/* * Copyright (c) 2008, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package jit.graph; import java.util.*; import java.lang.reflect.*; import nsk.share.TestFailure; class test5 { private final int[] MethodID = {Globals.MethodID_Array[7], Globals.MethodID_Array[8], Globals.MethodID_Array[9], Globals.MethodID_Array[10]}; private static Random loopNumGen = new Random(Globals.RANDOM_SEED); private final int maxLoops = 12; private long factorial(int n) { if(n>1) return(n*factorial(n-1)); else return (1); } private long fibonacci(long num1, long num2, int n) { if (n <= 0) return(num2); else return (fibonacci(num2, num1+num2, n-1)); } private long combination(int n, int r) { if ((r==0) || (n==r)) return 1; else return(combination(n-1, r) +combination(n - 1, r - 1)); } private int[] pascalsTriangle(int[] source, int n) { if (n>0) { int sourceLength = source.length; int [] temp = new int[sourceLength +1]; temp[0] = 1; temp[sourceLength] = 1; int j=1; for(int i = 0; i<(sourceLength - 1); i++) temp[j++] = source[i] + source[i+1]; return(pascalsTriangle(temp, n-1)); } else return source; } private boolean verifyArray(int[] ArrayToBeVerified, int[] MasterArray) { if (ArrayToBeVerified.length != MasterArray.length) return false; for (int i =0; i 0) { numFcalls = functionDepth; staticFcalls = new Integer(staticFunctionDepth.intValue()-1); methodCallStr = Globals.returnNextStaticMethod(MethodID[0]); //methodCallStr = Globals.nextStaticMethod(Globals.getIndexFromID(MethodID[0])); } else { numFcalls = new Long(functionDepth.longValue() -1); staticFcalls = staticFunctionDepth; methodCallStr = Globals.nextRandomMethod(); } int localNumLoops = loopNumGen.nextInt(maxLoops); long facFunctionValue = factorial(localNumLoops); long facVerValue = verifyFact(localNumLoops); if (facFunctionValue != facVerValue) { System.out.println("Factorial Computed Incorrectly"); System.out.println("Specific Factorial Requested "+localNumLoops +"!"); throw new TestFailure("Expected: " + facVerValue + " Actual "+ facFunctionValue); } Globals.addFunctionIDToVector(methodCallStr.id, ID); Globals.callMethod(methodCallStr,summation, ID, numFcalls, staticFcalls); } public void fiboTest(Vector summation, Vector ID, Long functionDepth, Integer staticFunctionDepth) throws InvocationTargetException { Globals.appendSumToSumationVector(MethodID[1], summation); if (CGT.shouldFinish()) return; if (Globals.VERBOSE) System.out.println("test5.fiboTest"); if ((functionDepth.longValue() <= 0) && (staticFunctionDepth.intValue() <= 0)) { return; } MethodData methodCallStr; Long numFcalls; Integer staticFcalls; if (staticFunctionDepth.intValue() > 0) { numFcalls = functionDepth; staticFcalls = new Integer(staticFunctionDepth.intValue()-1); methodCallStr = Globals.returnNextStaticMethod(MethodID[1]); } else { numFcalls = new Long(functionDepth.longValue() -1); staticFcalls = staticFunctionDepth; methodCallStr = Globals.nextRandomMethod(); } int localNumLoops = loopNumGen.nextInt(maxLoops*3); long fiboFunctionValue = fibonacci(1,1,localNumLoops); long fiboVerValue = verifyFibo(localNumLoops); if (fiboFunctionValue != fiboVerValue) { System.out.println("Fibonacci Series Computed Incorrectly"); System.out.println("Specific Digit Requested "+localNumLoops); throw new TestFailure("Expected: " + fiboVerValue + " Actual "+ fiboFunctionValue); } Globals.addFunctionIDToVector(methodCallStr.id, ID); Globals.callMethod(methodCallStr,summation, ID, numFcalls, staticFcalls); } public void combTest(Vector summation, Vector ID, Long functionDepth, Integer staticFunctionDepth) throws InvocationTargetException { Globals.appendSumToSumationVector(MethodID[2], summation); if (CGT.shouldFinish()) return; if (Globals.VERBOSE) System.out.println("test5.combTest"); if ((functionDepth.longValue() <= 0) && (staticFunctionDepth.intValue() <= 0)) { return; } MethodData methodCallStr; Long numFcalls; Integer staticFcalls; if (staticFunctionDepth.intValue() > 0) { numFcalls = functionDepth; staticFcalls = new Integer(staticFunctionDepth.intValue()-1); methodCallStr = Globals.returnNextStaticMethod(MethodID[2]); //methodCallStr = Globals.nextStaticMethod(Globals.getIndexFromID(MethodID[2])); } else { numFcalls = new Long(functionDepth.longValue() -1); staticFcalls = staticFunctionDepth; methodCallStr = Globals.nextRandomMethod(); } int n = loopNumGen.nextInt(maxLoops); int k = (n>0)?loopNumGen.nextInt(n):0; long combFunctionValue = combination(n, k); long combVerValue = verifyComb(n, k); if (combFunctionValue != combVerValue) { System.out.println("Combination Computed Incorrectly"); System.out.println("N = " + n +"K = " + k); throw new TestFailure("Expected: " + combVerValue + " Actual "+ combFunctionValue); } Globals.addFunctionIDToVector(methodCallStr.id, ID); Globals.callMethod(methodCallStr,summation, ID, numFcalls, staticFcalls); } public void pascalTest(Vector summation, Vector ID, Long functionDepth, Integer staticFunctionDepth) throws InvocationTargetException { Globals.appendSumToSumationVector(MethodID[3], summation); if (CGT.shouldFinish()) return; int [] x = new int[1 << 30]; x[1 << 24] = 1; if (Globals.VERBOSE) System.out.println("test5.pascalTest"); if ((functionDepth.longValue() <= 0) && (staticFunctionDepth.intValue() <= 0)) { return; } MethodData methodCallStr; Long numFcalls; Integer staticFcalls; if (staticFunctionDepth.intValue() > 0) { numFcalls = functionDepth; staticFcalls = new Integer(staticFunctionDepth.intValue()-1); methodCallStr = Globals.returnNextStaticMethod(MethodID[3]); //methodCallStr = Globals.nextStaticMethod(Globals.getIndexFromID(MethodID[3])); } else { numFcalls = new Long(functionDepth.longValue() -1); staticFcalls = staticFunctionDepth; methodCallStr = Globals.nextRandomMethod(); } int num = loopNumGen.nextInt(maxLoops); int[] pascalFunctionValue = pascalsTriangle(new int[] {1}, num); int[] pascalVerValue = verifyPascal(num); if (!verifyArray(pascalFunctionValue, pascalVerValue)) { String temp = new String("Expected: "); for (int i=0; i