# # Copyright (c) 2011, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. # # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as # published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this # particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided # by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. # # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License # version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that # accompanied this code). # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version # 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA # or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any # questions. # ################################################################################ # This is the main makefile containing most actual top level targets. It needs # to be called with a SPEC file defined. ################################################################################ # Declare default target default: ifeq ($(wildcard $(SPEC)),) $(error Main.gmk needs SPEC set to a proper spec.gmk) endif # Now load the spec include $(SPEC) # Load the vital tools for all the makefiles. include $(TOPDIR)/make/common/MakeBase.gmk include $(TOPDIR)/make/common/Modules.gmk include $(TOPDIR)/make/common/FindTests.gmk include $(TOPDIR)/make/MainSupport.gmk # Are we requested to ignore dependencies? ifneq ($(findstring -only, $(MAKECMDGOALS)), ) DEPS := none endif # Declare ALL_TARGETS as an immediate variable. This variable is a list of all # valid top level targets. It's used to declare them all as PHONY and to # generate the -only targets. ALL_TARGETS := # Hook to include the corresponding custom file, if present. $(eval $(call IncludeCustomExtension, Main.gmk)) # All modules for the current target platform. ALL_MODULES := $(call FindAllModules) ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # Recipes for all targets. Only recipes, dependencies are declared later. # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # Interim/build tools targets, compiling tools used during the build $(eval $(call SetupTarget, buildtools-langtools, \ MAKEFILE := ToolsLangtools, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, interim-langtools, \ MAKEFILE := CompileInterimLangtools, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, interim-tzdb, \ MAKEFILE := CopyInterimTZDB, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, buildtools-jdk, \ MAKEFILE := CompileToolsJdk, \ DEPS := interim-langtools interim-tzdb, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, buildtools-modules, \ MAKEFILE := CompileModuleTools, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, buildtools-hotspot, \ MAKEFILE := CompileToolsHotspot, \ )) ################################################################################ # Special targets for certain modules $(eval $(call SetupTarget, generate-exported-symbols, \ MAKEFILE := BuildStatic, \ DEPS := java.base-libs jdk.jdwp.agent-libs, \ )) ################################################################################ # Gensrc targets, generating source before java compilation can be done # $(eval $(call DeclareRecipesForPhase, GENSRC, \ TARGET_SUFFIX := gensrc-src, \ FILE_PREFIX := Gensrc, \ CHECK_MODULES := $(ALL_MODULES), \ )) $(foreach m, $(GENSRC_MODULES), $(eval $m-gensrc: $m-gensrc-src)) LANGTOOLS_GENSRC_TARGETS := $(filter $(addsuffix -%, $(LANGTOOLS_MODULES)), $(GENSRC_TARGETS)) INTERIM_LANGTOOLS_GENSRC_TARGETS := $(filter $(addsuffix -%, \ $(INTERIM_LANGTOOLS_BASE_MODULES)), $(GENSRC_TARGETS)) HOTSPOT_GENSRC_TARGETS := $(filter $(addsuffix -%, $(HOTSPOT_MODULES)), $(GENSRC_TARGETS)) JDK_GENSRC_TARGETS := $(filter-out $(LANGTOOLS_GENSRC_TARGETS) \ $(HOTSPOT_GENSRC_TARGETS), $(GENSRC_TARGETS)) GENSRC_MODULEINFO_MODULES := $(ALL_MODULES) GENSRC_MODULEINFO_TARGETS := $(addsuffix -gensrc-moduleinfo, \ $(GENSRC_MODULEINFO_MODULES)) GENSRC_MODULES := $(GENSRC_MODULEINFO_MODULES) GENSRC_TARGETS += $(sort $(GENSRC_MODULEINFO_TARGETS) \ $(addsuffix -gensrc, $(GENSRC_MODULES))) define DeclareModuleInfoRecipe $1-gensrc-moduleinfo: +($(CD) $(TOPDIR)/make && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) \ -f common/modules/GensrcModuleInfo.gmk MODULE=$1) $1-gensrc: $1-gensrc-moduleinfo endef $(foreach m, $(GENSRC_MODULEINFO_MODULES), $(eval $(call DeclareModuleInfoRecipe,$m))) ALL_TARGETS += $(GENSRC_TARGETS) ################################################################################ # Generate data targets $(eval $(call DeclareRecipesForPhase, GENDATA, \ TARGET_SUFFIX := gendata, \ FILE_PREFIX := Gendata, \ CHECK_MODULES := $(ALL_MODULES), \ )) ALL_TARGETS += $(GENDATA_TARGETS) ################################################################################ # Copy files targets $(eval $(call DeclareRecipesForPhase, COPY, \ TARGET_SUFFIX := copy, \ FILE_PREFIX := Copy, \ CHECK_MODULES := $(ALL_MODULES), \ )) ALL_COPY_MODULES += $(COPY_MODULES) ALL_COPY_TARGETS += $(COPY_TARGETS) IMPORT_COPY_MODULES := $(call FindImportedModules) IMPORT_COPY_TARGETS := $(addsuffix -copy, $(IMPORT_COPY_MODULES)) ALL_COPY_MODULES += $(IMPORT_COPY_MODULES) ALL_COPY_TARGETS += $(IMPORT_COPY_TARGETS) define DeclareImportCopyRecipe $1-copy: +($(CD) $(TOPDIR)/make && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) \ -f CopyImportModules.gmk MODULE=$1) endef $(foreach m, $(IMPORT_COPY_MODULES), $(eval $(call DeclareImportCopyRecipe,$m))) ALL_TARGETS += $(ALL_COPY_TARGETS) ################################################################################ # Targets for compiling all java modules. JAVA_MODULES := $(ALL_MODULES) JAVA_TARGETS := $(addsuffix -java, $(JAVA_MODULES)) define DeclareCompileJavaRecipe $1-java: +($(CD) $(TOPDIR)/make && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) \ $(patsubst %,-I%/modules/$1,$(PHASE_MAKEDIRS)) \ -f CompileJavaModules.gmk MODULE=$1) endef $(foreach m, $(JAVA_MODULES), $(eval $(call DeclareCompileJavaRecipe,$m))) ALL_TARGETS += $(JAVA_TARGETS) ################################################################################ # Targets for compiling native libraries $(eval $(call DeclareRecipesForPhase, LIBS, \ TARGET_SUFFIX := libs, \ FILE_PREFIX := Lib, \ CHECK_MODULES := $(ALL_MODULES), \ )) ALL_TARGETS += $(LIBS_TARGETS) ################################################################################ # Targets for compiling static versions of certain native libraries. These do # not end up in the jmods or the normal JDK image, but are instead bundled into # a special deliverable. $(eval $(call DeclareRecipesForPhase, STATIC_LIBS, \ TARGET_SUFFIX := static-libs, \ FILE_PREFIX := Lib, \ CHECK_MODULES := $(ALL_MODULES), \ EXTRA_ARGS := STATIC_LIBS=true, \ )) ALL_TARGETS += $(STATIC_LIBS_TARGETS) ################################################################################ # Targets for compiling native executables $(eval $(call DeclareRecipesForPhase, LAUNCHER, \ TARGET_SUFFIX := launchers, \ FILE_PREFIX := Launcher, \ CHECK_MODULES := $(ALL_MODULES), \ )) ALL_TARGETS += $(LAUNCHER_TARGETS) ################################################################################ # Build hotspot target HOTSPOT_VARIANT_TARGETS := $(addprefix hotspot-, $(JVM_VARIANTS)) HOTSPOT_VARIANT_GENSRC_TARGETS := $(addsuffix -gensrc, $(HOTSPOT_VARIANT_TARGETS)) HOTSPOT_VARIANT_LIBS_TARGETS := $(addsuffix -libs, $(HOTSPOT_VARIANT_TARGETS)) HOTSPOT_VARIANT_STATIC_LIBS_TARGETS := $(addsuffix -static-libs, $(HOTSPOT_VARIANT_TARGETS)) define DeclareHotspotGensrcRecipe hotspot-$1-gensrc: $$(call LogInfo, Building JVM variant '$1' with features '$(JVM_FEATURES_$1)') +($(CD) $(TOPDIR)/make/hotspot && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) -f gensrc/GenerateSources.gmk \ JVM_VARIANT=$1) endef $(foreach v, $(JVM_VARIANTS), $(eval $(call DeclareHotspotGensrcRecipe,$v))) define DeclareHotspotLibsRecipe hotspot-$1-libs: +($(CD) $(TOPDIR)/make/hotspot && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) -f lib/CompileLibraries.gmk \ JVM_VARIANT=$1) endef $(foreach v, $(JVM_VARIANTS), $(eval $(call DeclareHotspotLibsRecipe,$v))) define DeclareHotspotStaticLibsRecipe hotspot-$1-static-libs: +($(CD) $(TOPDIR)/make/hotspot && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) -f lib/CompileLibraries.gmk \ JVM_VARIANT=$1 STATIC_LIBS=true) endef $(foreach v, $(JVM_VARIANTS), $(eval $(call DeclareHotspotStaticLibsRecipe,$v))) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, hotspot-ide-project, \ MAKEFILE := ide/visualstudio/hotspot/CreateVSProject, \ DEPS := hotspot exploded-image, \ ARGS := -I$(TOPDIR)/make/hotspot, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, eclipse-java-env, \ MAKEFILE := ide/eclipse/CreateWorkspace, \ ARGS := --always-make WORKSPACE=java SHARED=false, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, eclipse-hotspot-env, \ MAKEFILE := ide/eclipse/CreateWorkspace, \ ARGS := --always-make WORKSPACE=hotspot SHARED=false, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, eclipse-native-env, \ MAKEFILE := ide/eclipse/CreateWorkspace, \ ARGS := --always-make WORKSPACE=native SHARED=false, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, eclipse-mixed-env, \ MAKEFILE := ide/eclipse/CreateWorkspace, \ ARGS := --always-make SHARED=false, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, eclipse-shared-java-env, \ MAKEFILE := ide/eclipse/CreateWorkspace, \ ARGS := --always-make WORKSPACE=java SHARED=true, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, eclipse-shared-hotspot-env, \ MAKEFILE := ide/eclipse/CreateWorkspace, \ ARGS := --always-make WORKSPACE=hotspot SHARED=true, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, eclipse-shared-native-env, \ MAKEFILE := ide/eclipse/CreateWorkspace, \ ARGS := --always-make WORKSPACE=native SHARED=true, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, eclipse-shared-mixed-env, \ MAKEFILE := ide/eclipse/CreateWorkspace, \ ARGS := --always-make SHARED=true, \ )) ALL_TARGETS += $(HOTSPOT_VARIANT_TARGETS) $(HOTSPOT_VARIANT_GENSRC_TARGETS) \ $(HOTSPOT_VARIANT_LIBS_TARGETS) $(HOTSPOT_VARIANT_STATIC_LIBS_TARGETS) ################################################################################ # Help and user support $(eval $(call SetupTarget, doctor, \ MAKEFILE := Doctor, \ )) ################################################################################ # Generate libs and launcher targets for creating compile_commands.json fragments define DeclareCompileCommandsRecipe $1-compile-commands: $$(call LogInfo, Generating compile_commands.json fragments for $1) +($(CD) $(TOPDIR)/make && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) -f Main.gmk $1-only \ GENERATE_COMPILE_COMMANDS_ONLY=true) COMPILE_COMMANDS_TARGETS_$2 += $1-compile-commands endef $(foreach t, $(HOTSPOT_VARIANT_LIBS_TARGETS), \ $(eval $(call DeclareCompileCommandsRecipe,$t,HOTSPOT)) \ ) $(foreach t, $(LIBS_TARGETS) $(LAUNCHER_TARGETS), \ $(eval $(call DeclareCompileCommandsRecipe,$t,JDK)) \ ) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, compile-commands, \ MAKEFILE := CompileCommands, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, compile-commands-hotspot, \ MAKEFILE := CompileCommands, \ )) ALL_TARGETS += $(COMPILE_COMMANDS_TARGETS_HOTSPOT) $(COMPILE_COMMANDS_TARGETS_JDK) ################################################################################ # VS Code projects $(eval $(call SetupTarget, vscode-project, \ MAKEFILE := ide/vscode/hotspot/CreateVSCodeProject, \ ARGS := VSCODE_INDEXER=cpptools, \ DEPS := compile-commands, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, vscode-project-clangd, \ MAKEFILE := ide/vscode/hotspot/CreateVSCodeProject, \ ARGS := VSCODE_INDEXER=clangd, \ DEPS := compile-commands, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, vscode-project-rtags, \ MAKEFILE := ide/vscode/hotspot/CreateVSCodeProject, \ ARGS := VSCODE_INDEXER=rtags, \ DEPS := compile-commands, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, vscode-project-ccls, \ MAKEFILE := ide/vscode/hotspot/CreateVSCodeProject, \ ARGS := VSCODE_INDEXER=ccls, \ DEPS := compile-commands, \ )) ################################################################################ # Build demos targets # The demos are currently linking to libjvm and libjava, just like all other # jdk libs, even though they don't need to. To avoid warnings, make sure they # aren't built until after libjava and libjvm are available to link to. $(eval $(call SetupTarget, demos-jdk, \ MAKEFILE := CompileDemos, \ DEPS := java.base-libs exploded-image buildtools-jdk, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, test-image-demos-jdk, \ MAKEFILE := CompileDemos, \ TARGET := images, \ DEPS := demos-jdk, \ )) ################################################################################ # Jigsaw specific data and analysis targets. $(eval $(call SetupTarget, generate-summary, \ MAKEFILE := GenerateModuleSummary, \ DEPS := jmods buildtools-modules runnable-buildjdk, \ )) ################################################################################ # Jmod targets JMOD_MODULES := $(ALL_MODULES) JMOD_TARGETS := $(addsuffix -jmod, $(JMOD_MODULES)) define DeclareJmodRecipe $1-jmod: +($(CD) $(TOPDIR)/make && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) \ $(patsubst %,-I%/modules/$1,$(PHASE_MAKEDIRS)) \ -f CreateJmods.gmk MODULE=$1) endef $(foreach m, $(JMOD_MODULES), $(eval $(call DeclareJmodRecipe,$m))) ALL_TARGETS += $(JMOD_TARGETS) ################################################################################ # Images targets $(eval $(call SetupTarget, store-source-revision, \ MAKEFILE := SourceRevision, \ TARGET := store-source-revision, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, create-source-revision-tracker, \ MAKEFILE := SourceRevision, \ TARGET := create-source-revision-tracker, \ )) BOOTCYCLE_TARGET := product-images bootcycle-images: ifneq ($(COMPILE_TYPE), cross) $(call LogWarn, Boot cycle build step 2: Building a new JDK image using previously built image) $(call MakeDir, $(OUTPUTDIR)/bootcycle-build) +$(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) -f $(TOPDIR)/make/Init.gmk PARALLEL_TARGETS=$(BOOTCYCLE_TARGET) \ LOG_PREFIX="[bootcycle] " JOBS= SPEC=$(dir $(SPEC))bootcycle-spec.gmk main else $(call LogWarn, Boot cycle build disabled when cross compiling) endif $(eval $(call SetupTarget, zip-security, \ MAKEFILE := ZipSecurity, \ DEPS := buildtools-jdk java.base-java java.security.jgss-java java.security.jgss-libs, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, zip-source, \ MAKEFILE := ZipSource, \ DEPS := buildtools-jdk gensrc, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, jrtfs-jar, \ MAKEFILE := JrtfsJar, \ DEPS := interim-langtools, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, jdk-image, \ MAKEFILE := Images, \ TARGET := jdk, \ DEPS := jmods zip-source demos release-file, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, legacy-jre-image, \ MAKEFILE := Images, \ TARGET := jre, \ DEPS := jmods release-file, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, symbols-image, \ MAKEFILE := Images, \ TARGET := symbols, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, static-libs-image, \ MAKEFILE := StaticLibsImage, \ TARGET := static-libs-image, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, static-libs-graal-image, \ MAKEFILE := StaticLibsImage, \ TARGET := static-libs-graal-image, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, mac-jdk-bundle, \ MAKEFILE := MacBundles, \ TARGET := jdk-bundle, \ DEPS := jdk-image, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, mac-legacy-jre-bundle, \ MAKEFILE := MacBundles, \ TARGET := jre-bundle, \ DEPS := legacy-jre-image, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, release-file, \ MAKEFILE := ReleaseFile, \ DEPS := create-source-revision-tracker, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, exploded-image-optimize, \ MAKEFILE := ExplodedImageOptimize, \ DEPS := java copy gendata java.base-libs java.base-launchers \ buildtools-modules, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, graal-builder-image, \ MAKEFILE := GraalBuilderImage, \ DEPS := jdk-image static-libs-graal-image, \ )) ifeq ($(JCOV_ENABLED), true) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, jcov-image, \ MAKEFILE := Coverage, \ TARGET := jcov-image, \ DEPS := jdk-image, \ )) endif ALL_TARGETS += bootcycle-images ################################################################################ # Docs targets # If building full docs, to complete docs-*-api we need both the javadoc and # graphs targets. $(eval $(call SetupTarget, docs-jdk-api-javadoc, \ MAKEFILE := Docs, \ TARGET := docs-jdk-api-javadoc, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, docs-jdk-api-graphs, \ MAKEFILE := Docs, \ TARGET := docs-jdk-api-graphs, \ DEPS := buildtools-modules runnable-buildjdk, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, docs-javase-api-javadoc, \ MAKEFILE := Docs, \ TARGET := docs-javase-api-javadoc, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, docs-javase-api-graphs, \ MAKEFILE := Docs, \ TARGET := docs-javase-api-graphs, \ DEPS := buildtools-modules runnable-buildjdk, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, docs-reference-api-javadoc, \ MAKEFILE := Docs, \ TARGET := docs-reference-api-javadoc, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, docs-reference-api-graphs, \ MAKEFILE := Docs, \ TARGET := docs-reference-api-graphs, \ DEPS := buildtools-modules runnable-buildjdk, \ )) # The gensrc steps for jdk.jdi create html spec files. $(eval $(call SetupTarget, docs-jdk-specs, \ MAKEFILE := Docs, \ TARGET := docs-jdk-specs, \ DEPS := buildtools-jdk jdk.jdi-gensrc docs-jdk-index, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, docs-jdk-index, \ MAKEFILE := Docs, \ TARGET := docs-jdk-index, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, docs-zip, \ MAKEFILE := Docs, \ TARGET := docs-zip, \ DEPS := docs-jdk buildtools-jdk, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, docs-specs-zip, \ MAKEFILE := Docs, \ TARGET := docs-specs-zip, \ DEPS := docs-jdk-specs buildtools-jdk, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, update-build-docs, \ MAKEFILE := UpdateBuildDocs, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, update-x11wrappers, \ MAKEFILE := UpdateX11Wrappers, \ DEPS := java.base-copy buildtools-jdk, \ )) ifneq ($(HSDIS_BACKEND), none) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, build-hsdis, \ MAKEFILE := Hsdis, \ TARGET := build, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, install-hsdis, \ MAKEFILE := Hsdis, \ TARGET := install, \ DEPS := jdk-image, \ )) endif ################################################################################ # Cross compilation support ifeq ($(CREATING_BUILDJDK), true) # This target is only called by the recursive call below. create-buildjdk-interim-image-helper: interim-image jdk.jlink-launchers \ java.base-copy jdk.jdeps-launchers endif BUILDJDK_MODULES := $(sort $(foreach m, jdk.jlink $(INTERIM_IMAGE_MODULES), \ $(call FindTransitiveDepsForModule, $m) $m)) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, create-buildjdk-interim-image, \ MAKEFILE := Main, \ TARGET := create-buildjdk-interim-image-helper, \ ARGS := SPEC=$(dir $(SPEC))buildjdk-spec.gmk \ HOTSPOT_SPEC=$(dir $(SPEC))buildjdk-spec.gmk \ CREATING_BUILDJDK=true \ LOG_PREFIX="[buildjdk] " \ JAVA_MODULES="$(BUILDJDK_MODULES)", \ )) ################################################################################ # The interim-image is a small jlinked image that is used to generate artifacts # at build time for use when linking the real images. INTERIM_JMOD_TARGETS := $(addsuffix -interim-jmod, $(INTERIM_IMAGE_MODULES)) define DeclareInterimJmodRecipe $1-interim-jmod: +($(CD) $(TOPDIR)/make && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) -f CreateJmods.gmk \ MODULE=$1 \ JMODS_DIR=$(INTERIM_JMODS_DIR) \ JMODS_SUPPORT_DIR=$(INTERIM_JMODS_DIR)/support \ INTERIM_JMOD=true \ ) endef $(foreach m, $(INTERIM_IMAGE_MODULES), $(eval $(call DeclareInterimJmodRecipe,$m))) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, interim-image, \ MAKEFILE := InterimImage, \ )) ifeq ($(ENABLE_GENERATE_CLASSLIST), true) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, generate-link-opt-data, \ MAKEFILE := GenerateLinkOptData, \ )) endif ################################################################################ # Generate test names for all JTReg test groups # define DeclareRunTestRecipe test-$1: +($(CD) $(TOPDIR)/make && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) -f RunTests.gmk \ TEST="$1") exploded-test-$1: +($(CD) $(TOPDIR)/make && $(MAKE) $(MAKE_ARGS) -f RunTests.gmk \ TEST="$1" JDK_IMAGE_DIR=$(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)) endef # ALL_NAMED_TESTS is defined in FindTests.gmk $(foreach t, $(ALL_NAMED_TESTS), $(eval $(call DeclareRunTestRecipe,$t))) ALL_TEST_TARGETS := $(addprefix test-, $(ALL_NAMED_TESTS)) # We only support the "exploded-test-gtest" shortcut ALL_EXPLODED_TESTS := gtest ALL_EXPLODED_TEST_TARGETS := $(addprefix exploded-test-, $(ALL_EXPLODED_TESTS)) ALL_TARGETS += $(ALL_TEST_TARGETS) $(ALL_EXPLODED_TEST_TARGETS) ################################################################################ # Build tests and microbenchmarks # $(eval $(call SetupTarget, prepare-test-image, \ MAKEFILE := TestImage, \ TARGET := prepare-test-image, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, build-test-hotspot-jtreg-native, \ MAKEFILE := test/JtregNativeHotspot, \ TARGET := build-test-hotspot-jtreg-native, \ DEPS := buildtools-jdk, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, test-image-hotspot-jtreg-native, \ MAKEFILE := test/JtregNativeHotspot, \ TARGET := test-image-hotspot-jtreg-native, \ DEPS := build-test-hotspot-jtreg-native, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, build-test-jdk-jtreg-native, \ MAKEFILE := test/JtregNativeJdk, \ TARGET := build-test-jdk-jtreg-native, \ DEPS := buildtools-jdk java.base-libs, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, test-image-jdk-jtreg-native, \ MAKEFILE := test/JtregNativeJdk, \ TARGET := test-image-jdk-jtreg-native, \ DEPS := build-test-jdk-jtreg-native, \ )) # Native files needed by the testlib $(eval $(call SetupTarget, build-test-lib-native, \ MAKEFILE := test/BuildTestLibNative, \ TARGET := build-test-lib-native, \ DEPS := buildtools-jdk java.base-libs, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, test-image-lib-native, \ MAKEFILE := test/BuildTestLibNative, \ TARGET := test-image-lib-native, \ DEPS := build-test-lib-native, \ )) # Native files needed when testing the testlib itself $(eval $(call SetupTarget, build-test-libtest-jtreg-native, \ MAKEFILE := test/JtregNativeLibTest, \ TARGET := build-test-libtest-jtreg-native, \ DEPS := buildtools-jdk, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, test-image-libtest-jtreg-native, \ MAKEFILE := test/JtregNativeLibTest, \ TARGET := test-image-libtest-jtreg-native, \ DEPS := build-test-libtest-jtreg-native, \ )) ifneq ($(GTEST_FRAMEWORK_SRC), ) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, test-image-hotspot-gtest, \ MAKEFILE := hotspot/test/GtestImage, \ DEPS := hotspot, \ )) endif $(eval $(call SetupTarget, build-test-lib, \ MAKEFILE := test/BuildTestLib, \ DEPS := exploded-image, \ )) ifeq ($(BUILD_FAILURE_HANDLER), true) # Builds the failure handler jtreg extension $(eval $(call SetupTarget, build-test-failure-handler, \ MAKEFILE := test/BuildFailureHandler, \ TARGET := build, \ DEPS := interim-langtools, \ )) # Copies the failure handler jtreg extension into the test image $(eval $(call SetupTarget, test-image-failure-handler, \ MAKEFILE := test/BuildFailureHandler, \ TARGET := images, \ DEPS := build-test-failure-handler, \ )) endif ifeq ($(BUILD_JTREG_TEST_THREAD_FACTORY), true) # Builds the test thread factory jtreg extension $(eval $(call SetupTarget, build-test-test-thread-factory, \ MAKEFILE := test/BuildJtregTestThreadFactory, \ TARGET := build, \ DEPS := interim-langtools exploded-image, \ )) # Copies the jtreg test thread factory into the test image $(eval $(call SetupTarget, test-image-test-thread-factory, \ MAKEFILE := test/BuildJtregTestThreadFactory, \ TARGET := images, \ DEPS := build-test-test-thread-factory, \ )) endif $(eval $(call SetupTarget, build-microbenchmark, \ MAKEFILE := test/BuildMicrobenchmark, \ DEPS := interim-langtools exploded-image, \ )) ################################################################################ # Run tests $(eval $(call SetupTarget, test, \ MAKEFILE := RunTests, \ ARGS := TEST="$(TEST)", \ DEPS := jdk-image test-image, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, exploded-test, \ MAKEFILE := RunTests, \ ARGS := TEST="$(TEST)" JDK_IMAGE_DIR=$(JDK_OUTPUTDIR), \ DEPS := exploded-image test-image, \ )) ifeq ($(JCOV_ENABLED), true) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, jcov-test, \ MAKEFILE := RunTests, \ ARGS := TEST="$(TEST)" TEST_OPTS_JCOV=true, \ DEPS := jcov-image test-image, \ )) endif ################################################################################ # Bundles $(eval $(call SetupTarget, product-bundles, \ MAKEFILE := Bundles, \ TARGET := product-bundles, \ DEPS := product-images, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, legacy-bundles, \ MAKEFILE := Bundles, \ TARGET := legacy-bundles, \ DEPS := legacy-images, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, test-bundles, \ MAKEFILE := Bundles, \ TARGET := test-bundles, \ DEPS := test-image, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, docs-jdk-bundles, \ MAKEFILE := Bundles, \ TARGET := docs-jdk-bundles, \ DEPS := docs-image, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, docs-javase-bundles, \ MAKEFILE := Bundles, \ TARGET := docs-javase-bundles, \ DEPS := docs-javase-image, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, docs-reference-bundles, \ MAKEFILE := Bundles, \ TARGET := docs-reference-bundles, \ DEPS := docs-reference-image, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, static-libs-bundles, \ MAKEFILE := Bundles, \ TARGET := static-libs-bundles, \ DEPS := static-libs-image, \ )) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, static-libs-graal-bundles, \ MAKEFILE := Bundles, \ TARGET := static-libs-graal-bundles, \ DEPS := static-libs-graal-image, \ )) ifeq ($(JCOV_ENABLED), true) $(eval $(call SetupTarget, jcov-bundles, \ MAKEFILE := Bundles, \ TARGET := jcov-bundles, \ DEPS := jcov-image, \ )) endif ################################################################################ # Install targets $(eval $(call SetupTarget, install, \ MAKEFILE := Install, \ DEPS := product-images, \ )) ################################################################################ # # Dependency declarations between targets. # # These are declared in two groups. First all dependencies between targets that # have recipes above as these dependencies may be disabled. Then the aggregator # targets that do not have recipes of their own, which will never have their # dependencies disabled. # ################################################################################ # Targets with recipes above # If running an *-only target, parallel execution and dependencies between # recipe targets are disabled. This makes it possible to run a select set of # recipe targets in order. It's the responsibility of the user to make sure # all prerequisites are fulfilled. ifeq ($(DEPS), none) .NOTPARALLEL: else $(LANGTOOLS_GENSRC_TARGETS): buildtools-langtools interim-langtools: $(INTERIM_LANGTOOLS_GENSRC_TARGETS) $(HOTSPOT_GENSRC_TARGETS): interim-langtools buildtools-hotspot $(JDK_GENSRC_TARGETS): interim-langtools buildtools-jdk $(GENSRC_MODULEINFO_TARGETS): buildtools-jdk $(GENDATA_TARGETS): interim-langtools buildtools-jdk $(JAVA_TARGETS): interim-langtools # Declare dependencies between hotspot-<variant>* targets $(foreach v, $(JVM_VARIANTS), \ $(eval hotspot-$v-gensrc: java.base-copy buildtools-hotspot) \ $(eval hotspot-$v-libs: hotspot-$v-gensrc java.base-copy) \ $(eval hotspot-$v-static-libs: hotspot-$v-gensrc java.base-copy) \ ) # If not already set, set the JVM variant target so that the JVM will be built. JVM_MAIN_LIB_TARGETS ?= hotspot-$(JVM_VARIANT_MAIN)-libs JVM_MAIN_GENSRC_TARGETS ?= hotspot-$(JVM_VARIANT_MAIN)-gensrc # Building one JVM variant is enough to start building the other libs $(LIBS_TARGETS): $(JVM_MAIN_LIB_TARGETS) # Static libs depend on hotspot gensrc $(STATIC_LIBS_TARGETS): $(JVM_MAIN_GENSRC_TARGETS) $(LAUNCHER_TARGETS): java.base-libs ifeq ($(STATIC_BUILD), true) $(LAUNCHER_TARGETS): generate-exported-symbols endif # Declare dependency from <module>-java to <module>-gensrc $(foreach m, $(GENSRC_MODULES), $(eval $m-java: $m-gensrc)) # Declare dependencies between java modules $(foreach m, $(JAVA_MODULES), \ $(eval $m-java: $(addsuffix -java, $(filter $(JAVA_MODULES), \ $(call FindDepsForModule,$m))))) # Declare dependencies between the module meta targets $(foreach m, $(ALL_MODULES), $(eval $m: $(call FindDepsForModule,$m))) # Declare dependencies from <module>-lib to <module>-java # Skip modules that do not have java source. $(foreach m, $(filter $(JAVA_MODULES), $(LIBS_MODULES)), $(eval $m-libs: $m-java)) # Declare dependencies from all other <module>-lib to java.base-lib $(foreach t, $(filter-out java.base-libs, $(LIBS_TARGETS)), \ $(eval $t: java.base-libs)) ifeq ($(ENABLE_HSDIS_BUNDLING), true) java.base-copy: build-hsdis endif # jdk.accessibility depends on java.desktop jdk.accessibility-libs: java.desktop-libs # This dependency needs to be explicitly declared. jdk.jdi-gensrc generates a # header file used by jdk.jdwp.agent-libs. The jdk.jdwp.agent-gensrc is a # virtual target. jdk.jdwp.agent-libs: jdk.jdwp.agent-gensrc # jdk.jfr-gendata uses TOOL_JFR_GEN from buildtools-hotspot jdk.jfr-gendata: buildtools-hotspot # The swing beans need to have java base properly generated to avoid errors # in javadoc. The X11 wrappers need the java.base include files to have been # copied and processed. java.desktop-gensrc-src: java.base-gensrc java.base-copy jdk.jdeps-gendata: java # The ct.sym generation uses all the moduleinfos as input jdk.compiler-gendata: $(GENSRC_MODULEINFO_TARGETS) # Declare dependencies between jmod targets. # java.base jmod needs jrt-fs.jar and access to the jmods for all non # upgradeable modules and their transitive dependencies. # When creating the BUILDJDK, we don't need to add hashes to java.base, thus # we don't need to depend on all other jmods ifneq ($(CREATING_BUILDJDK), true) java.base-jmod: jrtfs-jar $(addsuffix -jmod, $(filter-out java.base, $(sort \ $(foreach m, $(filter-out $(call FindAllUpgradeableModules), $(JMOD_MODULES)), \ $m $(call FindTransitiveDepsForModules, $m) \ )))) endif # If not already set, set the JVM target so that the JVM will be built. JVM_MAIN_TARGETS ?= hotspot # Building java.base-jmod requires all of VM (ie hotspot) to be built. java.base-jmod: $(JVM_MAIN_TARGETS) # Declare dependencies from <module>-jmod to all other module targets $(foreach m, $(JAVA_MODULES), $(eval $m_JMOD_DEPS += $m-java)) $(foreach m, $(GENDATA_MODULES), $(eval $m_JMOD_DEPS += $m-gendata)) $(foreach m, $(LIBS_MODULES), $(eval $m_JMOD_DEPS += $m-libs)) $(foreach m, $(LAUNCHER_MODULES), $(eval $m_JMOD_DEPS += $m-launchers)) $(foreach m, $(COPY_MODULES), $(eval $m_JMOD_DEPS += $m-copy)) $(foreach m, $(ALL_MODULES), $(eval $m-jmod: $($(m)_JMOD_DEPS))) $(foreach m, $(INTERIM_IMAGE_MODULES), $(eval $m-interim-jmod: $($(m)_JMOD_DEPS))) # Setup the minimal set of generated native source dependencies for hotspot $(foreach v, $(JVM_VARIANTS), \ $(eval hotspot-$v-libs-compile-commands: hotspot-$v-gensrc) \ $(foreach m, $(filter java.desktop jdk.hotspot.agent, $(GENSRC_MODULES)), \ $(eval hotspot-$v-libs-compile-commands: $m-gensrc)) \ ) # For the full JDK compile commands, create all possible generated sources $(foreach m, $(GENSRC_MODULES), $(eval $m-libs-compile-commands: $m-gensrc)) $(foreach m, $(filter $(JAVA_MODULES), $(LIBS_MODULES)), $(eval $m-libs-compile-commands: $m-java)) $(COMPILE_COMMANDS_TARGETS_HOTSPOT): clean-compile-commands $(COMPILE_COMMANDS_TARGETS_JDK): clean-compile-commands compile-commands-hotspot: $(COMPILE_COMMANDS_TARGETS_HOTSPOT) compile-commands: $(COMPILE_COMMANDS_TARGETS_HOTSPOT) $(COMPILE_COMMANDS_TARGETS_JDK) # The -static-libs targets depend on -java as well as java.base-copy. $(foreach m, $(filter $(JAVA_MODULES), $(STATIC_LIBS_MODULES)), \ $(eval $m-static-libs: $m-java java.base-copy)) # Jmods cannot be created until we have the jmod tool ready to run. During # a normal build we run it from the exploded image, but when cross compiling # it's run from the buildjdk, which is either created at build time or user # supplied. ifeq ($(CREATE_BUILDJDK), true) ifneq ($(CREATING_BUILDJDK), true) # When cross compiling and buildjdk is to be created, simply depend on # creating the buildjdk. $(JMOD_TARGETS): create-buildjdk buildtools-modules: create-buildjdk else # While actually creating the buildjdk, we need to list the bare # minimum dependencies needed before running jmod, to avoid building # more than necessary. This includes: # * all java modules # * jdk.jlink-launchers # * copy jvm.cfg (done in java.base-copy) # * tzdb.dat (done in java.base-gendata) # Without all of these jimage, jlink and jmod won't start. $(JMOD_TARGETS) $(INTERIM_JMOD_TARGETS): java.base-libs java.base-copy \ java.base-gendata jdk.jlink-launchers java endif else ifeq ($(EXTERNAL_BUILDJDK), false) # The normal non cross compilation usecase needs to wait for the full # exploded-image to avoid a race with the optimize target. $(JMOD_TARGETS) $(INTERIM_JMOD_TARGETS): exploded-image # The buildtools-modules are used for the exploded-image-optimize target, # but can be built either using the exploded-image or an external BUILDJDK. buildtools-modules: exploded-image-base endif # All modules include the main license files from java.base. $(JMOD_TARGETS): java.base-copy # jdk.javadoc uses an internal copy of the main license files from java.base. jdk.javadoc-copy: java.base-copy zip-security: $(filter jdk.crypto%, $(JAVA_TARGETS)) ifeq ($(ENABLE_GENERATE_CLASSLIST), true) ifeq ($(CREATE_BUILDJDK), true) # If creating a buildjdk, the interim image needs to be based on that. generate-link-opt-data: create-buildjdk else ifeq ($(EXTERNAL_BUILDJDK), false) # If an external buildjdk has been provided, we skip generating an # interim-image and just use the external buildjdk for generating # classlist. generate-link-opt-data: interim-image endif generate-link-opt-data: buildtools-jdk # The generated classlist needs to go into java.base-jmod. java.base-jmod jdk.jlink-jmod jdk-image legacy-jre-image: generate-link-opt-data endif symbols-image: $(LIBS_TARGETS) $(LAUNCHER_TARGETS) static-libs-image: hotspot-static-libs $(STATIC_LIBS_TARGETS) static-libs-graal-image: $(STATIC_LIBS_TARGETS) bootcycle-images: jdk-image docs-jdk-api-javadoc: $(GENSRC_TARGETS) docs-javase-api-javadoc: $(GENSRC_TARGETS) docs-reference-api-javadoc: $(GENSRC_TARGETS) # If not already set, then set the JVM specific docs targets JVM_DOCS_TARGETS ?= hotspot-$(JVM_VARIANT_MAIN)-gensrc # The gensrc steps for hotspot create html spec files. docs-jdk-specs: $(JVM_DOCS_TARGETS) # Tests test-make: clean-test-make compile-commands test-make-compile-commands: compile-commands # Declare dependency for all generated test targets $(foreach t, $(filter-out test-make%, $(ALL_TEST_TARGETS)), $(eval $t: jdk-image test-image)) $(foreach t, $(ALL_EXPLODED_TEST_TARGETS), $(eval $t: exploded-image test-image)) interim-image: $(INTERIM_JMOD_TARGETS) build-test-hotspot-jtreg-native: hotspot-$(JVM_VARIANT_MAIN)-libs build-test-libtest-jtreg-native: hotspot-$(JVM_VARIANT_MAIN)-libs endif ################################################################################ # Virtual targets without recipes # If not already set, set the JVM specific tools targets JVM_TOOLS_TARGETS ?= buildtools-hotspot buildtools: buildtools-langtools interim-langtools \ buildtools-jdk $(JVM_TOOLS_TARGETS) # Declare dependencies from hotspot-<variant> targets $(foreach v, $(JVM_VARIANTS), \ $(eval hotspot-$v: hotspot-$v-gensrc hotspot-$v-libs) \ ) hotspot: $(HOTSPOT_VARIANT_TARGETS) # Create targets hotspot-libs and hotspot-gensrc. $(foreach v, $(JVM_VARIANTS), \ $(eval hotspot-libs: hotspot-$v-libs) \ $(eval hotspot-gensrc: hotspot-$v-gensrc) \ $(eval hotspot-static-libs: hotspot-$v-static-libs) \ ) gensrc: $(GENSRC_TARGETS) gendata: $(GENDATA_TARGETS) copy: $(ALL_COPY_TARGETS) java: $(JAVA_TARGETS) libs: $(LIBS_TARGETS) static-libs: $(STATIC_LIBS_TARGETS) launchers: $(LAUNCHER_TARGETS) jmods: $(JMOD_TARGETS) # Explicitly declare dependency for virtual target jdk.jdwp.agent-gensrc which # is actually handled by jdk.jdi-gensrc jdk.jdwp.agent-gensrc: jdk.jdi-gensrc # Declare dependencies from <module> to all the individual targets specific # to that module <module>-*, that are needed for the exploded image. $(foreach m, $(GENSRC_MODULES), $(eval $m: $m-gensrc)) $(foreach m, $(JAVA_MODULES), $(eval $m: $m-java)) $(foreach m, $(GENDATA_MODULES), $(eval $m: $m-gendata)) $(foreach m, $(LIBS_MODULES), $(eval $m: $m-libs)) $(foreach m, $(LAUNCHER_MODULES), $(eval $m: $m-launchers)) $(foreach m, $(ALL_COPY_MODULES), $(eval $m: $m-copy)) # Building java.base includes building all of hotspot. java.base: $(JVM_MAIN_TARGETS) demos: demos-jdk # The "exploded image" is a locally runnable JDK in $(OUTPUTDIR)/jdk. exploded-image-base: $(ALL_MODULES) exploded-image: exploded-image-base release-file # When cross compiling, no need to optimize the exploded image since it won't # be runnable on the host platform anyway. ifneq ($(COMPILE_TYPE), cross) exploded-image: exploded-image-optimize endif # The runnable-buildjdk target guarantees that the buildjdk is done # building and ready to be used. The exact set of dependencies it needs # depends on what kind of buildjdk is used for the current configuration. runnable-buildjdk: ifeq ($(CREATE_BUILDJDK), true) ifneq ($(CREATING_BUILDJDK), true) runnable-buildjdk: create-buildjdk endif else ifeq ($(EXTERNAL_BUILDJDK), false) runnable-buildjdk: exploded-image endif create-buildjdk: create-buildjdk-interim-image docs-jdk-api: docs-jdk-api-javadoc docs-javase-api: docs-javase-api-javadoc docs-reference-api: docs-reference-api-javadoc # If we're building full docs, we must also generate the module graphs to # get non-broken api documentation. ifeq ($(ENABLE_FULL_DOCS), true) docs-jdk-api: docs-jdk-api-graphs docs-javase-api: docs-javase-api-graphs docs-reference-api: docs-reference-api-graphs # We must generate javadoc first so we know what graphs are needed docs-jdk-api-graphs: docs-jdk-api-javadoc docs-javase-api-graphs: docs-javase-api-javadoc docs-reference-api-graphs: docs-reference-api-javadoc endif docs-jdk: docs-jdk-api docs-jdk-specs docs-jdk-index docs-javase: docs-javase-api docs-reference: docs-reference-api # alias for backwards compatibility docs-javadoc: docs-jdk-api mac-bundles: mac-jdk-bundle # The $(OUTPUTDIR)/images directory contain the resulting deliverables, # and in line with this, our targets for creating these are named *-image[s]. # This target builds the product images, e.g. the JDK image # (and possibly other, more specific versions) product-images: jdk-image symbols-image exploded-image # This target builds the legacy images, e.g. the legacy JRE image legacy-images: legacy-jre-image # zip-security is actually a bundle, but for now it needs to be considered # an image until this can be cleaned up properly. product-images: zip-security # The module summary cannot be run when: # * Cross compiling and building a partial BUILDJDK for the build host # * An external buildjdk has been supplied since it may not match the # module selection of the target jdk ifneq ($(CREATE_BUILDJDK), true) ifeq ($(EXTERNAL_BUILDJDK), false) product-images: generate-summary endif endif ifeq ($(call isTargetOs, macosx), true) product-images: mac-jdk-bundle legacy-images: mac-legacy-jre-bundle endif # These targets build the various documentation images docs-jdk-image: docs-jdk docs-javase-image: docs-javase docs-reference-image: docs-reference # The docs-jdk-image is what most users expect to be built docs-image: docs-jdk-image all-docs-images: docs-jdk-image docs-javase-image docs-reference-image docs-bundles: docs-jdk-bundles all-docs-bundles: docs-jdk-bundles docs-javase-bundles docs-reference-bundles # This target builds the test image test-image: prepare-test-image test-image-jdk-jtreg-native \ test-image-demos-jdk test-image-libtest-jtreg-native \ test-image-lib-native ifneq ($(JVM_TEST_IMAGE_TARGETS), ) # If JVM_TEST_IMAGE_TARGETS is externally defined, use it instead of the # standard hotspot set of tests. test-image: $(JVM_TEST_IMAGE_TARGETS) else test-image: test-image-hotspot-jtreg-native ifneq ($(GTEST_FRAMEWORK_SRC), ) test-image: test-image-hotspot-gtest endif endif ifeq ($(BUILD_FAILURE_HANDLER), true) test-image: test-image-failure-handler endif ifeq ($(BUILD_JTREG_TEST_THREAD_FACTORY), true) test-image: test-image-test-thread-factory endif ifneq ($(JMH_CORE_JAR), ) test-image: build-microbenchmark endif ################################################################################ # all-images builds all our deliverables as images. all-images: product-images test-image all-docs-images # all-bundles packages all our deliverables as tar.gz bundles. all-bundles: product-bundles test-bundles docs-bundles static-libs-bundles ALL_TARGETS += buildtools hotspot hotspot-libs hotspot-static-libs \ hotspot-gensrc gensrc gendata \ copy java libs static-libs launchers jmods \ jdk.jdwp.agent-gensrc $(ALL_MODULES) demos \ exploded-image-base exploded-image runnable-buildjdk \ create-buildjdk docs-jdk-api docs-javase-api docs-reference-api docs-jdk \ docs-javase docs-reference docs-javadoc mac-bundles product-images legacy-images \ docs-image docs-javase-image docs-reference-image all-docs-images \ docs-bundles all-docs-bundles test-image all-images \ all-bundles ################################################################################ # Traditional targets typically run by users. # These can be considered aliases for the targets now named by a more # "modern" naming scheme. default: $(DEFAULT_MAKE_TARGET) jdk: exploded-image images: product-images docs: docs-image bundles: all-bundles all: all-images ALL_TARGETS += default jdk images docs bundles all # Aliases used for running tests. # Let "run-test" be an alias for "test" $(foreach t, $(ALL_NAMED_TESTS), $(eval run-test-$t: test-$t)) RUN_TEST_TARGETS := $(addprefix run-test-, $(ALL_NAMED_TESTS)) run-test: test exploded-run-test: exploded-test # "make check" is a common idiom for running basic testing check: test-tier1 # Keep some old names as aliases test-hotspot-jtreg: test-hotspot_all test-hotspot-jtreg-native: test-hotspot_native_sanity test-hotspot-gtest: exploded-test-gtest test-jdk-jtreg-native: test-jdk_native_sanity ALL_TARGETS += $(RUN_TEST_TARGETS) run-test exploded-run-test check \ test-hotspot-jtreg test-hotspot-jtreg-native test-hotspot-gtest \ test-jdk-jtreg-native ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # Clean targets # ################################################################################ # Clean targets are automatically run serially by the Makefile calling this # file. CLEAN_DIRS += hotspot jdk bootcycle-build test buildtools support \ images make-support test-make bundles buildjdk test-results test-support \ support/images CLEAN_DIR_TARGETS := $(addprefix clean-, $(CLEAN_DIRS)) CLEAN_SUPPORT_DIRS += demos CLEAN_SUPPORT_DIR_TARGETS := $(addprefix clean-, $(CLEAN_SUPPORT_DIRS)) CLEAN_TESTS += hotspot-jtreg-native jdk-jtreg-native lib CLEAN_TEST_TARGETS += $(addprefix clean-test-, $(CLEAN_TESTS)) CLEAN_PHASES := gensrc java native include CLEAN_PHASE_TARGETS := $(addprefix clean-, $(CLEAN_PHASES)) CLEAN_MODULE_TARGETS := $(addprefix clean-, $(ALL_MODULES)) # Construct targets of the form clean-$module-$phase CLEAN_MODULE_PHASE_TARGETS := $(addprefix clean-, $(foreach m, $(ALL_MODULES), \ $(addprefix $m-, $(CLEAN_PHASES)))) # Remove everything, except the output from configure. clean: $(CLEAN_DIR_TARGETS) ($(CD) $(OUTPUTDIR) && $(RM) -r build*.log* compile_commands.json) $(ECHO) Cleaned all build artifacts. clean-docs: $(call CleanDocs) clean-compile-commands: $(call CleanMakeSupportDir,compile-commands) $(CLEAN_DIR_TARGETS): $(call CleanDir,$(patsubst clean-%, %, $@)) $(CLEAN_SUPPORT_DIR_TARGETS): $(call CleanSupportDir,$(patsubst clean-%, %, $@)) $(CLEAN_TEST_TARGETS): $(call CleanTest,$(patsubst clean-test-%, %, $@)) $(CLEAN_PHASE_TARGETS): $(call Clean-$(patsubst clean-%,%, $@)) $(CLEAN_MODULE_TARGETS): $(call CleanModule,$(patsubst clean-%, %, $@)) $(CLEAN_MODULE_PHASE_TARGETS): $(call Clean-$(word 3, $(subst -,$(SPACE),$@)), \ $(word 2, $(subst -,$(SPACE),$@))) # When removing the support dir, we must also remove jdk. Building classes has # the side effect of generating native headers. The headers end up in support # while classes and touch files end up in jdk. clean-support: clean-jdk clean-test: clean-test-results clean-test-support # When cleaning images, also clean the support/images directory. clean-images: clean-support/images # Remove everything, including configure configuration. If the output # directory was created by configure and now becomes empty, remove it as well. dist-clean: clean ($(CD) $(OUTPUTDIR) && \ $(RM) -r *spec.gmk $(CONFIGURESUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR) Makefile compare.sh ide \ configure.log* build.log*) $(if $(filter $(CONF_NAME),$(notdir $(OUTPUTDIR))), \ if test "x`$(LS) $(OUTPUTDIR)`" != x; then \ $(ECHO) "Warning: Not removing non-empty configuration directory for '$(CONF_NAME)'" ; \ else \ ($(CD) $(TOPDIR) && $(ECHO) "Removing configuration directory for '$(CONF_NAME)'" \ && $(RM) -r $(OUTPUTDIR)) \ fi \ ) $(ECHO) Cleaned everything, you will have to re-run configure. ALL_TARGETS += clean clean-docs clean-compile-commands dist-clean $(CLEAN_DIR_TARGETS) \ $(CLEAN_SUPPORT_DIR_TARGETS) $(CLEAN_TEST_TARGETS) $(CLEAN_PHASE_TARGETS) \ $(CLEAN_MODULE_TARGETS) $(CLEAN_MODULE_PHASE_TARGETS) ################################################################################ # Declare *-only targets for each normal target $(foreach t, $(ALL_TARGETS), $(eval $(t)-only: $(t))) ALL_TARGETS += $(addsuffix -only, $(filter-out dist-clean clean%, $(ALL_TARGETS))) ################################################################################ # The following targets are intentionally not added to ALL_TARGETS since they # are internal only, to support Init.gmk. print-targets: $(info $(subst $(SPACE),$(NEWLINE),$(sort $(ALL_TARGETS)))) print-modules: $(info $(subst $(SPACE),$(NEWLINE),$(sort $(ALL_MODULES)))) print-tests: $(info $(subst $(SPACE),$(NEWLINE),$(sort $(ALL_NAMED_TESTS)))) create-main-targets-include: $(call LogInfo, Generating main target list) @$(ECHO) ALL_MAIN_TARGETS := $(sort $(ALL_TARGETS)) > \ $(MAKESUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/main-targets.gmk ################################################################################ # Hook to include the corresponding custom file, if present. $(eval $(call IncludeCustomExtension, Main-post.gmk)) .PHONY: $(ALL_TARGETS) FRC: # Force target