/* * Copyright (c) 2015, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /* * @test * @bug 8144095 8164825 8169818 8153402 8165405 8177079 8178013 8167554 8166232 8277328 * @summary Test Command Completion * @modules jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.api * jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.main * jdk.jdeps/com.sun.tools.javap * jdk.jshell/jdk.internal.jshell.tool * @library /tools/lib * @build toolbox.ToolBox toolbox.JarTask toolbox.JavacTask * @build ReplToolTesting TestingInputStream Compiler * @run testng CommandCompletionTest */ import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.file.FileSystems; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.function.Predicate; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import java.util.stream.Stream; import java.util.stream.StreamSupport; import org.testng.SkipException; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import jdk.internal.jshell.tool.JShellTool; import jdk.internal.jshell.tool.JShellToolBuilder; import jdk.jshell.SourceCodeAnalysis.Suggestion; import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.testng.Assert.fail; public class CommandCompletionTest extends ReplToolTesting { private JShellTool repl; @Override protected void testRawRun(Locale locale, String[] args) { repl = ((JShellToolBuilder) builder(locale)) .rawTool(); try { repl.start(args); } catch (Exception ex) { fail("Repl tool died with exception", ex); } } public void assertCompletion(boolean after, String code, boolean isSmart, String... expected) { if (!after) { setCommandInput("\n"); } else { assertCompletion(code, isSmart, expected); } } public void assertCompletion(String code, boolean isSmart, String... expected) { List<String> completions = computeCompletions(code, isSmart); assertEquals(completions, Arrays.asList(expected), "Command: " + code + ", output: " + completions.toString()); } private List<String> computeCompletions(String code, boolean isSmart) { int cursor = code.indexOf('|'); code = code.replace("|", ""); assertTrue(cursor > -1, "'|' not found: " + code); List<Suggestion> completions = repl.commandCompletionSuggestions(code, cursor, new int[] {-1}); //XXX: ignoring anchor for now return completions.stream() .filter(s -> isSmart == s.matchesType()) .map(s -> s.continuation()) .distinct() .collect(Collectors.toList()); } @Test public void testCommand() { testNoStartUp( a -> assertCompletion(a, "/deb|", false), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/re|", false, "/reload ", "/reset "), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/h|", false, "/help ", "/history ") ); } @Test public void testList() { test(false, new String[] {"--no-startup"}, a -> assertCompletion(a, "/l|", false, "/list "), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/list |", false, "-all", "-history", "-start "), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/list -h|", false, "-history"), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/list q|", false), a -> assertVariable(a, "int", "xray"), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/list |", false, "-all", "-history", "-start ", "1 ", "xray "), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/list x|", false, "xray "), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/list xray |", false) ); } @Test public void testHistory() { test(false, new String[] {"--no-startup"}, a -> assertCompletion(a, "/hi|", false, "/history "), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/history |", false, "-all") ); } @Test public void testDrop() { test(false, new String[] {"--no-startup"}, a -> assertCompletion(a, "/d|", false, "/drop "), a -> assertClass(a, "class cTest {}", "class", "cTest"), a -> assertMethod(a, "int mTest() { return 0; }", "()I", "mTest"), a -> assertVariable(a, "int", "fTest"), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/drop |", false, "1 ", "2 ", "3 ", "cTest ", "fTest ", "mTest "), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/drop f|", false, "fTest ") ); } @Test public void testEdit() { test(false, new String[]{"--no-startup"}, a -> assertCompletion(a, "/e|", false, "/edit ", "/env ", "/exit "), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/ed|", false, "/edit "), a -> assertClass(a, "class cTest {}", "class", "cTest"), a -> assertMethod(a, "int mTest() { return 0; }", "()I", "mTest"), a -> assertVariable(a, "int", "fTest"), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/edit |", false, "-all" , "-start " , "1 ", "2 ", "3 ", "cTest ", "fTest ", "mTest "), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/edit cTest |", false, "2 ", "3 ", "fTest ", "mTest "), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/edit 1 fTest |", false, "2 ", "mTest "), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/edit f|", false, "fTest "), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/edit mTest f|", false, "fTest ") ); } @Test public void testHelp() { testNoStartUp( a -> assertCompletion(a, "/help |", false, "/! ", "/-<n> ", "/<id> ", "/? ", "/drop ", "/edit ", "/env ", "/exit ", "/help ", "/history ", "/imports ", "/list ", "/methods ", "/open ", "/reload ", "/reset ", "/save ", "/set ", "/types ", "/vars ", "context ", "id ", "intro ", "keys ", "rerun ", "shortcuts "), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/? |", false, "/! ", "/-<n> ", "/<id> ", "/? ", "/drop ", "/edit ", "/env ", "/exit ", "/help ", "/history ", "/imports ", "/list ", "/methods ", "/open ", "/reload ", "/reset ", "/save ", "/set ", "/types ", "/vars ", "context ", "id ", "intro ", "keys ", "rerun ", "shortcuts "), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/help /s|", false, "/save ", "/set "), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/help /set |", false, "editor", "feedback", "format", "indent", "mode", "prompt", "start", "truncation"), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/help set |", false, "editor", "feedback", "format", "indent", "mode", "prompt", "start", "truncation"), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/help /edit |", false), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/help dr|", false, "drop ") ); } @Test public void testReload() { String[] ropts = new String[] { "-add-exports ", "-add-modules ", "-class-path ", "-module-path ", "-quiet ", "-restore " }; String[] dropts = new String[] { "--add-exports ", "--add-modules ", "--class-path ", "--module-path ", "--quiet ", "--restore " }; testNoStartUp( a -> assertCompletion(a, "/reloa |", false, ropts), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/relo |", false, ropts), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/reload -|", false, ropts), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/reload --|", false, dropts), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/reload -restore |", false, ropts), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/reload -restore --|", false, dropts), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/reload -rest|", false, "-restore "), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/reload --r|", false, "--restore "), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/reload -q|", false, "-quiet "), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/reload -add|", false, "-add-exports ", "-add-modules "), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/reload -class-path . -quiet |", false, ropts) ); } @Test public void testEnv() { String[] ropts = new String[] { "-add-exports ", "-add-modules ", "-class-path ", "-module-path " }; String[] dropts = new String[] { "--add-exports ", "--add-modules ", "--class-path ", "--module-path " }; testNoStartUp( a -> assertCompletion(a, "/env |", false, ropts), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/env -|", false, ropts), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/env --|", false, dropts), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/env --a|", false, "--add-exports ", "--add-modules "), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/env -add-|", false, "-add-exports ", "-add-modules "), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/env -class-path . |", false, ropts), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/env -class-path . --|", false, dropts) ); } @Test public void testReset() { String[] ropts = new String[] { "-add-exports ", "-add-modules ", "-class-path ", "-module-path " }; String[] dropts = new String[] { "--add-exports ", "--add-modules ", "--class-path ", "--module-path " }; testNoStartUp( a -> assertCompletion(a, "/reset |", false, ropts), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/res -m|", false, "-module-path "), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/res -module-|", false, "-module-path "), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/res --m|", false, "--module-path "), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/res --module-|", false, "--module-path "), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/reset -add|", false, "-add-exports ", "-add-modules "), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/rese -class-path . |", false, ropts), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/rese -class-path . --|", false, dropts) ); } @Test public void testVarsMethodsTypes() { testNoStartUp( a -> assertCompletion(a, "/v|", false, "/vars "), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/m|", false, "/methods "), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/t|", false, "/types "), a -> assertClass(a, "class cTest {}", "class", "cTest"), a -> assertMethod(a, "int mTest() { return 0; }", "()I", "mTest"), a -> assertVariable(a, "int", "fTest"), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/vars |", false, "-all", "-start ", "3 ", "fTest "), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/meth |", false, "-all", "-start ", "2 ", "mTest "), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/typ |", false, "-all", "-start ", "1 ", "cTest "), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/var f|", false, "fTest ") ); } @Test public void testOpen() throws IOException { Compiler compiler = new Compiler(); testNoStartUp( a -> assertCompletion(a, "/o|", false, "/open ") ); List<String> p1 = listFiles(Paths.get("")); getRootDirectories().forEach(s -> p1.add(s.toString())); Collections.sort(p1); testNoStartUp( a -> assertCompletion(a, "/open |", false, p1.toArray(new String[p1.size()])) ); Path classDir = compiler.getClassDir(); List<String> p2 = listFiles(classDir); testNoStartUp( a -> assertCompletion(a, "/open " + classDir + "/|", false, p2.toArray(new String[p2.size()])) ); } @Test public void testSave() throws IOException { Compiler compiler = new Compiler(); testNoStartUp( a -> assertCompletion(a, "/s|", false, "/save ", "/set ") ); List<String> p1 = listFiles(Paths.get("")); Collections.addAll(p1, "-all ", "-history ", "-start "); getRootDirectories().forEach(s -> p1.add(s.toString())); Collections.sort(p1); testNoStartUp( a -> assertCompletion(a, "/save |", false, p1.toArray(new String[p1.size()])) ); Path classDir = compiler.getClassDir(); List<String> p2 = listFiles(classDir); testNoStartUp( a -> assertCompletion(a, "/save " + classDir + "/|", false, p2.toArray(new String[p2.size()])), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/save -all " + classDir + "/|", false, p2.toArray(new String[p2.size()])) ); } @Test public void testClassPath() throws IOException { Compiler compiler = new Compiler(); Path outDir = compiler.getPath("testClasspathCompletion"); Files.createDirectories(outDir); Files.createDirectories(outDir.resolve("dir")); createIfNeeded(outDir.resolve("test.jar")); createIfNeeded(outDir.resolve("test.zip")); compiler.compile(outDir, "package pkg; public class A { public String toString() { return \"A\"; } }"); String jarName = "test.jar"; compiler.jar(outDir, jarName, "pkg/A.class"); compiler.getPath(outDir).resolve(jarName); List<String> paths = listFiles(outDir, CLASSPATH_FILTER); String[] pathArray = paths.toArray(new String[paths.size()]); testNoStartUp( a -> assertCompletion(a, "/env -class-path " + outDir + "/|", false, pathArray), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/env --class-path " + outDir + "/|", false, pathArray), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/env -clas " + outDir + "/|", false, pathArray), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/env --class-p " + outDir + "/|", false, pathArray), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/env --module-path . --class-p " + outDir + "/|", false, pathArray) ); } @Test public void testClassPathWithSpace() throws IOException { Compiler compiler = new Compiler(); Path outDir = compiler.getPath("testClassPathWithSpace"); Path dirWithSpace = Files.createDirectories(outDir.resolve("dir with space")); Files.createDirectories(dirWithSpace.resolve("nested with space")); String[] pathArray = new String[] {"dir\\ with\\ space/"}; String[] pathArray2 = new String[] {"nested\\ with\\ space/"}; testNoStartUp( a -> assertCompletion(a, "/env -class-path " + outDir + "/|", false, pathArray), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/env -class-path " + outDir + "/dir|", false, pathArray), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/env -class-path " + outDir + "/dir\\ with|", false, pathArray), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/env -class-path " + outDir + "/dir\\ with\\ space/|", false, pathArray2) ); } @Test public void testUserHome() throws IOException { List<String> completions; Path home = Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.home")); String selectedFile; try (Stream<Path> content = Files.list(home)) { selectedFile = content.filter(CLASSPATH_FILTER) .filter(file -> file.getFileName().toString().contains(" ")) .findAny() .map(file -> file.getFileName().toString().replace(" ", "\\ ")) .orElse(null); } if (selectedFile == null) { throw new SkipException("No suitable file(s) found for this test in " + home); } try (Stream<Path> content = Files.list(home)) { completions = content.filter(CLASSPATH_FILTER) .filter(file -> file.getFileName().toString().startsWith(selectedFile.replace("\\ ", " "))) .map(file -> file.getFileName().toString().replace(" ", "\\ ") + (Files.isDirectory(file) ? "/" : "")) .sorted() .collect(Collectors.toList()); } testNoStartUp( a -> assertCompletion(a, "/env --class-path ~/" + selectedFile + "|", false, completions.toArray(new String[completions.size()])) ); } @Test public void testSet() throws IOException { List<String> p1 = listFiles(Paths.get("")); getRootDirectories().forEach(s -> p1.add(s.toString())); Collections.sort(p1); String[] modes = {"concise ", "normal ", "silent ", "verbose "}; String[] options = {"-command", "-delete", "-quiet"}; String[] modesWithOptions = Stream.concat(Arrays.stream(options), Arrays.stream(modes)).sorted().toArray(String[]::new); test(false, new String[] {"--no-startup"}, a -> assertCompletion(a, "/se|", false, "/set "), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/set |", false, "editor ", "feedback ", "format ", "indent ", "mode ", "prompt ", "start ", "truncation "), // /set editor a -> assertCompletion(a, "/set e|", false, "editor "), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/set editor |", false, p1.toArray(new String[p1.size()])), // /set feedback a -> assertCompletion(a, "/set fe|", false, "feedback "), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/set fe |", false, modes), // /set format a -> assertCompletion(a, "/set fo|", false, "format "), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/set fo |", false, modes), // /set mode a -> assertCompletion(a, "/set mo|", false, "mode "), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/set mo |", false), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/set mo newmode |", false, modesWithOptions), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/set mo newmode -|", false, options), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/set mo newmode -command |", false), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/set mo newmode normal |", false, options), // /set prompt a -> assertCompletion(a, "/set pro|", false, "prompt "), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/set pro |", false, modes), // /set start a -> assertCompletion(a, "/set st|", false, "start "), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/set st |", false, p1.toArray(new String[p1.size()])), // /set truncation a -> assertCompletion(a, "/set tr|", false, "truncation "), a -> assertCompletion(a, "/set tr |", false, modes) ); } private void createIfNeeded(Path file) throws IOException { if (!Files.exists(file)) Files.createFile(file); } private List<String> listFiles(Path path) throws IOException { return listFiles(path, ACCEPT_ALL); } private List<String> listFiles(Path path, Predicate<? super Path> filter) throws IOException { try (Stream<Path> stream = Files.list(path)) { return stream.filter(filter) .map(p -> p.getFileName().toString() + (Files.isDirectory(p) ? "/" : "")) .sorted() .collect(Collectors.toList()); } } private static final Predicate<? super Path> ACCEPT_ALL = (file) -> !file.endsWith(".") && !file.endsWith(".."); private static final Predicate<? super Path> CLASSPATH_FILTER = (file) -> ACCEPT_ALL.test(file) && (Files.isDirectory(file) || file.getFileName().toString().endsWith(".jar") || file.getFileName().toString().endsWith(".zip")); private static Iterable<? extends Path> getRootDirectories() { return StreamSupport.stream(FileSystems.getDefault() .getRootDirectories() .spliterator(), false) .filter(p -> Files.exists(p)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } }