/* * Copyright (c) 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package tests; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.URI; import java.nio.file.FileSystem; import java.nio.file.FileSystems; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import tests.JImageGenerator.JLinkTask; import tests.JImageGenerator.JModTask; /** * JLink tests helper. */ public class Helper { private final Path explodedmodssrc; private final Path jmodssrc; private final Path jarssrc; private final Path explodedmodsclasses; private final Path jmodsclasses; private final Path jarsclasses; private final Path jmods; private final Path jars; private final Path images; private final Path explodedmods; private final Path stdjmods; private final Path extracted; private final Path recreated; private final Map<String, List<String>> moduleClassDependencies = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<String, List<String>> moduleDependencies = new HashMap<>(); private final List<String> bootClasses; private final FileSystem fs; public static Helper newHelper() throws IOException { Path jdkHome = Paths.get(System.getProperty("test.jdk")); // JPRT not yet ready for jmods if (!Files.exists(jdkHome.resolve("jmods"))) { System.err.println("Test not run, NO jmods directory"); return null; } return new Helper(jdkHome); } private Helper(Path jdkHome) throws IOException { this.stdjmods = jdkHome.resolve("jmods").normalize(); if (!Files.exists(stdjmods)) { throw new IOException("Standard jMods do not exist."); } this.fs = FileSystems.getFileSystem(URI.create("jrt:/")); Path javabase = fs.getPath("/modules/java.base"); this.bootClasses = Files.find(javabase, Integer.MAX_VALUE, (file, attrs) -> file.toString().endsWith(".class")) .map(Object::toString) .map(s -> s.substring("/modules".length())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (bootClasses.isEmpty()) { throw new AssertionError("No boot class to check against"); } this.jmods = Paths.get("jmods").toAbsolutePath(); Files.createDirectories(jmods); this.jars = Paths.get("jars").toAbsolutePath(); Files.createDirectories(jars); this.explodedmods = Paths.get("explodedmods").toAbsolutePath(); Files.createDirectories(explodedmods); this.explodedmodssrc = explodedmods.resolve("src"); Files.createDirectories(explodedmodssrc); this.jarssrc = jars.resolve("src"); Files.createDirectories(jarssrc); this.jmodssrc = jmods.resolve("src"); Files.createDirectories(jmodssrc); this.explodedmodsclasses = explodedmods.resolve("classes"); Files.createDirectories(explodedmodsclasses); this.jmodsclasses = jmods.resolve("classes"); Files.createDirectories(jmodsclasses); this.jarsclasses = jars.resolve("classes"); Files.createDirectories(jarsclasses); this.images = Paths.get("images").toAbsolutePath(); Files.createDirectories(images); this.extracted = Paths.get("extracted").toAbsolutePath(); Files.createDirectories(extracted); this.recreated = Paths.get("recreated").toAbsolutePath(); Files.createDirectories(recreated); } public void generateDefaultModules() throws IOException { generateDefaultJModule("leaf1"); generateDefaultJModule("leaf2"); generateDefaultJModule("leaf3"); generateDefaultJarModule("leaf4"); generateDefaultJarModule("leaf5"); generateDefaultExplodedModule("leaf6"); generateDefaultExplodedModule("leaf7"); generateDefaultJarModule("composite1", "leaf1", "leaf2", "leaf4", "leaf6"); generateDefaultJModule("composite2", "composite1", "leaf3", "leaf5", "leaf7", "java.management"); } public String defaultModulePath() { return defaultModulePath(true); } public String defaultModulePath(boolean includeStdMods) { return (includeStdMods? stdjmods.toAbsolutePath().toString() : "") + File.pathSeparator + jmods.toAbsolutePath().toString() + File.pathSeparator + jars.toAbsolutePath().toString() + File.pathSeparator + explodedmodsclasses.toAbsolutePath().toString(); } public Path generateModuleCompiledClasses( Path src, Path classes, String moduleName, String... dependencies) throws IOException { return generateModuleCompiledClasses(src, classes, moduleName, getDefaultClasses(moduleName), dependencies); } public Path generateModuleCompiledClasses( Path src, Path classes, String moduleName, List<String> classNames, String... dependencies) throws IOException { if (classNames == null) { classNames = getDefaultClasses(moduleName); } putAppClasses(moduleName, classNames); moduleDependencies.put(moduleName, Arrays.asList(dependencies)); String modulePath = defaultModulePath(); JImageGenerator.generateSourcesFromTemplate(src, moduleName, classNames.toArray(new String[classNames.size()])); List<String> packages = classNames.stream() .map(JImageGenerator::getPackageName) .distinct() .collect(Collectors.toList()); Path srcMod = src.resolve(moduleName); JImageGenerator.generateModuleInfo(srcMod, packages, dependencies); Path destination = classes.resolve(moduleName); if (!JImageGenerator.compile(srcMod, destination, "--module-path", modulePath, "-g")) { throw new AssertionError("Compilation failure"); } return destination; } public Result generateDefaultJModule(String moduleName, String... dependencies) throws IOException { return generateDefaultJModule(moduleName, getDefaultClasses(moduleName), dependencies); } public Result generateDefaultJModule(String moduleName, List<String> classNames, String... dependencies) throws IOException { generateModuleCompiledClasses(jmodssrc, jmodsclasses, moduleName, classNames, dependencies); generateGarbage(jmodsclasses.resolve(moduleName)); Path jmodFile = jmods.resolve(moduleName + ".jmod"); JModTask task = JImageGenerator.getJModTask() .jmod(jmodFile) .addJmods(stdjmods) .addJmods(jmods.toAbsolutePath()) .addJars(jars.toAbsolutePath()) .addClassPath(jmodsclasses.resolve(moduleName)); if (!classNames.isEmpty()) { task.mainClass(classNames.get(0)); } return task.create(); } public Result generateDefaultJarModule(String moduleName, String... dependencies) throws IOException { return generateDefaultJarModule(moduleName, getDefaultClasses(moduleName), dependencies); } public Result generateDefaultJarModule(String moduleName, List<String> classNames, String... dependencies) throws IOException { generateModuleCompiledClasses(jarssrc, jarsclasses, moduleName, classNames, dependencies); generateGarbage(jarsclasses.resolve(moduleName)); Path jarFile = jars.resolve(moduleName + ".jar"); JImageGenerator.createJarFile(jarFile, jarsclasses.resolve(moduleName)); return new Result(0, "", jarFile); } public Result generateDefaultExplodedModule(String moduleName, String... dependencies) throws IOException { return generateDefaultExplodedModule(moduleName, getDefaultClasses(moduleName), dependencies); } public Result generateDefaultExplodedModule(String moduleName, List<String> classNames, String... dependencies) throws IOException { generateModuleCompiledClasses(explodedmodssrc, explodedmodsclasses, moduleName, classNames, dependencies); Path dir = explodedmods.resolve("classes").resolve(moduleName); return new Result(0, "", dir); } private void generateGarbage(Path compiled) throws IOException { Path metaInf = compiled.resolve("META-INF").resolve("services"); Files.createDirectories(metaInf); Path provider = metaInf.resolve("MyProvider"); Files.createFile(provider); Files.createFile(compiled.resolve("toto.jcov")); } public static Path createNewFile(Path root, String pathName, String extension) { Path out = root.resolve(pathName + extension); int i = 1; while (Files.exists(out)) { out = root.resolve(pathName + "-" + (++i) + extension); } return out; } public Result generateDefaultImage(String module) { return generateDefaultImage(new String[0], module); } public Result generateDefaultImage(String[] options, String module) { Path output = createNewFile(images, module, ".image"); JLinkTask jLinkTask = JImageGenerator.getJLinkTask() .modulePath(defaultModulePath()) .output(output) .addMods(module) .limitMods(module); for (String option : options) { jLinkTask.option(option); } return jLinkTask.call(); } public Result postProcessImage(Path root, String[] options) { JLinkTask jLinkTask = JImageGenerator.getJLinkTask() .existing(root); for (String option : options) { jLinkTask.option(option); } return jLinkTask.callPostProcess(); } private List<String> getDefaultClasses(String module) { return Arrays.asList(module + ".Main", module + ".com.foo.bar.X"); } private void putAppClasses(String module, List<String> classes) { List<String> appClasses = toLocation(module, classes).stream().collect(Collectors.toList()); appClasses.add(toLocation(module, "module-info")); moduleClassDependencies.put(module, appClasses); } private static String toLocation(String module, String className) { return "/" + module + "/" + className.replaceAll("\\.", "/") + ".class"; } public static List<String> toLocation(String module, List<String> classNames) { return classNames.stream() .map(clazz -> toLocation(module, clazz)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } public void checkImage(Path imageDir, String module, String[] paths, String[] files) throws IOException { checkImage(imageDir, module, paths, files, null); } public void checkImage(Path imageDir, String module, String[] paths, String[] files, String[] expectedFiles) throws IOException { List<String> unexpectedPaths = new ArrayList<>(); if (paths != null) { Collections.addAll(unexpectedPaths, paths); } List<String> unexpectedFiles = new ArrayList<>(); if (files != null) { Collections.addAll(unexpectedFiles, files); } JImageValidator validator = new JImageValidator(module, gatherExpectedLocations(module), imageDir.toFile(), unexpectedPaths, unexpectedFiles, expectedFiles); System.out.println("*** Validate Image " + module); validator.validate(); long moduleExecutionTime = validator.getModuleLauncherExecutionTime(); if (moduleExecutionTime != 0) { System.out.println("Module launcher execution time " + moduleExecutionTime); } System.out.println("Java launcher execution time " + validator.getJavaLauncherExecutionTime()); System.out.println("***"); } private List<String> gatherExpectedLocations(String module) throws IOException { List<String> expectedLocations = new ArrayList<>(); expectedLocations.addAll(bootClasses); List<String> modules = moduleDependencies.get(module); for (String dep : modules) { Path path = fs.getPath("/modules/" + dep); if (Files.exists(path)) { List<String> locations = Files.find(path, Integer.MAX_VALUE, (p, attrs) -> Files.isRegularFile(p) && p.toString().endsWith(".class") && !p.toString().endsWith("module-info.class")) .map(p -> p.toString().substring("/modules".length())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); expectedLocations.addAll(locations); } } List<String> appClasses = moduleClassDependencies.get(module); if (appClasses != null) { expectedLocations.addAll(appClasses); } return expectedLocations; } public static String getDebugSymbolsExtension() { return ".diz"; } public Path createNewImageDir(String moduleName) { return createNewFile(getImageDir(), moduleName, ".image"); } public Path createNewExtractedDir(String name) { return createNewFile(getExtractedDir(), name, ".extracted"); } public Path createNewRecreatedDir(String name) { return createNewFile(getRecreatedDir(), name, ".jimage"); } public Path createNewJmodFile(String moduleName) { return createNewFile(getJmodDir(), moduleName, ".jmod"); } public Path createNewJarFile(String moduleName) { return createNewFile(getJarDir(), moduleName, ".jar"); } public Path getJmodSrcDir() { return jmodssrc; } public Path getJarSrcDir() { return jarssrc; } public Path getJmodClassesDir() { return jmodsclasses; } public Path getJarClassesDir() { return jarsclasses; } public Path getJmodDir() { return jmods; } public Path getExplodedModsDir() { return explodedmods; } public Path getJarDir() { return jars; } public Path getImageDir() { return images; } public Path getStdJmodsDir() { return stdjmods; } public Path getExtractedDir() { return extracted; } public Path getRecreatedDir() { return recreated; } }