/* * Copyright (c) 2015, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /* * @test * @summary tests for --module-source-path * @library /tools/lib * @modules * jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.api * jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.main * @build toolbox.ToolBox toolbox.JavacTask ModuleTestBase * @run main ModuleSourcePathTest */ import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import java.util.stream.Stream; import javax.tools.JavaCompiler; import javax.tools.JavaFileManager.Location; import javax.tools.StandardJavaFileManager; import javax.tools.StandardLocation; import javax.tools.ToolProvider; import toolbox.JavacTask; import toolbox.Task; import toolbox.ToolBox; public class ModuleSourcePathTest extends ModuleTestBase { public static final char PATH_SEP = File.pathSeparatorChar; public static void main(String... args) throws Exception { ModuleSourcePathTest t = new ModuleSourcePathTest(); t.runTests(); } @Test public void testSourcePathConflict(Path base) throws Exception { Path sp = base.resolve("src"); Path msp = base.resolve("srcmodules"); String log = new JavacTask(tb, Task.Mode.CMDLINE) .options("-XDrawDiagnostics", "--source-path", sp.toString().replace('/', File.separatorChar), "--module-source-path", msp.toString().replace('/', File.separatorChar), "dummyClass") .run(Task.Expect.FAIL) .writeAll() .getOutput(Task.OutputKind.DIRECT); if (!log.contains("compiler.err.sourcepath.modulesourcepath.conflict")) throw new Exception("expected diagnostic not found"); } @Test public void testUnnormalizedPath1(Path base) throws Exception { Path src = base.resolve("src"); Path src_m1 = src.resolve("m1x"); tb.writeJavaFiles(src_m1, "module m1x { }"); Path modules = base.resolve("modules"); Files.createDirectories(modules); new JavacTask(tb, Task.Mode.CMDLINE) .options("-XDrawDiagnostics", "--module-source-path", src.toString()) .outdir(modules) .files(prefixAll(findJavaFiles(src), Paths.get("./"))) .run() .writeAll(); } @Test public void testUnnormalizedPath2(Path base) throws Exception { Path src = base.resolve("src"); Path src_m1 = src.resolve("m1x"); tb.writeJavaFiles(src_m1, "module m1x { }"); Path modules = base.resolve("modules"); Files.createDirectories(modules); new JavacTask(tb, Task.Mode.CMDLINE) .options("-XDrawDiagnostics", "--module-source-path", "./" + src) .outdir(modules) .files(findJavaFiles(src)) .run() .writeAll(); } private Path[] prefixAll(Path[] paths, Path prefix) { return Stream.of(paths) .map(prefix::resolve) .collect(Collectors.toList()) .toArray(new Path[paths.length]); } @Test public void regularBraces(Path base) throws Exception { generateModules(base, "src1", "src2/inner_dir"); final Path modules = base.resolve("modules"); tb.createDirectories(modules); new JavacTask(tb, Task.Mode.CMDLINE) .options("-XDrawDiagnostics", "--module-source-path", base + "/{src1,src2/inner_dir}") .files(base.resolve("src1/m0x/pkg0/A.java"), base.resolve("src2/inner_dir/m1x/pkg1/A.java")) .outdir(modules) .run() .writeAll(); checkFiles(modules.resolve("m0x/pkg0/A.class"), modules.resolve("m1x/pkg1/A.class"), modules.resolve("m0x/module-info.class"), modules.resolve("m1x/module-info.class")); } @Test public void mismatchedBraces(Path base) throws Exception { final List sourcePaths = Arrays.asList( "{", "}", "}{", "./}", ".././{./", "src{}}", "{{}{}}{}}", "src/{a,b}/{", "src/{a,{,{}}", "{.,..{}/src", "*}{", "{}*}" ); for (String sourcepath : sourcePaths) { String log = new JavacTask(tb, Task.Mode.CMDLINE) .options("-XDrawDiagnostics", "--module-source-path", sourcepath.replace('/', File.separatorChar)) .run(Task.Expect.FAIL) .writeAll() .getOutput(Task.OutputKind.DIRECT); if (!log.contains("- compiler.err.illegal.argument.for.option: --module-source-path, mismatched braces")) throw new Exception("expected output for path [" + sourcepath + "] not found"); } } @Test public void deepBraces(Path base) throws Exception { String[] modulePaths = {"src/src1", "src/src2", "src/src3", "src/srcB/src1", "src/srcB/src2/srcXX", "src/srcB/src2/srcXY", "src/srcC/src1", "src/srcC/src2/srcXX", "src/srcC/src2/srcXY"}; generateModules(base, modulePaths); final Path modules = base.resolve("modules"); tb.createDirectories(modules); new JavacTask(tb, Task.Mode.CMDLINE) .options("-XDrawDiagnostics", "--module-source-path", base + "/{src/{{src1,src2,src3},{srcB,srcC}/{src1,src2/srcX{X,Y}/}},.}" .replace('/', File.separatorChar)) .files(findJavaFiles(base.resolve(modulePaths[modulePaths.length - 1]))) .outdir(modules) .run() .writeAll(); for (int i = 0; i < modulePaths.length; i++) { checkFiles(modules.resolve("m" + i + "x/module-info.class")); } checkFiles(modules.resolve("m8x/pkg8/A.class")); } @Test public void fileInPath(Path base) throws Exception { Path src = base.resolve("src"); tb.writeJavaFiles(src.resolve("kettle$"), "module kettle$ { }", "package electric; class Heater { }"); tb.writeFile(base.resolve("dummy.txt"), ""); final Path modules = base.resolve("modules"); tb.createDirectories(modules); new JavacTask(tb, Task.Mode.CMDLINE) .options("-XDrawDiagnostics", "--module-source-path", base + "/{dummy.txt,src}") .files(src.resolve("kettle$/electric/Heater.java")) .outdir(modules) .run() .writeAll(); checkFiles(modules.resolve("kettle$/electric/Heater.class")); checkFiles(modules.resolve("kettle$/module-info.class")); } @Test public void noAlternative(Path base) throws Exception { Path src = base.resolve("src"); tb.writeJavaFiles(src.resolve("kettle$"), "module kettle$ { }", "package electric; class Heater { }"); final Path modules = base.resolve("modules"); tb.createDirectories(modules); new JavacTask(tb, Task.Mode.CMDLINE) .options("-XDrawDiagnostics", "--module-source-path", base + "/{src}") .files(src.resolve("kettle$/electric/Heater.java")) .outdir(modules) .run() .writeAll(); checkFiles(modules.resolve("kettle$/electric/Heater.class")); checkFiles(modules.resolve("kettle$/module-info.class")); } @Test public void noChoice(Path base) throws Exception { tb.writeJavaFiles(base.resolve("kettle$"), "module kettle$ { }", "package electric; class Heater { }"); final Path modules = base.resolve("modules"); tb.createDirectories(modules); new JavacTask(tb, Task.Mode.CMDLINE) .options("-XDrawDiagnostics", "--module-source-path", base + "/{}") .files(base.resolve("kettle$/electric/Heater.java")) .outdir(modules) .run() .writeAll(); checkFiles(modules.resolve("kettle$/electric/Heater.class")); checkFiles(modules.resolve("kettle$/module-info.class")); } @Test public void nestedModules(Path src) throws Exception { Path carModule = src.resolve("car"); tb.writeJavaFiles(carModule, "module car { }", "package light; class Headlight { }"); tb.writeJavaFiles(carModule.resolve("engine"), "module engine { }", "package flat; class Piston { }"); final Path modules = src.resolve("modules"); tb.createDirectories(modules); new JavacTask(tb, Task.Mode.CMDLINE) .options("-XDrawDiagnostics", "--module-source-path", "{" + src + "," + src + "/car}") .files(findJavaFiles(src)) .outdir(modules) .run() .writeAll(); checkFiles(modules.resolve("car/light/Headlight.class")); checkFiles(modules.resolve("engine/flat/Piston.class")); } @Test public void relativePaths(Path base) throws Exception { Path src = base.resolve("src"); tb.writeJavaFiles(src.resolve("kettle"), "module kettle { }", "package electric; class Heater { }"); final Path modules = base.resolve("modules"); tb.createDirectories(modules); new JavacTask(tb, Task.Mode.CMDLINE) .options("-XDrawDiagnostics", "--module-source-path", base + "/src/./../src") .files(src.resolve("kettle/electric/Heater.java")) .outdir(modules) .run() .writeAll(); checkFiles(modules.resolve("kettle/electric/Heater.class")); checkFiles(modules.resolve("kettle/module-info.class")); } @Test public void duplicatePaths(Path base) throws Exception { Path src = base.resolve("src"); tb.writeJavaFiles(src.resolve("m1x"), "module m1x { }", "package a; class A { }"); final Path modules = base.resolve("modules"); tb.createDirectories(modules); new JavacTask(tb, Task.Mode.CMDLINE) .options("-XDrawDiagnostics", "--module-source-path", base + "/{src,src,src}") .files(src.resolve("m1x/a/A.java")) .outdir(modules) .run() .writeAll(); checkFiles(modules.resolve("m1x/module-info.class")); } @Test public void notExistentPaths(Path base) throws Exception { tb.writeJavaFiles(base.resolve("m1x"), "module m1x { requires m0x; }", "package a; class A { }"); final Path modules = base.resolve("modules"); tb.createDirectories(modules); String log = new JavacTask(tb, Task.Mode.CMDLINE) .options("-XDrawDiagnostics", "--module-source-path", base + "/not_exist" + PATH_SEP + base + "/{not_exist,}") .files(base.resolve("m1x/a/A.java")) .outdir(modules) .run(Task.Expect.FAIL) .writeAll() .getOutput(Task.OutputKind.DIRECT); if (!log.contains("compiler.err.module.not.found: m0x")) throw new Exception("expected output for not existent module source path not found"); } @Test public void notExistentPathShouldBeSkipped(Path base) throws Exception { tb.writeJavaFiles(base.resolve("m1x"), "module m1x { }", "package a; class A { }"); final Path modules = base.resolve("modules"); tb.createDirectories(modules); new JavacTask(tb, Task.Mode.CMDLINE) .options("-XDrawDiagnostics", "--module-source-path", base + "{/not_exist,/}") .files(base.resolve("m1x/a/A.java")) .outdir(modules) .run() .writeAll(); checkFiles(modules.resolve("m1x/module-info.class")); } @Test public void commas(Path base) throws Exception { Path src = base.resolve("src"); tb.writeJavaFiles(src.resolve("m1x"), "module m1x { }", "package a; class A { }"); final Path modules = base.resolve("modules"); tb.createDirectories(modules); new JavacTask(tb, Task.Mode.CMDLINE) .options("-XDrawDiagnostics", "--module-source-path", base + "/{,{,,,,src,,,}}") .files(src.resolve("m1x/a/A.java")) .outdir(modules) .run() .writeAll(); checkFiles(modules.resolve("m1x/module-info.class")); } @Test public void asterisk(Path base) throws Exception { tb.writeJavaFiles(base.resolve("kettle").resolve("classes"), "module kettle { }", "package electric; class Heater { }"); final Path modules = base.resolve("modules"); tb.createDirectories(modules); new JavacTask(tb, Task.Mode.CMDLINE) .options("-XDrawDiagnostics", "--module-source-path", base + "/*/classes/") .files(base.resolve("kettle/classes/electric/Heater.java")) .outdir(modules) .run() .writeAll(); checkFiles(modules.resolve("kettle/electric/Heater.class")); checkFiles(modules.resolve("kettle/module-info.class")); } @Test public void asteriskInDifferentSets(Path base) throws Exception { Path src = base.resolve("src"); final Path module = src.resolve("kettle"); tb.writeJavaFiles(module.resolve("classes"), "module kettle { }", "package electric; class Heater { }"); tb.writeJavaFiles(module.resolve("gensrc"), "package model; class Java { }"); tb.writeJavaFiles(module.resolve("special/classes"), "package gas; class Heater { }"); final Path modules = base.resolve("modules"); tb.createDirectories(modules); new JavacTask(tb, Task.Mode.CMDLINE) .options("-XDrawDiagnostics", "--module-source-path", src + "{/*/gensrc/,/*/classes/}" + PATH_SEP + src + "/*/special/classes") .files(findJavaFiles(src)) .outdir(modules) .run() .writeAll(); checkFiles(modules.resolve("kettle/electric/Heater.class")); checkFiles(modules.resolve("kettle/gas/Heater.class")); checkFiles(modules.resolve("kettle/model/Java.class")); checkFiles(modules.resolve("kettle/module-info.class")); } @Test public void asteriskIllegalUse(Path base) throws Exception { final List sourcePaths = Arrays.asList( "*", "**", "***", "*.*", ".*", "*.", "src/*/*/", "{*,*}", "src/module*/" ); for (String sourcepath : sourcePaths) { String log = new JavacTask(tb, Task.Mode.CMDLINE) .options("-XDrawDiagnostics", "--module-source-path", sourcepath.replace('/', File.separatorChar)) .run(Task.Expect.FAIL) .writeAll() .getOutput(Task.OutputKind.DIRECT); if (!log.contains("- compiler.err.illegal.argument.for.option: --module-source-path, illegal use of *")) throw new Exception("expected output for path [" + sourcepath + "] not found"); } } @Test public void setLocation(Path base) throws Exception { Path src = base.resolve("src"); tb.writeJavaFiles(src.resolve("m1x"), "module m1x { }", "package a; class A { }"); Path modules = base.resolve("modules"); tb.createDirectories(modules); JavaCompiler c = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler(); try (StandardJavaFileManager fm = c.getStandardFileManager(null, null, null)) { fm.setLocationFromPaths(StandardLocation.MODULE_SOURCE_PATH, List.of(src)); new JavacTask(tb) .options("-XDrawDiagnostics") .fileManager(fm) .outdir(modules) .files(findJavaFiles(src)) .run() .writeAll(); checkFiles(modules.resolve("m1x/module-info.class"), modules.resolve("m1x/a/A.class")); } } @Test public void getLocation_valid(Path base) throws Exception { Path src1 = base.resolve("src1"); tb.writeJavaFiles(src1.resolve("m1x"), "module m1x { }", "package a; class A { }"); Path src2 = base.resolve("src2"); tb.writeJavaFiles(src1.resolve("m2x"), "module m2x { }", "package b; class B { }"); JavaCompiler c = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler(); try (StandardJavaFileManager fm = c.getStandardFileManager(null, null, null)) { fm.setLocationFromPaths(StandardLocation.MODULE_SOURCE_PATH, List.of(src1, src2)); checkLocation(fm.getLocationAsPaths(StandardLocation.MODULE_SOURCE_PATH), List.of(src1, src2)); } } @Test public void getLocation_ISA(Path base) throws Exception { Path src1 = base.resolve("src1"); tb.writeJavaFiles(src1.resolve("m1x"), "module m1x { }", "package a; class A { }"); Path src2 = base.resolve("src2"); tb.writeJavaFiles(src2.resolve("m2x").resolve("extra"), "module m2x { }", "package b; class B { }"); Path modules = base.resolve("modules"); tb.createDirectories(modules); String FS = File.separator; String PS = File.pathSeparator; JavaCompiler c = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler(); try (StandardJavaFileManager fm = c.getStandardFileManager(null, null, null)) { fm.handleOption("--module-source-path", List.of(src1 + PS + src2 + FS + "*" + FS + "extra").iterator()); try { Iterable paths = fm.getLocationAsPaths(StandardLocation.MODULE_SOURCE_PATH); out.println("result: " + asList(paths)); throw new Exception("expected IllegalStateException not thrown"); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { out.println("Exception thrown, as expected: " + e); } // even if we can't do getLocation for the MODULE_SOURCE_PATH, we should be able // to do getLocation for the modules, which will additionally confirm the option // was effective as intended. Location locn1 = fm.getLocationForModule(StandardLocation.MODULE_SOURCE_PATH, "m1x"); checkLocation(fm.getLocationAsPaths(locn1), List.of(src1.resolve("m1x"))); Location locn2 = fm.getLocationForModule(StandardLocation.MODULE_SOURCE_PATH, "m2x"); checkLocation(fm.getLocationAsPaths(locn2), List.of(src2.resolve("m2x").resolve("extra"))); } } private void generateModules(Path base, String... paths) throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) { String moduleName = "m" + i + "x"; String dependency = i > 0 ? "requires m" + (i - 1) + "x;" : ""; tb.writeJavaFiles(base.resolve(paths[i]).resolve(moduleName), "module " + moduleName + " { " + dependency + " }", "package pkg" + i + "; class A { }"); } } private void checkFiles(Path... files) throws Exception { for (Path file : files) { if (!Files.exists(file)) { throw new Exception("File not found: " + file); } } } private void checkLocation(Iterable locn, List ref) throws Exception { List list = asList(locn); if (!list.equals(ref)) { out.println("expect: " + ref); out.println(" found: " + list); throw new Exception("location not as expected"); } } private List asList(Iterable iter) { List list = new ArrayList<>(); for (T item : iter) { list.add(item); } return list; } }