/* * Copyright (c) 2015, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /** * @test * @bug 8156998 * @summary Test --inherit-runtime-environment * @library /tools/lib * @modules * jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.api * jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.main * @build toolbox.ToolBox toolbox.JarTask toolbox.JavacTask toolbox.JavaTask ModuleTestBase * @run main InheritRuntimeEnvironmentTest */ import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import toolbox.ModuleBuilder; import toolbox.JavaTask; import toolbox.JavacTask; import toolbox.Task; /** * Tests that javac picks up runtime options with --inherit-runtime-environment. * For each option, javac is first run using the option directly, as a control. * javac is then run again, with the same option(s) being passed to the runtime, * and --inherit-runtime-environment being used by javac. * @author jjg */ public class InheritRuntimeEnvironmentTest extends ModuleTestBase { public static void main(String... args) throws Exception { InheritRuntimeEnvironmentTest t = new InheritRuntimeEnvironmentTest(); t.runTests(); } /** * Tests that code being compiled can access JDK-internal API using -add-exports. * @param base * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testAddExports(Path base) throws Exception { Path src = base.resolve("src"); tb.writeJavaFiles(src, "class C { com.sun.tools.javac.main.Main main; }"); new TestCase(base) .testOpts("--add-exports", "jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.main=ALL-UNNAMED") .files(findJavaFiles(src)) .run(); } /** * Tests that code in the unnamed module can access a module on the module path using --add-modules. */ @Test public void testAddModules(Path base) throws Exception { Path modules = base.resolve("modules"); new ModuleBuilder(tb, "m1") .exports("pkg1") .classes("package pkg1; public class C1 { }") .build(modules); Path src = base.resolve("src"); tb.writeJavaFiles(src, "class C { pkg1.C1 c1; }"); new TestCase(base) .testOpts("--module-path", modules.toString(), "--add-modules", "m1") .files(findJavaFiles(src)) .run(); } /** * Tests that a module on the module path is not visible when --limit-modules is used to * restrict the set of observable modules. */ @Test public void testLimitModules(Path base) throws Exception { Path modules = base.resolve("modules"); new ModuleBuilder(tb, "m1") .exports("pkg1") .classes("package pkg1; public class C1 { }") .build(modules); Path src = base.resolve("src"); new ModuleBuilder(tb, "m2") .requires("m1") .classes("package pkg2; public class C2 { pkg1.C1 c1; }") .write(src); // This is the control, to verify that by default, the module being compiled will // be able to read modules on the module path new TestCase(base) .testOpts("--module-path", modules.toString()) .otherOpts("--module-source-path", src.toString()) .files(findJavaFiles(src)) .run(); Path emptyClassPath = base.resolve("emptyClassPath"); Files.createDirectories(emptyClassPath); // This is the test, to verify that the module being compiled will not be able to read // modules on the module path when a --limit-modules is used new TestCase(base) .testOpts("--module-path", modules.toString(), "--limit-modules", "jdk.compiler") .otherOpts("-XDrawDiagnostics", "--module-source-path", src.toString(), "-classpath", emptyClassPath.toString()) .files(findJavaFiles(src)) .expect(Task.Expect.FAIL, "compiler.err.module.not.found") .run(); } /** * Tests that a module being compiled can see another module on the module path * using --module-path. */ @Test public void testModulePath(Path base) throws Exception { Path modules = base.resolve("modules"); new ModuleBuilder(tb, "m1") .exports("pkg1") .classes("package pkg1; public class C1 { }") .build(modules); Path src = base.resolve("src"); new ModuleBuilder(tb, "m2") .requires("m1") .classes("package pkg2; public class C2 { pkg1.C1 c1; }") .write(src); new TestCase(base) .testOpts("--module-path", modules.toString()) .otherOpts("--module-source-path", src.toString()) .files(findJavaFiles(src)) .run(); } /** * Tests that a module being compiled can see classes patches into an existing module * with --patch-module */ @Test public void testPatchModule(Path base) throws Exception { Path patchSrc = base.resolve("patchSrc"); tb.writeJavaFiles(patchSrc, "package java.util; public class Xyzzy { }"); Path patch = base.resolve("patch"); Files.createDirectories(patch); new JavacTask(tb) .options("--patch-module", "java.base=" + patchSrc.toString()) .outdir(patch) .sourcepath(patchSrc) .files(findJavaFiles(patchSrc)) .run() .writeAll(); Path src = base.resolve("src"); tb.writeJavaFiles(src, "public class C { java.util.Xyzzy x; }"); new TestCase(base) .testOpts("--patch-module", "java.base=" + patch) .files(findJavaFiles(src)) .run(); } /** * Tests that options in @files are also effective. * The test is similar to testModulePath, except that the test options are provided in an @-file. */ @Test public void testAtFile(Path base) throws Exception { Path modules = base.resolve("modules"); new ModuleBuilder(tb, "m1") .exports("pkg1") .classes("package pkg1; public class C1 { }") .build(modules); Path src = base.resolve("src"); new ModuleBuilder(tb, "m2") .requires("m1") .classes("package pkg2; public class C2 { pkg1.C1 c1; }") .write(src); Path atFile = base.resolve("atFile"); tb.writeFile(atFile, "--module-path " + modules); new TestCase(base) .testOpts("@" + atFile) .otherOpts("--module-source-path", src.toString()) .files(findJavaFiles(src)) .run(); } /** * Tests that --inherit-runtime-environment works in conjunction with * environment variables. * This is a variant of testAddExports. * The use of environment variables is sufficiently custom that it is * not easy to do this directly with a simple TestCase. */ @Test public void testEnvVars(Path base) throws Exception { Path src = base.resolve("src"); tb.writeJavaFiles(src, "class C { com.sun.tools.javac.main.Main main; }"); List<String> testOpts = Arrays.asList("--add-exports", "jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.main=ALL-UNNAMED"); List<Path> files = Arrays.asList(findJavaFiles(src)); String envName = "JDK_JAVAC_OPTIONS"; String envValue = String.join(" ", testOpts); out.println(" javac:"); Path javacOutDir = base.resolve("out-javac"); Files.createDirectories(javacOutDir); out.println(" env: " + envName + "=" + envValue); out.println(" outdir: " + javacOutDir); out.println(" files: " + files); new JavacTask(tb, Task.Mode.EXEC) .envVar(envName, envValue) .outdir(javacOutDir) .files(files) .run() .writeAll() .getOutput(Task.OutputKind.DIRECT); out.println(" java:"); Path javaOutDir = base.resolve("out-java"); Files.createDirectories(javaOutDir); Path atFile = base.resolve("atFile"); tb.writeFile(atFile, String.join(" ", testOpts)); List<String> vmOpts = Arrays.asList( "@" + atFile, "--module", "jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.Main" ); List<String> classArgs = join( Arrays.asList("-d", javaOutDir.toString()), files.stream() .map(p -> p.toString()) .collect(Collectors.toList()) ); envValue = "--inherit-runtime-environment"; out.println(" env: " + envName + "=" + envValue); out.println(" vmOpts: " + vmOpts); out.println(" classArgs: " + classArgs); new JavaTask(tb) .envVar(envName, envValue) .vmOptions(vmOpts) .classArgs(classArgs) .run() .writeAll() .getOutput(Task.OutputKind.STDERR); } /** * Runs javac with given test options, first directly, and then again, specifying the * options to the runtime, and using --inherit-runtime-environment. */ class TestCase { final Path base; List<String> testOpts = Collections.emptyList(); List<String> otherOpts = Collections.emptyList(); List<Path> files = Collections.emptyList(); Task.Expect expect = Task.Expect.SUCCESS; String expectedText; /** * Creates a test case, specifying a base directory for work files. */ TestCase(Path base) { this.base = base; } /** * Set the "test options" to be passed to javac or to the runtime. */ TestCase testOpts(String... testOpts) { this.testOpts = Arrays.asList(testOpts); return this; } /** * Sets additional options required for the compilation. */ TestCase otherOpts(String... otherOpts) { this.otherOpts = Arrays.asList(otherOpts); return this; } /** * Sets the files to be compiled. */ TestCase files(Path... files) { this.files = Arrays.asList(files); return this; } /** * Sets the expected output, and any expected output from javac. * The default is {@code Expect.SUCCESS} and no specific output expected. */ TestCase expect(Task.Expect expect, String expectedText) { this.expect = expect; this.expectedText = expectedText; return this; } /** * Runs the test case. * First, javac is run passing the test options directly to javac. * Then, javac is run again, passing the test options to the runtime, * and using --inherit-runtime-environment. */ void run() throws IOException { runJavac(); runJava(); } private void runJavac() throws IOException { out.println(" javac:"); Path javacOutDir = base.resolve("out-javac"); Files.createDirectories(javacOutDir); List<String> options = join(testOpts, otherOpts); out.println(" options: " + options); out.println(" outdir: " + javacOutDir); out.println(" files: " + files); String log = new JavacTask(tb, Task.Mode.CMDLINE) .options(options) .outdir(javacOutDir) .files(files) .run(expect) .writeAll() .getOutput(Task.OutputKind.DIRECT); if (expectedText != null && !log.contains(expectedText)) error("expected text not found"); } private void runJava() throws IOException { out.println(" java:"); Path javaOutDir = base.resolve("out-java"); Files.createDirectories(javaOutDir); List<String> vmOpts = join( testOpts, Arrays.asList("--module", "jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.Main") ); List<String> classArgs = join( Arrays.asList("--inherit-runtime-environment", "-d", javaOutDir.toString()), otherOpts, files.stream() .map(p -> p.toString()) .collect(Collectors.toList()) ); out.println(" vmOpts: " + vmOpts); out.println(" classArgs: " + classArgs); String log = new JavaTask(tb) .vmOptions(vmOpts) .classArgs(classArgs) .run(expect) .writeAll() .getOutput(Task.OutputKind.STDERR); if (expectedText != null && !log.contains(expectedText)) error("expected text not found"); } } /** * Join a series of lists. */ @SafeVarargs private <T> List<T> join(List<T>... lists) { return Arrays.stream(lists) .flatMap(list -> list.stream()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } }