/* * Copyright (c) 2018, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ #include #include "jvmti.h" #include "jvmti_common.hpp" extern "C" { #define MAX_FRAME_COUNT 30 #define MAX_WORKER_THREADS 10 typedef struct Tinfo { jboolean just_scheduled; char* tname; } Tinfo; static const int MAX_EVENTS_TO_PROCESS = 20; static jvmtiEnv *jvmti = nullptr; static jrawMonitorID events_monitor = nullptr; static Tinfo tinfo[MAX_WORKER_THREADS]; static int vthread_mount_count = 0; static int vthread_unmount_count = 0; static jboolean passed = JNI_TRUE; static Tinfo* find_tinfo(JNIEnv* jni, const char* tname) { Tinfo* inf = nullptr; int idx = 0; // Find slot with named worker thread or empty slot for (; idx < MAX_WORKER_THREADS; idx++) { inf = &tinfo[idx]; if (inf->tname == nullptr) { inf->tname = (char*)malloc(strlen(tname) + 1); strcpy(inf->tname, tname); break; } if (strcmp(inf->tname, tname) == 0) { break; } } if (idx >= MAX_WORKER_THREADS) { fatal(jni, "find_tinfo: found more than 10 worker threads!"); } return inf; // return slot } static jint find_method_depth(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, JNIEnv *jni, jthread vthread, const char *mname) { jvmtiFrameInfo frames[MAX_FRAME_COUNT]; jint count = -1; jvmtiError err; err = jvmti->GetStackTrace(vthread, 0, MAX_FRAME_COUNT, frames, &count); check_jvmti_status(jni, err, "find_method_depth: error in JVMTI GetStackTrace"); for (int depth = 0; depth < count; depth++) { jmethodID method = frames[depth].method; char* name = nullptr; char* sign = nullptr; err = jvmti->GetMethodName(method, &name, &sign, nullptr); check_jvmti_status(jni, err, "find_method_depth: error in JVMTI GetMethodName"); if (strcmp(name, mname) == 0) { return depth; } } return -1; } static void print_vthread_event_info(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, JNIEnv *jni, jthread thread, jthread vthread, const char *event_name) { char* tname = get_thread_name(jvmti, jni, vthread); Tinfo* inf = find_tinfo(jni, tname); // Find slot with named worker thread LOG("\n#### %s event: thread: %s, vthread: %p\n", event_name, tname, vthread); if (strcmp(event_name, "VirtualThreadStart") == 0) { inf->just_scheduled = JNI_TRUE; } else { if (inf->tname == nullptr && strcmp(event_name, "VirtualThreadEnd") != 0) { fatal(jni, "VThread event: worker thread not found!"); } if (strcmp(event_name, "VirtualThreadUnmount") == 0) { if (inf->just_scheduled) { fatal(jni, "VirtualThreadUnmount: event without VirtualThreadMount before!"); } } inf->just_scheduled = JNI_FALSE; } deallocate(jvmti, jni, (void*)tname); } static void test_GetVirtualThread(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, JNIEnv *jni, jthread thread, jthread vthread, const char *event_name) { jobject thread_vthread = nullptr; jvmtiError err; LOG("\ntest_GetVirtualThread: event: %s\n", event_name); // #1: Test JVMTI GetVirtualThread extension function nullptr thread (current) err = GetVirtualThread(jvmti, jni, nullptr, &thread_vthread); check_jvmti_status(jni, err, "event handler: error in JVMTI GetVirtualThread with null thread (current)"); if (thread_vthread == nullptr) { fatal(jni, "event handler: JVMTI GetVirtualThread with nullptr thread (current) failed to return non-null vthread"); } LOG("JVMTI GetVirtualThread with nullptr thread (current) returned non-null vthread as expected\n"); // #2: Test JVMTI GetVirtualThread extension function with a bad thread err = GetVirtualThread(jvmti, jni, vthread, &thread_vthread); if (err != JVMTI_ERROR_INVALID_THREAD) { fatal(jni, "event handler: JVMTI GetVirtualThread with bad thread failed to return JVMTI_ERROR_INVALID_THREAD"); } // #3: Test JVMTI GetVirtualThread extension function with a good thread err = GetVirtualThread(jvmti, jni,thread, &thread_vthread); check_jvmti_status(jni, err, "event handler: error in JVMTI GetVirtualThread"); if (thread_vthread == nullptr) { fatal(jni, "event handler: JVMTI GetVirtualThread with good thread failed to return non-null vthread"); } LOG("JVMTI GetVirtualThread with good thread returned non-null vthread as expected\n"); } static void test_GetCarrierThread(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, JNIEnv *jni, jthread thread, jthread vthread, const char *event_name) { jthread vthread_thread = nullptr; jvmtiError err; LOG("\ntest_GetCarrierThread: event: %s\n", event_name); // #1: Test JVMTI GetCarrierThread extension function with nullptr vthread err = GetCarrierThread(jvmti, jni, nullptr, &vthread_thread); check_jvmti_status(jni, err, "event handler: error in JVMTI GetCarrierThread"); // #2: Test JVMTI GetCarrierThread extension function with a bad vthread err = GetCarrierThread(jvmti, jni, thread, &vthread_thread); if (err != JVMTI_ERROR_INVALID_THREAD) { fatal(jni, "event handler: JVMTI GetCarrierThread with bad vthread failed to return JVMTI_ERROR_INVALID_THREAD"); } // #3: Test JVMTI GetCarrierThread extension function with a good vthread err = GetCarrierThread(jvmti, jni, vthread, &vthread_thread); check_jvmti_status(jni, err, "event handler: error in JVMTI GetCarrierThread"); if (vthread_thread == nullptr) { fatal(jni, "event handler: JVMTI GetCarrierThread with good vthread failed to return non-null carrier thread"); } LOG("JVMTI GetCarrierThread with good vthread returned non-null carrier thread as expected\n"); } static void test_GetThreadInfo(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, JNIEnv *jni, jthread vthread, const char *event_name) { jvmtiError err; jvmtiThreadInfo thr_info; jvmtiThreadGroupInfo ginfo; jint class_count = -1; jclass* classes = nullptr; jboolean found = JNI_FALSE; LOG("test_GetThreadInfo: started\n"); // #1: Test JVMTI GetThreadInfo function with a good vthread err = jvmti->GetThreadInfo(vthread, &thr_info); check_jvmti_status(jni, err, "event handler: error in JVMTI GetThreadInfo"); LOG("GetThreadInfo: name: %s, prio: %d, is_daemon: %d\n", thr_info.name, thr_info.priority, thr_info.is_daemon); // #2: Test JVMTI GetThreadGroupInfo err = jvmti->GetThreadGroupInfo(thr_info.thread_group, &ginfo); check_jvmti_status(jni, err, "event handler: error in JVMTI GetThreadGroupInfo"); LOG("GetThreadGroupInfo: name: %s, max prio: %d, is_daemon: %d\n", ginfo.name, ginfo.max_priority, ginfo.is_daemon); // #3: Test JVMTI GetClassLoaderClasses err = jvmti->GetClassLoaderClasses(thr_info.context_class_loader, &class_count, &classes); check_jvmti_status(jni, err, "event handler: error in JVMTI GetClassLoaderClasses"); LOG("thr_info.context_class_loader: %p, class_count: %d\n", thr_info.context_class_loader, class_count); // #4: Test the thr_info.context_class_loader has the VThreadTest class for (int idx = 0; idx < class_count; idx++) { char* sign = nullptr; err = jvmti->GetClassSignature(classes[idx], &sign, nullptr); check_jvmti_status(jni, err, "event handler: error in JVMTI GetClassSignature"); if (strstr(sign, "VThreadTest") != nullptr) { found = JNI_TRUE; break; } } if (found == JNI_FALSE) { fatal(jni, "event handler: VThreadTest class was not found in virtual thread context_class_loader classes"); } LOG("test_GetThreadInfo: finished\n"); } static int test_GetFrameCount(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, JNIEnv *jni, jthread vthread, const char *event_name) { jint frame_count = -1; jvmtiError err; // #1: Test JVMTI GetFrameCount function with nullptr count_ptr pointer err = jvmti->GetFrameCount(vthread, nullptr); if (err != JVMTI_ERROR_NULL_POINTER) { LOG("JVMTI GetFrameCount with null count_ptr returned error: %d\n", err); fatal(jni, "event handler: JVMTI GetFrameCount with null count_ptr pointer failed to return JVMTI_ERROR_NULL_POINTER"); } // #2: Test JVMTI GetFrameCount function with a good vthread err = jvmti->GetFrameCount(vthread, &frame_count); check_jvmti_status(jni, err, "event handler: error in JVMTI GetFrameCount"); if (frame_count < 0) { fatal(jni, "event handler: JVMTI GetFrameCount with good vthread returned negative frame_count\n"); } LOG("JVMTI GetFrameCount with good vthread returned frame_count: %d\n", frame_count); return frame_count; } static void test_GetFrameLocation(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, JNIEnv *jni, jthread vthread, const char *event_name, jint frame_count) { jmethodID method = nullptr; jlocation location = -1; jvmtiError err; // #1: Test JVMTI GetFrameLocation function with negative frame depth err = jvmti->GetFrameLocation(vthread, -1, &method, &location); if (err != JVMTI_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT) { LOG("JVMTI GetFrameLocation with negative frame depth returned error: %d\n", err); fatal(jni, "event handler: JVMTI GetFrameLocation with negative frame depth failed to return JVMTI_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT"); } // #2: Test JVMTI GetFrameLocation function with nullptr method_ptr err = jvmti->GetFrameLocation(vthread, 0, nullptr, &location); if (err != JVMTI_ERROR_NULL_POINTER) { LOG("JVMTI GetFrameLocation with null method_ptr returned error: %d\n", err); fatal(jni, "event handler: JVMTI GetFrameLocation with null method_ptr failed to return JVMTI_ERROR_NULL_POINTER"); } // #3: Test JVMTI GetFrameLocation function with nullptr location_ptr err = jvmti->GetFrameLocation(vthread, 0, &method, nullptr); if (err != JVMTI_ERROR_NULL_POINTER) { LOG("JVMTI GetFrameCount with null location_ptr returned error: %d\n", err); fatal(jni, "event handler: JVMTI GetFrameLocation with null location_ptr failed to return JVMTI_ERROR_NULL_POINTER"); } // #4: Test JVMTI GetFrameLocation function with a good vthread if (frame_count == 0) { err = jvmti->GetFrameLocation(vthread, 0, &method, &location); if (err != JVMTI_ERROR_NO_MORE_FRAMES) { LOG("JVMTI GetFrameLocation for empty stack returned error: %d\n", err); fatal(jni, "event handler: JVMTI GetFrameLocation for empty stack failed to return JVMTI_ERROR_NO_MORE_FRAMES"); } LOG("JVMTI GetFrameLocation for empty stack returned JVMTI_ERROR_NO_MORE_FRAMES as expected\n"); } else { err = jvmti->GetFrameLocation(vthread, frame_count, &method, &location); if (err != JVMTI_ERROR_NO_MORE_FRAMES) { LOG("JVMTI GetFrameLocation for bid depth == frame_count returned error: %d\n", err); fatal(jni, "event handler: JVMTI GetFrameLocation for too big depth failed to return JVMTI_ERROR_NO_MORE_FRAMES"); } LOG("JVMTI GetFrameLocation for too big depth returned JVMTI_ERROR_NO_MORE_FRAMES as expected\n"); err = jvmti->GetFrameLocation(vthread, 1, &method, &location); check_jvmti_status(jni, err, "event handler: error in JVMTI GetFrameLocation"); if (location < 0) { fatal(jni, "event handler: JVMTI GetFrameLocation with good vthread returned negative location\n"); } LOG("JVMTI GetFrameLocation with good vthread returned location: %d\n", (int) location); } } static void test_GetStackTrace(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, JNIEnv *jni, jthread vthread, const char *event_name, jint frame_count) { jvmtiFrameInfo frames[MAX_FRAME_COUNT]; jint count = -1; jmethodID method = nullptr; jvmtiError err; LOG("\n"); // #1: Test JVMTI GetStackTrace function with bad start_depth err = jvmti->GetStackTrace(vthread, -(frame_count + 1), MAX_FRAME_COUNT, frames, &count); if (err != JVMTI_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT) { LOG("JVMTI GetStackTrace with negative start_depth returned error: %d\n", err); fatal(jni, "event handler: JVMTI GetStackTrace with verynegative start_depth failed to return JVMTI_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT"); } err = jvmti->GetStackTrace(vthread, (frame_count + 1), MAX_FRAME_COUNT, frames, &count); if (err != JVMTI_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT) { LOG("JVMTI GetStackTrace with very big start_depth returned error: %d\n", err); fatal(jni, "event handler: JVMTI GetStackTrace with very big start_depth failed to return JVMTI_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT"); } // #2: Test JVMTI GetStackTrace function with negative max_frame_count err = jvmti->GetStackTrace(vthread, 0, -1, frames, &count); if (err != JVMTI_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT) { LOG("JVMTI GetStackTrace with negative max_frame_count returned error: %d\n", err); fatal(jni, "event handler: JVMTI GetStackTrace with negative max_frame_count failed to return JVMTI_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT"); } // #3: Test JVMTI GetStackTrace function with nullptr frame_buffer pointer err = jvmti->GetStackTrace(vthread, 0, MAX_FRAME_COUNT, nullptr, &count); if (err != JVMTI_ERROR_NULL_POINTER) { LOG("JVMTI GetStackTrace with null frame_buffer pointer returned error: %d\n", err); fatal(jni, "event handler: JVMTI GetStackTrace witt null frame_buffer pointer failed to return JVMTI_ERROR_NULL_POINTER"); } // #4: Test JVMTI GetStackTrace function with nullptr count_ptr pointer err = jvmti->GetStackTrace(vthread, 0, MAX_FRAME_COUNT, frames, nullptr); if (err != JVMTI_ERROR_NULL_POINTER) { LOG("JVMTI GetStackTrace with null count_ptr pointer returned error: %d\n", err); fatal(jni, "event handler: JVMTI GetStackTrace witt null count_ptr pointer failed to return JVMTI_ERROR_NULL_POINTER"); } // #5: Test JVMTI GetStackTrace function with a good vthread if (frame_count == 0) { err = jvmti->GetStackTrace(vthread, 1, MAX_FRAME_COUNT, frames, &count); if (err != JVMTI_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT) { LOG("JVMTI GetStackTrace for empty stack returned error: %d\n", err); fatal(jni, "event handler: JVMTI GetStackTrace for empty stack failed to return JVMTI_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT"); } } else { err = jvmti->GetStackTrace(vthread, 0, MAX_FRAME_COUNT, frames, &count); check_jvmti_status(jni, err, "event handler: error in JVMTI GetStackTrace"); if (count <= 0) { fatal(jni, "event handler: JVMTI GetStackTrace with good vthread returned negative frame count\n"); } print_stack_trace_frames(jvmti, jni, count, frames); } } enum Slots { SlotInvalid0 = -1, SlotObj = 0, SlotInt = 1, SlotLong = 2, SlotUnaligned = 3, SlotFloat = 4, SlotDouble = 5 }; static void test_GetLocal(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, JNIEnv *jni, jthread cthread, jthread vthread, const char *event_name, jint frame_count) { jmethodID method = nullptr; jobject obj = nullptr; jint ii = 0; jlong ll = 0L; jfloat ff = 0.0; jdouble dd = 0.0; jint depth = -1; jvmtiError err; if (strcmp(event_name, "VirtualThreadMount") != 0 && strcmp(event_name, "VirtualThreadUnmount") != 0) { return; // Check GetLocal at VirtualThreadMount/VirtualThreadUnmount events only } // #0: Test JVMTI GetLocalInstance function for carrier thread { suspend_thread(jvmti, jni, cthread); err = jvmti->GetLocalInstance(cthread, 3, &obj); check_jvmti_status(jni, err, "event handler: error in JVMTI GetLocalInstance for carrier thread top frame Continuation.run"); LOG("JVMTI GetLocalInstance succeed for carrier thread top frame Continuation.run()\n"); resume_thread(jvmti, jni, cthread); } depth = find_method_depth(jvmti, jni, vthread, "producer"); if (depth == -1) { return; // skip testing CONSUMER vthreads wich have no producer(String msg) method } LOG("Testing GetLocal for method: producer(Ljava/Lang/String;)V at depth: %d\n", depth); // #1: Test JVMTI GetLocalObject function with negative frame depth err = jvmti->GetLocalObject(vthread, -1, SlotObj, &obj); if (err != JVMTI_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT) { LOG("JVMTI GetLocalObject with negative frame depth returned error: %d\n", err); fatal(jni, "JVMTI GetLocalObject with negative frame depth failed to return JVMTI_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT"); } // #2: Test JVMTI GetLocalObject function with big frame depth err = jvmti->GetLocalObject(vthread, frame_count, SlotObj, &obj); if (err != JVMTI_ERROR_NO_MORE_FRAMES) { LOG("JVMTI GetLocalObject with big frame depth returned error: %d\n", err); fatal(jni, "JVMTI GetLocalObject with big frame depth failed to return JVMTI_ERROR_NO_MORE_FRAMES"); } // #3: Test JVMTI GetLocalObject function with invalid slot -1 err = jvmti->GetLocalObject(vthread, depth, SlotInvalid0, &obj); if (err != JVMTI_ERROR_INVALID_SLOT) { LOG("JVMTI GetLocalObject with invalid slot -1 returned error: %d\n", err); fatal(jni, "JVMTI GetLocalObject with invalid slot -1 failed to return JVMTI_ERROR_INVALID_SLOT"); } // #4: Test JVMTI GetLocalObject function with unaligned slot 3 err = jvmti->GetLocalObject(vthread, depth, SlotUnaligned, &obj); if (err != JVMTI_ERROR_INVALID_SLOT && err != JVMTI_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH) { LOG("JVMTI GetLocalObject with unaligned slot 3 returned error: %d\n", err); fatal(jni, "JVMTI GetLocalObject with unaligned slot 3 failed" " to return JVMTI_ERROR_INVALID_SLOT or JVMTI_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH"); } // #5: Test JVMTI GetLocalObject function with null value_ptr err = jvmti->GetLocalObject(vthread, depth, SlotObj, nullptr); if (err != JVMTI_ERROR_NULL_POINTER) { LOG("JVMTI GetLocalObject with null method_ptr returned error: %d\n", err); fatal(jni, "JVMTI GetLocalObject with null method_ptr failed to return JVMTI_ERROR_NULL_POINTER"); } // #6: Test JVMTI GetLocal functions with a good vthread err = jvmti->GetLocalObject(vthread, depth, SlotObj, &obj); check_jvmti_status(jni, err, "event handler: error in JVMTI GetLocalObject with good vthread"); const char* str = jni->GetStringUTFChars((jstring)obj, nullptr); LOG(" local String value at slot %d: %s\n", SlotObj, str); const char* exp_str = "msg: ..."; if (strncmp(str, exp_str, 5) != 0) { LOG(" Failed: Expected local String value: %s, got: %s\n", exp_str, str); fatal(jni, "Got unexpected local String value"); } jni->ReleaseStringUTFChars((jstring)obj, str); err = jvmti->GetLocalInt(vthread, depth, SlotInt, &ii); check_jvmti_status(jni, err, "event handler: error in JVMTI GetLocalInt with good vthread"); LOG(" local int value at slot %d: %d\n", SlotInt, ii); if (ii != 1) { LOG(" Failed: Expected local int value: 1, got %d\n", ii); fatal(jni, "Got unexpected local int value"); } err = jvmti->GetLocalLong(vthread, depth, SlotLong, &ll); check_jvmti_status(jni, err, "event handler: error in JVMTI GetLocalLong with good vthread"); LOG(" local long value at slot %d: %lld\n", SlotLong, (long long)ll); if (ll != 2L) { LOG(" Failed: Expected local long value: 2L, got %lld\n", (long long)ll); fatal(jni, "Got unexpected local long value"); } err = jvmti->GetLocalFloat(vthread, depth, SlotFloat, &ff); check_jvmti_status(jni, err, "event handler: error in JVMTI GetLocalFloat with good vthread"); LOG(" local float value at slot %d: %f\n", SlotFloat, ff); if (ff < 3.200000 || ff > 3.200001) { LOG(" Failed: Expected local float value: 3.200000, got %f\n", ff); fatal(jni, "Got unexpected local float value"); } err = jvmti->GetLocalDouble(vthread, depth, SlotDouble, &dd); check_jvmti_status(jni, err, "event handler: error in JVMTI GetLocalDouble with good vthread"); LOG(" local double value at slot %d: %f\n", SlotDouble, dd); if (dd < 4.500000047683716 || dd > 4.500000047683717) { LOG(" Failed: Expected local double value: 4.500000047683716, got %f\n", dd); fatal(jni, "Got unexpected local double value"); } } static void processVThreadEvent(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, JNIEnv *jni, jthread vthread, const char *event_name) { static int vthread_events_cnt = 0; char* tname = get_thread_name(jvmti, jni, vthread); if (strcmp(event_name, "VirtualThreadEnd") != 0 && strcmp(event_name, "VirtualThreadStart") != 0) { if (vthread_events_cnt++ > MAX_EVENTS_TO_PROCESS) { return; // No need to test all events } } LOG("processVThreadEvent: event: %s, thread: %s\n", event_name, tname); jthread cthread = get_carrier_thread(jvmti, jni, vthread); print_vthread_event_info(jvmti, jni, cthread, vthread, event_name); deallocate(jvmti, jni, (void*)tname); if (strcmp(event_name, "VirtualThreadEnd") == 0) { return; // skip further testing as GetVirtualThread can return nullptr } test_GetVirtualThread(jvmti, jni, cthread, vthread, event_name); test_GetCarrierThread(jvmti, jni, cthread, vthread, event_name); if (strcmp(event_name, "VirtualThreadStart") == 0) { test_GetThreadInfo(jvmti, jni, vthread, event_name); return; // skip testing of GetFrame* for VirtualThreadStart events } jint frame_count = test_GetFrameCount(jvmti, jni, vthread, event_name); test_GetFrameLocation(jvmti, jni, vthread, event_name, frame_count); test_GetStackTrace(jvmti, jni, vthread, event_name, frame_count); test_GetLocal(jvmti, jni, cthread, vthread, event_name, frame_count); } static void JNICALL VirtualThreadStart(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, JNIEnv *jni, jthread vthread) { RawMonitorLocker rml(jvmti, jni, events_monitor); processVThreadEvent(jvmti, jni, vthread, "VirtualThreadStart"); } static void JNICALL VirtualThreadEnd(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, JNIEnv *jni, jthread vthread) { RawMonitorLocker rml(jvmti, jni, events_monitor); processVThreadEvent(jvmti, jni, vthread, "VirtualThreadEnd"); } // Parameters: (jvmtiEnv *jvmti, JNIEnv* jni, jthread thread) static void JNICALL VirtualThreadMount(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, ...) { va_list ap; JNIEnv* jni = nullptr; jthread thread = nullptr; va_start(ap, jvmti); jni = va_arg(ap, JNIEnv*); thread = va_arg(ap, jthread); va_end(ap); RawMonitorLocker rml(jvmti, jni, events_monitor); vthread_mount_count++; processVThreadEvent(jvmti, jni, thread, "VirtualThreadMount"); } // Parameters: (jvmtiEnv *jvmti, JNIEnv* jni, jthread thread) static void JNICALL VirtualThreadUnmount(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, ...) { va_list ap; JNIEnv* jni = nullptr; jthread thread = nullptr; va_start(ap, jvmti); jni = va_arg(ap, JNIEnv*); thread = va_arg(ap, jthread); va_end(ap); RawMonitorLocker rml(jvmti, jni, events_monitor); vthread_unmount_count++; processVThreadEvent(jvmti, jni, thread, "VirtualThreadUnmount"); } JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Agent_OnLoad(JavaVM *jvm, char *options, void *reserved) { jvmtiEventCallbacks callbacks; jvmtiCapabilities caps; jvmtiError err; LOG("Agent_OnLoad started\n"); if (jvm->GetEnv((void **) (&jvmti), JVMTI_VERSION) != JNI_OK) { return JNI_ERR; } memset(&callbacks, 0, sizeof(callbacks)); callbacks.VirtualThreadStart = &VirtualThreadStart; callbacks.VirtualThreadEnd = &VirtualThreadEnd; err = set_ext_event_callback(jvmti, "VirtualThreadMount", VirtualThreadMount); if (err != JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) { LOG("Agent_OnLoad: Error in JVMTI SetExtEventCallback for VirtualThreadMount: %s(%d)\n", TranslateError(err), err); return JNI_ERR; } err = set_ext_event_callback(jvmti, "VirtualThreadUnmount", VirtualThreadUnmount); if (err != JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) { LOG("Agent_OnLoad: Error in JVMTI SetExtEventCallback for VirtualThreadUnmount: %s(%d)\n", TranslateError(err), err); return JNI_ERR; } memset(&caps, 0, sizeof(caps)); caps.can_support_virtual_threads = 1; caps.can_access_local_variables = 1; caps.can_suspend = 1; err = jvmti->AddCapabilities(&caps); if (err != JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) { LOG("error in JVMTI AddCapabilities: %d\n", err); return JNI_ERR; } err = jvmti->SetEventCallbacks(&callbacks, sizeof(jvmtiEventCallbacks)); if (err != JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) { LOG("error in JVMTI SetEventCallbacks: %d\n", err); return JNI_ERR; } err = jvmti->SetEventNotificationMode(JVMTI_ENABLE, JVMTI_EVENT_VIRTUAL_THREAD_START, nullptr); if (err != JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) { LOG("error in JVMTI SetEventNotificationMode: %d\n", err); return JNI_ERR; } err = jvmti->SetEventNotificationMode(JVMTI_ENABLE, JVMTI_EVENT_VIRTUAL_THREAD_END, nullptr); if (err != JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) { LOG("error in JVMTI SetEventNotificationMode: %d\n", err); return JNI_ERR; } err = jvmti->SetEventNotificationMode(JVMTI_ENABLE, EXT_EVENT_VIRTUAL_THREAD_MOUNT, nullptr); if (err != JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) { LOG("error in JVMTI SetEventNotificationMode: %d\n", err); return JNI_ERR; } err = jvmti->SetEventNotificationMode(JVMTI_ENABLE, EXT_EVENT_VIRTUAL_THREAD_UNMOUNT, nullptr); if (err != JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) { LOG("error in JVMTI SetEventNotificationMode: %d\n", err); return JNI_ERR; } events_monitor = create_raw_monitor(jvmti, "Events Monitor"); LOG("Agent_OnLoad finished\n"); return JNI_OK; } JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_VThreadTest_check(JNIEnv *jni, jclass cls) { LOG("\n"); LOG("check: started\n"); LOG("check: vthread_mount_count: %d\n", vthread_mount_count); LOG("check: vthread_unmount_count: %d\n", vthread_unmount_count); if (vthread_mount_count == 0) { passed = JNI_FALSE; LOG("FAILED: vthread_mount_count == 0\n"); } if (vthread_unmount_count == 0) { passed = JNI_FALSE; LOG("FAILED: vthread_unmount_count == 0\n"); } LOG("check: finished\n"); LOG("\n"); return passed; } } // extern "C"