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 * @test
 * @bug 8192985
 * @summary Test the clhsdb 'scanoops' command
 * @requires vm.gc.Parallel
 * @requires vm.hasSA
 * @library /test/lib
 * @run main/othervm/timeout=1200 ClhsdbScanOops UseParallelGC

 * @test
 * @bug 8192985
 * @summary Test the clhsdb 'scanoops' command
 * @requires vm.gc.Serial
 * @requires vm.hasSA
 * @library /test/lib
 * @run main/othervm/timeout=1200 ClhsdbScanOops UseSerialGC

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import jdk.test.lib.Utils;
import jdk.test.lib.apps.LingeredApp;
import jtreg.SkippedException;

public class ClhsdbScanOops {

    private static void testWithGcType(String gc) throws Exception {

        LingeredApp theApp = null;

        try {
            ClhsdbLauncher test = new ClhsdbLauncher();
            theApp = LingeredApp.startApp(gc);

            System.out.println ("Started LingeredApp with the GC option " + gc +
                                " and pid " + theApp.getPid());

            // Run the 'universe' command to get the address ranges
            List<String> cmds = List.of("universe");

            String universeOutput = test.run(theApp.getPid(), cmds, null, null);

            cmds = new ArrayList<String>();
            Map<String, List<String>> expStrMap = new HashMap<>();
            Map<String, List<String>> unExpStrMap = new HashMap<>();

            String startAddress = null;
            String endAddress = null;
            String[] snippets = null;

            if (gc.contains("UseParallelGC")) {
                snippets = universeOutput.split("eden =  ");
            } else {
                snippets = universeOutput.split("eden \\[");
            String[] words = snippets[1].split(",");
            // Get the addresses from Eden
            startAddress = words[0].replace("[", "");
            endAddress = words[1];
            String cmd = "scanoops " + startAddress + " " + endAddress;

            expStrMap.put(cmd, List.of
                ("java/lang/Object", "java/lang/Class", "java/lang/Thread",
                 "java/lang/String", "\\[B", "\\[I"));

            // Test the 'type' option also
            // scanoops <start addr> <end addr> java/lang/String
            // Ensure that only the java/lang/String oops are printed.
            cmd = cmd + " java/lang/String";
            expStrMap.put(cmd, List.of("java/lang/String"));
            unExpStrMap.put(cmd, List.of("java/lang/Thread"));

            test.run(theApp.getPid(), cmds, expStrMap, unExpStrMap);
        } catch (SkippedException e) {
            throw e;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Test ERROR " + ex, ex);
        } finally {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        String gc = args[0];
        System.out.println("Starting the ClhsdbScanOops test");
        testWithGcType("-XX:+" + gc);
        System.out.println("Test PASSED");