/* * Copyright (c) 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import org.testng.SkipException; import java.io.CharArrayWriter; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.UncheckedIOException; import java.nio.CharBuffer; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HexFormat; import java.util.Locale; import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.testng.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.testng.Assert.assertSame; import static org.testng.Assert.assertThrows; import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.testng.Assert.expectThrows; /* * @test * @summary Check HexFormat formatting and parsing * @run testng/othervm HexFormatTest */ @Test public class HexFormatTest { static final Class<NullPointerException> NPE = NullPointerException.class; @DataProvider(name = "HexFormattersParsers") Object[][] hexFormattersParsers() { return new Object[][]{ {"", "", "", true, HexFormat.of().withUpperCase()}, {", ", "#", "L", false, HexFormat.ofDelimiter(", ").withPrefix("#").withSuffix("L")}, {"", "", "", false, HexFormat.of().withPrefix("").withSuffix("")}, {".", "", "", false, HexFormat.ofDelimiter(".").withPrefix("").withSuffix("")}, {", ", "0x", "", true, HexFormat.ofDelimiter(", ").withUpperCase().withPrefix("0x")}, {"\u0202", "\u0203", "\u0204", false, HexFormat.ofDelimiter("\u0202").withPrefix("\u0203").withSuffix("\u0204")}, {"\u0202", "", "", false, HexFormat.ofDelimiter("\u0202")}, }; } @DataProvider(name = "HexStringsThrowing") Object[][] HexStringsThrowing() { return new Object[][]{ {"0", ":", "", ""}, // wrong string length {"01:", ":", "", ""}, // wrong string length {"01:0", ":", "", ""}, // wrong string length {"0", ",", "", ""}, // wrong length and separator {"01:", ",", "", ""}, // wrong length and separator {"01:0", ",", "", ""}, // wrong length and separator {"01:00", ",", "", ""}, // wrong separator {"00]", ",", "[", "]"}, // missing prefix {"[00", ",", "[", "]"}, // missing suffix {"]", ",", "[", "]"}, // missing prefix {"[", ",", "[", "]"}, // missing suffix {"00", ",", "abc", ""}, // Prefix longer than string {"01", ",", "", "def"}, // Suffix longer than string {"abc00,", ",", "abc", ""}, // Prefix and delim but not another value {"01def,", ",", "", "def"}, // Suffix and delim but not another value }; } @DataProvider(name = "BadBytesThrowing") Object[][] badBytesThrowing() { return new Object[][]{ {new byte[1], 0, 2}, // bad toIndex {new byte[1], 1, 2}, // bad fromIndex + toIndex {new byte[1], -1, 2}, // bad fromIndex {new byte[1], -1, 1}, // bad fromIndex {new byte[1], 0, -1}, // bad toIndex {new byte[1], 1, -1}, // bad toIndex }; } @DataProvider(name = "BadParseHexThrowing") Object[][] badParseHexThrowing() { return new Object[][]{ {"a", 0, 2, IndexOutOfBoundsException.class}, // bad toIndex {"b", 1, 2, IndexOutOfBoundsException.class}, // bad toIndex {"a", -1, 2, IndexOutOfBoundsException.class}, // bad fromIndex {"b", -1, 1, IndexOutOfBoundsException.class}, // bad fromIndex {"a", 0, -1, IndexOutOfBoundsException.class}, // bad toIndex {"b", 1, -1, IndexOutOfBoundsException.class}, // bad fromIndex + toIndex {"76543210", 0, 7, IllegalArgumentException.class}, // odd number of digits {"zz00", 0, 4, IllegalArgumentException.class}, // non-hex digits {"00zz", 0, 4, IllegalArgumentException.class}, // non-hex digits }; } @DataProvider(name = "BadFromHexDigitsThrowing") Object[][] badHexDigitsThrowing() { return new Object[][]{ {"a", 0, 2, IndexOutOfBoundsException.class}, // bad toIndex {"b", 1, 2, IndexOutOfBoundsException.class}, // bad fromIndex + toIndex {"a", -1, 2, IndexOutOfBoundsException.class}, // bad toIndex {"b", -1, 1, IndexOutOfBoundsException.class}, // bad fromIndex + toIndex {"a", 0, -1, IndexOutOfBoundsException.class}, // bad toIndex {"b", 1, -1, IndexOutOfBoundsException.class}, // bad fromIndex + toIndex }; } static byte[] genBytes(int origin, int len) { byte[] bytes = new byte[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) bytes[i] = (byte) (origin + i); return bytes; } @Test static void testToHex() { HexFormat hex = HexFormat.of(); for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { char c = hex.toLowHexDigit((byte)i); String expected = Integer.toHexString(i & 0xf); assertEquals(c, expected.charAt(0), "toHex formatting"); } } @Test static void testToHexDigits() { HexFormat hex = HexFormat.of(); for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { String actual = hex.toHexDigits((byte)i); int expected = HexFormat.fromHexDigits(actual); assertEquals(expected, i, "fromHexDigits"); assertEquals(actual.charAt(0), hex.toHighHexDigit((byte)i), "first char mismatch"); assertEquals(actual.charAt(1), hex.toLowHexDigit((byte)i), "second char mismatch"); } } @Test static void testIsHexDigit() { for (int i = 0; i < 0x3ff; i++) { boolean actual = HexFormat.isHexDigit(i); boolean expected = Character.digit(i, 16) >= 0; assertEquals(actual, expected, "isHexDigit: " + i); } } @Test static void testFromHexDigit() { String chars = "0123456789ABCDEF0123456789abcdef"; for (int i = 0; i < chars.length(); i++) { int v = HexFormat.fromHexDigit(chars.charAt(i)); assertEquals(v, i & 0xf, "fromHex decode"); } } @Test static void testFromHexInvalid() { for (int i = 0; i < 65536; i++) { char ch = (char)i; if (ch > 0xff || Character.digit(ch, 16) < 0) { assertFalse(HexFormat.isHexDigit(ch), "isHexDigit incorrect for '" + ch + "' = " + i); expectThrows(NumberFormatException.class, () -> HexFormat.fromHexDigit(ch)); } } } @Test static void testAppendHexByteWithStringBuilder() { HexFormat hex = HexFormat.of(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { sb.setLength(0); StringBuilder sb1 = hex.toHexDigits(sb, (byte)i); assertSame(sb1, sb, "toHexDigits returned different StringBuilder"); assertEquals(sb.length(), 2, "wrong length after append: " + i); assertEquals(sb.charAt(0), hex.toHighHexDigit((byte)i), "MSB converted wrong"); assertEquals(sb.charAt(1), hex.toLowHexDigit((byte)i), "LSB converted wrong"); assertEquals(HexFormat.fromHexDigits(sb), i, "hex.format(sb, byte) wrong"); } } @Test static void testAppendHexByteWithCharBuffer() { HexFormat hex = HexFormat.of(); CharBuffer cb = CharBuffer.allocate(256); for (int i = 1; i <= 128; i++) { CharBuffer cb1 = hex.toHexDigits(cb, (byte)i); assertTrue(cb1 == cb); assertEquals(cb.position(), i * 2); } assertEquals(cb.remaining(), 0); } @Test static void testAppendHexByteWithCharArrayWriter() { HexFormat hex = HexFormat.of(); CharArrayWriter caw = new CharArrayWriter(); for (int i = 1; i <= 128; i++) { CharArrayWriter caw1 = hex.toHexDigits(caw, (byte)i); assertTrue(caw1 == caw); assertEquals(caw.size(), i * 2); } } @Test static void testFromHexPairInvalid() { HexFormat hex = HexFormat.of(); // An assortment of invalid characters String chars = "-0--0-"; for (int i = 0; i < chars.length(); i += 2) { final int ndx = i; Throwable ex = expectThrows(NumberFormatException.class, () -> HexFormat.fromHexDigits(chars.subSequence(ndx, ndx+2))); System.out.println(ex); } } @Test(dataProvider = "HexStringsThrowing") static void testToBytesThrowing(String value, String sep, String prefix, String suffix) { HexFormat hex = HexFormat.ofDelimiter(sep).withPrefix(prefix).withSuffix(suffix); Throwable ex = expectThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> { byte[] v = hex.parseHex(value); System.out.println("str: " + value + ", actual: " + v + ", bytes: " + Arrays.toString(v)); }); System.out.println("ex: " + ex); } @Test static void testFactoryNPE() { assertThrows(NPE, () -> HexFormat.ofDelimiter(null)); assertThrows(NPE, () -> HexFormat.of().withDelimiter(null)); assertThrows(NPE, () -> HexFormat.of().withPrefix(null)); assertThrows(NPE, () -> HexFormat.of().withSuffix(null)); } @Test static void testFormatHexNPE() { assertThrows(NPE, () -> HexFormat.of().formatHex(null)); assertThrows(NPE, () -> HexFormat.of().formatHex(null, 0, 1)); assertThrows(NPE, () -> HexFormat.of().formatHex(null, null)); assertThrows(NPE, () -> HexFormat.of().formatHex(null, null, 0, 0)); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); assertThrows(NPE, () -> HexFormat.of().formatHex(sb, null)); assertThrows(NPE, () -> HexFormat.of().formatHex(sb, null, 0, 1)); } @Test static void testParseHexNPE() { assertThrows(NPE, () -> HexFormat.of().parseHex(null)); assertThrows(NPE, () -> HexFormat.of().parseHex((String)null, 0, 0)); assertThrows(NPE, () -> HexFormat.of().parseHex((char[])null, 0, 0)); } @Test static void testFromHexNPE() { assertThrows(NPE, () -> HexFormat.fromHexDigits(null)); assertThrows(NPE, () -> HexFormat.fromHexDigits(null, 0, 0)); assertThrows(NPE, () -> HexFormat.fromHexDigitsToLong(null)); assertThrows(NPE, () -> HexFormat.fromHexDigitsToLong(null, 0, 0)); } @Test static void testToHexDigitsNPE() { assertThrows(NPE, () -> HexFormat.of().toHexDigits(null, (byte)0)); } @Test(dataProvider = "BadParseHexThrowing") static void badParseHex(String string, int offset, int length, Class<? extends Throwable> exClass) { assertThrows(exClass, () -> HexFormat.of().parseHex(string, offset, length)); char[] chars = string.toCharArray(); assertThrows(exClass, () -> HexFormat.of().parseHex(chars, offset, length)); } @Test(dataProvider = "BadFromHexDigitsThrowing") static void badFromHexDigits(String string, int fromIndex, int toIndex, Class<? extends Throwable> exClass) { assertThrows(exClass, () -> HexFormat.fromHexDigits(string, fromIndex, toIndex)); assertThrows(exClass, () -> HexFormat.fromHexDigitsToLong(string, fromIndex, toIndex)); } // Verify IAE for strings that are too long for the target primitive type // or the number of requested digits is too large. @Test static void wrongNumberDigits() { assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> HexFormat.fromHexDigits("9876543210")); assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> HexFormat.fromHexDigits("9876543210", 0, 9)); assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> HexFormat.fromHexDigitsToLong("98765432109876543210")); assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> HexFormat.fromHexDigitsToLong("98765432109876543210", 0, 17)); } @Test(dataProvider="HexFormattersParsers") static void testFormatter(String delimiter, String prefix, String suffix, boolean uppercase, HexFormat hex) { byte[] expected = genBytes('A', 15); String res = hex.formatHex(expected); assertTrue(res.startsWith(prefix), "Prefix not found"); assertTrue(res.endsWith(suffix), "Suffix not found"); int expectedLen = expected.length * (2 + prefix.length() + delimiter.length() + suffix.length()) - delimiter.length(); assertEquals(res.length(), expectedLen, "String length"); if (expected.length > 1) { // check prefix and suffix is present for each hex pair for (int i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) { int valueChars = prefix.length() + 2 + suffix.length(); int offset = i * (valueChars + delimiter.length()); String value = res.substring(offset, offset + valueChars); assertTrue(value.startsWith(prefix), "wrong prefix"); assertTrue(value.endsWith(suffix), "wrong suffix"); // Check case of digits String cc = value.substring(prefix.length(), prefix.length() + 2); assertEquals(cc, (uppercase) ? cc.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT) : cc.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT), "Case mismatch"); if (i < expected.length - 1 && !delimiter.isEmpty()) { // Check the delimiter is present for each pair except the last assertEquals(res.substring(offset + valueChars, offset + valueChars + delimiter.length()), delimiter); } } } } @Test(dataProvider="HexFormattersParsers") static void testFormatHexString(String unused1, String unused2, String unused3, boolean unused4, HexFormat hex) { byte[] expected = genBytes('A', 15); String s = hex.formatHex(expected); System.out.println(" formatted: " + s); byte[] actual = hex.parseHex(s); System.out.println(" parsed as: " + Arrays.toString(actual)); int mismatch = Arrays.mismatch(expected, actual); assertEquals(actual, expected, "format/parse cycle failed, mismatch: " + mismatch); } @Test(dataProvider="HexFormattersParsers") static void testParseHexStringRange(String delimiter, String prefix, String suffix, boolean unused4, HexFormat hex) { byte[] expected = genBytes('A', 15); String s = hex.formatHex(expected); // Parse values 2, 3, 4 from the generated string int low = 2; int high = 5; int stride = prefix.length() + 2 + suffix.length() + delimiter.length(); System.out.println(" formatted subrange: " + s.substring(low * stride, high * stride - delimiter.length())); byte[] actual = hex.parseHex(s, low * stride, high * stride - delimiter.length()); System.out.println(" parsed as: " + Arrays.toString(actual)); assertEquals(actual.length, (high - low), "array length"); int mismatch = Arrays.mismatch(expected, low, high, actual, 0, high - low); assertEquals(mismatch, -1, "format/parse cycle failed, mismatch: " + mismatch); } @Test(dataProvider="HexFormattersParsers") static void testParseHexEmptyString(String delimiter, String prefix, String suffix, boolean unused4, HexFormat hex) { byte[] actual = hex.parseHex(""); assertEquals(actual.length, 0, "empty string parse"); actual = hex.parseHex("abc", 0, 0); assertEquals(actual.length, 0, "empty string range parse"); actual = hex.parseHex(new char[1], 0, 0); assertEquals(actual.length, 0, "empty char array subrange empty parse"); } @Test(dataProvider="HexFormattersParsers") static void testFormatHexRangeString(String unused1, String unused2, String unused3, boolean unused4, HexFormat hex) { byte[] expected = genBytes('A', 15); int low = 1; int high = expected.length - 2; String s = hex.formatHex(expected, low, high); System.out.println(" formatted: " + s); byte[] actual = hex.parseHex(s); System.out.println(" parsed as: " + Arrays.toString(actual)); int mismatch = Arrays.mismatch(expected, low, high, actual, 0, high - low); assertEquals(mismatch, -1, "format/parse cycle failed, mismatch: " + mismatch); } @Test(dataProvider="HexFormattersParsers") static void testFormatHexAppendable(String unused1, String unused2, String unused3, boolean unused4, HexFormat hex) { byte[] expected = genBytes('A', 15); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder s = hex.formatHex(sb, expected); assertEquals(s, sb, "formatHex returned unknown StringBuilder"); System.out.println(" formatted: " + s); byte[] actual = hex.parseHex(s.toString()); System.out.println(" parsed as: " + Arrays.toString(actual)); int mismatch = Arrays.mismatch(expected, actual); assertEquals(actual, expected, "format/parse cycle failed, mismatch: " + mismatch); } @Test(dataProvider="HexFormattersParsers") static void testFormatHexRangeAppendable(String unused1, String unused2, String unused3, boolean unused4, HexFormat hex) { byte[] expected = genBytes('A', 15); int low = 1; int high = expected.length - 2; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder s = hex.formatHex(sb, expected, low, high); assertEquals(s, sb, "formatHex returned unknown StringBuilder"); System.out.println(" formatted: " + s); byte[] actual = hex.parseHex(s.toString()); System.out.println(" parsed as: " + Arrays.toString(actual)); byte[] sub = Arrays.copyOfRange(expected, low, high); System.out.println("actual: " + Arrays.toString(actual)); System.out.println("sub : " + Arrays.toString(sub)); int mismatch = Arrays.mismatch(expected, low, high, actual, 0, high - low); assertEquals(actual, sub, "format/parse cycle failed, mismatch: " + mismatch); assertEquals(mismatch, -1, "format/parse cycle failed, mismatch: " + mismatch); } @Test(dataProvider="HexFormattersParsers") static void testFormatHexCharArray(String unused1, String unused2, String unused3, boolean unused4, HexFormat hex) { byte[] expected = genBytes('A', 15); String s = hex.formatHex(expected); System.out.println(" formatted: " + s); char[] chars = s.toCharArray(); byte[] actual = hex.parseHex(chars, 0, chars.length); System.out.println(" parsed as: " + Arrays.toString(actual)); int mismatch = Arrays.mismatch(expected, actual); assertEquals(actual, expected, "format/parse cycle failed, mismatch: " + mismatch); } @Test(dataProvider="HexFormattersParsers") static void testFormatHexCharArrayIndexed(String delimiter, String prefix, String suffix, boolean unused4, HexFormat hex) { byte[] expected = genBytes('A', 15); String s = hex.formatHex(expected); System.out.println(" formatted: " + s); // Parse values 2, 3, 4 from the generated string int low = 2; int high = 5; int stride = prefix.length() + 2 + suffix.length() + delimiter.length(); System.out.println(" formatted subrange: " + s.substring(low * stride, high * stride - delimiter.length())); char[] chars = s.toCharArray(); byte[] actual = hex.parseHex(chars, low * stride, high * stride - delimiter.length()); System.out.println(" parsed as: " + Arrays.toString(actual)); assertEquals(actual.length, (high - low), "array length"); int mismatch = Arrays.mismatch(expected, low, high, actual, 0, high - low); assertEquals(mismatch, -1, "format/parse cycle failed, mismatch: " + mismatch); } @Test(dataProvider="HexFormattersParsers") static void testFormatterToString(String delimiter, String prefix, String suffix, boolean uppercase, HexFormat hex) { String actual = String.format( "uppercase: %s, delimiter: \"%s\", prefix: \"%s\", suffix: \"%s\"", uppercase, escapeNL(delimiter), escapeNL(prefix), escapeNL(suffix)); System.out.println(" hex: " + actual); assertEquals(actual, hex.toString(), "Formatter toString mismatch"); } @Test(dataProvider="HexFormattersParsers") static void testFormatterParameterMethods(String delimiter, String prefix, String suffix, boolean uppercase, HexFormat hex) { assertEquals(hex.delimiter(), delimiter); assertEquals(hex.prefix(), prefix); assertEquals(hex.suffix(), suffix); assertEquals(hex.isUpperCase(), uppercase); } @Test(dataProvider="HexFormattersParsers") static void testFormatterTestEquals(String delimiter, String prefix, String suffix, boolean uppercase, HexFormat expected) { HexFormat actual = HexFormat.of() .withDelimiter(delimiter) .withPrefix(prefix) .withSuffix(suffix); actual = uppercase ? actual.withUpperCase() : actual.withLowerCase(); assertEquals(actual.delimiter(), delimiter, "delimiter"); assertEquals(actual.prefix(), prefix, "prefix"); assertEquals(actual.suffix(), suffix, "suffix"); assertEquals(actual.isUpperCase(), uppercase, "uppercase"); assertTrue(actual.equals(expected), "equals method"); assertEquals(actual.hashCode(), expected.hashCode(), "hashCode"); assertTrue(actual.equals(actual)); // equals self assertFalse(actual.equals(null)); // never equals null } @Test(dataProvider="HexFormattersParsers") static void testZeroLength(String delimiter, String prefix, String suffix, boolean uppercase, HexFormat hex) { // Test formatting of zero length byte arrays, should produce no output StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); assertEquals(hex.formatHex(new byte[0]), "", "Zero length"); assertEquals(hex.formatHex(new byte[0], 0, 0), "", "Zero length"); hex.formatHex(sb, new byte[0]); assertEquals(sb.length(), 0, "length should not change"); hex.formatHex(sb, new byte[0], 0, 0); assertEquals(sb.length(), 0, "length should not change"); } private static String escapeNL(String string) { return string.replace("\n", "\\n") .replace("\r", "\\r"); } @Test static void testfromHexDigitsToInt() { HexFormat hex = HexFormat.of(); String allHex = "76543210"; final int orig = 0x76543210; for (int digits = 0; digits <= 8; digits++) { String s = hex.toHexDigits(orig, digits); long actual = HexFormat.fromHexDigits(s, 0, digits); System.out.printf(" digits: %2d, formatted: \"%s\", parsed as: 0x%08x%n", digits, s, actual); assertEquals(s, allHex.substring(8 - digits, 8)); long expected = (digits < 8) ? orig & ~(0xffffffff << (4 * digits)) : orig; assertEquals(actual, expected); } } @Test static void testfromHexDigitsToLong() { HexFormat hex = HexFormat.of(); String allHex = "fedcba9876543210"; final long orig = 0xfedcba9876543210L; for (int digits = 0; digits <= 16; digits++) { String s = hex.toHexDigits(orig, digits); long actual = HexFormat.fromHexDigitsToLong(s, 0, digits); System.out.printf(" digits: %2d, formatted: \"%s\", parsed as: 0x%016xL%n", digits, s, actual); assertEquals(s, allHex.substring(16 - digits, 16)); long expected = (digits < 16) ? orig & ~(0xffffffffffffffffL << (4 * digits)) : orig; assertEquals(actual, expected); } } @Test static void testToHexDigitsLong() { HexFormat hex = HexFormat.of(); String allHex = "fedcba9876543210"; final long expected = 0xfedcba9876543210L; String s = hex.toHexDigits(expected); long actual = HexFormat.fromHexDigitsToLong(s); System.out.printf(" formatted: \"%s\", parsed as: 0x%016xL%n", s, actual); assertEquals(s, allHex); assertEquals(actual, expected); } @Test(dataProvider="HexFormattersParsers") static void testIOException(String delimiter, String prefix, String suffix, boolean uppercase, HexFormat hex) { Appendable throwingAppendable = new ThrowingAppendable(); assertThrows(UncheckedIOException.class, () -> hex.formatHex(throwingAppendable, new byte[1])); assertThrows(UncheckedIOException.class, () -> hex.formatHex(throwingAppendable, new byte[1], 0, 1)); assertThrows(UncheckedIOException.class, () -> hex.toHexDigits(throwingAppendable, (byte)1)); } @Test(dataProvider="HexFormattersParsers") static void testOOME(String delimiter, String prefix, String suffix, boolean uppercase, HexFormat hex) { // compute the size of byte array that will exceed the buffer long valueChars = prefix.length() + 2 + suffix.length(); long stride = valueChars + delimiter.length(); long max = Integer.MAX_VALUE & 0xFFFFFFFFL; long len = max / stride; long remainder = max - ((len - 1) * stride); if (remainder > valueChars) { len++; remainder -= valueChars; } try { byte[] bytes = new byte[(int) len]; Throwable ex = expectThrows(OutOfMemoryError.class, () -> hex.formatHex(bytes)); System.out.println("ex: " + ex); } catch (OutOfMemoryError oome) { System.out.printf("OOME: total mem: %08x, free mem: %08x, max mem: %08x%n", Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory(), Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory(), Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory()); throw new SkipException("Insufficient Memory to test OOME"); } } /** * Example code from the HexFormat javadoc. * Showing simple usage of the API using "assert" to express the correct results * when shown in the javadoc. * The additional TestNG asserts verify the correctness of the same code. */ @Test private static void samples() { { // Primitive formatting and parsing. HexFormat hex = HexFormat.of(); byte b = 127; String byteStr = hex.toHexDigits(b); System.out.println(" " + byteStr); byte byteVal = (byte) HexFormat.fromHexDigits(byteStr); assert(byteStr.equals("7f")); assert(b == byteVal); assertTrue(byteStr.equals("7f")); assertTrue(b == byteVal); char c = 'A'; String charStr = hex.toHexDigits(c); System.out.println(" " + charStr); int charVal = HexFormat.fromHexDigits(charStr); assert(c == charVal); assertTrue(c == charVal); int i = 12345; String intStr = hex.toHexDigits(i); System.out.println(" " + intStr); int intVal = HexFormat.fromHexDigits(intStr); assert(i == intVal); assertTrue(i == intVal); long l = Long.MAX_VALUE; String longStr = hex.toHexDigits(l, 16); long longVal = HexFormat.fromHexDigitsToLong(longStr, 0, 16); System.out.println(" " + longStr + ", " + longVal); assert(l == longVal); assertTrue(l == longVal); } { // RFC 4752 Fingerprint HexFormat formatFingerprint = HexFormat.ofDelimiter(":").withUpperCase(); byte[] bytes = {0, 1, 2, 3, 124, 125, 126, 127}; String str = formatFingerprint.formatHex(bytes); System.out.println(" Formatted: " + str); byte[] parsed = formatFingerprint.parseHex(str); System.out.println(" Parsed: " + Arrays.toString(parsed)); assert(Arrays.equals(bytes, parsed)); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(bytes, parsed)); } { // Comma separated formatting HexFormat commaFormat = HexFormat.ofDelimiter(","); byte[] bytes = {0, 1, 2, 3, 124, 125, 126, 127}; String str = commaFormat.formatHex(bytes); System.out.println(" Formatted: " + str); byte[] parsed = commaFormat.parseHex(str); System.out.println(" Parsed: " + Arrays.toString(parsed)); assert(Arrays.equals(bytes, parsed)); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(bytes, parsed)); } { // Text formatting HexFormat commaFormat = HexFormat.ofDelimiter(", ").withPrefix("#"); byte[] bytes = {0, 1, 2, 3, 124, 125, 126, 127}; String str = commaFormat.formatHex(bytes); System.out.println(" Formatted: " + str); byte[] parsed = commaFormat.parseHex(str); System.out.println(" Parsed: " + Arrays.toString(parsed)); assert(Arrays.equals(bytes, parsed)); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(bytes, parsed)); } } /** * A test implementation of Appendable that throws IOException on all methods. */ static class ThrowingAppendable implements Appendable { @Override public Appendable append(CharSequence csq) throws IOException { throw new IOException(".append(CharSequence) always throws"); } @Override public Appendable append(CharSequence csq, int start, int end) throws IOException { throw new IOException(".append(CharSequence, start, end) always throws"); } @Override public Appendable append(char c) throws IOException { throw new IOException(".append(char) always throws"); } } }