/* * Copyright (c) 2018, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package build.tools.jfr; import java.io.BufferedOutputStream; import java.io.Closeable; import java.io.DataOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.StringJoiner; import java.util.function.Predicate; import javax.xml.XMLConstants; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory; import javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler; /** * Purpose of this program is twofold: * * 1) Generate C++ classes to be used when writing native events for HotSpot. * * 2) Generate metadata (label, descriptions, field layout etc.) from XML * (metadata.xml) into a binary format (metadata.bin) that can be read quickly * during startup by the jdk.jfr module. * * INPUT FILES: * * - metadata.xml File that contains descriptions of events and types * - metadata.xsd Schema that verifies that metadata.xml is legit XML * * OUTPUT FILES: * * MODE: headers * * - jfrEventIds.hpp List of IDs so events can be identified from native * - jfrTypes.hpp List of IDs so types can be identified from native * - jfrPeriodic.hpp Dispatch mechanism so Java can emit native periodic events * - jfrEventControl.hpp Data structure for native event settings. * - jfrEventClasses.hpp C++ event classes that can write data into native buffers * * MODE: metadata * * - metadata.bin Binary representation of the information in metadata.xml * */ public class GenerateJfrFiles { enum OutputMode { headers, metadata } private static void printUsage(PrintStream out) { out.println("Usage: java GenerateJfrFiles[.java]"); out.println(" --mode "); out.println(" --xml "); out.println(" --xsd "); out.println(" --output "); } private static String consumeOption(String option, List argList) throws Exception { int index = argList.indexOf(option); if (index >= 0 && index <= argList.size() - 2) { String result = argList.get(index + 1); argList.remove(index); argList.remove(index); return result; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("missing option " + option); } public static void main(String... args) throws Exception { try { List argList = new ArrayList<>(); argList.addAll(Arrays.asList(args)); String mode = consumeOption("--mode", argList); String output = consumeOption("--output", argList); String xml = consumeOption("--xml", argList); String xsd = consumeOption("--xsd", argList); if (!argList.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown option " + argList); } OutputMode outputMode = OutputMode.valueOf(mode); File xmlFile = new File(xml); File xsdFile = new File(xsd); Metadata metadata = new Metadata(xmlFile, xsdFile); metadata.verify(); metadata.wireUpTypes(); if (outputMode == OutputMode.headers) { File outputDir = new File(output); printJfrEventIdsHpp(metadata, new File(outputDir, "jfrEventIds.hpp")); printJfrTypesHpp(metadata, new File(outputDir, "jfrTypes.hpp")); printJfrPeriodicHpp(metadata, new File(outputDir, "jfrPeriodic.hpp")); printJfrEventControlHpp(metadata, new File(outputDir, "jfrEventControl.hpp")); printJfrEventClassesHpp(metadata, new File(outputDir, "jfrEventClasses.hpp")); } if (outputMode == OutputMode.metadata) { File outputFile = new File(output); try (var b = new DataOutputStream( new BufferedOutputStream( new FileOutputStream(outputFile)))) { metadata.persist(b); } } System.exit(0); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { System.err.println(); System.err.println("GenerateJfrFiles: " + iae.getMessage()); System.err.println(); printUsage(System.err); System.err.println(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.exit(1); } static class XmlType { final String name; final String fieldType; final String parameterType; final String javaType; final boolean unsigned; final String contentType; XmlType(String name, String fieldType, String parameterType, String javaType, String contentType, boolean unsigned) { this.name = name; this.fieldType = fieldType; this.parameterType = parameterType; this.javaType = javaType; this.unsigned = unsigned; this.contentType = contentType; } } static class XmlContentType { final String name; final String annotation; XmlContentType(String name, String annotation) { this.name = name; this.annotation = annotation; } } static class TypeElement { List fields = new ArrayList<>(); String name; String javaType; String label = ""; String description = ""; String category = ""; boolean thread; boolean stackTrace; boolean startTime; String period = ""; boolean cutoff; boolean throttle; String level = ""; boolean experimental; boolean internal; long id; boolean isEvent; boolean isRelation; boolean supportStruct = false; String commitState; public boolean primitive; public void persist(DataOutputStream pos) throws IOException { pos.writeInt(fields.size()); for (FieldElement field : fields) { field.persist(pos); } pos.writeUTF(javaType); pos.writeUTF(label); pos.writeUTF(description); pos.writeUTF(category); pos.writeBoolean(thread); pos.writeBoolean(stackTrace); pos.writeBoolean(startTime); pos.writeUTF(period); pos.writeBoolean(cutoff); pos.writeBoolean(throttle); pos.writeUTF(level); pos.writeBoolean(experimental); pos.writeBoolean(internal); pos.writeLong(id); pos.writeBoolean(isEvent); pos.writeBoolean(isRelation); } } static class Metadata { static class TypeCounter { final long first; long last = -1; long count = 0; long id = -1; TypeCounter(long startId) { this.first = startId; } long next() { id = (id == -1) ? first : id + 1; count++; last = id; return id; } } static int RESERVED_EVENT_COUNT = 2; final Map types = new LinkedHashMap<>(); final Map xmlTypes = new LinkedHashMap<>(); final Map xmlContentTypes = new LinkedHashMap<>(); int lastEventId; private TypeCounter eventCounter; private TypeCounter typeCounter; Metadata(File metadataXml, File metadataSchema) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, FileNotFoundException, IOException { SchemaFactory schemaFactory = SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI); SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); factory.setSchema(schemaFactory.newSchema(metadataSchema)); SAXParser sp = factory.newSAXParser(); sp.parse(metadataXml, new MetadataHandler(this)); } public void persist(DataOutputStream pos) throws IOException { pos.writeInt(types.values().size()); for (TypeElement t : types.values()) { t.persist(pos); } } List getEvents() { return getList(t -> t.isEvent); } List getEventsAndStructs() { return getList(t -> t.isEvent || t.supportStruct); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List getList(Predicate pred) { List result = new ArrayList<>(types.size()); for (TypeElement t : types.values()) { if (pred.test(t)) { result.add((T) t); } } return result; } List getPeriodicEvents() { return getList(t -> t.isEvent && !t.period.isEmpty()); } List getTypes() { return getList(t -> !t.isEvent); } List getStructs() { return getList(t -> !t.isEvent && t.supportStruct); } void verify() { for (TypeElement t : types.values()) { for (FieldElement f : t.fields) { if (!xmlTypes.containsKey(f.typeName)) { // ignore primitives if (!types.containsKey(f.typeName)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not find definition of type '" + f.typeName + "' used by " + t.name + "#" + f.name); } } } } } void wireUpTypes() { // Add Java primitives for (var t : xmlTypes.entrySet()) { String name = t.getKey(); XmlType xmlType = t.getValue(); // Excludes Thread and Class if (!types.containsKey(name)) { // Excludes u8, u4, u2, u1, Ticks and Ticksspan if (!xmlType.javaType.isEmpty() && !xmlType.unsigned) { TypeElement te = new TypeElement(); te.name = name; te.javaType = xmlType.javaType; te.primitive = true; types.put(te.name, te); } } } // Setup Java fully qualified names for (TypeElement t : types.values()) { if (t.isEvent) { t.javaType = "jdk." + t.name; } else { XmlType xmlType = xmlTypes.get(t.name); if (xmlType != null && !xmlType.javaType.isEmpty()) { t.javaType = xmlType.javaType; } else { t.javaType = "jdk.types." + t.name; } } } // Setup content type, annotation, constant pool etc. for fields. for (TypeElement t : types.values()) { for (FieldElement f : t.fields) { TypeElement type = types.get(f.typeName); XmlType xmlType = xmlTypes.get(f.typeName); if (type == null) { if (xmlType == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown type"); } if (f.contentType.isEmpty()) { f.contentType = xmlType.contentType; } String javaType = xmlType.javaType; type = types.get(javaType); Objects.requireNonNull(type); } if (type.primitive) { f.constantPool = false; } if (xmlType != null) { f.unsigned = xmlType.unsigned; } if (f.struct) { f.constantPool = false; type.supportStruct = true; } f.type = type; XmlContentType xmlContentType = xmlContentTypes.get(f.contentType); if (xmlContentType == null) { f.annotations = ""; } else { f.annotations = xmlContentType.annotation; } if (!f.relation.isEmpty()) { f.relation = "jdk.types." + f.relation; } } } // Low numbers for event so most of them // can fit in one byte with compressed integers eventCounter = new TypeCounter(RESERVED_EVENT_COUNT); for (TypeElement t : getEvents()) { t.id = eventCounter.next(); } typeCounter = new TypeCounter(eventCounter.last + 1); for (TypeElement t : getTypes()) { t.id = typeCounter.next(); } } public String getName(long id) { for (TypeElement t : types.values()) { if (t.id == id) { return t.name; } } throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected id " + id ); } } static class FieldElement { final Metadata metadata; TypeElement type; String name; String typeName; boolean constantPool = true; public String transition; public String contentType; private String label; private String description; private String relation; private boolean experimental; private boolean unsigned; private boolean array; private String annotations; public boolean struct; FieldElement(Metadata metadata) { this.metadata = metadata; } public void persist(DataOutputStream pos) throws IOException { pos.writeUTF(name); pos.writeUTF(type.javaType); pos.writeUTF(label); pos.writeUTF(description); pos.writeBoolean(constantPool); pos.writeBoolean(array); pos.writeBoolean(unsigned); pos.writeUTF(annotations); pos.writeUTF(transition); pos.writeUTF(relation); pos.writeBoolean(experimental); } String getParameterType() { if (struct) { return "const JfrStruct" + typeName + "&"; } XmlType xmlType = metadata.xmlTypes.get(typeName); if (xmlType != null) { return xmlType.parameterType; } return type != null ? "u8" : typeName; } String getParameterName() { return struct ? "value" : "new_value"; } String getFieldType() { if (struct) { return "JfrStruct" + typeName; } XmlType xmlType = metadata.xmlTypes.get(typeName); if (xmlType != null) { return xmlType.fieldType; } return type != null ? "u8" : typeName; } } static class MetadataHandler extends DefaultHandler { final Metadata metadata; FieldElement currentField; TypeElement currentType; MetadataHandler(Metadata metadata) { this.metadata = metadata; } @Override public void error(SAXParseException e) throws SAXException { throw e; } @Override public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { switch (qName) { case "XmlContentType": String n = attributes.getValue("name"); // mandatory String a = attributes.getValue("annotation"); // mandatory metadata.xmlContentTypes.put(n, new XmlContentType(n, a)); break; case "XmlType": String name = attributes.getValue("name"); // mandatory String parameterType = attributes.getValue("parameterType"); // mandatory String fieldType = attributes.getValue("fieldType"); // mandatory String javaType = getString(attributes, "javaType"); String contentType = getString(attributes, "contentType"); boolean unsigned = getBoolean(attributes, "unsigned", false); metadata.xmlTypes.put(name, new XmlType(name, fieldType, parameterType, javaType, contentType, unsigned)); break; case "Relation": case "Type": case "Event": currentType = new TypeElement(); currentType.name = attributes.getValue("name"); // mandatory currentType.label = getString(attributes, "label"); currentType.description = getString(attributes, "description"); currentType.category = getString(attributes, "category"); currentType.experimental = getBoolean(attributes, "experimental", false); currentType.internal = getBoolean(attributes, "internal", false); currentType.thread = getBoolean(attributes, "thread", false); currentType.stackTrace = getBoolean(attributes, "stackTrace", false); currentType.startTime = getBoolean(attributes, "startTime", true); currentType.period = getString(attributes, "period"); currentType.cutoff = getBoolean(attributes, "cutoff", false); currentType.level = getString(attributes, "level"); currentType.throttle = getBoolean(attributes, "throttle", false); currentType.commitState = getString(attributes, "commitState"); currentType.isEvent = "Event".equals(qName); currentType.isRelation = "Relation".equals(qName); break; case "Field": currentField = new FieldElement(metadata); currentField.name = attributes.getValue("name"); // mandatory currentField.typeName = attributes.getValue("type"); // mandatory currentField.label = getString(attributes, "label"); currentField.description = getString(attributes, "description"); currentField.contentType = getString(attributes, "contentType"); currentField.struct = getBoolean(attributes, "struct", false); currentField.array = getBoolean(attributes, "array", false); currentField.transition = getString(attributes, "transition"); currentField.relation = getString(attributes, "relation"); currentField.experimental = getBoolean(attributes, "experimental", false); break; } } private static String getString(Attributes attributes, String name) { String value = attributes.getValue(name); return value != null ? value : ""; } private static boolean getBoolean(Attributes attributes, String name, boolean defaultValue) { String value = attributes.getValue(name); return value == null ? defaultValue : Boolean.valueOf(value); } @Override public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) { switch (qName) { case "Relation": case "Type": case "Event": metadata.types.put(currentType.name, currentType); currentType = null; break; case "Field": currentType.fields.add(currentField); currentField = null; break; } } } static class Printer implements Closeable { final PrintStream out; Printer(File outputFile) throws FileNotFoundException { out = new PrintStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outputFile))); write("/* AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT */"); write(""); } void write(String text) { out.print(text); out.print("\n"); // Don't use Windows line endings } @Override public void close() throws IOException { out.close(); } } private static void printJfrPeriodicHpp(Metadata metadata, File outputFile) throws Exception { try (var out = new Printer(outputFile)) { out.write("#ifndef JFRFILES_JFRPERIODICEVENTSET_HPP"); out.write("#define JFRFILES_JFRPERIODICEVENTSET_HPP"); out.write(""); out.write("#include \"utilities/macros.hpp\""); out.write("#if INCLUDE_JFR"); out.write("#include \"jfrfiles/jfrEventIds.hpp\""); out.write("#include \"memory/allocation.hpp\""); out.write(""); out.write("enum PeriodicType {BEGIN_CHUNK, INTERVAL, END_CHUNK};"); out.write(""); out.write("class JfrPeriodicEventSet : public AllStatic {"); out.write(" public:"); out.write(" static void requestEvent(JfrEventId id, jlong timestamp, PeriodicType periodicType) {"); out.write(" _timestamp = Ticks(timestamp);"); out.write(" _type = periodicType;"); out.write(" switch(id) {"); out.write(" "); for (TypeElement e : metadata.getPeriodicEvents()) { out.write(" case Jfr" + e.name + "Event:"); out.write(" request" + e.name + "();"); out.write(" break;"); out.write(" "); } out.write(" default:"); out.write(" break;"); out.write(" }"); out.write(" }"); out.write(""); out.write(" private:"); out.write(""); for (TypeElement e : metadata.getPeriodicEvents()) { out.write(" static void request" + e.name + "(void);"); out.write(""); } out.write(" static Ticks timestamp(void);"); out.write(" static Ticks _timestamp;"); out.write(" static PeriodicType type(void);"); out.write(" static PeriodicType _type;"); out.write("};"); out.write(""); out.write("#endif // INCLUDE_JFR"); out.write("#endif // JFRFILES_JFRPERIODICEVENTSET_HPP"); } } private static void printJfrEventControlHpp(Metadata metadata, File outputFile) throws Exception { try (var out = new Printer(outputFile)) { out.write("#ifndef JFRFILES_JFR_NATIVE_EVENTSETTING_HPP"); out.write("#define JFRFILES_JFR_NATIVE_EVENTSETTING_HPP"); out.write(""); out.write("#include \"utilities/macros.hpp\""); out.write("#if INCLUDE_JFR"); out.write("#include \"jfrfiles/jfrEventIds.hpp\""); out.write(""); out.write("/**"); out.write(" * Event setting. We add some padding so we can use our"); out.write(" * event IDs as indexes into this."); out.write(" */"); out.write(""); out.write("struct jfrNativeEventSetting {"); out.write(" jlong threshold_ticks;"); out.write(" jlong miscellaneous;"); out.write(" u1 stacktrace;"); out.write(" u1 enabled;"); out.write(" u1 large;"); out.write(" u1 pad[5]; // Because GCC on linux ia32 at least tries to pack this."); out.write("};"); out.write(""); out.write("union JfrNativeSettings {"); out.write(" // Array version."); out.write(" jfrNativeEventSetting bits[NUMBER_OF_EVENTS];"); out.write(" // Then, to make it easy to debug,"); out.write(" // add named struct members also."); out.write(" struct {"); out.write(" jfrNativeEventSetting pad[NUMBER_OF_RESERVED_EVENTS];"); for (TypeElement t : metadata.getEventsAndStructs()) { out.write(" jfrNativeEventSetting " + t.name + ";"); } out.write(" } ev;"); out.write("};"); out.write(""); out.write("#endif // INCLUDE_JFR"); out.write("#endif // JFRFILES_JFR_NATIVE_EVENTSETTING_HPP"); } } private static void printJfrEventIdsHpp(Metadata metadata, File outputFile) throws Exception { try (var out = new Printer(outputFile)) { out.write("#ifndef JFRFILES_JFREVENTIDS_HPP"); out.write("#define JFRFILES_JFREVENTIDS_HPP"); out.write(""); out.write("#include \"utilities/macros.hpp\""); out.write("#if INCLUDE_JFR"); out.write(""); out.write("enum JfrEventId {"); out.write(" JfrMetadataEvent = 0,"); out.write(" JfrCheckpointEvent = 1,"); for (TypeElement t : metadata.getEvents()) { out.write(" " + jfrEventId(t.name) + " = " + t.id + ","); } out.write("};"); out.write("typedef enum JfrEventId JfrEventId;"); out.write(""); String first = metadata.getName(metadata.eventCounter.first); String last = metadata.getName(metadata.eventCounter.last); out.write("static const JfrEventId FIRST_EVENT_ID = " + jfrEventId(first) + ";"); out.write("static const JfrEventId LAST_EVENT_ID = " + jfrEventId(last) + ";"); out.write("static const int NUMBER_OF_EVENTS = " + metadata.eventCounter.count + ";"); out.write("static const int NUMBER_OF_RESERVED_EVENTS = " + Metadata.RESERVED_EVENT_COUNT + ";"); out.write("#endif // INCLUDE_JFR"); out.write("#endif // JFRFILES_JFREVENTIDS_HPP"); } } private static String jfrEventId(String name) { return "Jfr" + name + "Event"; } private static void printJfrTypesHpp(Metadata metadata, File outputFile) throws Exception { try (var out = new Printer(outputFile)) { out.write("#ifndef JFRFILES_JFRTYPES_HPP"); out.write("#define JFRFILES_JFRTYPES_HPP"); out.write(""); out.write("#include \"utilities/macros.hpp\""); out.write("#if INCLUDE_JFR"); out.write(""); out.write("#include "); out.write("#include \"memory/allocation.hpp\""); out.write(""); out.write("enum JfrTypeId {"); for (TypeElement type : metadata.getTypes()) { out.write(" " + jfrTypeId(type.name) + " = " + type.id + ","); } out.write("};"); out.write(""); String first = metadata.getName(metadata.typeCounter.first); String last = metadata.getName(metadata.typeCounter.last); out.write("static const JfrTypeId FIRST_TYPE_ID = " + jfrTypeId(first) + ";"); out.write("static const JfrTypeId LAST_TYPE_ID = " + jfrTypeId(last) + ";"); out.write(""); out.write("class JfrType : public AllStatic {"); out.write(" public:"); out.write(" static jlong name_to_id(const char* type_name) {"); Map javaTypes = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (XmlType xmlType : metadata.xmlTypes.values()) { if (!xmlType.javaType.isEmpty()) { javaTypes.put(xmlType.javaType, xmlType); } } for (XmlType xmlType : javaTypes.values()) { String javaName = xmlType.javaType; String typeName = xmlType.name.toUpperCase(); out.write(" if (strcmp(type_name, \"" + javaName + "\") == 0) {"); out.write(" return TYPE_" + typeName + ";"); out.write(" }"); } out.write(" return -1;"); out.write(" }"); out.write("};"); out.write(""); out.write("#endif // INCLUDE_JFR"); out.write("#endif // JFRFILES_JFRTYPES_HPP"); } } private static String jfrTypeId(String name) { return "TYPE_" + name.toUpperCase(); } private static void printJfrEventClassesHpp(Metadata metadata, File outputFile) throws Exception { try (var out = new Printer(outputFile)) { out.write("#ifndef JFRFILES_JFREVENTCLASSES_HPP"); out.write("#define JFRFILES_JFREVENTCLASSES_HPP"); out.write(""); out.write("#include \"oops/klass.hpp\""); out.write("#include \"jfrfiles/jfrTypes.hpp\""); out.write("#include \"jfr/utilities/jfrTypes.hpp\""); out.write("#include \"utilities/macros.hpp\""); out.write("#include \"utilities/ticks.hpp\""); out.write("#if INCLUDE_JFR"); out.write("#include \"jfr/recorder/service/jfrEvent.hpp\""); out.write("/*"); out.write(" * Each event class has an assert member function verify() which is invoked"); out.write(" * just before the engine writes the event and its fields to the data stream."); out.write(" * The purpose of verify() is to ensure that all fields in the event are initialized"); out.write(" * and set before attempting to commit."); out.write(" *"); out.write(" * We enforce this requirement because events are generally stack allocated and therefore"); out.write(" * *not* initialized to default values. This prevents us from inadvertently committing"); out.write(" * uninitialized values to the data stream."); out.write(" *"); out.write(" * The assert message contains both the index (zero based) as well as the name of the field."); out.write(" */"); out.write(""); printTypes(out, metadata, false); out.write(""); out.write(""); out.write("#else // !INCLUDE_JFR"); out.write(""); out.write("template "); out.write("class JfrEvent {"); out.write(" public:"); out.write(" JfrEvent() {}"); out.write(" void set_starttime(const Ticks&) const {}"); out.write(" void set_endtime(const Ticks&) const {}"); out.write(" bool should_commit() const { return false; }"); out.write(" bool is_started() const { return false; }"); out.write(" static bool is_enabled() { return false; }"); out.write(" void commit() {}"); out.write("};"); out.write(""); printTypes(out, metadata, true); out.write(""); out.write(""); out.write("#endif // INCLUDE_JFR"); out.write("#endif // JFRFILES_JFREVENTCLASSES_HPP"); } } private static void printTypes(Printer out, Metadata metadata, boolean empty) { for (TypeElement t : metadata.getStructs()) { printType(out, t, empty); out.write(""); } for (TypeElement e : metadata.getEvents()) { printEvent(out, e, empty); out.write(""); } } private static void printType(Printer out, TypeElement t, boolean empty) { out.write("struct JfrStruct" + t.name); out.write("{"); if (!empty) { out.write(" private:"); for (FieldElement f : t.fields) { printField(out, f); } out.write(""); } out.write(" public:"); for (FieldElement f : t.fields) { printTypeSetter(out, f, empty); } out.write(""); if (!empty) { printWriteData(out, t); } out.write("};"); out.write(""); } private static void printEvent(Printer out, TypeElement event, boolean empty) { out.write("class Event" + event.name + " : public JfrEvent"); out.write("{"); if (!empty) { out.write(" private:"); for (FieldElement f : event.fields) { printField(out, f); } out.write(""); } out.write(" public:"); if (!empty) { out.write(" static const bool hasThread = " + event.thread + ";"); out.write(" static const bool hasStackTrace = " + event.stackTrace + ";"); out.write(" static const bool isInstant = " + !event.startTime + ";"); out.write(" static const bool hasCutoff = " + event.cutoff + ";"); out.write(" static const bool hasThrottle = " + event.throttle + ";"); out.write(" static const bool isRequestable = " + !event.period.isEmpty() + ";"); out.write(" static const JfrEventId eventId = Jfr" + event.name + "Event;"); out.write(""); } if (!empty) { out.write(" Event" + event.name + "(EventStartTime timing=TIMED) : JfrEvent(timing) {}"); } else { out.write(" Event" + event.name + "(EventStartTime timing=TIMED) {}"); } out.write(""); int index = 0; for (FieldElement f : event.fields) { out.write(" void set_" + f.name + "(" + f.getParameterType() + " " + f.getParameterName() + ") {"); if (!empty) { out.write(" this->_" + f.name + " = " + f.getParameterName() + ";"); out.write(" DEBUG_ONLY(set_field_bit(" + index++ + "));"); } out.write(" }"); } out.write(""); if (!empty) { printWriteData(out, event); out.write(""); } out.write(" using JfrEvent::commit; // else commit() is hidden by overloaded versions in this class"); printConstructor2(out, event, empty); printCommitMethod(out, event, empty); if (!empty) { printVerify(out, event.fields); } out.write("};"); } private static void printWriteData(Printer out, TypeElement type) { out.write(" template "); out.write(" void writeData(Writer& w) {"); if (type.isEvent && type.internal) { out.write(" JfrEventSetting::unhide_internal_types();"); } for (FieldElement field : type.fields) { if (field.struct) { out.write(" _" + field.name + ".writeData(w);"); } else { out.write(" w.write(_" + field.name + ");"); } } out.write(" }"); } private static void printTypeSetter(Printer out, FieldElement field, boolean empty) { if (!empty) { out.write(" void set_" + field.name + "(" + field.getParameterType() + " new_value) { this->_" + field.name + " = new_value; }"); } else { out.write(" void set_" + field.name + "(" + field.getParameterType() + " new_value) { }"); } } private static void printVerify(Printer out, List fields) { out.write(""); out.write("#ifdef ASSERT"); out.write(" void verify() const {"); int index = 0; for (FieldElement f : fields) { out.write(" assert(verify_field_bit(" + index++ + "), \"Attempting to write an uninitialized event field: %s\", \"_" + f.name + "\");"); } out.write(" }"); out.write("#endif"); } private static void printCommitMethod(Printer out, TypeElement event, boolean empty) { if (event.startTime) { StringJoiner sj = new StringJoiner(",\n "); for (FieldElement f : event.fields) { sj.add(f.getParameterType() + " " + f.name); } out.write(""); out.write(" void commit(" + sj.toString() + ") {"); if (!empty) { out.write(" if (should_commit()) {"); for (FieldElement f : event.fields) { out.write(" set_" + f.name + "(" + f.name + ");"); } out.write(" commit();"); out.write(" }"); } out.write(" }"); } // Avoid clash with static commit() method if (event.fields.isEmpty()) { return; } out.write(""); StringJoiner sj = new StringJoiner(",\n "); if (event.startTime) { sj.add("const Ticks& startTicks"); sj.add("const Ticks& endTicks"); } for (FieldElement f : event.fields) { sj.add(f.getParameterType() + " " + f.name); } out.write(" static void commit(" + sj.toString() + ") {"); if (!empty) { out.write(" Event" + event.name + " me(UNTIMED);"); out.write(""); out.write(" if (me.should_commit()) {"); if (event.startTime) { out.write(" me.set_starttime(startTicks);"); out.write(" me.set_endtime(endTicks);"); } for (FieldElement f : event.fields) { out.write(" me.set_" + f.name + "(" + f.name + ");"); } out.write(" me.commit();"); out.write(" }"); } out.write(" }"); } private static void printConstructor2(Printer out, TypeElement event, boolean empty) { if (!event.startTime) { out.write(""); out.write(""); } if (event.startTime) { out.write(""); out.write(" Event" + event.name + "("); StringJoiner sj = new StringJoiner(",\n "); for (FieldElement f : event.fields) { sj.add(f.getParameterType() + " " + f.name); } if (!empty) { out.write(" " + sj.toString() + ") : JfrEvent(TIMED) {"); out.write(" if (should_commit()) {"); for (FieldElement f : event.fields) { out.write(" set_" + f.name + "(" + f.name + ");"); } out.write(" }"); } else { out.write(" " + sj.toString() + ") {"); } out.write(" }"); } } private static void printField(Printer out, FieldElement field) { out.write(" " + field.getFieldType() + " _" + field.name + ";"); } }