodel \ com/sun/tools/internal/jxc \ com/sun/xml/internal/rngom \ com/sun/xml/internal/xsom \ org/relaxng/datatype \ com/sun/xml/internal/dtdparser \ com/sun/tools/jdi \ com/sun/tools/script/shell \ META-INF/services/com.sun.tools.attach.spi.AttachProvider \ com/sun/tools/attach \ sun/tools/attach \ sun/tools/jstack \ sun/tools/jinfo \ sun/tools/jmap # classes that go into jfr.jar JFR_CLASSES_DIRS= \ com/oracle/jrockit/jfr \ oracle/jrockit/jfr # classes that go into jsse.jar JSSE_CLASSES_DIRS = \ sun/security/provider/Sun.class \ sun/security/rsa/SunRsaSign.class \ sun/security/ssl \ com/sun/net/ssl/internal/ssl # files under $(OUTPUTDIR) that need to go into sec-bin.zip for builds # where the corresponding sources are not available SEC_FILES_DIRS = \ classes/javax/net \ classes/javax/security/cert \ classes/com/sun/net/ssl \ classes/com/sun/security/cert \ classes/sun/net/www/protocol/https \ classes/sun/security/pkcs12 \ classes/sun/security/ssl \ classes/sun/security/krb5/*.class \ classes/sun/security/krb5/internal/*.class \ classes/sun/security/krb5/internal/ccache \ classes/sun/security/krb5/internal/crypto \ classes/sun/security/krb5/internal/ktab \ classes/sun/security/krb5/internal/rcache \ classes/sun/security/krb5/internal/util \ classes/sun/security/jgss/spi/GSSContextSpi.class # files under $(OUTPUTDIR) that need to go into sec-windows-win.zip for builds # where the corresponding sources are not available SEC_FILES_WIN_DIRS = \ classes/sun/security/krb5/internal/tools # files under $(BINDIR) that need to go into jgss_files.zip for builds # where the corresponding sources are not available JGSS_FILES_DIRS = \ bin/w2k_lsa_auth.dll \ bin/w2k_lsa_auth.map \ bin/w2k_lsa_auth.pdb # The following get removed from the SDK image. NOTJDKTOOLS = \ java_vm # The following get removed from the JRE after the bulk-copy of BINDIR... NOTJRETOOLS = \ appletviewer$(EXE_SUFFIX) \ extcheck$(EXE_SUFFIX) \ idlj$(EXE_SUFFIX) \ jar$(EXE_SUFFIX) \ jarsigner$(EXE_SUFFIX) \ java-rmi.cgi \ javac$(EXE_SUFFIX) \ javadoc$(EXE_SUFFIX) \ javah$(EXE_SUFFIX) \ javap$(EXE_SUFFIX) \ jdeps$(EXE_SUFFIX) \ jcmd$(EXE_SUFFIX) \ jdb$(EXE_SUFFIX) \ jps$(EXE_SUFFIX) \ jrunscript$(EXE_SUFFIX) \ jstat$(EXE_SUFFIX) \ jstatd$(EXE_SUFFIX) \ jstack$(EXE_SUFFIX) \ packagebean$(SCRIPT_SUFFIX) \ rmic$(EXE_SUFFIX) \ serialver$(EXE_SUFFIX) \ unregbean$(EXE_SUFFIX) \ jconsole$(EXE_SUFFIX) \ jinfo$(EXE_SUFFIX) \ jmap$(EXE_SUFFIX) \ native2ascii$(EXE_SUFFIX) \ xjc$(EXE_SUFFIX) \ wsgen$(EXE_SUFFIX) \ wsimport$(EXE_SUFFIX) \ schemagen$(EXE_SUFFIX) \ jsadebugd$(EXE_SUFFIX) \ jhat$(EXE_SUFFIX) # The following get removed from the JRE after the bulk-copy of LIBDIR... NOTJRELIBS = tools.jar \ jconsole.jar ifeq ($(INCLUDE_SA), true) NOTJRELIBS += sa-jdi.jar # The following get removed from the JRE after the bulk-copy of LIBDIR... NOTJRE_SHARED_LIBS = $(SALIB_NAME) else NOTJRE_SHARED_LIBS = endif # Attach library is JDK only NOTJRE_SHARED_LIBS += $(LIB_PREFIX)attach.$(LIBRARY_SUFFIX) # ###### RULES # Processing license files from source area to image area # These will be modified to have the platform specific EOL chars. define process-doc-file $(prep-target) $(SED) 's/$$//g' $< > $@ $(CHMOD) 444 $@ endef # JDK files $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/%: $(SHARE_JDK_DOC_SRC)/% $(process-doc-file) $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/demo/DEMOS_LICENSE: $(SHARE_JDK_DOC_SRC)/DEMOS_LICENSE $(process-doc-file) $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/sample/SAMPLES_LICENSE: $(SHARE_JDK_DOC_SRC)/SAMPLES_LICENSE $(process-doc-file) # JRE files $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR)/%: $(SHARE_JRE_DOC_SRC)/% $(process-doc-file) ifeq ($(PLATFORM), windows) $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR)/README.txt: $(SHARE_JRE_DOC_SRC)/README $(process-doc-file) endif # Differences tool DIRDIFF_JARFILE = $(BUILDTOOLJARDIR)/dirdiff.jar ###################################################### # List of directories in classes directory that should NOT be in rt.jar ###################################################### NOT_RT_JAR_LIST = $(ABS_TEMPDIR)/not_rt_jar.list $(NOT_RT_JAR_LIST): FRC $(prep-target) $(ECHO) "#\n" >> $@ $(ECHO) "# List of subdirectories not in include in rt.jar" >> $@ $(ECHO) "# Directories must contain trailing '/'." >> $@ $(ECHO) "com/sun/javadoc/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "com/sun/jdi/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "com/sun/jarsigner/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "com/sun/source/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "com/sun/istack/internal/tools/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "META-INF/services/com.sun.jdi.connect.Connector" >> $@ $(ECHO) "META-INF/services/com.sun.jdi.connect.spi.TransportService" >> $@ $(ECHO) "META-INF/services/com.sun.tools.xjc.Plugin" >> $@ $(ECHO) "com/sun/tools/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "sun/jvmstat/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "sun/nio/cs/ext/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "sun/awt/HKSCS.class" >> $@ $(ECHO) "sun/awt/motif/X11GB2312\$$Decoder.class" >> $@ $(ECHO) "sun/awt/motif/X11GB2312\$$Encoder.class" >> $@ $(ECHO) "sun/awt/motif/X11GB2312.class" >> $@ $(ECHO) "sun/awt/motif/X11GBK\$$Encoder.class" >> $@ $(ECHO) "sun/awt/motif/X11GBK.class" >> $@ $(ECHO) "sun/awt/motif/X11KSC5601\$$Decoder.class" >> $@ $(ECHO) "sun/awt/motif/X11KSC5601\$$Encoder.class" >> $@ $(ECHO) "sun/awt/motif/X11KSC5601.class" >> $@ $(ECHO) "sun/rmi/rmic/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "sun/tools/asm/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "sun/tools/java/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "sun/tools/javac/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "com/sun/tools/classfile/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "com/sun/tools/javap/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "com/sun/tools/jdeps/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "sun/tools/jcmd/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "sun/tools/jconsole/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "sun/tools/jps/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "sun/tools/jstat/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "sun/tools/jstatd/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "sun/tools/native2ascii/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "sun/tools/serialver/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "sun/tools/tree/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "sun/tools/util/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "sun/security/tools/jarsigner/Main.class" >> $@ $(ECHO) "sun/security/tools/jarsigner/JarSignerParameters.class" >> $@ $(ECHO) "sun/security/tools/jarsigner/Resources.class" >> $@ $(ECHO) "sun/security/tools/jarsigner/Resources_ja.class" >> $@ $(ECHO) "sun/security/tools/jarsigner/Resources_zh_CN.class" >> $@ $(ECHO) "sun/security/tools/jarsigner/SignatureFile\$$Block.class" >> $@ $(ECHO) "sun/security/tools/jarsigner/SignatureFile.class" >> $@ $(ECHO) "sun/security/tools/jarsigner/TimestampedSigner.class" >> $@ $(ECHO) "sun/security/provider/Sun.class" >> $@ $(ECHO) "sun/security/rsa/SunRsaSign.class" >> $@ $(ECHO) "sun/security/ssl/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "com/sun/net/ssl/internal/ssl/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "javax/crypto/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "sun/security/internal/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "com/sun/crypto/provider/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "META-INF/services/com.sun.tools.attach.spi.AttachProvider" >> $@ $(ECHO) "com/sun/tools/attach/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "org/relaxng/datatype/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "com/sun/codemodel/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "com/sun/xml/internal/dtdparser/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "com/sun/xml/internal/rngom/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "com/sun/xml/internal/xsom/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "com/sun/tools/script/shell/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "sun/tools/attach/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "sun/tools/jstack/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "sun/tools/jinfo/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "sun/tools/jmap/" >> $@ ifndef OPENJDK ifndef JAVASE_EMBEDDED $(ECHO) "com/oracle/jrockit/jfr/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "com/oracle/jrockit/jfr/client/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "com/oracle/jrockit/jfr/management/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "oracle/jrockit/jfr/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "oracle/jrockit/jfr/events/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "oracle/jrockit/jfr/openmbean/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "oracle/jrockit/jfr/parser/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "oracle/jrockit/jfr/settings/" >> $@ $(ECHO) "oracle/jrockit/jfr/tools/" >> $@ endif endif # File order list for rt.jar # - sun.applet is included, till hotjava stops relying on it. # - sun.tools.jar is included, needs cleanup. # REORDER_TEMPDIR=$(ABS_TEMPDIR)/reorder TOTAL_JAR_FILELIST=$(REORDER_TEMPDIR)/file_list JARFILELISTS_TEMPDIR=$(ABS_TEMPDIR)/jarfilelists RT_JAR_FILELIST=$(JARFILELISTS_TEMPDIR)/rt_jar_list RES_JAR_FILELIST=$(JARFILELISTS_TEMPDIR)/resources_jar_list JARREORDER_JARFILE = $(ABS_BUILDTOOLJARDIR)/jarreorder.jar $(TOTAL_JAR_FILELIST): $(JARREORDER_JARFILE) $(NOT_RT_JAR_LIST) $(prep-target) $(RM) $@.temp ($(CD) $(CLASSBINDIR) && \ $(BOOT_JAVA_CMD) -jar $(JARREORDER_JARFILE) \ -o $@.temp $(ABS_LIBDIR)/classlist $(NOT_RT_JAR_LIST) . ) $(MV) $@.temp $@ @($(CD) $(CLASSBINDIR) && $(java-vm-cleanup)) # Create jfr.jar JFR_JAR= ifndef OPENJDK ifndef JAVASE_EMBEDDED JFR_JAR=$(ABS_TEMPDIR)/jfr-orig.jar $(JFR_JAR): $(OTHER_JAR_MANIFEST_FILE) $(prep-target) $(CD) $(CLASSBINDIR) && \ $(BOOT_JAR_CMD) $(CREATE_JAR_OPTS) $(OTHER_JAR_MANIFEST_FILE) $@ \ $(JFR_CLASSES_DIRS) $(BOOT_JAR_JFLAGS) @$(CD) $(CLASSBINDIR) && $(java-vm-cleanup) endif endif # Create the rt.jar file list & non-class files list JARSPLIT_JARFILE = $(BUILDTOOLJARDIR)/jarsplit.jar $(RT_JAR_FILELIST) + $(RES_JAR_FILELIST): \ $(TOTAL_JAR_FILELIST) $(JARSPLIT_JARFILE) @$(RM) $(RT_JAR_FILELIST) $(RES_JAR_FILELIST) $(MKDIR) -p $(JARFILELISTS_TEMPDIR) $(BOOT_JAVA_CMD) -jar $(JARSPLIT_JARFILE) \ $(TOTAL_JAR_FILELIST) \ -o $(RT_JAR_FILELIST) $(RES_JAR_FILELIST) @$(java-vm-cleanup) # Create the manifest file. RT_JAR_MANIFEST_FILE=$(ABS_TEMPDIR)/rt_manifest.tmp $(RT_JAR_MANIFEST_FILE): $(MAINMANIFEST) $(BEANMANIFEST) $(prep-target) $(SED) -e "s#@@RELEASE@@#$(RELEASE)#" \ -e "s#@@COMPANY_NAME@@#$(COMPANY_NAME)#" \ $(MAINMANIFEST) >> $@ $(ECHO) >> $@ $(CAT) $(BEANMANIFEST) >> $@ OTHER_JAR_MANIFEST_FILE=$(ABS_TEMPDIR)/other_manifest.tmp $(OTHER_JAR_MANIFEST_FILE): $(MAINMANIFEST) $(prep-target) $(SED) -e "s#@@RELEASE@@#$(RELEASE)#" \ -e "s#@@COMPANY_NAME@@#$(COMPANY_NAME)#" \ $(MAINMANIFEST) >> $@ # Create resources.jar containing non-class files RESOURCES_JAR=$(ABS_TEMPDIR)/resources-orig.jar $(RESOURCES_JAR): $(RES_JAR_FILELIST) $(OTHER_JAR_MANIFEST_FILE) $(prep-target) $(CD) $(CLASSBINDIR) && \ $(BOOT_JAR_CMD) $(CREATE_JAR_OPTS) $(OTHER_JAR_MANIFEST_FILE) $@ \ @$(RES_JAR_FILELIST) $(BOOT_JAR_JFLAGS) @$(CD) $(CLASSBINDIR) && $(java-vm-cleanup) # Create jsse.jar containing SunJSSE implementation classes JSSE_JAR=$(ABS_TEMPDIR)/jsse-orig.jar $(JSSE_JAR): $(OTHER_JAR_MANIFEST_FILE) $(prep-target) $(CD) $(CLASSBINDIR) && \ $(BOOT_JAR_CMD) $(CREATE_JAR_OPTS) $(OTHER_JAR_MANIFEST_FILE) $@ \ $(JSSE_CLASSES_DIRS) $(BOOT_JAR_JFLAGS) @$(CD) $(CLASSBINDIR) && $(java-vm-cleanup) # Create sec-bin.zip SEC_FILES_ZIP=$(ABS_TEMPDIR)/sec-bin.zip sec-files:: $(prep-target) $(RM) $(SEC_FILES_ZIP) $(CD) $(OUTPUTDIR) && \ $(ZIPEXE) -rq9 $(SEC_FILES_ZIP) $(SEC_FILES_DIRS) @$(java-vm-cleanup) # Create sec-windows-bin.zip SEC_FILES_WIN_ZIP=$(ABS_TEMPDIR)/sec-windows-bin.zip sec-files-win:: ifeq ($(PLATFORM), windows) $(prep-target) $(RM) $(SEC_FILES_WIN_ZIP) $(CD) $(OUTPUTDIR) && \ $(ZIPEXE) -rq9 $(SEC_FILES_WIN_ZIP) $(SEC_FILES_WIN_DIRS) @$(java-vm-cleanup) endif # Create JGSS files that contains the native Kerberos library JGSS_WIN32_FILES_ZIP=$(ABS_TEMPDIR)/jgss-windows-i586-bin.zip JGSS_WIN64_FILES_ZIP=$(ABS_TEMPDIR)/jgss-windows-x64-bin.zip jgss-files:: ifeq ($(PLATFORM), windows) $(prep-target) ifeq ($(ARCH_DATA_MODEL), 32) $(RM) $(JGSS_WIN32_FILES_ZIP) $(CD) $(OUTPUTDIR) && \ $(ZIPEXE) -rq9 $(JGSS_WIN32_FILES_ZIP) $(JGSS_FILES_DIRS) else $(RM) $(JGSS_WIN64_FILES_ZIP) $(CD) $(OUTPUTDIR) && \ $(ZIPEXE) -rq9 $(JGSS_WIN64_FILES_ZIP) $(JGSS_FILES_DIRS) endif @$(java-vm-cleanup) endif # Create rt.jar RT_JAR=$(ABS_TEMPDIR)/rt-orig.jar $(RT_JAR): $(RT_JAR_FILELIST) $(RT_JAR_MANIFEST_FILE) $(prep-target) $(CD) $(CLASSBINDIR) && \ $(BOOT_JAR_CMD) $(CREATE_JAR_OPTS) $(RT_JAR_MANIFEST_FILE) $@ \ @$(RT_JAR_FILELIST) $(BOOT_JAR_JFLAGS) @$(CD) $(CLASSBINDIR) && $(java-vm-cleanup) # Meta-index construction to make core class loaders lazier BUILDMETAINDEX_JARFILE = $(ABS_BUILDTOOLJARDIR)/buildmetaindex.jar ###################################################### # JRE Image ###################################################### initial-image-jre-setup: $(RM) -r $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR) $(MKDIR) -p $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR) # 64-bit solaris jre image contains only the 64-bit add-on files. initial-image-jre-sol64:: initial-image-jre-setup @# Use tar instead of cp to preserve the symbolic links for dir in bin lib ; do \ ( $(CD) $(OUTPUTDIR) && \ $(TAR) cf - `$(FIND) $$dir -name '$(ARCH)' -print` | \ ($(CD) $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR) && $(TAR) xf -) ) ; \ done @# Remove some files from the jre area for t in $(NOTJRETOOLS) ; do \ $(RM) $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR)/bin$(ISA_DIR)/$$t ; \ done for l in $(NOTJRELIBS) ; do \ $(RM) $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR)/lib/$$l ; \ done $(RM) `$(FIND) $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR)/lib -name 'orb.idl'` $(RM) `$(FIND) $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR)/lib -name 'ir.idl'` # Construct an initial jre image (initial jdk jre) no trimming or stripping # See "initial-image-jdk-setup" for an explanation of the rm of # drive names like C: initial-image-jre:: initial-image-jre-setup \ $(JRE_DOCFILES) \ $(RT_JAR) $(RESOURCES_JAR) $(JSSE_JAR) $(JFR_JAR) \ $(BUILDMETAINDEX_JARFILE) @# Copy in bin directory ifeq ($(USING_MSYS),true) # No cpio in MinGW/MSYS $(CD) $(OUTPUTDIR) && $(TAR) -cf - bin | ($(CD) $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR) && $(TAR) -xpf -) else $(CD) $(OUTPUTDIR) && $(FIND) bin -depth | $(CPIO) -pdum $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR) endif @# CTE plugin security change require new empty directory lib/applet $(MKDIR) -p $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR)/lib/applet @# Copy in lib directory ifeq ($(USING_MSYS),true) # No cpio in MinGW/MSYS $(CD) $(OUTPUTDIR) && $(TAR) -cf - lib | ($(CD) $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR) && $(TAR) -xpf -) else $(CD) $(OUTPUTDIR) && $(FIND) lib -depth | $(CPIO) -pdum $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR) endif ifeq ($(USING_CYGWIN),true) $(RM) -rf $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR)/[A-Za-z]: $(RM) -rf $(OUTPUTDIR)/[A-Za-z]: endif @# Make sure all directories are read/execute for everyone $(CHMOD) a+rx `$(FIND) $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR) -type d` @# Remove some files from the jre area for t in $(NOTJRETOOLS) ; do \ $(RM) $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR)/bin$(ISA_DIR)/$$t ; \ done for l in $(NOTJRELIBS) ; do \ $(RM) $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR)/lib/$$l ; \ done @# Remove orb.idl and ir.idl from jre $(FIND) $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR)/lib -name 'orb.idl' -exec $(RM) \{} \; $(FIND) $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR)/lib -name 'ir.idl' -exec $(RM) \{} \; @# Copy in rt.jar & resources.jar file $(CP) $(RT_JAR) $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR)/lib/rt.jar $(CP) $(RESOURCES_JAR) $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR)/lib/resources.jar $(CP) $(JSSE_JAR) $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR)/lib/jsse.jar ifneq ($(JFR_JAR),) $(CP) $(JFR_JAR) $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR)/lib/jfr.jar endif @# Generate meta-index to make boot and extension class loaders lazier $(CD) $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR)/lib && \ $(BOOT_JAVA_CMD) -jar $(BUILDMETAINDEX_JARFILE) \ -o meta-index *.jar @$(CD) $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR)/lib && $(java-vm-cleanup) $(CD) $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR)/lib/ext && \ $(BOOT_JAVA_CMD) -jar $(BUILDMETAINDEX_JARFILE) \ -o meta-index *.jar @$(CD) $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR)/lib/ext && $(java-vm-cleanup) ifeq ($(PLATFORM), macosx) @#install jobjc, apple mac only $(CP) $(OUTPUTDIR)/JObjC.build/JObjC.jar $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR)/lib/JObjC.jar endif ifeq ($(PLATFORM), windows) @# Remove certain *.lib files $(CD) $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR)/lib && \ $(RM) java.$(LIB_SUFFIX) jvm.$(LIB_SUFFIX) \ awt.$(LIB_SUFFIX) jawt.$(LIB_SUFFIX) ifeq ($(ARCH_DATA_MODEL), 32) @# The Java Kernel JRE image ships with a special VM. It is not included @# in the full JRE image, so remove it. Also, is it only for 32-bit windows. $(CD) $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR)/bin && $(RM) -r kernel endif endif # Windows ifneq ($(PLATFORM), windows) $(call copy-man-pages,$(JRE_IMAGE_DIR),$(JRE_MAN_PAGES)) endif # !windows # Trim out any extra files not for the jre shipment but wanted in the jdk jre. # (Note the jdk WILL want the jre image before this trimming) # Removes server VM on Windows 32bit. # Remove certain shared libraries that should not be in the jre image # but should be in the jdk jre image. trim-image-jre:: ifeq ($(PLATFORM), windows) ifeq ($(ARCH_DATA_MODEL), 32) $(RM) -r $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR)/bin/server endif ifdef NOTJRE_SHARED_LIBS for l in $(NOTJRE_SHARED_LIBS) ; do \ $(RM) $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR)/bin/$$l ; \ done ; endif else # PLATFORM ifdef NOTJRE_SHARED_LIBS for l in $(NOTJRE_SHARED_LIBS) ; do \ $(RM) $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR)/lib/$(LIBARCH)/$$l ; \ done ; endif endif # PLATFORM # Get list of all binary (COFF or Elf) files in the jre JRE_BIN_LIST=$(TEMPDIR)/jre-bin-files.list $(JRE_BIN_LIST): $(RM) $@ ifeq ($(PLATFORM), windows) $(FIND) $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR)/bin -type f -name \*.exe \ -o -name \*.dll | $(EGREP) -v -i "$(MSVCRNN_DLL)" > $@ else $(FIND) $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR)/lib -type f -name \*.$(LIB_SUFFIX) >> $@ # The FILE command reports .debuginfo files as "ELF", but we don't want # those files in the JRE_BIN_LIST file. EXE_SUFFIX is empty on non-Windows. $(FILE) `$(FIND) $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR)/bin -type f ! -name '*.debuginfo' -name \*$(EXE_SUFFIX)` \ | $(EGREP) 'ELF' | $(CUT) -d':' -f1 >> $@ endif # Post process the image (strips and mcs on Elf files we are shipping) # (Note the jdk WILL want the jre image before this processing) process-image-jre:: $(JRE_BIN_LIST) ifneq ($(POST_STRIP_PROCESS), ) @for f in `$(CAT) $(JRE_BIN_LIST)`; do \ $(CHMOD) u+w $${f}; \ $(ECHO) $(POST_STRIP_PROCESS) $${f}; \ $(POST_STRIP_PROCESS) $${f}; \ $(CHMOD) go-w $${f}; \ done endif ifneq ($(POST_MCS_PROCESS), ) @for f in `$(CAT) $(JRE_BIN_LIST)`; do \ $(CHMOD) u+w $${f}; \ $(ECHO) $(POST_MCS_PROCESS) $${f}; \ $(POST_MCS_PROCESS) $${f}; \ $(CHMOD) go-w $${f}; \ done endif @for f in `$(CAT) $(JRE_BIN_LIST)`; do \ $(call binary_file_verification,$${f}); \ done $(RM) $(JRE_BIN_LIST) ###################################################### # JDK Image ###################################################### # Note: cpio ($(CPIO)) sometimes leaves directories without rx access. # REMIND: the $(RM) calls for patterns like c:, d: following $(CPIO) # are because the 1.7.x versions of cygwin's cpio command drops these # in the working directory if the output path begins with that pattern # The one for the output jre subdirectory gets there because cpio sees its # own dropping in the input jre subdirectory. Need to remove both of these. # We can remove these RM's if someone figures out how to stop cpio from # leaving these there. # Note that its a real problem not because this directory can end up in the # bundle (I think it won't since it not in bin or lib and those are the # only places from which we copy everything), but because the presence # of this file causes cygwin's find to bomb out, thus breaking the build # in "install". initial-image-jdk-setup: $(RM) -r $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR) $(MKDIR) -p $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/jre ifeq ($(USING_MSYS),true) ($(CD) $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR) && $(TAR) -cf - . \ | ($(CD) $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/jre && $(TAR) -xpf -)) else ($(CD) $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR) && $(FIND) . -depth -print \ | $(CPIO) -pdum $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/jre ) endif ifeq ($(USING_CYGWIN),true) $(RM) -rf $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR)/[A-Za-z]: $(RM) -rf $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/jre/[A-Za-z]: endif $(RM) -rf $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/jre/man $(CHMOD) a+rx `$(FIND) $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR) -type d` initial-image-jdk64-bindemos: for dir in bin demo ; do \ ( $(CD) $(OUTPUTDIR) && \ $(TAR) cf - `$(FIND) $$dir -name '$(LIBARCH)' -print` | \ ($(CD) $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR) && $(TAR) xf -) ) ; \ done # Solaris 64 bit image is special initial-image-jdk-sol64:: initial-image-jdk-setup \ initial-image-jdk64-bindemos # DB files to add ifdef OPENJDK initial-image-jdk-db: else # Create the list of db *.zip files to bundle with jdk ABS_DB_PATH :=$(call FullPath,$(CLOSED_SHARE_SRC)/db) DB_ZIP_LIST = $(shell $(LS) $(ABS_DB_PATH)/*.zip 2>/dev/null) # Java DB image. Move the Java DB demo directory into the JDK's demo # dir and in the process, rename it to db. Also remove index.html, # since it presumes docs are co-located. Also remove register.html (no # longer relevant). initial-image-jdk-db: $(DB_ZIP_LIST) $(MKDIR) -p $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/db for d in $(DB_ZIP_LIST); do \ ($(CD) $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/db && $(UNZIP) -o $$d); \ done $(CP) $(ABS_DB_PATH)/README-JDK.html $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/db ifndef NO_DEMOS $(RM) -rf $(DEMODIR)/db $(MV) $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/db/demo $(DEMODIR)/db $(CP) $(ABS_DB_PATH)/README-JDK-DEMOS.html $(DEMODIR)/db/ else $(RM) -rf $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/db/demo endif $(RM) $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/db/index.html $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/db/register.html endif # The launcher source files we need for src.zip FILES_launcher = $(wildcard $(SHARE_SRC)/bin/*) \ $(wildcard $(PLATFORM_SRC)/bin/java_md*) # Standard jdk image initial-image-jdk:: initial-image-jdk-setup \ initial-image-jdk-db \ $(JDK_DOCFILES) \ $(JDK_DEMOS_AND_SAMPLES_DOCFILES) $(MKDIR) $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/lib @# @# Copy in the jars in lib that only belong in the JDK @# for l in $(NOTJRELIBS); do \ if [ -r $(LIBDIR)/$$l ]; then \ $(CP) $(LIBDIR)/$$l $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/lib; \ fi; \ done ifeq ($(PLATFORM), windows) @# @# lib/ @# $(CP) $(LIBDIR)/$(LIB_PREFIX)jvm.$(LIB_SUFFIX) $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/lib $(CP) $(LIBDIR)/$(LIB_PREFIX)jawt.$(LIB_SUFFIX) $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/lib @# @# bin/ @# @# copy all EXE files and only certain DLL files from BINDIR $(MKDIR) -p $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/bin $(CP) $(BINDIR)/*$(EXE_SUFFIX) $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/bin $(CP) $(BINDIR)/jli.$(LIBRARY_SUFFIX) $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/bin ifeq ($(COMPILER_VERSION), VS2010) $(CP) $(BINDIR)/msvc*100.$(LIBRARY_SUFFIX) $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/bin endif else # PLATFORM @# @# bin/ @# ($(CD) $(BINDIR)/.. && $(TAR) cf - \ `$(FIND) bin \( -type f -o -type l \) -print `) | \ ($(CD) $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR) && $(TAR) xf -) endif # PLATFORM @# @# files that might not exist need to be touched. @# $(TOUCH) $(CLASSBINDIR)/META-INF/services/com.sun.tools.internal.xjc.Plugin @# @# lib/tools.jar @# $(CD) $(CLASSBINDIR) && \ $(BOOT_JAR_CMD) $(CREATE_JAR_OPTS_NOMANIFEST) $(ABS_LIBDIR)/tools.jar \ $(TOOLS) $(BOOT_JAR_JFLAGS) @$(CD) $(CLASSBINDIR) && $(java-vm-cleanup) $(CP) $(LIBDIR)/tools.jar $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/lib/tools.jar @# @# lib/ct.sym @# $(MKDIR) -p $(OUTPUTDIR)/symbols/META-INF/sym $(JAVAC_CMD) -XDprocess.packages -proc:only \ -processor com.sun.tools.javac.sym.CreateSymbols \ -Acom.sun.tools.javac.sym.Jar=$(RT_JAR) \ -Acom.sun.tools.javac.sym.Dest=$(OUTPUTDIR)/symbols/META-INF/sym/rt.jar \ -Acom.sun.tools.javac.sym.Profiles=$(JDK_TOPDIR)/makefiles/profile-rtjar-includes.txt \ $(CORE_PKGS) $(NON_CORE_PKGS) $(EXCLUDE_PROPWARN_PKGS) $(EXPORTED_PRIVATE_PKGS) $(BOOT_JAR_CMD) $(CREATE_JAR_OPTS_NOMANIFEST) $(LIBDIR)/ct.sym \ -C $(OUTPUTDIR)/symbols META-INF $(BOOT_JAR_JFLAGS) @$(java-vm-cleanup) $(CP) $(LIBDIR)/ct.sym $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/lib/ct.sym @# @# CORBA supported orb.idl and ir.idl should be copied to lib @# $(CP) $(LIBDIR)/orb.idl $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/lib/orb.idl $(CP) $(LIBDIR)/ir.idl $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/lib/ir.idl ifeq ($(PLATFORM), linux) @# @# on Linux copy jexec from jre/lib to /lib @# $(CP) $(LIBDIR)/jexec $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/lib/jexec endif # PLATFORM @# @# src.zip @# $(MKDIR) -p $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/src @# @# The '*-*' pattern in the find command excludes files named with dashes, @# such as the java.nio templates for generated classes @# @# The Linux 'tar' command cannot handle the huge command line argument @# generated by the more efficient solaris/windows method of copying files. @# So for Linux, make use of the -T option (like Solaris' -I option) of @# obtaining the list of files from a file. MKS tar has no such option. ifneq (,$(findstring $(PLATFORM), linux macosx)) for d in $(SOURCE_DIRS); do \ $(RM) $(ABS_TEMPDIR)/src-files.list; \ ($(CD) $$d && \ for sd in $(SOURCES) ; do \ if [ -d $$sd ] ; then \ $(FIND) $$sd $(SOURCE_FILES_filter) \ -name '*.java' -print \ >> $(ABS_TEMPDIR)/src-files.list ; \ fi; \ done ; \ ) ; \ if [ -f $(ABS_TEMPDIR)/src-files.list ] ; then \ ($(CD) $$d && $(TAR) cf - -T $(ABS_TEMPDIR)/src-files.list ) \ | ($(CD) $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/src && $(TAR) xf -); \ fi; \ done else for d in $(SOURCE_DIRS); do \ $(RM) $(ABS_TEMPDIR)/src-files.list; \ ($(CD) $$d && \ for sd in $(SOURCES) ; do \ if [ -d $$sd ] ; then \ $(FIND) $$sd $(SOURCE_FILES_filter) \ -name '*.java' -print \ >> $(ABS_TEMPDIR)/src-files.list ; \ fi; \ done ; \ ) ; \ if [ -f $(ABS_TEMPDIR)/src-files.list ] ; then \ ($(CD) $$d && $(TAR) cf - `$(CAT) $(ABS_TEMPDIR)/src-files.list`) \ | ($(CD) $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/src && $(TAR) xf -); \ fi; \ done endif $(RM) $(ABS_TEMPDIR)/src-files.list $(CHMOD) -R +w $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/src $(MKDIR) -p $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/src/launcher $(CP) $(FILES_launcher) $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/src/launcher $(CD) $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/src && $(ZIPEXE) -qr ../src.zip * $(RM) -r $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/src @# @# demo, include @# ifndef NO_DEMOS $(CP) -r -f $(DEMODIR) $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR) endif ifndef NO_SAMPLES $(CP) -r -f $(SAMPLEDIR) $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR) endif $(CP) -r $(INCLUDEDIR) $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR) @# @# Swing BeanInfo generation @# $(CD) javax/swing/beaninfo && $(MAKE) swing-1.2-beans ifneq ($(PLATFORM), windows) $(call copy-man-pages,$(JDK_IMAGE_DIR),$(JDK_MAN_PAGES)) endif # !windows # Trim out files we don't want to ship trim-image-jdk:: @# Remove tools that should not be part of SDK. for t in $(NOTJDKTOOLS); do \ $(RM) $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/bin/$${t}$(EXE_SUFFIX); \ done # Get list of binary (COFF or Elf) files in the jdk JDK_BIN_LIST=$(TEMPDIR)/jdk-bin-files.list $(JDK_BIN_LIST): ifeq ($(PLATFORM), windows) $(FIND) $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/jre/bin -type f -name \*.exe \ -o -name \*.dll | $(EGREP) -v -i "$(MSVCRNN_DLL)" > $@ $(FIND) $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/bin -type f -name \*.exe \ -o -name \*.dll | $(EGREP) -v -i "$(MSVCRNN_DLL)" >> $@ else $(RM) $@ $(FIND) $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/jre/lib -type f -name \*.$(LIB_SUFFIX) >> $@ # The FILE command reports .debuginfo files as "ELF", but we don't want # those files in the JDK_BIN_LIST file. EXE_SUFFIX is empty on non-Windows. $(FILE) `$(FIND) $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/jre/bin -type f ! -name '*.debuginfo' -name \*$(EXE_SUFFIX)` \ | $(EGREP) 'ELF' | $(CUT) -d':' -f1 >> $@ file `$(FIND) $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/bin -type f ! -name '*.debuginfo' -name \*$(EXE_SUFFIX)` \ | $(EGREP) 'ELF' | $(CUT) -d':' -f1 >> $@ endif # Post process the image (strips and mcs on files we are shipping) process-image-jdk:: $(JDK_BIN_LIST) ifneq ($(POST_STRIP_PROCESS), ) @for f in `$(CAT) $(JDK_BIN_LIST)`; do \ $(CHMOD) u+w $${f}; \ $(ECHO) $(POST_STRIP_PROCESS) $${f}; \ $(POST_STRIP_PROCESS) $${f}; \ $(CHMOD) go-w $${f}; \ done endif ifneq ($(POST_MCS_PROCESS), ) @for f in `$(CAT) $(JDK_BIN_LIST)`; do \ $(CHMOD) u+w $${f}; \ $(ECHO) $(POST_MCS_PROCESS) $${f}; \ $(POST_MCS_PROCESS) $${f}; \ $(CHMOD) go-w $${f}; \ done endif @for f in `$(CAT) $(JDK_BIN_LIST)`; do \ $(call binary_file_verification,$${f}); \ done $(RM) $(JDK_BIN_LIST) ################################################################### # What did we build ################################################################### # The jdk text info file that lives at the root of the install image. JDK_INFO_FILE = $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/release JRE_INFO_FILE = $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR)/release # Common way to emit a line into the release or info file define info-file-item # name value $(PRINTF) '%s="%s"\n' $1 $2 >> $@ endef # Values to emit MINIMUM_OS_NAME := $(REQUIRED_OS_NAME) MINIMUM_OS_VERSION := $(REQUIRED_OS_VERSION) MINIMUM_OS_ARCH := $(ARCH) ALL_SOURCE_TIPS = $(shell \ if [ -f $(SOURCE_TIPS) ] ; then \ $(CAT) $(SOURCE_TIPS) ; \ fi) $(JDK_INFO_FILE): FRC $(prep-target) $(call info-file-item, "JAVA_VERSION", "$(THIS_JDK_VERSION)") $(call info-file-item, "OS_NAME", "$(MINIMUM_OS_NAME)") $(call info-file-item, "OS_VERSION", "$(MINIMUM_OS_VERSION)") $(call info-file-item, "OS_ARCH", "$(MINIMUM_OS_ARCH)") $(call info-file-item, "SOURCE", "$(ALL_SOURCE_TIPS)") # Create release file to identify this image identify-image-jdk:: $(JDK_INFO_FILE) $(JRE_INFO_FILE): FRC $(prep-target) $(call info-file-item, "JAVA_VERSION", "$(THIS_JDK_VERSION)") $(call info-file-item, "OS_NAME", "$(MINIMUM_OS_NAME)") $(call info-file-item, "OS_VERSION", "$(MINIMUM_OS_VERSION)") $(call info-file-item, "OS_ARCH", "$(MINIMUM_OS_ARCH)") $(call info-file-item, "SOURCE", "$(ALL_SOURCE_TIPS)") # Create release file to identify this image identify-image-jre:: $(JRE_INFO_FILE) ################################################################### # What do we compare against ################################################################### # The temporary files and areas created TEMP_PREV_JRE_BASE_DIR=$(TEMPDIR)/previous_jre TEMP_PREV_JDK_BASE_DIR=$(TEMPDIR)/previous_jdk TEMP_PREV_JRE_COMPARISON=$(TEMP_PREV_JRE_BASE_DIR)/previous_jre_comparison.txt TEMP_PREV_JDK_COMPARISON=$(TEMP_PREV_JDK_BASE_DIR)/previous_jdk_comparison.txt TEMP_PREV_JRE_IMAGE_DIR=$(TEMP_PREV_JRE_BASE_DIR)/jre$(PREVIOUS_JDK_VERSION) TEMP_PREV_JDK_IMAGE_DIR=$(TEMP_PREV_JDK_BASE_DIR)/jdk$(PREVIOUS_JDK_VERSION) # unbundle(sourcedir,bundlename,destdir) # logic is slightly different if a .tar.gz file (linux) define unbundle $(RM) -r $3 $(MKDIR) -p $3 $(CP) $1 $3 if [ "`$(BASENAME) $2 .gz`" != "$2" ] ; then \ ( $(CD) $3 && ( $(GUNZIP) -dc $2 | $(TAR) xf - ) && $(RM) $2 ); \ else \ ( $(CD) $3 && $(TAR) xf $2 && $(RM) $2 ); \ fi ( $(CD) $3 && $(RM) $2 ) endef # In general, ignore the fastdebug tree, and changes in the demo and sample area COMPARE_FILTER = | $(EGREP) -v /fastdebug/ | $(EGREP) -v /demo/ | $(EGREP) -v /sample/ # If a previuous image is provided, no need to install it. ifdef PREVIOUS_RELEASE_IMAGE # Just use the pre-installed images PREV_JRE_IMAGE_DIR=$(PREVIOUS_RELEASE_IMAGE)/jre PREV_JDK_IMAGE_DIR=$(PREVIOUS_RELEASE_IMAGE) else # Use the temp images we will create PREV_JRE_IMAGE_DIR=$(TEMP_PREV_JRE_IMAGE_DIR) PREV_JDK_IMAGE_DIR=$(TEMP_PREV_JDK_IMAGE_DIR) # Force the installation in this case compare-image:: install-previous-sanity install-previous-jre install-previous-jdk # Unbundle the jre $(TEMP_PREV_JRE_IMAGE_DIR)/bin/java$(EXE_SUFFIX): $(PREVIOUS_JRE_BUNDLE) $(call unbundle,$(PREVIOUS_JRE_BUNDLE),$(PREVIOUS_JRE_FILE),$(TEMP_PREV_JRE_BASE_DIR)) $(TOUCH) $@ # Unbundle the jdk $(TEMP_PREV_JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/bin/java$(EXE_SUFFIX): $(PREVIOUS_JDK_BUNDLE) $(call unbundle,$(PREVIOUS_JDK_BUNDLE),$(PREVIOUS_JDK_FILE),$(TEMP_PREV_JDK_BASE_DIR)) $(TOUCH) $@ endif # Make sure all images have a java in them (used as the touch file) install-previous-sanity: @if [ ! -f $(PREVIOUS_JRE_BUNDLE) ]; then \ $(ECHO) "ERROR: You do not have access to the previous java release jre bundles. \n" \ " Please check your access to \n" \ " $(PREVIOUS_JRE_BUNDLE) \n" \ " and/or check your value of ALT_PREVIOUS_RELEASE_PATH or ALT_PREVIOUS_JRE_FILE \n" \ " This will affect you if you build the images target. \n" \ "" >> $(ERROR_FILE) ; \ fi @if [ ! -f $(PREVIOUS_JDK_BUNDLE) ]; then \ $(ECHO) "ERROR: You do not have access to the previous java release sdk bundles. \n" \ " Please check your access to \n" \ " $(PREVIOUS_sdk_BUNDLE) \n" \ " and/or check your value of ALT_PREVIOUS_RELEASE_PATH or ALT_PREVIOUS_JDK_FILE. \n" \ " This will affect you if you build the images target. \n" \ "" >> $(ERROR_FILE) ; \ fi install-previous-jre: $(PREV_JRE_IMAGE_DIR)/bin/java$(EXE_SUFFIX) install-previous-jdk: $(PREV_JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/bin/java$(EXE_SUFFIX) # Create the jre comparison report $(TEMP_PREV_JRE_COMPARISON): install-previous-jre $(DIRDIFF_JARFILE) $(prep-target) $(BOOT_JAVA_CMD) -jar $(DIRDIFF_JARFILE) \ $(PREV_JRE_IMAGE_DIR) $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR) | $(SORT) > $@ @$(java-vm-cleanup) # Create the jdk comparison report $(TEMP_PREV_JDK_COMPARISON): install-previous-jdk $(DIRDIFF_JARFILE) $(prep-target) $(BOOT_JAVA_CMD) -jar $(DIRDIFF_JARFILE) \ $(PREV_JDK_IMAGE_DIR) $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR) | $(SORT) > $@ @$(java-vm-cleanup) # Clean up names in the messages printed out CAT_FILTER = $(SED) -e "s|$(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)|JDK_IMAGE|g" \ -e "s|$(JRE_IMAGE_DIR)|JRE_IMAGE|g" # Report on the jre image comparison compare-image-jre: $(TEMP_PREV_JRE_COMPARISON) @$(ECHO) "JRE Image Comparison to version $(PREVIOUS_JDK_VERSION)" @$(ECHO) " Previous: $(PREV_JRE_IMAGE_DIR)" @$(ECHO) " Current: $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR)" @$(CAT) $< $(COMPARE_FILTER) | $(CAT_FILTER) ( $(ECHO) " " ; $(CAT) $< | $(CAT_FILTER) ; $(ECHO) " " ) >> $(WARNING_FILE) # Report on the jdk image comparison compare-image-jdk: $(TEMP_PREV_JDK_COMPARISON) @$(ECHO) "JDK Image Comparison to version $(PREVIOUS_JDK_VERSION)" @$(ECHO) " Previous: $(PREV_JDK_IMAGE_DIR)" @$(ECHO) " Current: $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)" $(CAT) $< $(COMPARE_FILTER) | $(CAT_FILTER) ( $(ECHO) " " ; $(CAT) $< | $(CAT_FILTER) ; $(ECHO) " " ) >> $(WARNING_FILE) # Do both image comparisons compare-image:: compare-image-jre compare-image-jdk # Clean up any temp images and reports compare-image-clobber: $(RM) -r $(TEMP_PREV_JRE_BASE_DIR) $(RM) -r $(TEMP_PREV_JDK_BASE_DIR) ###################################################### # clobber ###################################################### images-clobber:: $(RM) -r $(REORDER_TEMPDIR) $(RM) -r $(JARFILELISTS_TEMPDIR) ifeq ($(ARCH_DATA_MODEL), 32) $(CD) javax/swing/beaninfo && $(MAKE) swingbeans.clobber $(RM) -r $(CLASSBINDIR)/META-INF $(RM) $(TEMPDIR)/tmp.jar endif ifeq ($(PLATFORM), linux) $(RM) -r $(OUTPUTDIR)/$(ARCH) endif ifeq ($(PLATFORM), windows) $(RM) $(TEMPDIR)/rebase.input endif $(RM) -r $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR) $(RM) -r $(JRE_IMAGE_DIR) images images-clobber:: @$(ECHO) ">>>Finished making "$@" @ `$(DATE)` ..." @$(java-vm-cleanup) .PHONY: images image-jre image-jdk \ initial-image-jre initial-image-jdk \ initial-image-jre-sol64 initial-image-jdk-sol64 \ initial-image-jdk-setup \ initial-image-jdk-db \ initial-image-jdk64-bindemos \ initial-image-jre-setup \ trim-image-jre trim-image-jdk \ process-image-jre process-image-jdk \ identify-image-jre identify-image-jdk \ install-previous-jre install-previous-jdk \ compare-image-jre compare-image-jdk \ compare-image compare-image-clobber \ images-clobber # Force rule FRC: