# # Copyright (c) 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. # # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as # published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this # particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided # by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. # # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License # version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that # accompanied this code). # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version # 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA # or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any # questions. # default: all include $(SPEC) include MakeBase.gmk PRODUCT_TARGETS := TEST_TARGETS := DOCS_TARGETS := # On Windows tar frequently complains that "file changed as we read it" for # some random source files. This seems to be cause by anti virus scanners and # is most likely safe to ignore. When it happens, tar returns '1'. ifeq ($(OPENJDK_BUILD_OS), windows) TAR_IGNORE_EXIT_VALUE := || test "$$$$?" = "1" endif # Hook to include the corresponding custom file, if present. $(eval $(call IncludeCustomExtension, Bundles-pre.gmk)) ################################################################################ # BUNDLE : Name of bundle to create # FILES : Files in BASE_DIRS to add to bundle # SPECIAL_INCLUDES : List of directories inside BASE_DIRS to look for additional # files in. These files will not get proper dependency handling. Use when # files or directories may contain spaces. # BASE_DIRS : Base directories for the root dir in the bundle. # SUBDIR : Optional name of root dir in bundle. SetupBundleFile = $(NamedParamsMacroTemplate) define SetupBundleFileBody $$(foreach d, $$($1_BASE_DIRS), \ $$(eval $1_$$d_RELATIVE_FILES := $$$$(patsubst $$d/%, %, \ $$$$(filter $$d/%, $$$$($1_FILES)))) \ $$(eval $1_$$d_LIST_FILE := \ $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/bundles/_$1_$$$$(subst /,_,$$$$(patsubst $(OUTPUTDIR)/%,%,$$d)_files)) \ ) ifneq ($$(filter %.tar.gz, $$($1_BUNDLE_NAME)), ) $1_TYPE := tar.gz else ifneq ($$(filter %.zip, $$($1_BUNDLE_NAME)), ) $1_TYPE := zip else $$(error Unknown bundle type $$($1_BUNDLE_NAME)) endif $$(call SetIfEmpty, $1_UNZIP_DEBUGINFO, false) $(BUNDLES_OUTPUTDIR)/$$($1_BUNDLE_NAME): $$($1_FILES) $$(call MakeTargetDir) # If any of the files contain a space in the file name, CacheFind # will have replaced it with ?. Tar does not accept that so need to # switch it back. $$(foreach d, $$($1_BASE_DIRS), \ $$(eval $$(call ListPathsSafely, \ $1_$$d_RELATIVE_FILES, $$($1_$$d_LIST_FILE))) \ $$(CAT) $$($1_$$d_LIST_FILE) | $$(TR) '?' ' ' > $$($1_$$d_LIST_FILE).tmp \ && $(MV) $$($1_$$d_LIST_FILE).tmp $$($1_$$d_LIST_FILE) $$(NEWLINE) \ ) ifneq ($$($1_SPECIAL_INCLUDES), ) $$(foreach i, $$($1_SPECIAL_INCLUDES), \ $$(foreach d, $$($1_BASE_DIRS), \ ($(CD) $$d && $(FIND) $$i >> $$($1_$$d_LIST_FILE)) ; )) endif ifeq ($$($1_SUBDIR)-$$($1_TYPE)-$$($1_UNZIP_DEBUGINFO), .-zip-false) # If no subdir is specified, zip can be done directly from BASE_DIRS. $$(foreach d, $$($1_BASE_DIRS), \ ( $(CD) $$d \ && $(ZIPEXE) -qru $$@ . -i@$$($1_$$d_LIST_FILE) \ || test "$$$$?" = "12" )$$(NEWLINE)) else ifeq ($$($1_SUBDIR)-$$($1_TYPE)-$$($1_UNZIP_DEBUGINFO)-$$(words $$($1_BASE_DIRS)), \ .-tar.gz-false-1) # If no subdir is specified and only one BASE_DIR, tar.gz can be done # directly from BASE_DIR. $(CD) $$($1_BASE_DIRS) \ && ( $(TAR) cf - $(TAR_CREATE_EXTRA_PARAM) \ -$(TAR_INCLUDE_PARAM) $$($1_$$($1_BASE_DIRS)_LIST_FILE) \ $(TAR_IGNORE_EXIT_VALUE) ) \ | $(GZIP) > $$@ else ifeq ($$($1_TYPE)-$(TAR_SUPPORTS_TRANSFORM)-$$($1_UNZIP_DEBUGINFO)-$$(words $$($1_BASE_DIRS)), \ tar.gz-true-false-1) # If only one BASE_DIR, but with a SUBDIR set, tar.gz can use the # transform option to create bundle directly from the BASE_DIR. $(CD) $$($1_BASE_DIRS) \ && ( $(TAR) cf - $(TAR_CREATE_EXTRA_PARAM) \ -$(TAR_INCLUDE_PARAM) $$($1_$$($1_BASE_DIRS)_LIST_FILE) \ $$(if $$($1_SUBDIR), --transform 's|^|$$($1_SUBDIR)/|S') \ $(TAR_IGNORE_EXIT_VALUE) ) \ | $(GZIP) > $$@ else # In all other cases, need to copy all files into a temporary location # before creation bundle. $(RM) -r $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/bundles/$1/$$($1_SUBDIR) $(MKDIR) -p $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/bundles/$1/$$($1_SUBDIR) $$(foreach d, $$($1_BASE_DIRS), \ ( $(CD) $$d \ && $(TAR) cf - -$(TAR_INCLUDE_PARAM) $$($1_$$d_LIST_FILE) \ $(TAR_IGNORE_EXIT_VALUE) ) \ | ( $(CD) $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/bundles/$1/$$($1_SUBDIR) && $(TAR) xf - )$$(NEWLINE) ) # Unzip any zipped debuginfo files ifeq ($$($1_UNZIP_DEBUGINFO), true) for f in `$(FIND) $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/bundles/$1/$$($1_SUBDIR) -name "*.diz"`; do \ $(CD) $$$${f%/*} && $(UNZIP) -q $$$${f} && $(RM) $$$${f}; \ done endif ifeq ($$($1_TYPE), tar.gz) $(CD) $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/bundles/$1 && \ ( $(TAR) cf - $(TAR_CREATE_EXTRA_PARAM) \ $$(if $$($1_SUBDIR), $$($1_SUBDIR), .) $(TAR_IGNORE_EXIT_VALUE) ) \ | $(GZIP) > $$@ else ifeq ($$($1_TYPE), zip) $(CD) $(SUPPORT_OUTPUTDIR)/bundles/$1 && $(ZIPEXE) -qr $$@ . endif endif $1 += $(BUNDLES_OUTPUTDIR)/$$($1_BUNDLE_NAME) endef ################################################################################ # On Macosx, we bundle up the macosx specific images which already have the # correct base directories. ifeq ($(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS)-$(DEBUG_LEVEL), macosx-release) JDK_IMAGE_DIR := $(JDK_MACOSX_BUNDLE_DIR) JDK_IMAGE_HOMEDIR := $(JDK_MACOSX_CONTENTS_DIR)/Home JDK_BUNDLE_SUBDIR := else JDK_IMAGE_HOMEDIR := $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR) JDK_BUNDLE_SUBDIR := jdk-$(VERSION_NUMBER) ifneq ($(DEBUG_LEVEL), release) JDK_BUNDLE_SUBDIR := $(JDK_BUNDLE_SUBDIR)/$(DEBUG_LEVEL) endif endif ################################################################################ ifneq ($(filter product-bundles, $(MAKECMDGOALS)), ) $(eval $(call FillCacheFind, $(IMAGES_OUTPUTDIR))) SYMBOLS_EXCLUDE_PATTERN := %.debuginfo %.diz %.pdb %.map ALL_JDK_FILES := $(call CacheFind, $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)) # Create special filter rules when dealing with unzipped .dSYM directories on # macosx ifeq ($(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS), macosx) ifeq ($(ZIP_EXTERNAL_DEBUG_SYMBOLS), false) JDK_SYMBOLS_EXCLUDE_PATTERN := $(addprefix %, \ $(call containing, .dSYM/, $(patsubst $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR)/%, %, $(ALL_JDK_FILES)))) endif endif JDK_BUNDLE_FILES := \ $(filter-out \ $(JDK_SYMBOLS_EXCLUDE_PATTERN) \ $(JDK_EXTRA_EXCLUDES) \ $(SYMBOLS_EXCLUDE_PATTERN) \ $(JDK_IMAGE_HOMEDIR)/demo/% \ , \ $(ALL_JDK_FILES) \ ) JDK_SYMBOLS_BUNDLE_FILES := \ $(filter \ $(JDK_SYMBOLS_EXCLUDE_PATTERN) \ $(SYMBOLS_EXCLUDE_PATTERN) \ , \ $(filter-out \ $(JDK_IMAGE_HOMEDIR)/demo/% \ , \ $(ALL_JDK_FILES) \ ) \ ) \ $(call CacheFind, $(SYMBOLS_IMAGE_DIR)) TEST_DEMOS_BUNDLE_FILES := $(filter $(JDK_IMAGE_HOMEDIR)/demo/%, $(ALL_JDK_FILES)) $(eval $(call SetupBundleFile, BUILD_JDK_BUNDLE, \ BUNDLE_NAME := $(JDK_BUNDLE_NAME), \ FILES := $(JDK_BUNDLE_FILES), \ SPECIAL_INCLUDES := $(JDK_SPECIAL_INCLUDES), \ BASE_DIRS := $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR), \ SUBDIR := $(JDK_BUNDLE_SUBDIR), \ )) PRODUCT_TARGETS += $(BUILD_JDK_BUNDLE) $(eval $(call SetupBundleFile, BUILD_JDK_SYMBOLS_BUNDLE, \ BUNDLE_NAME := $(JDK_SYMBOLS_BUNDLE_NAME), \ FILES := $(JDK_SYMBOLS_BUNDLE_FILES), \ BASE_DIRS := $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR) $(wildcard $(SYMBOLS_IMAGE_DIR)), \ SUBDIR := $(JDK_BUNDLE_SUBDIR), \ UNZIP_DEBUGINFO := true, \ )) PRODUCT_TARGETS += $(BUILD_JDK_SYMBOLS_BUNDLE) # The demo bundle is only created to support client tests. Ideally it should # be built with the main test bundle, but since the prerequisites match # better with the product build, it makes more sense to keep it there for now. $(eval $(call SetupBundleFile, BUILD_TEST_DEMOS_BUNDLE, \ BUNDLE_NAME := $(TEST_DEMOS_BUNDLE_NAME), \ FILES := $(TEST_DEMOS_BUNDLE_FILES), \ BASE_DIRS := $(JDK_IMAGE_DIR), \ SUBDIR := $(JDK_BUNDLE_SUBDIR), \ )) PRODUCT_TARGETS += $(BUILD_TEST_DEMOS_BUNDLE) endif ################################################################################ ifneq ($(filter test-bundles, $(MAKECMDGOALS)), ) TEST_BUNDLE_FILES := $(call CacheFind, $(TEST_IMAGE_DIR)) $(eval $(call SetupBundleFile, BUILD_TEST_BUNDLE, \ BUNDLE_NAME := $(TEST_BUNDLE_NAME), \ FILES := $(TEST_BUNDLE_FILES), \ BASE_DIRS := $(TEST_IMAGE_DIR), \ )) TEST_TARGETS += $(BUILD_TEST_BUNDLE) endif ################################################################################ ifneq ($(filter docs-bundles, $(MAKECMDGOALS)), ) DOCS_BUNDLE_FILES := $(call CacheFind, $(DOCS_IMAGE_DIR)) $(eval $(call SetupBundleFile, BUILD_DOCS_BUNDLE, \ BUNDLE_NAME := $(DOCS_BUNDLE_NAME), \ FILES := $(DOCS_BUNDLE_FILES), \ BASE_DIRS := $(DOCS_IMAGE_DIR), \ SUBDIR := docs, \ )) DOCS_TARGETS += $(BUILD_DOCS_BUNDLE) endif ################################################################################ ifneq ($(filter jcov-bundles, $(MAKECMDGOALS)), ) JCOV_BUNDLE_FILES := $(call CacheFind, $(JCOV_IMAGE_DIR)) $(eval $(call SetupBundleFile, BUILD_JCOV_BUNDLE, \ BUNDLE_NAME := $(JCOV_BUNDLE_NAME), \ FILES := $(JCOV_BUNDLE_FILES), \ BASE_DIRS := $(JCOV_IMAGE_DIR), \ SUBDIR := $(JDK_BUNDLE_SUBDIR), \ )) JCOV_TARGETS += $(BUILD_JCOV_BUNDLE) endif ################################################################################ # Hook to include the corresponding custom file, if present. $(eval $(call IncludeCustomExtension, Bundles.gmk)) ################################################################################ product-bundles: $(PRODUCT_TARGETS) test-bundles: $(TEST_TARGETS) docs-bundles: $(DOCS_TARGETS) jcov-bundles: $(JCOV_TARGETS) .PHONY: all default product-bundles test-bundles docs-bundles jcov-bundles