/* * Copyright (c) 2020, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2020, 2021 SAP SE. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. * */ #include "precompiled.hpp" #include "memory/metaspace/chunklevel.hpp" #include "memory/metaspace/commitLimiter.hpp" #include "memory/metaspace/counters.hpp" #include "memory/metaspace/freeChunkList.hpp" #include "memory/metaspace/metachunk.hpp" #include "memory/metaspace/metachunkList.hpp" #include "memory/metaspace/metaspaceSettings.hpp" #include "memory/metaspace/virtualSpaceNode.hpp" #include "runtime/mutexLocker.hpp" #include "sanitizers/address.hpp" #include "utilities/debug.hpp" //#define LOG_PLEASE #include "metaspaceGtestCommon.hpp" #include "metaspaceGtestRangeHelpers.hpp" using metaspace::chunklevel_t; using metaspace::CommitLimiter; using metaspace::FreeChunkListVector; using metaspace::Metachunk; using metaspace::MetachunkList; using metaspace::VirtualSpaceNode; using metaspace::Settings; using metaspace::SizeCounter; class VirtualSpaceNodeTest { // These counters are updated by the Node. SizeCounter _counter_reserved_words; SizeCounter _counter_committed_words; CommitLimiter _commit_limiter; VirtualSpaceNode* _node; // These are my checks and counters. const size_t _vs_word_size; const size_t _commit_limit; MetachunkList _root_chunks; void verify() const { ASSERT_EQ(_root_chunks.count() * metaspace::chunklevel::MAX_CHUNK_WORD_SIZE, _node->used_words()); ASSERT_GE(_commit_limit, _counter_committed_words.get()); ASSERT_EQ(_commit_limiter.committed_words(), _counter_committed_words.get()); // Since we know _counter_committed_words serves our single node alone, the counter has to // match the number of bits in the node internal commit mask. ASSERT_EQ(_counter_committed_words.get(), _node->committed_words()); ASSERT_EQ(_counter_reserved_words.get(), _vs_word_size); ASSERT_EQ(_counter_reserved_words.get(), _node->word_size()); } void lock_and_verify_node() { #ifdef ASSERT MutexLocker fcl(Metaspace_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag); _node->verify_locked(); #endif } Metachunk* alloc_root_chunk() { verify(); const bool node_is_full = _node->used_words() == _node->word_size(); Metachunk* c = NULL; { MutexLocker fcl(Metaspace_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag); c = _node->allocate_root_chunk(); } lock_and_verify_node(); if (node_is_full) { EXPECT_NULL(c); } else { DEBUG_ONLY(c->verify();) EXPECT_NOT_NULL(c); EXPECT_TRUE(c->is_root_chunk()); EXPECT_TRUE(c->is_free()); EXPECT_EQ(c->word_size(), metaspace::chunklevel::MAX_CHUNK_WORD_SIZE); EXPECT_TRUE(c->is_fully_uncommitted()); EXPECT_TRUE(_node->contains(c->base())); _root_chunks.add(c); } verify(); return c; } bool commit_root_chunk(Metachunk* c, size_t request_commit_words) { verify(); const size_t committed_words_before = _counter_committed_words.get(); bool rc = c->ensure_committed(request_commit_words); verify(); DEBUG_ONLY(c->verify();) lock_and_verify_node(); if (rc == false) { // We must have hit the commit limit. EXPECT_GE(committed_words_before + request_commit_words, _commit_limit); } else { // We should not have hit the commit limit. EXPECT_LE(_counter_committed_words.get(), _commit_limit); // We do not know how much we really committed - maybe nothing if the // chunk had been committed before - but we know the numbers should have // risen or at least stayed equal. EXPECT_GE(_counter_committed_words.get(), committed_words_before); // The chunk should be as far committed as was requested EXPECT_GE(c->committed_words(), request_commit_words); // Zap committed portion. DEBUG_ONLY(zap_range(c->base(), c->committed_words());) } verify(); return rc; } // commit_root_chunk void uncommit_chunk(Metachunk* c) { verify(); const size_t committed_words_before = _counter_committed_words.get(); const size_t available_words_before = _commit_limiter.possible_expansion_words(); c->uncommit(); DEBUG_ONLY(c->verify();) lock_and_verify_node(); EXPECT_EQ(c->committed_words(), (size_t)0); // Commit counter should have gone down (by exactly the size of the chunk) if chunk // is larger than a commit granule. // For smaller chunks, we do not know, but at least we know the commit size should not // have gone up. if (c->word_size() >= Settings::commit_granule_words()) { EXPECT_EQ(_counter_committed_words.get(), committed_words_before - c->word_size()); // also, commit number in commit limiter should have gone down, so we have more space EXPECT_EQ(_commit_limiter.possible_expansion_words(), available_words_before + c->word_size()); } else { EXPECT_LE(_counter_committed_words.get(), committed_words_before); } verify(); } // uncommit_chunk Metachunk* split_chunk_with_checks(Metachunk* c, chunklevel_t target_level, FreeChunkListVector* freelist) { DEBUG_ONLY(c->verify();) const chunklevel_t orig_level = c->level(); assert(orig_level < target_level, "Sanity"); DEBUG_ONLY(metaspace::chunklevel::check_valid_level(target_level);) const int total_num_chunks_in_freelist_before = freelist->num_chunks(); const size_t total_word_size_in_freelist_before = freelist->word_size(); // freelist->print_on(tty); // Split... { MutexLocker fcl(Metaspace_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag); _node->split(target_level, c, freelist); } // freelist->print_on(tty); EXPECT_NOT_NULL(c); EXPECT_EQ(c->level(), target_level); EXPECT_TRUE(c->is_free()); // ... check that we get the proper amount of splinters. For every chunk split we expect one // buddy chunk to appear of level + 1 (aka, half size). size_t expected_wordsize_increase = 0; int expected_num_chunks_increase = 0; for (chunklevel_t l = orig_level + 1; l <= target_level; l++) { expected_wordsize_increase += metaspace::chunklevel::word_size_for_level(l); expected_num_chunks_increase++; } const int total_num_chunks_in_freelist_after = freelist->num_chunks(); const size_t total_word_size_in_freelist_after = freelist->word_size(); EXPECT_EQ(total_num_chunks_in_freelist_after, total_num_chunks_in_freelist_before + expected_num_chunks_increase); EXPECT_EQ(total_word_size_in_freelist_after, total_word_size_in_freelist_before + expected_wordsize_increase); return c; } // end: split_chunk_with_checks Metachunk* merge_chunk_with_checks(Metachunk* c, chunklevel_t expected_target_level, FreeChunkListVector* freelist) { const chunklevel_t orig_level = c->level(); assert(expected_target_level < orig_level, "Sanity"); const int total_num_chunks_in_freelist_before = freelist->num_chunks(); const size_t total_word_size_in_freelist_before = freelist->word_size(); //freelist->print_on(tty); Metachunk* result = NULL; { MutexLocker fcl(Metaspace_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag); result = _node->merge(c, freelist); } EXPECT_NOT_NULL(result); EXPECT_TRUE(result->level() == expected_target_level); //freelist->print_on(tty); // ... check that we merged in the proper amount of chunks. For every decreased level // of the original chunk (each size doubling) we should see one buddy chunk swallowed up. size_t expected_wordsize_decrease = 0; int expected_num_chunks_decrease = 0; for (chunklevel_t l = orig_level; l > expected_target_level; l --) { expected_wordsize_decrease += metaspace::chunklevel::word_size_for_level(l); expected_num_chunks_decrease++; } const int total_num_chunks_in_freelist_after = freelist->num_chunks(); const size_t total_word_size_in_freelist_after = freelist->word_size(); EXPECT_EQ(total_num_chunks_in_freelist_after, total_num_chunks_in_freelist_before - expected_num_chunks_decrease); EXPECT_EQ(total_word_size_in_freelist_after, total_word_size_in_freelist_before - expected_wordsize_decrease); return result; } // end: merge_chunk_with_checks public: VirtualSpaceNodeTest(size_t vs_word_size, size_t commit_limit) : _counter_reserved_words(), _counter_committed_words(), _commit_limiter(commit_limit), _node(NULL), _vs_word_size(vs_word_size), _commit_limit(commit_limit) { { MutexLocker fcl(Metaspace_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag); _node = VirtualSpaceNode::create_node(vs_word_size, &_commit_limiter, &_counter_reserved_words, &_counter_committed_words); EXPECT_EQ(_node->word_size(), vs_word_size); } EXPECT_TRUE(_commit_limiter.possible_expansion_words() == _commit_limit); verify(); } ~VirtualSpaceNodeTest() { { MutexLocker fcl(Metaspace_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag); delete _node; } // After the node is deleted, counters should be back to zero // (we cannot use ASSERT/EXPECT here in the destructor) assert(_counter_reserved_words.get() == 0, "Sanity"); assert(_counter_committed_words.get() == 0, "Sanity"); assert(_commit_limiter.committed_words() == 0, "Sanity"); } void test_simple() { Metachunk* c = alloc_root_chunk(); commit_root_chunk(c, Settings::commit_granule_words()); commit_root_chunk(c, c->word_size()); uncommit_chunk(c); } void test_exhaust_node() { Metachunk* c = NULL; bool rc = true; do { c = alloc_root_chunk(); if (c != NULL) { rc = commit_root_chunk(c, c->word_size()); } } while (c != NULL && rc); } void test_arbitrary_commits() { assert(_commit_limit >= _vs_word_size, "For this test no commit limit."); // Get a root chunk to have a committable region Metachunk* c = alloc_root_chunk(); ASSERT_NOT_NULL(c); if (c->committed_words() > 0) { c->uncommit(); } ASSERT_EQ(_node->committed_words(), (size_t)0); ASSERT_EQ(_counter_committed_words.get(), (size_t)0); TestMap testmap(c->word_size()); assert(testmap.get_num_set() == 0, "Sanity"); for (int run = 0; run < 1000; run++) { const size_t committed_words_before = testmap.get_num_set(); ASSERT_EQ(_commit_limiter.committed_words(), committed_words_before); ASSERT_EQ(_counter_committed_words.get(), committed_words_before); // A random range SizeRange r = SizeRange(c->word_size()).random_aligned_subrange(Settings::commit_granule_words()); const size_t committed_words_in_range_before = testmap.get_num_set(r.start(), r.end()); const bool do_commit = IntRange(100).random_value() >= 50; if (do_commit) { //LOG("c " SIZE_FORMAT "," SIZE_FORMAT, r.start(), r.end()); bool rc = false; { MutexLocker fcl(Metaspace_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag); rc = _node->ensure_range_is_committed(c->base() + r.start(), r.size()); } // Test-zap ASAN_UNPOISON_MEMORY_REGION(c->base() + r.start(), r.size() * BytesPerWord); zap_range(c->base() + r.start(), r.size()); ASAN_POISON_MEMORY_REGION(c->base() + r.start(), r.size() * BytesPerWord); // We should never reach commit limit since it is as large as the whole area. ASSERT_TRUE(rc); testmap.set_range(r.start(), r.end()); } else { //LOG("u " SIZE_FORMAT "," SIZE_FORMAT, r.start(), r.end()); { MutexLocker fcl(Metaspace_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag); _node->uncommit_range(c->base() + r.start(), r.size()); } testmap.clear_range(r.start(), r.end()); } const size_t committed_words_after = testmap.get_num_set(); ASSERT_EQ(_commit_limiter.committed_words(), committed_words_after); ASSERT_EQ(_counter_committed_words.get(), committed_words_after); verify(); } } // Helper function for test_splitting_chunks_1 static void check_chunk_is_committed_at_least_up_to(const Metachunk* c, size_t& word_size) { if (word_size >= c->word_size()) { EXPECT_TRUE(c->is_fully_committed()); word_size -= c->word_size(); } else { EXPECT_EQ(c->committed_words(), word_size); word_size = 0; // clear remaining size if there is. } } void test_split_and_merge_chunks() { assert(_commit_limit >= _vs_word_size, "No commit limit here pls"); // Allocate a root chunk and commit a random part of it. Then repeatedly split // it and merge it back together; observe the committed regions of the split chunks. Metachunk* c = alloc_root_chunk(); if (c->committed_words() > 0) { c->uncommit(); } // To capture split-off chunks. Note: it is okay to use this here as a temp object. FreeChunkListVector freelist; const int granules_per_root_chunk = (int)(c->word_size() / Settings::commit_granule_words()); for (int granules_to_commit = 0; granules_to_commit < granules_per_root_chunk; granules_to_commit++) { const size_t words_to_commit = Settings::commit_granule_words() * granules_to_commit; c->ensure_committed(words_to_commit); ASSERT_EQ(c->committed_words(), words_to_commit); ASSERT_EQ(_counter_committed_words.get(), words_to_commit); ASSERT_EQ(_commit_limiter.committed_words(), words_to_commit); const size_t committed_words_before = c->committed_words(); verify(); for (chunklevel_t target_level = LOWEST_CHUNK_LEVEL + 1; target_level <= HIGHEST_CHUNK_LEVEL; target_level++) { // Split: Metachunk* c2 = split_chunk_with_checks(c, target_level, &freelist); c2->set_in_use(); // Split smallest leftover chunk. if (c2->level() < HIGHEST_CHUNK_LEVEL) { Metachunk* c3 = freelist.remove_first(c2->level()); ASSERT_NOT_NULL(c3); // Must exist since c2 must have a splinter buddy now. Metachunk* c4 = split_chunk_with_checks(c3, HIGHEST_CHUNK_LEVEL, &freelist); c4->set_in_use(); // Merge it back. We expect this to merge up to c2's level, since c2 is in use. c4->set_free(); Metachunk* c5 = merge_chunk_with_checks(c4, c2->level(), &freelist); ASSERT_NOT_NULL(c5); freelist.add(c5); } // Merge c2 back. c2->set_free(); merge_chunk_with_checks(c2, LOWEST_CHUNK_LEVEL, &freelist); // After all this splitting and combining committed size should not have changed. ASSERT_EQ(c2->committed_words(), committed_words_before); } } } // end: test_splitting_chunks }; TEST_VM(metaspace, virtual_space_node_test_basics) { MutexLocker fcl(Metaspace_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag); const size_t word_size = metaspace::chunklevel::MAX_CHUNK_WORD_SIZE * 3; SizeCounter scomm; SizeCounter sres; CommitLimiter cl (word_size * 2); // basically, no commit limiter. VirtualSpaceNode* node = VirtualSpaceNode::create_node(word_size, &cl, &sres, &scomm); ASSERT_NOT_NULL(node); ASSERT_EQ(node->committed_words(), (size_t)0); ASSERT_EQ(node->committed_words(), scomm.get()); DEBUG_ONLY(node->verify_locked();) bool b = node->ensure_range_is_committed(node->base(), node->word_size()); ASSERT_TRUE(b); ASSERT_EQ(node->committed_words(), word_size); ASSERT_EQ(node->committed_words(), scomm.get()); DEBUG_ONLY(node->verify_locked();) ASAN_UNPOISON_MEMORY_REGION(node->base(), node->word_size() * BytesPerWord); zap_range(node->base(), node->word_size()); ASAN_POISON_MEMORY_REGION(node->base(), node->word_size() * BytesPerWord); node->uncommit_range(node->base(), node->word_size()); ASSERT_EQ(node->committed_words(), (size_t)0); ASSERT_EQ(node->committed_words(), scomm.get()); DEBUG_ONLY(node->verify_locked();) const int num_granules = (int)(word_size / Settings::commit_granule_words()); for (int i = 1; i < num_granules; i += 4) { b = node->ensure_range_is_committed(node->base(), i * Settings::commit_granule_words()); ASSERT_TRUE(b); ASSERT_EQ(node->committed_words(), i * Settings::commit_granule_words()); ASSERT_EQ(node->committed_words(), scomm.get()); DEBUG_ONLY(node->verify_locked();) ASAN_UNPOISON_MEMORY_REGION(node->base(), i * Settings::commit_granule_words() * BytesPerWord); zap_range(node->base(), i * Settings::commit_granule_words()); ASAN_POISON_MEMORY_REGION(node->base(), i * Settings::commit_granule_words() * BytesPerWord); } node->uncommit_range(node->base(), node->word_size()); ASSERT_EQ(node->committed_words(), (size_t)0); ASSERT_EQ(node->committed_words(), scomm.get()); DEBUG_ONLY(node->verify_locked();) } // Note: we unfortunately need TEST_VM even though the system tested // should be pretty independent since we need things like os::vm_page_size() // which in turn need OS layer initialization. TEST_VM(metaspace, virtual_space_node_test_1) { VirtualSpaceNodeTest test(metaspace::chunklevel::MAX_CHUNK_WORD_SIZE, metaspace::chunklevel::MAX_CHUNK_WORD_SIZE); test.test_simple(); } TEST_VM(metaspace, virtual_space_node_test_2) { // Should not hit commit limit VirtualSpaceNodeTest test(3 * metaspace::chunklevel::MAX_CHUNK_WORD_SIZE, 3 * metaspace::chunklevel::MAX_CHUNK_WORD_SIZE); test.test_simple(); test.test_exhaust_node(); } TEST_VM(metaspace, virtual_space_node_test_3) { double d = os::elapsedTime(); // Test committing uncommitting arbitrary ranges for (int run = 0; run < 100; run++) { VirtualSpaceNodeTest test(metaspace::chunklevel::MAX_CHUNK_WORD_SIZE, metaspace::chunklevel::MAX_CHUNK_WORD_SIZE); test.test_split_and_merge_chunks(); } double d2 = os::elapsedTime(); LOG("%f", (d2-d)); } TEST_VM(metaspace, virtual_space_node_test_4) { // Should hit commit limit VirtualSpaceNodeTest test(10 * metaspace::chunklevel::MAX_CHUNK_WORD_SIZE, 3 * metaspace::chunklevel::MAX_CHUNK_WORD_SIZE); test.test_exhaust_node(); } TEST_VM(metaspace, virtual_space_node_test_5) { // Test committing uncommitting arbitrary ranges VirtualSpaceNodeTest test(metaspace::chunklevel::MAX_CHUNK_WORD_SIZE, metaspace::chunklevel::MAX_CHUNK_WORD_SIZE); test.test_arbitrary_commits(); } TEST_VM(metaspace, virtual_space_node_test_7) { // Test large allocation and freeing. { VirtualSpaceNodeTest test(metaspace::chunklevel::MAX_CHUNK_WORD_SIZE * 25, metaspace::chunklevel::MAX_CHUNK_WORD_SIZE * 25); test.test_exhaust_node(); } { VirtualSpaceNodeTest test(metaspace::chunklevel::MAX_CHUNK_WORD_SIZE * 25, metaspace::chunklevel::MAX_CHUNK_WORD_SIZE * 25); test.test_exhaust_node(); } }