S.No Test Scenario
1 Table Demo (tests table navigation, as well as textfield input)
  1. Press Left/Right arrow key until the Table icon has focus. Press 'space' to choose.
  2. Tab until the "Table Demo" tab has focus. Press 'space'. Press 'tab'. "Reordering allowed" should have focus.
  3. Tab to the Printing/Header textfield. Verify that you can type in some text.
  4. Continue tabbing until focus moves to the table. The table should show focus.
  5. Press the down arrow. "Mike Albers" should have focus.
  6. Use the right and left arrow keys to navigate between cells.
  7. Set focus to a text cell (e.g. someone's first name). Press space to edit. Type some text. Hit 'enter' and verify the text has been changed. After editing a text cell and hitting 'enter', the focus could remain on the current cell or go to the next line.
  8. Press the 'Page Up' and 'Page Down' keys (if available on your keyboard); verify that the Table scrolls up and down, page by page.

Expected Result
See above test description.
Note: actual component appearence may vary depending on look and feel.