/* * Copyright (c) 2002, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package nsk.jdi.ObjectReference.invokeMethod; import com.sun.jdi.*; import com.sun.jdi.event.*; import com.sun.jdi.request.*; import java.util.*; import java.io.*; import nsk.share.*; import nsk.share.jpda.*; import nsk.share.jdi.*; /** * The test checks that virtual and non-virtual method invocation * will be performed properly through the JDI method * <code>com.sun.jdi.ObjectReference.invokeMethod()</code>.<br> * A debugger part of the test invokes several debuggee methods, * overriden in an object reference class, but obtained from * a reference type of its superclass. The debugger calls the * JDI method with and without the flag <i>ObjectReference.INVOKE_NONVIRTUAL</i> * sequentially. It is expected, that methods from the superclass * instead of from the object reference class will be invoked with * the flag and vise versa otherwise. */ public class invokemethod009 { // debuggee classes static final String DEBUGGEE_CLASSES[] = { "nsk.jdi.ObjectReference.invokeMethod.invokemethod009t", "nsk.jdi.ObjectReference.invokeMethod.invokemethod009tDummySuperClass", "nsk.jdi.ObjectReference.invokeMethod.invokemethod009tDummySuperSuperClass" }; // name of debuggee main thread static final String DEBUGGEE_THRNAME = "invokemethod009tThr"; // debuggee source line where it should be stopped static final int DEBUGGEE_STOPATLINE = 69; // debuggee local var used to find needed stack frame static final String DEBUGGEE_LOCALVAR = "invokemethod009tdummyCls"; // tested debuggee methods to be invoked, reference type numbers // and expected return values static final int METH_NUM = 4; static final String DEBUGGEE_METHODS[][] = { {"longProtMeth", "1", "9223372036854775806"}, {"longMeth", "1", "9223372036854775806"}, {"longProtMeth", "2", "9223372036854775805"}, {"longMeth", "2", "9223372036854775805"} }; static final int TIMEOUT_DELTA = 1000; // in milliseconds static final String COMMAND_READY = "ready"; static final String COMMAND_GO = "go"; static final String COMMAND_QUIT = "quit"; private ArgumentHandler argHandler; private Log log; private IOPipe pipe; private Debugee debuggee; private VirtualMachine vm; private ThreadReference thrRef = null; private BreakpointRequest BPreq; private volatile int tot_res = Consts.TEST_PASSED; private volatile boolean gotEvent = false; public static void main (String argv[]) { System.exit(run(argv,System.out) + Consts.JCK_STATUS_BASE); } public static int run(String argv[], PrintStream out) { return new invokemethod009().runIt(argv, out); } private int runIt(String args[], PrintStream out) { argHandler = new ArgumentHandler(args); log = new Log(out, argHandler); Binder binder = new Binder(argHandler, log); String cmd; int num = 0; debuggee = binder.bindToDebugee(DEBUGGEE_CLASSES[0]); pipe = debuggee.createIOPipe(); vm = debuggee.VM(); debuggee.redirectStderr(log, "invokemethod009t.err> "); debuggee.resume(); cmd = pipe.readln(); if (!cmd.equals(COMMAND_READY)) { log.complain("TEST BUG: unknown debuggee command: " + cmd); tot_res = Consts.TEST_FAILED; return quitDebuggee(); } if ((thrRef = debuggee.threadByName(DEBUGGEE_THRNAME)) == null) { log.complain("TEST FAILURE: Method Debugee.threadByName() returned null for debuggee thread " + DEBUGGEE_THRNAME); tot_res = Consts.TEST_FAILED; return quitDebuggee(); } ReferenceType[] rType = new ReferenceType[3]; // reference types of debuggee main & dummy classes rType[0] = debuggee.classByName(DEBUGGEE_CLASSES[0]); rType[1] = debuggee.classByName(DEBUGGEE_CLASSES[1]); rType[2] = debuggee.classByName(DEBUGGEE_CLASSES[2]); // Check the tested assersion try { suspendAtBP(rType[0], DEBUGGEE_STOPATLINE); ObjectReference objRef = findObjRef(DEBUGGEE_LOCALVAR); LinkedList<Value> argList = new LinkedList<Value>(); argList.add(vm.mirrorOf(9223372036854775807L)); for (int i=0; i<METH_NUM; i++) { // get reference type # from DEBUGGEE_METHODS[i][1] int typeIndex = Integer.parseInt(DEBUGGEE_METHODS[i][1]); // get expected return value from DEBUGGEE_METHODS[i][2] long expValue = Long.parseLong(DEBUGGEE_METHODS[i][2]); // get method to be invoked from DEBUGGEE_METHODS[i][0] List methList = rType[typeIndex].methodsByName(DEBUGGEE_METHODS[i][0]); if (methList.isEmpty()) { log.complain("TEST FAILURE: the expected debuggee method \"" + DEBUGGEE_METHODS[i] + "\" not found through the JDI method ReferenceType.methodsByName()"); tot_res = Consts.TEST_FAILED; continue; } Method meth = (Method) methList.get(0); try { log.display("\n\n1) Trying to invoke the method \"" + meth.name() + " " + meth.signature() + " " + meth + "\"\n\tgot from reference type \"" + rType[typeIndex] + "\"\n\twith the arguments: " + argList + " and with the flag ObjectReference.INVOKE_NONVIRTUAL" + "\n\tusing the debuggee object reference \"" + objRef + "\" ..."); LongValue retVal = (LongValue) objRef.invokeMethod(thrRef, meth, argList, ObjectReference.INVOKE_NONVIRTUAL); if (retVal.value() != expValue) { log.complain("TEST FAILED: wrong non-virtual invocation: the method \"" + meth.name() + " " + meth.signature() + "\"\n\tgot from reference type \"" + rType[typeIndex] + "\"\n\tinvoked with the arguments: " + argList + " and with the flag ObjectReference.INVOKE_NONVIRTUAL" + "\"\n\tusing the debuggee object reference \"" + objRef + "\",\n\treturned: " + retVal.value() + " instead of " + expValue + " as expected"); tot_res = Consts.TEST_FAILED; } else log.display("CHECK PASSED: the method invoked with ObjectReference.INVOKE_NONVIRTUAL returns: " + retVal.value() + " as expected"); log.display("\n2) Trying to invoke the method \"" + meth.name() + " " + meth.signature() + " " + meth + "\"\n\tgot from reference type \"" + rType[typeIndex] + "\"\n\twith the arguments: " + argList + " and without the flag ObjectReference.INVOKE_NONVIRTUAL" + "\n\tusing the debuggee object reference \"" + objRef + "\" ..."); retVal = (LongValue) objRef.invokeMethod(thrRef, meth, argList, 0); if (retVal.value() == 9223372036854775807L) { log.display("CHECK PASSED: the invoked method returns: " + retVal.value() + " as expected"); } else { log.complain("TEST FAILED: wrong virtual invocation: the method \"" + meth.name() + " " + meth.signature() + "\"\n\tgot from reference type \"" + rType[typeIndex] + "\"\n\tinvoked with the arguments: " + argList + " and without the flag ObjectReference.INVOKE_NONVIRTUAL" + "\"\n\tusing the debuggee object reference \"" + objRef + "\" returned: " + retVal.value() + " instead of 9223372036854775807L as expected"); tot_res = Consts.TEST_FAILED; } } catch (Exception ee) { ee.printStackTrace(); log.complain("TEST FAILED: ObjectReference.invokeMethod(): caught unexpected " + ee + "\n\twhen attempted to invoke the method \"" + meth.name() + " " + meth.signature() + "\"\n\tgot from reference type \"" + rType[typeIndex] + "\"\n\twith the arguments: " + argList + "\"\n\tusing the debuggee object reference \"" + objRef + "\""); tot_res = Consts.TEST_FAILED; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.complain("TEST FAILURE: caught unexpected exception: " + e); tot_res = Consts.TEST_FAILED; } // Finish the test return quitDebuggee(); } private ObjectReference findObjRef(String varName) { try { List frames = thrRef.frames(); Iterator iter = frames.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { StackFrame stackFr = (StackFrame) iter.next(); try { LocalVariable locVar = stackFr.visibleVariableByName(varName); if (locVar == null) continue; // dummy debuggee class return (ObjectReference)stackFr.getValue(locVar); } catch(AbsentInformationException e) { // this is not needed stack frame, ignoring } catch(NativeMethodException ne) { // current method is native, also ignoring } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); tot_res = Consts.TEST_FAILED; throw new Failure("findObjRef: caught unexpected exception: " + e); } throw new Failure("findObjRef: needed debuggee stack frame not found"); } private BreakpointRequest setBP(ReferenceType refType, int bpLine) { EventRequestManager evReqMan = debuggee.getEventRequestManager(); Location loc; try { List locations = refType.allLineLocations(); Iterator iter = locations.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { loc = (Location) iter.next(); if (loc.lineNumber() == bpLine) { BreakpointRequest BPreq = evReqMan.createBreakpointRequest(loc); log.display("created " + BPreq + "\n\tfor " + refType + " ; line=" + bpLine); return BPreq; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new Failure("setBP: caught unexpected exception: " + e); } throw new Failure("setBP: location corresponding debuggee source line " + bpLine + " not found"); } private void suspendAtBP(ReferenceType rType, int bpLine) { // Class containing a critical section which may lead to time out of the test class CriticalSection extends Thread { public volatile boolean waitFor = true; public void run() { try { do { EventSet eventSet = vm.eventQueue().remove(TIMEOUT_DELTA); if (eventSet != null) { // it is not a timeout EventIterator it = eventSet.eventIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Event event = it.nextEvent(); if (event instanceof VMDisconnectEvent) { log.complain("TEST FAILED: unexpected VMDisconnectEvent"); break; } else if (event instanceof VMDeathEvent) { log.complain("TEST FAILED: unexpected VMDeathEvent"); break; } else if (event instanceof BreakpointEvent) { if (event.request().equals(BPreq)) { log.display("expected Breakpoint event occured: " + event.toString()); gotEvent = true; return; } } else log.display("following JDI event occured: " + event.toString()); } } } while(waitFor); log.complain("TEST FAILED: no expected Breakpoint event"); tot_res = Consts.TEST_FAILED; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); tot_res = Consts.TEST_FAILED; log.complain("TEST FAILED: caught unexpected exception: " + e); } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BPreq = setBP(rType, bpLine); BPreq.enable(); CriticalSection critSect = new CriticalSection(); log.display("\nStarting potential timed out section:\n\twaiting " + (argHandler.getWaitTime()) + " minute(s) for JDI Breakpoint event ...\n"); critSect.start(); pipe.println(COMMAND_GO); try { critSect.join((argHandler.getWaitTime())*60000); if (critSect.isAlive()) { critSect.waitFor = false; throw new Failure("timeout occured while waiting for Breakpoint event"); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { critSect.waitFor = false; throw new Failure("TEST INCOMPLETE: InterruptedException occured while waiting for Breakpoint event"); } finally { BPreq.disable(); } log.display("\nPotential timed out section successfully passed\n"); if (gotEvent == false) throw new Failure("unable to suspend debuggee thread at breakpoint"); } private int quitDebuggee() { vm.resume(); pipe.println(COMMAND_QUIT); debuggee.waitFor(); int debStat = debuggee.getStatus(); if (debStat != (Consts.JCK_STATUS_BASE + Consts.TEST_PASSED)) { log.complain("TEST FAILED: debuggee process finished with status: " + debStat); tot_res = Consts.TEST_FAILED; } else log.display("\nDebuggee process finished with the status: " + debStat); return tot_res; } }