/* * @test /nodynamiccopyright/ * @bug 8003280 * @summary Add lambda tests * This test is for identifying a non-SAM type: Having more than one methods due to inheritance, and none of them has a subsignature of all other methods * @compile/fail/ref=NonSAM2.out -XDrawDiagnostics NonSAM2.java Helper.java */ import java.util.List; interface Foo1 { int getAge(String s);} interface Bar1 { Integer getAge(String s);} interface Foo1Bar1 extends Foo1, Bar1 {} //types Bar1 and Foo1 are incompatible; both define getAge(String), but with unrelated return types interface AC extends A, C {} //name clash: getOldest(List) in C and getOldest(List) in A have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other interface ABC extends A, B, C {} //ok - raw override interface AD extends A, D {} //name clash: getOldest(List) in D and getOldest(List) in A have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other interface Foo2 { void m(T arg);} interface Bar2 { void m(S arg);} interface Foo2Bar2 extends Foo2, Bar2 {} //name clash: m(S) in Bar and m(T) in Foo have the same erasure, yet neither overrides the other