T6304921.java:671/671/680: warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: java.util.ArrayList missing type parameters for generic class java.util.ArrayList List list = new ArrayList(); ^ T6304921.java:667/667/682: warning: [unchecked] unchecked conversion found : java.util.ArrayList required: java.util.List List list = new ArrayList(); ^ T6304921.java:445/445/453: warning: [fallthrough] possible fall-through into case default: ^ T6304921.java:522/613/614: warning: [finally] finally clause cannot complete normally } ^ T6304921.java:727/733/737: cannot find symbol symbol : variable orr location: class java.lang.System System.orr.println("abc"); // name not found ^ T6304921.java:812/816/822: operator + cannot be applied to int,boolean return 123 + true; // bad binary expression ^ 2 errors 4 warnings