# # Copyright (c) 2016, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. # # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as # published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this # particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided # by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. # # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License # version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that # accompanied this code). # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version # 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA # or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any # questions. # # This must be the first rule default: all include $(SPEC) include MakeBase.gmk include JavaCompilation.gmk include Execute.gmk ifeq ($(call isTargetOs, windows), true) # The next part is a bit hacky. We include the CompileJvm.gmk to be # able to extract flags, but we do not wish to execute the rules. # Use primary variant for defines and includes JVM_VARIANT := $(JVM_VARIANT_MAIN) include HotspotCommon.gmk include lib/CompileJvm.gmk # Reset targets so we don't build libjvm. TARGETS := ifeq ($(call isBuildOsEnv, windows.cygwin windows.msys2), true) FixLinuxExecutable = $(call FixPath, $1) else ifeq ($(call isBuildOsEnv, windows.wsl1 windows.wsl2), true) FixLinuxExecutable = "%windir%\Sysnative\wsl.exe $1" endif JVM_DEFINES_client := $(patsubst -D%,%, $(filter -D%, $(JVM_CFLAGS))) EXTRACTED_DEFINES_client := $(addprefix -define , $(JVM_DEFINES_client)) JVM_INCLUDES_client := $(patsubst -I%,%, $(filter -I%, $(JVM_CFLAGS))) EXTRACTED_INCLUDES_client := $(foreach path, $(JVM_INCLUDES_client), -absoluteInclude $(call FixPath, $(path))) # Hand-code variant-specific arguments, based on the fact that we use # client for general arguments. Not optimal but other solutions require # major changes in ProjectCreator. ADDITIONAL_VARIANT_ARGS := \ -define_server COMPILER2 \ -ignorePath_client adfiles \ -ignorePath_client c2_ \ -ignorePath_client runtime_ \ -ignorePath_client libadt \ -ignorePath_client opto \ # IGNORED_PLATFORMS_ARGS := \ -ignorePath aarch64 \ -ignorePath aix \ -ignorePath arm \ -ignorePath bsd \ -ignorePath linux \ -ignorePath posix \ -ignorePath ppc \ -ignorePath x86_32 \ -ignorePath zero \ # ################################################################################ # Build the ProjectCreator java tool. TOOLS_OUTPUTDIR := $(HOTSPOT_OUTPUTDIR)/support/ide_classes $(eval $(call SetupJavaCompilation, BUILD_PROJECT_CREATOR, \ TARGET_RELEASE := $(TARGET_RELEASE_BOOTJDK), \ DISABLED_WARNINGS := auxiliaryclass deprecation rawtypes unchecked cast options, \ SRC := $(TOPDIR)/make/ide/visualstudio/hotspot/src/classes, \ BIN := $(TOOLS_OUTPUTDIR), \ JAVAC_FLAGS := -XDstringConcat=inline, \ )) TARGETS += $(BUILD_PROJECT_CREATOR) # Run the ProjectCreator tool PROJECT_CREATOR_TOOL := $(JAVA_SMALL) -cp $(TOOLS_OUTPUTDIR) build.tools.projectcreator.ProjectCreator IDE_OUTPUTDIR := $(OUTPUTDIR)/ide/hotspot-visualstudio VCPROJ_FILE := $(IDE_OUTPUTDIR)/jvm.vcxproj PROJECT_CREATOR_CLASS := build.tools.projectcreator.WinGammaPlatformVC10 # We hard-code gensrc dir to server (since this includes adfiles) PROJECT_CREATOR_ARGS := \ -sourceBase $(call FixPath, $(TOPDIR)/src) \ -startAt hotspot \ -relativeSrcInclude hotspot \ -hidePath .hg \ -hidePath .jcheck \ -hidePath jdk.hotspot.agent \ -hidePath jdk.internal.vm.ci \ -hidePath jdk.jfr \ -compiler VC10 \ -jdkTargetRoot $(call FixPath, $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)) \ -platformName x64 \ -buildBase $(call FixPath, $(IDE_OUTPUTDIR)/vs-output) \ -buildSpace $(call FixPath, $(IDE_OUTPUTDIR)) \ -makeBinary $(call FixLinuxExecutable, $(MAKE)) \ -makeOutput $(call FixPath, $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)/bin/server) \ -absoluteInclude $(call FixPath, $(HOTSPOT_OUTPUTDIR)/variant-server/gensrc) \ -absoluteSrcInclude $(call FixPath, $(HOTSPOT_OUTPUTDIR)/variant-server/gensrc) \ $(EXTRACTED_DEFINES_client) \ $(EXTRACTED_INCLUDES_client) \ $(ADDITIONAL_VARIANT_ARGS) \ $(IGNORED_PLATFORMS_ARGS) \ # VCPROJ_VARDEPS := $(PROJECT_CREATOR_CLASS) $(PROJECT_CREATOR_ARGS) VCPROJ_VARDEPS_FILE := $(call DependOnVariable, VCPROJ_VARDEPS, \ $(VCPROJ_FILE).vardeps) $(eval $(call SetupExecute, vcproj_file, \ INFO := Generating Visual Studio project file, \ DEPS := $(BUILD_PROJECT_CREATOR) $(VCPROJ_VARDEPS_FILE), \ OUTPUT_FILE := $(VCPROJ_FILE), \ COMMAND := $(PROJECT_CREATOR_TOOL) $(PROJECT_CREATOR_CLASS) \ $(PROJECT_CREATOR_ARGS) -projectFileName $(call FixPath, $(VCPROJ_FILE)) \ $(LOG_INFO), \ )) TARGETS += $(vcproj_file_TARGET) all: $(TARGETS) else all: $(info Hotspot Visual Studio generation only supported on Windows) endif .PHONY: all